Divorce and "Putting Away" (Not the same thing!)

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • A demonstration that "putting away" and divorce are not the same thing.

Комментарии • 58

  • @larryconner8825
    @larryconner8825 Месяц назад +2

    Finally, a lesson with historical background that too many Christians ignore, namely preachers; keeping people in bondage with false doctrines.
    If this lesson didn't free any divorced Christian, then nothing will.
    Excellent lesson and presentation.

  • @supergirl10ism
    @supergirl10ism 7 месяцев назад +4

    Alright teach the truth! So glad minister and Pastors are going back and looking at the scripture in detail. Praise GOD!!!

  • @adoradomingo3092
    @adoradomingo3092 2 года назад +5

    I love the statement by Jesus that “ from the beginning it was not so.” To me this means to today it is not so, it is so because of the hardness of heart of the partners to submit to God

  • @girlmom2379
    @girlmom2379 2 года назад +17

    Can you explain Romans 7:2 and 1 Corinthians 7 where it states the wife is bound to her husband as long as he liveth, and if she marries another man she shall be called an adulteress? That seems to be saying husband and wife are bound until death. Death is the only thing that breaks the marriage bond, not divorce.

    • @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799
      @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799  Год назад +3

      Thank you for your question about Romans 7:2. One must consider Deuteronomy 24: 1-2 when interpreting this verse in Romans. An Israelite man could divorce his wife. This was not God's perfect will, but He allowed it "because of the hardness of men's hearts." This provision was given to protect unloved women. A husband couldn't just "put away" his wife and take another woman. If he wasn't going to love and care for his wife, he had to end the marriage by giving her a certificate of divorce. She, then, was free to marry another man. A cultural element was also involved in Romans 7:2. Paul addressed Jews, "those who know the law." In Jewish culture of that time, a man could divorce a wife, but a wife couldn't divorce her husband. Hope this helps. I apologize for my tardy response.

    • @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep
      @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@jeffbargerbiblestudies8799My studies of the KJV, I don't see that God permits the women to put away her husband even still.
      Would God permit "the weaker vessels, to take such authority over her husband.
      My wife committed adultery & forcibly, even illegally pushed truth the divorce, by forging my signature on papers
      And if you're wondering, no I didn't cheat, and she was my one and only sexual partner..my wife.
      I'm genuinely asking if we she anywhere in the new covenant, that Christ allows her to do the putting away AND remarrying.

    • @alexanderkapsiotis8050
      @alexanderkapsiotis8050 5 месяцев назад

      @@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep She certainly sinned and, if she is not in covenant with God, she has the same deal coming for her. You, however, are free to marry whoever you want, except your former wife.

    • @Logic807
      @Logic807 5 месяцев назад

      You are correct. Till death do us apart. Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. Covenant means promise. Not agreement. If divorce, problem is no remarriage. I am the bad guy, serial adulterer, young girls (models). I have money, time . Destroying my family. My wife heard no divorce from God. She Sufferered quite a long time. Long story, zap, No earthly person spoke to me. I know God is HOLY, and I know the fear of God. God speaks. Being legalistic is to strain and find the little things to satisfy your own lust (intepreting it wrongly)I have never really checked the Bible about Divorce. That came later when I checked the Bible after I already came back to my family for some time (why would they even trust mw after what i repeatedly did), just to settle this question examining what Jesus said. One reason is to check up Pastors and teachers (their fruits) To my shock, it was clear, no divorce. And if divorce, no remarriage. Paul affirm it. Not to be legalistic, check it yourself and ask God about your situation. Make sure if you are the counselor, do not make the person sin. Go to God. It is in plain language what Jesus said, read for yourself, don't listen to Preachers. Isnt Jesus living? Go to God. Moses permitted divorce that is in this matter, not a commandment. Whatever Jesus says are commandments. Keep that in mind. His commandments are matters of a righteous heart. We are to be led by the Spirit. That means if you go to God, he will lead you. Make sure you repent of all your known sins, not remorse, do what is necessary to hear God. Understand, there are unseen things at work which are evil.

