Nice Guy Thinks D&D Romance Leads to… IRL GIRLFRIENDS? (+ More) - RPG Horror Stories

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024

Комментарии • 180

  • @CrispysTavern
    @CrispysTavern  2 года назад +13

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  • @kerridwynntheacegoblin6465
    @kerridwynntheacegoblin6465 2 года назад +436

    ‘I continue to wait for the dogs’ is a Mood

    • @jordanhansen5934
      @jordanhansen5934 2 года назад +20

      There's a quote from (I believe) Gone With the Wind: "If you had a sister, and your sister had a dog, I'd choose the dog."

    • @funkyfunkobunko
      @funkyfunkobunko Год назад +4

      Still waiting for the dogs. ❤

  • @TheRenofox
    @TheRenofox 2 года назад +57

    "The mystical connection" these people talk about translates to "You're the only girl I've talked to." I am absolutely, positively, 100% certain that he would drop her the instant another girl showed him even the slightest bit of attention.

    • @SahenaSky
      @SahenaSky 2 года назад +21

      He literally already did that. He was obsessing over Wizard at the start of the story, and the moment OP tried to help make him feel included in the group, that laser focus switched to her. It's honestly unfortunate, here's hoping he finishes developing emotionally.

  • @Surllio
    @Surllio 2 года назад +149

    Wow, my story about the Rogue made the video! I am the GM/DM from the "No You Can't Kill Everyone" story. I have tons of horror stories from all my years, but that one I like to share because its a strong lesson that NO is never off limits. Too many advice columns and videos say "never say no." That assumes your players aren't exploitative. Your players are still people, but some people are very much about what you can do for them, even if it means walking all over you. Thanks for sharing it with your audience.

    • @Ultrazeta120
      @Ultrazeta120 2 года назад +4

      Awesome! glad to see that a simple firm "NO" for once is used for something good, seen and saw a lot of D&D horror story where the DM just allows the problem players and when some dm actually do say no the problem idiot spins this against them as they haven't established boundaries of what can or can not be used or done as it honestly did turn players against the dm sadly.
      it's why these kind of stories that I hear happen in RL that makes me worry of ending up in such toxic group or gaining a bulleyes of some questionable player with hostile intent to make me suffer for whatever reason they have, that I honestly feel lucky to be in my friend's group of D&D that we're having a good time.

    • @mizublackriver7021
      @mizublackriver7021 Год назад +1

      Glad to see you said no, a lot of horror stories I see on this channel DMs just let bad ideas happen and they never just break the IC RP to explain to the player how bad of an idea making X action is gonna be.
      It's entirely understandable to do that, since you want to ensure everyone will continue playing the game and having fun.

  • @tsifirakiehl4250
    @tsifirakiehl4250 2 года назад +205

    Intro story: If the DM didn’t want OP to play an archer, why did they allow it? They could have easily said “I’m sorry, that doesn’t fit with the game I want to run; could you play something else?”
    First story: Here’s a big 🖕🏻 to Sophie and her enablers.
    Second story: All I have to say is EWWW! Good on OP for blocking that creep.

    • @l0stndamned
      @l0stndamned 2 года назад +17

      Sophie and her Enablers sounds like a failed punk band.

  • @brayjsanimation6165
    @brayjsanimation6165 2 года назад +45

    "The dwarf had decided to shield ride down"
    Hell yeah
    "but botched terribly and found himself 200 feet below the party"

  • @leecoffill8425
    @leecoffill8425 2 года назад +40

    The last girl has a case for stalking in my opinion. I would seek out a lawyer. That creep is making her feel uncomfortable and unsafe a year after the fact, that's insane

  • @generaldreagonlps6889
    @generaldreagonlps6889 2 года назад +108

    My favorite part about all the nice guy/incel stories is the almost inevitable begging phase that comes after the insulting/harrassing phase. They really seem to think they still have a chance for some reason by behaving utterly pathetic. Have some dignity, guys.

    • @aurora5481
      @aurora5481 2 года назад +26

      And then when the begging doesn't work, their takeaway is "okay, so I should let my violent misogyny run rampant, since bEiNg NiCe didn't work for me."

    • @hopejohnson6347
      @hopejohnson6347 Год назад +3

      you make that sound as if only the begging was pathetic and not already the insulting/harassing phase. I'll never understand guys who think that slinging insults at a girl will somehow make them realize that they were totally in the wrong for rejecting them, instead of confirming it with a nice concrete foundation.

    • @MrFurro-uu7je
      @MrFurro-uu7je Год назад +3

      Im really shock how these people think that way, like really how out of touch of reality you need to be to think you still have a chance after doing that 💀

    • @BrinIoca
      @BrinIoca 2 месяца назад +1

      And when they’re like “I LITERALLY CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOUUUUU” like…ok. Bet. Then don’t.

