I come from a people that is known widely, I have have also visited many of Nations and have felt very proud of the Elders that keep tradition for our youngest children in their hearts, and the future in their minds!
My dad who grew up in Pine Ridge and later in life was an instructor for sheet metal and air conditioning many years ago at Haskell. My dad passed away at 96 yrs old. Haskell Color Guard and drum group sang this for my dad at his burial. He was an akicita. WWII air corp vet , who flew and survived 62 missions. I must add my dad was as well as i, are descendant of Red Cloud.
Respect...i know for sure I am a Mohawk reincarnated in Europe.. my father looks like an Indian..but he has gypsy blood.my mother has sightley red brown hair..i gonna do a past life regression therapie to check this out...do you think this is possible? Anyway the white man pay me for being alive...i feel like in this life they are paying me back...i know it's sounds crazy....but I have a memory before I was born..before I got this body ..not the lifes before ..but I gonna get check this out...
@@sivodesilva9866 I don't think this sounds crazy at all, I have memories of a few past lives, some very clear. One being a plains Indian, I don't know of what tribe, and that one wasn't as clear. But perhaps it explains an interest in American Indians I have had ever since I was a child. In this life, there is no connection, according to ancestry.com It's strange but my sister, who is 15 years younger than me, also has an interest and connection to American Indians, and we were born in Australia.
I'm a white man raised into a lakota family by marriage from a small child. My uncles and grandfather are Three Legs, Gabe, Bears Heart and my great grandmother was "Tiger"., all from Wakpala SD. My Grandfather Rufus Gabe is buried there in 1980. I visited the Res and lived there at times. As a white man raised with a Sioux family, I had a very tough time being accepted on the res, I wasn't accepted by many when I protected my Lakota family in discussions, I would be booted out of the group by whites. I fought at school for my adopted little brother who was 100% Sioux because of the color of his skin. I've seen a world that many have not seen because of my skin color and my experience. Racism is really bad around the Res. The white man is hated and the Indigenous people are too, from outside and inside the res for many reasons. There are scars that never healed and never will. 400 years ago, the white man brought alcohol, sugar and wheat flour and other out of culture foods that has poisoned the indigenous people over the years with Diabetes, Hypertension, heart disease, Liver and kidney disease. These diseases are worse today than ever. Life expectancy of a Sioux is about 66 years on average and the last 10 years of that is in severe disease and suffering. Alcoholism, drugs, depression, anxiety, suicide, murder, and auto accidents are huge evils that attack the Res everyday. Many of my uncles and nephews have died very early deaths because of this. Every indigenous person in the US is born with an alcohol problem. Alcohol is the #1 problem on the Res. My heart bleeds for my family and ancestors. Money can't fix this problem, only a light in each ones heart can do it. Every Sioux must come together, learn the language and cultures and never let the teachings die. I speak some of the Lakota language and get immediate respect from the elders when they hear me; a white man speak and wonder why? The elders wonder why I speak it when blooded Lakota natives don't? It's the flame in my heart that is strong, not the color of my skin. The color of your skin is nothing without the light in your heart. Stay away from the poisons and help each other with no hate in your heart for anyone. I was taught young and listened. My cousins and uncles wanted to but alcohol got their soul. Listen to your elders, they have a genuine message. never eat or drink the poison.
He the medic first the white man needs to forgive him self the red man needs to forgive him self .when south africa gave up apartheid and Nelson made president the whites thought there would be a black uprising instead they forgave each other and south africa is a force to be reckoned yep they got a few things to straighten out but their country is strong .I hope the same for America and Americans and first nations
I never had a problem with alcohol until I was brought to my knees by the attacks of the white 👀 for trying to defend all ppl against the threats of spiders 🕸 that is woven over our 🌎 from WDC. Reading your words has renewed my strength to keep fighting. Hearing my family singing has mended my broken wings. WB
chills run up my spine... when i know new people hear my people sing, they understand now how proud we are and will forever be. my blood is true oglala we are still here standing with strong hearts. im from wounded knee i feel the spirits of my ancestors i know there proud we still fight. when i play the music i can feel their spirit is high.
Stay Brave and i am so ashamend about the History!! Greetings from Gemany. Native are allways the Best. On all Kontinent! Asia, Afrika, N/S Amerika and the Inuit and Aborigines! ❤👍🤝
German - Swiss American here! Thank you for your support of Native Americans ! You are 100 % correct! I have been watching Pow-Wows to help me stay on an "Even Keel" during this very difficult time in the USA! The drumming, the singing and the dancing help keep me very GROUNDED! My Great-Uncle died on a beach in Anzio, Italy on February 19,1944. He 2as a STAFF SGT in the US ARMY. He was definitely NOT A SUCKER or a LOSER! 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🪖🫡🫡🫡🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢
I am white, born in Scotland and I just love you're traditional music. I listen while I work. I only found this by accident, falling asleep watching youtube and waking to Native American Songs. Awesome, thankyou
I'm white (why this has some relevance?) I respect and admire everything that has to do with native Americans traditions, music etc... btw I'm Greek. P.S.: These people knew a lot more back then about the universe and nature, that we do know now. I studied Physics and I can tell a few words about the previous statement...
I'm Irish, Scottish, Hispanic and Native American... doesn't matter where you're from or the color of your skin, everybody can understand and appreciate this in one way or another... we are all from this earth and to the earth we shall return..... much love
Vivre de la pensée des encetre n ai jamais movais pouvoir rire de tous les epreuve moi aussi j'aime bien 👍 dan la vie liberté d écouté les powo de bonnes vibrations comme tout le peuples de la planète Terre mère patcha mama la musique nous faire vivre ensemble enfin libre dans notre monde entier ensemble simplement merci ❤❤❤❤dany loup karak witchampi he he he 😊😊❤❤dany
My cousin was married to a Lakota, Rosebud, Oglala woman. They lived in Vermillion, SD. I went to their wedding 1990s from NYS. I met Claudette Sabor who was in a movie with Elvis Presley when she was 14 yo. Claudette & I became pen pals. Claudette Sabor was affiliated with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
I am European, immigrant, passport American. 1st gen. paleface. Give the land back. Midnight Oil, Beds are burning. Yours are as well. Health to my brothers and sisters Lakota, greets from Bulgaria, and we will uplift them. Dance, your dance is beautiful.
be proud and stay proud always my sister and friend, i am white skin,half scotch,and half english, and from my earliest memories,my heart and soul are with the native people of the american continent,i love you all,
I wish. Were out here dropping like flies. It’s scary. I’ve seen so many ppl shot, murdered n dead of overdoses it hurts. I’ve been crying all morning cause my friends mother was just shot in the head she was a grandmother babysitting her grandkids, and an innocent bystander. I just buried my cousin seems like a couple days ago it was just last week, he was murdered. It’s so hard to see how far my ppl have fallen
I am black but have always deeply deeply admired and respected American Indian culture. I love the singing and drumming. You are strong, spiritual people with such a rich culture!
