Silent Hill The Movie: SH Retrospective

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @shaneedwards596
    @shaneedwards596 5 лет назад +814

    just realised... Silent his is one of those rare gem's a movie where Sean Bean didn't die in

    • @GeekTheGecko
      @GeekTheGecko 5 лет назад +43

      He did die in the sequel, even it was just a nightmare.

    • @shaneedwards596
      @shaneedwards596 5 лет назад +14

      @@GeekTheGecko tbf I haven't seen the 2nd one yet started to a while ago but never got round to getting past the 10 min mark lol

    • @razieltalos
      @razieltalos 5 лет назад +15

      GeekTheGecko he didnt die, he just went into silent hill to find rose

    • @SaroDantra
      @SaroDantra 5 лет назад +9

      Pretty sure they only left him alive because the studio insisted there be at least 1 man in the cast. Think it would have sent the wrong message if they said "Ok, but we're casting Sean Bean and we'll kill him".

    • @Marsson90
      @Marsson90 5 лет назад +4

      Spoilers: Fun fact is that his character dies in the games though 😂

  • @sicboi80
    @sicboi80 5 лет назад +532

    As a big Silent Hill fan, I really enjoyed this film when I saw it many years ago. The second Silent Hill film however.. Well... Yeah....

    • @picklejuice-je9qz
      @picklejuice-je9qz 5 лет назад +24

      Yeah... we don't talk about that, whatever it was...

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад +9

      at least the second movie tried to be more faithful to the source material, Gansey ripped the true cult and even it's god from the story and made it about witch burning and purgatory

    • @Dargonhuman
      @Dargonhuman 4 года назад +20

      @@aaron75fy That's true, but it's still an awful movie. Using that to defend the movie is like taking a dump and saying the turds look a lot like the chicken tenders you had for lunch; just because they're superficially similar doesn't mean the turd is something you want to consume.

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад +4

      @@Dargonhuman and using THAT to justify the first movie is like using the first movie and saying it's better than the last movie. the first silent hill movie was a generic witch burning monstrosity that retconed the whole franchise. you do know it caused so many ignorant people to still say the snow is ash right?

    • @aaronrican5060
      @aaronrican5060 4 года назад +2

      Yeah we don’t talk about the second 🤣🤣🤣

  • @ZeroCashProductions
    @ZeroCashProductions 5 лет назад +383

    My then-wife and I absolutely flipped out when this was announced. We saw it day one in theaters and yes, I totally agree. It's still the best video game to movie adaptation, despite the flaws.

    • @BLAZINGwaffle56
      @BLAZINGwaffle56 5 лет назад +11

      Mortal kombat?

    • @nanamitouko949
      @nanamitouko949 5 лет назад +7

      @@BLAZINGwaffle56 nah bro

    • @BlackCroft666
      @BlackCroft666 5 лет назад +14

      I think Tomb Raider of the 90s did a better job. I really don't like the gender swop and changing the names, story etc...they changed too much. But the atmophere was good. If you have no clue at all of the games I can see how people can enjoy it.

    • @karinano1stan
      @karinano1stan 4 года назад +2

      @@BlackCroft666 I love both the first four games and the first movie :/

    • @Kurdinov83
      @Kurdinov83 4 года назад +7

      Have to agree with Mortal Kombat, and I would add Detective Pikachu... I just hated "Silent Hill puritans attack", I mean, it was good enough by videogame movie standars but only Lynch or Cronemberg could direct my ideal SH movie (I know, I know, pretentious prick alert, but hey, I said Detective Pikachu was one of the best game to movie adaptations so it evens out!)

  • @MageLufaine
    @MageLufaine 5 лет назад +86

    One of my favourite things about this film was learning that a lot of the monster designs are practical effects, something you don't see much of in horror films. It grounds the film in reality more, which helps in its favour (even if the designs aren't the best, the effects are fantastic).

  • @Ka-tet84
    @Ka-tet84 5 лет назад +86

    I really loved this movie. I'm willing to forgive inconsistencies because they nailed the look of the town and the rust/blood otherworld. Plus Pyramid Head was badass.

    • @necrosadotor
      @necrosadotor 5 лет назад +5

      did not love it, but i liked it. they nailed the atmosphere enough

    • @renegadedjinn5325
      @renegadedjinn5325 5 лет назад +16

      Great cinematography, poor plot. Seeing Pyramid Head for me left me asking "Where the fuck is James?" They took what was perfect dark symbolism for the main character of being the Devil's goon.

    • @jamesredline1352
      @jamesredline1352 10 месяцев назад +1

      Dude was YOKED too. If it weren’t dangerous to approach him I might ask for his diet and lifting schedule 😂😂😊

  • @FricknA
    @FricknA 4 года назад +194

    This movie got me into the Silent Hill games.

    • @TheXdante23
      @TheXdante23 4 года назад +12

      Me too, so even though I agree it's not perfect, I still love this movie.

