Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization...

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @EchosideProductions
    @EchosideProductions 16 лет назад

    The people who are looking for authoritative info without having to pay for college tuition appreciate it immensely! ;-)

  • @shakyricLshadow1111
    @shakyricLshadow1111 12 лет назад

    Should do it

  • @BryanKale777
    @BryanKale777 12 лет назад

    Lets do it

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 14 лет назад

    @Drastam It is not, but is billed as such. For example, there is nothing in the West to compare with the ruin of the Caspian Sea, or Chernobyl.
    In fact, in part because of strict envirnomental alws in the US, much of the US manufacturing industry has moved to mainland China, where the PRC has virtually no environmental laws. The US steel, jewelry and textile industry, for example, have virtually disappeared in the US.

  • @ciceromatrix
    @ciceromatrix 14 лет назад

    permaculture is the word of order. please let it be known

  • @shadezofgrayfulness
    @shadezofgrayfulness 13 лет назад

    @DrCruel Name-calling & certitude make me wonder. And whenever, in the back-and-forth of rhetoric, I see strawmen trotted out (like turning the environmental debate into one about Marxism) it discredits the dissenter. Why make it about ideologies? In "Eco-economics", Brown quotes former Esso North Sea & Norway V.P, Øystien Dahle: "Socialism collapsed because it didn't allow prices to tell the economic truth. Capitalism may collapse because it doesn't allow prices to tell the ecological truth."

  • @BWBookWorm
    @BWBookWorm 16 лет назад

    It may be unfair to judge Brown on this one-hour lecture. While he is right in pointing out the primary and paramount problem is energy and paints a clear link between oil and corn, I am disturbed by his singling out wind energy as the primary remedy. He cited isolated examples which cannot be practically replicated all over the globe. It helps, but hardly the ultimate solution.

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 14 лет назад

    @Drastam You mean, through the mechanism of purchase? What then, of the tremendous growth of the economy of the very Marxist PRC?
    I don't have my head in the sand in regards the environment. I also do not have an ideological stake in regards my opinions, which perhaps is why I can see the detrimental impact of Marxist collectivist policies on the environment, while so many environmentalists can be so deliberately blind about it.

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 12 лет назад

    @cosmoculture Mostly my experience in dealing with them in academia. The bait-and-switch business doesn't impress me either - for example, I remember when environmentalists were trying to tie the same causal agents to a postulated "global cooling over two decades ago. I also find these environmentalists just happen to be overwhelmingly pro-Marxist or pro-socialist.
    They just have a really bad track record, given their predictions over the years, making me fairly skeptical of this "movement".

  • @thisguy331
    @thisguy331 12 лет назад

    @DrCruel If you would do some actual research on what he's saying you might learn something. He criticizes these things in the way they're currently being done. Big business doesn't care much about the environment or using and getting resources in a sustainable way, they waste a lot and harm the environment. That's what he's criticizing and he wants us to do it in a more sustainable way. You can believe he's doing this for personal profit, but he's not. Look at his past you'll see.

  • @esaman
    @esaman 17 лет назад

    number of views is inversely proportional to the importance of a video.
    It makes me sad.

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 11 лет назад

    No you didn't . Your first comment was meant to silence this line of reasoning through ridicule. Subsequent comments from your quarter have been decidedly patronizing and insulting without making any specific criticisms. I can understand why - you really don't have any rational reason for disagreeing with any of my comments.
    None of the predictions of Marxism have come true. If you're interested in a true prophet, go to James Burnham and his "Managerial Revolution". Not that you are, of course.

  • @Psychentist
    @Psychentist 13 лет назад

    @DrCruel :
    Kook? Ok, Doc, write 50 books on why all the environmentalists are full of crap. Make sure everything you say in the books can be tested and verified, make sure all of your references are airtight, and then we will consider your opinion as equal to this "kook."

  • @robdeschutter
    @robdeschutter 14 лет назад

    Really, this guy look like a power-hungry manipulative dictator to you...?
    How about discrediting any of the statistics or analysis he makes through rational argument. That would be refreshing.