Sie werden umsoklüger und haben umsomehr Möglichkeiten wenn sie schon früh mehrere Sprachen sprechen. Und mit der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft kann sie auch problemlos nach Deutschland oder nach Europa gehen. Dazu kommt das sie ihr auslandsstudium auch in Deutschland machen kann wenn sie will weil sie deutsch kann
Hello Laura! Love your videos :) My mother is German too and she was a kindergarten teacher before she met my father. She also was a speech trainer. We lived in Turkey. I was educated in Turkey. What my mother always kept mentioning was that she used the technique she learned in speech training for kids. She exclusively spoke German with us even though she had learned Turkish. In my time, we used to have cassettes of fairy tales, bibi blocksberg, pippi langstrumpf and lots of lullabies in German. We would listen to them and fall asleep. At the other hand, my father only spoke Turkish with us. My grandmother came for 3 months every year and only spoke French. In kindergarten, we started to learn English. I grew up learning almost 4 languages. I always wondered why she only spoke German. She explained this way: "when children are learning to speak, they can recognise different languages if different people speak them. But if a person is speaking two languages mixed, they will not see them as separate ones. They will have confusion and difficulty in identifying objects & emotions. Sometimes this leads to speech delay. If you were going to school in Germany, I would do my best to speak exclusively Turkish with you." Of course every parent knows the best for their children and this is not criticism. But as I was raised by a mother that has a different mother tongue, I thought this might be helpful. Warm Greetings, Ceren.
Such a great comment! I worked in a kindergarten with children who had special needs, this also included a group for speech therapy for children who had trouble in their speech development. Most of the 15 children had some sort of speech impediment that occurs for no particular reasons or “fault” on the parents part, however I remember one girl who was brought up in a bilingual household and who had enormous difficulties in differentiating between German and English because both her parents spoke in both languages to her, the more senior teachers suggested to the parents exactly what you explained which did help quite a bit.
Always remember that play is how a child learns so child's play is vitally important. It is essential for growth and development. For some reason later on we think play is less valuable than work.
로아가 하루가 다르게 자라나네요. 머리도 많이 자랐고 자기 이름에도 반응하며 장난감에도 계속 반응하고 또 계속해서 움직임이 많은 걸 보니 매우 건강하게 잘 크고 있는 게 확연히 보입니다. 자라날수록 이목구비도 또렷해지고 있으니 에뿐 딸로 거듭날 것 같군요. 린다씨가 로아 발육을 참 잘 히는 것으로 보입니다. 아빠가 직장 일로 바쁘시겠지만 로아 관련 영상이 자주 올라왔으면 좋겠네요. 권팸 가족분들 새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Ich habe meine Masterarbeit über bilingualen Grundschulunterricht geschrieben. Hier ein paar Tipps: Behaltet es bei, dass einer konsequent Deutsch oder Koreanisch mit Roa redet. Macht euch keine Sorgen, wenn Roa später anfängt zu reden als andere Kinder, dass ist bei bilingual aufwachsenden Kindern normal. Deutsche Hörbücher finde ich super, am bestens Grimms Märchen, dann ist die deutsche Kultur gleich mit dabei ;) Linda halte durch, auch wenn Roa mit dir koreanisch sprechen wird, antworte bitte immer auf Deutsch. Das ist sehr wichtig für sie. Viel Spaß weiterhin mit eurer süßen Tochter❤️
@@mentos92 Leider oder Gott sei Dank ist die Arbeit nicht online, je nach Sichtweise 😅aber wenn du Interesse hast, dann suche Bücher mit CLIL im Titel. Wir haben damals 2009/2010 "Uncovering CLIL" genutzt, aber ich nehme an, dass es inzwischen bessere Alternativen gibt.
The best way for her two learn both languages is for you to always speak German and your husband Korean but continue to speak Korean between you. She’s so adorable 😍
로아는 너무 귀엽고 너무 빨리 커졌어요!! 그녀는 훌륭한 부모님을 가지고 있고, 또한 공주💗처럼 예쁩니다. 독일에서 온 많은 인사들!!! (내 나쁜 한국말 미안) Roa is so sweet and she grew up so fast!She has great parents and is also pretty like a Princess💗 many greetings from Germany!!! (Sorry for my bad Korean ㅋㅋㅋ)
Вы красивые,любящие родители.Это очень хорошо, что много времени уделяете РОА.Линда,если ты будешь разговаривать с РОА на немецком,а муж на корейском,малышка будет понимать оба языка.Успехов вам в воспитании доченьки!!!!
