Great Wonders: Chichen Itza: An Alien City in the Maya Lowlands
- Опубликовано: 2 дек 2024
- Lecture given by Dr. Simon Martin, Associate Curator and Keeper of Collections, American Section. Every spring and autumn equinox thousands of people gather at the base of "El Castillo"-the pyramid at the heart of one of the ancient America's most famous and evocative cities: Chichen Itza. They come to marvel at the skill of ancient astronomers in aligning their structure in such a way that the sun casts a diamond-back shadow of a giant serpent down one of its staircases. They also come to peer into the depths of the great sinkhole known as the "Well of Sacrifice," and wander through the expanses of the "Great Ballcourt," the largest in the New World. Chichen Itza is a truly remarkable place, but the story behind it has hardly been told. There is a hidden history to these ruins and the biggest secret of all is that this great Maya metropolis is not very Maya at all. To understand the city properly it will be necessary to debunk the myths and take a journey into the symbolism behind its every carved stone-revealing its true designers and their ancient purpose.
Enjoyed your video! We just visited Chichen Itza. Loved the architecture and history of the place. The Maya Warrior Dancers that entertained us at lunch were incredible.
Excellent overview of the archaeological landscape. Connects a lot of dots. Thank you
I went there a few years back. Absolutely amazing!
I was there 20 years ago. A time where we were allowed to climb to the top and once there, it felt like a spiritual peace within me. I wanted to stay there longer, hard to explain. Climbing up was easier than going down because the steps are small and need to grab a chain coming down for support. There are 365 steps to include the top. There are 365 days in a year.
i just went to chichen itza, and had a talk with someone about the crater.. i had no idea about the way the cenotes formed in that pattern around it. super interesting.
As long as you stay humble and never forget the ignorance time has given us, this is a wonderful and fascinating collection of nonsense signals to think over. I find it so fun to guess and speculate and then disprove my own bad assumptions.
One thing that we know for sure is that the Mayans were epic craftsmen, sculptors, scribes, etc. You can tell by seeing their work product that the arts were highly valued, and some sort of schooling or apprenticeship program was in place and wildly effective. Whoever they were, they had such an immense body of knowledge it's truly beautiful to think about. You just know they had some killer handball players too :)
Remember, this isn't a Maya temple. It's a Toltec inspired city.
The blue on the ground peaks my interest the most and solves a huge mystery as to what happened to them.
So frustrating not to be able to see the slides! Why does the camera include a guy in the dark instead of a decent look at what he is talking about?
Having been there 3 times, on my honeymoon we were given a private tour up inside underneath the steps to a chamber above holding a red statue table .. feel lucky since it is all blocked off to climbing now.
Me too . I climbed up inside in 2003 . It is terrible now. So many people
True , my homies mom said that when she was young they let people climb up but then people started doing graffiti and stuff
I was there in 1976 and went inside the pyramid. Only about twenty at a time were allowed in guided every step by a official at the site. Entering from ground level we walked up steps in a kind of winding four and a half foot high 'tunnel' , but I can't remember how far we climbed. It was very cramped and dim in there. Reaching the top of the steps where it opened up into a small room that was also dimly lit. Behind iron bars for protection was a life-sized Jaguar made out of stone and covered with mosaic jade. Its eyes were red and reflected the artificial lighting that showed it off. The official said that they sacrificed children on top of it. I never hear anybody mention that. Why?
steve moren that official could have been wrong? My guide said all kinds of things... this must have been the early '90s. The inner staircase was still open and like you said, it was very cramped and only small groups could go in at a time were they could turn around at the top room/platform. The other detail I remember is that it was so hot and humid in there. The steps were all slippery and wet and it seemed as if the walls were sweating. At the top was a red jaguar throne and a chakmul which definitely held the hearts of sacrificial victims. The chakmul though, may have been added by the Toltec who conquered the city and built the pyramid we see now over the Mayan pyramid. The city as we know it is a Toltec/Maya blend.
The jaguar is red. The eyes are green.
I also did this in 2003 . Now the site is garbage. So many people.
Certain people they cover up the not so good side of them. Others thats all you hear. Take the spanish. We get an Anglo history where I live that always paints the Spanish as really bad. We see a lot more intermarriage and a coming together of cultures in many of the the old Spanish holdings.
The Aztecs would sacrifice children, not the mayans, there is not written or accounts of children being sacrifice on the stone, its not to say people and children. weren’t sacrificed cenote style
Wish I would have cared more about this when I was a dumb tourist teenager in the 90s
Wild that you have not put all the pieces together yet. I have. Videos coming soon ⏰
What happened to the excavations around the pyramid showing that the pyramid is the tip of the iceburg and is built on a much larger older pyramid ?
The Pyramid was built on top of a cenote, sort of like a lake inside the soil, and the Pyramids that were built earlier were smaller, it was common in Mesoamerica to rebuilt the main Pyramid and make it bigger as the city became more powerful and wealthy.
