When the Pastor turns around and calls out the Church... wait for it.

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @freeagent2207
    @freeagent2207 6 лет назад +137

    "You got alot of black churchs.. but where are your schools, hospitals, banks etc...."
    gotta church on every dayum block tho 😧

    • @MimiKeel
      @MimiKeel 6 лет назад +1

      Exactly, TIOM side. And all of those "tithes" sure would come in handy in the community.

    • @dwaynerobinson9984
      @dwaynerobinson9984 6 лет назад

      thats a fact jack....!

    • @glorymosbyfloyd3878
      @glorymosbyfloyd3878 6 лет назад

      Right there, right there indeed

    • @bellesmom238
      @bellesmom238 5 лет назад


    • @weshenderson3075
      @weshenderson3075 Год назад

      I know church people they dont care abt us! Its just the truth! But il say this we who are not cared abt by the church just turn to god thru his love 1 john 5:3 us keeping his commandments and seek his face he will care for u he comes in the clouds he is love! Unlike his people n the churchs! Regardless of they they say or claim action speaks louder than words! John 14:21 john 14:15

  • @springer7288
    @springer7288 6 лет назад +66

    She is telling the truth!!!!! But only a few actually will understand and take it in.

    • @1fatbackal2
      @1fatbackal2 6 лет назад +2

      Just because a person says something that has a hint of truth, dont make it the Gospel. I can can look in the sky and see dark clouds and say a storm is coming. Even though I may be right, it dont make it the word of God.

    • @springer7288
      @springer7288 6 лет назад

      @@1fatbackal2 If you read the bible in its entirety, you would know what she's saying is the truth. The bible has the direct message but she's speaking from emotion. Either way, the church is not the way to find salvation.
      Ez. 22:26 Her priests have done violence to my teaching and they profane my set apart matters
      Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out the book of the Lord and read

    • @1fatbackal2
      @1fatbackal2 6 лет назад

      Thank you for your response. I have been reading the Word of God for many years. I know that when the men of the bible spoke in the synagogue on Sabbath, that they read out of the scriptures. She did not have any bible. Strike one. Women are suppose to be silent in the church. Strike two. She says that, church people are still being fed with milk. The whole church including her dont have the basics, which is the milk that the Bible speaks of. If you dont mind, can you give me any scriptures that she quoted. She was speaking out of her own heart and out of the Bible.

    • @springer7288
      @springer7288 6 лет назад

      @@1fatbackal2 I never said she spoke from the gospel. You made that comparison. She did not quote scripture like most pastors. However, many things she was saying regardless if she's speaking from emotion was true. You are going too hard for a comment I made on her views. Nothing was said about the bible until you mentioned it.

    • @TheBounceBackTech
      @TheBounceBackTech 6 лет назад +1

      1fatbackal2 👌🏾

  • @davidpierce201210
    @davidpierce201210 6 лет назад +132

    When the black preacher wakes up its ova

    • @pamelabetts6459
      @pamelabetts6459 6 лет назад +2

      David Pierce

    • @seedofisrael1356
      @seedofisrael1356 6 лет назад +6

      She’s not completely woke but she’s on her way. She telling them what’s really going on but most will let it go their heads.

    • @MimiKeel
      @MimiKeel 6 лет назад +4

      You're right, Dave. Can you imagine if every black preacher/pastor woke up and were honest with their congregations? Oh Lawd.

    • @shadrack9986
      @shadrack9986 6 лет назад +7

      They have been awake for some time now, but there's no money for them teaching the truth, deception has paid them better hello creflo, hello, TD, hello Joel.

    • @stacysims3706
      @stacysims3706 6 лет назад

      David Pierce Amen

  • @JsPerspective
    @JsPerspective 6 лет назад +99

    She's been slipping telling the truth for a while now

    • @walkingintruthknowledge7418
      @walkingintruthknowledge7418 6 лет назад +10

      Nah she ain't preached like this since the 90s

    • @JsPerspective
      @JsPerspective 6 лет назад +3

      @D. Driver true. But most of these pastors tend to do this straddling the fence thing. Because it's only so long that you can lie to the people before you start telling pieces of truth

    • @TheHepeete
      @TheHepeete 6 лет назад +9

      Learn to separate ideas from people. An imperfect person can have a perfect idea.

