These Super Mario Bros Hacks are Incredible!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 123

  • @itsgruz
    @itsgruz  Год назад +47

    Hope you enjoyed the vid! If so, leave a like on it and I'll see ya soon with another one! 😁✌

    • @gardenmaster414
      @gardenmaster414 Год назад +1

      How did you comment 11 hours before the video was posted 🤔

    • @Jelly_shy_guy_man
      @Jelly_shy_guy_man Год назад +2

      @@gardenmaster414yeah please tell us

    • @SUPERFunStick
      @SUPERFunStick Год назад

      I always enjoy your videos gruz! Thank you for your work keep em coming please!

    • @SUPERFunStick
      @SUPERFunStick Год назад

      ​@@gardenmaster414it's just how the RUclips posting works. It lets creators decide when a video goes live and sometimes the video takes time to begin it's circulation and during that time RUclips is checking the content over and deciding if it needs editing and stuff

    • @VictorGonzalez-xs9oc
      @VictorGonzalez-xs9oc Год назад

      This isn't a best hacks, that is the worst hacking games ever. Why bother playing Mario hacking games, if you can get the real Super Mario maker 2 game made by professional so you can create your own levels. There are super Mario bros, super Mario bros 3, super Mario world, new super Mario Bros wii and super Mario 3D Land.

  • @Eden_GT
    @Eden_GT Год назад +127

    Hey, one of the dev members of "Celeste Mario's Zap and Dash!" here, cheers for featuring our work! What is shown in this hack so far is only a small subset of what is to be seen in a nearby future release, called "Mario Machina", which has been in the works by w7n ever since 10 solid years ago and there has been constant updates since. Who wanna see Mario with a NES grappling hook?!

    • @fco64
      @fco64 Год назад +6

      That hack surely looks great I got shocked I even said to myself "how is this even smb1"

    • @drippingwax
      @drippingwax 11 месяцев назад

      @@fco64I don't know what Celeste is and at this point I'm afraid to ask.

    • @tronicgo8873
      @tronicgo8873 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@drippingwaxa good game

  • @letcreate123
    @letcreate123 Год назад +15

    Very happy to see Celeste Mario and Extra Mario Bros. mentioned here. They're both super awesome ROMhacks that I think may well be the greatest SMB1 ROMhacks ever.

  • @RhythmJigoku
    @RhythmJigoku Год назад +27

    ⚠️ 11:05 MAJOR flashing warning! ⚠️
    I might have to try some of these hacks soon!
    ...After I finally finish Celeste lol

    • @FoxerTails
      @FoxerTails Год назад +2

      Was just about to comment about the flashing. Definitely needed a seizure warning.

    • @gamrwolf9655
      @gamrwolf9655 Год назад +1

      I already saw it lol

    • @MIXIVYT
      @MIXIVYT 7 месяцев назад +2

      What it’s just a color changing bows-

  • @bidoofenshmirtzevilinc.4369
    @bidoofenshmirtzevilinc.4369 Год назад +13

    I would definitely love to see more ROM hack videos of Mario games on the NES covered by you. I'm sure this is a great video, I'm looking forward to watching it while I work on college work!

  • @eazizoll
    @eazizoll Год назад +9

    Gruz, your videos are awesome!
    You got me into rom hacks /game genie and I been a happier guy since.

  • @sharmat1611
    @sharmat1611 Год назад +3

    Haha, Wrestling Bios in the credits! Cheers, Ryan!
    I really need to get my hands on that two player hack!

  • @CDiArcade
    @CDiArcade Год назад +8

    That Celeste Mario game was soooo good. I was able to get it to run on an Everdrive. I did not believe it was possible.

    • @mspeter97
      @mspeter97 Год назад +2

      You were? How?

    • @CDiArcade
      @CDiArcade Год назад +2

      A person on twitter helped me with a patch for it that allowed it to be played on real hardware.

    • @neetrain
      @neetrain 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@CDiArcadeCan you share a source if it's actually true?

  • @WilliamMark
    @WilliamMark Год назад +2

    Been following you for a while now and I just wanna say I love your content! It was always fun to watch but lately you seem to have stepped up your game and they're even more entertaining!

  • @cold_warrior
    @cold_warrior Год назад +3

    Three of these featured romhacks are made by Frantik, what a legend.
    I mean, it's pretty clear why Celeste Mario couldn't be a commercial release. I doubt creator wanted to be DP'ed by legal teams.
    You might wanna put a seizure warning before that final moment with giant Bowser 11:05

  • @pjaranch8712
    @pjaranch8712 Год назад +2

    Would love to watch some of these playthroughs! Love your videos.

