Really enjoy your videos and find them informative. Do you have any advice or preference for using a flat collar or harness? When to use one or the other? Currently using a slip lead with a Staffy puppy but considering whether it is the most suitable option.
I use a normal collar on walks where they are not allowed to pull the leash. When we go to the forest and they’re allowed to pull the leash they wear a harness.
Well done doggies they have lots of fun😊
Thank you Anke ❤️
There stunning I would love to have so many I just don't have a big enough house or garden 😊 best breed ever 🙏❤💙
Wat een strijder ben je . 💯
Really enjoy your videos and find them informative. Do you have any advice or preference for using a flat collar or harness? When to use one or the other? Currently using a slip lead with a Staffy puppy but considering whether it is the most suitable option.
I use a normal collar on walks where they are not allowed to pull the leash. When we go to the forest and they’re allowed to pull the leash they wear a harness.