Sister Anderson, I love listening to you and your insight on the Scriptures. I’m confused at the quote you gave from President Abraham Lincoln you said in 1897? Wasn’t he assassinated in 1865? I’m sure the quote is right, but not sure about the date being right.
I will correct that! Thank you! In Pres Benson's speech, he included the citation where that Proclamation by Lincoln was given, a compilation published in 1897. I had the complete citation but jumped to the wrong date :). Thanks, again.
Bruce R. McConkie asked, "If the hearts of the Christians of the world were truly centered on the Bible, as they profess, would they not have an entirely different feeling toward the Jews? Did not Jesus say that 'salvation is of the Jews'? Uohn 4:22.) Was not Jesus a Jew, and did not the Bible come to us through Jewish hands? Can anyone truly believe and reverence the Bible without honoring and thanking the Jews?" (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 462-63).
Amen! Sister Anderson!!! You are a voice of reason in this insane world!!!
Thank you for this! 🙏
Not just the United States, but Utah also!
Sister Anderson, I love listening to you and your insight on the Scriptures. I’m confused at the quote you gave from President Abraham Lincoln you said in 1897? Wasn’t he assassinated in 1865? I’m sure the quote is right, but not sure about the date being right.
I will correct that! Thank you! In Pres Benson's speech, he included the citation where that Proclamation by Lincoln was given, a compilation published in 1897. I had the complete citation but jumped to the wrong date :). Thanks, again.
Bruce R. McConkie asked, "If the hearts of the Christians of the world were truly centered on the Bible, as they profess, would they not have an entirely different feeling toward the Jews? Did not Jesus say that 'salvation is of the Jews'? Uohn 4:22.) Was not Jesus a Jew, and did not the Bible come to us through Jewish hands? Can anyone truly believe and reverence the Bible without honoring and thanking the Jews?" (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, 462-63).