    • @Merciful008
      @Merciful008 6 лет назад +1

      “YAHWEH takes
      his place in court;
      he rises to judge
      the people.
      14 YAHWEH enters
      into judgment
      against the elders
      and leaders of his
      people: “It is you
      who have ruined
      my vineyard; the
      plunder from the
      poor is in your
      15 What do you
      mean by crushing
      my people and
      grinding the faces
      of the poor?”
      declares the LORD,
      YAHWEH Almighty.”
      Isaiah 3:13-15
      “Gold there is,
      and rubies in
      but lips that
      speak knowledge
      are a rare jewel.
      17 Food gained by
      fraud tastes sweet
      to a man, but he
      ends up with a
      mouth full of gravel.”
      Proverbs 20:15, 17
      “Not to us, O YAHWEH,
      not to us but to your
      name be the glory,
      because of your love
      and faithfulness.
      “Why do the nations
      say, “Where is their
      GOD?” 3 Our GOD is
      in heaven; he does
      whatever pleases him.
      4 But their idols are
      silver and gold, made
      by the hands of men.
      5 They have mouths,
      but cannot speak,
      eyes, but they cannot
      see; 6 they have ears,
      but cannot hear, noses,
      but they cannot smell;
      7 they have hands, but
      cannot feel, feet, but
      they cannot walk; nor
      can they utter a sound
      with their throats.
      8 Those who make them
      will be like them, and so
      will all who trust in them.
      O house of Israel,
      trust in YAHWEH-
      he is their help and
      10 O house of Aaron,
      trust in YAHWEH he is
      their help and shield.
      11 You who fear him,
      trust in YAHWEH he is
      their help and shield.
      12 YAHWEH remembers
      us and will bless us:
      He will bless the
      house of Israel,
      he will bless the
      house of Aaron,
      13 he will bless
      those who fear
      YAHWEH small
      and great alike.”
      Psalms 115:1-13
      “Better to be a
      nobody and yet
      have a servant
      than pretend to
      be somebody
      and have no food.”
      Proverbs 12:9
      “But mark this:
      There will be
      terrible times
      in the last days
      2 People will be
      lovers of
      lovers of money,
      boastful, proud,
      disobedient to
      their parents,
      unholy, 3 without
      love, unforgiving,
      slanderous, without
      self-control, brutal,
      not lovers of the
      4 treacherous,
      rash, conceited,
      lovers of pleasure
      rather than lovers
      of GOD,
      5 having a form
      of godliness but
      denying its power.
      Have nothing to
      do with them.
      6 They are the
      kind who worm
      their way into
      homes and gain
      control over weak
      -willed women,
      who are loaded
      down with sins
      and are swayed
      by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always
      learning but never
      able to acknowledge
      the truth.
      12 In fact, everyone
      who wants to live
      a godly life in
      Christ Jesus will
      be persecuted,
      13 while evil men
      and impostors will
      go from bad to
      worse, deceiving
      and being deceived.”
      2 Timothy 3:1-7, 12, 13
      “For the time will
      come when men
      will not put up with
      sound doctrine.
      Instead, to suit their
      own desires, they will
      gather around them
      a great number of
      teachers to say what
      their itching ears
      want to hear.
      4 They will turn their
      ears away from the
      truth and turn aside
      to myths.”
      2Timothy 4:3, 4
      “Whatever exists
      has already been
      named, and what
      man is has been
      known; no man
      can contend
      with one who is
      stronger than he.
      11 The more the
      words, the less the
      meaning, and how
      does that profit
      Ecclesiastes 6:10, 11
      “His eyes are on
      the ways of men;
      he sees their
      every step. 22 There
      is no dark place,
      no deep shadow,
      where evildoers can
      23 GOD has no
      need to examine
      men further, that
      they should come
      before him for
      Job 34:21-23
      ”What if some did
      not have faith?
      Will their lack of
      faith nullify GOD’s
      4 Not at all! Let GOD
      be true, and every
      man a liar. As it is
      “So that you may be
      proved right when
      you speak and prevail
      when you judge.”
      Romans 3:3, 4
      ”A fool finds no
      pleasure in
      but delights in
      airing his own
      15 The heart of
      the discerning
      knowledge; the
      ears of the wise
      seek it out.
      20 From the fruit
      of his mouth a
      man’s stomach
      is filled; with the
      harvest from his
      lips he is satisfied.
      21 The tongue
      has the power of
      life and death,
      and those who
      love it will eat its
      Proverbs 18:2, 15, 20, 21
      “This is the verdict:
      Light has come
      into the world, but
      men loved
      darkness instead
      of light because
      their deeds were evil.
      20 Everyone who
      does evil hates the
      light, and will not
      come into the light
      for fear that his
      deeds will be
      21 But whoever lives
      by the truth comes
      into the light, so
      that it may be seen
      plainly that what
      he has done has
      been done through
      John 3:19-21

    • @uniquehill8400
      @uniquehill8400 6 лет назад +4

      @D. Driver she STILL told the TRUTH...
      TRUTH is TRUE I don't care WHO say it!!!

  • @manowar5516
    @manowar5516 6 лет назад +64

    She going off, but she's exactly right.

    • @laurenkeyes1677
      @laurenkeyes1677 6 лет назад +2

      Truth be told thats why they call us angry, crazy, etc. To me: 'angry' means you're aware and just tired of the bs, lies, and betrayal. No one ever got what they truly needed being passive. Bless this lady 💖

  • @seanblade3629
    @seanblade3629 6 лет назад +8

    I am not a follower of today's preachers, however I must admit this message resonated with me. Very powerful.

  • @takingitonedayatatime7851
    @takingitonedayatatime7851 6 лет назад +23

    I'm 19 and I'm glad I can agree and understand what she's saying 🙏👏

  • @kevinhughes2566
    @kevinhughes2566 6 лет назад +13

    This is exactly what the people sitting in these churches need to hear.

