Deserved Legend: Browning Hi Power

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 365

  • @nutnfancy
    @nutnfancy  Год назад +29

    Thanks for coming out to the vid, please subscribe and hit the notification bell. This is where I post mostly b. this is where the audience has stayed. BTW this review would not exist without TNP Donors, please consider joining long term. I’m dumb how I operate it, I don’t even have TIER levels there; you can join for just $1 per creation (only 6 charged per month btw). TNP Patreon is where the action is!

    • @NDSMD
      @NDSMD Год назад +1

      Nutnfancy could be the new George Washington

    • @tommccormick9290
      @tommccormick9290 Год назад +2

      The reliability of mine wasn't spectacular but it fit my hand better and could hit with it more accurately than any of my other pistols.

    • @banditone00
      @banditone00 Год назад +2

      I have a 1970’s era HP that looks nearly identical to yours. The difference is mine has a different style of adjustable rear sight. My rear sight feels as though it’s made out of razor blades. I’ve cut my cover garments several times. I actually taped my slide up really good and used small files to just break the edges on the rear sight. I also had a cylinder and slide ambi safety installed. I removed my mag disconnect as well. Stoked with 15rd mec-gar mags and 16rds of 124gr gold dot I feel pretty well armed. Great vid, Nutn!

    • @VroomNBoom
      @VroomNBoom Год назад +1

      Could you possibly do a field/range comparison of the 25x45 sharps and the 6.8 spc I love your honesty and would love to know your thoughts on the 2 cartridges not the rifles now I know sharps is the only company I know that loads 25x45 sharps and they are the only company making rifles for it as well unfortunately and those are really the only cons I can think of but a pro to the 25x45 sharps for reloaders which I like to do is you can use 5.56/223 brass it's just slightly necked up to .257 so id be curious to see how they perform against each other

    • @bumpercoach
      @bumpercoach Год назад

      have you read the new JMB biography?
      very interesting added details from his mission
      and also the family tragedy in his final years
      along w/ way more cool details of the guns
      than the original must-have bio

  • @xmlDave9
    @xmlDave9 Год назад +66

    I loved my used Hi Power but after I put thousands of rounds through it, it started malfunctioning. Old guns need new springs and most gunsmiths today don't have them for Hi Powers. If you are having problems you might want to check out BH Spring Solutions. Mark probably knows more about Hi Powers than anyone in the US. New springs and a little tuning and my "OG wonder-9" runs great now.

    • @tommccormick9290
      @tommccormick9290 Год назад +6

      My first Hi Power I bought in 1981 would stovepipe with standard ammo. Had to remove a coil from the recoil spring to get it to work reliably.

    • @brucekaren6693
      @brucekaren6693 Год назад +8

      I got a brand new set of springs for my original Hi Power from Wilson. They had them in stock.

    • @xmlDave9
      @xmlDave9 Год назад +4

      great to know and have options ... Wilson is a high class outfit. @@brucekaren6693

    • @RequiemForYourDream940
      @RequiemForYourDream940 Год назад +2

      Mark Allen knows more about the browning HP than just about anyone in the world imo lol
      Highly knowledgeable, and you can buy anything you need for your BHP from his site.

    • @lbracknell
      @lbracknell Год назад +3

      Replacement springs from Wolff, Brownells, Browning, and others are available at Brownells and MidwayUSA.

  • @Theymond
    @Theymond 5 месяцев назад +4

    NUTNFANCY!!! I’m so glad you did this video. I have an all black BHP in .40 that my grandfather gave me
    When I was 21. Great handgun!!

  • @MichaelSmith-ls3rc
    @MichaelSmith-ls3rc Год назад +3

    Got mine from my brother in-law who sadly passed away. It's one of favs. One scratch on it same side as yours, mine goes down the frame. Its also a 1977 in 62,000 range. Thanks great video

  • @TacticalGirth
    @TacticalGirth Год назад +5

    Inherited my Hi-power after my dad passed. It was built in Belgium 🇧🇪 around 1983 and has the adjustable rear sights. It also has that hi polished blue finish as well.

  • @Lamp8799
    @Lamp8799 Год назад +5

    Been looking forward to a hi power review. Last year I got a Canadian one with the wood carry case stock and its so fun! A truly light PCC from ww2. You dont need ATF papers its exempt as a collectors item! God bless ya keep up the great videos.

