Buying that Blackbird was a very good move , I have had 3 in the past , I currently have a 2000 model now , it as 28000 mile on the clock , Blue and is outstanding, just been round Europe on it with my mates for 3 weeks it never missed a beat , I love the Honda Blackbird , Well done to you for buying one , it will never let you Down 👌👌
Here’s an idea buy an old ambulance and turn it into a podcast van, you could park anywhere, you’ll love that.
It’s even got a bike lift.
Well that's easy, almost any after 1999..😄
I'm guessing a Porsche Cayman.
Buying that Blackbird was a very good move , I have had 3 in the past , I currently have a 2000 model now , it as 28000 mile on the clock , Blue and is outstanding, just been round Europe on it with my mates for 3 weeks it never missed a beat , I love the Honda Blackbird , Well done to you for buying one , it will never let you Down 👌👌