Thanks for coming out to the video! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE AND THE B CHANNEL ( This review of course is thanks to my donors who make this expensive process possible, fully independent reviews: Paying members there get the full flow and directly support my process. You can also donate to the TNP independence with PayPal also, above. Enjoy this long term Nutnfancy content!
FYI: There are aftermarket gripframes that can be fitted to the SAA pattern revolvers to fit larger / smaller hand sizes. The fitting process is a whole artform in itself.
Nutn, I started watching your channel 12 years ago after growing up a country boy in California. You pointed me in the right direction from model 94 Winchester's and your reviews / worldview videos such as concealed carry had a big impact on my outcome as an adult and as a registered nurse serving and protecting others. Cheers from behind enemy lines!
Be sure to get out and vote Republican. Yes, even in California. Because even if Trump doesn't win the State, your Republican vote in California could help win one more seat in the US House of Representatives for the Republicans. Plus, voting for Trump even in California could result in him also winning the national popular vote and putting to bed this stupid argument by the Democrats that the electoral college should be abolished.
I had the whole set of THE OLD WEST growing up as a boy. They were in the basement when we had a flood and the worst happened. Thankfully, my parents saw how interested I was long ago; and they bought an entire extra set without my knowledge. I highly encourage everyone to buy them. They are very affordable on the used market and are totally worth the read. Great books.
I was very close to purchasing this very gun, but I decided to go with a Cimmarron 1851 Navy "Man With No Name." TGTBATU is one of my favorite films and Westerns in general, I couldn't resist. Either way, they're beautiful guns! Edit: I ended up buying both, I found an insane deal on an Uberti 1873 7.5" with the nickel plating. My credit card is not happy.
I have inherited my warrior grandfather’s Colt Frontier revolver in .44-40 he purchased for service in WW1. Colt Mfg. used to keep purchase records for all their sales by serial # back in the day. Great review
Like you, I am fascinated by the Old West period of our American history. I have a copy of the 1858 Remington New Army (mine is made by Pietta) which was/is a black powder pistol but I bought a 45 Colt conversion cylinder for it and can shoot 45 Colt centerfire ammo. Only cartridges with all lead bullets though (no jacketed bullets) as this pistol was meant for lead black powder ball rounds only...but so fun to shoot!
I have the Taylor’s “Runnin Iron” Taylor tuned in Stainless. Nice gun. In the last 40 years or so, of western film history Uberti has been the dominate brand used for props.
Love ya Nut'in. Been watching for a decade. I'm glad you aren't a Paul Ryan style Republican anymore. Your reviews are the best on RUclips. Why are comments turned off on the R50 video?
You hit the nail on the head! Last week I purchased the 1873 gunfighter from my local gun store in 45 colt. Soooo tired of looking at modern polymers. Yes they are amazing but no soul.
I went with the Devil Anse - dark blued with black walnut grips. In 45 long Colt, super fun to shoot (aside from the cloud of toxic smoke). And the frame screws don’t back out like they do on most basic Ubertis.
I know it’s way more expensive, but I think you have to go with a 45 Colt version in an old west revolver. Taylor’s is the best of the Uberti type affordable SAAs, in my experience.
I could talk for hours about these guns! In regards to Taylors, they are made by Uberti and Pietta. Pietta made ones are the ones you want. Great firearms! SSA have many of their own quirks. Take your time and do the research before buying. Pietta is my 2 cent suggestion. Cimmerian and Taylor both sell SSAs made by Pietta. Learn the numbers as they also use Uberti. Do research, they are so much fun!
More revolver content lets goooooooo. On the off chance anyone actually reads this comment: be aware that many of these SAA clones with the firing pin on the hammer will peen the firing pin hole over time which will cause a cartridge to bind up on the firing pin hole. You'll have issues with the cylinder not turning and on inspection you'll find a burr around the firing pin hole, this rubs on the cartridge and hangs up the cylinder. Use a file or stone to periodically reduce the burr and you'll maintain a fun piece.