E.777.E thanks I remember hearing about the cenote . I was wondering about a trip I had taken there few months back and there were big excavations on one side of the pyramid. A man there said they thought the pyramid (about 10 meters - 20 meters beneath the grass) underneath was not Maya . I can’t find anything online about it
I hope to visit it someday.
Go! Its cheap and super safe. Flights to cancun are cheap. Cancun is touristy and expensive. Get out and get into real mexico. Catch the bus to merida or just fly there. Many cheap tours to all the ruins he mentioned and swimming in a cenote. Also many nature and beach tours. Expensive online but cheap there. Just ask your hotel who to tour with. Then take the bus to paleque! Its in the jungle and foothills with many waterfalls and the ruins have monkeys and lizards running around. Many native americans all around.
It and tikal are my favorite maya sites. The lady at my jungle camp could call the monkeys. Then bus to San cristabol de la casas. A a cool native American populated old colonial city with cobalstone streets in the cloud forest.
Many waterfall and nature tours. Both places you can do native American villages too. Most tours $25. In Palenque I took colectivos to sites so like $4-10. Hotels I never spent more then $30 and it was fine. Buses like $30. Overall in 2 weeks besides my flights I spent like $70 a day. I eat well and do a lot of eco/adventure tours.
I blessed with time so from there I flew to guatajauto from San cristabol for another whole different part of Mexico. Wow San Miguel and the cities around mexico City are like Europe. Really cool..
A French couple said I would enjoy mexico City and I needed more then 2 days there. They were right. I changed my flight and spent 4 days there. Still didnt see everything around it. Pyramids of the sun and moon cost was like $12 total with a bus ride and lots could be gotten to by the city's very good subway.
Just go.
Thank you, informative and scholarly
No Q&A?
Very good! Thank you..
I'm interested in what Dr Martin has to say, but as I can neither see nor hear him due to technical failings of the video, I'll pass. It's a recurrent problem with Penn Museum presentations.
Just watched lecture. Very well done. One “fact” seems wrong. 4400 days of moon observations show 165 cycles? I think you meant to say 156. Transposed digits?
Very interesting. Thanks.
Thanks :)
Thank you.
Please use a better 🎤 unable to hear you🙄. Or talk directly into it. It keeps going up and down 🤪💁🏻♀️😏
Having just watched Dr. Erickson's geoglyphs talk, those pillars remind me a lot of the cut down trees around the ring ditches, especially since they are associated with the military 🤔
روعة .شكرا
Check out opochtli
turn up his mic
السلام علكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يوجد على جبل طويق في المملكة العربية السعودية آثار قديمة عبارة عن مباني حجرية ( مقابر ) يسميها علماء الآثار بالمذيلات الحجرية وهي أقدم آثار تنتسب للحضارة البشرية ويرجح أنها ترجع لأربعين ألف سنة ، وهي نوعين مذيل برأس مثلث ومذيل برأس دائري ، وهي تشبه شكل المسمار ، والراجح أن هذا الشكل هو شكل الدسر الخشبية (المسامير) التي ساهمت في تربيط ألواح السفينة التي بناها نبي الله نوح عليه السلام وهي الرمز الذي إختاروه ليكون علامة ودليل على إنتساب أصحاب هذه المباني أو أصحاب هذه القبور لأهل الدسر أو الناجين مع نبي الله نوح عليه الصلاة والسلام ،
ثم تم تطوير هذه الرمزيه واختصروها وأصبح المثلث أو الشكل الهرمي رمز للمسمار ورمز للناجين مع نبي الله نوح عليه السلام ، وانتشرت هذه الرمزية في كل المقابر الحجرية القديمة واحتفظوا بحقهم في تطويرها ففي حضارة مدائن نبي الله صالح عليه السلام نجدهم يضعون المثلث في الواجهة الصخرية أعلى القبر وفي حضارة عمان نجد أنهم يبنون القبر بشكل إسطواني ويضعون مدخل القبر بشكل المثلث ، وفي حضارة كوش في السودان يبنون مباني هرمية كرمزية لإنتسابهم لأهل الدسر أو الناجين مع نبي الله نوح عليه الصلاة والسلام ، وأهرامات المايا ، وفي الحضارة المصرية هناك أهرامات مصر التي بناها الفراعنة ، قال تعالى ( وفرعون ذي الأوتاد ) أي فرعون صاحب المسامير وهي الأهرامات ، قال تعالى ( والجبال أوتادا ) ومعروف أن الأوتاد أسم مرادف للمسامير ويصح أن نقول فرعون صاحب الأوتاد أو فرعون صاحب المسامير ، فالوتد هو المسمار .
والذي أريد أن أقوله هو أن جبل طويق هو جبل الجودي المذكور في القرآن الكريم ، والمذيلات الحجرية أو ما نسمية بالدسر هي آثار الناجين من الطوفان . وهي رمزية متفق عليها لتوجيه رسالة للقادمين من غير أهل المنطقة .