    • @BM-oo8oe
      @BM-oo8oe 4 года назад +12

      same here.. the Music.. the feeling alone in another world.. the movie has bring me to homecoming, downpour. Deadspace 1-3. and dont forget ALAN WAKE (such a dark and greatful Story) btw. i never had Money for games like this

    • @cheshire2.047
      @cheshire2.047 4 года назад


    • @jameswatsonatheistgamer
      @jameswatsonatheistgamer 3 года назад

      Well I hope it shows you how much of a disaster they are. The wannabe movies.

    • @strangeboy904
      @strangeboy904 3 года назад +3

      Me too. Watched this, then started playing Homecoming and went in reverse through all the PC games, ending with Silent Hill 1.

  • @theguyinthere
    @theguyinthere 5 лет назад +228

    He's gonna rip the next movie apart isn't you Jared

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +86

      Without a doubt.

    • @theguyinthere
      @theguyinthere 5 лет назад +6

      @@AvalancheReviews i have a question Jared would you ever consider streaming or doing a tomb raider retrospective cause i grew up with the classic tomb raider games and I'd love to hear your thoughts on that series if you got any?!?

    • @Arkonu
      @Arkonu 5 лет назад +2

      I didn't even see the second one. Apparently, that's a good thing.

    • @theguyinthere
      @theguyinthere 5 лет назад +1

      @@Arkonu you're not wrong it's a dumpster fire

    • @USCena
      @USCena 5 лет назад +4

      I cannot wait. That movie had a lot of potential to be better than the first and live up to SH3....until they did the same half-assed writing as in the first movie. I think the "3D" moniker is also the best telling aspect as to where the money and resources go to. 3D-hyped movies never do well.

  • @Demigod_3scrub
    @Demigod_3scrub 5 лет назад +156

    "One does not simply walk into Silent Hill"
    Someone please make that
    All jokes aside this film wasn't bad at all.. The Imagery, cinematography, Soundtrack..Atmosphere.. Acting? Decent for the most part.. Christophe Gans tried ..he really did.. More than i could say for Paul W.S. Anderdon..
    But Sean Bean should've been the star of the film , looking for his daughter in Silent Hill..

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +30

      Yeah, I liked the main character, but Sean Bean would have made a great lead as well.

    • @Demigod_3scrub
      @Demigod_3scrub 5 лет назад

      @@AvalancheReviews Agreed! 👍

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад

      for that to happen Gans should stop being a dick to male actors, this was a rewrite script and it shows...badly

    • @jamesriemer6160
      @jamesriemer6160 4 года назад +5

      @@AvalancheReviews Sean bean was added cause the studio said the movie needed more man in the film

    • @jameswatsonatheistgamer
      @jameswatsonatheistgamer 3 года назад

      They killed it suddenly not in a good way. The main should be a man.

  • @Drizsle
    @Drizsle 5 лет назад +74

    Oh yeah, you’re gonna have to do Revelation.

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад +1

      @Mark D at least the second had SOMETHING to do with the original material

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад

      @CrowdPleaser 1980 there was barely anything good about Gans' entry but fair weather fans still ate it up
      revelation at least had elements from the games, all Gans' was was a start to finish sexist generic horror story with silent hill characters

  • @DiamondDead
    @DiamondDead 5 лет назад +83

    I'm in Germany right now and watching this...

  • @DanJay1996
    @DanJay1996 5 лет назад +91

    Hmmm! Wasn’t expecting this, a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

  • @SteveRudzinski
    @SteveRudzinski 5 лет назад +49

    "Less sexy Nurse." WELL GUESS I'LL UNSUB NOW

  • @ShinkeiDEI
    @ShinkeiDEI 5 лет назад +150

    I remember when this came out I had to explain stuff to my non-gamer friends even though I thought the story was really vanilla and simple.

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +19


    • @lemonoreo5762
      @lemonoreo5762 4 года назад +2

      I mean the demon inside Sharon stops the movie dead to make a massive exposition dump for anyone that didn't follow, the only semblance of ambiguity was the very end.

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад +1

      @@lemonoreo5762 the demon wasn't inside her, the demon hired itself out to Alessa to enact her revenge

    • @jaytheartman610
      @jaytheartman610 3 года назад +8

      The amount of times I had to explain how pyramid head couldn't appear outside of anything involving James Sunderland to people I know-

    • @the-birbo
      @the-birbo 3 года назад +2

      @@jaytheartman610 but he can ~ it's a made-up demon man with a metal mask. there's nothing that makes it specific to james other than that it first appeared in 2. they also used it in Homecoming. idk why so many "fans" think they get to decide what to accept and not accept from the official canon. At this point if you only like the "team silent" ones, you aren't actually a fan of the series just of team silent.