@@myramedicinewindkay813 I was born in the Caribbean, so I don't think it's a part of my lineage. However, before blacks were brought to those Islands, Indians were native to them, in addition to North, South and Central America. My blood line is traced to both Africa & Europe. As a kid, I had always rooted for the Indians in Western movies!
@@kennethhurst6296 Yes, my kids have original Borenquen Indian (PR) & black from Dominican/Angola on gran dads side + Spanish/Celtic/Moor on their grandma's side. From a Dream Vision i had, it seems that both maintaining pureblood & mixing blood are important. I took Genetics in college to breed Paso Fino Horses. I'm a metis, which has the potential to be a bridge to both cultures, but involves alot of abuse from all sides!
Kemal was a great men,leader to his band.Just like Sitting Bull or Dull Knife or someone else,its just doesnnt matter where you from,its who you are the question..Great respect to Kemal Ataturk and to Sitting Bull and Red Clouds and Crazy Horse..
I can't help but love Native Americans, the traditions, their history and their endurance as a people which centers around one thing- FAMILY. Peace to all. 👍☀️
Native American's weren't all love and peace and living off the land, they were as complex as any other group of human beings. We are all one, with all the good and bad the comes of that fact.
No offense against any natives. But dude do u know about their history and traditions (and nearly all of our knowlege about the nord-ameriacans is after 1500/1600 - any socity before got "deleted" (maybe a light over statment) by illness and there was no documentations about them. - @feuerbach1 is right. some to a lot of the tribes hold slaves, and some of them had the same racism against africans as any european/colonist slave holder. There were many brutal massacres ( much less as from the other partys, but still ) also begone by tribes. So just because bad has bedone aginst a group, doenst mean that group havnt done bad before, or would do bad after it.
Their cultures were incredibly altruistic and socially "advanced". A lot of comments for some reason have to mention that they still committed acts of violence. Of course they did, they're just human beings. Still can't deny that their values and practices are some of the most profound in the world. Leadership in the Anishinaabe nation was only given to those who for decades gave away their surplus of resources to those in need and contributed to the community. The Anishinaabe teaching of unconditional love, for example, of how all of creation took pity on humans and gave of themselves gifts to people to survive, the crops, the trees, and the animals, that people are not superior creatures but dependent on and related to all others and should be thankful for these gifts, and that these gifts of food and medicine will help and heal anyone, regardless of who they are. That has profound implications for how you treat outside peoples. As opposed to the colonizers, who were like "not Christian is evil, must be exterminated or converted".
@@RayyanKesnan i totally agree. The first US-Consitution was based on it. But the Anishinaabe wasnt the only tribes. whats about the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee /Creek, and Seminoles. They were slave holders as example, in the way the europeans did... (maybe not on that scale! but in doing and in the cruelty) And whats about the Azetecs? They had the same agreesive expansonist ideas, as a lot of the European Kingdoms. "As opposed to the colonizers, who were like "not Christian is evil, must be exterminated or converted" and statments like that are also wrong. It happend a lot (way to much) but still, how many people didnt do that of the colonist? ( And most colonist didnt came to america because they had a good life in europe [still dont make it right to take away others homes]) And some of them even helped. So there is no clear white/ and black in history. History isnt easy, and has so many facettes.
I am a member of the Fort Peck Reservation. Our flag now flies at the capital in Helena. I was raised off the reservation but every once in a while I need to listen to the music.
I truly love this ❤. I feel like I’m home. I have many Native American friends and some have included me and my husband into their families. We are unable to travel to any of the Powwows anymore because of ill health, but when we are there, we both felt welcomed and excepted into the family. I was given an honorary name from a medicine woman, which I haven’t been able to find since I last seen her because I lost the information she gave me after I headed back home from one of the reenactments that we used to do together. I sorely miss this woman. I was dressed in an authentic white doeskin Native American dress outfit, with authentic fur draped down along my braided hair, including a feather in my hair and other accessories. Another time I was asked to play and keep time with the drums. This was very special moment to me. It was a special church service honoring fallen warriors and especially those in recent war conflicts. I definitely feel at home with this type of music. It fills my soul with happiness and appreciation for those who are still keeping traditions alive with their music. Nowadays they have to worry about technology poisoning the minds of the young…..God bless everyone.👍❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
When I listens to this. My spirit sent chills all over me. I no thus because of my Indian blood line. God Bless you all with love. From my spirit to your spirit.
my sister and friend, i hope it is o;k; with you, i call you sister and friend, i am not a native of the american continent,my father is english, and my mother is from scotland,but from my first memories of seeing native people of the american continent,i often have tears in my eyes, i tell you this from my heart,, that even now,i am 58 years old, and i am the same, i cry, and i have tears in my eyes when i listen to the songs of native people,i feel those shvers in my back,i feel like inside my stomach and chest that there is something moving and alive,even sometimes the hairs on my arm will stand,always be proud,and stay strong, and always i pray to the great spirit, that one day you will all have again your land and freedom,the world needs you, and we need to learn from you,i am always your friend and brother,i love you all,
I'm a kelt, or celte, from France, a poor contry actually, were most people being now fool, without humanity, without sincerity, without honor and without proud. And also without soul... Since the covid came and the vaccin's medical disasters... But some of us know that the great spirit is allover for all. Thanks for this heart song. Mitakuyé Oya'sin.
Awesome greetings from the super ancient megalithic city of TIAHUANAKU BOLIVIA 🇧🇴 I'm 100 Aymara native from the highlands of Bolivia. My respects to the full blood native Americans.
From one indigenous culture to another we hear your call from Aotearoa we feel the spirit of our ancestors i quite happily opened my home to a beautiful gift given to me a portrait of Tasunke Wankatuya and he sits happily amongst many of my family... maori, pasifika, aboriginal and many more like you all we are people of the land and of the sea so from all the way from New Zealand far salute we see you and we appreciate you too love and light xxx
Nobody gives a flying f*ck what some random from Poland thinks. Our families fought, bled and died here too. Don't speak on what you don't know, that's like me saying I will always consider east Poland Russian. Sit down, child.
I love your video I grew up with Apache Indians in Chihuahua, Mexico 🇲🇽 I miss the good & peaceful days. I am a white Mexican with green eyes 👀 God bless y’all...
Though I am Irish/German import from long ago. This music and the drum music and dances really move me. Even as a little girl, when we played "cowboys and Indians" I was an Indian. Perhaps it is a spirit guide or a past life memory.
