Yeah, "Texas is California 2" was genuinely the most brainfucked retarded thing that ever fell out of her mouth. Maybe that Soylent did something to her head? She never said stupid shit like that before, and only after that did the shit takes start happening.
lol, didn't she said she does not like loli tho? (Before anyone start making assumptions, she also said doesn't think its wrong, she just isn't into it)
Lets all admit something, none of this is the worst things she's come out with.
Yeah, "Texas is California 2" was genuinely the most brainfucked retarded thing that ever fell out of her mouth.
Maybe that Soylent did something to her head? She never said stupid shit like that before, and only after that did the shit takes start happening.
@@UncensoredScion I’ve never been to her stream before, but from what little I’ve seen of her, that wouldn’t surprise me.
Considering the more unhinged moments I definitely agree.
Pippa with context: Breedable
Pippa without context: Breedable
Also hilarious
WH0 does not want to breed the pink Bunny?
Real as always, turtle.
Just remember, she's missing some teeth. Do with that what you will.
Yo bebo Pippa leche.
Pippa's such a huge fan of "baby rabbits" so she became the "baby rabbit".
I always figured the rabbit thing was more a nod to her sounding like a dying rabbit whenever she laughs.
The P in Pippa stands for pdiddy
0:19 Dizzy's expression change when she finds one of her own people 🤣🤣
that child should've been ME
Dizzy is spreading her mentality across phase...
thats one hell of an intro to a conversation lmao
That went from 200 to 100 at a really bumpy pace
I love this silly little rabbit
I love how she truly just doesn't give a flying eff
still would
pippa is canonically 3
That's a lot of context if you ask me 😏
I will steal her joke about towers when it's the right time
Literally the right time
0:53 P-papakin??
Papakin yet again being based
Before vid: that's a clickbait title
10 seconds in: I owe this clipper an apology
I want to marry this woman.
The most breedable woman alive
No wonder she like shondo so much...
Silly yabbit! Pipipipi!
Pippa's ears do look kind of like the Twin Towers...
If someone asks me why I love Pippa, I'll send them this video
Someone link it to forsen
Pippa is cute as always!
pippa is dangerously based
ok thats funny, i guess i can give it a chance
What? Pippa did a collab with Kyo? How did I not know about this?
Who starts a conversation like that
Kinda based and demure
Hmm truly this is a great video to watch for me who has no idea who she is😑
I know she actually is a true connoisseur because she correctly pronounces it "low-lee" after "Lolita"
Truly high brow stuff
Are you telling me that 'muricans seriously pronounce loli as low-lie? What a degenerate nation, truly
How is this out of context?_?
lol, didn't she said she does not like loli tho? (Before anyone start making assumptions, she also said doesn't think its wrong, she just isn't into it)
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said during some collab with Kirsche.
Yea, over that dumb Vice video over the manga industry. Think she isn't into it but understands it isn't actual pedophilia