At least not for long periods of time. It's perfectly fine to block if you want to maintain your regeneration window for a few extra moments. Otherwise, you're completely right.
Honestly when clicking on this video i expected it to be some small low quality star wars fan page video, but i was pleasantly surprised when i saw that it was actually really well done and high quality. I'll definitely be checking out more of your channel!
It's a bit hard for me to dodge and jump in areas with low ceiling though. The only option I have is to tank the hits while running or using up the crawling ability. It's probably just a skill issue or smth but for now idk what else to do.
I'm one of those strange beings that play mostly hero showdown and the claw rush damage reduction is important in higher play because its an easy parry and sabers do lock onto it. Its a good advantage as u recover stamina while they lose it.
Either I've run into many new players but majority of the people I've played against simply don't know that the Claw rush can be parried.... So I just go for the most aggressive grievous build with Sith Trained, line up weaklings and the card with increases Thrust surge damage (I forgot it's name)
@@unhandydaddy5117 yeah makes sense. Line up weaklings is strong in both trooper and HvV. If you doing 2v2s then its still strong in HS but in 1v1s its practically useless cus ur only hitting one guy
Something i recommend with the Claw Rush is to try cancelling the ability at the very moment that it hit with the Rush, and also remember that the Rush can hit the same enemy twice, so if you hit an enemy, try to turn around and hit them again. Another Star Card I recommend on the large scale game modes specially in very compact areas (like the corridors of the Death Star) is Deadly Slashes as that extra damage with Unrelenting Advance can be very helpful when dealing with tight groups of enemies
Btw quick tip for ga or suprem. Greivous's blocking blaster bolts changes depending on range. If think this is either unique or a bug. At colse range he blocks five blaster bolts, but at range, for me at least it seems he can block 12. However this only works on infantry, not heroes. That is what makes me think its a bug. Also greivous cannot defect back to where blasters are being shot, making him the only saber hero who cannot reflect blasters at troops
I really like using Jedi Killer, Deadly Slashes, and Line Up Weaklings for trooper modes. It turns all his abilities into one hit kills on anything smaller than a heavy. Also the added 50% to thrust surge range really throws people off, and can give you another way to slip out of a bad spot by yeeting yourself across the theed throne room
Beating heart, flesh is weak, and the extended thrust is the best universal set up I find - the extended thrust allows you to close distance rapidly, so the issue he has with blasters is mitigated more.
Thanks for the guides bro I just got into battlefront and was struggling a bit but practiced and followed you’re advice and tips you gave in these guide videos and now I’m doing really well thanks for having us noobs backs subscribed 😎
Ceaseless assault is really underrated for heroes vs villains, 40% damage reduction while in unrelenting advance makes is very usable in those modes if you know what you're doing, essentially let's you drain the enemies stamina for free and if they do dodge around and land a hit, it's minimal and gives you time to turn on them again
Thanks for still doing these! BF2 still going strong... I would just wish that EA would allow dice devs to utilizes ready made mods and old assets to make more content for Battlefront after Battlefield 6 is released
A little tip for grevious I picked up is that unrelenting advance is a great way to approach an enemy shooting at you. Activate it, walk forward, cancel it, and then kill the enemy without taking much damage. Works quite well against a lot of enemies in front of you as well
something i like to do with unrelenting advance at least in hero modes is only use it for a brief moment then cancel it just to do a little damage and kinda disorient my enemy
I think Obi-Wan is a character to beware of cuz grievous heavily relies on his abilities and Obi-Wan's middle ability has only 1 use and that's to kill a grievous
I have played grievous a heck ton of a lot and one thing I find overlooked in this video is the starcard that improves the range of the saber leap(forgot the name). Since its a bit buggy it will nearly always get you to the enemy even around corners, also the leap is very fast so you are almost unhittable while using the ability, and another great thing about it, if you use this ability instead of clawrush to get into the fight, then you will always have an easy way out if you ever get out of stamina. Not to forget that if you hit a hero with the ability they will get knocked down and you can get a couple free hits on them
Thanks for the tips, I just started playing( ik I’m hella late) and there is clearly a huge skill gape between me and my opponent. Thanks again and hopefully these tips can help me close that gape 😄
Tip if you're going against a blaster hero thrust surge into basic attack into claw rush into another basic swing. If they don't dodge the initial thrust surge they're almost guaranteed to die bc the rush will hit through their dodge after your first swing knocking them down and giving you an almost guaranteed follow up hit
I know you covered this but I love the flesh is weak star card as it saves me from dying in situations I would never survive or leave me with so much more health, combos really well with Beating Heart as well.