    • @TH4TSR4VEN
      @TH4TSR4VEN 5 лет назад

      Kevin Hughes she came on through

  • @otisjames4445
    @otisjames4445 6 лет назад +39

    The blind leading the blind, the church needs the truth this is the same old same old.

    • @michaelafleming5084
      @michaelafleming5084 6 лет назад +1

      Otis James Alright. Here’s the truth. Jesus is coming back and not everyone is going to Heaven.

    • @otisjames4445
      @otisjames4445 6 лет назад

      @@michaelafleming5084 I know this

  • @ucbr17
    @ucbr17 6 лет назад +119

    I know some won't get the message because of the messenger, but she spoke some truths.

    • @miekaford7926
      @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +3

      I just posted the exact same comment under someone else post.

    • @darrylbrown3254
      @darrylbrown3254 6 лет назад +4

      You are so correct. I haven't been a fan of her's but I posted this on Facebook. She's telling the Truth and the proof of The Holy Spirit is when you can separate the message from the messenger.

    • @yoNWA
      @yoNWA 6 лет назад +4

      We ALL gotta OBEY the Torah COMPLETELY. But that's the issue, too many preach the laws have been done away with when even Jesus said he didnt come to do away with the laws but to fufill it. Got to OBEY the torah on all levels to truely be saved, check Deuteronomy 28 for MORE information

    • @treynolan7932
      @treynolan7932 6 лет назад +2

      @@darrylbrown3254 is that the holy spirit or common sense

    • @kks086
      @kks086 6 лет назад

      What’s wrong with this woman? All I know is that she’s against the gay agenda.

  • @blessinghasan3577
    @blessinghasan3577 6 лет назад +11

    “Pay your bills on time “

  • @cdx451
    @cdx451 6 лет назад +65

    People in the comments worried about a woman preaching, because when more women become conscious the church game is over. Women need to have a voice its called balance, like women aren't smart enough to proclaim truth.

    • @servantofyah1377
      @servantofyah1377 6 лет назад +6

      No one said they didn't have a voice..... The scriptures are about order.period. only in the black community were disorder is natural.

    • @cdx451
      @cdx451 6 лет назад +2

      @@servantofyah1377 Brother c'mon, this scripture stuff ain't helped black but to be docile in our condition. I'm not religious so your argument won't resonate with me don't even waste ya time.

    • @servantofyah1377
      @servantofyah1377 6 лет назад +4

      @@cdx451 I never argued with you. I can agree that religion has subdued us as a people. Not the scriptures in and of themselves. If we as a people honored our Fathers and Mother, didn't kill, didn't steal. Wouldn't our communities be and look better. So again I agree to an extent to what you say, but I also know how to separate religion from a walk with The MOST HIGH.

    • @cdx451
      @cdx451 6 лет назад

      @@servantofyah1377 I can agree with that.

    • @shakhinabanath2121
      @shakhinabanath2121 6 лет назад +3

      I agree with you to some extent. It’s the preachers who don’t teach and only preach. It’s the people who only come to listen but won’t study to show themselves approved. We have allowed religion to replace true worship.

  • @melaniec171
    @melaniec171 6 лет назад +25

    I concur. That's exactly why I left the church.

  • @weslee5621
    @weslee5621 6 лет назад +5

    Although I don't follow Dr. Juanita Bynum's ministry, I always appreciated her sincerity. Assuming this is rather a old sermon from a some years ago, how pertinent and prophetic it is now! Because she is correct, the world sees the CHURCH as a joke. So this message is timeless.

  • @goebels99
    @goebels99 6 лет назад +8

    She preached the truth from start to finish. But I fear it was to a deaf Church.

  • @BrianCJ1123
    @BrianCJ1123 6 лет назад +11

    She spoke some truths, and I'm surprised to here her speak this way to be honest.

  • @evelynjohnson416
    @evelynjohnson416 6 лет назад +6

    Please call the fired department, this lady is on fire

  • @markathompson
    @markathompson 6 лет назад +9

    The greatest and most inspiring message I have ever heard from a pastor..... The truth and nothing but the truth

  • @moemillerpresents
    @moemillerpresents 6 лет назад +60

    I love this woman's honesty

  • @chuckd9256
    @chuckd9256 6 лет назад +32

    That's because it's all "show" and no "go". Who's wearing what?.... who's sitting where?....who has the favor and attention of the pastor?.... who's holding a particular position? Self-serving desires claiming it's for the glory of the Lord. The same orchestrated worldly practices, but expecting Godly results. The two can't occupy the same space.

  • @StreetSweeper73
    @StreetSweeper73 6 лет назад +4

    this is when you know the Holy Spirit speaking through her saying thangs the church need be saying in 2018

  • @cordairotucker6005
    @cordairotucker6005 6 лет назад +38

    She did that I’m sure people was talking about mess about her after this

    • @ronblack2700
      @ronblack2700 6 лет назад +7

      Cordairo Tucker ....of course they were. But she was telling the truth...CAN YOU HANDLE THE TRUTH?!?!?!?