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 2 года назад +90

    Opening story:
    If the GM didn’t want to deal with tracking arrows, he could just homebrew “you don’t need to track regular arrows.”
    Otherwise, just… don’t force people to class change (except Oathbreaking paladins or godless clerics, but even then TALK FIRST).

    • @etcetera1995
      @etcetera1995 2 года назад +2

      And even Oathbreakers still count as a pally subclass!

    • @gabrielrognon6238
      @gabrielrognon6238 2 года назад +3

      I'm not even sure this was done against the ranger class. That kind of look like the dm saw a session online where such a thing happened and decided it would be a cool Idea to do it. Without understanding thé impact

  • @johnoneil9188
    @johnoneil9188 2 года назад +34

    Thinking about it chopsticks are really not any worse of an eating implement than knife and fork. You can use them to cut cooked food and the Japanese tend to eat more fish over meat which is also easy to cut. The only implement really missing is a soup spoon but you can just as well drink out of the bowl instead.

    • @Randleray
      @Randleray 2 года назад +16

      This is only half true. Japanese eat just as much meat as they eat sea food. The important difference here is, as is with all the three major countries that eat mainly with sticks, the food in terms of meat and fish comes precut. fish as well as meat is normally cut after cooking in small stripes or is already in small pieces before cooking.
      Also, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese use a spoon. It is not the typical spoon, but it is a spoon nontheless and it is used for soup just like spoons in the west.
      Greetings from Hiroshima :)

    • @DungeonDragon18
      @DungeonDragon18 2 года назад +3

      The story I heard is that they were invented by food cart owners who wanted simple disposable utensils for their customers.

    • @aurora5481
      @aurora5481 2 года назад

      @@DungeonDragon18 And why fact-check?

  • @firefang92
    @firefang92 2 года назад +5

    A rule I picked up from a previous DM "no PVP full stop" I don't care how in character it is, I don't care what your intentions are, there's too much room for it to go bad, I tell people "look your characters want to swing on eachother or cast something at eachother fine, but it's just flavor no dice, no damage, no escalation."

  • @MiraTheWarlock
    @MiraTheWarlock 2 года назад +87

    Honestly I think Sophie got away with her crap, as OP pointed out, because she'll act ''cute'' and cat like, which they probably had a thing for
    ....Isn't there a book called 'She ain't that into you'?
    Maybe they should read it
    Like I LOST it at the 'he forgave me' WHAT?!
    That pissed me off because my exes do the same garbage

    • @noone3216
      @noone3216 2 года назад +3

      Hahah close, I believe it's a book for women and called "he's just not that into you"

    • @MiraTheWarlock
      @MiraTheWarlock 2 года назад +3

      @@noone3216 damn
      Zombieland lied to me

    • @noone3216
      @noone3216 2 года назад +1

      @@MiraTheWarlock 😆
      You can't trust everything you hear. Let's make that rule number... what are we up to now, 50-something..?

    • @MiraTheWarlock
      @MiraTheWarlock 2 года назад +2

      @@noone3216 74
      it's 72 on Columbus, but Tallahassee added the rule 'It takes a real man to drive a pink cadillac'

  • @ProbsNotABot
    @ProbsNotABot 2 года назад +7

    The origin of chopsticks is actually pretty interesting. They were in use as cooking utensils for an extremely long time. Then as a population boom hit China, food ended up being cut into smaller pieces as resources became more space- which made knives fall out of favor and chopsticks could easily pick up the smaller pieces. Also, Confucius thought that knives at dinner seemed violent, similar to butchering (he was vegetarian), and went against the good mood he felt fit a family meal. That further increased the popularity of chopsticks.

  • @tinkrtailr
    @tinkrtailr 2 года назад +15

    Hi. I was a favorite in a campaign I was in. I had no idea this was the case until my best friend told me the DM would let me get away with anything cause he liked me. I was... not okay with that. I wanted a challenge, not an easy ride where all my wishes came true! So, I decided to tell the DM that I am, in fact, asexual and aromantic. He proceeded to confess his feelings for me. I left the campaign pretty soon after, I was just so uncomfortable at that point and tired of guys letting me get away with shit because I'm a charming, mildly attractive "girl" (I'm actually non-binary, but hey, boobs!).
    This was with my first DnD group, also, so a lot of the players were good friends of mine. I've been looking for a new group, but I've had no luck so far cause I just vibed so well with my friends. But there were other issues that I didn't want to deal with anymore, so leaving was best.

  • @nixieofthesnows4767
    @nixieofthesnows4767 2 года назад +33

    I think "pos game" was just a typo and the person meant to say "post game."

