Well done for giving a go - it’s a very common problem for the rubber pipe to split near the pressure sensor - a car I was working on this had it happen. I cleaned the tip of the pressure sensor and just replaced the rubber pipe - you can take the pressure sensor off and start the car up - and if the pipe is NOT blocked it will blow out Smokey exhaust gasses rev it abit to be sure it’s free of soot . I agree if your not confident take to a good mechanic
Great video. I had a system fault which was causing the engine revs to become erratic while driving also causing the car to jerk when accelerating. Just wanted to ask is this what you experienced . Thanks again for the video JF
You could of used a bike brake cable it would of gone around the bends ? As other people have used ? It’s such a shame people who design these engines obviously don’t work on them 😂 good video by the way 👍
Thank-you. I tried a bike cable at first but it was too thin to push round the bend after 10cm or so. A clutch cable was but as per the video I shaped it. It does work you just have to be careful.
Misleading terminology, its the turbo upstream pressure sensor. The differential pressure sensor for the DPF is not visible and is behind the engine connected to 2 rubber pipes
I had this symbol come up but it went away after 5 mins of driving. In my user manual however it says it’s either front radar obstructed or issue with lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition or toward emergency braking system ? The latter all related to front radar ??
Hi there I have a 2016 qashqai and I tried this. Cleared the tube, smoke blew out and air was coming through again but the warning lights still showing after I put the sensor back on.. any ideas? Really haven’t got the money to take to a garage to pay for it 😅 thanks in advance!
I think the cheap OBD readers are fairly simple. The one at the garage gave back so much more information. Just because it isn't picking up the fault doesn't mean there is one. They are handy for turning off fault codes once you have repaired the fault yourself though which saves you having to go to a garage to do it
You can use a bicycle cable on a drill, it takes a bit of time but it can be done and then clear the faults. Job done!
Well done for giving a go - it’s a very common problem for the rubber pipe to split near the pressure sensor - a car I was working on this had it happen. I cleaned the tip of the pressure sensor and just replaced the rubber pipe - you can take the pressure sensor off and start the car up - and if the pipe is NOT blocked it will blow out Smokey exhaust gasses rev it abit to be sure it’s free of soot . I agree if your not confident take to a good mechanic
Happy for you it was fixed...
Great video. I had a system fault which was causing the engine revs to become erratic while driving also causing the car to jerk when accelerating. Just wanted to ask is this what you experienced . Thanks again for the video JF
It's not I'm afraid. I just had a warning light and that's it
what qashqai do you have (year&engine)? did you ever got this sorted out? having the same issue on a 1.2, tried diffrent things without success.
I've just had the same problem, Do you have any idea what caused it?
Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I’m having the same problem.
Did you manage to find out what it was?
You could of used a bike brake cable it would of gone around the bends ? As other people have used ? It’s such a shame people who design these engines obviously don’t work on them 😂 good video by the way 👍
Thank-you. I tried a bike cable at first but it was too thin to push round the bend after 10cm or so. A clutch cable was but as per the video I shaped it. It does work you just have to be careful.
Misleading terminology, its the turbo upstream pressure sensor.
The differential pressure sensor for the DPF is not visible and is behind the engine connected to 2 rubber pipes
Do you have any info reference to stop start system fault battery seems ok and alternator is kicking out 14.7 v so charging ok
Voltqge is one factor...is it a stop start battery fitted?????
I had this symbol come up but it went away after 5 mins of driving. In my user manual however it says it’s either front radar obstructed or issue with lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition or toward emergency braking system ? The latter all related to front radar ??
Hi there I have a 2016 qashqai and I tried this. Cleared the tube, smoke blew out and air was coming through again but the warning lights still showing after I put the sensor back on.. any ideas? Really haven’t got the money to take to a garage to pay for it 😅 thanks in advance!
Hello, I think you still have to clear the fault. You can Buy cheap fault indicators on amazon. Sounds like you fixed it though.
List which engine..looks lime turbo diesel going off the rev counter!
Hi I have this problem but pluged in an OBD and there was no error codes! is that still normal? hope you can help.
I think the cheap OBD readers are fairly simple. The one at the garage gave back so much more information. Just because it isn't picking up the fault doesn't mean there is one. They are handy for turning off fault codes once you have repaired the fault yourself though which saves you having to go to a garage to do it
what engine is in this qashqai?
1.6 dci
So take it to the garage then lol 😂😂😂