Its FINISHED ! Best MODS for your NEW Dual Cab

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 62

    @TJANDMAC  Год назад +12

    Competition ends December 22nd and winner is drawn Xmas eve 🎉

    • @justinbeutel7786
      @justinbeutel7786 Год назад +3

      If we want to order that exact toolbox is that a kit via Kinchrome or something they’ve put together for the give away? 👌

    • @andrewcoulter323
      @andrewcoulter323 Год назад +1

      I know I'm getting in late but is thewre still time to enter today ? that ranger looks sick !

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      @@andrewcoulter323 sorry winner drawn yesterday 🤩

    • @cameroncurrey
      @cameroncurrey Год назад

      Where was the draw done? Have been looking for the video of it. Guess I didn't win haha

      @TJANDMAC  11 месяцев назад +1

      @@cameroncurrey 😅 sorry mate , yeah instagram live is available on Mac’s profile , the draw will also be in a video early next year 🤟

  • @dant565
    @dant565 Год назад +1

    Got my entry shirt on right now watching this. Must be a sign. 🤞

  • @Anthony9293.
    @Anthony9293. Год назад +2

    Best build ive seen on the new next gen ranger. Hats off to TJ and Mac yous have really done a awesome job 👍

  • @geofftuck7347
    @geofftuck7347 Год назад +4

    Bitta giveaway truck action for a Monday arvo from the boys!! Tees and hoodie has arrived 👌🏼 fingers crossed for the draw 🤙🏻

  • @dazrusticways
    @dazrusticways Год назад +3

    What a sick build!!!!
    Congrats guy’s awesome job.

  • @paulbuckley6769
    @paulbuckley6769 Год назад +4

    love the next Gen Ranger boys

  • @SlaterGator
    @SlaterGator Год назад +2

    Can't believe you guys got Bill Burr to detail your ute!!

  • @notmkr-busta2937
    @notmkr-busta2937 Год назад +5

    Great video as always guys! would love to see you guys do a more budget friendly crd zd30 patrol ute build one day! would be very inspiring to most p platers haha

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      We have a budget build coming next year in fact ;)

    • @macpreston
      @macpreston Год назад +3

      As tj said we have a bit of a cheaper build coming, Will definitely be buying a patrol at some point hopefully next year aswell!

    • @notmkr-busta2937
      @notmkr-busta2937 Год назад

      @@macpreston thanks for the reply, love what you guys do and cant wait for a patrol series :) as a 17 year old about to buy my first patrol soon you guys are massive inspiration !

  • @MattsPhotographyAU
    @MattsPhotographyAU Год назад +1

    Good on you guys, bloody amazing job

  • @brantcarruthers6519
    @brantcarruthers6519 Год назад +1

    Bullbar bloke myself from living on a cattle station my whole life and the inconveniences of sometimes wildlife can damage your vehicle quite significantly (plus off-roading) I think the bullbar is a definite crowd pleaser of many

  • @logik1677
    @logik1677 Год назад +1

    Man. That tool set gonna be hard to beat hahahah

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      haha it is a crowd favourite !

  • @locobogan9588
    @locobogan9588 Год назад +1

    Brussel sprout that things looking good 👌 love ya work fellas gonna have 3 very happy winners!!

  • @wombat06
    @wombat06 Месяц назад

    what tire size did you go with looks great

  • @danielscales1201
    @danielscales1201 Год назад

    Looks absolutely mint👌 I can't wait to pick it up 😁

  • @Liam-yt4xd
    @Liam-yt4xd Год назад +4

    Love your vids keep it up boys merry Christmas 🤙

  • @haydenbiele8242
    @haydenbiele8242 Год назад +2

    Should do a ford courier for the next build

  • @mikecrf5020
    @mikecrf5020 Год назад +1

    shes a rippa blokes well done

  • @carlnaude1851
    @carlnaude1851 8 месяцев назад

    Did you end up sticking with the 35's on this or did you need something a little smaller to fit into the flares?

