There's a book called Windswept Lies of War, and it talks from censored history and hidden secrets to lost files and classified documents about World War II, it's the real deal.
Do not be racist. be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, who was made by the Japanese, speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew
HAHAHA ! I hear ya...youd think theyd learn how to pronounce the names and words correctly ...Gobells and meangel...gimme a break.but as an actor ican see thats the directors fault ultimately but primerily (i cant spell when buzzed)Primerily the engineers
@@marcusgarvey9933 depends on the info (documentary) you've watched. I understood he was a runner or messenger (risky stuff back then). However only when phone lines were cut (the Germans had phone lines in the trenches ). Most times swanning behind the lines.
@@allythorpe74 In 1914, he was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class, for bravery at the front during the first Battle of Ypres and another medal for capturing five British soldiers with just a pistol in his hand.
@@allythorpe74 He was wounded in action twice, and received both the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class...No doubt he did his duty to the best of his ability and was recognized for it...
@@fernandoflores3261 si decís que están difamando te invito a citar fuentes oficiales o hacelo mediante un vídeo y refutar cada uno de los puntos, es increíble que creas que un asesino cobarde tenga virtudes :/
@@ovillafuertem Si se es un poco inteligente, se es capaz de separar el grano de la paja. Esta gente tuvo muchisimo talento que, desgraciadamente, usaron para hacer el mal siguiendo una idea equivocada. Pero no te dejes engañar por el sentimentalismo y la poca reflexion, hay que hacerlo muy bien para conseguir engañar a todo un pais, llevarlo de la ruina a ser la primera potencia militar del mundo en 6 años y estar a punto de conquistar el mundo. Dime, ¿como se consigue todo eso sin tener una sola virtud?
I'm 2 minutes in and I'll keep watching but what was said about Goering was all the negatives about him and saying he's an opportunist is true about literally every person in a position like his. They are all opportunists but out of all of them at least Goering was the real deal before his addiction issues. What I mean is he was an Ace pilot in WW1 and took over for the Red Barron and with a sober mind he was a force to be reckoned with. In other words, he was no slouch.
Cada quien elige como quiere ser recordado. Y la historia puede tener las dos caras, pero cada quien, elige también con cuál quiere recordar a alguien.
@Iliketoeatjam You can become a terrible person under the correct circumstances. He was a war hero in WW1, and if you know anything about Hitlers Cabinet, then you'd understand what I'm saying. Do you think I agree with the holocaust? Well, I don't, but I also know no side had regard for life. Someone can have good attributes and be a part of a terrible group. That's the problem with nationalism and being a jingoist. I wouldn't exactly call the FBI the good guys, either.
He was terrible as air minister, though. He was corrupt and looked for the biggest kickbacks, not the best planes. The Luftwaffe was corrupt and inefficient. Hundreds of ineffective German bombers were shot down by the RAF. It was his fault the Luftwaffe didn't have a four-engined bomber.
@@shlongterminvesting That's Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp. He was Himmler's acquaintance and admirer, but definitely not a part of Hitler's inner circle, and most likely never even met him.
That’s what I was saying like where in the hell is his mentioning???? The man was literally by hitler longer than most, and was minister at one point.😂😂😂
The second world war was well documented and reported. I am 42 and I have watched a ton of WW2 documentaries. And there were always new images in every single documentary.
To explain, this narration is an auto-translation into English from the original French! This was a French documentary. This is why it sounds so weird, bad grammar, and why the AI can't pronounce the German names. The French invented an auto-colourer and put thousands of hours of Nazi footage through it so this is why their docs have so much colour footage! 'Apocalypse' series is also French and is very good for colour WW2 stuff. Fais-toi plaisir!
Thanks for your explanation of how some of the names might sound different from what I have heard elsewhere in my research of Hitler & his rise to party & how he manage to do it U . I thought it might have a French persuasion. It is absolutely fantastiic - though some comments show frustration with improper pronunciation of some names I'll take it anytime because it's good, accurate & understandable, I luv it- I've heard alot of movies, documentaries, books , articles.& research on the subject. It has put some personality, soul, interests & psychological profile for these horrific personalities. It also goes into the use of drugs, the occult, & pridracee into be the perfect I'm glad I came across it so unexpectedly
A punta de pistola o bombas, cualquiera le da 😱 miedo. Hay que leer la historia Universal. Y está guerra fue real. Hay que ir al museo en Polonia y se puede ver tantas cosas, cabello de mujeres, dientes, zapatos hay un fin de cosas que era de los judíos. Debió ser horrible😢
Wnuk Hoessa mówi. Dziadek w pamiętnikach pisał: To był raj na ziemi.... Ciekawe dla kogo? Mojego dziadka brat przeżył Oświęcim pochodził i mieszkał po wojnie w Olszewce k Ostrołęki. On mi mówił, że to było piekło na ziemi. Jedno miejsce na ziemi dwóch ludzi i dwa światy. Przeszły mnie ciarki, tragedia. Pozdrawiam Wszystkich Serdecznie.
Come on down to the legendary Dr Mark Felton, he is perfect for everybody complaining here. This man knows literally everything about ww2 and is so good in narrating his videos.
@@Someone-vq6jk tell me how hes biased, provide several examples and not just one since you think hes extremely biased i would expect multiple cases of being biased otherwise it wouldnt be extreme.
When, having been released from prison, Albert Speer traveled to the United States, he became something of a celebrity. Indeed, TV talk host Phil Donahue did a one-hour episode of his show featuring Speer, in front of a live audience. I watched this episode ... the only time I ever watched Donahue's show ... because I owned a copy of Speer's memoirs, "Inside the Third Reich".
Was it a book worth reading? Or a book of nonsense?. What I have read about Mr. Speer was that he was a ambitious architect who found a way into Hitlers circle, for which in those days would probably be considered a dream job and he wasn't anyone that was doing anything different to try for the job. I do wonder how Mr.Todt individual airplane mysteriously exploded. I haven't found anything yet that ties Mr. Speer to that incident but still makes one wonder. I believe that Mr. Speer was intelligent and realized at some point Hitler was nuts along with Goering and Himmler. Mr. Speer and admiral Doneitz were the 2 most level headed of the Reich but still had orders until Hitler died. My biggest wonder is the old saying, Someone has to live to tell the story; and I wonder if Mr. Speer and admiral Doneitz were the 2 kept alive to tell the tale ..
@@johneubanks5951 It was very much worth reading. Yes, he was in Hitler's inner circle, but they shared a common interest in architecture. Hitler could draw well, but Speer had the technical abilities to those drawings a reality. Later, he was able ... unfortunately.... to make Hitler's visions of "super-weapons" a reality. Thank God that nuclear weapons were not one of Hitler's interests.
Stepan Bandera is now a hero with statues and streets named after him. So Herman Georing may be right in saying he will be remembered as a hero one day.
Rudolf Hess fought to England with peace offers, jailed until he died. Sat alone in a huge prison. They where guarding a truth rather than a man. Good didnt win.
Rudolf Hess should have never been in prison for life. He committed no war crimes and was not in the military loop nor in real any power at all during the war
Consider that it was under restraints, sanctioned by reparations, restricted from coal in Ruhr basin.... I guess it would've sooner or later find its limitations for further development. So, blame it on the allies, particularly France. If the allies would've adopted the same polici as they did after the ww2, and left Germany to develop freely, now that would've been a whole different story. In that case I agree with you. But sadly they didn't and that led to ww2.
Ask to Marx & Engels. They though Germany can abroad & achieve the true human revolution. Probably being a mega industrial superpower is not simple, instead if when people is poor, people want to be un empire. If the nation is riche, it wants even un empire.
Lektor czyta wspaniale po Polsku. W dzisiejszych czasach jest to rzadkość przeważnie słyszymy sztuczną inteligencję, której mowa jest bardzo zła myślę, że we wszystkich językach świata. Po prostu zmienia rzeczywistość. To nie jest mowa tylko niezrozumiały bełkot.