  • @TheDegradingSeeker
    @TheDegradingSeeker 5 лет назад +22

    l really think it's one of the best video game movies myself. I really like how a lot of the camera angles in the film perfectly mimic the ones found in the game.

  • @elusiveeye1424
    @elusiveeye1424 5 лет назад +52

    I've always liked the Silent Hill movie. It pays enough respect to the essence of the games to be enjoyable. You can tell how much effort was put into it, which is more than you can say for most video game movies. I'm just glad we didn't get a poor man's version of Silent Hill 2.

    • @StooRoxxAss
      @StooRoxxAss 5 лет назад +6

      It's a thousand times better than all of these aweful Resident Evil shitfests of movies... But it's still shitty! :(

    • @jcohasset23
      @jcohasset23 4 года назад

      @@StooRoxxAss For a friend of mine it was a tradition for us to see the Resident Evil movies together (also the Underworld movies) and I'd personally say 1 and 4 hold up pretty well, and 2, 3, and 5 make pretty decent popcorn flicks. 6 was quite a disappointment however. The Silent Hill movie works even if it has some glaring issues.

    • @samuelhaverghast2442
      @samuelhaverghast2442 Год назад

      @@jcohasset23 not 4, just the first 3, the last 3 was a fun shitfest

  • @NaughtyBlog
    @NaughtyBlog 5 лет назад +1

    Fun fact, scenes of downtown silent hill we're actually filmed in Brantford, Ontario, Canada! 6:25 and 6:35-6:45 are excellent clear shots of a few residences for Wilfrid Laurier University (my school) which is right downtown. This is a bit of odd Brantford pride, as we have a dvd of silent hill in the wall of one of our "The Works" restaurants on display as you walk in! "The Grand Hotel" seen at 9:01 is the Expositor Residence, there are students living in that building and a Tim Hortons right downstairs!

  • @mazokuchan
    @mazokuchan Год назад +5

    I really loved that movie back when it came out, still love it. I'm guilty of being one of the fans who were thrilled to see PH in it, but now I understand more why it should've stayed a SH2 creation. Also I thought Sean Bean's character was more because the producers thought only Rose running in town would be boring without outside elements, but I guess the male presence thing is also that.

  • @KeybladeMasterAndy
    @KeybladeMasterAndy 4 года назад +1

    The sexy nurses are symbolic of Alessa's jealousy of people who haven't been burned to a crisp. Pyramid Head is her rage and vengeance.

  • @LemonTangWang
    @LemonTangWang 5 лет назад +145

    This is one the few cases where I feel that deviating from the source material was a good thing. In doing so they were able to craft a well paced interpretation of what a silent hill story could be. If they'd tried to accurately translate the original story into a 90 minute movie (given that so much of the backstory and mythos comes from the gameplay) I can only imagine how much of a plot hole riddled poorly paced mess it could have been, see the next movie for a perfect example of that.
    As it ultimately turned out, pretty decent movie inspired by, but not completely bound to the original story.

    • @Torthrodhel
      @Torthrodhel 5 лет назад +6

      You don't need to imagine how much of a plot hole riddle poorly paced mess it could have been. You can just watch it and experience that exact description. In the alternate universe where someone had the crazy idea of actually respecting the source material, I can see it might've actually turned out pretty well. How does someone with such a low pass bar for what we got simultaneously set such ridiculous heights for the concept of doing a video game movie properly? As far as I'm aware nobody has genuinely attempted that yet so how would you even know? I reckon it would be fucking awesome, and I don't see any actual argument for why it wouldn't. Any ordinary fan could do it, it's not difficult. Just go through the original events and cut out the stuff that doesn't need to be in there, in the order of how much it doesn't need to be in there, until you end up with a standard runtime. Job done. Easy. Now make that.
      I can hear "there's a lot more to it than that" well yeah sure there's a BIT more to it than that. But that's the bulk of it. Obviously you don't want to leave in the crazy dialogue pauses of the first game. Obviously you want to definitely keep it to ONE GAME (why the hell does anyone ever think it's a good idea to mash together more than one game when one game by itself is already longer than a movie?!?). This isn't rocket science, it's nothing more than a bunch of no-brainers by someone who doesn't have the kind of ego that can't help pissing its own mark all over it. That's it. Silent Hill 1 has a coherent story that doesn't play out over a very extended runtime in any significant storyline way. It would be pretty perfect for this kind of treatment. 2 and 3 even moreso (but only AFTER 1, not at the same bloody time). 4 maybe the most, given you're ripping out of it the worst part about it (the frustrating gameplay elements) and keeping in the best (the story itself).
      As far as I'm concerned we never got a Silent Hill movie, and thanks to the nonsense they slapped the name on, we never will.

