Closing a credit card is terrible for your credit score. It is better to keep the card open and just not use it or use it sparingly. That is why people have low credit scores and are having to file bankruptcy. They over exert their finances. People should do their homework which we know that they are not going to do. Instead they will come to RUclips and take other peoples advice and make bad financial choices and blame them for it.
Thanks Raymond, great info as usual.
I've been thinking of signing up to AMEX. This video is so helpful, thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
Do you have to close down all Amex accounts for the 18 months or can you flip / churn between Qantas and Velocity rewards?
Closing a credit card is terrible for your credit score. It is better to keep the card open and just not use it or use it sparingly.
That is why people have low credit scores and are having to file bankruptcy. They over exert their finances. People should do their homework which we know that they are not going to do.
Instead they will come to RUclips and take other peoples advice and make bad financial choices and blame them for it.
Stuff I already knew 😭😭😭😭