Es un documental muy controvertido porque desde el primer minuto se nota que, en lugar de ser objetivo, dan opiniones muy tajantes hacia estos personajes presentándolos como poco más que idiotas. Cosas que no fueron en absoluto. Y muchos lo considerarán como un gran documental por atacar tan radicalmente a estos personajes tan malvados. Pero poco podemos aprender si tachamos el mal como estupidez en lugar de entender que la inteligencia, el talento y la disciplina tambien pueden ser utilizados para el mal. Por lo tanto, no. Este documental no me puede gustar. Manipula bastante la visión que presenta de los hechos. Goering no era simplemente un hedonista y loco, ni Himmler un chupamedias de Hitler, ni Speer un títere para las obras megalómanas, ni Hitler un vago que nunca trabajó en su vida. Seamos serios, no cataloguemos todo como blanco o negro
De sobra subjetivo el documental. Ya con decir que hitler no trabaja, dominó casi todo Europa desde su sillón, dudoso.. si bien es detestable lo que hizo no se puede desmerecer su capacidad política y militar, la capacidad de elección su alrededor. Repito que es un hombre desquiciado y todo su alrededor, pero me pregunto porque napoleón hizo lo mismo y es tratado como héroe? Stalin con los gulag?eeuu condena los que usen bombas atómicas siendo el primero. Varios nazis disfrazados éso es la realidad..
Usted amigo esta en lo cierto!!! Este documental tiene demasiadas criticas subjetivas y claramente inclinadas a la opinion encontra de estos personajes!...resta decir que para llegar a las posiciones que llegaron estos lideres se necesita voluntad,inteligencia,perspicacia,liderazgo,mando etc etc etc
Hitler był leniem ? Czyli cała ideologia została stworzona przez kogo niby ? Kto wybrał sobie współpracowników nadzorował ich i budował potęgę 3 rzeczy samo się to zrobiło ? Ja rozumiem że Hitler jest postacią negatywną ale nie można odbierać mu niektórych cech jak pracowitość i to że miał swoją taktykę
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.
Hitler eas denied art school, homeless sold painting. He was paid in the army ww1. It is unclear if his political party paid Hitler after removing himself in the army. Probably not the traditional job.. .narrater should say mitary paid him no record of an employer..
You're crazy Germany was in a state of economic downfall till he took power Germans created some of the most world changing inventions there is on the face of this planet but I guess you're just another brainwashed communist supporter
This would be a great documentary, IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE MOST MONOTONE SOUNDING PERSON EVER NARRATING!! ALSO, are you all REALLY blurring out guns in a history documentary!?!?😔
@@DarkCat963 a Allerdings. Muss man einfach abschalten. Wenn die Verfasser merken, dass es niemand anhört, wird sich das hoffentlich nicht weiterhin durchsetzen.
My grandfather fought in France against Nazis.... During his death he called upon his son and told him that he has his another brother in France... This is yet unsolved matter after 30 years 😥😥😥😥
Nazis didnt wanted war between European brothers ever, they were pushed ahead to defend and make war. But today the history is conveniently propaganda for the well of some elite groups.
“Can’t stand long term intellectual effort” and ”didn’t work.” It seems his entire rise to power and his waging of WW2 would require and demonstrates one long sustained intellectual effort. He built and administered a huge political and military machine.
Ses associés oui, lui donnait les ordres. C'est son charisme et ses discours envoûtant qui ont fascinés, arrivé au pouvoir il ne faisait pas grand chose.
Falta consultar el revisionismo para que pueda uno decir que este documental no es sesgado a favor de los aliados. Los ganadores escriben la historia a su favor.
Eso no es cierto l a historia la escriben los vencedores, la historia puede tener dos versiones pero una sola realidad. Y la realidad es q el régimen nazi es lo más inicuio que hay.esa frase suele ser pronunciada por los seguidores y admiradores nazis. Que me hacen sentir un profundo desprecio. Hacia esa ideología y sus seguidores.
Ahora pueden decir de él todo lo que les da la gana pero sabemos que en su momento fue un gran orador tal vez el mejor de los últimos 100 años sus grandes habilidades y dotes en la disertación lo hicieron único especial y por sobre todo una gran Leyenda Hoy en día. fue capaz de llevar a su nación al límite de la magnificencia cosa que no se podrá volver a ver jamás.
This was a nice documentary shame it lacked Rudolf Hess, he was seated next to Herman Göring ( 1:22:47 behind his back, Hess adjusting himself afterwards) . It also lacked Karl Dönitz seen next to Albert Speer ( 1:21:34 in the blue/black Kriegsmarine Admiral uniform). These men are important, Karl Dönitz became Reich Chancellor after the betrayal of Herman Göring to the end of the war. Rudolf Hess was supposed to be the successor of Hitler after Hitlers death. However Rudolf Hess made an "escape attempt" or diplomatic run with a crash to Scotland to talk to some duke or something on 10 May 1941 he took off crashed and got captured he died at age 93. Quote "On 10 May 1941, Hess made a solo flight to Scotland, where he hoped to arrange peace talks with the Duke of Hamilton, whom he believed to be a prominent opponent of the British government's war policy."
“It was this event which triggered World War II - the realization by the Rothschilds that universal replication of Germany’s usury-free state banking system would permanently destroy their evil financial empire. In Europe this enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the Rothschild controlled European central bank on June 1, 1998 and the introduction of the euro on January 1, 1999.” - -A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind -Stephen Mitford Goodson
Excelente documental. Para quedar grabado eternamente en la historia de la Humanidad, *"El Mal jamás triunfará sobre el Bien"* y de paso un recado dado a los politicos actuales que su afán de poder eterno siempre tendrá los días contados.
¿me puedes explicar algo? , cuando dividieron nuestro hermoso imperio español , ganaron supuestamente los buenos , luego en la primera guerra , ganaron los buenos , luego en la segunda igualmente ganaron los buenos ,y asi en la mayoría de guerras , pero si siempre han ganado los buenos ,¿porque el mundo esta lleno de injusticia maldad , desesperanza y muchos otros calificativos negativos ? ¿Cómo los buenos pudieron construir un mundo asi?
@@BarucMendoza Si no entendiste el video te lo voy a explicar con peras y manzanas. El video habla del Holocausto (6 millones de judíos muertos), QUE NUNCA MÁS SE REPITA!! espero que hayas entendido y no le busques las 4 patas al gato...saludos
Love that. 'Gerbils'! The childish narrator in every sentence wants you to know they were bad people. It gets very tedious. I gave up after less than 10 minutes. She almost made me pro Nazi just to counteract her attitude. I'm not, by the way.
Joseph Goebbels worked hard for his position. Many people dis him because his physical disability. There's nothing funny about a man's physical disability. Mr. Gorbbels had the power to render people into dust and the power to let people live. Do you have that power?
@@mesolithicman164 And if that's the case? Did you shed a tear because she was being mean towards these vile men that destroyed entire countries and systematically murdered people? I bet if you experienced their oppression personally you'd feel differently.
@@AbdiPianoChannel Does this offend your sense of aesthetics of the Nazi party? Do you really admire him and his perverted use of power? Your pathetic whining about poor Joey's struggle to get to the top of the Nazi heap while being teased about being a gimp is sickening!
@@AbdiPianoChannel Man, I wouldn't even want that power. It also entailed kissing Hitler's butt, committing suicide and killing all your kids. If that kind of power gets you hard you need help.
These docs are good, but the names of the people involved, the German cities, and German words are frequently mispronounced. I wonder why? So much of it is really good!
I think it’s possibly propaganda. Many of the closest people of Hitler’s regime were brought back to US and were not only forgiven, but made heads of projects to produce the weapons programmes, including the space missions. Wasn’t it called the “ blue book project “ or “ operation paper clip “. I wonder if young Americans even know about all that.
@@martini3524 That's a good point. However, you can taste something and come to the conclusion that it is "inedible". Let's waste some of our time and check the definition of "unwatchable" on Google. Unwatchable: "(of a film or television program) too poor, tedious, or disturbing to be viewed." By definition, it has to be watched in order to be classified as "unwatchable". Otherwise, the conclusion could not be reached.
Viste el de Staliin muy recomendable 😊a mi me impresionaron las imágenes fuertes. Desde los afulicilamientos todo brutal un dictador igual oh peor que Hitler
You might not be aware of it, but WW2 and all the important persons ARE required in German history class curriculum... There's no country on this planet that dissects this war and all the atrocities, even in school, more than Germany.
Bardziej bym powiedział, że powinno się puszczać ten dokument w polskich szkołach bo Polska prawica na czele Kaczyńskiego idzie dokładnie drogą Hitlera i partii NSDAP. Niemcy już dobrze przerobili swoją historie i dzięki temu są najbardziej pacyfistycznym i tolerancyjnym krajem w Europie.