    • @Torthrodhel
      @Torthrodhel 5 лет назад

      @ *plays Shattered Memories soundtrack*
      Thanks, I was a bit unchill. :)

    • @Torthrodhel
      @Torthrodhel 4 года назад

      @@ReluctantWarrior interesting thought, think I have to agree with you there. I'm still convinced someone could do a proper adaptation well if they actually tried to properly adapt it. But the other direction could work too. It's the middle ground where everything gets messed up.

    • @ReluctantWarrior
      @ReluctantWarrior 4 года назад +5

      @@Torthrodhel That's what I mean - if you're going to adapt one of the games, do it properly (and they certainly had the means to.) But if you're going to change so much and try to make it your own, then tell an original story set in that universe. It doesn't have to be unrecognizable, they could have kept the same look and Akira Yamaoka's music. Hell, they could have kept some of the references (they might have gone over better, whereas their presence feels a bit condescending in the final film) and locations.
      I do still hold out hope that one day we will get a proper adaptation of one of the games someday (if they can pry the license from Konami's hands) or at least a genuinely well-made original Silent Hill film in cinematic form.

    • @Torthrodhel
      @Torthrodhel 4 года назад

      @@ReluctantWarrior at this point I think the licence prying might be the biggest obstacle of all. Even more than convincing someone to bankroll it.
      Someone doing a blatant copyright infringement type thing could be the only way we see this happen nowadays.

  • @barachiel212
    @barachiel212 Год назад +2

    I enjoyed this movie quite a bit, with many of the caveats you mentioned. My main complaint is that the entire reason for the Protagonist switch is that the director didn't' feel like a father would be as willing to go through hell for their child the way a mother would, an idea I found offensive to say the least. That's also why the names were changed. If she was Cheryl, fans would expect Harry, but by changing her name to Sharon, it makes it easier to get Rose past the fanbase.

  • @snakeplissken6321
    @snakeplissken6321 5 лет назад +14

    The first Silent Hill is easily my favorite game to film adaptation. I do feel that at least some of the people working on the film really did try and had good intentions when making it. I would love to see a director's cut since so much footage was cut from the film. I wish the studio didn't force Christophe Gans to put in the whole Sean Bean storyline cause it does take away from the main story. It's not exactly what I wanted from a silent hill film. It's a flawed gem but still manages to be entertaining and has some great atmosphere. The 2 disc collectors edition shout factory blu-ray is a must have for fan's of the film.

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +3

      I agree with all of this

    • @snakeplissken6321
      @snakeplissken6321 5 лет назад

      @@AvalancheReviews Love your content and you seem like a genuinely good guy so I kinda feel bad in saying this but, I would like to see what you have to say about Silent Hill Revelations. I know that's like asking you to willingly subject yourself to some odd form of audio/visual torture but it would be entertaining that's for sure.

  • @DeynaMoonbringer
    @DeynaMoonbringer 5 лет назад +17

    Absolutely love this movie to this day, saw it in theaters as a young impressionable mind, and imo it still holds up (even with the weird CGI). Also one of the few game-based movies that still manage to be decent even with the liberties taken with the characters and story. Theeeeen we get 2 . . .

  • @McdonaldeS1986
    @McdonaldeS1986 5 лет назад +38

    Remember back in 06 watching the film in the cinema and I loved it! Remember sitting all the way through the credits listening to the game music, nobody else the the cinema was nerdy enough haha

  • @donaldglover8212
    @donaldglover8212 4 года назад +8

    As a longtime huge SH fan I actually enjoyed seeing it in theatres. Even in subsequent viewings over the years I enjoyed it each time. As for Video Game to Movie adaptations this one is definitely up there as the best (imo).

  • @johnnynieves3742
    @johnnynieves3742 5 лет назад +3

    SH4 was great, I don't understand how So-called SH fans cant appreciate Dahlia's Back up plan was to get Walter to raise their god. not to mention walters story was more disturbing than any other SH game out there. way scarier than sh3.

  • @MrAnthonyMGarcia
    @MrAnthonyMGarcia 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for uploading the video even though the copyright claim was going to happen anyway! You're the real MVP!

  • @realPutt-Putt
    @realPutt-Putt 5 лет назад +48

    Incredibly long story short. This movie helped me get over suicidal depression and I absolutely owe my life to it. Don’t know why, but yeah. I watched it everyday for about a year lol.

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +18

      Damn! I have a few media properties that helped me through some real dark shit, so I can relate. Glad it saved ya!

    • @edgepixel8467
      @edgepixel8467 2 года назад

      What media?

  • @KingLeek86
    @KingLeek86 4 года назад +1

    I absolutely loved this movie. Got to see it in theaters and was not disappointed.'s far from the original source material story wise...but a movie that never-the-less kept the same tone and sense of dread is a win for me. Resident Evil movies can suck my left one, though.

  • @danielthomas7193
    @danielthomas7193 5 лет назад +18

    Dude, sadly the first thing I thought when I saw this was (sadly), the copyright strike BS happening like with RE. Sorry RUclips is full of idiots.