I always figured this was a "lawyer" change that was made but the peening never occurred to me. I guess the hammer nose was just the most logical solution in 1873, transfer bars or enclosed firing pins were not doable at that point
There are a number of guns that have a soul of their own. I first heard you mention that with your series of reviews on the M1 Garand. That had an impact on my pea brain. You can say this about old school guns. Not too sure about new models. My old Winchesters and Marlin rifles fall into this category. I have an Uberti SAA in 45 Colt. Great gun. I had an old Colt revolver chambered in 38 Short Colt. It was stolen from me when I was in College. Love these reviews
Nutn is on point about buying your cowboy guns in .38/.357 so you can actually shoot them. Btw huge shout-out for handloading, especially if you like shooting centerfire wheelguns. Even today you can shoot .38 Spl handloads for less than factory bulk 9mm. And revolvers cater to the handloading experience - they deposit the fired brass right in your palm, they don’t beat it up, and they’ll feed any whacked out bullet design you want to try.
LOVE it! Great video of a great pistol! One note, and i may be all wet on this, but i think the firing pin looks replaceable with that pin running laterally through the hammer, perpendicular to the firing pin, when in fact there is a hidden mechanism that allows the firing pin to completely extend out of the hammer only when the trigger is pulled all the way back. If this is the case, this feature allows the shooter to load all six chambers and carry it safely. No "hammer resting on an empty chamber" requirement. Purists will usually delete this safety mechanism, but i think it's ingenious. LOVE your content Nut'n!
I bought a Uberti SAA clone from Cabela's gun library barely used (I think it was a display model) for $350 in 357. So much fun I agree 357 is the more practical round, but I think a lot of guys want 45 to be closer to original, which I think is why the 357 variants end up being cheaper. It's the most accurate gun I have. I can shoot single ragged hole groups with it. Probably would never take it deer hunting, but I could be persuaded
I've bought so many things after watching your vids. As a throwback example, I still own the Gerber Harsey Air Ranger. With that being said, this type of pistol just isn't my cup of tea. Keep up the good work though. I'll keep watching.
95% off all 1873 SAs at Taylors are base Uberti Cattleman. I have the Gunfighter Defender 4.75" .45Lc Tuned. I reload for it and the Henry Big boy 45LC. Shoots all non Ruger standard loads. What I liked about this particular model was the non traditional grip. Taylors put on a Colt 1860 grip instead of the more historically correct 1851 Navy grip so it fits the hand much better. This piece is fun to shoot for sure.
Love my Uberti Cattleman in 44WCF. Fun with black and smokeless, cheap to shoot, easy to reload for. Accurate enough for some overregional bullseye matches when I still did them. And just so pretty. ;-)
Single actions are just plain fun. I have an old Vaquero from when they were made on the Blackhawk frame, in .44 Magnum with a 7.5 inch barrel. Absolute pussycat with .44 Special, serious firepower with magnum cartridges. It's mostly a recreational piece, but it has gone afield with me when hunting in bear territory. It's a nice break from my modern stuff and helps remind me how much fun shooting is. I have dabbled a bit in the skillset which is also a lot of fun. Oh, and I am young Gen X. Quite a few younger guys I have run into appreciate a historical piece.
Dude I edc a Ruger vaquero 45 colt 4 inch… for extra ammo I carry a full leather belt pouch on my off side. Three boxes in the pouch and 6 in the gun. Love it…
I had a Ruger Vaquero in 40 S&W, polished stainless and the 4 5/8” barrel. Picked it up for under $400 at a local pawn shop. It was a special run to commentate the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department 150 year anniversary. The single action was a call back to their first sidearm and being a 40 S&W was a tie to the sidearm they carried at the time. It wasn’t any different from a regular production gun but knowing what it represented made it very special in my eyes. My son also thought it was cool. Now he has it, oh well. At least I still have my Super Blackhawk 💪😎
Recently bought a stainless ruger new vaquero 4 3/4 barrel in .357 it is a gateway I intend to get a case hardened ( probably) Taylor maybe in .45 very cool guns, gets looks at the range great change of pace from the autos
In 1915, Lieutenant Patton was assigned to border patrol duty with A Troop of the 8th Cavalry, based in Sierra Blanca. During his time in the town, Patton took to wearing his M1911 Colt .45 in his belt rather than a holster. His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloon, so he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver, a weapon that would later become an icon of Patton's image.
The reason for photographing the dead so often is the camera technology at the time. You had to sit perfectly still for a very long time. Not sure if it's hours but it was at least like 20 minutes That means there's really no point in attempting to get pictures of children or hands but when someone dies, they can get the most accurate portrait possible since they can't move at all.