    • @foxx121
      @foxx121 Год назад

      Oh I figured they meant p.o.s. (Piece of sh!t)

  • @lordinquisitor6233
    @lordinquisitor6233 2 года назад +16

    On story two: it’s truly amazing how a simple word of ‘no’ can solve a lot of unnecessary problems and conflict. Even if I was having the worst luck possible and was frustrated at my rolls, I would never take it out on other players. I’m glad the dm did the right thing; player agency isn’t a excuse to be a d*ck

    • @Surllio
      @Surllio 2 года назад +4

      I was the poster of the Rogue story. I hate the advice that you should never say no. While most times saying no is excessive, at the end of the day you are trying to govern a table so everyone had fun. Yet so many videos tell you never to tell your players no. This creates an issue because its a lot like "the customer is always right." If players think you can't say no, they WILL take advantage of you. Most horror stories shared stem from no one stepping up and putting a stop to something.

    • @lordinquisitor6233
      @lordinquisitor6233 2 года назад +2

      @@Surllio thanks for replying and I couldn’t agree more; the first thing my own dm told me when I started dming was never to underestimate the value of saying no and while I’ve never had a problem player quite like your rogue, I can only imagine how badly it would have escalated if you’d not stopped it there and then.

  • @kcollier2192
    @kcollier2192 2 года назад +27

    Intro- The DM knows best Player- no need to be an archer when they want you to be a monk.
    Story 1- Fu*k all these assholes- they all deserve to burn in Tartarus.
    Story 2- telling someone no is not the worst thing that could happen to them, in a game or IRL. Give this DM a medal.
    Story 3- Stalker D&D is no fun for the stalkee. Would hope that police or other such officials aren't needed but if it gets worse, make that call. BTW Crispy- POS can stand for 1 of 2 things from my experience- Point Of Sale or Piece of Shit- take your pick.

    • @Br0nto5aurus
      @Br0nto5aurus Год назад +1

      If DM wants someone to be a monk, he shouldn't have approved the archer character sheet. These are expectations that should be set OOC, before the game begins, not handled with instant, god-level nerfs to force him change his class after the DM approved archer.

  • @DoomsdayR3sistance
    @DoomsdayR3sistance 2 года назад +53

    The Sophie story just looks like DMs simping. It's terrible D&D and everybody else should get away. D&D is a team co-operative game, learn to roleplay off of other people and interact with them!

    • @RKateb
      @RKateb 2 года назад +7

      I had something similar happen to our group except our “Sophie” was 70 years old and also used her character to sexually harass one of our members into leaving permanently.
      Our dm was a huge mama’s boy even though he admitted his mother was a bit manipulative, like this 70. I easily imagine he and the dms in the story caves to whatever the older woman wants due to how they were raised.

    • @360entertainment2
      @360entertainment2 Год назад

      I’m kind of assuming either one or all of them were banging Sophie!

  • @schwarzerritter5724
    @schwarzerritter5724 2 года назад +16

    You can't invoke player agency if the other players have to keep your backstabbing character around for no other reason but him being a player character.

    • @Surllio
      @Surllio 2 года назад +8

      I find it funny when you call out problem players, they have 2 defenses that they feel is iron clad. "Its what my character would do." And "so you want to take away my player agency?" One brushes off bad behavior by dismissing it all together, the other tries to spin it around so that the game master is the bad guy.
      I was the one that shared the rogue story. That player had been a burden in several ways, but that night he absolutely crossed the line. I reserve 'no' for situations like that one.

    • @hopejohnson6347
      @hopejohnson6347 Год назад +1

      @@Surllio I've played Shadowrun for many years in various different groups and that game attracts the backstabby mentality even more, since it's part of the lore that players should always assume the NPCs are going to screw them over. We've decided on allowing for PvP, but as soon as a character decides to do anything against the party, initiative is called for immediately, perception checks are made and all players declare at the beginning of combat what failsaves each character has in place (unless they're established characters and the DM already has that information). Once backstabbing is declared, there's no take-backsies and usually the one backstabber is the one picking the short straw, when the rest of the team gangs up on them. That usually turns out in one of 2 ways: either the trash takes itself out and they never play with us again or they learn from their mistake. Sometimes hard by-the-rules pvp is a wakeup call for wannabe antagonists.
      I should note that the first character death in the system is usually not permanent. You have a luck attribute called 'Edge' that is usually used for rerolls or buffing important rolls, but you can permanently burn (reduce the attribute by) a point in order to prevent character death.
      So that rope cutting scenario would have played out as follows in our set-up: rogue declares he wants to cut the rope, GM immediately calls for initiative from every single player, asking if any characters have any preparations in place, then asks for perception checks from everyone vs a sleight-of-hand check from the Rogue if he wants to cut the rope discreetly. Now the rogue either starts getting to work unnoticed, having to beat HP, hardness etc of the rope with his knife, which he will most likely not beat in a single combat turn, giving the other PCs another chance to notice what's happening, as the rope starts feeling unstable and vibrating like its rubbing against a sharp rock or something. Now at the latest all the other PCs will have a chance to act before the rogue has finished his cutting deed, even though they (depending on their Perception checks) might not realize that the rogue is behind their current predicament. That leaves everyone with a fair chance to save their characters (for example by declaring they grab a hold of the rock directly and just holding onto something is a lot easier than actually climbing), using a spell like feather fall or emergency force sphere or even pulling a stunt like calling a shot to range-disarm the rogue.