Hi guys! I am a language teacher i grew up in a multilingual family, speaking multiple languages. I don' t want to give any advice but i would stick to one parent one language. Mom Deutsch ,Dad Korean. Kids pick it up easily and is natural to them to use both languages. Love! Bye!
Siii, después hablara sin ningún problema los tres idioma…..😃‼️ Un gran abrazo desde Chile‼️‼️‼️ 🇨🇱🇩🇪🇰🇷. Cuando sea más grande podrá aprender Español y no le será difícil 😃💕…
Roa is so blessed to be able to be brought up learning both cultures and languages. You are amazing parents who put Roa's needs first. Linda--Where did you learn to speak the Korean language so fluently? You are amazing! I just love Roa!!
Erfahrungsgemäß sprechen Kinder die Sprache am besten, die sie in Kindergarten und Schule hören. Um das auszugleichen, braucht es schon einen starken Gegenpol: wenn sie später wirklich Deutsch sprechen soll, musst du als ihre Mutter am besten ausschließlich Deutsch mit ihr reden - nicht einen Mix aus beiden Sprachen! Die One-parent-one-language-Methode klappt am besten. Viel vorlesen, singen usw.
Fairytale books and storybooks in both German & Korean would help tremendously too. Even when you read to her at this age. You'd be surprised how much children absorb and learn 🤧
Das ist sehr schön was sie machen mit deine Prinzessin ich bin eigentlich arabisch aber ich liebe ihn Deutschland seit 37 Jahre und ich spreche immer mit beide Zwillinge
My parents are turkish. I was born and raised in Germany. The first language I learned was turkish but when I started kindergarten, I started speaking German only. My parents never really were consistent with speaking turkish with me and my sibling, in fact, although they don’t speak German that well, they often spoke German to us. Today I struggle really hard with speaking turkish. Listening is not a problem, I understand. So I agree with all comments here, stay consistent with speaking German with her. And once she’s old enough, maybe ask her to reply to you in German. Oh and I don’t remember watching turkish cartoons etc, it was mostly German. My parents also never “made us” watch kids’ shows in turkish, German was a priority. I think it’s great that you’re putting something on in German. All the best 💜
Wie groß sie wieder geworden ist 🥰🥰🥰so ein süßes Mädchen. Ich denke das sie bevorzugt Koreanisch sprechen wird. Ich hoffe das sie Deutsch auch sprechen bzw verstehen möchte ☺️👍🏻. Ich denke das ihr das gut macht. Eine Frage hätte ich aber, wie hast du so gut Koreanisch sprechen gelernt? Du sprichst es so perfekt.👍🏻
Es ist ja klar das sie meistens Koreanisch sprechen wird da sie in Korea lebt. Trotzdem ist es wichtig das ihr auch Deutsch beigebracht wird, da sie immerhin auch Familie in Deutschland hat, das Kind muss sich mit der Oma und Opa mütterlicherseits verstehen. Vielleicht möchte sie auch in Deutschland leben wenn sie größer ist.
This is good for the spirit. Roa is very cute. There's no way to smile seeing her happy. Your father and mother are great. Very careful with this little angel. I love this family.
Que bonita esta ROA!!! Estupendo el hablar los dos idiomas desde tan corta edad, los niños en estas edades son como esponjas y lo aprenden jugando. Yo soy bilingüe y aprendí ambos idiomas desde casa... Un abrazo familia... ❤️❤️❤️
Здравствуйте, красивая😍💓 семья с очаровательной милой Роа . Роа сама держит бутылочку, самостоятельная малышка. Вы большие молодцы, что хотите учить дочку двум языкам. Будьте здоровы и счастливы, привет✋👋 из России🙏💕.