    • @cordairotucker6005
      @cordairotucker6005 6 лет назад +6

      Ron Black she was definitely telling the truth why do we need mega churches that will require more electricity etc which makes the pastor ask for more money than the members go home n worry about their own lights getting cut off

    • @eyahmayisrael7067
      @eyahmayisrael7067 6 лет назад +2

      That is NOT Truth. and she did nothing.

    • @eib3137
      @eib3137 6 лет назад +1

      @@eyahmayisrael7067 Yes and many will continue to fall for this deception. The black churches are filled with emotionilsm while receiving not one bit of wisdom and understanding

  • @4523ncherry
    @4523ncherry 6 лет назад +185

    What about keeping the laws amd statues of Yahuauh the Elohim of Israel

    • @4523ncherry
      @4523ncherry 6 лет назад +22

      Im tired of these fake leaders yall its Yahuauh Way or nothing period

    • @JosiahJudah85
      @JosiahJudah85 6 лет назад +7


    • @iaintnokillerbutdontpushme8242
      @iaintnokillerbutdontpushme8242 6 лет назад +3

      That SHOULD be our daily goal.

    • @zionstayfit920
      @zionstayfit920 6 лет назад +5


    • @walkingintruthknowledge7418
      @walkingintruthknowledge7418 6 лет назад +9

      Tbh if you think you can live by all God's statues, laws and commandments, you'd be dead and in hell. You can't live up to it. That's why there is grace. Not that you shouldn't try to keep his commandments, but remember his grace is sufficient and his Mercy is everlasting

  • @user-if4df7lk1z
    @user-if4df7lk1z 6 лет назад +2

    Finally, a Black minister making sense and saying something useful. 👍🏽💯👍🏽💯

  • @deangelolaws3938
    @deangelolaws3938 6 лет назад +8

    She is 100% real and honest where is her church

  • @theoneyeduchiah7337
    @theoneyeduchiah7337 6 лет назад +8

    Wow ....if I went to this service I swear man she told it all

  • @lisajackson1476
    @lisajackson1476 6 лет назад +6

    The Most High is waking up his people,and they are coming out of the churches by the droves....especially the BLACK CHURCH.....All praise To The Most High Yahua....

  • @glorymosbyfloyd3878
    @glorymosbyfloyd3878 6 лет назад +4

    WOW!!!!! She hit the nail right on the head with this sermon

  • @rashaunjones1027
    @rashaunjones1027 6 лет назад +10

    Sista was on one in this sermon. The church is revealing themselves in wickedness and don't know it. Interesting.Tired of black folks issues

  • @apostleladyk2002
    @apostleladyk2002 6 лет назад +3


  • @brandonchaney4148
    @brandonchaney4148 6 лет назад +48

    The first problem is worshipping on sunday start there it really can't be considered as church until that is changed.

    • @daltonharmon5949
      @daltonharmon5949 6 лет назад +3

      Brandon Chaney. True true

    • @miekaford7926
      @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +2


    • @brandonchaney4148
      @brandonchaney4148 6 лет назад +1

      What's stupid explain

    • @minianoiz6492
      @minianoiz6492 6 лет назад +1

      Brandon Chaney Amen, my brother. The seventh day is Shabbat! Just one of sooo many reasons why I stopped going to church since 2012. Same problem with Christmas and Eastern...smh, I wish ppl would stop following traditions and finally pick up,and open their Holy Bible and read/study. We really need to pray for eachother. In Yeshua's Holy name,Amen. 💞🙌🌈

    • @edwardrussell1540
      @edwardrussell1540 6 лет назад

      Brandon Chaney i agree that the Sabbath is Saturday but it is only for a day of rest not for worship christians worship on the first day of the week which is Sunday as they did in the bible not Saturday you find nowhere in the Bible where Christians are commanded to worship on the Sabbath day

  • @takayasweeney
    @takayasweeney 5 лет назад +2

    I’m not Christian but she was ABSOLUTELY right! 💗

  • @coderef6482
    @coderef6482 6 лет назад +15

    ...and after this speech..they will be back next week to do the same thing...nothing

    • @sntemp
      @sntemp 3 года назад

      And she will go back to her million dollar house in her luxury car where she’ll slip into her cashmere night gown and sip on expensive wine.

  • @jglenn2282
    @jglenn2282 6 лет назад +2

    Heal the sick, house the homeless, feed the hungry, save the community, and speak truth to power.

  • @miekaford7926
    @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +31

    Okay, I won't to know where are the men leaders that are speaking this message at? I've read several comments from people who were so caught up in the messenger they failed to grasp the message. It appears as if the male pastors have failed their so called people that this woman has to step in a position that in the Bible states she should not be in. I'm calling you out!! Why are you not fulfilling your calling? Why is there no meat being served in the church? Why are the leaders in the church still pimping the community instead of building anything?
    Shame falls on all of you.

    • @cynthiaadams5930
      @cynthiaadams5930 6 лет назад

      God never call women to preach! Evangelist!! That the tradition of men!! REad your bible!!

    • @miekaford7926
      @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +2

      Why do we put limits on The Most High? I made a comment before If The Most High can use a donkey why can't he us a woman?

