College Life Presents: UPenn

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • College Life Presents an in depth look at schools across the country. Watch as we explore the world of University of Pennsylvania.
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Комментарии • 91

  • @TheEvilMuffinZ
    @TheEvilMuffinZ 7 лет назад +97

    At 4:19 it sounds like the guy is about to freestyle to the beat lol. Definitely caught me off guard.

  • @culturatisanta4590
    @culturatisanta4590 8 лет назад +86

    I went to Penn 30 years ago and it was the same then as in the video. My son was just accepted yesterday, so I am excited for him to start his own Penn adventure.

    • @PreciseVids
      @PreciseVids 8 лет назад

      +Culturati Santa Is it great? Im 18 & I live in pittsburgh.

    • @culturatisanta4590
      @culturatisanta4590 8 лет назад +4

      Definitely a great experience. Top quality education, and you are surrounded by lots of very smart and interesting people. Not easy to get into, but I don't know anyone who didn't enjoy their time there.

    • @MsRazorcraft
      @MsRazorcraft 8 лет назад +1

      +Culturati Santa Hi i know you commented 3 months ago but please I would love to have your advice. What did you do and more importantly what did your son do to get into Upenn? I go to great highschool its ranked 15 in all of the US so there is all these smart kids and I don't feel like I compare to them at all. They are smarter then me in all ways, I'm not saying that I'm giving up but why would Upenn pick me then the others? How many AP classes did you son take, clubs, etc. If you could give me some advice on what your son did to get in and what it takes that would be amazing. Thank you for your time!

    • @culturatisanta4590
      @culturatisanta4590 8 лет назад +5

      +MrRazor Just saw your question. Will try to answer as best I can but obviously every student is unique and there is no secret formula that guarantees admission. But I can speak from my experience on why my son got in, which aligns well with a lot of the advice you can read online.
      I will start with a profile of my son. His high school is also very strong academically and sends a few dozen kids to the Ivies, Stanford and other top colleges each year. He is smart and strong academically, but like you there are plenty in his class with better grades, higher test scores and more activities, who are smarter and work harder. His grades are mostly A- and B+ with a few As (nothing below B+). His GPA was 4.4 weighted when he applied. He waited until his junior year to take AP courses and he took 4 (Latin, CalcBC, USH, Bio). Many of friends took 1-2 APs their sophomore year and 5 junior year, so while he was challenging himself, he didn't over do it. For example, he was not fully confident in his writing so instead of taking AP English Lit like many of his friends as a junior, he took two "fun" English courses instead ("Detective Fiction" and "Medieval Literature"). This year as a senior he is taking 3 APs (including English Comp) and 2 other honors courses. He is a good test taker, so he took the SAT once as a junior, was satisfied with his score (2230) and decided that was enough. He also got scores of 5 on the four AP tests he took as a junior, and qualified as a National Merit Scholarship finalist from his PSAT score. His activities were actually pretty sparse. He did the required community service hours but no more, played soccer to fulfill his PE requirements but was on JV all 4 years. No clubs, music or outside work/research experience. His one main activity is technical theater production through the school drama department, though it is very rigorous and time consuming (5-20 hours per week depending on whether they are in the middle of a show). He is very passionate about this activity and took on leadership roles his junior and senior years by running stage productions, designing lighting and staging, and instructing underclassmen how to build sets, program lighting cues, etc. We actually tried to convince him to do a few more activities but he refused.
      So why did he get into Penn? Given the level of competition, there is no one thing that screamed "admit" to the committee, but I believe there were several factors that helped him or made him stand out (in no particular order):
      > He applied early decision - the acceptance rate for ED at Penn is more than twice the regular decision rate.
      > He is a legacy - Penn admissions website states that they give extra weight to children of alumni for ED, so the combination of legacy and ED gave my son a leg up.
      > Strong essays - He put in a lot of time crafting and refining his essays, and they did a good job of showcasing his writing and reflecting his personality. They also made connections to his intended course of study (engineering). The main common app essay was about his experiences in technical theater and how it allowed him to follow his passion for creating and hands-on building that has been with him from his childhood. His Penn supplemental essay started with his love of jigsaw puzzles and used that as a metaphor for the how specific parts of Penn will allow him to complete the personal puzzle of his academic and no-academic self.
      > Solid recommendations - He is a kid teachers like to have in class: engaged, inquisitive, participates in discussions, always ready to help other students, etc. I believe these qualities came out in the teacher recommendations. He also got to know his college counselor very well during his junior year, so I am sure that recommendation was strong also.
      > Technical Theater - I feel the fact that his deep and passionate involvement in this fairly uncommon and demanding activity was key for him standing out. He was able to submit a portfolio of his lighting designs, cue sheets and set creations, and if they showed it to their drama tech director I'm sure he confirmed that it was at a very high level beyond most HS drama programs. The admissions committee wants to know where the students will fit in and contribute to the Penn community inside and outside the classroom, so this indicated my son would be very involved in their theater tech program.
      > He is part Native American - While it is very small (1/128 by blood), this was something else that helped him stand out from the others. The top schools strive for diversity, so even though his involvement is minimal (we live in CA and our tribe is located in OK), being able to add another Native American to their statistics couldn't hurt. The Penn application included an optional section for Native Americans where you could describe your connection with the tribe, and my son wrote a heartfelt essay about how even though he has had limited contact with his tribe, his Native American heritage is a big part of his family history and a source of pride for him.
      > His age - He will have just turned 17 when he starts at Penn, so he is 1-2 years younger than his classmates. While he didn't make this a focus in his application, if the admissions committee noticed his age and saw that he was excelling academically at a rigorous HS despite being so young, I'm sure that helped differentiate his application from the thousands of others.

