There's a book called Windswept Lies of War, and it talks from censored history and hidden secrets to lost files and classified documents about World War II, it's the real deal.
. . . La ignorancia no tiene límites, para tu información, en este medio de comunicación, existen filtros de voz, desde que salió el primer locutor. Hay que estudiar e investigar para no quedar en ridículo por ignorancia.
Que buen documental. Gracias por esa joya histórica. Personalmente, creo que hitler era tan egocéntrico, inteligente y cobarde que nunca pensó en suicidarse sino en escapar. Y sobre esa teoría de su huida a suramerica, también hay mucha información.
A lot of thanks the channel for posting this historical information today available to all people around the world who want to know the possible ending time of Hitler. Greetings from Chile.
Ich finde die gesamte Geschichte des 2.Weltkrieges sehr interessant. Alleine weil mein Opa mütterlicherseits (gebürtiger Holländer und bis 1940 Holländischer Soldat) damals 1940, als die Deutschen in Holland einmarschiert sind, zwangsweise zur SS kam. Bis er wenige Jahre später in russische Gefangenschaft kam und dort mit nem deutschen flüchten konnte. Auf der Flucht hat er meine Oma kennen gelernt. Sie war selbst auf der Flucht, und hat ihn jahrelang versteckt und ihrer beider Leben riskiert um zu überleben. Leider habe ich meine Großeltern nie kennen gelernt. Sie sind beide schon über 20 Jahre vor meiner Geburt verstorben. Aber wir haben Erbstücke aus der Zeit. Unter anderem ein Arbeitsbuch aus einem Arbeitslager der Nazis in Hildesheim, wo meine Oma einige Zeit war, als man sie aus ihrer Heimat Danzig entführt hat.
@@luridification ob es daran liegt, dass sie sich von „Gott“ getrennt haben wollen sei dahingestellt. Aber ja, der Mensch beweist immer wieder, dass er nicht fähig ist aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen oder sich mit der Erfahrung weiterzuentwickeln. Eigentlich traurig für eine so oberflächlich „Intelligente“ Spezies, wie wir uns immer ansehen. Wäre dem so, würde man sich darauf kommen, dass Gott damit nichts zutun hat.
@@ninetyfive__lna a co ma jakis tam wymyslony bog ktorego nigdy nie bylo nie ma i nie bedzie to tylko jakas tam pseudo wiara i to szkodliwa a gdzie byla ta twoja bozia gdy mordowano niewinnych ludzi palono co poszla na urlop teraz tez ludzie sie morduja i co twoja bozia tego nie widzi🤣🤣
Zwangsweise kam kein Holländer zur Wehrmacht, schon gar nicht zur SS. Denn die SS war hochmotiviert und da war es überhaupt nicht möglich Soldaten gegen ihren Willen rein zu pressen. Du solltest nicht vergessen, dass es auch in Holland eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Sympathisanten in der Bevölkerung gab. Aber klar, nach dem Krieg lässt sich viel erzählen, um einer schweren Kriegsgefangenschaft zu entgehen (included der Kriegsverbrechen an Gefangenen - siehe nur 'Rheinwiesen'). Mein Vater war auch bei der Wehrmacht (mit 17 Jahren noch eingezogen, eigentlich wollte er freiwillig zur SS - Gott sei es gedankt hatte er nicht die erforderliche Größe und wurde deshalb nicht genommen) Er war beim Abwehrkampf in der Normandie und kämpfte Seite an Seite mit österreichischen Kameraden. Und als es in die französische Kriegsgefangenschaft ging, distanzierten sich die gleichen Kameraden und behaupteten ebenfalls, dass alle nur gezwungen wurden...was niemals stimmte. Auch verurteile ich die Judenvernichtung aufs allerschärfste, aber der Krieg selbst wurde niemals ausschließlich durch Hitler angezettelt. Dieser Krieg war eindeutig die Folge des 'Versailler Vertrages', der dafür sorgen sollte, Deutschland wirtschaftlich global aus dem Spiel zu nehmen...und dass irgendwann der Versuch eines Befreiungsschlages kommen würde, dass hatten bereits britische und amerikanische Diplomaten vorausgesagt. Wenn es nicht Hitler gewesen wäre, dann hätte sich irgendwann jemand anderes gefunden. Ich persönlich empfinde ein Höchstmaß an Respekt für unsere Soldaten des zweiten Weltkrieges - ausgenommen von den ebenfalls geschehenen Kriegsverbrechen, aber die gab es auf allen Seiten, wie in jedem Krieg, nur dass man beim zweiten WK so tut, als gäbe es nur deutsche Kriegsverbrechen....und über die der Allierten wird weder gesprochen, noch irgendjemand Gegenteil, da werden Verbrecher und Massenmörder noch hoch verehrt und ausgezeichnet - das ist auch eine Medaillenseite des 2. WK.
Magnífico documental y excelente narrador. Sería interesante un informe detallado sobre los padres de Hitler. En todos los aspectos. Claro, si hay archivos, datos a los cuales recurrir. Me impresionó la fidelidad de su amante. En ese aspecto fue afortunado. Gracias por este valioso trabajo. Saludos desde Buenos Aires.