Parabéns pelo conteúdo incrível! Sempre aprendo algo novo assistindo seus vídeos. Continuarei acompanhando e recomendando para meus amigos. Sucesso garantido! 💪🚀
SPEERG se salvo por sus declaraciones en NURMBERG desde el vamos cuando los acusados tienen que decir soy culpable o no y todos dicen no soy culpable el dice simplemente NO además declara que solo manejaba bajo las ordenes de Hitler que si podía lo hubiera matado dijo ser Arquitecto nada mas no dijo el creador de la v1 y v2 cohetes que se lanzaron a Londres Inglaterra y fue hábil para que lo conden a prisión 20 años Los EEUU quería llevarlo a su patria por lo que hizo con los misiles pensaban a futuro y salio en 1965 y declaro que Hitler no tenia amigos y declaro que no sabia de las matanzas a los judíos años después se lo ve en un aislamiento judío con militares nazis y además Hitler lo había condecorado y llevaba la esvástica en el brazo EEUU miro para otro lado ya que lo quería para los futuros vuelos espaciales donde los soviéticos les estaban ganando es esa carrera espacial y lo soltaron antes porque estaba EEUU y Rusia la Union Soviética en lucha por la llamada guerra fría a ver quien era mas poderoso en Todas las naciones Speerg tuvo muchísima suerte sl estar del lado de los EEUU ya que sino el destino de su vida que se apago en 1981 hubiera sido muy distinta ya que muchos declararon que sin el Alemania hubiera terminado mucho antes la 2 Guerra ya que fue el que continuo fabricando armas
I was thinking the same thing. The kids reading the script are an example of the ignorance of the generations of people today. Simply ignorant. Haha Gibbells😅😅. Pathetic.
... assim como ocorre hoje, chega a um ponto em que os megalomaníacos e canalhas em geral, já não sentem necessidade de esconder seus crimes. Aliás, demonstrações de suas capacidades monstruosas servem para intimidar pessoas de bem.
I know people find the pronunciation a bit annyoing, which I share. However, this is actually quite a good documentary for somebody who may just be starting to learn about Hitler and his inner circle. The most amazing this about this documentary however is the coloured footage! So much coloured footage that I have never seen before in the many of the documentaries I've watched.
The footage is great but the documentary is horrible. So much misinformation. This is like propaganda. Nazi Germany was defeated over 70years ago. Why cant they just do a neutral and good documemtary?
You forget his financers -Rothschild, IBM, Prescott Bush, US State department, Brown Harriman bank of NY, Rockefeller foundation,Shell, Firestone, Exxon mobile,wall street, and Many others.
@@pierren___ LOADS OF PROOF! SO MUCH PROOF ITS STAGGERING, SEEING ANYONE ASKING FOR PROOF? Only if you're religious, you'll be blinded from all truth. If you want to expose these elites, and their Zionist plans of global control, you must first expose their creation, (that's known as religion). Because the facts are pretty clear, that it was these elites who created religion, and religion has always been their plan to gain full global control, (through their made up religions, they invented, they wrote, and they influenced globally). These religious people we unbelievably still see today, really are only the slaves of those elites, and their non-stop attempt at complete global control, only they're all so engrossed believing in a religious fantasy, that they're completely blind to it, yet we can prove so much of this today, yet nobody ever does, or ever wants too?. How strange. Q1. Who wrote Genesis (the Old Testament)? Most agree it was the Israelites, hence those people, we may not name. Q2. What people have been named and shamed throughout history, by many of the world's most intelligent and influential people, as being liars, cheats, manipulators, and thieves? Q3. What people have been thrown out of every European country at various times? Q4. What people have always insisted that they're God's chosen people? Q5. What people have always been seen as looking for full global control and overall dominance? So, tell me, what better way of achieving complete global control, than through religion, (with its billions of followers)? If you study the real history, you'll then begin to understand the length of deceit these people will go to, and have gone to, all throughout history (to achieve their aims). It's also pretty clear how these people do hold so much power today! It's not in governments as such, (as we see so many people wrongly thinking today). No, we're looking higher than that, and it's already in our towns, in our cities, even in our villages! The Churches, the Temples, the Synagogues, and the Mosques are all controlled and run by the 1% (elites), they are the controllers of all monies, and their fake created religions, (that billions follow), is their Empire. They own more land in this world today than anyone or anything else, they've the most powerful, the most wealthy, and the most widely spanned Empire in history. We know they own all our banks, our chain stores, our energy companies, our water boards, our gold, silver, & diamond mines, our doctors surgeries, our hospitals, our schools, our military manufactures, and many more of our other vital enterprises. They also control everything we read and watch, (therefore, think, and learn), they own over 90% of the world's media. Yet oddly, nobody ever asks why? The religious people really are the slaves of their overall attempt at complete global control. When will reality ever start to hit home? Christianity is rooted in the Second Temple of Judaism, but the two religions diverged in the first centuries of the Christian era. When Christianity diverged from Judaism, and when we study that divergence, we find that many of the highest rabbis converted from Judaism, to the Christian faith. And, then, more interestingly, when we see Islam arrive, 350-400 years later, we see, that once again, many of the highest rabbis also converted from Judaism to the Islamic faith. Why? Because this is their plan to gain full global dominance and control, through their fake, made up religions, that they invented, created, and they wrote. All the world's religions are how they've been planning total world control, and overall dominance all along. Genesis is only a story, it's a tale, a book of books, books that are simply retells from much older myths. And those old myths had been hidden for a couple of thousand years, I wonder who buried and hid them all? They were discovered in what is today Iran. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard. Noah and the flood story in Genesis are nearly the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Gilgamesh story? (Gilgamesh) came from Babylon - hundreds of years before the Bible was even written. Everything you think you know about Jesus? Are simply, again, parts from many other myths, for example... 1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer. 2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world. 3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal. 4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven. 5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol. 6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, his birth was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven. On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God). His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners. 7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed. His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man. 8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion while his parents look for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed. One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”. He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk because his faith wasn’t strong enough. 9. Apollonius of tyana (a contemporary of Jesus) performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.) His birth was of a virgin, foretold by an angel. He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”. The problem, of course, is that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did. LOL
@@pierren___ Genesis is a story, it's a tale, a book of books that sees the reader believing those people were always harshly treated, were hard done by, or were even slaves of Egypt. The truth however is just so different. For example, we know for sure they were not slaves in Egypt, (but it's what they've always done, all throughout history), they make things up, they then use, to achieve their aims. We also know of many many other things they've done, while they denied doing them. For example, we know they took over Russia during the Revolution of 1917. And we know they made up excuses, like the "Pale Of Settlement", they used to prove they had no involvement in the Revolution, by claiming they were all pushed out to Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and much of present-day Ukraine. Only the reality, (as we now know today), was, they did actually take over Russia in the revolution. We now know they financed all sides of WW2, (and they supported the Nazi), but then made up their next claim to achieve their aims with their claims against the Nazi, only the facts are, that we have no evidence or anything we could say resembles evidence Those three examples above, sees each story have the reader always thinking they were being persecuted, abused, beaten, or even killed. Only, as always with their stories, they always end up in much more powerful positions. It continued in the Bible (The New Testament), as we see again, the reader of the bible at first sees them as the hated moneylenders, for their usury, and they're seen as the traitors who sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver, but once again, as with all their stories, it ends, with God rewarding them with everything. It's the same thing, over and over again, yet still fools believe it I doubt they could hardly believe it, all these groups of people following their stories of religion, and their own made up words, of some imagined God. Nearly all religions stem from the books of Genesis! (that, are just retells of older already known lies/myths/stories). We can even start to predict what comes next? In fact, I'd be willing to bet, that within the next 20/40 years, we're going to hear about some amazing discovery in Israel, (probably in a cave somewhere), and it will more than likely be, some more scrolls. Only this time, well this time, miraculously, they'll contain so-called "proof", that God, did, indeed, reward them with the promised land. And of course, all the Churches, the Temples, the Synagogues, the Mosques, and all the so-called, "experts" will all verify it. LOL.
😱Viendo como se juntaron todos estos locos en menos de dos décadas, debemos dar gracias a Dios que nuestros abuelos hayan sobrevivido y que nosotros existamos hoy en día.🙏
There's a book called Windswept Lies of War, and it talks from censored history and hidden secrets to lost files and classified documents about World War II, it's the real deal.
How do I get it.
Put me on, what’s it look like
Where can I get the book?
Do not be racist. be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, who was made by the Japanese, speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew
We are in need of the book. Finally, people seemed to get it that Hitler was all wrong.
Finally i know what a history documentary would look, sound and be presented like if it was created by "sentient" emotional artificial "inteligence".
