How Chinese Moon cake made with Chinese tea

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @seraby7151
    @seraby7151 Год назад +3311

    Now I wanna try a crispy mooncake.

    • @uryuu7758
      @uryuu7758 Год назад +47

      Same! I can imagine the texture ❤

    • @MrTobi013
      @MrTobi013 Год назад +14

      Ooh, that sounds so yummy!

    • @jmdisco
      @jmdisco Год назад +111

      It's very good, I like it fresh and crispy. It's nice and warm and the pastry is nice and crisp. But I can only have it like that bc my boyfriend makes them lol. At the grocery or bakeries they are already packaged and ofc room temp

    • @MrTobi013
      @MrTobi013 Год назад +40

      @@jmdisco Sounds like I need me a boyfriend who makes crispy mooncakes!😆

    • @skye387
      @skye387 Год назад +20

      If you didn't know, there's also flaky mooncake but they're a mess to eat since the flakey skin will fall here and there.

  • @rosegold973
    @rosegold973 Год назад +4125

    Do you have a recipe so we can try it ourselves? I’ve never tried them and I’ve been wanting to for YEARS!

    • @Onbekend-4u
      @Onbekend-4u Год назад +75

      Tap on the tekst in the video. You will go to the full video and you find the recipe there.

    • @rosegold973
      @rosegold973 Год назад +14

      @@Onbekend-4u thanks! 🙂

    • @celiachan2851
      @celiachan2851 Год назад +8

      Maybe try to buy some from Chinese super market if you wanted a traditional ones

    • @crayolaclouds2696
      @crayolaclouds2696 Год назад +32

      ​@@celiachan2851if she follows a traditional recipe, then it's traditional. It's just not made by a chinese person (that we know of).

    • @ericaleon9076
      @ericaleon9076 Год назад

      @@crayolaclouds2696I tried one from the Chinese market. It wasn’t very good. I would prefer to make it from scratch.

  • @haileyl1017
    @haileyl1017 Год назад +860

    They look so yummy! I would love to try one! 😋

    • @kalleewhitaker7040
      @kalleewhitaker7040 Год назад +1


    • @runemidgard938
      @runemidgard938 Год назад +1

      its really delicious but too high in calories. Sometimes I regret eating too many bc you cant stop yourself 😂

  • @Cruznick06
    @Cruznick06 Год назад +229

    My favorite filling to make them with is lotus seed paste. Its a lot of work to make homemade but tastes SO GOOD and way better than pre-made.

    • @spde
      @spde Год назад +5

      Thanks for the inspiration!!

    • @irenedhakde4692
      @irenedhakde4692 Год назад +2

      Oh wowww, that sounds soooo good!!!!!

    • @huglife626
      @huglife626 Месяц назад

      Yes! I made it for the first time earlier this year and it was delicious! I wasn't working with the greatest tools and had some difficulty due to how big of a batch I had to make, so it took me 14 hours straight after a long day (I had to start at 8 PM because my parents started prepping the food they were making for the next day) but after tasting it, the entire process was worth it. It's so comforting and refreshing :)

  • @BrayLee38
    @BrayLee38 Год назад +4

    I've been obsessed with finding moon cakes for years now with no luck 😭 I want to try them so bad, they look amazing!!

    • @huglife626
      @huglife626 Месяц назад

      They're worth making! I recommend making them yourself instead of buying them. I've only had them with lotus seed paste, but they were worth every second of hard work!

  • @ihamlegend
    @ihamlegend Год назад +41

    It's been on my bucket list to try one since I saw Wendy Wu as a child 😅.

    • @t.h.1492
      @t.h.1492 Год назад +5

      That movie instilled this desire in me since childhood and I’ve never had the opportunity

  • @thespiritualgenie
    @thespiritualgenie Год назад +35

    I love these and have only ever been able to find them at a very traditional Chinese restaurant in San Diego. Mmm I want to make now. Thanks!

  • @password6975
    @password6975 Год назад +2

    In the morning I felt terrible, but I watched your full video and it was so conforting, your childrien looked so happy with the moon pies,thank you so much for the beautiful video❤

  • @momokitty3830
    @momokitty3830 Год назад +6

    They are sooooo expensive at the Asian market! $30 for a box of 6 or 12 pieces. So delicious, but it’s definitely a luxury food item. I’ll have to try making my own!