Ein Blick in euren Alltag. Wie cool. Ich finde es echt stark, dass Ihr Roa zweisprachig erziehen wollt. Werde ich später auch machen. 😊 Und sie ist bei allem auch noch so goldig. Jump jump. Bleibt wie ihr seid. Bis dann. LG 😁
아이들은 자연스럽고 정말 빠르게 습득합니다 문법 이딴거 가르칠 필요가 없어요 이중언어 습득한 애들 보면 보통 강세 언어와 약세 언어가 있는 데 한국에 계시니깐 아마 로아에겐 한국어가 강세언어가 될 겁니다 그럼 최소 집에 있을 땐 독일어를 하셔야 되요 로아가 이해했나? 안했나?? 상관없이 독일어가 귓가에 계속 맴돌아야 됩니다 이상 방구석 전문가였습니다
오은영 박사님이 말하셨는데 ...ㅡㆍㅡ.. 똑 ~ 같은 상황에서 엄마도 모국어 , 아빠도 모국어 ~~.... 집에서는 모든 상황을 2개 국어로 엄마 아빠가 얘기 하는게 다문화 가정에서는 필수래요.. .. 금쪽 같은 내새끼에서 들었어요 ㅎㅎㅎ.. 아빠가 한국어로 잘한다 그러면 엄마는 독일어로 잘한다 ~~..
Roa is so adorable and she is growing up so quickly. She has so many things in the house to experience sensorially. It’s great that you guys are trying to teach her both of your languages. I hope she picks them up easily. The first five years is the time to do it. Great job mom and dad.
You're so cute roa and you are the lucky girl that I have seen in my life and also you are the lucky because you have a great mom and dad I have seen....I....LOVE....YOU.... VERY MUCH and also you mom and dad love you all saranghe💜💜💜💜💜💜
Roa is so beautiful 😍 She has two wonderful parents taking great care of her. I can't believe she is jumping and learning so much as she plays. Thank-you for letting Auntie Kerry observe xxx
I love your videos of your beautiful family. Baby Roa is such a happy, precious child. I grew up Bilingual as a first generation American. We had a large house with a separate apartment for Oma and Opa. So it was German " upstairs'" and English "downstairs". I had children's books in both languages. And from an early age my mother had me write to my Munich relatives in German. our families visited often. So, being bilingual just happened naturally. Completely fluent in German, reading and writing.
저는 네델란드에 살고있는데 국제결혼 제친구들 애기들은 네델란드에서 태어났는데 아빠는 내델란드말만 엄마는 무조건 애기에게 한국말만 하니까 애기가 저절로 2개언어를 이해하더라구요. 반면에 엄마가 네델란드말과 한국말을 섞어서 쓰니까 애기가 좀 커가면서 한국말을 안하고 네델란드말만 할려고 하더라구요. 애기가 이미 엄마는 2가지 언어를 한다는걸 알고 자기에게 더 익숙한 네델란드어만 쓸려고 해요.그걸보니 엄마는 무조건 자기모국어만 애기에게 씀으로써 애기에게 내가 엄마가 쓰는 언어를 모르면 나의 생존에 큰 어려움이 있을수있다는걸 인지하게 해서 두가지 언어를 습득하게 하시는게 좋을것 같아요. 지금 그 친구 애들이 초등학생인데 제가 놀러가면 저랑 한국말로 얘기해요. 무엇보다 애들이 한국의 할머니,친척 ,사촌들과도 언어 소통이 되니 서로 더 빨리 친해지더라구요. 다른 친구네 애기는 엄마가 두개언어를 섞어쓰다 애들이 한국어들 안쓰려하니 그냥 나중에 네델란드어만 사용했는데 한국가면 친척들과 대화가 안 통하니 서먹하고 재미없다고 안 갈려고 한다고 해요. 조금 번거럽더라도 꼭 엄마는 항상 지금 애기때 부터 독일어만 쓰시는걸 추천해요.
Hello KwonFam👋! Linda looks so pretty with her pink Mickey Mouse pjs on 👩🏻! Congratulations that Roa has started to jump in the jolly jumper, she was so cute when she had a bath with dad Joon👶🏻🧑🏻🍼! Very good little family!❤️
Roa has the most beautiful smile, I love watching her smile all the time! Much love from Miami to your little family. Roa you are a very lucky little girl because Daddy and Mommy take very good care of you.
혼혈,이중국적을 가진 아기는 어릴때 두개의 언어를 배우거나 부모님이 다른 언어로 말하면 혼란스러워서 그 어느 언어도 못배우는 경우가 있다고 해요.지금은 한국어를 잘 배우고 있어서 다행이네요.나중에 조금 커서 독일어를 배워도 로아는 잘 할거에요!