    • @culturatisanta4590
      @culturatisanta4590 8 лет назад +8

      +MrRazor So what is my advice? There are obviously things that helped my son that you have no control over (legacy, Native American, age), but here is what you can do to increase your chances of getting into Penn or another top school:
      > Get good grades and solid test scores - You don't need perfect grades and SATs (in fact thousands of students with straight As and perfect SATs are rejected from Penn and other top schools every year), but if you don't meet a certain academic level you don't have much of a chance. Look up the statistics online and if you aren't at least above the 50th percentile consider applying elsewhere - those bottom 25% of SAT and grades are mostly special cases like recruited athletes, exceptional talent (e.g. concert violinist who soloed with the philharmonic at age 15), and major alumni donors. Schools also like to see an upward trajectory (my son got 3 As, 1 A- and 1 B+ to finish his junior year) so step it up each year.
      > Challenge yourself - But not to the point that you suffer academically. Penn wants to see that you are taking the most rigorous course load that you can handle, so take those APs if your school offers them and you can do the work. But don't feel like you have to stuff your schedule with APs just to keep up with the rest of your classmates. If chemistry terrifies you then don't feel like you have to suffer through AP chem. It's most important to take the most advanced classes in area(s) you want to study. If you are applying to Wharton, you should be taking AP Econ, or if you are planing to major in math take AP Calc BC your junior year or earlier. Challenging yourself also applies outside of the classroom. Volunteer to take on extra responsibilities in whatever clubs or activities you are doing (especially if you will be asking the adviser for a recommendation). But do it because you love the activity - brown nosing is usually obvious and will work against you.
      > Pick a small number of activities you are passionate about and pursue them at a high level - Top schools would rather see depth and leadership in a few activities than just joining a bunch of clubs just to fill up your activity list. It's best to start early your freshman year and follow it through with increasing levels of leadership and responsibility. It helps if the activity is unusual - just as with perfect grades and test scores, thousands of sports team captains, ASB officers and Model UN presidents apply each year, and many are rejected. If everyone in your school is doing it, look for something else. If you have a hobby and there isn't a club for that at your school, start one. Your EC activities are your chance to show passion, commitment and individuality. Conformity and boredom are college application killers.
      > Write a killer essay - It should highlight your unique qualities, experiences and world view. If someone else could write about the same topic in the same way, find another topic or put a unique spin on it. Show how your think, what you are passionate about, and why you would be an asset to their school. Connect it to your academic interests. Use vibrant language with strong action verbs and paint a visual picture for the admissions officer. Have several proofread it carefully to ensure there are no typos or grammar errors.
      > Get to know your teachers and counselor - They can't write strong recommendations if they don't know you. Be prepared, participate in class discussions and chat with the teacher outside of class if a particular topic interests you. Don't think the teacher recommendations can only be from teachers where you aced the class - if you struggled initially and worked hard to learn the material that could give the school insight into your tenacity and work ethic. And your counselor can be your best asset in the process. He/she will shepherd you through the process, review all your application materials, and write an evaluation that compares you to the rest of your class. If your counselor likes you, then he/she will want to do everything they can to get you into your top school.