    • @tinathompson6201
      @tinathompson6201 6 лет назад

      yes amen i absolutely agree

    • @genevagreer2768
      @genevagreer2768 6 лет назад

      Mieka Ford, look up pastor Gino Jennings, he says women r not supposed to preach, n he only preach from the bible. He only do scriptures. He do not write his own surmones, according to his words, he only read scripture from the bible, And yes I have seen a lot of his vids,, n his priest assistance read, the scritures n pastor Jennings talk a bout that particular subject. He is so hard with the truth, its sometimes scrary, because Gods laws n words r what God says we r to live by. And he always says, I didn't say this, God says this.

    • @lovebug6388
      @lovebug6388 6 лет назад

      Yes! And history shows that without women the Gospel in some cases would not have went forth? Who reported back that Jesus had risen? From whom did young Timothy learn and develop his love and faith for Christ? One of the 12 judges of Israel was a what? Who was it at the well that met Jesus and was responsible for the whole town being saved. Jesus was born of a virgin what? Unbox an unfathomable God and watch Him reveal wondrous mysteries to you and do the miraculous in your life. I dare you to take Him at His word and step away from the legalism and ritualisticness of religion and develop a personal relationship with Him.

  • @osbornethompson106
    @osbornethompson106 5 лет назад +2

    Wow! She's on point. All Pastors need hear her sermon and follow. I would follow that rare real Queen any day. She have to be a descendent of one our great ancestors that motivated us to build Egypt.

  • @niyahsworld9167
    @niyahsworld9167 6 лет назад +4

    we are not wait for someone else to teach us the word of God, we should be studying the word for ourselves. The world is seeing the foolishness of the church the mixing with those in the world during foolish things. These people are so excited because she said the power of God fell on her. They are excited to listen to the truth, but she have said she also preaching it to herself. She has helped some of things to come to past as she walked through ministering.

  • @jeffreyervin4486
    @jeffreyervin4486 6 лет назад +8

    She touched my soul

  • @dadisiciple1
    @dadisiciple1 6 лет назад +7

    That’s authority and power.

  • @islandslimting8959
    @islandslimting8959 6 лет назад

    This almost made me cry. I'm a Christian & I've felt like this for over a year, leary with the methodolical routines & processes of the church but I went into the house of God last week and truly felt God's presence. It can't be duplicated. Being a member of a good church is a great thing but having a relationship with Christ is so much better. God loves you.

  • @paulbrown1775
    @paulbrown1775 6 лет назад +5

    She gives me the chills 100 0/0 right sister I gave up on religion 30 years ago it makes no sence

  • @lj6685
    @lj6685 5 лет назад +1

    She went all the way in hearing her speak the truth gave me chills...

  • @timwilliams8496
    @timwilliams8496 6 лет назад +19

    The reason all of their utilities are shut off it's because they're tithing all their money to that same church(s) your preaching at !

    • @icebergslim3743
      @icebergslim3743 6 лет назад +2

      Tim Williams.......eggzzactly!! Everybody in the building is sleep like a muthasucka.

    • @onelife3345
      @onelife3345 5 лет назад

      Reverse thythcology

  • @teamjackowner484
    @teamjackowner484 6 лет назад +1

    Ha.....Powerful, Truth & God's Words! To God Be The Glory for using this Pastor as a vessel to deliver this Message! 🙏

  • @ertfgghhhh
    @ertfgghhhh 6 лет назад +13

    We have to be careful. Ive seen recent footage and she wasnt following Christ. Ive made the mistake of following a pastor no matter what. We arent supposed to do that. We follow as theyre following Christ. Also, one must be mindful of the spirit that is using the person.

  • @husbandmanmediator9406
    @husbandmanmediator9406 6 лет назад +2

    She is right on time that's a blessing and I love to hear the truth. Love it...

  • @leftyleon3447
    @leftyleon3447 6 лет назад +61

    Teach the laws.....and who r the real Jews...

    • @zionstayfit920
      @zionstayfit920 6 лет назад +3

      That's right but we are not no damn Jew we are YISRAELITES

    • @yoNWA
      @yoNWA 6 лет назад +1

      It doesn't matter whether someone is the REAL jews or NOT first. Its ALL about obedience to the Torah(thats the message she's saying in riddles in the message). Start obeying the torah on ALL levels so you can show off how GOD YAHWEH provides always for those who OBEY him and his commandments instead of just talking acting intitled to respect when you aint obeying the Torah. Read more info about this in Deuteronomy 28

    • @nutinman4u
      @nutinman4u 6 лет назад +4

      There is no J in Hebrew

    • @frankiejabonbumyers4151
      @frankiejabonbumyers4151 6 лет назад


    • @lovelee1772
      @lovelee1772 6 лет назад +2

      They won't. Can't lose that tax exempt. Nevertheless Qam Yasharalah

  • @droid264
    @droid264 6 лет назад +4

    She's saying what I've been tell people for years...especially with this building church funds....how long????