Sie werden umsoklüger und haben umsomehr Möglichkeiten wenn sie schon früh mehrere Sprachen sprechen. Und mit der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft kann sie auch problemlos nach Deutschland oder nach Europa gehen. Dazu kommt das sie ihr auslandsstudium auch in Deutschland machen kann wenn sie will weil sie deutsch kann
Nachteile? ...finde keine
Such responsible and culture loving parents roa is indeed very blessed
로아 정말 사랑스러워요 사랑 많이 주시고 아가에게 공부에 대해 너무 스트레스 주지마세요 어머니😜
인형같이 귀엽고 예쁜 로아에요 요즘 로아 보면서 힐링되는것같아요
Hello Laura! Love your videos :) My mother is German too and she was a kindergarten teacher before she met my father. She also was a speech trainer. We lived in Turkey. I was educated in Turkey. What my mother always kept mentioning was that she used the technique she learned in speech training for kids. She exclusively spoke German with us even though she had learned Turkish. In my time, we used to have cassettes of fairy tales, bibi blocksberg, pippi langstrumpf and lots of lullabies in German. We would listen to them and fall asleep. At the other hand, my father only spoke Turkish with us. My grandmother came for 3 months every year and only spoke French. In kindergarten, we started to learn English. I grew up learning almost 4 languages.
I always wondered why she only spoke German. She explained this way: "when children are learning to speak, they can recognise different languages if different people speak them. But if a person is speaking two languages mixed, they will not see them as separate ones. They will have confusion and difficulty in identifying objects & emotions. Sometimes this leads to speech delay. If you were going to school in Germany, I would do my best to speak exclusively Turkish with you."
Of course every parent knows the best for their children and this is not criticism. But as I was raised by a mother that has a different mother tongue, I thought this might be helpful. Warm Greetings, Ceren.
Such a great comment! I worked in a kindergarten with children who had special needs, this also included a group for speech therapy for children who had trouble in their speech development. Most of the 15 children had some sort of speech impediment that occurs for no particular reasons or “fault” on the parents part, however I remember one girl who was brought up in a bilingual household and who had enormous difficulties in differentiating between German and English because both her parents spoke in both languages to her, the more senior teachers suggested to the parents exactly what you explained which did help quite a bit.
Being Bilingual will be so beneficial for Roa later on in life, you’re both wonderful parents for putting in the time and energy to teach her. 👍🏼💕
Always remember that play is how a child learns so child's play is vitally important. It is essential for growth and development. For some reason later on we think play is less valuable than work.
@Ersa es una bebe hermosa dios la bendiga siempre en su camino bendiciones y muy bien cuidada 🙏
She's not a baby she's such a baby doll 😩
로아 너무너무 이뻐요 ~🤩🥰😍
한국에서 사니까
한국어는 될터이고
독일어는 특히 신경써야할듯요.
로아 외할아버지 외할머니는
로아랑 대화 못 하면 세상에 그런 슬픔은 없을듯
The best way is the korean father speaks baby in that language and german mother in her own.
로아가 하루가 다르게 자라나네요. 머리도 많이 자랐고 자기 이름에도 반응하며 장난감에도 계속 반응하고 또 계속해서 움직임이 많은 걸 보니 매우 건강하게 잘 크고 있는 게 확연히 보입니다. 자라날수록 이목구비도 또렷해지고 있으니 에뿐 딸로 거듭날 것 같군요. 린다씨가 로아 발육을 참 잘 히는 것으로 보입니다. 아빠가 직장 일로 바쁘시겠지만 로아 관련 영상이 자주 올라왔으면 좋겠네요. 권팸 가족분들 새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Ich habe meine Masterarbeit über bilingualen Grundschulunterricht geschrieben. Hier ein paar Tipps: Behaltet es bei, dass einer konsequent Deutsch oder Koreanisch mit Roa redet. Macht euch keine Sorgen, wenn Roa später anfängt zu reden als andere Kinder, dass ist bei bilingual aufwachsenden Kindern normal. Deutsche Hörbücher finde ich super, am bestens Grimms Märchen, dann ist die deutsche Kultur gleich mit dabei ;) Linda halte durch, auch wenn Roa mit dir koreanisch sprechen wird, antworte bitte immer auf Deutsch. Das ist sehr wichtig für sie.