AI isn't real. It's a scam and always will be..
yes. Complete shallow it was. Wrong pronunciations also. Couldn't watch it.
HAHAHA ! I hear ya...youd think theyd learn how to pronounce the names and words correctly ...Gobells and meangel...gimme a break.but as an actor ican see thats the directors fault ultimately but primerily (i cant spell when buzzed)Primerily the engineers
yes her voice is a Joke and crap
Yes, and doesn't it suck.
When she says, “ he did not fight in the World War One “ got me
AH fought in dangerous tasks in WW1 at his own will.
@@marcusgarvey9933 depends on the info (documentary) you've watched. I understood he was a runner or messenger (risky stuff back then). However only when phone lines were cut (the Germans had phone lines in the trenches ). Most times swanning behind the lines.
@@allythorpe74 In 1914, he was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd Class, for bravery at the front during the first Battle of Ypres and another medal for capturing five British soldiers with just a pistol in his hand.
@@allythorpe74 AH could not tolerate those who chickened out and didn't hold the line.
@@allythorpe74 He was wounded in action twice, and received both the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class...No doubt he did his duty to the best of his ability and was recognized for it...
Me gusta mucho ver estos documentales pero hay gente que lo ignora! Por eso voy a estudiar historia
Ojalá te vaya muy bien en tus estudios!!!
Pero estudia la verdad, porque te mentiran todo el tiempo
The narration on this piece is something else.
Good or bad?
She sounds cute
@@entertainme7523 cute but useless besides u know, prolly hired to appeal 2 young people, and old men
Intonation and pronounciation is terrible
If you are looking for a new perspective, one most people haven't heard, get the book "The Myth Of German Villainy" by Benton L. Bradberry.
Lo que se describe sobre las personalidades de los que rodeaban a Hitler es totalmente aplicable a los que nos gobiernan en la actualidad.
Son los gobernantes de hoy peores la esto y mienten mucho
Es lo contrario a los de la actualidad
cierto. el ansia del poder los convierte en bestias y la traición está siempre a la vuelta de la esquina.
De hecho me da que no dicen una palabra de la realidad, es casualidad que el comunismo no se hable mal y de esto si ? Cuando el comunismo es peor
Iguais 😢.
Tres minutos fueron suficientes para darme cuenta que nos es históricamente confiable
Porque no admiran la imagen de un genocida ?
No, porq incluso para hacer el mal tal y como lo hicieron hace falta tener muchas virtudes y capacidades, y aqui solo se centran en difamarlos.
@@fernandoflores3261 si decís que están difamando te invito a citar fuentes oficiales o hacelo mediante un vídeo y refutar cada uno de los puntos, es increíble que creas que un asesino cobarde tenga virtudes :/
@@fernandoflores3261 exacto al final de la guerra los vencedores escriben la historia
@@ovillafuertem Si se es un poco inteligente, se es capaz de separar el grano de la paja. Esta gente tuvo muchisimo talento que, desgraciadamente, usaron para hacer el mal siguiendo una idea equivocada. Pero no te dejes engañar por el sentimentalismo y la poca reflexion, hay que hacerlo muy bien para conseguir engañar a todo un pais, llevarlo de la ruina a ser la primera potencia militar del mundo en 6 años y estar a punto de conquistar el mundo. Dime, ¿como se consigue todo eso sin tener una sola virtud?
You can't get through 2 minutes without an ad. Sad RUclips
I'm 2 minutes in and I'll keep watching but what was said about Goering was all the negatives about him and saying he's an opportunist is true about literally every person in a position like his. They are all opportunists but out of all of them at least Goering was the real deal before his addiction issues. What I mean is he was an Ace pilot in WW1 and took over for the Red Barron and with a sober mind he was a force to be reckoned with. In other words, he was no slouch.
Cada quien elige como quiere ser recordado. Y la historia puede tener las dos caras, pero cada quien, elige también con cuál quiere recordar a alguien.
red flag! FBI if you're watching, this guy needs some attention
@Iliketoeatjam You can become a terrible person under the correct circumstances. He was a war hero in WW1, and if you know anything about Hitlers Cabinet, then you'd understand what I'm saying. Do you think I agree with the holocaust? Well, I don't, but I also know no side had regard for life. Someone can have good attributes and be a part of a terrible group. That's the problem with nationalism and being a jingoist. I wouldn't exactly call the FBI the good guys, either.
@@Iliketoeatjam * sheep sounds *
He was terrible as air minister, though. He was corrupt and looked for the biggest kickbacks, not the best planes. The Luftwaffe was corrupt and inefficient. Hundreds of ineffective German bombers were shot down by the RAF. It was his fault the Luftwaffe didn't have a four-engined bomber.
Très cool cette vidéo, j'espère qu'il y en aura d'autres. Merci pour ces images.👍👍👍
How can you not have Martin Bormann in his inner circle?
Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess isn't mentioned either.
@@magic787878 52:22 ?
@@magic787878 and it's annoying how they pronounce Geobbels.
Read these juvenile wannabe Nazis who would burst into tears should any Nazi start on them. Grow up.
@@shlongterminvesting That's Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp. He was Himmler's acquaintance and admirer, but definitely not a part of Hitler's inner circle, and most likely never even met him.
Como dizia Cícero: "A História é mestra da vida." Aprendendo com a História. Muito obrigado ao canal!
Bohrmann played leading role in Hitler's inner circle
That’s what I was saying like where in the hell is his mentioning???? The man was literally by hitler longer than most, and was minister at one point.😂😂😂
@@brandonmcgrew4367 Then they would have had to mention that he escaped safely to South America (makes the "victory" appear less heroic) ;-)
Yeah.- for not mentioning Borman.he was iner circle of hitler.most people could not seen Hitler without bormans aproval
indeed he was the gatekeeper for access to Hitler
Ehhhh papalapap
The second world war was well documented and reported. I am 42 and I have watched a ton of WW2 documentaries. And there were always new images in every single documentary.
It’s great
Maybe you should read The myth of german villainy
Maby you should watch Europa the last battle! Or the book 200 years together
I think a lot of these people prefer one-sided stories, rainbow scourges, and demographic replacement.
they made sure to show us an illusion of what really took place. the USA and the UK needed this war very much so as a few other groups.
One would think they could have scare up enough in the budget to have an actual human being read the copy…
Agreed. Absolutely embarrassing narration.
They stole the documentary and put own voices over to get money here.
they had the budget to blur out guns from pictures but not have someone read the script lol
@@dolphin.starbeam Yea they are pleasers of YT and the new world. Man its pathetic.
Typical jewish propaganda film
Excelente documental.
No estoy de acuerdo en que me salga anuncios en catalán. Estamos muy saturados del nacionalismo catalán
To explain, this narration is an auto-translation into English from the original French! This was a French documentary. This is why it sounds so weird, bad grammar, and why the AI can't pronounce the German names. The French invented an auto-colourer and put thousands of hours of Nazi footage through it so this is why their docs have so much colour footage! 'Apocalypse' series is also French and is very good for colour WW2 stuff. Fais-toi plaisir!
Well, I guess if the French made it, that explains all the petty insults - which I find reminiscent of some Chinese productions.....
@@stanbartsch1984 yep, same concept.
Thanks for your explanation of how some of the names might sound different from what I have heard elsewhere in my research of Hitler & his rise to party & how he manage to do it U . I thought it might have a French persuasion.
It is absolutely fantastiic - though some comments show frustration with improper pronunciation of some names
I'll take it anytime because it's good, accurate & understandable, I luv it- I've heard alot of movies, documentaries, books , articles.& research on the subject. It has put some personality, soul, interests & psychological profile for these horrific personalities.
It also goes into the use of drugs, the occult, & pridracee into be the perfect
I'm glad I came across it so unexpectedly
This is not AI, it is translated from french and narrated for the spanish public television.
@@AlejandroParadisSandstrom narrated in english for the spanish right yeah
“Maine Camp!” Just when I thought the pronunciation couldn’t get worse!
English 🏴 has 100's of dialects, it's not her fault if hers doesn't matches yours. 🏛🎧🏛
“Mein Kampf” is not English.
“Free Palestine!”
A punta de pistola o bombas, cualquiera le da 😱 miedo.
Hay que leer la historia Universal.
Y está guerra fue real.
Hay que ir al museo en Polonia y se puede ver tantas cosas, cabello de mujeres, dientes, zapatos hay un fin de cosas que era de los judíos.
Debió ser horrible😢
Eram obrigados se não morriam como vieram a morrer que triste imagem Nazis de merda.