    • @huglife626
      @huglife626 Месяц назад

      Be warned, lotus seeds are expensive! You're looking at about the same price for the lotus seeds, but the lye water and golden syrup aren't too expensive from what I remember, and the rest is just things like honey, sugar, flour, etc. that you would probably already have at home or be able to find for cheap!

  • @irisb7205
    @irisb7205 Год назад +18

    I bought a mooncake mold months ago . I need to put it to good use now that I see you do it. Thanks.

  • @Ssup_Tine07
    @Ssup_Tine07 Год назад

    i love mooncakes, they were my favorite 🥹

    @MYKYTASTUDIO Год назад +96

    It looks too beautiful to be eaten 😭😭😭

  • @msrmsax
    @msrmsax Год назад +23

    ouu we need a recipe for the green tea filling

  • @James-sq4sc
    @James-sq4sc Год назад +2

    Love moon cake. The yolk wasn’t bad but it wasn’t quite to my taste. Love the ones with bean/yam filling

  • @graceroth3045
    @graceroth3045 Год назад

    Never wanted to try these more in my life!!

  • @Ashaliyeva
    @Ashaliyeva Год назад

    Those are so pretty!

  • @StuartLohe
    @StuartLohe Год назад +1

    Just ordered some molds, so now off to make some! ❤

  • @Sphynx823
    @Sphynx823 Год назад +1

    Never had moon cakes but that looks delicious

  • @scifiwifi_
    @scifiwifi_ Год назад

    Moon cakes are amazing!! I went to a mini chinese moon festival recently and they had them there, they were delicious!

  • @margiecook6879
    @margiecook6879 Год назад +2

    I just love your channel. ❤

  • @jujubee7351
    @jujubee7351 Год назад +4

    How beautiful , I’ve never seen that before. Thank you for sharing

  • @aleciasmall2170
    @aleciasmall2170 Год назад

    😊😊😊 Don't think I'd want to eat them, too cute. ❤❤❤❤

  • @speedymum
    @speedymum Год назад +3

    They look so beautiful

  • @lastvoice3292
    @lastvoice3292 Год назад

    I've always wanted to try mooncakes, they look so good! 😍

  • @meg151
    @meg151 Год назад


  • @Aspire_Wings
    @Aspire_Wings 11 месяцев назад

    Yeah that's the original recipe 😋
    Good work lady
    The egg yolk is traditionally used in Chinese moon cake.

  • @HappyHomeCook
    @HappyHomeCook Год назад

    Oh my! I love moon cakes!

  • @deojam1985
    @deojam1985 Год назад

    I've never had a homemade one but in my opinion it's better without the egg yolk. The texture is very nice.

  • @caprisun6910
    @caprisun6910 Год назад +1

    My favorite part is the yolk! I need some moon cakes now

  • @Painsomniac
    @Painsomniac Год назад +1

    I was just about to look up mooncake tutorials out of curiosity 🥰

  • @bap8195
    @bap8195 Год назад +2

    These are so pretty😍

  • @sarahroberts7374
    @sarahroberts7374 Год назад +1

    I had the pleasure of having these in Singapore many year's ago. They were delicious❤

    • @victimofpsychiatry
      @victimofpsychiatry Год назад

      If you ever come back to visit, drop by Takashimaya atrium during Mooncake festival. They have an annual Mooncake fair, and before Covid they used to give out free samples. You can go to each and every stall to try out all their flavours for free 😂😋

  • @craigathonian
    @craigathonian Год назад +1

    Thanks for showing them cooked. i couldn't understand why everyone was going crazy for raw dough, since that's all i've seen.

    • @dumplingdumpling2205
      @dumplingdumpling2205 Год назад

      Have you been seeing snow skin moon cakes? Those are no-bake recipes that have a mouthfeel more like firm mochi.