I live Mankato, MN all my 38 years of life. We have very sad and tragic history here. Every year in February I believe The Souix/Lakota from South Dakota come on horse back hundreds of miles away in mid winter to Mankato Minnesota to honor their ancestors who hung under the Memorial bridge . My Apologies to the Souix/Lakota and it is always a honor to see you.
I, too, apologize from my heart how 'our' government has treated such a beautiful society - the every day person could learn so much about true life and having a true heart.
The Lakota National Anthem is so beautiful. I can't understand the words or language, but respect the Lakota Nation people. Russel Means was a great orator speaker for his people and all native americans.
My boyfriend grew up on the standing rock reservation and he said that there is more meaning behind it then that..he said that there was a Lakota soldier that made this song and he wrote this while he was on his way back on in a train that America or the US was still our land but he was going to fight for it any way because that’s what we are as Lakota we are warriors and it basically says this is the president flag and under it I will serve
Amen brother I agree but my family is very diverse im mixed with lakotah English and german but I dont pay any attention to rhe fact that I have German in me because I dont like german i love th native American and english
Wígmuŋke Wíŋyaŋ Wanáǧi There is televised evidence that the North American Indians had Hebrew artifacts and explored the thought of weather they are one of the lost tribes. Do you think that's true?
Thank you for posting this. I am from South Dakota and sharing a bit of the land's history with people here in Zambia, where I live now. This is a perfect thing to share with them; I appreciate your making it available for easy access, including the photos.
I'm Irish with Danish roots but I love and respect Native Americans so much I'm happy when my viking ancestors came to America years ago they were peacefull with the natives. .. Much Respect
They weren't peaceful in the slightest. Be Irish, don't let what was given to you die, there are plenty of white supremacist among the danish to distort their own history and tie a rope around their necks with it. Follow the right one.
The words in Lakota and in English: LAKOTA NATIONAL ANTHEM (FLAG SONG) Tunkaṡila yapi, tawapaha ki han oihankesni (he) nanjin kte lo. Iyoḣlateya oyate ki han wicicaġin kte ca. Iecamun welo. The President's Flag will stand forever. Under it, the people will grow: so I do this. VETERANS' SONG Heyuha natan pe Tunkaṡila yapi tawapaha ca Heyuha natan pelo. Lakota hokṡila (he) ohitika ca Heyuha natan pe. Tunkaṡila yapi tawapaha ca. Heyuha natan pelo. They are charging. The U.S. flag, they are charging. The Lakota warriors are brave. They are charging. The U.S. flag, they are charging.
In english... it sounds more like We honor freedom, why yahey warrior he yellow... hear yahwey, When his salvation comes we talk who's yellow... You can't see yahwey he snuck up behind you. You can't see Michael he's about to find you. You motherfuckers, or something like that... hard to make it out.
I am the great-grandson of an indigenous (Brazilian) member of the Cariri ethnic group. I am an admirer of dances and music indigenous to North America.
How grateful I am to be able to listen to this beautiful singing. I am not Native. I grew-up in Winnipeg Manitoba and my friends were all Aboriginal and they are still like family to this very day.
Ohhh I'm overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings.. Makes me so emotional... I can't explane in words my soul was lost for so long it feels like I'm coming home.. I feel so much Respect Honor and love Thank you much ❤️ from Amsterdam
Your people fough alongside native americans against the portuguese in the south, this is probably your ancestors remembering their dream in america... It was a very peaceful alliance aparently, no discrimination.
@@shinji5217 Thank you so much for the message 🙏 Yes it is a very powerful song to me That's what i feel when I'm listening to this beautiful song It touches my heart and soul so very deep with positive vibes for me this song sounds like a message about hope, pride, life, unite, values and norms and freedom it gives me strength like i will never give up trying but most of all the power about love and world peace ❤️
I hope one day I have the privilege and honour of meeting some of the Lakota people and visiting their beautiful nation I know what it’s like to be treated with appalling discrimination because I am autistic and therefore disabled my horse Auntie is all all that keeps me sane
Wow that was beautiful I love the native American history the way they respect mother nature the connection they have with earth and animals and by far the best horse man ever to walk the earth fantastic horse riders .my nephew is half Cherokee(hope iv spelt right)and he is very proud to tell people that when he gets asked in summer how come he goes brown very quickly.fantastic people fantastic history beautiful lands and very beautiful people blessing from the u.k xxxx
I'm British/English but the whole of my life i have always conected with the Lakota. I believe in my past life I was Lakota. My the Great Spirit ess you all.
Lakota , original people , i am a half breed , i follow what my father and grandfather taut me of my traditions and way of life , my name is sugmanatu tonka , i am proud of my heritage and my family , much love from Michigan , Wolf Pack Inipi.
That's so beautiful! many blessings to you. I love Native American culture along with its many tribes and traditions, music, food and morals absolutely gorgeous
thank you for this beautifu song, i dont understand the words, but i know how it makes me feel inside, my stomach,chest from the inside of me, to my outside skin,always when i listen to music and songs from native tribes like the lakota,apache,cheyenne,etc,always it is guaranteed that i have tears in my eyes before the end of the song,no matter what the subject of the song, i cant listen and not think of all the pain,and suffering of the native peoples, all over the world,who all once had a beautiful life, and give love,care and respect to our one mother, our earth,i bow down to all native peoples and ask for forgiveness ,although i never meet a native of the american continent,i feel guilty of what has been done,and what continues to happen,i ask you my brothers and sisters if it is possible, that someone please translate this song for me, so that i can understand all of its beauty,thank you my brothers and sisters,my prayers,thoughts and tears are with you all
♥️🕊“I Love♥️This Beautiful, Lakota Drums & Their Music,🥁 And People,Nature And Culture 😃💕Really Beautiful People“!!! „Thank You So Much,For This Wonderful Voice,Drums And Your Wonderful Music“😘😉!!!
I am Oglala, n part, but n my heart entirely. My feet have not walked the journey, but my soul has always taken the flight. So proud of the ancestors. We will forever be the "blood". Strong an true. Indian name- Sen-Tia Ten Bear
Awesome I love the way of Life and songs nature respect love and I miss my native brothers and sisters and would like to come to a pow wow or experience
Like Billy Jack said being an indian is not creed colar or bread . It's a way of life. And to me all native stories are true. Natuvis are the only ones that can shere old stories from all around our Mother Earth. White man can not .Cus they are to vesitile fake and dishounest. Its to bad that there sntories wouldent make it around the globe and be the same story it would be somthing els. Our stories go back thousands of years and still told the same way as it was. Im a white man but lived a Native way of life most all of my life. Im very proud to say that i was mostly raised by Natives. Im hounerd Thank You
Amis lointains, je vous salue. Depuis ma prime jeunesse, vous êtes dans mon cœur et dans ma tête. Malgré la distance qui nous sépare, je suis avec vous. Gardez cette fierté de votre peuple et que le Grand Esprit vous garde pour l'avenir.