  • @Ayel_05
    @Ayel_05 3 месяца назад

    Man, Celeste Mario and Extra Mario Bros. will push the limits of what the NES / Famicom can handle.

  • @orangejjay
    @orangejjay Год назад +1

    That Super Flappy Bird has the original quality of the original Flappy Bird: Horrible anxiety and lotsa f-bombs! 😂

  • @Ashmit2013
    @Ashmit2013 Месяц назад

    1:05 the creator should have a reward for putting the voice on the nes!

  • @jammycooks
    @jammycooks 27 дней назад

    I can't believe I've never heard of extra mario bros. Can't wait to play it!

  • @linkthehero8431
    @linkthehero8431 Год назад

    My favorite Mario hack is one where the entire game is one big level with no cutscenes and the freeze when you collect a power up was completely removed. Each world even has its own color palette for the backgrounds.

  • @NateTheGnat
    @NateTheGnat Год назад

    @4:27 They totally passed up the opportunity to call it "BomberMario".
    Also I'm enjoying the epilepsy at 11:07.

  • @leroyvisiongames2294
    @leroyvisiongames2294 Год назад +2

    I hate how the Mario Bros. Special hack removes the 2-player mode. Like, yeah, the original PC game didn’t have one, but it would’ve been nice to leave it in just in case 2 people wanna play each other

  • @IrisGalaxis
    @IrisGalaxis Год назад +1

    heyyy always a nice day when gruzman uploads!

  • @BusyMEOW
    @BusyMEOW Год назад +1

    Super Mario 3 Mix is the best Nes romhack I've played, surprised it wasn't in this video

    • @Chipmunkboy
      @Chipmunkboy Год назад +1

      ...this is about smb1 hacks

    • @BusyMEOW
      @BusyMEOW Год назад +1

      @@Chipmunkboy Oops, I see! 😋

  • @ThatArjun
    @ThatArjun Год назад

    This was the video I've been looking for thanks gruz

  • @Cyberraptor14
    @Cyberraptor14 Год назад +2

    Those Rom Hacks must have taken a lot of work to make

  • @SysDataSoftOffical
    @SysDataSoftOffical Год назад +1

    Really love hacks changes the engine of the mario

  • @3rdalbum
    @3rdalbum Год назад +3

    How in the heck did they implement a giant Bowser? I'm guessing it's mostly background tiles?
    You should check out Mari0, there are plenty of great innovative ideas happening in that community, including a better four-player simultaneous mode that looks like a riot.

  • @Regina-CSB
    @Regina-CSB 4 месяца назад

    Imagine travelling back to 1984 and releasing Celeste Mario

  • @swampdonkey4919
    @swampdonkey4919 Год назад

    I had random dreams of Giant Mario, which prompted me to see of anyone actually made such a game, which led me to this video. Interesting stuff!

  • @eoinmcglinchey32
    @eoinmcglinchey32 Год назад

    Great video as always gruz. Keep it up!

  • @rassilontdavros3004
    @rassilontdavros3004 8 месяцев назад

    Did not know about the 35th Anniversary edition of Special, will have to try that out!

  • @VinsCool
    @VinsCool Год назад

    Yes I'm glad you did mention Celeste Mario, this has to be the most impressive of the list in my opinion.

  • @MotherKojiro
    @MotherKojiro Год назад +1

    Tower RE is really cool, too; maybe not as impressive as some of these, but it will really push your skills to the limit, maybe teach you some new things about the engine, and has really solid level design overall. My favorite parts are the rooms that reverse your controls... but turn that on and off at regular intervals.

  • @ImExistent405
    @ImExistent405 11 месяцев назад

    All of these are pure awesomeness

  • @blackmesacake5361
    @blackmesacake5361 Год назад +3

    These look so damn fun!!!!

  • @alec_almartson
    @alec_almartson Год назад +1

    These games are awesome.
    Thank You for sharing this info 🎮💯👍🏻

  • @ShinoSarna
    @ShinoSarna Год назад +2

    Super Mario Bros Special isn't bad because of limitations of PC88. It's just a bad port. PC88 cannot do smooth scrolling, but there are games that fake it like Popful Mail (which is a much better platformer than SMB Special) - it looks less nice but it's functional.
    And even if it didn't scroll and was entirely flip-screen, there was no reason to add blind jumps that start in one screen and end in another - there are plenty of computer platformers on e.g. ZX Spectrum or C64 that do this better. And there is zero reason for movement being bad, that's just fully on the programmers.

  • @shannonmanley9217
    @shannonmanley9217 Год назад

    Awesome video dude waiting for the next one. take care.