Le commandement Russe aurait dû donner des ordres, pour préserver tous les documents trouvés dans le bunker. Dans le but qu’une commission d’historiens, composée des vainqueurs de la guerre, puisse examiner tous les documents papiers, films, photos, etc… trouvés dans le bunker et aussi dans la chancellerie. Salut de la Suisse. 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭
Excelente vos del documental, me atrapó. Solo queda saber la verdad! Pensar que hay asesinos mayores en el siglo XXI con virus y otras armas, el peligro siempre al acecho de la humanidad
I think that after the first twenty years of the 21st century, we can stop calling this guy "the greatest criminal of the 20th century". Others have also been recognised as deserving of at least the same adjective.
Le sous-titrage se permet des libertés peu conformes avec la narration. Cela est certainement dû au fait que cette dernière fait d'abord l'objet d'interprétation en anglais, puis et est traduite en français.
Winners write history, winners publish history, winners own history, and most of us know only what the winners want us to know about that so-called good war.
yeah... america.. vs indianas, , vs vietnam, vs near east ( afganistan and round about...) vs russia... cold war until 1990 but now nope.. its easier to mess with peasents.. to fight a knight.. thats the truth
You forgot to mention one simple problem : Everyone from the personnel, available in the bunker tells a different story of Hitler and Eva's last seconds.
@@mariokoch1298 Rochus Misch gave a lot of interviews and told the story. I think, Rochus Misch said to have seen Hitler and Eva on the sofa for 1 second, only, after the shot ( s ) were heard through nearly closed door. However, there were many officers, civil servants, soldiers, etcetera. Each of these who saw Hitler and Eva on the sofa tells a different story. Some say Hitler was on the sofa, others say, Hitler was on the table, some say on the sofa, leaning towards the table, others say on the sofa all the way, etcetera. Some say Eva was, just, poisoned, others say Eva was poisoned and shot. Although the body can move after death ( gasses and nerves), this is highly unlikely. Thus, the Soviets may have, correctly, concluded the Bunker Germans lie.
@@redblueblur100 I have watched an interview with Rochus Misch on RUclips. This was long back. The only thing I remember is Rochus saw Hitler and Eva immediately after the shot was heard from their room through the not fully opened door for < 1 second. Most likely, the top people, like Dr. Goebbels and the officer decided to take care of the case. Because Rochus was of low level rank, Rochus was not permitted to attend the events thereafter. However, a few officers from the bunker were captured by the Soviets and interrogated. I do not know whether this was their strategy or not, but, everyone said different stories. Some said Hitler was on the sofa leaning to the back of the sofa. Others said Hitler was leaning forward towards the table and Hitler's body was on the table. Some say Eva was, just poisoned, not shot. However, the Soviets dug up a FEMALE scull from the bunker with an exit hole. Initially, the Soviets thought this was Hitler's skull. However, some Germans ( presently ) tested the skull for DNA and discovered this was a female skull. They collected a DNA sample, but, did not have Eva's DNA to compare. They asked Eva's relatives, who, refused. Strangely, Germany does not have mandatory DNA, even, for such high cases. Anyway : hell. Please, note, I have watched so many videos on the topic, so I cannot remember, exactly, all of the names and who said what. However, you can search RUclips and watched them yourself. Also, note, bodies can move after death because of nerve glitches and mainly gases. Basically, Hitler may have farted after death, considering, stomach problems, this is even likelier. Gases are very unlikely in such a tiny period, though. Nerve twitches are not. One thing for sure : after the interrogations, everyone would have said Hitler was alive. So, did Stalin. However, Stalin may have, cleverly, used the mismatching testimonies ( again, mismatching, probably, on purpose ) to play a counter game. Stalin was very clever and liked these. So, Stalin declared Hitler alive and hiding in the ... British sector. Stalin liked Roosevelt, but, considered Churchill a big joke. Stalin may have gotten some political gains from this and most importantly provoked a British investigation. The Americans offered some millions of dollars for information. Billions in present money. And Stalin made an excellent joke with Churchill. Please, note, there was, also, a sequel documentary called " Finding Hitler " or something alike with Kennedy as one of the field investigators. Kennedy the marine, not the president. Kennedy was a field investigator on a few US documentaries. In case you would like to watch them, remember one thing : Hitler as well as Churchill and others, had doubles. Very difficult to point the real Hitler, even, back then, not to mention after years. Also, the SS people responsible for finding and training doubles may have found and trained many other after the war in order to go to Argentina and Brazil and make tons of money out of people, who, would believe those are real. The same applies to Eva, Even more : there is a Brazilian woman, called Ursula ( Ushi ), who, claims to be the daughter of Addie and Eva and is called Ursula Hitler ( Ushi Hitler ). Easy to get tons of money, even, a high paid job and treated as a Goddess, of course.