Fuck off...... im from scotland and not in anyway ashamed of what ever happened in the past is in no way my fault or will i ever apologise or be ashamed at what was done to anyone heres something hard to swallow ....... it wasn't me... get the fuck over it
For as long as I can remember, I have carried deep and unconsolable grief. Until hearing this, John Trudell has come the closest to speaking the words of this pain. A'ho
My children are Lakota blood and spirit. Both daughters middle name is Wakan. I have taught them all I could about Lakota..my oldest son is mixed with Blackfoot..his grandmother raised on the rez... I am so pleased my children..grown..know of their roots in such a true people.
I am French Canadian and my Grandfather was a direct descendant of the last tribe. I have a tattoo for him and The Great Spirit on my arm. I don't believe in religion. I believe in him and The Great Spirit. I am Lakota and very proud of it.
There family related me of united state married in and out to German this cool there out country support around i was out physic medium was as a child but back in after the history of laws been broken over raid in the level office try help clean up steal try get done thanks bye
Washte to all my lakota brothers and sisters you are truly a great people who continue to live in peace and harmony with mother earth the lakota language and culture is the most beautiful in the world i love all native American people and nations may wakan tanka bless you now and forevermore I also ask the creator for the protection of all people and all animals May all native people and nations be blessed
This song, a part of the huge Lakota civilization deserves millions of likes. Poor all those who fail to recognize the deep power of beauty in it.
I come from a people that is known widely, I have have also visited many of Nations and have felt very proud of the Elders that keep tradition for our youngest children in their hearts, and the future in their minds!
The roots of this song is enough for it to be taught in all the armed forces
I'm cree,yet I can understand this.
Thank You ❤️
I always picture a few thousand brave warriors proudly sounding like thunder. Ground shaking, sky breaking , pure awesomeness!
It's soul food I'm a white man with a heart of an Indian I've been like that since early childhood 3:43
Me too!
Me too ... from another life ! 😪❤
Aho...... Mitakuye Oyasin.....were all related......
My dad who grew up in Pine Ridge and later in life was an instructor for sheet metal and air conditioning many years ago at Haskell. My dad passed away at 96 yrs old. Haskell Color Guard and drum group sang this for my dad at his burial. He was an akicita. WWII air corp vet , who flew and survived 62 missions.
I must add my dad was as well as i, are descendant of Red Cloud.
Respect...i know for sure I am a Mohawk reincarnated in Europe.. my father looks like an Indian..but he has gypsy blood.my mother has sightley red brown hair..i gonna do a past life regression therapie to check this out...do you think this is possible? Anyway the white man pay me for being alive...i feel like in this life they are paying me back...i know it's sounds crazy....but I have a memory before I was born..before I got this body
..not the lifes before ..but I gonna get check this out...
Oh how cool is that. Your Dad lived a great long life. And what a great ancestor to have in Red Cloud.
@@sivodesilva9866 I don't think this sounds crazy at all, I have memories of a few past lives, some very clear. One being a plains Indian, I don't know of what tribe, and that one wasn't as clear. But perhaps it explains an interest in American Indians I have had ever since I was a child. In this life, there is no connection, according to ancestry.com
It's strange but my sister, who is 15 years younger than me, also has an interest and connection to American Indians, and we were born in Australia.
@@jennydoyle4828 sorry. Did i tell you this?ore are you reading me?thanks for the comment anyway Jenny
@@jennydoyle4828 pre was the comment for someone else?
I'm a white man raised into a lakota family by marriage from a small child. My uncles and grandfather are Three Legs, Gabe, Bears Heart and my great grandmother was "Tiger"., all from Wakpala SD. My Grandfather Rufus Gabe is buried there in 1980. I visited the Res and lived there at times. As a white man raised with a Sioux family, I had a very tough time being accepted on the res, I wasn't accepted by many when I protected my Lakota family in discussions, I would be booted out of the group by whites. I fought at school for my adopted little brother who was 100% Sioux because of the color of his skin. I've seen a world that many have not seen because of my skin color and my experience. Racism is really bad around the Res. The white man is hated and the Indigenous people are too, from outside and inside the res for many reasons. There are scars that never healed and never will. 400 years ago, the white man brought alcohol, sugar and wheat flour and other out of culture foods that has poisoned the indigenous people over the years with Diabetes, Hypertension, heart disease, Liver and kidney disease. These diseases are worse today than ever. Life expectancy of a Sioux is about 66 years on average and the last 10 years of that is in severe disease and suffering. Alcoholism, drugs, depression, anxiety, suicide, murder, and auto accidents are huge evils that attack the Res everyday. Many of my uncles and nephews have died very early deaths because of this. Every indigenous person in the US is born with an alcohol problem. Alcohol is the #1 problem on the Res. My heart bleeds for my family and ancestors. Money can't fix this problem, only a light in each ones heart can do it. Every Sioux must come together, learn the language and cultures and never let the teachings die. I speak some of the Lakota language and get immediate respect from the elders when they hear me; a white man speak and wonder why? The elders wonder why I speak it when blooded Lakota natives don't? It's the flame in my heart that is strong, not the color of my skin. The color of your skin is nothing without the light in your heart. Stay away from the poisons and help each other with no hate in your heart for anyone. I was taught young and listened. My cousins and uncles wanted to but alcohol got their soul. Listen to your elders, they have a genuine message. never eat or drink the poison.
He the medic first the white man needs to forgive him self the red man needs to forgive him self .when south africa gave up apartheid and Nelson made president the whites thought there would be a black uprising instead they forgave each other and south africa is a force to be reckoned yep they got a few things to straighten out but their country is strong .I hope the same for America and Americans and first nations
@Greg Mccumber put your aluminum foil hat on as your 46th president said today it's a time to heal don't waste the opportunity
I never had a problem with alcohol until I was brought to my knees by the attacks of the white 👀 for trying to defend all ppl against the threats of spiders 🕸 that is woven over our 🌎 from WDC.
Reading your words has renewed my strength to keep fighting. Hearing my family singing has mended my broken wings. WB
@Greg Mccumber high pay grade doesn't make high IQ trump proved that I make more than your corona deaths . MAKE AMERICA NATIVE AGAIN
@Greg Mccumber hurt people hurt . checkmate
chills run up my spine... when i know new people hear my people sing, they understand now how proud we are and will forever be. my blood is true oglala we are still here standing with strong hearts. im from wounded knee i feel the spirits of my ancestors i know there proud we still fight. when i play the music i can feel their spirit is high.