Most important few tips with grevious is you shouldn’t be blocking unles you are against another saver hero and you should be constantly jumping and dashing when in the open because it makes him impossible to hit. Also just look to get into tight areas/corridors and use claw rush it is so easy to rack up kills that way.
Brilliant hero guide as usual Sammy!!! I’m always so happy to see your videos! Hopefully not too long before you can get back into the streaming business 👌😁😁
Grievous actually blocks better against sabers and if you timing is right 1v1 fights can be plenty victorious that's just what I've noticed once I got the hang of using him
Yeah I wouldn't recommend using unrelenting advance, even without the glitch, it's still bad it only works a bit against new/braindead players, because with old/normal ones it's so easy to counter it. If it's against troopers, you'll probably get spammed by explosions or get behind you (i think it doesn't have a damage reduction without the ceaseless assault star card) if it's against heroes, with blaster ones pretty much the same as troopers, with lightsaber heroes they'll retreat, spam their push abilities or the rush/dash ones which can damage through your ability's block. The funniest part about it is the many times it's mentioned this ability works pretty well in close hallways spots. Even in this situation, the enemy can just roll/dash through your character's ability and get behind you already, which is really bad and I said this by experience because there was a time I wanted to give this ability a use, sacrificing 2 star cards slots just to upgrade it. I wish this ability could get his 2 star cards attributes as default (with this I mean having the +40% damage reduction and +40 damage without having the 2 star cards on) it would make it a bit more worth to use Good guide by the way.
Grievous's star cards are very situational but good overall. I would use Sith-trained in trooper modes because then you do more damage to them. Line up weaklings is also a good card for trooper modes. For the last card, you can do whatever. For hero modes, I usually go beating heart, Flesh is weak, and cowardly retreat. It might be a surprise, but it's useful to get away, and maximize the beating heart card, so you can regen and stay safe. But these are what I prefer.
What I like to use for hvv is Jedi killer, momentum, and betting heart because I just feel like thrust surge is really good with these cards but this is just my opinion because I try to play really aggressive with grievous and I likely will end up having to chase down a hero and honestly I find it so funny when grievous is just flying through the air 😂
Maining Grevious I have come to learn a deep hatred for enemy Wookies especially Chewwie. They dish out so much damage so quickly especially if you dont have a block
I know this is a guide for kindof beginners but his bunny hop jump attacks make his swing speed insane which nobody that’s good with him doesn’t really use his regular attacks also in hvv and hero showdown always equip the cowardly retreat card because a lot of players with keep partying your claw rush to take some peri mins at health away and having that 90% damage reduction stops them from doing that.
I know cinematic tools stopped working for Bf2, but there still is another application called open game camera. its really cool and makes upper the loss of cinematic tools. Just thought i'd let you know.
I generally lunge in,attack for a bit,Unrelenting Assault if I’m cornered,then Spider out of there.I also think that because of how Gamechanging UA is,Investing into the cards for it are worth while
This helps out alot as I'm a vet with Grievous. Although it does get more difficult to play with him if you're very aggressive. Any tips with managing him in aggressive plays?
I don't think or don't remember you mentioning his stamina when blocking blasters so as far as I can tell he can only block 3 blaster bolts before completely being drained of stam .
I get what your saying. but for HVV and HS I would choose these cards Beating heart. Flesh Is Weak. And Line up. Weaklings. If that doesn't seem to work then I would use this: Beating Heart. Flesh Is Weak And: Unrelenting Advance. I use unrelenting advance card because it gives damage reduction for well...Unrelenting Advance. I can use it in choke points or in other various situations and it usally gets me out of those tight situations. But after watching this video. Cowerdly retreat could actually be a REALLY solid choice, So thanks for waking me up to this. Anyways thats my opinion And I'll talk to ya soon. Ba - bye!