  • @gar351
    @gar351 Год назад +3

    I remember when my Dad bought this handgun (looks exactly like this one your showing). When my dad passed away I got this gun as my own. Nothing could ever be better to me!

    @JEKIDD Год назад +3

    Damn, i was just about to go to bed. The Hi Power is my favorite pistol. Thanks for the video!

  • @jackmorrow427
    @jackmorrow427 Год назад +2

    I had one like the one reviewed. It rode in my shoulder holster during my service as a tank crewman. loved it very much !!!

  • @tylerdurden5945
    @tylerdurden5945 Месяц назад +2

    I have a belgian 1969 C series it's the same as a t series an absolute gem such a high quality piece makes me feel like a 70s new york mobster when I bust it out the safe

  • @dalenelson7161
    @dalenelson7161 6 месяцев назад +2

    My 1974 high power was sold to a friend and then repurchased ten years later it is by far my favorite gun.

  • @thehasidicjew5017
    @thehasidicjew5017 Год назад +1

    Just wanted to drop a comment to express my appreciation and gratitude to the nutnfancy project. Been a subscriber for several years and I’m very grateful that I can still watch this very underrated channel.

  • @shootsteel
    @shootsteel Год назад +3

    I carried a Hi Power in the mid 1970's in Rhodesia ... my favourite pistol. Flawless function. Sadly we can't have one in England anymore!

  • @pkonneker
    @pkonneker Год назад +3

    That really is a beautiful piece of history.

  • @richardricks5715
    @richardricks5715 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love my Hi-Powers. I have two... a 1965 and a 1967. Both T series.

  • @brianburns7211
    @brianburns7211 Год назад +3

    I totally share your sentiments about the Hi Power! About a year ago I inherited one from my late uncle. Unfortunately his health declined and it got a little rusty. There is some pitting on the slide after cleaning it up. With that said, it’s still still my favorite. The ergonomics are perfect. Today I brought it to the range. My wife had a blast with it!

  • @ReckerFidelWOLF
    @ReckerFidelWOLF Год назад +2

    The gun passes down to future generations. Turned 21 this year and I carry a SA35 on my waist everyday. The first 9mm handgun I was ever introduced to in this world through media and games was the Hi Power. My mother bought me a cap gun version when I was 8 and kept it for years until it broke when I was around 12. Said to myself it will be my first handgun and the Hi Power it was. Love the worlds first commercially successful double stacked 9mm. This was the Glock of my elders days.

  • @MechanicalMercenary
    @MechanicalMercenary Год назад +6

    Im going to dig mine out of the safe right now and may even remove the mag disconnector

  • @archimagirus_sancti
    @archimagirus_sancti Год назад +1

    My dad used to own a Belgian Hi-Power made in 1961. It was the first automatic pistol I ever fired and I loved that thing.

  • @paulnola-v2f
    @paulnola-v2f Год назад +4

    Family history - 1911, Hi-Power, CZ 75. Thanks Mr. Browning!

  • @troyspurling1910
    @troyspurling1910 Год назад +2

    I have one that was completely overhauled by Cylinder and Slide. Awesome!

  • @cbracken55
    @cbracken55 Год назад +3

    I have a Mark II Belgian made in matt black finish I bought around 1980 ish. Used it in competition and carried it some back then, I'll never give it up either. One of my biggest regrets is that I also had a nickel finished one I sold back in the 80's...because it was to pretty for a guy who just wanted shooters at the time!

    • @nutnfancy
      @nutnfancy  Год назад +2

      Wow you scored dude. I can relate to that selling regret. I've had with about 5 guns I've had. The Belgian one sounds sweet.

  • @brucekaren6693
    @brucekaren6693 Год назад +4

    Funny you would say how people hang on to them till they die. 30 years ago I sold an FN Hi Power to my best friend. I spent the next 29 years trying to buy it back. He’d just laugh and say I could have it when he was gone. Well, he passed last year and he left it to me.
    I put a gorgeous set of Kingwood grips on it and Trijicon tritium sights. Of course I kept all the original parts.
    I will never, ever sell it.

  • @proffesordickfacejr.4886
    @proffesordickfacejr.4886 Год назад +1

    My favorite Review channel man. Been since 08. 😉 love ya brother God Bless You and your Family

  • @davidnoble9474
    @davidnoble9474 Год назад +3

    I have a Springfield clone, SA-35 and love it.