Nuremberg Trial: ''How did the Third Reich gain power?'' (prosecution) .... simply by terrorizing people I make them do what I want. Hermann Göring .
Wnuk Hoessa mówi. Dziadek w pamiętnikach pisał: To był raj na ziemi.... Ciekawe dla kogo? Mojego dziadka brat przeżył Oświęcim pochodził i mieszkał po wojnie w Olszewce k Ostrołęki. On mi mówił, że to było piekło na ziemi. Jedno miejsce na ziemi dwóch ludzi i dwa światy. Przeszły mnie ciarki, tragedia. Pozdrawiam Wszystkich Serdecznie.
ludzie nie są warci tej planety
Come on down to the legendary Dr Mark Felton, he is perfect for everybody complaining here. This man knows literally everything about ww2 and is so good in narrating his videos.
Dr Mark Felton has the best history channel period with extremely detailed videos presented in a non biased way
He is extremely biased in his presentation jew to his heritage and his family's involvement in the war.
How did one of his videos lead me directly into this? I'm laughing this is so weird
He’s extremely biased to the point it’s almost insufferable, armchair historian is a somewhat better option
@@Someone-vq6jk tell me how hes biased, provide several examples and not just one since you think hes extremely biased i would expect multiple cases of being biased otherwise it wouldnt be extreme.
When, having been released from prison, Albert Speer traveled to the United States, he became something of a celebrity. Indeed, TV talk host Phil Donahue did a one-hour episode of his show featuring Speer, in front of a live audience. I watched this episode ... the only time I ever watched Donahue's show ... because I owned a copy of Speer's memoirs, "Inside the Third Reich".
He is known as the Nazi who say he is sorry...he live a full and interested life after released from prison
Was it a book worth reading? Or a book of nonsense?. What I have read about Mr. Speer was that he was a ambitious architect who found a way into Hitlers circle, for which in those days would probably be considered a dream job and he wasn't anyone that was doing anything different to try for the job. I do wonder how Mr.Todt individual airplane mysteriously exploded. I haven't found anything yet that ties Mr. Speer to that incident but still makes one wonder. I believe that Mr. Speer was intelligent and realized at some point Hitler was nuts along with Goering and Himmler. Mr. Speer and admiral Doneitz were the 2 most level headed of the Reich but still had orders until Hitler died. My biggest wonder is the old saying, Someone has to live to tell the story; and I wonder if Mr. Speer and admiral Doneitz were the 2 kept alive to tell the tale ..
@@johneubanks5951 It was very much worth reading. Yes, he was in Hitler's inner circle, but they shared a common interest in architecture. Hitler could draw well, but Speer had the technical abilities to those drawings a reality. Later, he was able ... unfortunately.... to make Hitler's visions of "super-weapons" a reality. Thank God that nuclear weapons were not one of Hitler's interests.
Stepan Bandera is now a hero with statues and streets named after him. So Herman Georing may be right in saying he will be remembered as a hero one day.
Masmurder Stalin the same in Russia
Strephan Bandera is A Ukrainian Nazi who fought with "Bandera" ukrainian nazi groups during 2nd world war and fought on Hitlers side
عندما يقتلكم أحد تسمونه شرير و عندما تقتولون الناس تسمون أنفسكم أبطال
We see Rudolf Hess a few times but he is never mentioned.
I know right!!!!! Wtf what about Hess
Rudolf Hess fought to England with peace offers, jailed until he died. Sat alone in a huge prison. They where guarding a truth rather than a man.
Good didnt win.
Rudolf Hess should have never been in prison for life. He committed no war crimes and was not in the military loop nor in real any power at all during the war
@@MrAitraining they protected a secret, not a man.
@@MrAitraining he knew too much there is a reason he was deputy fuhrer
Once upon a time, the person reading for these documentaries knew how to read and correctly pronounce the words in the scripts.
i think they are using AI for this one.. unfortunate. I can hear that electronic roboticness in the voice
It’s AI
It's Ai
One can only wonder what Germany could have achieve back then not by war but simply as an industrial superpower.
Yes. I shame that Germany was thrown into a war by all those circumstances...
Consider that it was under restraints, sanctioned by reparations, restricted from coal in Ruhr basin.... I guess it would've sooner or later find its limitations for further development. So, blame it on the allies, particularly France. If the allies would've adopted the same polici as they did after the ww2, and left Germany to develop freely, now that would've been a whole different story. In that case I agree with you. But sadly they didn't and that led to ww2.
Ask to Marx & Engels. They though Germany can abroad & achieve the true human revolution. Probably being a mega industrial superpower is not simple, instead if when people is poor, people want to be un empire. If the nation is riche, it wants even un empire.
Verlogene England-Auswanderer
it was becoming a degenerate hellhole before the ultra right wingers took over. berlin, anyway.
رائع شكرًا على وَضَع اللُغة العَرَبيَّة
Lektor czyta wspaniale po Polsku. W dzisiejszych czasach jest to rzadkość przeważnie słyszymy sztuczną inteligencję, której mowa jest bardzo zła myślę, że we wszystkich językach świata. Po prostu zmienia rzeczywistość. To nie jest mowa tylko niezrozumiały bełkot.
Great Polska 🎉 Radom
É uma narradora e um narrador de IA e o idioma falado é o português.
Przecież to właśnie sztuczna inteligencja to przetłumaczyła oraz to czyta. Przykład: 35:18
Da me l'italiano 😂
Es un documental muy controvertido porque desde el primer minuto se nota que, en lugar de ser objetivo, dan opiniones muy tajantes hacia estos personajes presentándolos como poco más que idiotas. Cosas que no fueron en absoluto.
Y muchos lo considerarán como un gran documental por atacar tan radicalmente a estos personajes tan malvados. Pero poco podemos aprender si tachamos el mal como estupidez en lugar de entender que la inteligencia, el talento y la disciplina tambien pueden ser utilizados para el mal.
Por lo tanto, no. Este documental no me puede gustar. Manipula bastante la visión que presenta de los hechos. Goering no era simplemente un hedonista y loco, ni Himmler un chupamedias de Hitler, ni Speer un títere para las obras megalómanas, ni Hitler un vago que nunca trabajó en su vida. Seamos serios, no cataloguemos todo como blanco o negro
De sobra subjetivo el documental. Ya con decir que hitler no trabaja, dominó casi todo Europa desde su sillón, dudoso.. si bien es detestable lo que hizo no se puede desmerecer su capacidad política y militar, la capacidad de elección su alrededor. Repito que es un hombre desquiciado y todo su alrededor, pero me pregunto porque napoleón hizo lo mismo y es tratado como héroe? Stalin con los gulag?eeuu condena los que usen bombas atómicas siendo el primero. Varios nazis disfrazados éso es la realidad..
Opino exactamente igual que usted.
Usted amigo esta en lo cierto!!! Este documental tiene demasiadas criticas subjetivas y claramente inclinadas a la opinion encontra de estos personajes!...resta decir que para llegar a las posiciones que llegaron estos lideres se necesita voluntad,inteligencia,perspicacia,liderazgo,mando etc etc etc
Tienes mucha razón en tu análisis
Exacto. Si Hitler hubiera sido un vago, no habría llegado a ser lo que fue.
Narration is a key to documentary's. They missed it big time
She sounded like a high school kid doing a book report.🙄
Muy buen documental!
Aquí verdaderamente se ve el origen del mal del nacional socialismo!
Hitler był leniem ? Czyli cała ideologia została stworzona przez kogo niby ? Kto wybrał sobie współpracowników nadzorował ich i budował potęgę 3 rzeczy samo się to zrobiło ? Ja rozumiem że Hitler jest postacią negatywną ale nie można odbierać mu niektórych cech jak pracowitość i to że miał swoją taktykę
Pracowity? Co ty bredzisz. Do był nierób. A nie można mu zarzucić zdolności do organizacji. Na tym się skupiał
Hitler não merece nenhum tipo de defesa, ele era a escória da humanidade, graças a deus ele foi derrotado
Muchas gracias por sus documentales. Les ruego poner sonido más alto, pues ya soy una persona adulta y no se oye bien. Saludos
Su documental es un asco, y sus fuentes son; me lo dijeron los gringos we
I love listening to these documentaries while I'm falling asleep. Just not this one.
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.
Merci beaucoup pour ce documentaire sur Adolf Hitler.
Hitler is a testament of that saying "Tell me who you hang with and I will tell you who you are"
Este debió ser el título: El chacal y las entidades del mal.