    • @sherryedmonds932
      @sherryedmonds932 3 месяца назад +4

      Absolutely! U cannot remarry if your spouse is still alive. U can only remarry if the spouse dies. U are bound to the law. If Gods word and it’s clear in the Bible

  • @marryholland5119
    @marryholland5119 Месяц назад +5

    Why should a woman who gets beat and her husband runs around with numerous women why should she be forced to stay in that marriage it should be a divorce and she should be free to remarry if she wanted to

    • @bernardinmoutien2359
      @bernardinmoutien2359 Месяц назад

      The bible does give allowance to divorce where life is threatened. And yes she is free to marry another man and it is not adultery since the man is to be considered a non believer due to his behaviour after he has been approached as Jesus said by the woman first, then with witness, then by the church and lastly the church declares the man an unbeliever and the woman is free to leave and divorce.

    • @sonOfTheL1vingGod
      @sonOfTheL1vingGod 10 дней назад

      @@bernardinmoutien2359false stop teaching as you will acquire strict judgement from God. Death ends covenant. God considers marriage with an unbeliever covenant if it’s happened already.

  • @vinci1234560
    @vinci1234560 Месяц назад +2

    The safest position is to remain married until death, however, it takes two to remain married. As a divorced, young Christian, remaining celibate was easier said than done. I remarried and I am happy in my present relationship but I am still cautious about advising others to remarry.

    • @o0o_Wheelz_o0o
      @o0o_Wheelz_o0o Месяц назад

      I was married 29 years. In 2018 I was in a accident that left me crippled and in a wheelchair. Paralyzed from the chest down. My wife after only the first year begin stepping out on me. After two years, she let me know that she no longer wanted to wait on me. I was dealing with a lot in my head and my health. In and out of surgeries and healing. She left and went on her on. She met someone else and divorced me. I have been alone ever since. I have a little dog that loves me and loves to fish as much as I do. My life and drawn closer to God and I have learned to depend totally on Jesus Christ. I am glad you found someone to love you and you love them. As for me, I am happily single without the worries. Praise God.

  • @adoradomingo3092
    @adoradomingo3092 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for clarity

  • @coryabouaf7713
    @coryabouaf7713 Год назад

    Praise God. I stayed married in an impossible marriage for 34 years until I came to the same conclusion that you did regarding putting away versus divorce. No thank you for teaching on this. I have forwarded this to several people well two so far.

  • @danawaldrop4930
    @danawaldrop4930 2 года назад +5

    Thank you for this truth! So many women (men too) refuse to go to church because of this. No condemnation in Christ but there sure is condemnation in some churches. That's the devil right there - clear as a bell! God is fair and just. He is NOT fair and just to only those who make the right choice in a mate the first time. How often does this happen? This false doctrine is a trap!

    • @danawaldrop4930
      @danawaldrop4930 2 года назад

      RUclips won't allow me to post it - .y o u t u b e .com /wat ch?v =oR cfleTnzP4

  • @philologustate4464
    @philologustate4464 7 месяцев назад +8

    People who embrace divorce are hard hearted they don't want to forgive but want to be forgiven. Jesus said if you don't forgive one another, neither will your heavenly father forgive you

    • @shalalala868
      @shalalala868 6 месяцев назад

      This isn't always the case. I got married under duress (crazy side showed up hours before "I do" and said he'd take his life if I postponed or canceled), he LIED blatantly and by omission to trick me into marriage, and became increasingly abusive after marriage (would NEVER have married him otherwise), and he ALMOST KILLED ME. I literally FLED FOR MY LIFE! There's absolutely nothing hard about my heart as I am sooo happy to be free of the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse that I harbor NO ILL FEELINGS. My freedom was the best gift!
      He is a sick sick man who refuses to get the spiritual and mental help needed. Refused to do marital counseling despite my loving, desperate pleas. Hid at least 3 mental illnesses prior to marriage. Presumably stopped taking meds after we married. Was a sexual deviant with addictions hidden. Was a covert narc, fully active in the church/ministry with only "saved" friends, and presented himself as holy yet he abused me, children, and animals (confessed a few days before I left). Wanted the title of husband, without the responsibilities. There was NO REDEMPTION here. I tried for A LONG TIME and he told me our marriage wasn't important and neither were my feelings.
      Complete 180 from the kind, seemingly godly man who did Bible studies with me, and fellowshipped and worshipped the Lord with me during courting. I never recommend divorce by default, but judge not, lest you be judged.