So, why did the French not publish the documents BEFORE this documentary? Why does this documentary say some of the documents are seen for the first occasion here?
@@AlexMarciniszyn-y1k For some of them, the reason was not to give away strategies, tactics, technologies, names, relatives, etcetera. For others, why?
Desde encanta los documentos q son historia ...asi podremos sacar nuestras conclusiones.. sin pasar a llevar las esperiencias de los michos q aun viven y fueron testigos presenciales de estos echos....gracia
el conocimiento en construcción de viviendas ; los alemanes estaban muy adelantados.... sus construcciones ya tenian techos peraltados antisismicos .. super adelantado, ya que en Perú recien estas construcciones se vieron en 1995 ... muchos años despues
Well, other historians say the opposite : Eva Braun begged Hitler to spare Fegelein on behalf of Gretl. Some say, Hitler has replied : " Gretl would find another, better husband. "
The correct sentence should be: "Hitler as one of the biggest 20th century criminals". Mao and Staline were not smaller criminals. Even bigger in number of murders and people dying because of them and their regime.
en tant que passionné de l epoque je m attendais a de grosses revelations .... a part la foto dedicacée d eva c est sacrément du rechauffé , "le bunker est un endroit sordide , humide" .....merci sherlock ! " on ne sait pas ce que les russes ont fait des restes"..... ben si ils sont conservés dans les bureaux du fsb et une equipe de chercheurs (dont des francais) y a eu acces c etait dans un reportage de france television
And in the end he ended up with absolutely nothing to his name. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Hebrews 9 verse 27
Yes he did, the name Hitler will always be know as the name of a monster that killed so many people due to his own ignorance and prejudices. Even his own families left and changed their name because they were embarrassed and afraid that other people would kill them due to their last name and relationship to Hitler
The US Army was sent to Bavaria, because, Bavaria was the most important part of Germany. Not only were there very many important people, but, also, every Bavarian was a strong Nazi. This was the cradle of National Socialism.
The Reichstag was NOT a target because of high ranking officials, but, because all hard SSers were barricaded there with their families and tons of weapons and supplies. Also, because the Reichstag was the centre of Germany, the most important part. And, yes, there was a moral and symbolism, but, this was not important. True, everyone would have thought Hitler and the rest of the top were somewhere else.
miłość jest ślepa.... czasami Ślepcy próbują otwierać innym oczy manipulując, że mają zamknięte...z zazdrości...że ktoś otworzył OCZY na ich temat...a chcieli otwierać oczy innym na temat innych... a przypadkiem inni( może być nawet 1 osoba) otworzyła oczy na ich temat...Ale z reguły z miłości pozostaje się ślepym aż do ostatniego tchnienia W STRACHU I OBAWIE...
Parce que vous croyez qu'éliminer des dizaine de millions de ses propres compatriotes innocents ce n'est pas PIRE qu'une guerre? En revanche je me permets de vous conseiller d'étudier les véritables raisons de la déclaration de guerre des anglo-français contre l'Allemagne (1914) raisons perfides qui ne sont PAS DU TOUT celles qu'on nous a enseignés sur les bancs de l'école.
Des pistes, des sources ou des liens ? je suis curieux..... Si ma mémoire est bonne il est question de la mort d'un diplomate polonais quelque chose comme ça, je ne suis plus très sur à dire vrai....
Well, since Goering is the second to the throne, obviously, Goering and Hitler must be separated, so, in case something happens to one of them, the other continues. So, Goering was not hiding in Bavaria, but, was positioned there strategically.
Hitler may have had a plan B, but, needed a while. The fast developments prevented this. And Hitler did not break down, but, simply, declared the war lost as per the circumstances. Obviously, Hitler is not expected to say this calmly as a fart. Obviously, this is a tremendous trouble for Germany and every German would be UNHAPPY to announce.
I didn’t even know that Hitler’s bridge and Eva’s teeth had been identified. As I understand Hitler had a very special bridge because he hated to see dentist. If Hitler hated to see dentist’s so much I don’t think Hitler would’ve dropped his bridge and left it behind. I do believe he committed suicide. In the state of mind he was about losing the war the last thing he wanted was to be captured and paraded around and his body strong up like Stalin’s for everyone to see.
Because it's a lie. For years the Russians claimed the skull they had was Hitler's but it was later tested and was a woman. If they had actually identified his remains based off his dental records as they claim, they would've known it wasn't his skull. Not only that, this documentary claims that they found enough of both bodies to make identification. But where is the proof? No pictures, x-rays? Only one skull? How do you identify 2 cremated bodies with only one skull? And why wouldn't the Braun family give their DNA? Because they knew it wasn't her.
one of the craziest things I've learned about the latest days in that bunker, is how Goebells' wife poisoned all their children, probably because she thought the world is gonna be hell without their party ruling Germany? which couldn't be further from the truth since Germany still became one of the most powerful countries in the world even after all this, but it shows the irrationality of Fascists and how they make their decisions based on emotions and pride a lot of the time, its crazy that she decided the fate of 6 kids so selfishly, as if she didn't believe they deserve their own free will
Irgendwie kommt einem die Doku so vor, als wäre jede Information aus dem Film "Der Untergang"... Daher leider etwas unnütz und ohne große neue Aufklärung zu dem Thema...