Y’all are complaining about the narrations of names, cmon give credit where it’s due. Amazing video footage,
They didn't make footage they took it from archives. I have gigabytes of this footage and more.
Betrayal? I mean Yeah once he got Berlin surrounded at the very end. But 8 or 9 out of the top 10 Nazi’s stayed till the end.
0:30 Hitler never worked. Crazy statement for a iron cross holder
he was an artist, that's work?
Hitler eas denied art school, homeless sold painting. He was paid in the army ww1. It is unclear if his political party paid Hitler after removing himself in the army. Probably not the traditional job.. .narrater should say mitary paid him no record of an employer..
Yeah he never worked, he just ate cookies all day and never painted.
@@PcGamerify running a campaign to be the leader of a country is a lot of work.
You're crazy Germany was in a state of economic downfall till he took power Germans created some of the most world changing inventions there is on the face of this planet but I guess you're just another brainwashed communist supporter
This would be a great documentary,
ALSO, are you all REALLY blurring out guns in a history documentary!?!?😔
Nah, narration is ok. I dunno what would you like to have instead: american-like type of narration? NO THANKS!
@@krowaswieta7944 Nah, JUST ANYTHING BUT THIS CRAP!
It's AI
@@krowaswieta7944 Don't be silly - it's unbearable. I think it's a machine generated voice.
It's machine generated, otherwise they wouldn't all be mispronouncing key words and names in the same way.
Ele não gostava de trabalhar e gostava de enganar as pessoas!
Que coisa contemporânea.
@@BILUKAMOTOS1975 kkkk se doeu. Ta mais pra um tal de mito
" Ele é alguém que nunca trabalhou, não consegue ler um artigo de 20 páginas " se parece com o cumpanheiro....
O fanfarrão das cornociatas que toma pix dos otários
Ml0k pp k
Seltsame Betonung. Entweder miese Übersetzung oder vielleicht auch KI? Nervt auf jeden Fall.
French is original language for this video
Italian got the same of a lot of documentary
Definitiv KI ... kann man sich nicht anhören. Und hat man mittlerweile bei so vielen Dokus
@@DarkCat963 a
Allerdings. Muss man einfach abschalten. Wenn die Verfasser merken, dass es niemand anhört, wird sich das hoffentlich nicht weiterhin durchsetzen.
My grandfather fought in France against Nazis.... During his death he called upon his son and told him that he has his another brother in France...
This is yet unsolved matter after 30 years 😥😥😥😥
Strano molti musulmani erano d'accordo con l'austriaco per la soluzione alla questione ebraica
Nazis didnt wanted war between European brothers ever, they were pushed ahead to defend and make war. But today the history is conveniently propaganda for the well of some elite groups.
was your grandfather with british india
Tu abuelo luchaba en vano
It’s very rare to see these type of conditions nowadays where thousands, millions of people who gather up to welcome one person.
tahts cause nowadays everybody knows politicans are bad actors with no skill that wont change anything anyway
to jest tak zajebiście przedstawione, że nie mam pytań...lektor kozak ! pozdro
“Can’t stand long term intellectual effort” and ”didn’t work.” It seems his entire rise to power and his waging of WW2 would require and demonstrates one long sustained intellectual effort. He built and administered a huge political and military machine.
Hitler c'est surtout bien très entouré avec ses collaborateurs
Ses associés oui, lui donnait les ordres.
C'est son charisme et ses discours envoûtant qui ont fascinés, arrivé au pouvoir il ne faisait pas grand chose.
He was actually homeless and slept under bridges a lot during his Vienna days
If you can stand the annoying narrator voice, this is one of the best well documented Nazi documentaries I have seen! Thank you for this
The cringe is too much j-man..cant do it.😖
its ok brave warrior! lol@@Christrulesall2
Annoying cause u cant understand. Sorry for u. Try to learn a new language, in this case, portuguese.
Esta de parabéns pelo documentário muito sucesso no seu canal 😊😅
Magnífico documental!!!!😢😢😢😢😢😢
Me encantó este documental . Muchas gracias ! Thank you very much ❤
its a lie
Lástima la censura aplicada a las imágenes de este documental
¿ Cuál censura ?
Very educational and informative. Done very well, with actual footages. We need to remember history.
Wtf are you saying, many of what is said in this documentary is bullshit
An "educational" distortion.
this is very educational and informative, if you are a very uneducated and uninformed person and a total sheep....
almost everything said here is false
"We need to remember history."
You can't do that by reinforcing what the professional one-sided storytellers put in your head when you were a child.
فيديو مميز و جمال يعود لي العصر الحقيقة لي البشرية العربية ❤😇
This is better than most documentaries where they keep cutting from the great narration to some bloke that talks about his fiddle stick!
agradecida de que este documental esté en español, la calidad de los videos e imágenes es impresionante!
tá em português do Brasil
Portugues Brasil !
Actually this is italian☠️
@@claudia_8210 i love you !
Arabia language
This is by far the best Documentary! Never knew this in High School!
Ok boomer
And fake too
Don't be fooled, there are a lot of lies.
Falta consultar el revisionismo para que pueda uno decir que este documental no es sesgado a favor de los aliados. Los ganadores escriben la historia a su favor.
Revisionismo é a cabeça do meu pau
El holocausto
Eso no es cierto l a historia la escriben los vencedores, la historia puede tener dos versiones pero una sola realidad. Y la realidad es q el régimen nazi es lo más inicuio que hay.esa frase suele ser pronunciada por los seguidores y admiradores nazis. Que me hacen sentir un profundo desprecio. Hacia esa ideología y sus seguidores.
Inicuo el regimen nazi y sus seeguidores
That was great..... With the sound turned down. But seriously, that was the first time I've had a good laugh at a Third Reich documentary!
Excelente documental, videos y fotografías inéditas.
Du bist doch aus Deutschland, oder?
perono deberian poner en borroso las imagenes@@李李世民-e1m
Ahora pueden decir de él todo lo que les da la gana pero sabemos que en su momento fue un gran orador tal vez el mejor de los últimos 100 años sus grandes habilidades y dotes en la disertación lo hicieron único especial y por sobre todo una gran Leyenda Hoy en día. fue capaz de llevar a su nación al límite de la magnificencia cosa que no se podrá volver a ver jamás.
how, on god's earth, did the narrator manager to get Horst Wessel almost perfect while continuing with Go Bells?
It's not a real person's voice. It's a computer generated voice and it doesn't know how to pronounce the names.
Wow! this documentary is seriously good. I am currently at the middle of it, so many great clips and so much rich in detail about the personalities.
Personalities,... looks like trumps cabinet.....🤔
You singlehandedly destroyed every name that I've known them by. Now my life will never be the same 😢
merci pour ce documentaire
This was a nice documentary shame it lacked Rudolf Hess, he was seated next to Herman Göring ( 1:22:47 behind his back, Hess adjusting himself afterwards) .
It also lacked Karl Dönitz seen next to Albert Speer ( 1:21:34 in the blue/black Kriegsmarine Admiral uniform).
These men are important, Karl Dönitz became Reich Chancellor after the betrayal of Herman Göring to the end of the war.
Rudolf Hess was supposed to be the successor of Hitler after Hitlers death. However Rudolf Hess made an "escape attempt" or diplomatic run with a crash to Scotland to talk to some duke or something on 10 May 1941 he took off crashed and got captured he died at age 93.
Quote "On 10 May 1941, Hess made a solo flight to Scotland, where he hoped to arrange peace talks with the Duke of Hamilton, whom he believed to be a prominent opponent of the British government's war policy."
He was sent there to negotiate a white peace between germany and Britain and Britain used it to imprison him
... ***THE STAR WARS... *** DON*T
I am in hell not evidence
yep... amnesia and stupidity hand in hand
I could just about deal with the mispronounciations but i nearly lost it at "Hitler told his right arm...."!🤣🤣🤣
its an AI lol
Yes Adolph used to hold long conservatives with his right arm . He also recited poetry to his big toe !
“It was this event which triggered World War II - the realization by the Rothschilds that universal replication of Germany’s usury-free state banking system would permanently destroy their evil financial empire. In Europe this enslavement was finally achieved with the establishment of the Rothschild controlled European central bank on June 1, 1998 and the introduction of the euro on January 1, 1999.” - -A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind -Stephen Mitford Goodson
Excelente documental. Para quedar grabado eternamente en la historia de la Humanidad, *"El Mal jamás triunfará sobre el Bien"* y de paso un recado dado a los politicos actuales que su afán de poder eterno siempre tendrá los días contados.