    • @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep
      @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep 5 месяцев назад +3

      They're hard hearted....
      IF it's for any reason EXCEPT fornication/adultery.
      Let's not call Christ hateful in Matthew 19:9 KJV only
      Read John 20:23 KJV only?
      Forgiveness is a personal thing for self peace with God.
      It has nothing to do with the other spouse resolving the martial covenant. Two different things.
      Forgiving personally, and remitting sins on God's behalf, are two very different things as well.
      Some commit adultery, then by the same spirit that seduced them to commit adultery.....
      .... turn around and accuse their spouse of being unforgiving if he simply recognizes the cheater resolved their marital covenant.
      I have an idea... DON'T CHEAT EVER!....
      Via the "divine power" over ever doing wickedly, given every true convert, in Christ.
      Get (TRULY) Saved...accept the penalty for your sin Leviticus 26:40-42 KJV.

    • @alexanderkapsiotis8050
      @alexanderkapsiotis8050 5 месяцев назад +2

      The Almighty embraced divorce.
      Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also. Jeremiah 3:8
      The Almighty is also a polygynist, having mutiple wives:
      Ezekiel 23
      1 The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying,
      2 Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother:
      3 And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity.
      4 And the names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister: and they were mine, and they bare sons and daughters. Thus were their names; Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah.

    • @Another_Look
      @Another_Look 2 месяца назад

      What if a husband is beating his wife daily? Should she forgive and continue being beaten?

  • @thewatcher7728
    @thewatcher7728 2 года назад +9

    "2 Some Pharisees came to test him. They asked, “Can a husband divorce his wife?”
    3 Jesus answered them, “What command did Moses give you?”
    4 They said, “Moses allowed a man to give his wife a written notice to divorce her.”
    5 Jesus said to them, “He wrote this command for you **because you're heartless.
    6 But God made them male and female in the beginning, at creation.
    7 That's why a man will leave his father and mother and will remain united with his wife, 8 and the two will be one.
    So they are no longer two but one.
    9 Therefore, *don't let anyone separate* what God has joined together.”
    10 When they were in a house, the disciples asked him about this.
    11 He answered them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery.
    12 If a wife divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery.”
    Mark 10:2-12 (GW)
    So all must stop deceiving people into believing divorce & and adulterous remarriages are fine with God, they aren't.
    "The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither fornicators, nor idolaters,** nor adulterers** nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God".
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (KJV)

    • @dcruz7930
      @dcruz7930 6 месяцев назад +1

      I was looking for this comment! Remarriage while your first spouse is still living is a sin...don't listen to what people think but by what the Bible says, God is not the author of confusion.
      Lean not to thine own understanding. This is serious, your salvation is at stake.

    • @shalalala868
      @shalalala868 6 месяцев назад +3

      Every marriage wasn't joined together by God. If you divorce on Biblical grounds you can remarry. Putting away isn't the same as divorce as well. Putting away is tantamount to separation. You are still LEGALLY married therefore yes, you are committing adultery if you remarry while separated.

  • @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799
    @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799  5 месяцев назад +2

    In Matthew 5:32 we see the benefit of a knowledge and application of Bible language to interpretation. In the KJV the word "put away" ("whosoever shall put away his wife") is the same verb translated "divorced" (though the form is different). In both cases the word should be translated "put away." Additionally, one must harmonize the Lord's teaching with Deuteronomy 24:1-2. If, for whatever reason, a man refused to love his wife, he could not simply "put her away." He was required to give her a certificate of divorce. This legal paperwork terminated a marriage. The divorced woman was then free to marry another man. In God's eyes her new marriage was valid. We must strive to become and remain consistent in our theology. Many do not and, consequently, are not.