Wir hatten in den späten 80er Jahren einen deutschen Mann als Deutschlehrer, und das erste, was er nach seiner Vorstellung sagte, war, uns schwedische Schüler zu fragen, wie wir uns zu Nazi-Deutschland und den Deutschen von heute fühlten? Ich kann dieses Schuldgefühl so viele Jahre später nicht verstehen, ist das in Deutschland üblich?
Ese hombre no se amaba ni él mismo, como para amar a los q estaban a su lado, por eso se quitó la vida toda persona que no se ama. Asimismo, se quita la vida sin temor alguno.
Y’a t’il des documentaires qui aborde cette partie de l’histoire du point de vu des nationaux socialistes, pour avoir plus d’éléments de compréhension. Je trouve la plupart des documentaires trop partial c’est dommage
You can search on youtube for a trailer called hell-storm. In the discreption of the trailer is a link to the full movie in engl. For a even deeper understanding, there a timewithness documenterie like Herman Döhring. Or you watch speeches from politicians from that time with subtitels.
There's a book called Windswept Lies of War, and it talks from censored history and hidden secrets to lost files and classified documents about World War II, it's the real deal.
i cant find it
Thank you .
Thanks for the recommendation, Rick! Be well!
La voz del narrador es algo maravilloso para este tipo de documentales. Felicidades por tan magnífico trabajo
M e recuerda la voz del narrador del juego de commandos...
Pendant que ces coniauds de français sucaient sucaient... hahahaha :)))
. . . La ignorancia no tiene límites, para tu información, en este medio de comunicación, existen filtros de voz, desde que salió el primer locutor.
Hay que estudiar e investigar para no quedar en ridículo por ignorancia.
Eine der besten Dokumentarstimmen überhaupt
Wo geht es um seine letzten Geheimnisse?
Um Hitlers Feuerfester Unterwäsche und die heißen Momente mit Eva geht es da! Schon seltsamer Vogel dat Führerlein und seiner Jungfräulichkeit?
@Mikes_Bikes did you watch it in Spanish? I see there are different options for the audio
I love all WWII documentaries, and this one is excellent!
Que buen documental. Gracias por esa joya histórica. Personalmente, creo que hitler era tan egocéntrico, inteligente y cobarde que nunca pensó en suicidarse sino en escapar. Y sobre esa teoría de su huida a suramerica, también hay mucha información.
He wasn't so intelligent or he would have won the war
Puras teorías, jamás sabremos la verdad. Sabemos lo que se nos ha mostrado, la visión de los vencedores
@@NuevaOla8986 así es y los vencedores nunca han sido los buenos.
Magnífico Documental. No hay que olvidar que existe el mal en estado puro.
Supongo que te referis a los representantes de Jehová satanás en la tierra
Buenísimo. Mil gracias 👌
A lot of thanks the channel for posting this historical information today available to all people around the world who want to know the possible ending time of Hitler.
Greetings from Chile.
26:55 😊
Fantástico documental enhorabuena y un narrador magnífico ojalá el canal siga por muchos años
Dziękuję za materiał po polsku 🇵🇱
Ich finde die gesamte Geschichte des 2.Weltkrieges sehr interessant. Alleine weil mein Opa mütterlicherseits (gebürtiger Holländer und bis 1940 Holländischer Soldat) damals 1940, als die Deutschen in Holland einmarschiert sind, zwangsweise zur SS kam. Bis er wenige Jahre später in russische Gefangenschaft kam und dort mit nem deutschen flüchten konnte. Auf der Flucht hat er meine Oma kennen gelernt. Sie war selbst auf der Flucht, und hat ihn jahrelang versteckt und ihrer beider Leben riskiert um zu überleben. Leider habe ich meine Großeltern nie kennen gelernt. Sie sind beide schon über 20 Jahre vor meiner Geburt verstorben. Aber wir haben Erbstücke aus der Zeit. Unter anderem ein Arbeitsbuch aus einem Arbeitslager der Nazis in Hildesheim, wo meine Oma einige Zeit war, als man sie aus ihrer Heimat Danzig entführt hat.
Those damn Nazis were lunatics 😅!
@@luridification ob es daran liegt, dass sie sich von „Gott“ getrennt haben wollen sei dahingestellt.
Aber ja, der Mensch beweist immer wieder, dass er nicht fähig ist aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen oder sich mit der Erfahrung weiterzuentwickeln.
Eigentlich traurig für eine so oberflächlich „Intelligente“ Spezies, wie wir uns immer ansehen.
Wäre dem so, würde man sich darauf kommen, dass Gott damit nichts zutun hat.
@@ninetyfive__lna a co ma jakis tam wymyslony bog ktorego nigdy nie bylo nie ma i nie bedzie to tylko jakas tam pseudo wiara i to szkodliwa a gdzie byla ta twoja bozia gdy mordowano niewinnych ludzi palono co poszla na urlop teraz tez ludzie sie morduja i co twoja bozia tego nie widzi🤣🤣
intressiert aber koa sau...