In my opinion General Grivious is the second best character in the game behind vader. *FOR HERO MODES* He has amazing survivability (3rd best in game) Best damage for a lightsaber without using an ability. An escape card which does too much damage and his jump is springy which makes him able to spam jump attack. His thrust surge is great at chasing fleeing enemies but is buggy. Love Grivious and I want to see someone else opinion.
His bugs kinda bring him down. The claw rush doesn't do the second attack anymore, unrelenting advance kinda sucks, thrust surge is buggy. If he was fixed he would be good but I'd say Kylo or Palp are more well off.
You should play Grevious like a Guerilla Warrior: Hide, Attack, repeat and youre good. Just like a real General you should never be the Center of the Battle but have a good overview of the Battlefield and only strike when you have a good chance of surviving
if you drop grievous into capital supremacy defence at some points you just cannot lose, the one guy that was using grievous only died when he had 66,000 points so he just went straight back into him
I use line up weaklings , flesh is weak & Jedi Killer (thrust surge from further away) Makes it so much easier to kill those damn rocket troopers when they try to fly off after hitting you with a rocket . Thank me later lol
I utilise his abilities as a defensive and offensive play for that he is my favourite hero to play as. Love destroying blaster players with him because he fast lol
As someone 3 days in, I've found saber heroes require a finese characters like the Enforcer, or blaster heroes like Iden do not require. I'm not trying to say they are inferior. I'm very used to being literally struck down (FFS DRODIKA), they just seem so much harder. When you see skilled combatants it's very impressive and they absolutely slaughter, but my god it is not something you can learn without many a defeat
Cowardly retreat is not a very good card in my opinion. Sure 90% damage reduction is good, but it's only usefull when you're using it to escape. I thinks it's better to use the line up weaklings card, bcs you already have 50% damage reduction when using claw rush and you do 180 damage. Beating heart speaks for itself and flesh is weak makes you very tanky
Bb-8 needs a major nerf to his cable spin. On base, 3 second spin, star cards can boost it to 5 seconds max. Also if you are gonna have like max health regen, make it he can only dodge once. So you can either have all the health but less dodges, or keep your normal dodges and less health regen. Oh and make the bb series reinforcements. Give us Ahsoka and Assaj.
I get kill streaks so much easier with grievous than any other character… this morning I hopped on, played one whole round with him, I got 17 eliminations, 1 assist 9 kill streak and one death… still came in 5th place…. Ugggh… but grievous is good, mostly because his abilities make him so unpredictable, most people approach him like he is a glass cannon, which yes and no…. I don’t use cowardly retreat anymore, I took up deadly slashes instead… unrelenting advance is one that nobody really uses or expects because it’s so clunky… and when others try to read you, they are only read the rush and surge, they completely forget the advance ability since it’s so rarely used… so I force myself to very low stamina which is easy to do with grievous…. And wait for the spam swingers… back against the wall, activate it, which usually does the job, if not they back off, cancel into claw rush, finish it… or even claw rush cancel into unrelenting advance…. I’ll never use sith trained because he has a stamina problem as is, the extra damage is inconsequential to me as I’d rather have more stamina to parry attackers and bait them into their abilities… but managing his stamina between his abilities is so easy to do, I almost forget how winded he gets very quickly until there’s a goddamn leia or han hiding behind some rock half way across the map n $&*t… point is, grievous is nasty! I love playing the characters that everyone thinks are trash, obi, grievous, yoda, Rey, maul, palp….. I actually find the skywalkers or skywalker players or mains aren’t very good at all, I can’t stand playing as ani or Luke, I feel limited into only one approach to everything…. Ragdoll, ledge, rush, pull, push push push… but in your face, a real duel… I haven’t seen them overcome the handicaps you have to with these other highly underestimated hero’s who are so much more versatile
Tbh I don’t agree W hvv stuff cauz if u wanna close the distance the extra distance thrust surge card is way better and more felxible. Also he STILL has a block that can stop a blaster hero for 3 seconds and unrelenting advance literally blocks more blaster abilities (aside from leia alt fire and Han detoninte charge) so I think he is really good for shutting down blaster hero’s and his attacking unrelenting advance card is good against new players as the swing into your blade. If anyone wants to comment I’d love to take the discussion further
Jedi killer over cowardly retreat is better. You already get a damage reduction with claw rush, and best save that to get away if needed. Jedi killer allows you to instantly jump on top of your target.