كل الكتب القديمة تقول أن جبل الجودي جبل موجود في الجزيرة العربية .
ومعنى الجودي أي الجبل أو الجبل البارز من الأرض بشكل مفاجيء وهذه صفة جبل طويق للقادم إليه من جهة الغرب .
من أوصاف جبل الجودي أنه جبل له ثلاث طبقات وهذه أبرز صفة في جبل طويق فهو جبل له تلاث طبقات أو تلات مستويات من الأرتفاع أو تلاثة أرفف وقد تم تحديد تلك المستويات الثلاثة من الإرتفاع بشكل واضح . طبعا كانت هذه التسمية القديمة ثم سمي بعدها بالعارض ثم سمي بطويق ، الأقوام التي نزحت للعراق أطلقوا اسم الجودي على جبل في العراق كعادة الناس يطلقون مسميات أماكنهم القديمة على الأماكن الجديدة التي ينزحون إليها أو المشابهة ، وأطلقت التسمية على جبل في اليمن وعلى جبل في مكة المكرمة . والواضح أن التسمية على زمن نبي الله نوح كانت الجودي ثم تغيرت التسمية وتطورت اللغة واكتشفوا أنه جبل طويل وممتد فسموه العارض ثم سمي بطويق واشتهرت التسمية الجديدة واندثرت التسمية القديمة .
جبل طويق هو الجبل الذي تجتمع تحته مياه الأمطار القادمة من المنحدرات الشرقية لجبال السروات ، وفي الأزمنة المطيرة كان هناك بحيرة تقع في الغرب من جبل طويق . أعتقد أن هذا الفيضان حدث قبل أكثر من أربعين ألف سنة . قد تكون منطقة الحدث هي الوادي الواسع المسمى حاليا وادي الدواسر وتوجد الدسر على الجبل مقابل قرية الفاو الأثرية .
هذا والله أعلم
وتقبلوا مني فائق التقدير والإحترام .
To learn more about the history of the Maya, you could read the ebook: "The History of the Hopi from their origin in Lemuria". The Hopi claim to be the ancestors of the Maya.
I read Mystery of the Maya: A Choose Your Own Adventure Book. I died.
Biz , Kıtaların göbeğindeki yarımadaları çok severiz.
In resume , we know nothing about those cultures. Only presumptions
Wow, the sound sucks. Please do better in the future.
“Egg balam” 😂😂😂
Historians and archaeologists walk in the dark as long as they deny ancient texts, like the Popol Vuh, that tell us that there is a cycle of natural disasters. These disasters create a cycle of civilizations. One of these civilizations lives more than 10,000 years and reaches a high level of knowledge and skills. The Maya, Aztec and Inca were part of that civilization. They knew that they were going to disappear by the recurring disaster that causes massive floods, earthquakes, firestorms, and meteor bombardment. So they left huge buildings, such as the Giza pyramids and the Mayan temples, to tell us that they existed. If you don't know this cycle, history is incomprehensible. To learn much more about the cycle of civilizations, recurring floods, and ancient high technology, read the eBook: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". Search for: invisible nibiru 9
Way off.
the "drum major" feathered headdress is on the Tula Warriors, the Chacmools, and, a reach☺, Assyrian Winged Bulls-Limasuu, and the winged bulls and warriors at Persepolis, Iran. Persepolis looks to be another place with "international" architecture. The meteor crater is a nice reach! Tale needs something about the subterranean caves and such.
leave a thumbs up if you like pyrimids
Robin Standard-REALTOR no.
Pyramids in Egypt, Temples in Chichen Itza.
I went here
I can't hear you dude love the info should not have to hook to surround sound
Then adjust your volume, idiot.
poor audio.
Enjoyed this, thanks for sharing. I thought there was going to be more about aliens, he presented a picture at the beginning and then saved discussing that for the end and it was just a bit disappointing.
“Alien city” Bro. It was built by mayans, PART. OF. THE. HUMAN. RACE. The marks on the walls? Humans. The sacrificial area inside the top? Humans. Its a temple for one of the gods.
did you even watch the video? He isn't talking about space aliens, rather how the city of chichen itza uses styles of architecture and represents gods that are usually not associated with the mayans. It's alien because it more so represents the culture of central mexico rather than the yukatan.
Toltecs were the architects, the Maya were the engineers.
An alien city? Really? Says who?
the people who laughed in the audience should really reflect on what they see as humorous....
They heard it.
I hope Penn Museum’s scholarship is better than this amateur audio visual production
Alien city ? 🤣😂
Chicken Pizza!
you all got it wrong. It's a Chicken not Chichen itza
the "drum major" feathered headdress is on the Tula Warriors, the Chacmools, and, a reach☺, Assyrian Winged Bulls-Limasuu, and the winged bulls and warriors at Persepolis, Iran. Persepolis looks to be another place with "international" architecture. The meteor crater is a nice reach! Tale needs something about the subterranean caves and such.