  • @kirika119
    @kirika119 3 года назад +1

    I accidentally found this channel looking for random SH stuff and if I’m being honest I adore this channel; he seems like such a great person.

  • @SlyBeast
    @SlyBeast 5 лет назад +33

    One of the best video game adaptions to film. Hey, it's as good as we're ever gonna get. Do Revelations, of course.

  • @Jstar95175
    @Jstar95175 5 лет назад +1

    Great review! Sorry for the copyright troubles, but i really appreciate this video

  • @paullucas6275
    @paullucas6275 5 лет назад +3

    Damn you had to reupload this video 26 times!? Thank you for being so persistent and dedicated to giving us content. RUclips fucking sucks 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @chanceneck8072
    @chanceneck8072 4 года назад +1

    Bro, I´m watching this right now! IN GERMANY!!
    LOVING IT! So nice of you, you even included it in the video, how much you elaborate and all the effort you´ve put in! I´ve never seen anyone else care THAT much, or at least not in that way!

  • @taylordavis7694
    @taylordavis7694 5 лет назад +3

    this movie blew my mind back in 2008, and its still gorgeous! Opened me up the games as well

  • @slickboyist
    @slickboyist Год назад +1

    The reason i believe she speeds away that nobody ever thinks of is because she has taken away Sharon without the fathers consent, they even have a phone call where he cut off their credit cards to attempt to stop her. He most likely called the police and told them his wife had dissapeared with their daughter, and possibly even that she planned to take her into the toxic town that is Silent Hill.

  • @diegoviveros556
    @diegoviveros556 5 лет назад +57

    Now you have to make a retrospective to revelations 3D 😂😂😂 beware the pop tart jump scares

    • @fantasmia
      @fantasmia 5 лет назад +7

      I still wake up screaming

    • @stevevanderslice2244
      @stevevanderslice2244 5 лет назад +5

      That is sadly the scariest moment in the film.

    • @Dargonhuman
      @Dargonhuman 4 года назад +1

      I don't even remember any pop tart jumpscare, but other than the one scene of the girl getting turned into a mannequin in the mall, I don't really remember most of the movie to begin with.

  • @HSG4meR
    @HSG4meR 2 месяца назад

    I was about 8 or 9 years old when I watched this movie. I didn't know the games, didn't know this was a game adaptation. It scared the sh*t out of me, loved it. Now I know it has inconsistency with the writing in relation to the lore, I appreciate the games more, but I didn't stop appreciating the film for what it was for me, and for making me know Silent Hill.

    • @lorenzorobertos12
      @lorenzorobertos12 2 месяца назад

      I watch this movie with my grandma and the only one left traumatized was me
      My grandma was built different
      But now as a grown up I think that the move actually did a pretty good job
      From the camera work resembling the fixed camera of OG and repurposing OG element of the game to actually represent the story of the movie creating a new symbolism to it I actually grew to apreciate the movie , in some aspect no matter how u cut it is still underwhelming but in other aspect u can see the passion behind it and apreciate the movie more cuz of it and apreciate the games even more
      Too bad for the director who was sentenced cuz or vehicular manslaughter

  • @lifeisnotaproblem
    @lifeisnotaproblem Год назад +4

    Calls obsessing over sexy nurses too much ... Is obsessed with the film's most gratuitous shots of violence against women... 🤨🤔

  • @stevenrolle6921
    @stevenrolle6921 5 лет назад +2

    I am from Germany and I can watch it. Thank you Avalanche for all your work and this great Review. Regards from Saxony

  • @GabrielGamingAtYt
    @GabrielGamingAtYt 4 года назад +4

    was it just me that thought this Silent Hill movie didn't feel like a movie at all? It felt like an experience, especially because of the music.

  • @CharlieGolf89
    @CharlieGolf89 5 лет назад +2

    My old PD actually carried Beretta 96B with the inox slides so it's not entirely unheard of for officers to carry two tone pistols.

  • @JuRsKi017
    @JuRsKi017 3 года назад +8

    Compare this to the resident evil movies and its a masterpiece.

    • @the-birbo
      @the-birbo 3 года назад +4

      the first resident evil is on the same level as this honestly

  • @OneTrueNobody
    @OneTrueNobody 3 года назад

    13:40 - Spitballing here, but the chrome slide on Cybil's gun might have been a stylistic choice to help the gun contrast visually with her gloves and pants so that it doesn't "blend in.".

  • @stalkerbabychild
    @stalkerbabychild 4 года назад +4

    I thought Sharon's dreams were because she is Alessa, so I just took it as the other part of her was calling her back to silent hill?

  • @culbycove4963
    @culbycove4963 19 дней назад

    10:01 this shot is a direct reference to Harry Mason running through the alleyways in the first game. I think it’s one of my favorite nods to the series.