  • @BrainError
    @BrainError Год назад

    They look great! I make my own each year and pig biscuits too 😊

  • @P.e.m.a.
    @P.e.m.a. Год назад

    PRETTY 🤩

  • @alfredfreedomjones5105
    @alfredfreedomjones5105 Год назад +1

    I love crispy things, I would love to try it crispy haha

    • @dumplingdumpling2205
      @dumplingdumpling2205 Год назад +1

      Not worth it hahahaha. It's just like biting into rock at that stage

  • @MrTobi013
    @MrTobi013 Год назад

    Oh, they're beautiful!

  • @Isisblitz88
    @Isisblitz88 Год назад

    Those are so adorable

  • @nussknacker9827
    @nussknacker9827 Год назад

    Looks beautiful and delicious. I've never had this

  • @Rae-cheese
    @Rae-cheese Год назад

    Those look amazing!

  • @aemen8796
    @aemen8796 Год назад

    They're my favorite 😭😭

  • @Troubled_waters
    @Troubled_waters Год назад

    I want to try one! They are SO cute expensive around here

  • @julianieminski4066
    @julianieminski4066 Год назад +1

    i swear china has the most aesthetically pleasing desserts of all time

  • @juliem2313
    @juliem2313 Год назад

    Looks delicious!

  • @smollpotato
    @smollpotato Год назад

    My mom has the exact same lotus mold 😄 I helped to press the mold when she made it a few years ago

  • @InfactBased
    @InfactBased Год назад

    That looks amazing

  • @jasmingovers4403
    @jasmingovers4403 Год назад

    So pretty 😊

  • @TheLeahmarie
    @TheLeahmarie Год назад

    Gosh those look amazing!

  • @ceylanayguner8178
    @ceylanayguner8178 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing!

  • @hwahwamars543
    @hwahwamars543 Год назад

    I love them sm 😭

  • @KriekWorthy
    @KriekWorthy Год назад

    Wow, so pretty!

  • @adedow1333
    @adedow1333 Год назад

    Thanks for reminding me to make some!

  • @jahrethh
    @jahrethh Год назад

    These are so good

  • @sincerelysof
    @sincerelysof Год назад +1

    Where did you buy these molds?😍

  • @professoreinstein6
    @professoreinstein6 Год назад

    That's beautiful!

  • @jane4451
    @jane4451 Год назад

    I love mooncakes!!

  • @BobaplaysYT23
    @BobaplaysYT23 Год назад +1

    Hmmmm they look so good!!!!😋🤤 is wish I could have one but I’m not a good baker hahaha 🤣

  • @fernthefrog-fs4nv
    @fernthefrog-fs4nv Год назад

    i love making snowskin mooncakes the most! and usually for kids, i just put in lotus paste, if they don’t like duck yolk. very fun to make colourful mooncakes

  • @shriya1622
    @shriya1622 Год назад +2

    First ❤❤
    Never been so early
    Love ur videos

  • @Banuna
    @Banuna Год назад

    So beautiful!! I have GOT to travel to China and try authentic moon cakes at some point in my life or I will die full of regrets

  • @marexjc325
    @marexjc325 Год назад

    u really became my healthy asian online mom, i actually hates my chinese roots because of the amount of toxicity in my chinese family, but i found wholesomeness in u chilling and cooking

  • @yukir.9156
    @yukir.9156 Год назад

    Thanks a lot for this video. ❤
    And same question as lots of the com from others: do you got a complete recipie, that we can try it home too???
    It's so long time I want to try them and to try to do them on my self (but never was able to fond a enought occurative explaination for the exacte correcte modeling process🤔😅😆) ❤❤❤😊

  • @wing3789
    @wing3789 Год назад

    For those unfamiliar. Traditional moulds are wood blocks carved in with patterns. You kind of smack it out on a hard surface.

  • @guillaumeprince7332
    @guillaumeprince7332 Год назад

    Where I live in China they put ham into it and it’s sweet. It reminds my hometown in Quebec when we have ham steak with maple syrup. So good
    I found most Chinese put duck yolk which I’m not a fan of, too salty. But still enjoy !🎉

  • @alexisthinksofstuff
    @alexisthinksofstuff Год назад

    I had some and their almost too sweet ❤

  • @sarahfisher4219
    @sarahfisher4219 Год назад

    They look beautiful. Very clever.