My grandmother gave my grandfather's nickel Colts to a local sheriff in the 20s, because she was afraid of them, my grandfather traveled out west, and met Buffalo Bill,and went to most of his shows! And we are also related to Mysterious Dave Mather, the law man, outlaw in Dodge city, and Las Vegas Nevada!
My grandmother did the same with my grandfather's police service pistols and associated police things. My aunt went through hell to get the guns back (New York) but the police wouldn't give back the holsters, Billy club, shoulder rig, shield, etc. She was kind enough to gift me one of his revolvers. I'm sure that sheriff and his family appreciated your grandmother's gift to them. 😡 I know the NY police all picked and kept the things from my grandfather's belongings. All in the name of "safety" of course. Scumbags.
Used to own a New Vaquero, nice piece, but it was 45 LC and I couldn't afford to shoot it much. I would like 357 mag version, maybe 2 actually, case hardened.
Nutnfancy, I have a question. 10:30 & 38:54 I thought you sold your Single Six over 1 year ago. Did you buy that gun back from the person you sold it to?
While I generally wouldn’t recommend them, I would say SA revolvers have value as a self defense weapon for people with little to no hand strength; I’ve run into enough older folks or people with severe arthritis that can’t rack a pistol slide and can’t pull a DA revolver trigger (or if they can, they need multiple fingers to do it). A 3-4.75 inch barreled SA revolver is at least a viable option for those folks since they’ll at least be able to safely cock and fire it without significant difficulty.
I got a 4.25" stainless 2020 Python last year because I caught the revolver bug. I really don't like anything about it a year later. The trigger just frankly sucks and I'm too paranoid to dry fire it. 38s are so absolutely boring out of a large frame revolver. I got a 1971 model 37 J Frame a couple weeks afterwards and I love that gun way more. The size and weight advantages of the J is where all the cons of using a revolver even out and it becomes worth it. I feel completely satisfied shooting 25 rounds out of my J frame while the python can chew through 100 magnums and I still don't feel like I'm making any real improvement.
I enjoy carrying a 357 wheel gun in sa/da as a EDC. I'm just not sure if I can EDC in SA only. I also prefer using moonclips, and the SA would be determential for me.
Nothing like western movies involving exchanges of gunfire with single actions. "Open Range" is the best in my opinion, but "Shane" is a good one too. Modern gunfight movies where "gangstas" are capping off rounds with twin Glocks, just don't have as much of an emotional connection with me.
I have the W W II, Vietnam and this series from Time/Life. My mom got them as they came out because of my interest in history for as long as I can remember. Does 9.7K views as of 2 days latter count? I have a first series Ruger Vaquero I bought in .44 magnum with 7.5 inch barrel. If I ever get another one I would also get 7.5 inch barrel because the 1873 was originally issued ti the US Cavalry in that length.
the "trophy" pics of killed outlaws does seem a bit morbid; however, evil fears only death. Hopefully, young people would see things like that and decide to never try to commit heinous crimes.
I bought a Uberti Cattleman. In the first year the hammer broke, then the ejector lever broke. It also hits 4 feet to the bottom right at 25 yards. Not happy with it.
I don't think this video got uploaded properly. I just happened to notice it in the playlist section, but can't find it anywhere else. I'm guessing Nutn accidentally listed it wrong, explaining the extremely lower than usual view count.
@jtaylorb88 Now I see it in the normal feed saying it just posted 14 minutes ago. I watched and made my original comment 9 days ago. Must have been some weird release setup.
I hate the YT algorithm and how it hides NF's video content, even the non-firearm content you have to manually search even with notifications on and there is just no reason for that!
Of course this could be a home defense gun. Imagine a burglar facing a nickel plated peacemaker being held by a dude wearing an old west gunbelt and tighty whities.
Im 32 years old when trekking in the mountains deep woods i carry a single action i don't need fast loading when my opponent is going to be a single animal more sealed from weather to swing out cyclinders
Thanks for coming out to the video! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE AND THE B CHANNEL ( This review of course is thanks to my donors who make this expensive process possible, fully independent reviews: Paying members there get the full flow and directly support my process. You can also donate to the TNP independence with PayPal also, above. Enjoy this long term Nutnfancy content!
Outlaw of Josey Wales was I think his best movie he produced, but of course his spaghetti westerns and Dirty Harry series.