  • @moshtv
    @moshtv 5 лет назад +11

    If you think of it seperately from the games, it's a pretty decent, above the avarage horror movie. Always a joy to re-watch this.

  • @mrgrumboldt
    @mrgrumboldt 5 лет назад +1

    I love your SH videos man, thanks for your content.

  • @MartyEliBowerMusic
    @MartyEliBowerMusic 5 лет назад +3

    Love these videos, thanks for uploading :) i loved the first part of this film, I thought they captured the atmosphere and feel of Silent Hill so well, but by the second half the film turns into something else entirely and feels like it got lost in it's meaning. I do love the ending though, and that line "Mother is God in the eyes of a child" is so powerful and really bought something new to the story that I liked. Still so mixed about this film so many years on!

    @INSOMNIAREX 4 года назад +1

    If I saw Silent Hill and Resident Evil movies, respectively with zero prior knowledge, I'd definitely recommend Silent Hill.

  • @sh0ryualfa393
    @sh0ryualfa393 5 лет назад +10

    I too love this movie compared to the live action RE flicks. Yes the plot and characters deviated a bit from the source, but still kept the general vibe of Silent Hill alive all throughout the movie.

  • @cyanidesista
    @cyanidesista 4 года назад +1

    Dunno if someone else pointed it out, but the name change from Cheryl to Sharon was probably to play off Rose's name, as her mother. Rose of Sharon is a name used for several flowers in different parts of the world, and also in the King James bible translation.

  • @AndyKazama2
    @AndyKazama2 5 лет назад +25

    I used to like this movie, but the more i see, the less I do.

  • @jessquinn3545
    @jessquinn3545 5 лет назад +2

    Hey Avalanche, thanks for taking the time to makes these awesome videos about my favourite game series. You make my shitty work lunchtime so much better.

  • @KarimJovian
    @KarimJovian 5 лет назад +3

    your thumbnail is not working

  • @happosai5
    @happosai5 Месяц назад


  • @lemonoreo5762
    @lemonoreo5762 5 лет назад +23

    The movie had me all the way until they made it inside the church, then it fell apart. I consider it 2/3 of a fine game adaptation even with all the unnecessary deviation up till that point.

  • @CYON4D
    @CYON4D 2 года назад +1

    Awesome review, very happy to see that we share the exact feelings and thoughts about this movie.
    Subbed! Now I have to go and watch this movie again :)

  • @birdyy2j515
    @birdyy2j515 5 лет назад +9

    Good luck with Revelations my dude. Could you imagine a new Silent Hill film? Norman Reedus could star in some unfinished business continuation of PT? Mmmmm.

    • @loganhayse8771
      @loganhayse8771 3 года назад

      If Kojima and Del Toro were behind it, then I'd be down

  • @kbabysswalker4350
    @kbabysswalker4350 5 лет назад +1

    Love your videos buddy. I cant get enough of Silent Hill. Thank you for the awesome SH videos!!!

  • @brawnagemage
    @brawnagemage 5 лет назад +3

    Glad I get to watch the video, thanks for the hard work!
    I personally liked the movie for what it was. Definitely would rank it as the best video game movie thus far, even if that is a rather low bar to hit lol.

  • @chrisbarrington7746
    @chrisbarrington7746 5 лет назад +1

    Love your content man, sucks you keep getting copyright claimed. Keep up the great work buddy

  • @DocDoesGamingTV
    @DocDoesGamingTV 5 лет назад +3

    I still have the DVD on my shelf!

  • @shawnwolf5961
    @shawnwolf5961 3 года назад +2

    As a Silent Hill fan, this movie pisses me off. They took an awesome story, and ruined it by not paying attention to the lore. "Beggers can't be choosers." Bullshit. We can, and we can vote with our wallets and voices.
    I don't see how you can say this is one of the best movie to film adaptations, when it breaks almost every single piece of lore already established. I can't enjoy this film because it butchered Silent Hill.
    EDIT: Looking at the comments, how in the actual hell can so many accept a film, that was SUPPOSED to bring Silent Hill to live action, when they literally broke every major piece of lore in the franchise. Ugh. THIS is why we can't have good Silent Hill, people will accept anything with the name slapped on the box.

    • @tonivoul1971
      @tonivoul1971 2 года назад

      It was good enough to make a second one

    • @shawnwolf5961
      @shawnwolf5961 2 года назад +1

      @@tonivoul1971 that's not saying much

  • @lordravenblade
    @lordravenblade 3 года назад +3

    I was actually excited by the gender swap because I was thinking the second movie would be “James” looking for her and then a third of the teenaged/grown up daughter (probably raised in the foster system) getting mysterious messages from her birth parents and getting lured to the town for answers.

  • @_Synthesize_Me_
    @_Synthesize_Me_ 5 лет назад

    I’m so glad I watched this til the very end for that little bit of inspiration! I definitely needed it today.