Viel Spaß weiterhin mit eurer süßen Tochter❤️
This was a Good amount of Information-! Thank you!!
@@BunbunwuvsWH no problem, you're welcome ☺️
mich würde deine Arbeit sehr interessieren, da ich Grundschullehrerin bin. Kann man die irgendwo lesen?
@@mentos92 Leider oder Gott sei Dank ist die Arbeit nicht online, je nach Sichtweise 😅aber wenn du Interesse hast, dann suche Bücher mit CLIL im Titel. Wir haben damals 2009/2010 "Uncovering CLIL" genutzt, aber ich nehme an, dass es inzwischen bessere Alternativen gibt.
@@MBP235 Vielen Dank, Mirjam!
어쩌면 이렇게 이쁠까 볼살이 통통하니 너무 이쁘네요! 아루 시름이 녹아요 !
당연히 독어- 한국어 이중언어를 구사하는건 당연한거고 , 독일에서 자라거나 교육을받는다면 최소 5개국어는 할것같네요, 박주호선수 아이들보면 알지요, 로아야~~~ 새해에도 건강하고 이쁘게 잘커라~~!!
로아 너무 귀엽고 사랑스럽다♡
로아는 천사같고, 언제나 권패밀리 영상 보고 나면 힐링이 돼요! ^^
The best way for her two learn both languages is for you to always speak German and your husband Korean but continue to speak Korean between you. She’s so adorable 😍
로아아빠! 로아와 와이프 아껴주고 다정하게 대하는 모습이 너무 보기 좋아요~
로아는 너무 귀엽고 너무 빨리 커졌어요!! 그녀는 훌륭한 부모님을 가지고 있고, 또한 공주💗처럼 예쁩니다. 독일에서 온 많은 인사들!!! (내 나쁜 한국말 미안)
Roa is so sweet and she grew up so fast!She has great parents and is also pretty like a Princess💗 many greetings from Germany!!! (Sorry for my bad Korean ㅋㅋㅋ)
Ich freue mich immer richtig auf eure videos. Sehr entspannend und wie schnell Roa doch groß wird🥰.
She is soo soo soo cute.💘😩
So eine süße Maus! 😍 Linda, du bist wunderschön! Erzähl mal was über deine skincare Produkte!
Вы красивые,любящие родители.Это очень хорошо, что много времени уделяете РОА.Линда,если ты будешь разговаривать с РОА на немецком,а муж на корейском,малышка будет понимать оба языка.Успехов вам в воспитании доченьки!!!!
Que hermosa Dios la Bendiga. Roa está creciendo muy rápido.
Saludos linda familia desde Puerto Rico. Bendiciones
Hi guys! I am a language teacher i grew up in a multilingual family, speaking multiple languages. I don' t want to give any advice but i would stick to one parent one language. Mom Deutsch ,Dad Korean. Kids pick it up easily and is natural to them to use both languages. Love! Bye!
사랑스러운 로아 안녕❤️
전 5살 아들 키우고 있어요~
로아 넘 이뻐요~~자주 놀러올게요!!
아이고 오늘도 울 로아 공주님 랜선 아재👨를 그냥 완전 녹여줍니다😘🥰😍
정말 재밌게 잘 봤습니다 💜너무 사랑 해요
자주 올려 주세요! 애기 너무 귀여워요 ㅜㅜ
우리이쁜로아 나왓네 좋아서 소리지르네 엄마똑닮앗어서이뻐
Literally the cutest baby I’ve ever seen 🥲
로아는 너무 이뻐용! 리이모가 사랑해~ 💕
아기의 교육에 대한 영상을 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다!
Que hermosa Roa, me encanta ver cómo la cuidan y la quieren tanto😍 bendiciones desde México 🇲🇽
Роа просто очаровательна, когда прыгает вместе с мамой и папой 🥰🥰🥰👍💕
Siii, después hablara sin ningún problema los tres idioma…..😃‼️
Un gran abrazo desde Chile‼️‼️‼️ 🇨🇱🇩🇪🇰🇷.