  • @isaacpowell1408
    @isaacpowell1408 6 лет назад +3

    She's back. Preach on 🗣

  • @ryanvickers7428
    @ryanvickers7428 6 лет назад

    The greatest message that can be delivered is the display of example. It’s more contagious then any word. It all begins on a microscopic level. Just simply start with making your bed everyday. Great message. Be the change you want to see, lend a hand whenever needed. If you truly love you, you will reflect on the world, that light from the self love always shuns away the negativity.

  • @PorcheJohnson
    @PorcheJohnson 6 лет назад +4

    I thought about it. Some of what she is saying is true. The church has become a mockery and I always said this. Thats why I go in my closet shut the door and pray. What people in this world dont understand is that, not everyone will be blessed to be wealthy. Why? Cause majority cant handle wealth. What people need to understand is that, God is saving a few people by not blessing them with wealth. Look at the trouble these celebrities get into when they have money. The problem is, THE WORLD THINKS money is everything and its not. It is not a curse to be poor or even in the low class. Why? Look at Jesus, The Messiah, The son of God, Yahushua whatever you want to call Him. Especially if YOU BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE. He was rich in spirit. He had a throne in Heaven. He was here on earth physically to teach us something. HE was not of this world. Its the spiritual world you need to focus on. You dont have to believe that but its true. FOR THOSE OF US WHO REALLY BELIEVE. The problem is, some of the people DONT REALLY BELIEVE until, some money gets in their hand. Like i said, wealth is not for everyone. Stop trying to get whatever everyone is chasing and talk to God and see what HE HAS FOR YOU. Live your life according to what He says, build your relationship with the MOST HIGH and keep it pushing. It will be hard and the bible says that. Read the bible. Dont let the world and the people of this world trick you into believing something else. All knowledge is not good knowledge. Let me stop there.

    • @chrish3359
      @chrish3359 6 лет назад

      Read three chapters a day. Feeds the spirit.

  • @karenfrierson9550
    @karenfrierson9550 6 лет назад +2

    Amen.......say that! The hair stood up on arms and the back of my neck! Speak that!

  • @MickeyJaymz
    @MickeyJaymz 6 лет назад +4

    She went in on that. Way to tip toe through a minefield of emotion.

  • @zacharylavender1568
    @zacharylavender1568 6 лет назад +2

    She's speaking "TRUTH!"

  • @rolandmarkland6844
    @rolandmarkland6844 6 лет назад +9

    Stop following these "profits."

  • @markwillis5472
    @markwillis5472 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for restoring some of my faith in people preaching the word...

  • @vincentmcdonald5543
    @vincentmcdonald5543 6 лет назад +12

    Don't know bout you but she sent chills up my spine and made me think.!!!!!!!🙏😵😵😵🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @darrylbrown3254
      @darrylbrown3254 6 лет назад +2

      Me too and I'm not even a fan of her' but a person knows when they hear the Truth!

    • @vincentmcdonald5543
      @vincentmcdonald5543 6 лет назад

      @@darrylbrown3254 Amen Bruh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @vincentmcdonald5543
      @vincentmcdonald5543 6 лет назад

      Bruh God bless you.!!!!!!!!!😉😉😉

  • @HDotLectur804
    @HDotLectur804 6 лет назад +2

    The realest most honest thing I’ve ever heard. Simple as that.

  • @onamiilove777
    @onamiilove777 6 лет назад +3

    You can say what you want and attack her character. But if you don't have a relationship with the holy spirit who is a person that's speaks to your hearts in a whisper.... Then your still lost!!! You need Prayer, ask God for direction with repentance...TURN Around start fresh and believe in the power that called you from darkness originally. you ppl that are crying and judging with big mouths and the huge planks in your eye..pls stop!!! you sound like the devil who kills ,steal and helps to destroy what little community the church has. Its not the church it the enemy that has penetrated the church and you are clueless as to who it is because you are still lost and have no power...I am not associated with any church but God is calling those who are pure to raise up and speak to the lost. Return to your first love Jesus, not flesh.

    • @tinathompson6201
      @tinathompson6201 6 лет назад

      amen the spiritual baptism is the most imprtant that is where the power is sad so many are still sleep that is what gives conviction to get right with god

  • @President_Dontae
    @President_Dontae 6 лет назад +1

    Sometimes you just have to say ouch when you realize that this is something we lack especially the black church. When Pastors start speaking truth instead of emotionalism OMG how the power of God will change the lives & a mindsets of the believer! Time for me level up because I welcome truth!

  • @mskishababy3014
    @mskishababy3014 6 лет назад +3

    That Outro music 🎶 is lit 🔥🔥🔥

  • @DivineGoddessAje
    @DivineGoddessAje 6 лет назад

    “You the one who told people you got power but you can’t make a headache leave!” 🗣🗣🗣🗣

  • @veinteduece6625
    @veinteduece6625 6 лет назад +3

    Atheist here and definitely opposed to every Abrahamic religion

    • @victoriawelch1112
      @victoriawelch1112 6 лет назад

      Me too. This shit is a waste of time, I'd rather spend my Sundays going to the farmers market.