  • @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799
    @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799  5 месяцев назад +1

    One cannot understand Bible teaching about divorce and remarriage apart from applying the concept of God's forgiveness. How do I want God to forgive my sins when I confess them, partially or completely? Is there such a thing as partial forgiveness? 1 John 1:9 is wonderfully clear.

  • @queenonmasworld
    @queenonmasworld 2 года назад +1

    A great gospel music minister in my country, suffered domestic abuse for many years and was later murd*rd by her husband @nwachukwu this year because she couldn't leave him "God hate divorce "syndrome, may God help us all

  • @toughbiblepassages9082
    @toughbiblepassages9082 6 месяцев назад +1

    17:28 “the woman can then go and she can remarry.”
    if you apply contrapositive analysis to deuteronomy 24, you’ll see that that is not true. A woman cannot remarry if she is the guilty party of a divorce, she is bound by law to seek reconciliation to her husband and never touch another man (this is consistent with Paul and Jesus, and it fits together if you use contrapositive analysis)

    • @shalalala868
      @shalalala868 6 месяцев назад

      You are right. And add to that, there has to be a Biblical reason for divorce.

  • @LivinginOman
    @LivinginOman Месяц назад

    Is it considered marriage infront of God if you did the bride price and asking the parents, but you did not consummate the marriage yet? Can that guy marry another woman?
    Another scenario, if the wife is in witchcraft, wanted to kill the husband and son, is it considered as marriage infront of God , as they did spell for the guy to marry the lady? Can he remaery after divorced?

  • @philologustate4464
    @philologustate4464 3 месяца назад +1

    The scriptures says Jesus recognized the woman at the well relationship with a man who she slept with as her husband and did not condemned them or even mention marriage

    • @Vibrant.A
      @Vibrant.A Месяц назад +1

      Hello there , I’m not sure what version you are quoting but Jesus said the man she now has was NOT her husband . (John 4 v15-16) please don’t twist the scripture for your own ends.

  • @philologustate4464
    @philologustate4464 7 месяцев назад +1

    The sad part is the people who have hard heart positions themselves as bishops elders and pastors in the churches

  • @JesseChasteen
    @JesseChasteen 5 месяцев назад +1

    The word for numeral one in the Greek is heis. The word used translated into one wife is mia. Why wouldn't God use the numeral one there if he meant one woman kind of man?

    • @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799
      @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799  5 месяцев назад

      mias is the genitive feminine singular form of eis (masculine gender) and grammatically corresponds to gunaikos, woman, wife.

    • @JesseChasteen
      @JesseChasteen 5 месяцев назад

      @@jeffbargerbiblestudies8799 yes but it's also translated many other things other than one in the bible and there are instances of heis showing up before women also

  • @marcdewey1242
    @marcdewey1242 Месяц назад

    We hear about Hollywood celebrities who have been married numerous times,but ive known people who have been married more than once,in fact three or four times, simply because they cant remain with one person for any length of time,jumping from one spouse to another,just because they decided,I don't want to be the person I'm married to now,so ill divorce him or her as the case may be and marry someone else,marriage is just a game to them,oh well'if im not happy with this person I'll just find someone else,it doesn't work like that.

  • @Kerryasberry
    @Kerryasberry Месяц назад

    The start of this video is very suspect.

  • @danielsedgebeer598
    @danielsedgebeer598 3 месяца назад

    I think the closing statement of Mary someone else when there is no biblical grounds for divorce especially a woman forcing a divorce for irreconcilable differences due to falling out of love or some other lame excuse is not a correct teaching on the covenant marriage he expects from his children.

