Miniso is kind of a knock-off store. There's a similar chain operated out of Japan called Daiso which is a dollar-store type thing. Miniso is the Chinese knock-off of Daiso, right down to their logo being in Japanese, because people are more open to cheap goods that they think came from Japan.
Miniso is kind of a knock-off store. There's a similar chain operated out of Japan called Daiso which is a dollar-store type thing.
Miniso is the Chinese knock-off of Daiso, right down to their logo being in Japanese, because people are more open to cheap goods that they think came from Japan.
So I wasn't entirely off haha. Thank you for the informed comment. Have a great week!
has the same music as all the others, but the menus look a bit different. More aquatic this time
Haha, yeah and SO LOUD! What type of menus do you typically see?