Some friends of mine were from the Seminole People. In fact I graduated from Bowlegs High school in Bowlegs Oklahoma, named after Billy Bowlegs.
that's really beautiful (brought tears, ) i am so drawn toward this story of the lakota. for 2 days now i keep looking up and reading, bless
My son is Sicangu Lakota and I am Oglala. He's a spirit reborn, he loves the music and dances everywhere we go. It's so empowering to be Lakota.
Same, I'm from the Sicangu Lakota and I fell kinda anxious for some reason
@@mnpo8987 your son is in the same tribe as me
Stay Brave and i am so ashamend about the History!! Greetings from Gemany. Native are allways the Best. On all Kontinent! Asia, Afrika, N/S Amerika and the Inuit and Aborigines! ❤👍🤝
German - Swiss American here! Thank you for your support of Native Americans ! You are 100 % correct! I have been watching Pow-Wows to help me stay on an "Even Keel" during this very difficult time in the USA! The drumming, the singing and the dancing help keep me very GROUNDED! My Great-Uncle died on a beach in Anzio, Italy on February 19,1944. He 2as a STAFF SGT in the US ARMY. He was definitely NOT A SUCKER or a LOSER! 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🪖🫡🫡🫡🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢
Nothing but love and respect for this brave and noble people.
🙏I feel blessed for hearing this beautiful chanting! I am honored. Thank you so much Lakota Nation! 🙏
lol..its a word song bud,,not a chanting song…lol
I am white, born in Scotland and I just love you're traditional music. I listen while I work. I only found this by accident, falling asleep watching youtube and waking to Native American Songs. Awesome, thankyou
I'm white (why this has some relevance?) I respect and admire everything that has to do with native Americans traditions, music etc... btw I'm Greek.
P.S.: These people knew a lot more back then about the universe and nature, that we do know now. I studied Physics and I can tell a few words about the previous statement...
I too have found many great musics that way
Thanks I admire you for being proud of your race
Why not, prove it, first!
I'm Irish, Scottish, Hispanic and Native American... doesn't matter where you're from or the color of your skin, everybody can understand and appreciate this in one way or another... we are all from this earth and to the earth we shall return..... much love
Mother Earth misses our drums.
She sure does!!!!!
Buh souri je n'ai pas compris merci de respecter ❤😊
Mais dici je les enfants de nouveaux a moins que l'on me detoure de vous aime aussi ❤❤❤❤😮dany Wolf cœuly 😊
Vivre de la pensée des encetre n ai jamais movais pouvoir rire de tous les epreuve moi aussi j'aime bien 👍 dan la vie liberté d écouté les powo de bonnes vibrations comme tout le peuples de la planète Terre mère patcha mama la musique nous faire vivre ensemble enfin libre dans notre monde entier ensemble simplement merci ❤❤❤❤dany loup karak witchampi he he he 😊😊❤❤dany
My cousin was married to a Lakota, Rosebud, Oglala woman. They lived in Vermillion, SD. I went to their wedding 1990s from NYS. I met Claudette Sabor who was in a movie with Elvis Presley when she was 14 yo. Claudette & I became pen pals. Claudette Sabor was affiliated with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
I am European, immigrant, passport American. 1st gen. paleface. Give the land back. Midnight Oil, Beds are burning. Yours are as well. Health to my brothers and sisters Lakota, greets from Bulgaria, and we will uplift them. Dance, your dance is beautiful.
Proud to come from such great people! My grandmother and her family were all full Lakota Sioux and I will always be proud !
be proud and stay proud always my sister and friend, i am white skin,half scotch,and half english, and from my earliest memories,my heart and soul are with the native people of the american continent,i love you all,
I’m Sioux from Wounded knee the heart of the Lakota people..💯💯💯
Clement La Deaux how’s the lock down there?
Love u.
Rose Bud tribe forever!!!! 🌹
Does That Mean You Are Lakota Like Me?
😊 💯💯💯 😌 🦅🦬🦬🦬 🐎🦌 🪶🪶🪶 ✊🏼💖❤️
Lakota, you are truly a great people. May Wakan Tanka always protect you.
I wish. Were out here dropping like flies. It’s scary. I’ve seen so many ppl shot, murdered n dead of overdoses it hurts. I’ve been crying all morning cause my friends mother was just shot in the head she was a grandmother babysitting her grandkids, and an innocent bystander. I just buried my cousin seems like a couple days ago it was just last week, he was murdered. It’s so hard to see how far my ppl have fallen
@@YourGraceMyLadyextremely sorry to hear about you ppl. Made me sad.
@@YourGraceMyLady ... tears shared. Much love to you and your family
@@YourGraceMyLady love and light. 💛
Born in Wyoming grew up in Pine Ridge. Oglala Lakota Sioux, this song runs in my spirit and heart.
I am black but have always deeply deeply admired and respected American Indian culture. I love the singing and drumming. You are strong, spiritual people with such a rich culture!
Me identifico con ellos vibra mi corazon
Kenneth Hurst: many eastern tribes took in runnaway slaves. You could have some blood.
@@myramedicinewindkay813 I was born in the Caribbean, so I don't think it's a part of my lineage. However, before blacks were brought to those Islands, Indians were native to them, in addition to North, South and Central America. My blood line is traced to both Africa & Europe. As a kid, I had always rooted for the Indians in Western movies!
@@kennethhurst6296 Yes, my kids have original Borenquen Indian (PR) & black from Dominican/Angola on gran dads side + Spanish/Celtic/Moor on their grandma's side. From a Dream Vision i had, it seems that both maintaining pureblood & mixing blood are important. I took Genetics in college to breed Paso Fino Horses. I'm a metis, which has the potential to be a bridge to both cultures, but involves alot of abuse from all sides!
@@myramedicinewindkay813my great grandmother is Cherokee
I’m Cheyenne River/Oglala Lakota, I love my people. 🪶♥️
E fai be
Im Turk and i am proud of Lakotas and Cheyennes. I love you guys.
Kemal was a great men,leader to his band.Just like Sitting Bull or Dull Knife or someone else,its just doesnnt matter where you from,its who you are the question..Great respect to Kemal Ataturk and to Sitting Bull and Red Clouds and Crazy Horse..
Brother, I’m quarter Uzbek and quarter Katai Bashkort. Our ancestors come from the same land.
I’m full blood Oglala Sioux born at pine ridge rez I am Sioux and will die a proud Sioux warrior’’
I can't help but love Native Americans, the traditions, their history and their endurance as a people which centers around one thing- FAMILY. Peace to all. 👍☀️
Native American's weren't all love and peace and living off the land, they were as complex as any other group of human beings. We are all one, with all the good and bad the comes of that fact.