depends for hvv/showdown claw rush 90 percent damage reduction is useful against experienced/good players who attempt to parry claw rush. When attempted with cowardly retreat equipped, it only does like 13 damage (at full health at least)
Same, some people say that he's hard to play with and kinda clunky and weird, probably because they play with him like they play with other saber heroes
The most important tip for Grievous, don’t block blasters
if executed well, you actually can deflect a decent amount of incoming fire, then dodge away quickly/claw rush away
At least not for long periods of time. It's perfectly fine to block if you want to maintain your regeneration window for a few extra moments. Otherwise, you're completely right.
Grevious has a fast jump speed so i recommend that for avoiding blasters
Just jump, dash, hide, attack
Honestly when clicking on this video i expected it to be some small low quality star wars fan page video, but i was pleasantly surprised when i saw that it was actually really well done and high quality. I'll definitely be checking out more of your channel!
Thanks so much man, I really appreciate that!
hey same name!!
He doesn’t really go into actually gameplay tips. He doesn’t even talk about stamina/health regen
@@rectorecto5417 1:06 1:24
Yes, my man, still dutifully pumping out content when we are in sort of a sad state for star wars games.
It means a lot. seriously. It does.
Did u watch the Star bazaar video?
@@obi-wankenobi6673 yeah, you?
@@olivercurtis191 yea 😂
As a grevious main my number 1 tip is to always be jumping and dodging
For real
Nah I roll with the punches I like the sight of getting hit a couple blaster shots while doin his voice modes 😂
Teach me your ways senpai….🙏🏿
It's a bit hard for me to dodge and jump in areas with low ceiling though. The only option I have is to tank the hits while running or using up the crawling ability. It's probably just a skill issue or smth but for now idk what else to do.
The nostalgia is amazing, thanks for still constantly uploading for the past few years bro
The flesh is weak card bumps grievous’s health from 800 to 1042, so an extra 242 health for anyone curious how much it gives you
How you know that ?
@@elyass.3115 I tested it out myself. I have the footage on my channel if your interested. The video is called Grievous starcard breakdown
1042 heath and 350 heath regen just an absolute tank
Dude my heart skips a beat every time you update a guide Bc I’m so hyped for them. Love you man♥️
3:07 bb8’s cable spin and Chewbacca’s bow caster also go through
Every rush ability, force power, and explosives as well. But the only think that would deactivate it would be Han’s detonite charge
Bro Han’s detonite charge straight up deletes me.
@@theeagle4463 yup
@@gonzalogallardo4454 I don't think force abilities do
Will Cooper they do damage, but they don’t have the rag doll effect
I'm one of those strange beings that play mostly hero showdown and the claw rush damage reduction is important in higher play because its an easy parry and sabers do lock onto it. Its a good advantage as u recover stamina while they lose it.
I don’t really agree W this as I think there is many better star cards for dueling. At this I don’t think he’s a good pick for hs either
Either I've run into many new players but majority of the people I've played against simply don't know that the Claw rush can be parried.... So I just go for the most aggressive grievous build with Sith Trained, line up weaklings and the card with increases Thrust surge damage (I forgot it's name)
@@unhandydaddy5117 yeah makes sense. Line up weaklings is strong in both trooper and HvV. If you doing 2v2s then its still strong in HS but in 1v1s its practically useless cus ur only hitting one guy
@@danielsmyth6336it’s still decent cuz it’s just more Damage, same thing as obis charge, only hitting one person, but his saber damage is better
Something i recommend with the Claw Rush is to try cancelling the ability at the very moment that it hit with the Rush, and also remember that the Rush can hit the same enemy twice, so if you hit an enemy, try to turn around and hit them again.