  • @zackgp2234
    @zackgp2234 5 лет назад +6

    I watched it yesterday, what a funny coincidence

  • @madjackel1375
    @madjackel1375 15 дней назад

    12:40 pretty much perfectly sums up my feelings on this whole movie.
    I love it

  • @nexusshark
    @nexusshark 5 лет назад +19

    Well, I guess you might aswell do the Resident Evil live action movies.

    • @BioGoji-zm5ph
      @BioGoji-zm5ph 4 года назад

      Spare him the pain. Just go watch Deus Deacon's reviews instead. Don't make Jared suffer more than he has to. He doesn't deserve it.

    • @nexusshark
      @nexusshark 4 года назад

      @@BioGoji-zm5ph He did Silent Hill Revelation. He can take it.

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад

      @@nexusshark I think I'll pass on the resi, I'll stick with the animated one featuring the cast of resident evil 2

    • @nexusshark
      @nexusshark 4 года назад

      @@aaron75fy Same. But that doesn't mean he can't review them.

    • @aaron75fy
      @aaron75fy 4 года назад

      @@nexusshark he'll probably pass on them if he doesn't start the game series

  • @mt8261
    @mt8261 5 лет назад +1

    Yes gimme that SH content! Love your stuff I'll get on that patron ^_^

  • @BLAM5980
    @BLAM5980 5 лет назад +15

    Yeah sorry bro, but you’re gonna have to do revelations lmaooo

  • @joshritz7067
    @joshritz7067 4 года назад +1

    I was definitely a fan of movie with the understanding that while fans would love to see games transferred to the screen shot for shot, from a film maker stand point, that story has been told and seen already. So they have to spin it to make it fresh whole incorporating enough of the source elements to keep fans grounded

  • @kingcheerio8558
    @kingcheerio8558 4 года назад +3

    Huh, so that's the origin of the Borg Queen

  • @liamdell6319
    @liamdell6319 4 года назад +1

    Kind of amazed he didn't point out that the hospital in the movie was Brookhaven instead of Alchemilla.

  • @kibowman
    @kibowman 5 лет назад +3

    The first movie was actually good

  • @blakeaustin7653
    @blakeaustin7653 4 года назад +2

    Yes you have now signed yourself up to do Revelations. Give it the flaying it deserves.

  • @hayterfan
    @hayterfan 5 лет назад +3

    Dude judging by that old pic of you, I think I've actually ran into you at the movies years ago.

    • @AvalancheReviews
      @AvalancheReviews  5 лет назад +4

      No way! At the regal Hollywood 20? That would be an insane coincidence!

    • @hayterfan
      @hayterfan 5 лет назад

      Went to that one once or twice visiting family ( I live closer to the mouse) but I think you were in the box office when me and a cousin saw Stealth

  • @MarkFreak12
    @MarkFreak12 5 лет назад

    Awesome video, thanks a lot for all your hard work; gotta rewatch this, it's been ages since I first saw it.

  • @chironthecuddley6144
    @chironthecuddley6144 5 лет назад +3

    I don't know why you had such a hard time uploading this without taking a hit while channels like CinemaSins, Dead Meat and FoundFlix almost never do.

    • @radicalthinking5651
      @radicalthinking5651 3 года назад +1

      He's a smaller channel, that's the short and sweet of it. YMS despite getting big views doesn't have too too many subscribers either, and often gets his videos claimed as well. Plus the bigger channels are usually nicer which brands like more

  • @arthurdurham
    @arthurdurham 3 года назад +1

    I just saw it for the first time yesterday by the recommendation of someone who never played the games. didn't love it but I actually appreciated how faithful it was to Silent Hill. It felt just like the games, just with a lackluster story. .
    You could call it fan service but I saw it as a greatest hits compilation and they did try to contextualize the monsters to fit the narrative. But why I liked it is because it can make non gamers see the greatness of silent hill. My friend wants to play the games now.
    Because even a lesser Silent Hill is still Silent Hill as long as it's faithful, since the aesthetics and presentation is brilliant and memorable. It's a good highlight real of the feel of SH but easier to get a non gamer to try it. And then you can possibly create a fan.
    Also the cgi and art design hold up. It didn't look like a movie made 15 years ago except for a few small situations

  • @whitemagerivers5294
    @whitemagerivers5294 5 лет назад +6

    I love this movie about as much as I love the games. I wish they would release a 4k version of it because I feel like even the blu ray looks absolutely breathtaking on a 4k tv. And don't even get me started on the sound design, as far as I'm concerned, this movie has the best damn sound design of all time. I often want to watch just for the eargasm alone.

    • @mrplayfulshade
      @mrplayfulshade 4 года назад +1

      I think it's one of the best video game movies out there. It captures the feeling and fucked up tone of the otherworld and the quiet and completely different Silent Hill we all know and love. Kinda wish they would make another movie....