"Native Americans" were fking brutal with war, they're just like other countries, waging war & they think about consuming but on a lesser degree.
No offense against any natives. But dude do u know about their history and traditions (and nearly all of our knowlege about the nord-ameriacans is after 1500/1600 - any socity before got "deleted" (maybe a light over statment) by illness and there was no documentations about them. - @feuerbach1 is right. some to a lot of the tribes hold slaves, and some of them had the same racism against africans as any european/colonist slave holder. There were many brutal massacres ( much less as from the other partys, but still ) also begone by tribes.
So just because bad has bedone aginst a group, doenst mean that group havnt done bad before, or would do bad after it.
Their cultures were incredibly altruistic and socially "advanced". A lot of comments for some reason have to mention that they still committed acts of violence. Of course they did, they're just human beings. Still can't deny that their values and practices are some of the most profound in the world. Leadership in the Anishinaabe nation was only given to those who for decades gave away their surplus of resources to those in need and contributed to the community. The Anishinaabe teaching of unconditional love, for example, of how all of creation took pity on humans and gave of themselves gifts to people to survive, the crops, the trees, and the animals, that people are not superior creatures but dependent on and related to all others and should be thankful for these gifts, and that these gifts of food and medicine will help and heal anyone, regardless of who they are. That has profound implications for how you treat outside peoples. As opposed to the colonizers, who were like "not Christian is evil, must be exterminated or converted".
@@RayyanKesnan i totally agree. The first US-Consitution was based on it.
But the Anishinaabe wasnt the only tribes. whats about the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee /Creek, and Seminoles. They were slave holders as example, in the way the europeans did... (maybe not on that scale! but in doing and in the cruelty)
And whats about the Azetecs? They had the same agreesive expansonist ideas, as a lot of the European Kingdoms.
"As opposed to the colonizers, who were like "not Christian is evil, must be exterminated or converted" and statments like that are also wrong.
It happend a lot (way to much) but still, how many people didnt do that of the colonist?
( And most colonist didnt came to america because they had a good life in europe [still dont make it right to take away others homes])
And some of them even helped.
So there is no clear white/ and black in history. History isnt easy, and has so many facettes.
I am a member of the Fort Peck Reservation. Our flag now flies at the capital in Helena. I was raised off the reservation but every once in a while I need to listen to the music.
This anthem gives me the chills and goosebumps every time I listen to this. 🙏🦅🙏
I know this whole song by heart. I sing it every morning at school
I truly love this ❤. I feel like I’m home. I have many Native American friends and some have included me and my husband into their families. We are unable to travel to any of the Powwows anymore because of ill health, but when we are there, we both felt welcomed and excepted into the family. I was given an honorary name from a medicine woman, which I haven’t been able to find since I last seen her because I lost the information she gave me after I headed back home from one of the reenactments that we used to do together. I sorely miss this woman. I was dressed in an authentic white doeskin Native American dress outfit, with authentic fur draped down along my braided hair, including a feather in my hair and other accessories. Another time I was asked to play and keep time with the drums. This was very special moment to me. It was a special church service honoring fallen warriors and especially those in recent war conflicts. I definitely feel at home with this type of music. It fills my soul with happiness and appreciation for those who are still keeping traditions alive with their music. Nowadays they have to worry about technology poisoning the minds of the young…..God bless everyone.👍❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
When I listens to this. My spirit sent chills all over me. I no thus because of my Indian blood line. God Bless you all with love. From my spirit to your spirit.
my sister and friend, i hope it is o;k; with you, i call you sister and friend, i am not a native of the american continent,my father is english, and my mother is from scotland,but from my first memories of seeing native people of the american continent,i often have tears in my eyes, i tell you this from my heart,, that even now,i am 58 years old, and i am the same, i cry, and i have tears in my eyes when i listen to the songs of native people,i feel those shvers in my back,i feel like inside my stomach and chest that there is something moving and alive,even sometimes the hairs on my arm will stand,always be proud,and stay strong, and always i pray to the great spirit, that one day you will all have again your land and freedom,the world needs you, and we need to learn from you,i am always your friend and brother,i love you all,
I’m so drawn to Lakota healing and ways of living. Thank you!
My grandmother was born on pine ridge. I have family that still live there. I am proud to be part of the family. Oglala all the way.
I'm a kelt, or celte, from France, a poor contry actually, were most people being now fool, without humanity, without sincerity, without honor and without proud.
And also without soul...
Since the covid came and the vaccin's medical disasters...
But some of us know that the great spirit is allover for all.
Thanks for this heart song.
Mitakuyé Oya'sin.
At first I was taken back but I kept on and the more I listen it gets into me. I feel my spirit vibrating with the song.
What a beautiful video! I love the old photos. Thank you for sharing, I appreciate you!
Saludos al pueblo Lakota, desde el sur del pueblo inka del que soy uno de sus hijos; los cantos anuncian nuestra libertad!!!
Love it.
I just prayed for you all too...same prayer blessing...Great Spirit.
Tierra y libertad companerx!
Oglala Lakota souix tribe SO PROUD TO LIVE SO PROUD TO DIE !!!!
Never met a Lakota I didn't like. I stand with you brothers. What up from the Dine' nation!!!
me encanta su música sus tradiciones tal y como son . Gracias x compartirlo con los demás 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
You Spanish conquistador Destroy Native Maxican mayan, please remember what your Anchestor do to this Indegenious Peoples
Awesome greetings from the super ancient megalithic city of TIAHUANAKU BOLIVIA 🇧🇴 I'm 100 Aymara native from the highlands of Bolivia. My respects to the full blood native Americans.
From one indigenous culture to another we hear your call from Aotearoa we feel the spirit of our ancestors i quite happily opened my home to a beautiful gift given to me a portrait of Tasunke Wankatuya and he sits happily amongst many of my family... maori, pasifika, aboriginal and many more like you all we are people of the land and of the sea so from all the way from New Zealand far salute we see you and we appreciate you too love and light xxx
When you think of giving up listen because your ancestor fought hard for you to be here !!!
God bless all Native American peoples, from north to south. Greetings from Brazil.
My Mother was a kuni ( panamanian native ) proud of this.
Regards from Poland! I will never accept English French Spanish etc. as American. Only you are real American people!
Live where you are at. You are are arrogant in your ignorance of this nation. Fool!
Nobody gives a flying f*ck what some random from Poland thinks. Our families fought, bled and died here too. Don't speak on what you don't know, that's like me saying I will always consider east Poland Russian. Sit down, child.
Thank you
Who gives a f. That some polish accept
They prefer to be called Natives because they were here before Columbus.