Another Star Card I recommend on the large scale game modes specially in very compact areas (like the corridors of the Death Star) is Deadly Slashes as that extra damage with Unrelenting Advance can be very helpful when dealing with tight groups of enemies
Btw quick tip for ga or suprem. Greivous's blocking blaster bolts changes depending on range. If think this is either unique or a bug. At colse range he blocks five blaster bolts, but at range, for me at least it seems he can block 12. However this only works on infantry, not heroes. That is what makes me think its a bug. Also greivous cannot defect back to where blasters are being shot, making him the only saber hero who cannot reflect blasters at troops
I really like using Jedi Killer, Deadly Slashes, and Line Up Weaklings for trooper modes. It turns all his abilities into one hit kills on anything smaller than a heavy. Also the added 50% to thrust surge range really throws people off, and can give you another way to slip out of a bad spot by yeeting yourself across the theed throne room
Beating heart, flesh is weak, and the extended thrust is the best universal set up I find - the extended thrust allows you to close distance rapidly, so the issue he has with blasters is mitigated more.
Very true my friend
Thanks for the guides bro I just got into battlefront and was struggling a bit but practiced and followed you’re advice and tips you gave in these guide videos and now I’m doing really well thanks for having us noobs backs subscribed 😎
Wow you actually saw my random comment thank you for the love man I really appreciate it and keep up the great content god bless
Ceaseless assault is really underrated for heroes vs villains, 40% damage reduction while in unrelenting advance makes is very usable in those modes if you know what you're doing, essentially let's you drain the enemies stamina for free and if they do dodge around and land a hit, it's minimal and gives you time to turn on them again
Thanks for still doing these! BF2 still going strong... I would just wish that EA would allow dice devs to utilizes ready made mods and old assets to make more content for Battlefront after Battlefield 6 is released
A little tip for grevious I picked up is that unrelenting advance is a great way to approach an enemy shooting at you. Activate it, walk forward, cancel it, and then kill the enemy without taking much damage. Works quite well against a lot of enemies in front of you as well
Not to overwhelm or ruin your schedule but I’ve been asking for about a week for a palps guide thanks keep up the good work.
He tends to be about a month ahead of schedule with videos so I’m sure he’ll get round to a palps hero guide soon enough! 😁
something i like to do with unrelenting advance at least in hero modes is only use it for a brief moment then cancel it just to do a little damage and kinda disorient my enemy
Yeah its actually a lot less bad when you remember you can cancel it
This was uploaded on my birthday!!! A hero guide for my favorite villain
This will make a fine addition to my battlefront 2 collection
I think Obi-Wan is a character to beware of cuz grievous heavily relies on his abilities and Obi-Wan's middle ability has only 1 use and that's to kill a grievous
Yeah and also grevious block stamina is so bad that obi wan can easily out stamina him if you aren't careful
Also Obi-Wan can pull out a blaster when at critical health which does bonus damage against Grievous
I have played grievous a heck ton of a lot and one thing I find overlooked in this video is the starcard that improves the range of the saber leap(forgot the name). Since its a bit buggy it will nearly always get you to the enemy even around corners, also the leap is very fast so you are almost unhittable while using the ability, and another great thing about it, if you use this ability instead of clawrush to get into the fight, then you will always have an easy way out if you ever get out of stamina. Not to forget that if you hit a hero with the ability they will get knocked down and you can get a couple free hits on them
Also I’ve got veteran greivouis but I’ll never know how much this takes thank you for your content.
Just as an example of Grievous’ super low block stam, blocking Lando’s Sharp Shot or whatever it’s called will drain your entire stamina bar.
Thanks for the tips, I just started playing( ik I’m hella late) and there is clearly a huge skill gape between me and my opponent. Thanks again and hopefully these tips can help me close that gape 😄
I love using Jedi Killer in HvV. The extended range on thrust surge really helps close the gap and catch fleeing heroes
Tip if you're going against a blaster hero
thrust surge into basic attack into claw rush into another basic swing.