      @TJANDMAC  8 месяцев назад +1

      The winner wanted 35s so they are still on we believe 😎

  • @shaunbecks7158
    @shaunbecks7158 Год назад +2

    Hey guys,what’s the sizing like on ya shirts?

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      AS Staple or AS Block , size charts are on google :)

  • @jeffk464
    @jeffk464 7 месяцев назад

    When are these parts going to start being imported to the US? My ranger is just sitting here waiting to be modified.

  • @bradl342
    @bradl342 Месяц назад

    How did you guys go with the 35’s as far as legality goes ?

  • @nickfnm8649
    @nickfnm8649 10 месяцев назад

    Is that just a 2 inch lift, no body lift or anything? Also how big are the tyres?

  • @MichaelCawthan
    @MichaelCawthan Год назад +1

    hey guys what brand of wireless microphone do you use

    • @macpreston
      @macpreston Год назад +2

      Hey mate we are using the rode wireless go 2 pro i beleive they are called

  • @VesaKittela
    @VesaKittela 10 месяцев назад

    what are the wheel and tyre specs. 2 inch lift, oem UCA i reckon.

  • @leonbozinovski-zk1ri
    @leonbozinovski-zk1ri Год назад +4

    Good vid love the car it’s like my dream car keep it up buys 👍🏽

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +2

      Thanks! Will do! 🤩

  • @noahdiscount9013
    @noahdiscount9013 Год назад

    whens the no wasted weekend store getting a stock up?

  • @paulw9293
    @paulw9293 Год назад +7

    The work gone into this car is mint. Great example of what you can do if you're keen although I have to say that when the lucky human wins this...there may be tears shed when it's seen at Glass House...😢😅. Great set up lads - as well as the other prizes, it's an insane giveaway. All the prizes together add up to almost what I think my missus is paying for a new set of cookware for herself for Xmas 😅! Happy Xmas to you, your fams & everyone. ✌️

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +3

      Couldn't agree more! Thanks so much Paul ! 😎💯

    • @macpreston
      @macpreston Год назад +2

      Haha on the plus side think of all the yummy meals she can make you! Thanks to paul im so pumped to be able to build this for someone!

  • @johnny1819
    @johnny1819 10 месяцев назад

    Hey guys, can you let me know the brand of the bonnet struts please?!

      @TJANDMAC  10 месяцев назад

      From pirate camp co 😎

  • @DSiri0039
    @DSiri0039 5 месяцев назад

    man nothing beats a clean black vehicle

    • @rossevans1774
      @rossevans1774 4 месяца назад

      Not sure about that. They look dirty quick, and black seems to age much quicker than a colour or white.

  • @stuartkcalvin
    @stuartkcalvin Год назад +1

    Thanks. I bought a shirt but I'm not on Insta. Will I be notified if I win?

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      Yes of course! Your email or phone number that the order was made with 😎

  • @AdmissionGaming
    @AdmissionGaming Год назад

    Oh God its a ranger, best mod is in the bin!

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад +1

      haha guess you would take the cash prize then

  • @mattyflips
    @mattyflips Год назад

    Sorry to say guys but the store has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. Got my wife to order me 2 shirts for christmas to support the channel and jump in the giveaway. (Ordered 25th Nov) Communication has been pretty dismal and excuses after excuses, been given tracking but hasnt moved since ordering. If you don't have the gear, put sold out or not available.
    Absolutely love the channel but that's disappointing.

      @TJANDMAC  Год назад

      I’ll get Macca to look into it for ya Matty 🤟

  • @rustybogans2508
    @rustybogans2508 Год назад +2

    Rangers are gay af. EGR cooler went in mine dumped all the coolant didn’t notice any alarms voila ceased engine 110k kms new motor 12-20k 3.2l is a bucket of shit

    • @macpreston
      @macpreston Год назад +1

      Lucky the new one is a v6 turbo completely different car. Also lucky it is brand new and has new car warranty wich is why i left all of the engine gbox exhaust airbox stock!