Zwangsweise kam kein Holländer zur Wehrmacht, schon gar nicht zur SS.
Denn die SS war hochmotiviert und da war es überhaupt nicht möglich Soldaten gegen ihren Willen rein zu pressen. Du solltest nicht vergessen, dass es auch in Holland eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Sympathisanten in der Bevölkerung gab. Aber klar, nach dem Krieg lässt sich viel erzählen, um einer schweren Kriegsgefangenschaft zu entgehen (included der Kriegsverbrechen an Gefangenen - siehe nur 'Rheinwiesen'). Mein Vater war auch bei der Wehrmacht (mit 17 Jahren noch eingezogen, eigentlich wollte er freiwillig zur SS - Gott sei es gedankt hatte er nicht die erforderliche Größe und wurde deshalb nicht genommen) Er war beim Abwehrkampf in der Normandie und kämpfte Seite an Seite mit österreichischen Kameraden.
Und als es in die französische Kriegsgefangenschaft ging, distanzierten sich die gleichen Kameraden und behaupteten ebenfalls, dass alle nur gezwungen wurden...was niemals stimmte.
Auch verurteile ich die Judenvernichtung aufs allerschärfste, aber der Krieg selbst wurde niemals ausschließlich durch Hitler angezettelt. Dieser Krieg war eindeutig die Folge des 'Versailler Vertrages', der dafür sorgen sollte, Deutschland wirtschaftlich global aus dem Spiel zu nehmen...und dass irgendwann der Versuch eines Befreiungsschlages kommen würde, dass hatten bereits britische und amerikanische Diplomaten vorausgesagt.
Wenn es nicht Hitler gewesen wäre, dann hätte sich irgendwann jemand anderes gefunden. Ich persönlich empfinde ein Höchstmaß an Respekt für unsere Soldaten des zweiten Weltkrieges - ausgenommen von den ebenfalls geschehenen Kriegsverbrechen, aber die gab es auf allen Seiten, wie in jedem Krieg, nur dass man beim zweiten WK so tut, als gäbe es nur deutsche Kriegsverbrechen....und über die der Allierten wird weder gesprochen, noch irgendjemand Gegenteil, da werden Verbrecher und Massenmörder noch hoch verehrt und ausgezeichnet - das ist auch eine Medaillenseite des 2. WK.
Magnífico documental y excelente narrador. Sería interesante un informe detallado sobre los padres de Hitler. En todos los aspectos. Claro, si hay archivos, datos a los cuales recurrir. Me impresionó la fidelidad de su amante. En ese aspecto fue afortunado. Gracias por este valioso trabajo. Saludos desde Buenos Aires.
Są w Internecie informacje na temat jego rodziny!
Muy bueno el video documental. Sirve para comprender mejor hechos históricos que marcaron al mundo. Buenos Aires Argentina.
Le commandement Russe aurait dû donner des ordres, pour préserver tous les documents trouvés dans le bunker. Dans le but qu’une commission d’historiens, composée des vainqueurs de la guerre, puisse examiner tous les documents papiers, films, photos, etc… trouvés dans le bunker et aussi dans la chancellerie.
Salut de la Suisse. 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭
Un buen documental, recordar en el peligro que estuvimos es bueno para las nuevas generaciones.
Ye west, I mean. oy ye
WIELKI rodak,nauczyciel i poprzednik Donalda Tuska. Heil Donek !!!
Félicitations pour la qualité de votre documentaire
Best ever documentary on this topic.
you misspelled "most historically inaccurate ever"
Excelente vos del documental, me atrapó.
Solo queda saber la verdad!
Pensar que hay asesinos mayores en el siglo XXI con virus y otras armas, el peligro siempre al acecho de la humanidad
Interesante información. Gracias por este documental.
I think that after the first twenty years of the 21st century, we can stop calling this guy "the greatest criminal of the 20th century". Others have also been recognised as deserving of at least the same adjective.
He was not a criminal but a Demon
Neo-n@zi calling for rehabilitation of his fuhrer or just a doofus?
Excelente documental. Gracias
I don't agree with the last sentence. Stalin was no less criminal than Hitler.
Everybody shall only agree they both were the worst criminals not greatest. Please do not portray them in up scale.
Two wings of the same rapacious bird.
Zgadzam sie z Pania moja pra babcia przezyla, wrocila do kraju, ale to i tak nie zmienia sytuacji.
So Churchill was😊
Nie pieprz idioto
Le sous-titrage se permet des libertés peu conformes avec la narration. Cela est certainement dû au fait que cette dernière fait d'abord l'objet d'interprétation en anglais, puis et est traduite en français.
Błędy wprowadza tłumacz elektroniczny.
who is here in 2024? 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🔥
Winners write history, winners publish history, winners own history, and most of us know only what the winners want us to know about that so-called good war.