  • @sulaco2122
    @sulaco2122 Год назад +4

    The Argentine contract HP's even though the finish was like dipped in a paint can, line for line clones of the Belgum guns and functionally the same. Refinished they made superb duty weapons, not near the price at least in the past...

  • @oldspicey6001
    @oldspicey6001 Год назад +4

    Please do a top 5 handguns in history no holds barred. Revolver, automatic, single shot don't matter what type, only five.

  • @GunsMakeMeBroker
    @GunsMakeMeBroker 4 месяца назад +2

    I've got one of the shoulder stock Hi powers. And you don't HAVE to papert the hi power as long as it is a C&R eligible and the stock is original and not a reproduction. DUDE I LOVE the stocked on my hi power. It is SUPER impractical, but fun!

  • @hdrvman
    @hdrvman Год назад +1

    Wow....I have the exact same gun....Belgium/Ogden high blue and adjustable sights circa very early '80's !!! Love it !!!

  • @bmstylee
    @bmstylee Год назад +2

    I am working on my collection of the classics. Sig P226, Browning High Power, Beretta 92, a whole bunch of CZ 75s.

  • @Lexicologist1971
    @Lexicologist1971 4 месяца назад +2

    My 1967 Hi Power has never malfunctioned.

  • @mudshark412
    @mudshark412 Год назад +3

    Never apologize for having a scratched or worn gun that only means that it is in the rotation of the guns that find their way out of the safe and not collecting dust as a museum piece

  • @RaiderCBR6.5
    @RaiderCBR6.5 Год назад +1

    Great, this is what I needed to make my day, to remind me of the T-model I had in near new condition that I traded a few years ago. I got a Colt 1911 XSE and a real nice AR for the Hi Power.

  • @99Racker
    @99Racker Год назад +1

    Nutn, thanks for the video. Years ago, I found and a bought an Inglis (sloted) Browning HP. And I had the mag safty removed. It is an alternate (and experienced) GTW pistol...I have many mags for it. It is a fun gun to shoot. I have only one HP but four other Browning's (1911s). I have considered one of the newer HP clones.

  • @m3coupe4me
    @m3coupe4me Год назад +1

    Always wanted the original. This was helpful.

  • @frankgublo2323
    @frankgublo2323 Год назад +1

    I was watching, and when you said home defense, I looked over at the nightstand and took a good look at my 1989 parkerized Hi-Power. It is my GTW. I love the thing.

    • @lawrencemarocco8197
      @lawrencemarocco8197 2 месяца назад

      After much consideration, I concluded my 1974 vintage HP was too valuable for home defense where it could be rusting in an evidence locker in case it was ever used for serious social work. Picked up a S&W SD9VE for that task. The HP is now a range-only piece.

  • @Dennisthemenace40
    @Dennisthemenace40 Год назад +2

    I was fortunate enough to happen upon a BHP in a local pawn shop about 20 years ago. It was a MK3 with the black epoxy finish. I picked it up for $500 with the original plastic case, both magazines and the owners manual. I don’t think it was ever fired based on its condition. It’s been completely reliable, even with low power handloads. It’s a great classic and it’s not going anywhere.

  • @donaldengel4128
    @donaldengel4128 Год назад +1

    I have an '84 Mark II that was my EDC for years. Although I stopped carrying it, I'll own it 'til I die... it's smooth as butter shooting. Almost feels like it spent 20 years sitting in bucket of oil when you shoot it, just silky smooth.

  • @jason60chev
    @jason60chev Год назад +1

    I love my Hi-Power. 1954 serialed. Shoots brass and steel cased ammo with no malfunctions.

  • @scottwilson1258
    @scottwilson1258 Год назад +1

    In 2018 I found a 1973 with target sights (2nd year w/target sights). It was in a sock drawer of an old man and his wife claimed (poss. never fired) and I jumped all Over It! Later that year they announced they were stopping Production. So happy I ever found this one!

  • @FutureTruth1
    @FutureTruth1 Год назад +2

    For sure!

  • @danielmatthews3420
    @danielmatthews3420 Год назад +1

    Thanks for sharing about such a great and beautiful handgun!

  • @scottwilson1258
    @scottwilson1258 Год назад

    1973C Here! 2nd year of Target sights and because of You I may Shoot this non-fired "Gorgeous"Pistol!