If they don't dodge the initial thrust surge they're almost guaranteed to die bc the rush will hit through their dodge after your first swing knocking them down and giving you an almost guaranteed follow up hit
Finally a grievous guide
I use jedi killer star card in hvv. It grants more range for theust surge, which is great for closing the distance beetwen you and other heroes
It's good against blaster heros
These videos are extremely helpful. Thanks for making them. You got a sub.
In GA I do switch the sith trained star card for the ‘flesh is weak’ star card.
same bro i never get rid of flesh is weak
I know you covered this but I love the flesh is weak star card as it saves me from dying in situations I would never survive or leave me with so much more health, combos really well with Beating Heart as well.
Seriously man, really appreciate all the work you put into these! They’re great! You’re awesome!
Most important few tips with grevious is you shouldn’t be blocking unles you are against another saver hero and you should be constantly jumping and dashing when in the open because it makes him impossible to hit.
Also just look to get into tight areas/corridors and use claw rush it is so easy to rack up kills that way.
Bro your video format and editing is so good
YES! I've been waiting for this hero guide!
I said do grievous next and you did it, great job man!! 😂😅
Brilliant hero guide as usual Sammy!!! I’m always so happy to see your videos! Hopefully not too long before you can get back into the streaming business 👌😁😁
I use Gevious just so I can say, *.“your lightsaber will make a fine addition to my collection”.*
Hey bro, I respect all the hard work you been doing. Keep up the good work! Earned a new sub.
I agree, staying mobile is the best way to play Grievous in my experience
Grievous actually blocks better against sabers and if you timing is right 1v1 fights can be plenty victorious that's just what I've noticed once I got the hang of using him
Hey man thanks ALOT for the content you made for your hero guides
Yeah I wouldn't recommend using unrelenting advance, even without the glitch, it's still bad
it only works a bit against new/braindead players, because with old/normal ones it's so easy to counter it.
If it's against troopers, you'll probably get spammed by explosions or get behind you (i think it doesn't have a damage reduction without the ceaseless assault star card)
if it's against heroes, with blaster ones pretty much the same as troopers, with lightsaber heroes they'll retreat, spam their push abilities or the rush/dash ones which can damage through your ability's block.
The funniest part about it is the many times it's mentioned this ability works pretty well in close hallways spots. Even in this situation, the enemy can just roll/dash through your character's ability and get behind you already, which is really bad and I said this by experience because there was a time I wanted to give this ability a use, sacrificing 2 star cards slots just to upgrade it.
I wish this ability could get his 2 star cards attributes as default (with this I mean having the +40% damage reduction and +40 damage without having the 2 star cards on) it would make it a bit more worth to use
Good guide by the way.
Grievous's star cards are very situational but good overall. I would use Sith-trained in trooper modes because then you do more damage to them. Line up weaklings is also a good card for trooper modes. For the last card, you can do whatever. For hero modes, I usually go beating heart, Flesh is weak, and cowardly retreat. It might be a surprise, but it's useful to get away, and maximize the beating heart card, so you can regen and stay safe. But these are what I prefer.
This will help me play as my favorite war criminal
Movie: Unrelenting advance
Game: Unrelenting defence
Movie: Clawrush escape
Game: Clawrush killstreak
Talk about a swap around.
Quality guide as usual, keep it up! Would love to see you tackle some showdown specific teams of you're interested.
What I like to use for hvv is Jedi killer, momentum, and betting heart because I just feel like thrust surge is really good with these cards but this is just my opinion because I try to play really aggressive with grievous and I likely will end up having to chase down a hero and honestly I find it so funny when grievous is just flying through the air 😂
Thanks man great content keep it up you definitely earned a subscriber!!!
Maining Grevious I have come to learn a deep hatred for enemy Wookies especially Chewwie.
They dish out so much damage so quickly especially if you dont have a block
Be careful of thrust surge against lightsaber hero’s, they can parry and get 2 hits in before your animation is over
great video, really helped me! well done amazing
I know this is a guide for kindof beginners but his bunny hop jump attacks make his swing speed insane which nobody that’s good with him doesn’t really use his regular attacks also in hvv and hero showdown always equip the cowardly retreat card because a lot of players with keep partying your claw rush to take some peri mins at health away and having that 90% damage reduction stops them from doing that.