I love your video
I grew up with Apache Indians in Chihuahua, Mexico 🇲🇽 I miss the good & peaceful days.
I am a white Mexican with green eyes 👀
God bless y’all...
The Love of my Life was from Chihuahua: Taramara & his grandfather Spanish from Spain. Some Spaniards have the Celtic blood: red hair, & green eyes.
Though I am Irish/German import from long ago. This music and the drum music and dances really move me. Even as a little girl, when we played "cowboys and Indians" I was an Indian. Perhaps it is a spirit guide or a past life memory.
That's so sweet, seriously
Wow I share that with you, as a child I always rooted for the Indians, now at 60 years old I actually am learning to speak Lakota
Thank you for helping us remember. The Lakota are so much that I cannot find the right words...
What a powerful sounding spiritual song, could not understand a word, but it felt really good & touches you deep inside. Amazing stuff.
A mighty people whose strong spirit and mighty song vibrates through the dimensions of time.
This is tradition and culture! Real Americans! Much love for this people from Austria!
I live Mankato, MN all my 38 years of life. We have very sad and tragic history here. Every year in February I believe The Souix/Lakota from South Dakota come on horse back hundreds of miles away in mid winter to Mankato Minnesota to honor their ancestors who hung under the Memorial bridge . My Apologies to the Souix/Lakota and it is always a honor to see you.
Пусть хранит Вас Вселенная, которая Вас создала! Прекрасный народ!❤
I, too, apologize from my heart how 'our' government has treated such a beautiful society - the every day person could learn so much about true life and having a true heart.
Great respect and love to all native of American it touches deep in my soul tears rolling down my eyes muc love from Brazil 🇧🇷
I am from PR originally. My dad is a vietnam vet and fluent in Lakota. God forbid when he passes I plan on playing this at the appropriate time.
The Lakota National Anthem is so beautiful. I can't understand the words or language, but respect the Lakota Nation people. Russel Means was a great orator speaker for his people and all native americans.
Thank you for this video. My dad was born on a rez in south Dakota. It is great to hear the national anthem. MY national anthem.
hearing, not understanding, but completely feeling the force of the Lakota's voice. Beautiful.
Diese Lieder, berühren mich obwohl ich von Europa bin.❤❤❤ Vielleicht war ich einmal ein Indianer........
This is not a song of hatred towards the whiteman. It is a song sung to the God above, that he remember us, his pitiful people. pray for us, it says.
My boyfriend grew up on the standing rock reservation and he said that there is more meaning behind it then that..he said that there was a Lakota soldier that made this song and he wrote this while he was on his way back on in a train that America or the US was still our land but he was going to fight for it any way because that’s what we are as Lakota we are warriors and it basically says this is the president flag and under it I will serve
Amen brother I agree but my family is very diverse im mixed with lakotah English and german but I dont pay any attention to rhe fact that I have German in me because I dont like german i love th native American and english
Wígmuŋke Wíŋyaŋ Wanáǧi There is televised evidence that the North American Indians had Hebrew artifacts and explored the thought of weather they are one of the lost tribes. Do you think that's true?
@@Nordlys0 are you Lakota born?
Beautiful anthem, beautiful people..
Thank you for posting this. I am from South Dakota and sharing a bit of the land's history with people here in Zambia, where I live now. This is a perfect thing to share with them; I appreciate your making it available for easy access, including the photos.
I'm Irish with Danish roots but I love and respect Native Americans so much I'm happy when my viking ancestors came to America years ago they were peacefull with the natives. .. Much Respect
They weren't peaceful in the slightest. Be Irish, don't let what was given to you die, there are plenty of white supremacist among the danish to distort their own history and tie a rope around their necks with it. Follow the right one.
The words in Lakota and in English:
Tunkaṡila yapi, tawapaha ki han oihankesni (he) nanjin kte lo.
Iyoḣlateya oyate ki han wicicaġin kte ca.
Iecamun welo.
The President's Flag will stand forever.
Under it, the people will grow: so I do this.
Heyuha natan pe
Tunkaṡila yapi tawapaha ca
Heyuha natan pelo.
Lakota hokṡila (he) ohitika ca
Heyuha natan pe. Tunkaṡila yapi tawapaha ca.
Heyuha natan pelo.
They are charging.
The U.S. flag, they are charging.
The Lakota warriors are brave.
They are charging. The U.S. flag, they are charging.
Thanks so much for this addition.
thank you for this, i am sure to listen and learn this beautiful song until it is carved in my heart and soul,
In english... it sounds more like
We honor freedom, why yahey warrior he yellow... hear yahwey,
When his salvation comes we talk who's yellow...
You can't see yahwey he snuck up behind you.
You can't see Michael he's about to find you.
You motherfuckers, or something like that... hard to make it out.
I am the great-grandson of an indigenous (Brazilian) member of the Cariri ethnic group. I am an admirer of dances and music indigenous to North America.
I hold a special place of the deepest respect in my soul for these proud and beautiful people.
How grateful I am to be able to listen to this beautiful singing.
I am not Native. I grew-up in Winnipeg Manitoba and my friends were all Aboriginal and they are still like family to this very day.
Ohhh I'm overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings.. Makes me so emotional... I can't explane in words my soul was lost for so long it feels like I'm coming home..
I feel so much Respect Honor and love
Thank you much ❤️ from Amsterdam
Your people fough alongside native americans against the portuguese in the south, this is probably your ancestors remembering their dream in america... It was a very peaceful alliance aparently, no discrimination.
Thank you so much for the message 🙏
Yes it is a very powerful song to me
That's what i feel when I'm listening to this beautiful song
It touches my heart and soul so very deep with positive vibes
for me this song sounds like a message about hope, pride, life, unite, values and norms and freedom it gives me strength like i will never give up trying but most of all the power about love and world peace ❤️
Love this music...reminds me of the Pow Wows I've attended ( Apache and Yaqui here)
I first heard the Lakota National Anthem in Chicago in 1970. I have never forgotten it. It remains my favorite native song ever.
I am a ethnic Chinese Singsporean. I respect the Republic of Lakota. U are the most oppressed people in the world! Ny heart is with U.
I hope one day I have the privilege and honour of meeting some of the Lakota people and visiting their beautiful nation I know what it’s like to be treated with appalling discrimination because I am autistic and therefore disabled my horse Auntie is all all that keeps me sane
Wow that was beautiful I love the native American history the way they respect mother nature the connection they have with earth and animals and by far the best horse man ever to walk the earth fantastic horse riders .my nephew is half Cherokee(hope iv spelt right)and he is very proud to tell people that when he gets asked in summer how come he goes brown very quickly.fantastic people fantastic history beautiful lands and very beautiful people blessing from the u.k xxxx
I'm British/English but the whole of my life i have always conected with the Lakota. I believe in my past life I was Lakota. My the Great Spirit ess you all.