Cuando sea más grande podrá aprender Español y no le será difícil 😃💕…
Sizi çok seviyoruz. Roa tam bir şeker. Türkiye'den selamlar 🇹🇷🍭🍬
It’s wonderful to see all of the rich sensory experiences you are providing Roa with. Such a sweet and happy baby! 💕💕
할부지도 로아 사랑해.!!!!! 건강하고 예쁘게 성장하거라 ♡♡♡♡♡
Roa is so blessed to be able to be brought up learning both cultures and languages. You are amazing parents who put Roa's needs first. Linda--Where did you learn to speak the Korean language so fluently? You are amazing! I just love Roa!!
눈이 너무 이뻐요 ㅎ 엄 마를 닮아서
그런가요 인상이 넘 순해요
노아야 건강하게 자라거라
삼촌 이모 들이 넘 사랑한단다
아이구 요놈 볼따구니가 귀엽워 미치것네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 으이구 환장
Erfahrungsgemäß sprechen Kinder die Sprache am besten, die sie in Kindergarten und Schule hören. Um das auszugleichen, braucht es schon einen starken Gegenpol: wenn sie später wirklich Deutsch sprechen soll, musst du als ihre Mutter am besten ausschließlich Deutsch mit ihr reden - nicht einen Mix aus beiden Sprachen! Die One-parent-one-language-Methode klappt am besten. Viel vorlesen, singen usw.
로아 너모이뻐용 ㅠㅠ 눈이 어케저렇지 사랑스러워
Fairytale books and storybooks in both German & Korean would help tremendously too. Even when you read to her at this age. You'd be surprised how much children absorb and learn 🤧
지인분이 언어교육전공이신데 모국어가 정말정말 중요하다고 하더라고요 괜히 세계각국에서 다 엄마말 이라고 부르는게 아니라구..
그녀는 너무 아름다워 그녀는 작은 천사입니다(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
로아는 엄마아빠 이쁜거만 닮았네요
로아엄마 미키마우스 수면복 광고같아요
저도 사고싶네요~~😂😅🤤🤣🤗🙏
Pas facile pour ROA cela viendra avec le temps Lynda Bisous de France et bon week-end ❤❤🎉😊
Das ist sehr schön was sie machen mit deine Prinzessin ich bin eigentlich arabisch aber ich liebe ihn Deutschland seit 37 Jahre und ich spreche immer mit beide Zwillinge
아이와 대화할때 엄마는 독일어 사용해서 대화하고 아빠는 한국어 사용해서 아이와 대화하면 자연적으로 2개 국어 사용하게 되는 것 같더라구요.
귀여운 로아, 멀지 않아 최소 삼개국어는 할수 있겠어요. 독어를 하면 영어도 쉽게 익힐듯, 서로 사춘🙂간이니까. 근데 아기들은 처음에 단어 하나라든가 짧은 말로(두 단어정도), 대화하면 더 빨리 익힐듯.
My parents are turkish. I was born and raised in Germany. The first language I learned was turkish but when I started kindergarten, I started speaking German only. My parents never really were consistent with speaking turkish with me and my sibling, in fact, although they don’t speak German that well, they often spoke German to us. Today I struggle really hard with speaking turkish. Listening is not a problem, I understand. So I agree with all comments here, stay consistent with speaking German with her. And once she’s old enough, maybe ask her to reply to you in German.
Oh and I don’t remember watching turkish cartoons etc, it was mostly German. My parents also never “made us” watch kids’ shows in turkish, German was a priority. I think it’s great that you’re putting something on in German. All the best 💜
Roa ist so niedlich! Ihr macht das echt toll! Weiterhin viel Spaß mit der kleinen Maus!
Wie groß sie wieder geworden ist 🥰🥰🥰so ein süßes Mädchen. Ich denke das sie bevorzugt Koreanisch sprechen wird. Ich hoffe das sie Deutsch auch sprechen bzw verstehen möchte ☺️👍🏻. Ich denke das ihr das gut macht. Eine Frage hätte ich aber, wie hast du so gut Koreanisch sprechen gelernt? Du sprichst es so perfekt.👍🏻
Es ist ja klar das sie meistens Koreanisch sprechen wird da sie in Korea lebt. Trotzdem ist es wichtig das ihr auch Deutsch beigebracht wird, da sie immerhin auch Familie in Deutschland hat, das Kind muss sich mit der Oma und Opa mütterlicherseits verstehen. Vielleicht möchte sie auch in Deutschland leben wenn sie größer ist.