I know cinematic tools stopped working for Bf2, but there still is another application called open game camera. its really cool and makes upper the loss of cinematic tools. Just thought i'd let you know.
Thanks dad🙌🏻 anakin next?!
Yes please
Going through watching all your hero updates goes to show how differently people use other characters.
In all honesty I see "cowardly retreat" as a great way to charge up to blaster heroes because of the 90% damage reduction
I generally lunge in,attack for a bit,Unrelenting Assault if I’m cornered,then Spider out of there.I also think that because of how Gamechanging UA is,Investing into the cards for it are worth while
I suck as grievous even on co-op, ima definitely used these tips thx
I was rooting for Grievous in the final Obi Wan battle near the end there
This helps out alot as I'm a vet with Grievous. Although it does get more difficult to play with him if you're very aggressive. Any tips with managing him in aggressive plays?
Hit & run
I don't think or don't remember you mentioning his stamina when blocking blasters so as far as I can tell he can only block 3 blaster bolts before completely being drained of stam .
I get what your saying. but for HVV and HS I would choose these cards
Beating heart. Flesh Is Weak. And Line up. Weaklings.
If that doesn't seem to work then I would use this:
Beating Heart. Flesh Is Weak And: Unrelenting Advance.
I use unrelenting advance card because it gives damage reduction for well...Unrelenting Advance.
I can use it in choke points or in other various situations and it usally gets me out of those tight situations.
But after watching this video. Cowerdly retreat could actually be a REALLY solid choice, So thanks for waking me up to this.
Anyways thats my opinion And I'll talk to ya soon. Ba - bye!
That sweaty Luke was probably pissed when you killed him lol😆
In my opinion General Grivious is the second best character in the game behind vader. *FOR HERO MODES* He has amazing survivability (3rd best in game) Best damage for a lightsaber without using an ability. An escape card which does too much damage and his jump is springy which makes him able to spam jump attack. His thrust surge is great at chasing fleeing enemies but is buggy. Love Grivious and I want to see someone else opinion.
His bugs kinda bring him down. The claw rush doesn't do the second attack anymore, unrelenting advance kinda sucks, thrust surge is buggy. If he was fixed he would be good but I'd say Kylo or Palp are more well off.
btw i dont know if you know this but he also knocks down nearby enemies when using thrust surge
treat him like a lightsaber wielding Palpatine. Never not moving
You should play Grevious like a Guerilla Warrior: Hide, Attack, repeat and youre good.
Just like a real General you should never be the Center of the Battle but have a good overview of the Battlefield and only strike when you have a good chance of surviving
if you drop grievous into capital supremacy defence at some points you just cannot lose, the one guy that was using grievous only died when he had 66,000 points so he just went straight back into him
I use line up weaklings , flesh is weak & Jedi Killer (thrust surge from further away)
Makes it so much easier to kill those damn rocket troopers when they try to fly off after hitting you with a rocket .
Thank me later lol
Jedi Killer star card is very underated especially against jet troopers as you stated.
I utilise his abilities as a defensive and offensive play for that he is my favourite hero to play as. Love destroying blaster players with him because he fast lol
Watched for 13 minutes and 24 seconds, instantly got a 9k game in HvV (as opposed to 3-4)
As someone 3 days in, I've found saber heroes require a finese characters like the Enforcer, or blaster heroes like Iden do not require.