      > Get to know the school - This is critical if there is a supplemental "why do you want to go here" essay. Read the school website thoroughly and use the specific academic and non-academic details that interest you in your essay. Visit the campus and describe your favorite parts. If you are interested in a specific academic area or outside activity, initiate an email conversation with a professor who is an expert in that area, or even better, set up a meeting when you visit. Nothing shows your interest in the school more than writing something like "I am especially excited to further pursue my interest in environmental policy. My discussion with Professor Samuelson about the intricacies of alternative energy subsidy economics confirmed that Penn is the place to achieve my academic goals."
      > Apply early decision - As mentioned above, this greatly increases your chances of admission. But make sure the school is a good fit and that it is your top choice, since you can only apply ED to one school.
      But my best advice is to not just focus on the brand name of a school and don't place all your hopes on one school as being crucial to your future success and happiness. Do a thorough search of a variety of schools and find the ones that are the best fit for your needs and interests, making sure they cover a good range of selectivity for your qualifications. The top colleges are reach schools for everyone, so unfortunately the odds are you won't get in. If you have the resume to be in the mix at a school like Penn, then you will definitely get into a very good school, even if it is not Penn or another Ivy/name school. Know that wherever you end up going is the place you were meant to be, and you can get an excellent education there.
      One last tip based on your mention above that there will likely be many students from your school who will have stronger applications than you: try looking at some schools that are off the beaten path for your school. Since you will be directly compared to the other applicants from your school, if you apply to a school where few or none of your classmates are considering, that will increase your chances. If all the top students in your school are applying to Penn, then your chances are not good if it is true that they are smarter and more accomplished than you. So ask your counselor to recommend some good schools where few students from your school typically apply. This also means that he/she can write you a much more glowing recommendation for those schools since he won't be comparing you to the higher ranked students.
      Well, that's a lot of information, but I hope it was helpful. Good luck!

  • @tebony34
    @tebony34 7 лет назад +18

    This is a prestigious school it's really hard to get in there.

  • @billyburton2528
    @billyburton2528 8 лет назад +15

    These videos are absolutely fantastic. I'm looking at going to Grad School in the US in a year or so and these videos offer brilliant insights into what a school feels like- something that isn't easy to judge from the UK!
    University of Michigan, Rutgers, Penn State and Cornell all need a visit ;)

    • @lucasm4299
      @lucasm4299 6 лет назад

      Billy Burton
      Yeah!! 😉🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏆

  • @vopumpkin11
    @vopumpkin11 7 лет назад +1

    I love this series concept! Great for students wanting to get to know a school better before they apply. Keep up the great work

  • @124hawa
    @124hawa 9 лет назад +28

    UPenn was never really like a choice for college but because of this it's definitely top 3

  • @ilanlampl3676
    @ilanlampl3676 9 лет назад

    Love what your doing here man! Really creative stuff

  • @brunoboy98
    @brunoboy98 8 лет назад +11

    3 of my friends got in yesterday

  • @brendennosrat
    @brendennosrat 7 лет назад +10


  • @navieprime
    @navieprime 7 лет назад

    hello, may i get the full transcript of this video ? i need the transcript for my college project. Thank you

  • @piggy8435
    @piggy8435 7 лет назад +5

    do university of washington seattle, it's a very unique and weird culture

  • @rickymoslow376
    @rickymoslow376 8 лет назад +1

    a great video! must have taken a lot of time to make this!