El problema es que podamos distinguir el mal del bien, en estos momentos de abundancia de información pero a la vez de manipulación y distracción.
¿me puedes explicar algo? , cuando dividieron nuestro hermoso imperio español , ganaron supuestamente los buenos , luego en la primera guerra , ganaron
los buenos , luego en la segunda igualmente ganaron los buenos ,y asi en la mayoría de guerras , pero si siempre han ganado los buenos ,¿porque el mundo esta lleno de injusticia maldad , desesperanza y muchos otros calificativos negativos ? ¿Cómo los buenos pudieron construir un mundo asi?
@@BarucMendoza Si no entendiste el video te lo voy a explicar con peras y manzanas. El video habla del Holocausto (6 millones de judíos muertos), QUE NUNCA MÁS SE REPITA!! espero que hayas entendido y no le busques las 4 patas al gato...saludos
No hay justicia perfecta, ni maldad perfecta puedo hacer justicia a través de la maldad.
En este caso el mal triunfo , la mafia demoniaca jvdia con sus mentiras
on appelle "mal" tout ce qu'on ne comprend pas ou on ne veut pas comprendre, car intérieurement on a peur qu'ils aient raison!
When she called Gerbils "Lame little man" I busted out laughing 😂😂
The narrator is trying way too hard to insult them and I find that hilarious 😂😭
Love that. 'Gerbils'! The childish narrator in every sentence wants you to know they were bad people. It gets very tedious. I gave up after less than 10 minutes. She almost made me pro Nazi just to counteract her attitude. I'm not, by the way.
Joseph Goebbels worked hard for his position. Many people dis him because his physical disability. There's nothing funny about a man's physical disability. Mr. Gorbbels had the power to render people into dust and the power to let people live. Do you have that power?
@@mesolithicman164 And if that's the case? Did you shed a tear because she was being mean towards these vile men that destroyed entire countries and systematically murdered people? I bet if you experienced their oppression personally you'd feel differently.
@@AbdiPianoChannel Does this offend your sense of aesthetics of the Nazi party? Do you really admire him and his perverted use of power? Your pathetic whining about poor Joey's struggle to get to the top of the Nazi heap while being teased about being a gimp is sickening!
Man, I wouldn't even want that power. It also entailed kissing Hitler's butt, committing suicide and killing all your kids. If that kind of power gets you hard you need help.
For the full story behind WW2, watch "Europa: The Last Battle" and "The Greatest Story Never Told".
Splendid video quality !
some good historical footage in there - ty
These docs are good, but the names of the people involved, the German cities, and German words are frequently mispronounced. I wonder why? So much of it is really good!
I think it's a copyright thing 🤔
I think it’s possibly propaganda. Many of the closest people of Hitler’s regime were brought back to US and were not only forgiven, but made heads of projects to produce the weapons programmes, including the space missions. Wasn’t it called the “ blue book project “ or “ operation paper clip “.
I wonder if young Americans even know about all that.
The narrators are in middle school?
Mentally handicapped?
They're lazy!
Because its robots and people taking original made documentaries and talking over. stealing all info to make money on it, It was awful.
its all waffels n eggs or S S an B S.
This has to be one of the worst WW2 documentaries ever made.
I don't even know where to begin.
It's unwatchable.
How do you know if you haven't watched it?
@@martini3524 That's a good point. However, you can taste something and come to the conclusion that it is "inedible".
Let's waste some of our time and check the definition of "unwatchable" on Google.
Unwatchable: "(of a film or television program) too poor, tedious, or disturbing to be viewed."
By definition, it has to be watched in order to be classified as "unwatchable". Otherwise, the conclusion could not be reached.
@@leoa4c You absolutely destroyed his question.
Lamentablemente, podría ocurrir lo mismo, la humanidad no ha aprendido a ser más humana e inteligente, pensar por sí mismos.
Lots of great video clips unseen me. Thx for the video
Amazing documentary 👍 .Was hooked to it from the beginning till the end.
Grande documentário,muito rico em detalhes,as imagens e vídeos muito bem aproveitados!!
Impresionante documental desde las imágenes hasta la narración,gracias x compartirlo
Viste el de Staliin muy recomendable 😊a mi me impresionaron las imágenes fuertes. Desde los afulicilamientos todo brutal un dictador igual oh peor que Hitler
@@marbella-hc8lw lo voy a ver . gracias x la recomendación
@@solesoledad2821 a la orden uno se educa mucho con estas historias
Really good footage... but thank God we had Hogan's Heroes...😁
If Hitler did escape to Argentina, I hope he was aware of the TV series and went ballistic along with Joseph Mengele and others.
Even better was the BritCom ‘Allo, ‘Allo
ten dokument powinni w Niemieckich szkołach puszczać na lekcji historii
You might not be aware of it, but WW2 and all the important persons ARE required in German history class curriculum... There's no country on this planet that dissects this war and all the atrocities, even in school, more than Germany.
Bardziej bym powiedział, że powinno się puszczać ten dokument w polskich szkołach bo Polska prawica na czele Kaczyńskiego idzie dokładnie drogą Hitlera i partii NSDAP. Niemcy już dobrze przerobili swoją historie i dzięki temu są najbardziej pacyfistycznym i tolerancyjnym krajem w Europie.
Thank you! @@The74pep But there are the new German Nazis again, named AfD. And around 30% are voting these assholes.
Parabéns pelo conteúdo incrível! Sempre aprendo algo novo assistindo seus vídeos. Continuarei acompanhando e recomendando para meus amigos. Sucesso garantido! 💪🚀
Sou muito interessada em história. Agradeço pelas informações.
albert hitter, marshall goring, dr.mangle, jorge goobells, harry hamler, just to name a few of the main actors involved in the turd reich
😂😂😂 good one
Turd Rike*
Ustedes pronuncian “MERRYA” en lugar de “María” o “FRENCISCOU” en lugar de “Francisco “ así que mejor shut up
Si lo ven sin audio, es tan carismático, amigable y seguirlo hasta el final. Ese señor de bigotes es cool. Y Rudolf ni que decir.
Это больные психопады, особенно его подчинённые, они на детях проводили опыты
SPEERG se salvo por sus declaraciones en NURMBERG desde el vamos cuando los acusados tienen que decir soy culpable o no y todos dicen no soy culpable el dice simplemente NO además declara que solo manejaba bajo las ordenes de Hitler que si podía lo hubiera matado dijo ser Arquitecto nada mas no dijo el creador de la v1 y v2 cohetes que se lanzaron a Londres Inglaterra y fue hábil para que lo conden a prisión 20 años Los EEUU quería llevarlo a su patria por lo que hizo con los misiles pensaban a futuro y salio en 1965 y declaro que Hitler no tenia amigos y declaro que no sabia de las matanzas a los judíos años después se lo ve en un aislamiento judío con militares nazis y además Hitler lo había condecorado y llevaba la esvástica en el brazo EEUU miro para otro lado
ya que lo quería para los futuros vuelos espaciales donde los soviéticos les estaban ganando es esa carrera espacial y lo soltaron antes porque estaba EEUU y Rusia la Union Soviética en lucha por la llamada guerra fría a ver quien
era mas poderoso en Todas las naciones Speerg tuvo muchísima suerte sl estar del lado de los EEUU ya que sino el destino de su vida que se apago en 1981 hubiera sido muy distinta ya que muchos declararon que sin el Alemania hubiera terminado mucho antes la 2 Guerra ya que fue el que continuo fabricando armas
Gracias por compartir esos reportajes tan complejo y real
The accents Goobells 😂 that would probably touch a nerve if he heard that
German is the crude blunt language of pork eaters.
I was thinking the same thing. The kids reading the script are an example of the ignorance of the generations of people today. Simply ignorant. Haha Gibbells😅😅. Pathetic.
What is the name of the application you use for translation?
Me pergunto como após toda a grande guerra, ainda restaram tantas filmagens e fotos intactas.
... assim como ocorre hoje, chega a um ponto em que os megalomaníacos e canalhas em geral, já não sentem necessidade de esconder seus crimes. Aliás, demonstrações de suas capacidades monstruosas servem para intimidar pessoas de bem.
The way she described Himmler 😂
I know people find the pronunciation a bit annyoing, which I share. However, this is actually quite a good documentary for somebody who may just be starting to learn about Hitler and his inner circle. The most amazing this about this documentary however is the coloured footage! So much coloured footage that I have never seen before in the many of the documentaries I've watched.