    • @veinteduece6625
      @veinteduece6625 6 лет назад +1

      @@victoriawelch1112 I am against farmers too... Naaaa 😂

  • @yozy4996
    @yozy4996 6 лет назад +1

    You Gotta Love it!!!!!!!!!!....LMAO!!!!!...This is one of those GOOD OLE FASHION ASS WHOOPINGS...LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I love the look on their faces,...Freakin' Priceless...

  • @yahuadaughter5119
    @yahuadaughter5119 6 лет назад +11

    Say that sister say that I'm listening you blessed me

    • @bryansmith5471
      @bryansmith5471 6 лет назад +2

      Women are to keep silence I'm the churches, thus saith the LORD! She's a jezebell plus . she's not bringing out scriptures!!!!! She's a false prophetess and if she doesn't wake up, she will burn!! Shut Up!!

    • @miekaford7926
      @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +2

      She's speak truth. Those that are speaking against this I wonder what spirit they are walking in.

    • @MrBroadusA
      @MrBroadusA 6 лет назад

      @@bryansmith5471 it was Paul that said women are to be silent in the church not the Lord. He said it because they were shouting across the room to their husbands asking questions about what was being taught at that time. Because back then women sat on one side and their husbands on the other side of the room.

  • @jayonbaby
    @jayonbaby 6 лет назад +1

    She started snapping!😂😂

  • @larryhollins459
    @larryhollins459 6 лет назад +3

    Wow! amazing how low we must be every Sunday the same shit a lot of glitter and gold then reality Set's in when you have to go home. There's no prosperity in those Churches for you when there's no prosperity in the community where you live accountability is what we need

  • @howardhowden28
    @howardhowden28 6 лет назад +1

    Man this is the most powerful preacher I have ever heard male or female

  • @adoshebrewess5560
    @adoshebrewess5560 6 лет назад +9

    Preach that thing Juanita!

  • @justcurious3253
    @justcurious3253 6 лет назад +1

    PREEEEEEEAAAAAACH!!!!!! PREACH! PREACH! PREACH IT, SISTER!!!! PLEASE TELL THEM. Some people have gotten too wrapped in noise but forgot to deliver The Message.

  • @julmuhammad4913
    @julmuhammad4913 6 лет назад +18


    • @julmuhammad4913
      @julmuhammad4913 6 лет назад +1

      Her blood pressure went up😄talkin bout holy ghost😎

    • @naomifrazier9210
      @naomifrazier9210 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you

    • @smiller4606
      @smiller4606 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah... that's more important than her message.

    • @naomifrazier9210
      @naomifrazier9210 6 лет назад +1

      +S Miller Her message is phenomenal but brother Muhammad's is expressing a bigger message of truth that need to heard. you know most preachers don't practice what they preach. Most of them think they're God, everybody sound n preach alike which isn't expressing good leadership skills. Nothing but mess going on in these churches. These pastors want to trick, stick, and Dick down everything peace of ass moving. a damn shame 4 God is what it is..

    • @celestineburnett8118
      @celestineburnett8118 6 лет назад +1


  • @Rags2Riches762
    @Rags2Riches762 6 лет назад +1

    I love everything she said...the one thing I was looking for her to say tho...is that on top off all that...you must love and help the weak. Instead of being selfish

  • @dhlmike
    @dhlmike 6 лет назад +7

    Nothing but smooth talk, she's basically just saying pay your tithes on time.

  • @shirleyrandolph1355
    @shirleyrandolph1355 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you!! I it's about time. It's time to get to the REAL BUSINESS..... THUS SAID THE LORD,

  • @clearwater91
    @clearwater91 6 лет назад +44

    Yeah all that talking and ain't nothing coming out the Bible ain't pulling no scriptures cause she jiving too cause the Bible say the woman ain't suppose to be preaching over any congregation she ain't saying what u supposed to be doing to get saved quote some scriptures cause everything right in the Bible the laws and commandments

    • @Hazadisshit
      @Hazadisshit 6 лет назад +8

      Clear Water It's a shame that you didn't get nothing out of that but to criticize the sista and say she shouldn't be teaching.. We all in the barrow (Earth) look around and if nobody is pulling on your leg, then guess what, you the crab.. Ase

    • @jsain360
      @jsain360 6 лет назад +4

      Clear Water is right

    • @miekaford7926
      @miekaford7926 6 лет назад +7

      The problem is that you are looking at the messenger instead of the message. If The Most High could use a donkey why would I believe he couldn't use a woman.
      If you are that concerned about the messenger than you need to be on the front line as a man. Are you fulfilling your own calling? If not then take a seat and think about why you too have a spirit of rebellion.

