So interesting to see it from a driver's point of view but being able to look all around. When I cross the bridge I'm busy keeping my eyes on the road and the cars around me so I rarely glance off to the water and never really look at the towers. Such a different experience. But even after 50 years I still get 🦋🦋🦋 when I drive across. 😏
I guess it has never occurred to me to be afraid to drive across the Mackinac Bridge, although I do not like driving on the grated section because of its "greasy" feel. Maybe it's because my brother and I survived a trip across it riding in our family's Franklin camper in a 55 mile an hour gale. This was in November 1965. Back then it was legal to ride in campers that were attached to a pickup truck. Well, we were headed home from the UP and when we stopped at the tollbooth I heard the attendant tell my dad that there was a 55 mile an hour gale up on the bridge and not to go over 10 miles an hour and stop at the anchorages and the towers. Dad didn't tell him there were two passengers in the back, so the attendant let us go through. The minute we got out on the causeway the camper started leaning to the left, when we got to the first anchorage and stopped it rocked and rocked and rocked. When it stopped rocking Dad started up again and the camper again leaned to the left. My brother and I usually rode in the overcab but this time we were sitting down at the kitchen table and we were so scared we didn't make a sound. The wind was so cold and so strong it blew out the pilot light for the furnace on the sheltered side of the camper. I remember looking out the window and seeing how gray everything looked. It took an hour at least to cross the bridge. That was the only time that I was afraid.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I've lived in Michigan without having crossed the bridge or been to the UP a ridiculously long time and it's on my bucket list! I imagine some white knuckles myself. 😊
Can't tell you how many nightmares I've had of suspension bridges 😅 Don't know when I developed the fear of them. Probably something to do with be trapped haha
I’m the opposite, I love going over bridges especially the taller ones I think they’re so cool, but I hate going through tunnels and I hate traffic jams and construction zones they scare the hell out of me
So I was wondering is your first time over so you've never walked the bridge have you? You've got to walk the bridge on Labor Day I've done it 18 times It never gets old. Mackinaw is my favorite place take a look at my thumbnail picture for my channel You may recognize it. From one Michigan or to another no place better than Michigan.
So interesting to see it from a driver's point of view but being able to look all around. When I cross the bridge I'm busy keeping my eyes on the road and the cars around me so I rarely glance off to the water and never really look at the towers. Such a different experience. But even after 50 years I still get 🦋🦋🦋 when I drive across. 😏
The first time I crossed the Mack was wonderful. I been back three times and loved each time. Thanks for sharing. This brought back great memories.
I guess it has never occurred to me to be afraid to drive across the Mackinac Bridge, although I do not like driving on the grated section because of its "greasy" feel. Maybe it's because my brother and I survived a trip across it riding in our family's Franklin camper in a 55 mile an hour gale. This was in November 1965. Back then it was legal to ride in campers that were attached to a pickup truck. Well, we were headed home from the UP and when we stopped at the tollbooth I heard the attendant tell my dad that there was a 55 mile an hour gale up on the bridge and not to go over 10 miles an hour and stop at the anchorages and the towers. Dad didn't tell him there were two passengers in the back, so the attendant let us go through. The minute we got out on the causeway the camper started leaning to the left, when we got to the first anchorage and stopped it rocked and rocked and rocked. When it stopped rocking Dad started up again and the camper again leaned to the left. My brother and I usually rode in the overcab but this time we were sitting down at the kitchen table and we were so scared we didn't make a sound. The wind was so cold and so strong it blew out the pilot light for the furnace on the sheltered side of the camper. I remember looking out the window and seeing how gray everything looked. It took an hour at least to cross the bridge. That was the only time that I was afraid.
The bridge get closed down when the winds get to high nowadays because of cars being blown off the bridge.
You did well and I'm proud 👏 of you
Nice job. Greetings from Cape Cod, MA.
Drove my 1973 Harley FX.motorcycle over the mighty Mackinac! Greetings from California.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I've lived in Michigan without having crossed the bridge or been to the UP a ridiculously long time and it's on my bucket list! I imagine some white knuckles myself. 😊
Thank you so much for the post , and thats how you get to where the yoopers are
I was just up on the Island last week! It was my 6th time up there in 5 years!
Try having water under, both sides, and in front of the bow and behind the stern. - 7 + years of sea duty in the US Navy. - Loved it.
there IS water under, and you can see it through the grate.
Can't tell you how many nightmares I've had of suspension bridges 😅 Don't know when I developed the fear of them. Probably something to do with be trapped haha
Never go across during a white out in Winter. You have to keep driving back to touch the grates to know where you are.
The labor day walk over the bridge is a must.😮
The mighty Mac is king!
Yep. It's huge!!
I miss the Mighty Mac
You don't need to miss it It's not that far 🍦
I’m the opposite, I love going over bridges especially the taller ones I think they’re so cool, but I hate going through tunnels and I hate traffic jams and construction zones they scare the hell out of me
So I was wondering is your first time over so you've never walked the bridge have you? You've got to walk the bridge on Labor Day I've done it 18 times It never gets old. Mackinaw is my favorite place take a look at my thumbnail picture for my channel You may recognize it. From one Michigan or to another no place better than Michigan.
It always scares me to drive on the metal grid lol
😊I'd like to 🚗 this someday
I have lived in lower and the upper peninsula over the bridge...try winter..grates are loud and pull on the tires..scary.
in 1989, a girl accidentally drove off the Mackinac bridge, I cannot imagine how terrifying that must have been for her.
I used to drive a coach bus and every time I crossed the bridge I had a knot in my stomach.
It is a little nervous driving over the bridge. I've driven over it a few times.
she's purty cute
You should try it on a motorcycle way cool
Say Yah to da UP, eh?
Just make sure that you don't take the yugo exit
Funny but not funny that had to be terrifying 2.8 seconds before they hit the water 😖
There is never not construction on the bridge
Walk acrossed it
Then you’ve never driven to key west.
Do this while it’s windy and raining, you cheated
No space to cycle its a shame.