  • @brucezoe7935
    @brucezoe7935 20 дней назад

    Naw this not making sense

  • @carolinenjema7225
    @carolinenjema7225 5 месяцев назад +1

    Justification 😒

  • @paulmramireziii8071
    @paulmramireziii8071 Месяц назад

    🔵 PUT AWAY VS DIVORCE part 1
    The "Putting away is not Divorce" argument is bogus!
    Why “put away” means “to divorce”, not merely “to separate” in Matt. 5:32 and Matt. 19:9
    There is a teaching that a number of people are promoting that states that the Greek word for “put away” in Matt. 5:32 and Matt. 19.9 does not mean “to divorce”, but that “put away” means a separation without a divorce, and is something totally different from “divorce”.
    They state that “apostasion” (Strongs #647) is the Greek word for divorce and that if Jesus had meant divorce then He would have used “apostasion” instead of “apoluo” (Strongs #630) (“put away” - which they say means to separate without a divorce).
    This teaching totally changes the interpretation of the passages on divorce and remarriage and some of them hold that divorce and remarriage is a gift from God.
    This teaching sounds very convincing and is hard to argue with as long as you accept their narrow definition for “apoluo” (put away) and do not check if their definition is correct.
    The entire teaching hinges on the definition of the word “apoluo” - “put away”. Let me repeat, the definition of the word “apoluo” is what the teaching stands on.
    The following explains what is wrong with the teaching that “put away” (“apoluo”) in the Matthew passages means “to separate without a divorce, and that it is not referring to divorce”, and why it is a false teaching:
    The word “apoluo” #630 does not have only one definition or meaning. Depending on the context in which the word is used, it can have a number of different meanings just like many English words do.
    As you can see in the definitions in the Greek lexicons listed below, “to divorce” is one of the definitions of “apoluo”. Therefore it cannot be stated, as they argue, that “apoluo” #630 cannot mean “to divorce”.
    The arguments used in this teaching show an ignorance of the Greek language.
    They are looking at the Greek from the perspective of English.
    In English, divorce can be either a verb or a noun, but in Greek “apostasiou” is a noun and can not be used as a verb such as “whoever divorces his wife”. “Apoluo” is a verb and can not be used as a noun.
    The word, “Apoluo”, found in the two Matthew passages is the verb form (example: “I divorce”), and “Apostasion” is the noun “a divorce” In Matt. 19:9 “biblion apostasion” is “a certificate of divorce”.
    There are two different Greek words used because “apostasion” is a noun and “apoluo” is a verb, not because they refer to two different things.
    Matthew could not use a noun #647 where a verb was needed.
    In Matt. 19:7,8 both the Pharisees and Jesus used the term “put away” (apoluo Strong’s #630) in a context that implies that it means “to put away in a divorce” and is referring to the divorce process.
    Matt. 19:7-9 “7 They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement,647 and to put her away630 8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away630 your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.
    9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away630 his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away630 doth commit adultery. “
    In V. 7 #630 “apoluo” “to put her away” is referring to the divorce, not a separation separate from the divorce.
    In V.8 the word “apoluo” “to put away” does not refer to Moses giving permission for separation without a divorce, but to divorce and remarry.
    Deut. 24:1-4
    The very context of the way #630 is used in the entire passage gives the definition as referring to separation in a divorce not separation apart from a divorce.
    The writings of the early church founders who knew New Testament Greek as their native language, show that they understood “apoluo” to mean divorce not separation without divorce.
    If #630 “apoluo” only refers to separation and not to divorce, then there is still no allowance in the New Testament that permits divorce or remarriage.
    One has to go to the Old Testament where Moses (not God) suffered to give permission to divorce. Jesus said that Moses’ command was not God’s will from the beginning.
    Romans 7:2-3 also states that divorce and remarriage are not permissible: “For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.
    (3) So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.”
    This passage does not give divorce any power to end a marriage.
    Their interpretation in allowing remarriage destroys the illustration of human marriage as being a type of the marriage of Christ and the church, and the eternal security of the believer.
    Sources are quoted that line up with their interpretation of the word “to put away” but they ignore sources that show that it could mean “to divorce”.
    For example quoting from little known modern English dictionaries showing that divorce is not part of the definition for the Old English use of the words “put away”.
    In examining an older dictionary, the 1961 Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged Edition has divorce as one of the meanings for English use of the words “put away”.
    This problem of selective sources is a big problem with many teachings in the church today on various subjects.
    People write or speak very convincingly and lead you to the wrong conclusion, but are not giving all the facts.
    It may be intentional misleading, but probably is done ignorantly by relying on the research and writings of others, and not thoroughly checking things out for themselves before they pass the information along as truth.
    This type of sloppy scholarship is destroying the church spiritually.