  • @tessyd1170
    @tessyd1170 Год назад

    Ive been wanting to try these since watching wendy wu in the 2000s

  • @thiikibella5351
    @thiikibella5351 Год назад

    So prettyyyyyy

  • @rui-1041
    @rui-1041 Год назад

    I make it them with my mom Yesterday! They are so delicious~

  • @ryvr.
    @ryvr. Год назад

    saw these on wendy wu & have always wanted to try

  • @maddiemcnugget1076
    @maddiemcnugget1076 Год назад +3

    I love lotus root in my moon cakes. Maybe I can try some sweeter or savory ones (lotus root is semi sweet… kinda paste feeling like red bean haha)

  • @rumochiizu
    @rumochiizu Год назад

    My mom used to bring mooncakes in can from hongkong. And I love it. 🥺

  • @SamanthaP48
    @SamanthaP48 Год назад

    Actually the crispy ones sound more enticing!!

  • @crazwidowonestepatatime
    @crazwidowonestepatatime Год назад

    Beautiful, I want one of those things 😂

  • @ML-cm4ih
    @ML-cm4ih Год назад +1

    So is Moon cake sweet or savoury? Looks delicious

  • @NunyaBizxx
    @NunyaBizxx Год назад

    I've been crazy schezhuan wide noodles with spicy chili garlic ughhh... I love your content btw. I've tried those before..mooncake has a yummy flavor but not too heavy.

  • @nanikore8420
    @nanikore8420 Год назад

    Ohh i love baked mooncake

  • @amberj6760
    @amberj6760 Год назад

    Very pretty.

  • @HaviOneEye
    @HaviOneEye Год назад

    I tried making some once. They tasted better than they looked XD

  • @aleynabugru1852
    @aleynabugru1852 Год назад

    MMM look sol delicious 🤤

  • @LAmommy
    @LAmommy Год назад

    “Magic in these mooncakes”

  • @biglamerad5120
    @biglamerad5120 Год назад +1

    You look so beautiful in your qipao

  • @george-annawatts426
    @george-annawatts426 Год назад

    Ooooh I want to taste it while it’s crispy

  • @jaquelinefelix7911
    @jaquelinefelix7911 Год назад

    My son wants these so bad. I really want to make them for him.

  • @asterixabu
    @asterixabu Год назад

    My sister made custard mooncakes rhe other day and it was so good! But we ate them when they were still warm. We have I think two left, letting them sit

  • @npstudio5525
    @npstudio5525 Год назад

    I love mooncake

  • @chimchimgirlz
    @chimchimgirlz Год назад

    Is this a sweet food or savory?

  • @Ketch0up_
    @Ketch0up_ Год назад

    omg i need to make homemade mooncakes

  • @akina3673
    @akina3673 4 месяца назад

    Dnakanma so excited for mooncake season to come again

  • @carlalittlejohn4779
    @carlalittlejohn4779 Год назад

    Her accent is changing 😮 Interesting!

  • @hihowareya4004
    @hihowareya4004 Год назад

    I’ve wanted to try these ever since i saw them in Wendy Wu: Homecoming warrior

  • @Liz52046
    @Liz52046 Год назад

    I would love to eat one

  • @Baron_TheCat
    @Baron_TheCat Год назад

    They look nice, I tried a sample once with lotus something filling, I didn’t like it 😭 what fillings do u guys recommend to a non Chinese

  • @VixenVulpix266
    @VixenVulpix266 Год назад

    I love that

  • @ashrayyan5576
    @ashrayyan5576 Год назад

    Wow.. So sedap. I am goin to the stores to buy the halal one.

  • @sharinganvictim80
    @sharinganvictim80 Год назад

    so cuwunchy!!!!!

  • @EnlightenmentEntertainment23
    @EnlightenmentEntertainment23 Год назад

    Hare Krishna 💙🙏☺️

  • @OtakumaENY99
    @OtakumaENY99 Год назад

    I need to try a crispy 🥮

  • @gritmakaveli
    @gritmakaveli Год назад

    I tried my first one recently with red bean paste and something else firmer/chewy/a little salty in the middle? I paid $12 expecting to get a few and got one lol. Theyre delicious but i gotta try making them myself because thats way out of my dessert budget lol. ❤😂

  • @harshanahar
    @harshanahar Год назад +1

    What you mean by duck yolk ?