FYI: There are aftermarket gripframes that can be fitted to the SAA pattern revolvers to fit larger / smaller hand sizes. The fitting process is a whole artform in itself.
Nutn, I started watching your channel 12 years ago after growing up a country boy in California. You pointed me in the right direction from model 94 Winchester's and your reviews / worldview videos such as concealed carry had a big impact on my outcome as an adult and as a registered nurse serving and protecting others. Cheers from behind enemy lines!
Oh yeah? I have been watching for 15yrs. So get to the back of the line.
Once ago
Hawes Firearms Company
Los Angeles California
Were The sole importers
the J.P. Sauer & Sohn SAA clones
The Cali didn’t always suck
Be sure to get out and vote Republican. Yes, even in California.
Because even if Trump doesn't win the State, your Republican vote in California could help win one more seat in the US House of Representatives for the Republicans.
Plus, voting for Trump even in California could result in him also winning the national popular vote and putting to bed this stupid argument by the Democrats that the electoral college should be abolished.
I had the whole set of THE OLD WEST growing up as a boy. They were in the basement when we had a flood and the worst happened. Thankfully, my parents saw how interested I was long ago; and they bought an entire extra set without my knowledge.
I highly encourage everyone to buy them. They are very affordable on the used market and are totally worth the read. Great books.
The display box with the old playing cards is such an awesome idea, so cool.
I was very close to purchasing this very gun, but I decided to go with a Cimmarron 1851 Navy "Man With No Name." TGTBATU is one of my favorite films and Westerns in general, I couldn't resist. Either way, they're beautiful guns!
Edit: I ended up buying both, I found an insane deal on an Uberti 1873 7.5" with the nickel plating. My credit card is not happy.
I love the old west! I love these SA revolvers! Hits my nostalgia for the old west and different times! Thanks Nutn!
I was already back and forth on popcorn before watching the video. The intro comments were a sign.
I have inherited my warrior grandfather’s Colt Frontier revolver in .44-40 he purchased for service in WW1. Colt Mfg. used to keep purchase records for all their sales by serial # back in the day. Great review
I LOVE my Taylor's and Company SAA. I'd never shot and old school revolver before, I was STUNNED by the accuracy and low recoil and just. So smooth.
We LOVE old west guns!!!
i love the looks of the Remington myself, that wing just makes it look so cool to me.
Thanks for another great review! What a cool part of history and it’s something I’ve always wanted.
Your channel is absolutely awesome I don't know why it doesn't come up in my feed enough ,!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Thank you for being you nutn! Keep up the hard work because we need you in this community.
Like you, I am fascinated by the Old West period of our American history. I have a copy of the 1858 Remington New Army (mine is made by Pietta) which was/is a black powder pistol but I bought a 45 Colt conversion cylinder for it and can shoot 45 Colt centerfire ammo. Only cartridges with all lead bullets though (no jacketed bullets) as this pistol was meant for lead black powder ball rounds only...but so fun to shoot!
Love the old west stuff
I have the Taylor’s “Runnin Iron” Taylor tuned in Stainless. Nice gun.
In the last 40 years or so, of western film history Uberti has been the dominate brand used for props.
Single actions are my guilty pleasure.
I haven't even watched this one yet and I know it's going to be one of my favorite vids. Love the 19th Centrury Tactical!
Love ya Nut'in. Been watching for a decade. I'm glad you aren't a Paul Ryan style Republican anymore. Your reviews are the best on RUclips. Why are comments turned off on the R50 video?
Got a Taylor Gunfighter some years ago in .45 4 3/4" and Taylors action job. Great shooter, highly accurate & FUN
You hit the nail on the head! Last week I purchased the 1873 gunfighter from my local gun store in 45 colt. Soooo tired of looking at modern polymers. Yes they are amazing but no soul.
Great video. Thank you Sir. Cimmaron does similar pieces.
Wow!! The old Time Life old west books. That brings back so many memories.
Revolvers are second kind of cool for me. Love it
I went with the Devil Anse - dark blued with black walnut grips. In 45 long Colt, super fun to shoot (aside from the cloud of toxic smoke). And the frame screws don’t back out like they do on most basic Ubertis.
I know it’s way more expensive, but I think you have to go with a 45 Colt version in an old west revolver. Taylor’s is the best of the Uberti type affordable SAAs, in my experience.