Roa is adorable! Knowing more than 1 language is always a plus! Maybe she'll not only be bilingual but trilingual! Keep up the amazing work!
This is good for the spirit. Roa is very cute. There's no way to smile seeing her happy. Your father and mother are great. Very careful with this little angel. I love this family.
Que bonita esta ROA!!!
Estupendo el hablar los dos idiomas desde tan corta edad, los niños en estas edades son como esponjas y lo aprenden jugando. Yo soy bilingüe y aprendí ambos idiomas desde casa...
Un abrazo familia... ❤️❤️❤️
Слишком красивая ❤️🤧
Согласна, супер милая и такие глазки большие, как море🥰
Я вместе с вами радуюсь вашей милой Роа а, так же радуюсь за вас молодых родителей. Счастья и здоровья Вам !
Здравствуйте, красивая😍💓 семья с очаровательной милой Роа . Роа сама держит бутылочку, самостоятельная малышка. Вы большие молодцы, что хотите учить дочку двум языкам. Будьте здоровы и счастливы, привет✋👋 из России🙏💕.
Чудесный ребёнок!!!!😍😍😍
Gorgeous baby
Ihr seid super👍🤗Und kleine Roa ist süß & wunderschön😘❤🌷
Ein Blick in euren Alltag. Wie cool. Ich finde es echt stark, dass Ihr Roa zweisprachig erziehen wollt. Werde ich später auch machen. 😊 Und sie ist bei allem auch noch so goldig. Jump jump. Bleibt wie ihr seid. Bis dann. LG 😁
린다가 정말로 훌륭한 엄마이자 아내네요. 아빠의 내조도 좋아요.
로아 정말로 귀여워요
린다님 오디오만 들으면 그냥 한국사람이네요.... 저보다 더 자연스럽게 말하시는 듯
아기가 너무너무너무너무 솜사탕 같고 귀여워여ㅠ
ROA, the cutest cutest cutest baby.😭💖
She's the most cutest & adorable baby I have seen so far!!💟💟
Roa는 매우 귀엽고 똑똑합니다. 💜
독일어 부터 배워야 하지 않을까. 엄마도 독일어 같이 할 친구가 있어야 하니까.
주제넘은 말이지만 만일 한국에 살고있다면 독일어를 써주시고 독일에 사신다면 한국어를 쓰시는게 좋은 선택인것 같아요
I just can't get enough of Roa, she's so precious and so beautiful. 💜💜
Roa has to be one of the most beautiful babies ever. Mom and dad are beautiful also. God bless this family ❤️
아이들은 자연스럽고 정말 빠르게 습득합니다 문법 이딴거 가르칠 필요가 없어요 이중언어 습득한 애들 보면 보통 강세 언어와 약세 언어가 있는 데 한국에 계시니깐 아마 로아에겐 한국어가 강세언어가 될 겁니다 그럼 최소 집에 있을 땐 독일어를 하셔야 되요 로아가 이해했나? 안했나?? 상관없이 독일어가 귓가에 계속 맴돌아야 됩니다 이상 방구석 전문가였습니다
She is so adorable. This baby makes my days brighter. Sending lots of love from Slovakia 💚🇸🇰Stay safe :)
Roa is the most adorable baby I have ever seen! So beautiful!🥰
🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘ich liebe dich!Roa~맞는가 몰것네 30년전에 배운 독어다 로아야~
오은영 박사님이 말하셨는데 ...ㅡㆍㅡ.. 똑 ~ 같은 상황에서 엄마도 모국어 , 아빠도 모국어 ~~.... 집에서는 모든 상황을 2개 국어로 엄마 아빠가 얘기 하는게 다문화 가정에서는 필수래요.. .. 금쪽 같은 내새끼에서 들었어요 ㅎㅎㅎ.. 아빠가 한국어로 잘한다 그러면 엄마는 독일어로 잘한다 ~~..
아이가 너무 귀여워요
Вы очень милая семья 💖
모든지 강요보다는 자연스럽게 부모님이 사용하는 말을 배우는게 좋은거 같아요~!