  • @bill-qv3er
    @bill-qv3er Год назад +1

    I have a Belgium 69C model in almost mint condition. It is my favorite handgun of al time !! I will never sell it. It is without a doubt one of the all time classics !!!!!!!!!!!

  • @propertypreparedness6846
    @propertypreparedness6846 Год назад +3

    You the man nutn. I don't care for these guns, but love the review.

  • @jasontorre3267
    @jasontorre3267 Год назад +2

    Hands down my favorite. All the ergonomics of the 1911, but the high capacity of a 9mm. I have 3 of them. One nazis marked, one FN made in the 90's and the last just like yours.

  • @SpydieFan
    @SpydieFan Год назад +1

    Love it, we need an sig P210 review next!

  • @legrande1980
    @legrande1980 Год назад +2

    Early 90s purchased a FEG P9R...the price was right, and it shot great but has just been sitting on the shelf for a couple of decades.

  • @superkjell
    @superkjell Год назад +1

    Mine is from late 1968 according to the serial number list online. It looks like it has been in several wars, though probably hasn't. And it goes bang every time.

  • @TacticalDoodle
    @TacticalDoodle Год назад +3

    Kinda sad to see that this never quite picked up the same level of fandom the 1911 did, despite its provenance. Everyreason in the world to be an utter fave in everybody's safe, but we forget about its lengthy resume abroad.

  • @FujiNumbers
    @FujiNumbers День назад

    fantastic video man.

  • @DB2A7
    @DB2A7 Год назад

    The finish on that is gorgeous.

  • @ettube8686
    @ettube8686 4 месяца назад +4

    The browning high power was the only autoloading pistol the pasted the military trials when the Beretta got the military contact and it didn't even pass from the documents I read

  • @elitesless1539
    @elitesless1539 Год назад +1

    Table top gloves are awesome! By far best value. I’ve got two. The black ones and those brown ones

  • @keithplymale2374
    @keithplymale2374 Год назад

    I have owned a Browning Hi Power Mk III since the mid 1990's and am very happy with it. Had the chance to fire a W W II Mk I at a range one time many years ago while the owner shot mine. We both agreed that both are fine pistols. The Hi Power has been used by so many counties that pistols are not called 'pistols' but are called 'Browning's' instead. When I bought my Hi Power it was the most expensive new hand gun I bought back then. If for some reason I had to sell my guns it would be the last one I sell.

  • @scottwilson1258
    @scottwilson1258 7 месяцев назад +1

    I lucked into one in 2018 right before the stoppage of production. a 1973 C with target sights All Original in Perfect Condition ,possibly never shot by it's Owner! So Lucky I had the $$ when I found it at a Gun Show! I was actually there to find a Friend a 1911 and saw this for me instead!

  • @mcburcke
    @mcburcke 2 месяца назад +4

    The P35 HP is quite simply the finest weapon John Browning ever designed, and it is still totally relevant to use. I hate polymer.

  • @brucekaren6693
    @brucekaren6693 Год назад +1

    I did replace the factory sights with a set of Trijicon tritium sights and put a set of beautiful Kingwood grips on it. When I had the springs replaced the gunsmith removed that stupid mag disconnect. Yes, I saved all the original parts. I really love the gun.

  • @sparkplug5481
    @sparkplug5481 11 месяцев назад +1

    I have the Girsan version , love it. Changed to checkered walnut grips

  • @JP1AO
    @JP1AO Год назад

    The first pistol I bought, and still my favorite to shoot. It fits my hand perfectly. 1979

  • @TheNecronacht
    @TheNecronacht Год назад +1

    I loved my HI Power I bought back in 88. Beautiful classic lines, always functioned great, more accurate than I could be with it. But I sold it in 96 due to my only issue with it, constant hammer bite and slide bite at times regardless of how I changed my grip. That being said, I wish I still had it now...

  • @ronldpruchnicki939
    @ronldpruchnicki939 Год назад

    Love my Browning high power. Also love my Browning BDA 380! Great video.

  • @Washoejim
    @Washoejim Месяц назад +1

    Sometimes it is better that some people don't know or understand the value of what they have.

  • @lenzielenski3276
    @lenzielenski3276 8 месяцев назад +2

    Nutnfancy, the Gene Simmons of the firearms industry.
    Haven't watched a video in over 10 years. Now I remember why.