  • @toddgardner2826
    @toddgardner2826 22 дня назад

    Sir, you are missing the entirety of the foundation and the failure which has caused you to "dance around" to create your explanations. Lay the foundation. What causes a marriage to be? In both Jewish culture and in your western culture, marriages begin with a verbal commitment, a vow. Begin with the vow. God takes vows very very seriously. In a marriage, who makes a vow and to whom is the vow made? The groom makes the vow and the vow is made to God and is witnessed by many witnesses. (In the western cultures, both the groom and the bride make vows, but the vows are still made to God before witnesses.) REGARDLESS of what your spouse does, including fornication, what right do you have to break your vow to God? What is written about vows to God? And what is the consequences of breaking a vow to God? If a person breaks a vow to God, it is written that the person is to start the vow over at its beginning. Start all over again as if you just made the vow. As if it is your wedding day on repeat! That is the foundation before a man "puts his wife away" or writes a letter of divorce. This is why you are dancing around the concept of adultery. You are attempting to "put lipstick on a pig". There is no way to change the reality that a marriage is a marriage and the two have become one flesh and the damage of separation cannot be undamaged. There is no way of fulfilling the vow to God without forgiveness and starting over. Why does the church see divorced men as unworthy of being pastors? Because they are living in unforgiveness and have an unfulfilled vow between themselves and God. Divorce was/is allowed because of the hardness of peoples heart. What options does the hard hearted have if divorce is not allowed? Till death... is it better to make a paper and leave a possibility of reconciliation or is it better to just commit murder? And if she believes she might be murdered, will she strike first? Can you not see how horrible people can become to eachother? The picture of divorce is very similar to our own sinful separation from God. Rather than just destroy all of us for our failures He has permitted us to live that some of us might reconcile to Him. He desires all, but allows us to die in our stubbornness. In the same way, divorce allows for the opportunity for future reconciliation (though rare). Even in this, we are expected to love our wives as Christ loves the church... that unfaithful corrupted church... lay the foundation so that it does not appear that you are attempting to justify the bad behavior of hard hearted people.

  • @jillanderson3037
    @jillanderson3037 6 месяцев назад

    Please read Exodus 22:16. Fornication is when a woman marries a man who didn't take her virginity. Thank you!

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mike Winger has a teaching, on this....once again twisting the text to get a different conclusion, that the text presents...

    • @stephenrogers5593
      @stephenrogers5593 2 месяца назад +2

      There are so many views on this! I have seen some rabbis and Jewish folk claim that divorce is no big deal whatsoever. Then some Christians say remarriage is a ticket to hell. That is a HUGE gap

  • @danawaldrop4930
    @danawaldrop4930 2 года назад

    I wish you would spell the Hebrew and Greek words for us! Thank you!

    • @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799
      @jeffbargerbiblestudies8799  2 года назад +1

      My apologies for this tardy response. The Hebrew words are keriythuwth (divorce) and shalach (put, or send away); the NT Greek words are apostasion (divorce) and apoluo (put, or send away). There is an excellent article, Divorce, the Law and Jesus, written by Walter L. Callison. You should be able to find it online. Thank you for watching and commenting! JB

    • @danawaldrop4930
      @danawaldrop4930 2 года назад

      @@jeffbargerbiblestudies8799 Thank you so much - this is most helpful! I also found this video which makes it all very clear.

    • @dorothyswanson6671
      @dorothyswanson6671 Год назад +3

      God forgives our sins after repentance and repentance is turning away from your adulterous remarriage.

    • @shiningospel
      @shiningospel Год назад +1

      @@dorothyswanson6671The Lord rebukes you