  • @alexispeele1379
    @alexispeele1379 7 лет назад +2

    Pleaseee do NYU!!

  • @fadenrock
    @fadenrock 8 лет назад

    what is the song at the end?

  • @ekaterini128
    @ekaterini128 7 лет назад +1

    you should do uchicago!

  • @willrundle2
    @willrundle2 4 года назад

    Wow this channel has been active

  • @lovelyPink464
    @lovelyPink464 9 лет назад +43

    Columbia University or NYU!!

    • @wanleaf
      @wanleaf 8 лет назад +4

      NYU would be cool!! Go Violets!

    • @abeycd7401
      @abeycd7401 7 лет назад

      where do you graduate

    • @abeycd7401
      @abeycd7401 7 лет назад

      what is violets

  • @CarrotKrave
    @CarrotKrave 7 лет назад

    I live at Wawa.

  • @BlueUKLouis
    @BlueUKLouis 7 лет назад +1


  • @samuellucarochapinheiro9849
    @samuellucarochapinheiro9849 7 лет назад +3

    harvard university pls

  • @moviedude22
    @moviedude22 9 лет назад

    nice little dig of the surrounding "urban" population.

  • @erinlally6543
    @erinlally6543 8 лет назад +1

    University at buffalo!!!

  • @wanleaf
    @wanleaf 8 лет назад +1

    Do Iowa! Go Hawks!

  • @jillianz4404
    @jillianz4404 4 года назад

    Yes wawa represent!!

  • @jordan12118
    @jordan12118 8 лет назад

    West Virginia university plz country roads

  • @janexx6768
    @janexx6768 9 лет назад +1

    Do michigan

  • @zainaxx9294
    @zainaxx9294 8 лет назад +2

    It's true wawa is the joint I literally spent the whole summer at penn at the medical I walked around and witnessed move in day

  • @dwyanewade4974
    @dwyanewade4974 8 лет назад +3

    University of Colorado Boulder!!!!!!!!!!

  • @ShiningStarryNights
    @ShiningStarryNights 9 лет назад +20

    University of Michigan!!!!

    • @janexx6768
      @janexx6768 9 лет назад +5

      Yes go blue 💛💙💛

    • @aruytpadyugf
      @aruytpadyugf 8 лет назад +2

      +ShiningStarryNights I go to UCLA, but I love U of M. Go Wolverines!!!

    • @brianlaskey2225
      @brianlaskey2225 7 лет назад

      ShiningStarryNights michigan state is better

    • @abeycd7401
      @abeycd7401 7 лет назад

      ShiningStarryNights michigan state is better than university of Michigan or Upeen or NYu or UCLA

    • @ShiningStarryNights
      @ShiningStarryNights 7 лет назад +2

      abey cd On what planet? 😂😂😂

  • @emilyroyer9049
    @emilyroyer9049 8 лет назад

    Do Penn State!

    • @171TITO
      @171TITO 7 лет назад +1

      We are....

  • @alexacalonje2837
    @alexacalonje2837 6 лет назад +1

    Virginia Tech!

  • @saifty3747
    @saifty3747 7 лет назад

    2:45 song?