  • @birdsoup777
    @birdsoup777 Год назад

    2 of my Favorite WW 2 planes. I was 12 in 86. My Dad took me shooting with my new Browning Winchester .22. He let m try 1/1 shots in his Browning HP. I remember him saying it was made in Belgium. I had no idea they made guns but i was 12. I did know my favorite WW 2 movies took place there

  • @robviousobviously5757
    @robviousobviously5757 Год назад +2

    lol.. mine is from 1976... was my late father's... and NOT FOR SALE.. dad carried it and used it in IPSC in the last century...

  • @mhsvz6735
    @mhsvz6735 Год назад +1

    Awesome, thanks!

  • @srvanddt1
    @srvanddt1 Год назад +2

    Also, Browning painted the back side of the grips red so they would prevent moisture of the wood grips.

  • @davidderler5924
    @davidderler5924 Год назад +2

    I have a mark 3 I bought new before being discontinued. It's all stock and original. On duty for home defense as I write this.

  • @henningvisser1108
    @henningvisser1108 8 месяцев назад +2

    Best pistol ever. Bought mine 41 years ago and was mainly used for target shooting.
    Currently it is sitting in my gun safe as a "collectible".
    Our gun laws in South Africa is so ridiculous, if you shoot yourself in the foot, you're going to jail.

  • @barrywuthrich8530
    @barrywuthrich8530 Год назад +2

    I bought a clone in the 90's built by a company that bought Browning's used equipment when they retooled. It cost me about $250 new. All the parts are interchangeable. Once I removed the magazine disconnect, the crappy trigger went away and it shoots very smoothly now. I am using a ComfortTac holster, but I would like to find another that is comfortable. It's too big for IWB in my opinion.

  • @darthmartinez
    @darthmartinez Год назад +2

    The Canadian Inglis made Hi Power with the Wooden shoulder stock has always been one of the guns I wanted to buy. From what I know, WW2 shoulder stocked pistols do not fall under NFA rules.

  • @MourningConstitution
    @MourningConstitution Год назад +1


  • @Lochlann13
    @Lochlann13 Год назад +2

    Those of us who have been here awhile know all too well that the intro was filmed in the bunker using the infamous megaphone

  • @MyFlexinIsAProblem
    @MyFlexinIsAProblem Год назад +1

    Ever since i learned about the Hipower I wanted one. Might have to settle for the Girsan copy. Looking forward to that review!
    I agree that FN was stupid to “update” the hipower. Dudes want the original design.

  • @weduhpeople8504
    @weduhpeople8504 Год назад

    Thanks for reminding me to have this on my short list. It really reminds me of the CZ 75

  • @darreldwalton8763
    @darreldwalton8763 Год назад

    Got my first one in 1974 while first term USAF enlisted in Montana doing maintenance on the ICBM fleet. We were issued S&W m15's and M16A1s for security . The HiPower and two spare mags were pretty much always somewhere clandestinely on my person or in my kit, with NATO ammo in case I got caught. Never did. After I got out, and did a free fall into Jimmy Carter's economy with a fourthkid on the way, most of my guns went away just to survive till Ronnie got elected. Last year, I found that first pistols twin, a 1972 production piece with adjustable sights, rug, literature, original bill of sale, and half a box of ammo. Now I can put my nearly worn out FN into semi retirement.

  • @blainecolbry3192
    @blainecolbry3192 Год назад +1

    My covet gun. Nice piece.

  • @silverboomerang
    @silverboomerang Год назад

    What a glorious blaster.

  • @TheGunNurse
    @TheGunNurse Год назад +2

    Had a T series Belgian FN hi power. Enjoyed it very much, but I guess I’ll just always be a 1911 man, because I sold it as quickly as I could. Love the lines, like the design, but I prefer the 1911.

  • @crewgadjy
    @crewgadjy Год назад +3

    Ian Fleming gave Bond a Beretta .25 Model 418, because he was a writer not an armourer. It had the scales removed and the butt tape instead to make it more concealable. After reading the first book, Casino Royale, an English Gun writer named Major Geoffrey Boothroyd ( who later became the inspiration for the character Q ) wrote to him advising him that the 418 was a Lady's Gun. He went on to recommend Bond should carry a .38 revolver with a cutaway trigger guard like he did. This gun was later featured on the cover of From Russia with Love. However as this was considered to bulky to carry under bonds tailored clothes, the PPK was suggested as a compromise. A not unrealistic one at that as both the SAS and MI6 had been know to carry them. So the Browning a far better gun to be in a fight with would have been way too big.