    • @clearwater91
      @clearwater91 6 лет назад +6

      Y'all just don't get it I see why a lot of our people easily mislead cause u lean own your own understanding and not by what God want us to do and if u study the Bible u would know anything I say comes from it plain and simple.the Bible is our history book and our life lessons and it displays everything that happened before and everything that is happening.it was written as is as Said be done.we lost and easily deceived because we don't follow what we claim we believe in.The Bible is your history book.im talking so called colored) people only

    • @Hazadisshit
      @Hazadisshit 6 лет назад +1

      Clear Water the problem is everyone that is watching this don't believe in the bible the way you do, especially if you make a irrational claim that its a history book, there is history in it. I'm saying if someone is hearing something that moves them and then in you come with hate in your heart. She just said we need to be responsible for ourselves and build our own instead of giving to the church. You know one of our biggest problems is what she is speaking on because like it or not most of our people are in some form of Christianity.. Ase

  • @RicardoLambert
    @RicardoLambert 6 лет назад +1


  • @4523ncherry
    @4523ncherry 6 лет назад +5

    The word says if a woman prays or prophesies in the temple she should have her head cover...also its says a woman ought not teach or usurp authority over a man and this is exactly what she is doing

    • @jacinta6421
      @jacinta6421 6 лет назад

      4523ncherry Her head is covered with hair. Her hair is her cover that is why female are not to cut or shave their head.

    • @terramitchell6163
      @terramitchell6163 6 лет назад

      You people still can't understand you must be black confuses

    • @mikeisrael268
      @mikeisrael268 6 лет назад

      @@jacinta6421 your simple meaning you don't have understanding of the Most High word.

    • @4523ncherry
      @4523ncherry 6 лет назад +1

      She's supposed to have her hair covered she supposed to keep it covered cuz her hair is her glory and it's only for her husband to see

    • @dionevans95
      @dionevans95 6 лет назад

      4523ncherry ....... so with all that she said that's what you have taken from the message if you've taken anything at all, is that she should have her hair covered and should not be in authority over a man. Damn!!!! Maybe if men pastors would have the balls to stand up and say what she said to the black church particularly she wouldn't need to be there. I mean hell if God can use a jackass to speak to Balaam certainly he can use her since men ain't got the nuts to stand up and tell the truth.

  • @tiffanyburton9150
    @tiffanyburton9150 6 лет назад

    AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!! She spoke nothing but the truth I must share this with my family thanks for sharing this powerful video.

  • @limitlesspotential9599
    @limitlesspotential9599 6 лет назад +3

    She needs decaf

  • @PhenoMikally
    @PhenoMikally 6 лет назад +1

    I’m having s goose bumps flare up!!!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @jr.4338
    @jr.4338 6 лет назад

    We must overstand that we're here to save ourselves. Keep spitting that TRUTH Juanita ✊✊

  • @moirathompson7313
    @moirathompson7313 6 лет назад +1

    Truth and edutainment thanks for this upload I've watched it over and over again! So truth!🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿🙌🏾👏🏿🙌🏾🙏🏿🤗🤓

  • @kweenk7208
    @kweenk7208 6 лет назад +1

    I wish I could like this a million times.

  • @e.hawkinsel783
    @e.hawkinsel783 6 лет назад +1

    The energy(spirit) is residing in the temple( head). Bring your thoughts to a stand still

  • @lisamarie6016
    @lisamarie6016 6 лет назад +2

    FACTS !!!!!

  • @rarab.2311
    @rarab.2311 6 лет назад +1

    "The wealth is not in the church"

  • @theresawheeler7408
    @theresawheeler7408 6 лет назад

    Best message she ever preached! Salvation means transformation.

  • @tomickagipson4320
    @tomickagipson4320 6 лет назад +2


  • @aulanirhys
    @aulanirhys 6 лет назад

    She gave me chills....this is exactly why church became a chore for me...its a rat trap...there's so much ignorance and blindness...it saddens me....

  • @patinaharris2429
    @patinaharris2429 6 лет назад +1

    Amen..well said ..Absolute truth

  • @beautyforashestv5959
    @beautyforashestv5959 6 лет назад

    Enough churches. Need banks,real estate, community centers, schools, grocery stores.

  • @lisacarte-kime2772
    @lisacarte-kime2772 5 лет назад +1

    ooch!!!! That is a Word from God, and when the Church get it!!!!! Look out !!!!

  • @kisswriters
    @kisswriters 5 лет назад

    "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve."

  • @mommabear8260
    @mommabear8260 6 лет назад

    When I was 7...I asked our pastor WHY he accepted money for doing what God had called him to do? I belonged to a very very small church (Primitive Baptist) and we did the community outreach, paying bills for folks, pickung up people, etc.
    Needless to say...I was never answered!
    There are TOO many people struggling just to make ends meet, but pay that 10% every pay period. Allthewhile....many pastors are living, eating, dressing and driving like Kings!

  • @takebacktheplanet
    @takebacktheplanet 6 лет назад +1

    Now that is what the spirit of the living Yahua sounds like when he is speaking through his children!!!!!!! preach sister. somebody please tell me this sisters name!!!

  • @tee4truth541
    @tee4truth541 5 лет назад

    Only few will TRULY get it.
    I don't care it is, she speaking the TRUTH!!

  • @johnshell2480
    @johnshell2480 6 лет назад

    She's doing the same thing. Condemning everyone else and elevating herself as perfect....

  • @chriscomey8592
    @chriscomey8592 6 лет назад


  • @missyadams3542
    @missyadams3542 2 года назад


  • @beyondblessed
    @beyondblessed 6 лет назад +1

    somebody get her a paper cause she just check the life out the church.