Me too
Lakota , original people , i am a half breed , i follow what my father and grandfather taut me of my traditions and way of life , my name is sugmanatu tonka , i am proud of my heritage and my family , much love from Michigan , Wolf Pack Inipi.
I had my DNA test done, and it proved what I had always known in my heart. I have Native American ancestors. So proud of that.
That's so beautiful! many blessings to you. I love Native American culture along with its many tribes and traditions, music, food and morals absolutely gorgeous
but have you actually done anything for the indian cause?
@@matowicakte and u?
michela derry yea iv put years into tribal government and working for the betterment of my people and fighting for the cause
Beautiful, beautiful people. Wonderful pictures of a very proud part of the human race. LOVE IT
I'm not a Lakota Sioux but this Song is so wunderfull.
Wonderful .. Yes it is 🌌🌌🌌💜😍🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶
My Little Grandma was full blooded Lakota Sioux I could listen to her all day about our ancestral days old.
thank you for this beautifu song, i dont understand the words, but i know how it makes me feel inside, my stomach,chest from the inside of me, to my outside skin,always when i listen to music and songs from native tribes like the lakota,apache,cheyenne,etc,always it is guaranteed that i have tears in my eyes before the end of the song,no matter what the subject of the song, i cant listen and not think of all the pain,and suffering of the native peoples, all over the world,who all once had a beautiful life, and give love,care and respect to our one mother, our earth,i bow down to all native peoples and ask for forgiveness ,although i never meet a native of the american continent,i feel guilty of what has been done,and what continues to happen,i ask you my brothers and sisters if it is possible, that someone please translate this song for me, so that i can understand all of its beauty,thank you my brothers and sisters,my prayers,thoughts and tears are with you all
♥️🕊“I Love♥️This Beautiful, Lakota Drums & Their Music,🥁 And People,Nature And Culture
😃💕Really Beautiful People“!!! „Thank You So Much,For This Wonderful Voice,Drums And Your Wonderful Music“😘😉!!!
Very rare pictures..
This is what my father had talked about..and told stories.from back in day....and i listened..
I am Oglala, n part, but n my heart entirely. My feet have not walked the journey, but my soul has always taken the flight. So proud of the ancestors. We will forever be the "blood". Strong an true. Indian name- Sen-Tia Ten Bear
I am a son of CRAZY HORSE. OGLALA LAKOTA .. All family proud and forever proud
@@owenrouillard2137 i truely say your are welcome many great blessings to family and. Of course your love one's. Amen . my friend
Awesome I love the way of Life and songs nature respect love and I miss my native brothers and sisters and would like to come to a pow wow or experience
50% Timbisha Shoshone Tribe, 50% Tejon Yokut tribe= 100% Native blood, & proud.
And yet equal in Native Blood to even Elizabeth Warren.
Do not forget that percentage of blood means nothing.
spanish Army destroyed your culture.Now you are christean & you are mixed people.
Like Billy Jack said being an indian is not creed colar or bread . It's a way of life. And to me all native stories are true. Natuvis are the only ones that can shere old stories from all around our Mother Earth. White man can not .Cus they are to vesitile fake and dishounest. Its to bad that there sntories wouldent make it around the globe and be the same story it would be somthing els. Our stories go back thousands of years and still told the same way as it was. Im a white man but lived a Native way of life most all of my life. Im very proud to say that i was mostly raised by Natives. Im hounerd Thank You
You should be proud!
Love the Native people.I never met one i didn't like
I am not from Pine Ridge, yet, i can feel the strength and sadness in the songs, All Natives should hear the music of the People. Aho Angela Moore
Amis lointains, je vous salue.
Depuis ma prime jeunesse, vous êtes dans mon cœur et dans ma tête. Malgré la distance qui nous sépare, je suis avec vous.
Gardez cette fierté de votre peuple et que le Grand Esprit vous garde pour l'avenir.
Greetings from Rifland from a native Northern African ✌️♓
i am Scottish and I hang my head at the the way these lovely TRUE native americans were treated shame on the british and Scotland
The Britons?
I cry
Scotland? Maybe learn some history.
Fuck off...... im from scotland and not in anyway ashamed of what ever happened in the past is in no way my fault or will i ever apologise or be ashamed at what was done to anyone heres something hard to swallow ....... it wasn't me... get the fuck over it
and what should I say that I am Italian like Colombo?
Much love and respect from Bonnie Scotland 🏴 💙 ✊ 🙏 ✨
Thankyou,i am a Rroma Sami hybrid and this Lakota song moves me very deeply.
Love the music listen to it at night god bless them love from Ireland they sent money to ireland during the famine
For as long as I can remember, I have carried deep and unconsolable grief.
Until hearing this, John Trudell has come the closest to speaking the words of this pain.
I don't know if I am Native, but it's taken me a long time to find this song. To dance upon this planet, to be one with our Mother. 💞
so blessed upon this... my heart dances. thank you!
Real life warriors. First Nation's Texas here. I love love love love you all
greetings from a cherokee i love the song very beautiful. i wish you blessings. wopila
My children are Lakota blood and spirit. Both daughters middle name is Wakan. I have taught them all I could about Lakota..my oldest son is mixed with Blackfoot..his grandmother raised on the rez...
I am so pleased my children..grown..know of their roots in such a true people.
I am French Canadian and my Grandfather was a direct descendant of the last tribe. I have a tattoo for him and The Great Spirit on my arm. I don't believe in religion. I believe in him and The Great Spirit. I am Lakota and very proud of it.
Nizhoni yé, I often wondered why other tribes of Indians are subtle. Good strong spirited songs. Aho!!
Be proud to be Lacota !!! Greets and respect from Germany ! WE love you !
There family related me of united state married in and out to German this cool there out country support around i was out physic medium was as a child but back in after the history of laws been broken over raid in the level office try help clean up steal try get done thanks bye
You say it like this, lakota
Not mean
I am italy man...my soul is lakota sioux...lakota sioux forever on my heart 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Grazie, amico. Anche nel mio cuore, per sempre.
I am Alaskan, and Kickapoo, look at this pictures we didn't have fences' we were at peace !! god hear my prayer!
Great mother nature .
This is the Pocupine Singers from Pine Ridge Res in South Dakota. I believe Ronnie Theis head singer on this song. ❤
Washte to all my lakota brothers and sisters you are truly a great people who continue to live in peace and harmony with mother earth the lakota language and culture is the most beautiful in the world i love all native American people and nations may wakan tanka bless you now and forevermore I also ask the creator for the protection of all people and all animals
May all native people and nations be blessed