Thats right,but from Hitlers story is enough, what we know!
So true.
@@hansgruber650 also sagst du,Juden ect.....du weißt ja was ich schreiben wollte ,ging in Ordnung?
Do you want some cheese with your whining?
yeah... america.. vs indianas, , vs vietnam, vs near east ( afganistan and round about...) vs russia... cold war until 1990 but now nope.. its easier to mess with peasents.. to fight a knight.. thats the truth
You forgot to mention one simple problem : Everyone from the personnel, available in the bunker tells a different story of Hitler and Eva's last seconds.
Ich glaube Rochus Misch.
@@mariokoch1298 Rochus Misch gave a lot of interviews and told the story. I think, Rochus Misch said to have seen Hitler and Eva on the sofa for 1 second, only, after the shot ( s ) were heard through nearly closed door. However, there were many officers, civil servants, soldiers, etcetera. Each of these who saw Hitler and Eva on the sofa tells a different story. Some say Hitler was on the sofa, others say, Hitler was on the table, some say on the sofa, leaning towards the table, others say on the sofa all the way, etcetera. Some say Eva was, just, poisoned, others say Eva was poisoned and shot. Although the body can move after death ( gasses and nerves), this is highly unlikely. Thus, the Soviets may have, correctly, concluded the Bunker Germans lie.
What did rochus say?
@@redblueblur100 I have watched an interview with Rochus Misch on RUclips. This was long back. The only thing I remember is Rochus saw Hitler and Eva immediately after the shot was heard from their room through the not fully opened door for < 1 second. Most likely, the top people, like Dr. Goebbels and the officer decided to take care of the case. Because Rochus was of low level rank, Rochus was not permitted to attend the events thereafter. However, a few officers from the bunker were captured by the Soviets and interrogated. I do not know whether this was their strategy or not, but, everyone said different stories. Some said Hitler was on the sofa leaning to the back of the sofa. Others said Hitler was leaning forward towards the table and Hitler's body was on the table. Some say Eva was, just poisoned, not shot. However, the Soviets dug up a FEMALE scull from the bunker with an exit hole. Initially, the Soviets thought this was Hitler's skull. However, some Germans ( presently ) tested the skull for DNA and discovered this was a female skull. They collected a DNA sample, but, did not have Eva's DNA to compare. They asked Eva's relatives, who, refused. Strangely, Germany does not have mandatory DNA, even, for such high cases.
Anyway : hell. Please, note, I have watched so many videos on the topic, so I cannot remember, exactly, all of the names and who said what. However, you can search RUclips and watched them yourself. Also, note, bodies can move after death because of nerve glitches and mainly gases. Basically, Hitler may have farted after death, considering, stomach problems, this is even likelier. Gases are very unlikely in such a tiny period, though. Nerve twitches are not.
One thing for sure : after the interrogations, everyone would have said Hitler was alive. So, did Stalin. However, Stalin may have, cleverly, used the mismatching testimonies ( again, mismatching, probably, on purpose ) to play a counter game. Stalin was very clever and liked these. So, Stalin declared Hitler alive and hiding in the ... British sector. Stalin liked Roosevelt, but, considered Churchill a big joke. Stalin may have gotten some political gains from this and most importantly provoked a British investigation. The Americans offered some millions of dollars for information. Billions in present money. And Stalin made an excellent joke with Churchill.
Please, note, there was, also, a sequel documentary called " Finding Hitler " or something alike with Kennedy as one of the field investigators. Kennedy the marine, not the president. Kennedy was a field investigator on a few US documentaries.
In case you would like to watch them, remember one thing : Hitler as well as Churchill and others, had doubles. Very difficult to point the real Hitler, even, back then, not to mention after years. Also, the SS people responsible for finding and training doubles may have found and trained many other after the war in order to go to Argentina and Brazil and make tons of money out of people, who, would believe those are real. The same applies to Eva, Even more : there is a Brazilian woman, called Ursula ( Ushi ), who, claims to be the daughter of Addie and Eva and is called Ursula Hitler ( Ushi Hitler ). Easy to get tons of money, even, a high paid job and treated as a Goddess, of course.
Hitler killed himself in the bunker. End of the story.
So, why did the French not publish the documents BEFORE this documentary? Why does this documentary say some of the documents are seen for the first occasion here?
Secrecy is always a concern. Many documents were classified Secret and Top Secret during and right after the war. No one had to know about this.
@@AlexMarciniszyn-y1k For some of them, the reason was not to give away strategies, tactics, technologies, names, relatives, etcetera. For others, why?
Excelente documental, Gracias por subirlo.
awesome and very informative documentary..very good insights
Desde encanta los documentos q son historia ...asi podremos sacar nuestras conclusiones.. sin pasar a llevar las esperiencias de los michos q aun viven y fueron testigos presenciales de estos echos....gracia
¡Excelente! De los mejores documentales que he visto. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Exelente me encantan esos documentales
Mayor criminal, seguido por Stalin.
