Lesson 2-English ALPHABET.Learning English CONSONANTS

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • So, you know, that all letters have sounds, and in order to pronounce a definite word correctly, one must know not only all the letters but their sounds as well. Guess, what are we going to talk today about?
    About Sounds!
    Now you know that sounds are classified into Vowels and Consonants, so we have Vowel sounds and Consonant sounds.
    Today we will talk about consonant sounds. Don’t be scared its easy!!!
    Consonant sounds in their turn are organized into voiced consonants and unvoiced consonants.
    Voiced consonants are made with the help of a voice and we feel a kind of vibration in the throat. Unvoiced consonants are pronounced without voice, soooooooooooooooo we do not hear any vibration.
    And now……..let’s start naming each consonant letter of our English Alphabet and its sound variant……….
    Please, be very attentive and don’t forget to repeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The first consonant letter is Bb - and its sound b - like in a bag - taught your throat, do you feel the vibrations? Yes!!!!!!! And it is pronounced with the help of our voice, soooooooo this consonant is Voiced!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The next one is letter Cc - and its sound k - like in - a cat - taught your throat and pronounce the sound - no vibrations, the sound is not produced with the help of a voice, sooooooo it is unvoiced!!!
    Letter Dd - sounds like d - like in a dog - voice is used. It is voiced!
    Letter Ff - sounds like f - like in a flag - voice is not used here - it is unvoiced.
    Letter Gg - attention please!!!!!! - has 2 sounds - the first one is g - like in a goose - its voiced
    And the second sound of this letter is g - like in a gym - to pronounce this letter we need voice sooo it is also voiced.
    Letter Hh - sound h - like in a house - unvoiced
    Letter Jj - sound j дж - like in a jacket - voiced
    Letter Kk - sound k - like in a kite - unvoiced
    Letter Ll - sound l - like in a lamp- voiced
    Letter Mm - sound m - like in a mouse - voiced
    Letter Nn - sound n - like in a nose - voiced
    Letter Pp - sound p - like in a parrot - unvoiced
    Letter Qq - sound kw - like in a queen - k (unvoiced) and w (voiced)
    Letter Rr - sound r - like in a rainbow - voiced
    Letter Ss - sound s- like in the sun - unvoiced
    Letter Tt - sound t- like in a teddy bear - unvoiced
    Letter Vv - sound v - like in a vase - voiced
    Letter Ww - sound w - like in a window - voiced
    Letter Xx - sound ks - like in an X-ray - unvoiced
    - sound z - like in a Xerox - voiced
    Letter Zz - sound z - like in a zoo - voiced
    So, it is not very difficult to identify wheather it is voiced or unvoiced consonant, the easiest way is to touch your throat and feel if there are any kind of vibrations. Hope, you have understood everything!!!!!!!!!
    Ok!!! See you next time!!!!! Don’t forget to press this red dot and subscribe to my channel!!!! If you like this lesson, put the thumb up!!!!!!!!! Good bye!!!!!!! Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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