>저는 외할머니께서 쓰는 단어를 많이 사용하는데요!🤣🙏
Roa is so adorable and she is growing up so quickly. She has so many things in the house to experience sensorially. It’s great that you guys are trying to teach her both of your languages. I hope she picks them up easily. The first five years is the time to do it. Great job mom and dad.
Çok tatlısınız 💞Almanca ve Korece birlikte öğrenmesi çok güzel ... bebeğiniz çok güzel maşallah 🧿🐞😍🥰
로아보러 세번째 열었네!
Muiiito liiinda....vcs estão de parabéns.
Que Deus os ilumine, ampare e abençoe sempre!🇧🇷
You're so cute roa and you are the lucky girl that I have seen in my life and also you are the lucky because you have a great mom and dad I have seen....I....LOVE....YOU.... VERY MUCH and also you mom and dad love you all saranghe💜💜💜💜💜💜
Loving ROA don't grow so fast........ Our love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ROA.... we love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤as kid..,...... Your innocent face mesmerizing.....
Soo cute family 💕 u all make my day happy 💜💜
Roa is so beautiful 😍 She has two wonderful parents taking great care of her. I can't believe she is jumping and learning so much as she plays. Thank-you for letting Auntie Kerry observe xxx
제가 더 행복해지는것 같애요
I love your videos of your beautiful family. Baby Roa is such a happy, precious child. I grew up Bilingual as a first generation American. We had a large house with a separate apartment for Oma and Opa. So it was German " upstairs'" and English "downstairs". I had children's books in both languages. And from an early age my mother had me write to my Munich relatives in German. our families visited often. So, being bilingual just happened naturally. Completely fluent in German, reading and writing.
Ikutan gemeshhh liat pipinya roa yang makin lucu makin aktif..
저는 네델란드에 살고있는데 국제결혼 제친구들 애기들은 네델란드에서 태어났는데 아빠는 내델란드말만 엄마는 무조건 애기에게 한국말만 하니까 애기가 저절로 2개언어를 이해하더라구요. 반면에 엄마가 네델란드말과 한국말을 섞어서 쓰니까 애기가 좀 커가면서 한국말을 안하고 네델란드말만 할려고 하더라구요. 애기가 이미 엄마는 2가지 언어를 한다는걸 알고 자기에게 더 익숙한 네델란드어만 쓸려고 해요.그걸보니 엄마는 무조건 자기모국어만 애기에게 씀으로써 애기에게 내가 엄마가 쓰는 언어를 모르면 나의 생존에 큰 어려움이 있을수있다는걸 인지하게 해서 두가지 언어를 습득하게 하시는게 좋을것 같아요. 지금 그 친구 애들이 초등학생인데 제가 놀러가면 저랑 한국말로 얘기해요. 무엇보다 애들이 한국의 할머니,친척 ,사촌들과도 언어 소통이 되니 서로 더 빨리 친해지더라구요. 다른 친구네 애기는 엄마가 두개언어를 섞어쓰다 애들이 한국어들 안쓰려하니 그냥 나중에 네델란드어만 사용했는데 한국가면 친척들과 대화가 안 통하니 서먹하고 재미없다고 안 갈려고 한다고 해요. 조금 번거럽더라도 꼭 엄마는 항상 지금 애기때 부터 독일어만 쓰시는걸 추천해요.
Adorable Roa! Sweet as candy, even when she’s cranky 😍 Loving mum & dad taking such good care of her. Excellent.
Hello KwonFam👋! Linda looks so pretty with her pink Mickey Mouse pjs on 👩🏻! Congratulations that Roa has started to jump in the jolly jumper, she was so cute when she had a bath with dad Joon👶🏻🧑🏻🍼! Very good little family!❤️
Roa has the most beautiful smile, I love watching her smile all the time! Much love from Miami to your little family. Roa you are a very lucky little girl because Daddy and Mommy take very good care of you.
A Roa tá cada dia mas linda cuidem muito bem dela .família linda❤
이쁘고 귀엽네.
튼튼하고 이쁘게 성장히세요!~~♡♡♡
Sie ist einfach Zucker 🥰😍❤️
Hermosa Roa, cada día más grande y preciosa. Dios la bendiga y también a sus papás 🙏🏻