  • @GabyGibson
    @GabyGibson 2 года назад +1

    I always liked the fact that Alessa stops that one guy from stabbing Rose

  • @Nikolaos-Koemtzis
    @Nikolaos-Koemtzis 5 лет назад +11

    I downloaded it in case it's taken down man.

    @SCREECHJELLY 3 года назад

    Parts of this movie were taped in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. The buildings at the beginning are downtown Cambridge. There’s lots of old buildings there. Also the TV show The Handmaid’s Tale, is taped in the same spot.

  • @zoedegenerate6703
    @zoedegenerate6703 3 года назад +6

    if you can't review a movie without dropping the r slur what are you even doing

  • @NECRON_99
    @NECRON_99 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome channel bro, keep the awesome content flowing!! Sorry about the busted Google AI.

  • @Duskaria
    @Duskaria 5 лет назад +14

    The movie nailed the music and looks but butchered the most important thing to any Silent Hill fan: The plot

    • @tylerleach1833
      @tylerleach1833 4 года назад +2

      The most accurate description of this movie ever.

  • @Descryptic
    @Descryptic 5 лет назад +2

    I felt that Silent Hill Homecoming was a perfect bridge for movie fans to get into the games because of how much it borrows from the visual

  • @Nervensaege
    @Nervensaege 5 лет назад +4

    German follower here, I can watch the Video, happy about that.

  • @ajhmate
    @ajhmate 5 лет назад

    I remember seeing the Silent Hill movie twice in theaters. The camera work alone was so faithful to the games that I instantly fell in love. To this day its fun to revisit this one - may not be a perfect film but it is hands down my favorite video game to film adaptation to date.

  • @461Masterchief
    @461Masterchief 5 лет назад +30

    I mean, it's alright for being a movie based on a game, but it's still a pretty shitty movie on its own.

    • @StooRoxxAss
      @StooRoxxAss 5 лет назад +4

      Thank you! Finally someone besides me says it! I always complain about almost every video game based movie is pure shit and I hate people responding with "What's with Silent Hill?" Fucking shit! This movie doesn't get what Silent Hill is all about!

    • @necrosadotor
      @necrosadotor 5 лет назад +3

      @@StooRoxxAss it's ok, as fan service at least imo. i liked it as a SH fan

    • @Torthrodhel
      @Torthrodhel 5 лет назад

      @@necrosadotor I loathed it as a SH fan. I think I would've hated it a lot less if I'd no idea what SH was going in.

    • @necrosadotor
      @necrosadotor 5 лет назад

      @@Torthrodhel fair enough

  • @mattlandry
    @mattlandry 5 лет назад +1

    Great review! Anyone who’s ever rendered high resolution video appreciates the pain you went through to put this thing out. Sounds like a nightmare.

  • @LyaksandraB
    @LyaksandraB 5 лет назад +3

    I'm on the loved this movie with some caveats camp.

  • @weeblyweeb8641
    @weeblyweeb8641 3 года назад

    5:00 what is this song in the background? I very much need to know it! Thank ya much, have a nice day!

  • @CarolGoff98
    @CarolGoff98 5 лет назад +6

    Ooh I was wondering if this would arrive 😱 Also just in general I love the film, but I think that’s probably because it introduced me to not only psychological horror but also silent hill itself and is definitely the reason I’m so madly in love with the series now.

  • @Saiyuki666Lover
    @Saiyuki666Lover 3 года назад +1

    I actually really liked this movie! Plotwise, I usually just pretend it's different characters from the games and it's just someone else's Hell Version of Silent Hill. But it's so much fun and doesn't take itself too seriously, which I think the movie really benefitted from

  • @MovedbyTruth
    @MovedbyTruth 4 года назад +7

    This movie just got far too much wrong for me to be able to enjoy it. I remember leaving the theater feeling not only disappointed but betrayed. It did have a few strong moments but overall it was just not good.

    • @tybones2222
      @tybones2222 3 года назад +1

      Imagine Thinking A Video game movie is gonna be 1:1 of the Game itself 😂😂😂

    • @littlemoth4956
      @littlemoth4956 2 года назад +2

      Riight… because a movie is only good if it’s just telling the exact same story in the exact same way… god forbid they take any creative liberties for the sake of an entirely different medium, right? Jesus, do you even listen to yourself?

  • @codylawler2652
    @codylawler2652 3 года назад

    Can't wait to see what you make a retrospective out of next, I know it takes a ton of work and you're awesome for it.

  • @dawnofthewalkers4915
    @dawnofthewalkers4915 5 лет назад +3

    The first movie was meh. The second movie was dog shit and I hated the changes in both.

  • @johnsummers2943
    @johnsummers2943 Год назад +1

    I thought this movie was pretty good as a stand-alone. I enjoyed it much like I enjoyed the very first resident evil movie. I felt like both are very good at movies that were inspired by the games and use them as a jumping-off point to make their own original stories. All in all really not bad.