The footage is great but the documentary is horrible. So much misinformation. This is like propaganda. Nazi Germany was defeated over 70years ago. Why cant they just do a neutral and good documemtary?
For a non German speaker , I really couldn’t figure that there is wrong pronunciation. I’m just enjoying the documentary!
Absolutly Jack! Amazing footage, extensive!
It's trash.
El mejor documental que he visto! Excelente trabajo! 👌🏻
Nous oublions pas toutes les victimes de cette terrible guerre ,
Qu’il puissent reposer en paix 🙏 🇫🇷
Yes hitler in heaven😇🙏
Victimes de tous les pays du monde. Lourde perte pour la Chine, l Inde,,...
14 Février 1945, hommage aux victimes de Dresde
Certo, cosa mi dice dei milioni di morti del colonialismo francese?
You forget his financers -Rothschild, IBM, Prescott Bush, US State department, Brown Harriman bank of NY, Rockefeller foundation,Shell, Firestone, Exxon mobile,wall street, and Many others.
Says someone that's been reading Wiki and knows zip about any of what he is trying to claim.
@@hotstepper887 Gold stolen from the jews was sold in Switserland to the united states. makes you think doesn't it.
Proof ?
@@pierren___ LOADS OF PROOF! SO MUCH PROOF ITS STAGGERING, SEEING ANYONE ASKING FOR PROOF? Only if you're religious, you'll be blinded from all truth.
If you want to expose these elites, and their Zionist plans of global control, you must first expose their creation, (that's known as religion). Because the facts are pretty clear, that it was these elites who created religion, and religion has always been their plan to gain full global control, (through their made up religions, they invented, they wrote, and they influenced globally).
These religious people we unbelievably still see today, really are only the slaves of those elites, and their non-stop attempt at complete global control, only they're all so engrossed believing in a religious fantasy, that they're completely blind to it, yet we can prove so much of this today, yet nobody ever does, or ever wants too?. How strange.
Q1. Who wrote Genesis (the Old Testament)? Most agree it was the Israelites, hence those people, we may not name.
Q2. What people have been named and shamed throughout history, by many of the world's most intelligent and influential people, as being liars, cheats, manipulators, and thieves?
Q3. What people have been thrown out of every European country at various times?
Q4. What people have always insisted that they're God's chosen people?
Q5. What people have always been seen as looking for full global control and overall dominance?
So, tell me, what better way of achieving complete global control, than through religion, (with its billions of followers)? If you study the real history, you'll then begin to understand the length of deceit these people will go to, and have gone to, all throughout history (to achieve their aims).
It's also pretty clear how these people do hold so much power today! It's not in governments as such, (as we see so many people wrongly thinking today). No, we're looking higher than that, and it's already in our towns, in our cities, even in our villages! The Churches, the Temples, the Synagogues, and the Mosques are all controlled and run by the 1% (elites), they are the controllers of all monies, and their fake created religions, (that billions follow), is their Empire.
They own more land in this world today than anyone or anything else, they've the most powerful, the most wealthy, and the most widely spanned Empire in history. We know they own all our banks, our chain stores, our energy companies, our water boards, our gold, silver, & diamond mines, our doctors surgeries, our hospitals, our schools, our military manufactures, and many more of our other vital enterprises.
They also control everything we read and watch, (therefore, think, and learn), they own over 90% of the world's media. Yet oddly, nobody ever asks why? The religious people really are the slaves of their overall attempt at complete global control. When will reality ever start to hit home?
Christianity is rooted in the Second Temple of Judaism, but the two religions diverged in the first centuries of the Christian era. When Christianity diverged from Judaism, and when we study that divergence, we find that many of the highest rabbis converted from Judaism, to the Christian faith.
And, then, more interestingly, when we see Islam arrive, 350-400 years later, we see, that once again, many of the highest rabbis also converted from Judaism to the Islamic faith. Why? Because this is their plan to gain full global dominance and control, through their fake, made up religions, that they invented, created, and they wrote. All the world's religions are how they've been planning total world control, and overall dominance all along. Genesis is only a story, it's a tale, a book of books, books that are simply retells from much older myths. And those old myths had been hidden for a couple of thousand years, I wonder who buried and hid them all? They were discovered in what is today Iran. The Akkadian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh was first discovered in 1849 AD by the English archaeologist Austen Henry Layard.
Noah and the flood story in Genesis are nearly the same story we find in Ancient mythology, long before Genesis, with the Gilgamesh story? (Gilgamesh) came from Babylon - hundreds of years before the Bible was even written. Everything you think you know about Jesus? Are simply, again, parts from many other myths, for example...
1. Asklepios healed the sick, raised the dead, and was known as the saviour and redeemer.
2. Hercules was born of a divine father and mortal mother, and was known as the saviour of the world.
3. Dionysus was literally the “Son of God”, was born of a woman who had not had sex with a man, and was depicted riding a donkey. He was a travelling teacher who performed miracles, and was killed and resurrected, after which time he became immortal.
4. Osiris did the same things. He was born of a virgin, was considered the first true king of the people, and when he died he rose from the grave and went to heaven.
5. Osiris’s son, Horus, was known as the “light of the world”, “The good shepherd”, and “the lamb”. He was also referred to as, “The way, the truth, and the life.” His symbol was a cross-like symbol.
6. Mithra’s birthday was celebrated on the 25th of December, his birth was witnessed by local shepherds who brought him gifts, had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven. On judgment day, he’ll return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His holiday is on Sunday (he’s the Sun God). His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners.
7. Krishna had a miraculous conception that wise men were able to come to because they were guided by a star. After he was born, an area ruler tried to have him found and killed. His parents were warned by a divine messenger, however, and they escaped and were met by shepherds. The boy grew up to be the mediator between God and man.
8. Buddha’s mother was told by an angel that she’d give birth to a holy child destined to be a saviour. As a child, he teaches the priests in his temple about religion while his parents look for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age, and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed. One of the disciples is his favourite, and another is a traitor. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around, speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”. He healed the sick, cured the blind and deaf, and he walked on water. One of his disciples tried to walk on water as well, but sunk because his faith wasn’t strong enough.
9. Apollonius of tyana (a contemporary of Jesus) performed countless miracles (healing sick and crippled, restored sight, cast out demons, etc.) His birth was of a virgin, foretold by an angel. He knew scripture really well as a child. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”.
The problem, of course, is that these previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did. LOL
@@pierren___ Genesis is a story, it's a tale, a book of books that sees the reader believing those people were always harshly treated, were hard done by, or were even slaves of Egypt. The truth however is just so different. For example, we know for sure they were not slaves in Egypt, (but it's what they've always done, all throughout history), they make things up, they then use, to achieve their aims.
We also know of many many other things they've done, while they denied doing them. For example, we know they took over Russia during the Revolution of 1917. And we know they made up excuses, like the "Pale Of Settlement", they used to prove they had no involvement in the Revolution, by claiming they were all pushed out to Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and much of present-day Ukraine. Only the reality, (as we now know today), was, they did actually take over Russia in the revolution.
We now know they financed all sides of WW2, (and they supported the Nazi), but then made up their next claim to achieve their aims with their claims against the Nazi, only the facts are, that we have no evidence or anything we could say resembles evidence
Those three examples above, sees each story have the reader always thinking they were being persecuted, abused, beaten, or even killed. Only, as always with their stories, they always end up in much more powerful positions.
It continued in the Bible (The New Testament), as we see again, the reader of the bible at first sees them as the hated moneylenders, for their usury, and they're seen as the traitors who sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver, but once again, as with all their stories, it ends, with God rewarding them with everything. It's the same thing, over and over again, yet still fools believe it
I doubt they could hardly believe it, all these groups of people following their stories of religion, and their own made up words, of some imagined God. Nearly all religions stem from the books of Genesis! (that, are just retells of older already known lies/myths/stories).
We can even start to predict what comes next? In fact, I'd be willing to bet, that within the next 20/40 years, we're going to hear about some amazing discovery in Israel, (probably in a cave somewhere), and it will more than likely be, some more scrolls.
Only this time, well this time, miraculously, they'll contain so-called "proof", that God, did, indeed, reward them with the promised land. And of course, all the Churches, the Temples, the Synagogues, the Mosques, and all the so-called, "experts" will all verify it. LOL.
😱Viendo como se juntaron todos estos locos en menos de dos décadas, debemos dar gracias a Dios que nuestros abuelos hayan sobrevivido y que nosotros existamos hoy en día.🙏
Hitler social nacional