    • @tiffany1679
      @tiffany1679 4 года назад +1

      Eine Kleine nachtmusik

  • @deanwlin
    @deanwlin 9 лет назад +6

    Visit some liberal arts schools in California! :)

  • @khanpania
    @khanpania 8 лет назад

    Vaughn college. The school of aviation. Lol. 950 students but big dreams and open skyzz

  • @goo6
    @goo6 8 лет назад +11

    did this woman just call it a sub and not a hoagie? what is wrong with her!!!

  • @matthewheustess8168
    @matthewheustess8168 9 лет назад +1

    Can you visit University of Missouri Columbia i want to know whats it like there

  • @adrianjkolb1
    @adrianjkolb1 9 лет назад


  • @user-go6lx8lg1h
    @user-go6lx8lg1h 9 лет назад

    Go to Indiana University

  • @purpleloverrxx
    @purpleloverrxx 9 лет назад +2

    Penn State!!

  • @melissaharpper
    @melissaharpper 8 лет назад

    LMAO his pronunciation of "laureates"

  • @VMRVid
    @VMRVid 8 лет назад


  • @joshhall1345
    @joshhall1345 7 лет назад


  • @taylorroyce-pavlot3209
    @taylorroyce-pavlot3209 9 лет назад +1


  • @mlitt1995
    @mlitt1995 8 лет назад +9

    Millionaire as a UNDERGRAD!!!???? Where the hell are they getting jobs at!!!??

    • @whwnsqja100
      @whwnsqja100 8 лет назад +2

      +Markea Littles Not millionaires but billionaires :)

    • @RahulPatel-mf8si
      @RahulPatel-mf8si 7 лет назад +16

      Billionaires don't work for others.

    • @jonathanjean-baptiste6287
      @jonathanjean-baptiste6287 7 лет назад +14

      He said UPenn produced billionaire undergraduate ALUMNI. They weren't billionaires until years after they graduated.

    • @lizziepaulin1784
      @lizziepaulin1784 5 лет назад

      New York u wanna be a billionaire the money is in New York

  • @tebony34
    @tebony34 7 лет назад

    University of Pittsburgh and UPenn are prestigious and important schools.

    • @lovenoirrr
      @lovenoirrr Год назад

      dude just put penn and pitt in the same sentence😭

  • @bmbxw9201
    @bmbxw9201 6 лет назад

    go eagles

  • @BigGuyBoleslaw
    @BigGuyBoleslaw 7 лет назад +11

    Penn is best for self-directed students with strong egos. Its a place that will enable you to get where you want to go.
    If you are lost when you arrive at Penn, you are unlikely to find yourself there. You will most likely founder and become worse off. If you are out of of touch with your emotions, if you are going to college not just to get a degree, but to find yourself, Penn is NOT the school for you.
    The social competition at Penn is far greater than most of the academic competition. If you've never been laid, if you spent your junior high school years NOT going to Bar Mitzvah parties and NOT going to Sweet Sixteen parties, if you have few close friends, or none at all, Penn is not for you. If you are not emotionally tough already, Penn will NOT toughen you up, Penn will kick you around until you feel suicidal.
    If you are bright and productive, but socially ill adept and inexperienced, you are better off going to a smaller school that is less academically rigorous. Your academic performance will stand out. Also, small schools where teachers mentor students, are far better equipped to provide you the emotional support you will need in college. NONE of the Ivy league schools, Penn most of all, is designed to provide emotional support to needy young men and women. These schools are meant for young people with strong egos who are sure of themselves. No matter what they say about the liberal arts and helping young people find self-direction, these schools are NOT the places for loners to find themselves. Stay away.

  • @tebony34
    @tebony34 7 лет назад +1

    Hi this is the prestigious school that is in the Ivy League. Penn State is the factory school where everyone gets wasted.

  • @tebony34
    @tebony34 7 лет назад

    It's like the difference between Virginia Tech and University of Virginia, UPenn is ivy. Penn State is the place where people go tailgate and get wasted and live with five people in the lounge.

  • @paulcaruso656
    @paulcaruso656 7 лет назад +1

    President trump went there