  • @JakeRazorClawson
    @JakeRazorClawson Год назад

    Good compilation of top quality hacks, i also really like the earliest known one from 1987.

  • @MattRoszak
    @MattRoszak 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the suggestions, I downloaded a bunch of these and will now try them on the real hardware...

  • @ZMAN_420
    @ZMAN_420 Год назад

    Excellent Content! Your Channel is great.

  • @Mchenrygames
    @Mchenrygames Год назад +1

    Not a SMB1 hack, but one of the rom hacks I find impressive is Beatles adventures in Pepperland by NES Draug. How about a video on SMB2 hacks?

  • @royalpurple8576
    @royalpurple8576 Год назад

    I don't understand why people say flappy Bird was a hard game it's so rudimentary once you understand gravity and physics of any game it's very easy but this is a cool rom hack now leave a like out of good faith hope you become big buddy

  • @ParanoidThalyyMVS
    @ParanoidThalyyMVS Год назад

    DAMN RUclips did not show this one in my inbox, I can't be missing Gruz vids sheesh

  • @hdofu
    @hdofu Год назад +1

    If you're looking for fresh paint Baby Mario is a good hack as well with its own secrets, and the New Strange Mario Bros and Strange Mario Bros: The Lost levels remain classics. There are so many girl inspired Super Mario Bros romhacks.... yet what amazes me is to this date no one has done a conversion of the Great Giana Sisters.

  • @Daniel-be6cj
    @Daniel-be6cj 11 месяцев назад

    Nice video! You don't always hear about SMB1 hacks since it's usually World and to an extend 3 that get the glory, but I really like the SMB1 style so it's cool to see quality hacks doing something with it.

  • @NickNackItaliano777
    @NickNackItaliano777 11 месяцев назад

    What's that music that starts at 4:53? It sounds really familiar

  • @Riz2336
    @Riz2336 Год назад

    Those all look pretty cool

  • @mchenrynick
    @mchenrynick Год назад

    The Super Mario Bros SPECIAL hack is on that Super Mario Remix NES multi-cart (with 30+ hacks) on it. I know you already covered that, so this is just a reminder :)

  • @alejandrobenaventeundercol2208

    Very beautiful haces dude, i love it😊

  • @harukaze7388
    @harukaze7388 Месяц назад

    you should've added the release date for each. smb hacking has come in different "eras" and there's a certain level of polish in the later games for each even if different technical means are involved
    Luigi no Nazo is a fun short joke hack (that gives some context to EMB); Tower Re is excellent for its era too. (I think there was an unfinished sequel that implemented left scrolling on every other level??)
    XXXX is an interesting one that has you play random levels. The goal is to get 4 stars to clear 4 castles each.

  • @boi8214
    @boi8214 10 месяцев назад +1

    A cool hack to feature would have been super ale bros

  • @f.k.b.16
    @f.k.b.16 Год назад

    This is what a hack should be! Not just Mario with a (censored by youtube) growing out of his (censored by youtube)!

  • @Seegtease
    @Seegtease Год назад

    That Celeste Mario game can actually run on NES hardware?!

  • @SysDataSoftOffical
    @SysDataSoftOffical Год назад +1

    1.Flappy bird for NES.
    2.Just combination of SMW,SMB and author ideas.
    3.What if celeste be NES mario game?
    4. New levels,textures,texts and modifed flower power-up behavior allowed destroying blocks.
    5.SMB SPECIAL NES port.
    6.Mario's resize.
    7.Masterpiece allowed users to play REAL multiplayer on smb.

  • @wariowario9739
    @wariowario9739 Год назад

    Def trying these

  • @Dawnofthedead84
    @Dawnofthedead84 6 месяцев назад

    Gruzzzzz is a legend

  • @istrasci
    @istrasci Год назад

    You da man, gruz!!

  • @josephzavaliaii6285
    @josephzavaliaii6285 Год назад

    Bowser fire would instantly cook a cheap cheap.

  • @magyaradam
    @magyaradam Год назад

    Awesome video. Please do more hack videos

  • @axebomber2108
    @axebomber2108 Год назад

    Celeste Mario doesn't feel like Super Mario Bros. maybe, but it still uses mechanics from later Mario games like picking up items and wall jumping.

  • @mbrando4403
    @mbrando4403 8 месяцев назад

    Extra Mario Bros. shew gruz.... this one is a monster. i only have the arcing fire and brick break fire upgrades. i have 5 keys and got the "The End, but where is Princess?" ending. it is great fun, and i scoured the net for a map, but i cant make heads or tails of how to use it. do you know a good walthrough to follow, or at the very least a simple tips/hints guide to getting around and finding things. I know there is a tone (beep-beep-beep) that plays in a room with a secret in it but i havent got the means to get to the secret part.
    anyways i am super thankful for the recommendations, these are some RAD rom hacks

  • @latran1578
    @latran1578 Год назад

    This is a impressive video

  • @ThrillaDX
    @ThrillaDX Год назад +1

    Yo new Gruz video dropped LETS GO

  • @trueandrew1
    @trueandrew1 10 месяцев назад +1

    epilepsy warning at the end !!!!