My late father had those series of history books. I remember the issue with old photos of logging redwoods in the 1800s. Neat stuff.
I would see old western movies and tv shows all the time when I went to visit my grandma growing up. Single action cowboy guns just resonate with me.
Get a Ruger Blackhawk.
Thanks for the great review Nutn! I have a Ruger VacarroI absolutely love would never part with it. The price point is well worth the money!😊
Love Cowboy guns! I got 3 1873 Clones all with 5.5" barrels.
I could talk for hours about these guns! In regards to Taylors, they are made by Uberti and Pietta. Pietta made ones are the ones you want. Great firearms! SSA have many of their own quirks. Take your time and do the research before buying. Pietta is my 2 cent suggestion. Cimmerian and Taylor both sell SSAs made by Pietta. Learn the numbers as they also use Uberti. Do research, they are so much fun!
I carry my Taylor Gunfighter in an El Paso Leather Duke rig, perfect!
More revolver content lets goooooooo. On the off chance anyone actually reads this comment: be aware that many of these SAA clones with the firing pin on the hammer will peen the firing pin hole over time which will cause a cartridge to bind up on the firing pin hole. You'll have issues with the cylinder not turning and on inspection you'll find a burr around the firing pin hole, this rubs on the cartridge and hangs up the cylinder. Use a file or stone to periodically reduce the burr and you'll maintain a fun piece.
I always figured this was a "lawyer" change that was made but the peening never occurred to me. I guess the hammer nose was just the most logical solution in 1873, transfer bars or enclosed firing pins were not doable at that point
Absolutely love this stuff keep it coming
Would love to see you shooting some black powder revolver pistols
There a lot of fun
I absolutely love my Taylor and company in 357 mag. It's so stupid accurate it's unbelievable.
There are a number of guns that have a soul of their own. I first heard you mention that with your series of reviews on the M1 Garand. That had an impact on my pea brain. You can say this about old school guns. Not too sure about new models. My old Winchesters and Marlin rifles fall into this category. I have an Uberti SAA in 45 Colt. Great gun. I had an old Colt revolver chambered in 38 Short Colt. It was stolen from me when I was in College. Love these reviews
I have that book set! SOO good! Well done Nutn!
Nutn is on point about buying your cowboy guns in .38/.357 so you can actually shoot them.
Btw huge shout-out for handloading, especially if you like shooting centerfire wheelguns. Even today you can shoot .38 Spl handloads for less than factory bulk 9mm. And revolvers cater to the handloading experience - they deposit the fired brass right in your palm, they don’t beat it up, and they’ll feed any whacked out bullet design you want to try.
LOVE it! Great video of a great pistol! One note, and i may be all wet on this, but i think the firing pin looks replaceable with that pin running laterally through the hammer, perpendicular to the firing pin, when in fact there is a hidden mechanism that allows the firing pin to completely extend out of the hammer only when the trigger is pulled all the way back. If this is the case, this feature allows the shooter to load all six chambers and carry it safely. No "hammer resting on an empty chamber" requirement. Purists will usually delete this safety mechanism, but i think it's ingenious. LOVE your content Nut'n!
Nice. Definitely want one of them. Just so cool
I bought a Uberti SAA clone from Cabela's gun library barely used (I think it was a display model) for $350 in 357. So much fun I agree 357 is the more practical round, but I think a lot of guys want 45 to be closer to original, which I think is why the 357 variants end up being cheaper. It's the most accurate gun I have. I can shoot single ragged hole groups with it. Probably would never take it deer hunting, but I could be persuaded
Thanks for making this video
Howdy Nutn, thank you very much for posting this awesome video, greetings from The Netherlands.
I've bought so many things after watching your vids. As a throwback example, I still own the Gerber Harsey Air Ranger. With that being said, this type of pistol just isn't my cup of tea. Keep up the good work though. I'll keep watching.
Really interesting video. You will sell quite a few of these. Going to grab my Single Six and head outside👍
95% off all 1873 SAs at Taylors are base Uberti Cattleman. I have the Gunfighter Defender 4.75" .45Lc Tuned. I reload for it and the Henry Big boy 45LC. Shoots all non Ruger standard loads. What I liked about this particular model was the non traditional grip. Taylors put on a Colt 1860 grip instead of the more historically correct 1851 Navy grip so it fits the hand much better. This piece is fun to shoot for sure.