    • @Sandblstr
      @Sandblstr Год назад +1

      I did notice in No Time to Die, Craig's Bond in his retirement in Jamaica uses the Hi Power as his home defense pistol.

  • @jddrafts
    @jddrafts Год назад +1

    I might have bought a pair of Herstal made Mark threes surplus out of Israel in 2020 for 500 a piece. Allegedly. Love them.

  • @Ghostrider-71
    @Ghostrider-71 Год назад

    Loving mine. Swapped it for an old Ruger P89.

  • @kenkawahara586
    @kenkawahara586 4 месяца назад +1

    I had a 1972 browning and. No issues which I purchased brand new

    • @thelonglife5772
      @thelonglife5772 Месяц назад

      I just found a ‘72 , my birth year. This is not a normal Hi Power … elegant

  • @Jeremyho439
    @Jeremyho439 9 месяцев назад +1

    I only saw 2 used Browning the last 30 years, including mine.

  • @lonewanderer3603
    @lonewanderer3603 Год назад +1

    I've already seen quite a few used SA35 at my local store. Makes me wonder why those people got rid of them so soon. I'd really like to have one.

  • @joeyphillips1181
    @joeyphillips1181 Год назад +2

    Im more of a CZ 75 guy but I have given thought to picking up one of the new hi power clones

  • @TheBertieW
    @TheBertieW 2 месяца назад +1

    Carried one during my army service. Afterwards owned an Inglis with stock and tangent rear sight. Never should have sold it.

  • @marshalllapenta7656
    @marshalllapenta7656 7 месяцев назад +1

    Loved from both sides!
    Just comfortable to shoot even for the first time!
    Any country still uses it?

  • @azmaddog6
    @azmaddog6 Год назад +2

    My Hi-Power [P35] has all FN markings (not Browning). Bought new 40 years ago.

  • @littleteethkeith
    @littleteethkeith Год назад +1

    I bought a SA35. I love it. The trigger reset is a little soft but other than that I love the gun. Not to heavy and not to light. The weight of the gun to the recoil of 115 grain 9mm is perfect.

    • @JamesMiller-q9w
      @JamesMiller-q9w Год назад

      Love mine too. Thank you Springfield.

    • @zacharymccants77
      @zacharymccants77 9 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve been considering trading/selling my Beretta 92 for one. Do you think it would be a good trade?

  • @thelonglife5772
    @thelonglife5772 Месяц назад +1

    I found a ‘72 …. $700 in perfect shape . Good Karma . These are on a different level.

  • @suzettespencer
    @suzettespencer Год назад +2

    007 did use the BHP, several times in the John Gardner series starting with License Renewed. In the movie No Time To Die, you see him cocking the hammer of one while in his Jamaican home. It probably was a hair too large for undercover work.

  • @jackbauer9077
    @jackbauer9077 Год назад

    I love the high power. I got two that are beautiful had to get a second one to add night sights and use for a carry piece and one for safe queen/range toy.

  • @EDC_Bond
    @EDC_Bond Год назад +2

    Fleming didn’t know much about firearms, Bond carried a Beretta 418 in the first 5 novels and it only changed because a reader (who did know about guns) wrote and suggested he move up to a S&W .38 centennial, or a PPK.
    In the movies, Daniel Craig used a Hi-Power briefly in Casino Royale and No Time to Die.

  • @edwinchandeck7231
    @edwinchandeck7231 Год назад +1

    I had one, Belgium made MKII. For some reason never connected to it like the 1911. That was love at first shot. I ended selling it, replaced by a SA 1911 loaded and never looked back. Any way I'm planning to get a SA35 one of these days just because it improves everything I didn't like in the original one.

  • @ettube8686
    @ettube8686 Год назад +2

    Girson has a light wt mcp35 pi just released 3.88 barrel

  • @willemtecumseh2019
    @willemtecumseh2019 Год назад +5

    When my wife got an engagement ring...I got an engagement Hi Power.

  • @Charsept
    @Charsept Год назад +3

    The classic 👌

  • @paulscountry456
    @paulscountry456 Год назад +1

    Quality is strong on those. .