Looking and some used medfords the other day and this popped up. Thats a nice model. I just got the “fastback” mcnees. Awesome so far, the detent ramp is taking some getting used to (that kinda middle ground when it’s unlocked/not swinging shut). But overall it’s a solid user.
@@EastCoastMan603 I’ve also goth the Fastback model. I agree the detent ramp takes getting used to but I’ve played with mine enough now that it’s almost not there in a sense. It is extremely smooth too.
Looking and some used medfords the other day and this popped up. Thats a nice model.
I just got the “fastback” mcnees. Awesome so far, the detent ramp is taking some getting used to (that kinda middle ground when it’s unlocked/not swinging shut). But overall it’s a solid user.
@@EastCoastMan603 I’ve also goth the Fastback model. I agree the detent ramp takes getting used to but I’ve played with mine enough now that it’s almost not there in a sense. It is extremely smooth too.