Love my Uberti Cattleman in 44WCF. Fun with black and smokeless, cheap to shoot, easy to reload for. Accurate enough for some overregional bullseye matches when I still did them. And just so pretty. ;-)
I wish TD was here for this video! I'd get the Ruger. Great video Nutn, thanks.
I used to sit and dream about being a cowboy/gunfighter while looking at that book when I was a kid. I had to have an 1851 Navy because of this book.
Single actions are just plain fun. I have an old Vaquero from when they were made on the Blackhawk frame, in .44 Magnum with a 7.5 inch barrel. Absolute pussycat with .44 Special, serious firepower with magnum cartridges. It's mostly a recreational piece, but it has gone afield with me when hunting in bear territory. It's a nice break from my modern stuff and helps remind me how much fun shooting is. I have dabbled a bit in the skillset which is also a lot of fun. Oh, and I am young Gen X. Quite a few younger guys I have run into appreciate a historical piece.
Very nice. I love it.
Dude I edc a Ruger vaquero 45 colt 4 inch… for extra ammo I carry a full leather belt pouch on my off side. Three boxes in the pouch and 6 in the gun. Love it…
They're all my favorite GRV! As a suggestion, you could review the new Taurus Deputy as a competitive option for this.
I had a Ruger Vaquero in 40 S&W, polished stainless and the 4 5/8” barrel. Picked it up for under $400 at a local pawn shop. It was a special run to commentate the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department 150 year anniversary. The single action was a call back to their first sidearm and being a 40 S&W was a tie to the sidearm they carried at the time. It wasn’t any different from a regular production gun but knowing what it represented made it very special in my eyes. My son also thought it was cool. Now he has it, oh well. At least I still have my Super Blackhawk 💪😎
Recently bought a stainless ruger new vaquero 4 3/4 barrel in .357 it is a gateway I intend to get a case hardened ( probably) Taylor maybe in .45 very cool guns, gets looks at the range great change of pace from the autos
The SSA is a great way to spread out an slow down a day at the range. Pegs the Fun Factor for anyone.
I love my 5" schofield revolver if I'm ever up in Utah I will bring it so you can play with it lol
Taylor sells direct, sometimes as scratch n dent models. Usually a nick on the stocks or finish marr, nice discount applied.
At 30:00... you been the dork your entire life, and you show up with TNC SAA... pretty funny stuff
Give us another 1887 review Taylor’s makes one!
In 1915, Lieutenant Patton was assigned to border patrol duty with A Troop of the 8th Cavalry, based in Sierra Blanca. During his time in the town, Patton took to wearing his M1911 Colt .45 in his belt rather than a holster. His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloon, so he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver, a weapon that would later become an icon of Patton's image.
He used it to success in battle
@@Clevelandsteamer324 I believe Patton had said he killed three mexicans in The Pancho Villa Expedition
I Wore this album out trying to play stuarts beats Didnt know then that they had echo on some of those parts!
Super cool. It's not as authentic, but I enjoy my Ruger Blackhawk. It came with two cylinders: .357 and 9x19.
I’ve been thinking of getting an colt bisley reproduction for a few years
The reason for photographing the dead so often is the camera technology at the time. You had to sit perfectly still for a very long time. Not sure if it's hours but it was at least like 20 minutes That means there's really no point in attempting to get pictures of children or hands but when someone dies, they can get the most accurate portrait possible since they can't move at all.
My grandmother gave my grandfather's nickel Colts to a local sheriff in the 20s, because she was afraid of them, my grandfather traveled out west, and met Buffalo Bill,and went to most of his shows! And we are also related to Mysterious Dave Mather, the law man, outlaw in Dodge city, and Las Vegas Nevada!
My grandmother did the same with my grandfather's police service pistols and associated police things. My aunt went through hell to get the guns back (New York) but the police wouldn't give back the holsters, Billy club, shoulder rig, shield, etc. She was kind enough to gift me one of his revolvers. I'm sure that sheriff and his family appreciated your grandmother's gift to them. 😡 I know the NY police all picked and kept the things from my grandfather's belongings. All in the name of "safety" of course. Scumbags.
Used to own a New Vaquero, nice piece, but it was 45 LC and I couldn't afford to shoot it much. I would like 357 mag version, maybe 2 actually, case hardened.