@@gloriamartincebrian8435 ستالين أكثر
el conocimiento en construcción de viviendas ; los alemanes estaban muy adelantados.... sus construcciones ya tenian techos peraltados antisismicos .. super adelantado, ya que en Perú recien estas construcciones se vieron en 1995 ... muchos años despues
A incredible Doco thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
I love this history100%
Voilà un bon doc👍🏻
Excellent documentary.
¡La historia la escriben los vencedores!
Well, other historians say the opposite : Eva Braun begged Hitler to spare Fegelein on behalf of Gretl. Some say, Hitler has replied : " Gretl would find another, better husband. "
Skończ pieprzyć
Excelente documental y también el narrador excelente ojalá sigas explicando más documentales
The correct sentence should be: "Hitler as one of the biggest 20th century criminals". Mao and Staline were not smaller criminals. Even bigger in number of murders and people dying because of them and their regime.
en tant que passionné de l epoque je m attendais a de grosses revelations .... a part la foto dedicacée d eva c est sacrément du rechauffé ,
"le bunker est un endroit sordide , humide" .....merci sherlock !
" on ne sait pas ce que les russes ont fait des restes"..... ben si ils sont conservés dans les bureaux du fsb et une equipe de chercheurs (dont des francais) y a eu acces c etait dans un reportage de france television
Il faut lire"photo," et non "foto".
Exelente documental los felicito 👏👏👏💪
Mulțumim pentru traducerea în romana
Dziękuję bardzo za doskonałą pracę 🤍🎤🎧 pozdrawiam Wszystkich słuchaczy 🤗
Cảm ơn vì đã có phụ đề bằng tiếng Việt. Có ai Việt Nam đang xem kh
Bạn ở đâu vậy
Pho 99 buc dam beu nam bonbon?
@@BudHillTerrenceSpencereu more
Dziekuje za material.. (po polsku) 😊
Ja również... 🙂
Thank you bring forth this information.
Excelente documental .. nomás que el no murió en Alemania . Se escapó y vivió en Sudamérica
And in the end he ended up with absolutely nothing to his name.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Hebrews 9 verse 27
Yes he did, the name Hitler will always be know as the name of a monster that killed so many people due to his own ignorance and prejudices. Even his own families left and changed their name because they were embarrassed and afraid that other people would kill them due to their last name and relationship to Hitler
Gracias tremenda información y la narración excelente
Gracias amigo 😊
The US Army was sent to Bavaria, because, Bavaria was the most important part of Germany. Not only were there very many important people, but, also, every Bavarian was a strong Nazi. This was the cradle of National Socialism.
Es una obra de Arte la narración de la mejor voz qué he escuchado y visto mis ojos qué nunca se repita en la Historia de de la Humanidad.
Se debería de ver éste reportaje en las salas de Cine de todos los Cines del Mundo.
The Reichstag was NOT a target because of high ranking officials, but, because all hard SSers were barricaded there with their families and tons of weapons and supplies. Also, because the Reichstag was the centre of Germany, the most important part. And, yes, there was a moral and symbolism, but, this was not important. True, everyone would have thought Hitler and the rest of the top were somewhere else.
Lo que se que vivo en la Patagonia sus últimos días de vida Bariloche Patagonia Argentina🇦🇷
This was actually very good
Amazed after seeing so many videos on AH, here is something yet i haven't seen before. Excellent.
Excelente exposición biografica ❤❤❤❤😮
How come these valuable documents were still there… 6 months later??🤷♂️
muy buen documental felicitaciones.
Hvala na odličnom titlovanju na hrvatskom jeziku 👍🇵🇾👌
im part Croatian- Sasak is my family name
Finalmente um canal profissional.
Quite absurd at the end that these men were squabbling over the command of an empire that no longer existed.
miłość jest ślepa.... czasami Ślepcy próbują otwierać innym oczy manipulując, że mają zamknięte...z zazdrości...że ktoś otworzył OCZY na ich temat...a chcieli otwierać oczy innym na temat innych... a przypadkiem inni( może być nawet 1 osoba) otworzyła oczy na ich temat...Ale z reguły z miłości pozostaje się ślepym aż do ostatniego tchnienia W STRACHU I OBAWIE...
Parce que vous croyez qu'éliminer des dizaine de millions de ses propres compatriotes innocents ce n'est pas PIRE qu'une guerre?
En revanche je me permets de vous conseiller d'étudier les véritables raisons de la déclaration de guerre des anglo-français contre l'Allemagne (1914) raisons perfides qui ne sont PAS DU TOUT celles qu'on nous a enseignés sur les bancs de l'école.
Des pistes, des sources ou des liens ? je suis curieux..... Si ma mémoire est bonne il est question de la mort d'un diplomate polonais quelque chose comme ça, je ne suis plus très sur à dire vrai....
Ah enfin quelqu'un qui a compris....
Et bah dit bordel
Excelente vídeo, información u narración ...
Not much new information here but an interesting summary
August 15 1936... Dominican Republic.... Again.... Thanks NYPD
Well, since Goering is the second to the throne, obviously, Goering and Hitler must be separated, so, in case something happens to one of them, the other continues. So, Goering was not hiding in Bavaria, but, was positioned there strategically.