I'm not trying to say they are inferior. I'm very used to being literally struck down (FFS DRODIKA), they just seem so much harder. When you see skilled combatants it's very impressive and they absolutely slaughter, but my god it is not something you can learn without many a defeat
Combine Beating Heart and Flesh is Weak and you literally won’t die unless you’re a fool. Line Up Weaklings for the third of course
Cowardly retreat is not a very good card in my opinion. Sure 90% damage reduction is good, but it's only usefull when you're using it to escape. I thinks it's better to use the line up weaklings card, bcs you already have 50% damage reduction when using claw rush and you do 180 damage. Beating heart speaks for itself and flesh is weak makes you very tanky
Bb-8 needs a major nerf to his cable spin. On base, 3 second spin, star cards can boost it to 5 seconds max. Also if you are gonna have like max health regen, make it he can only dodge once. So you can either have all the health but less dodges, or keep your normal dodges and less health regen. Oh and make the bb series reinforcements. Give us Ahsoka and Assaj.
grievous is exposed to all abilities while in unrelenting advantage expect for blaster bolts and basic lightsaber attacks
Perfect timing i rly want to play grievous but im terrible at him
Mmm A fine addition to my collection
Instead of line up weaklings I use the extra range for thrust surge
And I use Flesh is Weak and beating heart
The chose one needs an updated guide lmao
I agree
We Really REALLY need the Grievous With the Cape For BF2 like it’s been too long
I get kill streaks so much easier with grievous than any other character… this morning I hopped on, played one whole round with him, I got 17 eliminations, 1 assist 9 kill streak and one death… still came in 5th place…. Ugggh… but grievous is good, mostly because his abilities make him so unpredictable, most people approach him like he is a glass cannon, which yes and no…. I don’t use cowardly retreat anymore, I took up deadly slashes instead… unrelenting advance is one that nobody really uses or expects because it’s so clunky… and when others try to read you, they are only read the rush and surge, they completely forget the advance ability since it’s so rarely used… so I force myself to very low stamina which is easy to do with grievous…. And wait for the spam swingers… back against the wall, activate it, which usually does the job, if not they back off, cancel into claw rush, finish it… or even claw rush cancel into unrelenting advance…. I’ll never use sith trained because he has a stamina problem as is, the extra damage is inconsequential to me as I’d rather have more stamina to parry attackers and bait them into their abilities… but managing his stamina between his abilities is so easy to do, I almost forget how winded he gets very quickly until there’s a goddamn leia or han hiding behind some rock half way across the map n $&*t… point is, grievous is nasty! I love playing the characters that everyone thinks are trash, obi, grievous, yoda, Rey, maul, palp….. I actually find the skywalkers or skywalker players or mains aren’t very good at all, I can’t stand playing as ani or Luke, I feel limited into only one approach to everything…. Ragdoll, ledge, rush, pull, push push push… but in your face, a real duel… I haven’t seen them overcome the handicaps you have to with these other highly underestimated hero’s who are so much more versatile
i rip cowardly retreat w/ line up weaklings, turns claw rush into probably the best ability in the game
Tbh I don’t agree W hvv stuff cauz if u wanna close the distance the extra distance thrust surge card is way better and more felxible. Also he STILL has a block that can stop a blaster hero for 3 seconds and unrelenting advance literally blocks more blaster abilities (aside from leia alt fire and Han detoninte charge) so I think he is really good for shutting down blaster hero’s and his attacking unrelenting advance card is good against new players as the swing into your blade.
If anyone wants to comment I’d love to take the discussion further
He is kinda op, the stamina sucks but the damage is just much
This is true with the maps Naboo is so fun with grievous
Jedi killer over cowardly retreat is better. You already get a damage reduction with claw rush, and best save that to get away if needed. Jedi killer allows you to instantly jump on top of your target.
depends for hvv/showdown claw rush 90 percent damage reduction is useful against experienced/good players who attempt to parry claw rush. When attempted with cowardly retreat equipped, it only does like 13 damage (at full health at least)
wonderful video
thanks for the gide
What sensitivity to use for blaster and saber heroes?
Idk why but grievous is one of those hero’s that I can pick up without and prior practice for the day and play, the easiest
Same, some people say that he's hard to play with and kinda clunky and weird, probably because they play with him like they play with other saber heroes
You’re a Legend!!
In dark side I always use dooku and kylo and I’m trying to get good with grievous
Thank you :)
Can you do an updated kylo guide
He already did
@@quickbinger1058 oh he did dang I didn’t know thank you
The cards that I prefer for general grievous is Jedi killer, smith trained and line up weaklings.
Sorry not smith trained I meant sith trained
I miss this game