Nutnfancy, I have a question. 10:30 & 38:54
I thought you sold your Single Six over 1 year ago. Did you buy that gun back from the person you sold it to?
While I generally wouldn’t recommend them, I would say SA revolvers have value as a self defense weapon for people with little to no hand strength; I’ve run into enough older folks or people with severe arthritis that can’t rack a pistol slide and can’t pull a DA revolver trigger (or if they can, they need multiple fingers to do it). A 3-4.75 inch barreled SA revolver is at least a viable option for those folks since they’ll at least be able to safely cock and fire it without significant difficulty.
As well as being used by the outlaw josey wales, I’m pretty sure one of the guns of navarone was a colt saa .
uhhhh, awesome. yes.
Review the Great Western II from Pietta. You should get a GWII and convert it to a race gun.
I got a 4.25" stainless 2020 Python last year because I caught the revolver bug. I really don't like anything about it a year later. The trigger just frankly sucks and I'm too paranoid to dry fire it. 38s are so absolutely boring out of a large frame revolver. I got a 1971 model 37 J Frame a couple weeks afterwards and I love that gun way more. The size and weight advantages of the J is where all the cons of using a revolver even out and it becomes worth it. I feel completely satisfied shooting 25 rounds out of my J frame while the python can chew through 100 magnums and I still don't feel like I'm making any real improvement.
Thanks nutn
Very nice. Does anyone know if you can use the "ruger only ammo" in any of their 45? That would be awesome but I found nothing
I enjoy carrying a 357 wheel gun in sa/da as a EDC. I'm just not sure if I can EDC in SA only. I also prefer using moonclips, and the SA would be determential for me.
Nothing like western movies involving exchanges of gunfire with single actions. "Open Range" is the best in my opinion, but "Shane" is a good one too. Modern gunfight movies where "gangstas" are capping off rounds with twin Glocks, just don't have as much of an emotional connection with me.
The owl is on the shed.🦉
Going to be movin some big iron the next few weeks nutn
Make some videos about the books you’ve collected. I’d watch
NutnFancy coat trailing !
General Patton referred to his S&W Model 27 as his "killin' gun". Like Nutn said, the Peacemaker was a BBQ gun
😂😂😂 we love Nutn anyways !
Remember , these are Fighting Revolver,, 357 is considered "Small" You put one in the middle and ask "Would you like another?"
I have the W W II, Vietnam and this series from Time/Life. My mom got them as they came out because of my interest in history for as long as I can remember. Does 9.7K views as of 2 days latter count? I have a first series Ruger Vaquero I bought in .44 magnum with 7.5 inch barrel. If I ever get another one I would also get 7.5 inch barrel because the 1873 was originally issued ti the US Cavalry in that length.
the "trophy" pics of killed outlaws does seem a bit morbid; however, evil fears only death. Hopefully, young people would see things like that and decide to never try to commit heinous crimes.
I bought a Uberti Cattleman. In the first year the hammer broke, then the ejector lever broke. It also hits 4 feet to the bottom right at 25 yards. Not happy with it.
I don't think this video got uploaded properly. I just happened to notice it in the playlist section, but can't find it anywhere else. I'm guessing Nutn accidentally listed it wrong, explaining the extremely lower than usual view count.
He must have had it in a limited release since I just got the notification for it.
@jtaylorb88 Now I see it in the normal feed saying it just posted 14 minutes ago. I watched and made my original comment 9 days ago. Must have been some weird release setup.
36:05 haha that actually made me laugh
Nice hogleg but...........CZ P09 for me🙃
I hate the YT algorithm and how it hides NF's video content, even the non-firearm content you have to manually search even with notifications on and there is just no reason for that!
Of course this could be a home defense gun. Imagine a burglar facing a nickel plated peacemaker being held by a dude wearing an old west gunbelt and tighty whities.
Henry revolver review?
I love punkin' rollers, but I'm not paying that, even with nickel.
How much in the white?
lol, had to re-click the bell fyi
Im 32 years old when trekking in the mountains deep woods i carry a single action i don't need fast loading when my opponent is going to be a single animal more sealed from weather to swing out cyclinders
Coincidence I cut my left thumb today also 😮
Patton used a SAA in combat, smoked Pancho Villa banditos
Colt 1847 Dragoons.