Je te respecte tonton
@@MRWOLF1889 O/ mein Bruder
« Je te respecte mon teuton »
C'est plus réaliste.
Fantasticos información de mucha información Bendiciones
Hitler may have had a plan B, but, needed a while. The fast developments prevented this. And Hitler did not break down, but, simply, declared the war lost as per the circumstances. Obviously, Hitler is not expected to say this calmly as a fart. Obviously, this is a tremendous trouble for Germany and every German would be UNHAPPY to announce.
Excelente reportaje. Felicidades
Thank you for sharing these documents.
Excelente documental.
I didn’t even know that Hitler’s bridge and Eva’s teeth had been identified. As I understand Hitler had a very special bridge because he hated to see dentist. If Hitler hated to see dentist’s so much I don’t think Hitler would’ve dropped his bridge and left it behind. I do believe he committed suicide. In the state of mind he was about losing the war the last thing he wanted was to be captured and paraded around and his body strong up like Stalin’s for everyone to see.
C’est musssolini qui a été exhibé à la foule , pendu par les pieds , je crois .
Because it's a lie. For years the Russians claimed the skull they had was Hitler's but it was later tested and was a woman. If they had actually identified his remains based off his dental records as they claim, they would've known it wasn't his skull. Not only that, this documentary claims that they found enough of both bodies to make identification. But where is the proof? No pictures, x-rays? Only one skull? How do you identify 2 cremated bodies with only one skull? And why wouldn't the Braun family give their DNA? Because they knew it wasn't her.
Que buen documental !
Muy bueno. Gracias
Hlo dear 🎉❤😮
Buen documental. El narrador, excelente!
Aquí falta un enorme pedazo de la historia, que muchos, disque, historiadores no tienen ni la menor idea.
Cuál pedazo?
Que Hitler no se suicidò sino que se fue a CentroAmérica pra instaurar el tercer Reich
@@jocoteverde55tal vez que no se suicidaron. Estuvieron en Chile y en Argentina finalmente
Pasan hasta donde pueden. Imagínate si la pasara toda.
@@jocoteverde55 el de su C.......l......ooooooo😅😅😅😅😅😅
amo estos vídeos ☺️
one of the craziest things I've learned about the latest days in that bunker, is how Goebells' wife poisoned all their children, probably because she thought the world is gonna be hell without their party ruling Germany? which couldn't be further from the truth since Germany still became one of the most powerful countries in the world even after all this, but it shows the irrationality of Fascists and how they make their decisions based on emotions and pride a lot of the time, its crazy that she decided the fate of 6 kids so selfishly, as if she didn't believe they deserve their own free will
Buen documental no me canso de escucharlo
Super materiał, nawet jeśli nie jest do końca prawdziwe. Dziękuję bardzo.
Excelente informe como siempre, saludo desde argentina
Very good ❤❤❤
Отличный фильм ...!!! ❤❤❤
Buen día...
Existen en la actualidad esas construcciones que hizo este personaje?
Documentaire en francais traduit en anglais sur une chaine youtube francaise? allez comprendre.
What wS the state of plumbing in the bunker? It wasn't well ventilated and likely stunk.
Irgendwie kommt einem die Doku so vor, als wäre jede Information aus dem Film "Der Untergang"... Daher leider etwas unnütz und ohne große neue Aufklärung zu dem Thema...
Mit Schwachsinn kann man Geld verdienen !!!
Muchos lo hacen!
Wir hatten in den späten 80er Jahren einen deutschen Mann als Deutschlehrer, und das erste, was er nach seiner Vorstellung sagte, war, uns schwedische Schüler zu fragen, wie wir uns zu Nazi-Deutschland und den Deutschen von heute fühlten? Ich kann dieses Schuldgefühl so viele Jahre später nicht verstehen, ist das in Deutschland üblich?
buen documental gracias
Świetny material
Ese hombre no se amaba ni él mismo, como para amar a los q estaban a su lado, por eso se quitó la vida toda persona que no se ama. Asimismo, se quita la vida sin temor alguno.
Superbe reportage.
So, 30 of April, 1945 at 03 : 00 PM. Top German accuracy!
Y’a t’il des documentaires qui aborde cette partie de l’histoire du point de vu des nationaux socialistes, pour avoir plus d’éléments de compréhension. Je trouve la plupart des documentaires trop partial c’est dommage
You can search on youtube for a trailer called hell-storm. In the discreption of the trailer is a link to the full movie in engl.
For a even deeper understanding, there a timewithness documenterie like Herman Döhring.
Or you watch speeches from politicians from that time with subtitels.
Europe the last Battle
@@jabbh7680merci bro
@@jabbh7680👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 totalmente!!!
Lol !
Tous ces "braves gens", qui ont survécu à la guerre " n'étaient au courant de rien sur rien quand on leur a demandé après la guerre !
O, prawdziwy polski lektor 👍