  • @ExpatHappyFamily
    @ExpatHappyFamily Месяц назад

    Wow I love it

  • @AndrewAmbrose
    @AndrewAmbrose 11 месяцев назад

    I'm hoping one day that someone will reverse-engineer the Famicom version of Mario Bros. to port over Hudson's Mario Bros. Special and Punch Ball Mario Bros.

  • @Mr.GameWatch1980
    @Mr.GameWatch1980 11 месяцев назад

    I don’t know a lot, but I think they made flappy bird by using the code for the water levels.

  • @alexclan8vlogsnmore
    @alexclan8vlogsnmore Год назад

    I have a game genie combination for SMB 1 it's togepi and zozo! : it makes the goombas pitch black and the over world a desert the koopas colors look inverted and I'm not sure about the rest but it's sick!

  • @RationalFunction
    @RationalFunction 10 месяцев назад

    One of the best is the glitched world hack

  • @sparks4384
    @sparks4384 Год назад

    You should make a guide on how to beat World 8 in SMB1. My lil bro needs it 😂

  • @BioFactory1
    @BioFactory1 3 дня назад

    Where do I find them?

  • @hdofu
    @hdofu Год назад

    All I can say today is Celeste Mario

  • @McGoomba
    @McGoomba Год назад

    4:49 uhhh

  • @Watermelon_Cat6969
    @Watermelon_Cat6969 Год назад

    What emulator works best for rom hacks? I got lots of rom hacks from plenty of websites and tried multiple emulators but most emulators on mobile either can't run rom hacks at all or can run rom hacks but very few of them

  • @mohamad20zx34
    @mohamad20zx34 Год назад

    Hey Mr Gruz can you cover smb2 and 3 hacks next time you thank me later for being amazing

  • @wartang
    @wartang 10 месяцев назад

    One I like is Mari0 (Mari + number 0) SMB with Portal

  • @magyaradam
    @magyaradam Год назад

    What's the first game?

  • @lasya1125
    @lasya1125 Год назад

    i made my Metroid clone in 1992 my game is Astraia esxlusive calde
    hello kitty srino

  • @MahkyVmedia1
    @MahkyVmedia1 Год назад

    What is Celeste?

  • @metalmario1231
    @metalmario1231 Год назад

    I actually wish more 2d Marios these days still used the take turns method...I actually don't really like the way multiplayer is done on them now..the people I play with get in the way and it annoys me....that being said I love it in 3d world it makes for some funny moments

  • @ni-na9128
    @ni-na9128 Год назад

    Please add mario jumping smb3 sprites to whoosh transitions, otherwise i cannot watch your video

  • @RRRandA17andOTHERS
    @RRRandA17andOTHERS 5 месяцев назад

    but do they work on real hardware??

    • @Ayel_05
      @Ayel_05 3 месяца назад

      We need RedHotSonic to make it work.

  • @ryanwoolsey6972
    @ryanwoolsey6972 Год назад

    No Grand Poo World..?

  • @DonPapiGames
    @DonPapiGames Год назад

    Buenas tardes. Muy buenos hacks. Algunos tengo el gusto de tenerlos, menos el de Mario bros qué usa una pelotita.

  • @someone4229
    @someone4229 7 месяцев назад

    Is bro reading ChatGPT generated scripts😂

  • @yopachi
    @yopachi Год назад

    hey gruz I was just thinking about you today! Great upload. I introduce youngsters to nes with smb coop mod. 35th mario special feels like a forgotten game and I love it. Levels designed by hudsonsoft feel soo uncanny

  • @aaravb123
    @aaravb123 2 месяца назад


  • @SegaLarka
    @SegaLarka Год назад

    Hi 👋

  • @rickydicky5889
    @rickydicky5889 11 месяцев назад

    :08 no good, not Mario really, next...

  • @JohnMartin-ll9cw
    @JohnMartin-ll9cw Год назад

    Hudson Soft > Philips

  • @alainchristian
    @alainchristian Год назад

    So tired of Mario 1 ROM hacks.

  • @idkany293
    @idkany293 2 месяца назад

    Wait mario is TRANS?!?

  • @samanthaallisonscott7537
    @samanthaallisonscott7537 2 месяца назад

    4:49 now