  • @Meanlucario
    @Meanlucario 2 года назад +40

    Intro: No idea why the DM forced OP to change classes. This is something to talk about when making a character, not throw at the player once you guys start rolling dice.
    Bullied Out of D&D: What's worst than favortism? When the problem player is the favorite of multiple DMs, all happy to lie to defend their OwO kitty.
    No. You Can't Kill Everyone: For something that was "just a joke," her sure got huffy when told no. Remember, if people say "it's just a joke" after being called out, it's very likely wasn't meant to be a joke and they know full well what they were trying to do. Glad the OP learn to say "no" to problem players/actions during their 20 years of DMing.
    "sPeciaL rOmanTIC CoNNECtions": I hate it when people are quick to claim "meta-gaming" in situations like this. Any form of meta-gaming is the least of the problem in stories like this. As for the story itself, the DM shouldn't have let it get that far, especially when OP told him the problem. As for Niceguy, I think a restraining order might be needed, though I wouldn't put it past him to cut it up and pasting it onto a sheet of paper to claim it's a "deceleration of love" (this is assuming that OP's story is true, something I have little doubt is the case).

    • @Surllio
      @Surllio 2 года назад +4

      I developed my main rule, Don't Do Something Intentionally That Will Ruin Someone Else's Fun, as a result of countless bad/problem players over the years and constantly trying to find ways to counter them. I typically am a lot more loose with things, but these tables were designed for those new to game that were wanting to learn more about the other aspects of the games. As such, it felt important to establish the idea that all game masters have the ability to shut down problem players. Many are afraid to do so because it runs counter of what a lot of the advice you read/hear/watch says. Originally I would make them explain why they were doing things, but I found that you run into "Its what My character would do." A LOT if you simply ask why, as if it is some kind of iron clad defense.
      Generally, for my more personal games, I typically screen my players before hand with brief conversations, further doubling down in Session 0 about what I expect vs what they expect. In an open forum public table, I didn't have that leisure. It was the store promoting the table. I was asked to be part of it because of my reputation and role in the RPG community, and agreed because I'm all for spreading the hobby. This also meant I was handed players with no way of knowing the kind of person or player they were. When that all first began, I had a player sit down, say he was playing a rogue, and before the group had even finished introductions, he said "I steal from the fighter." I shut that down real quick. He picked up his stuff and moved to one of the other tables, and got told the same thing. These are new player tables, stop being an ass.
      With the Rogue in my story, he was actually not normally an issue. Really quiet, always complaining that his character never seemed to be working, whined that his AC was garbage but he had an 11 in his Dex (as a rogue!). Several at the table tried to help him by offering to rework his character, and he was permitted several times to make corrections, and he just refused.

    • @Meanlucario
      @Meanlucario 2 года назад +3

      @@Surllio Maybe he refused help to justify wanting to ruin the fan (like an incel complaining that no one wants to date him while being very creepy and sexist). You'd have a better idea than me.
      And yeah, it is a bad thing to teach DMs to always say yes. Not everyone wants to play with the group or care about boundaries, and they ruin the game for everyone else. Problem players are quick to abuse a DM's inability to say no, sadly. Glad you're helping to correct that problem.

  • @ViniciusLuiggi
    @ViniciusLuiggi 2 года назад +5

    Nice guys is one villain archtype i might explore in my writings in the near future, pretty sure lots of players will be very engaged in the hatting of this villain.

  • @shadiafifi54
    @shadiafifi54 2 года назад +22

    The third story DM is a real champ. I'm betting the problem player got thrown out of every gaming group after his actions were made known.
    For the last story: "pos game" I think they meant "post-game", or after a session. And Mr. Nice Guy is a real piece of work; gaslighting, racist, can't take no for an answer. The OP really needs a restraining order against him.

    • @Surllio
      @Surllio 2 года назад +2

      Dungeon master from the "No you can't kill everyone" story here. From what I can tell, he earned a reputation after that game and with some of his more extreme viewpoints outside of the games. Local games in the area died for a while, but now that they are coming back, I've heard nothing of him. I'm one of the main organizers of the area (helping people find games, encouraging people to share write up of their games, organizing convention games, etc), and he had all but disappeared.

  • @leila13dnd
    @leila13dnd 2 года назад +4

    The intro story made me laugh. Imagine telling your player "I know you chose a class but you can play another one now, isn't that great?"

  • @Cannonhead
    @Cannonhead 2 года назад +3

    Not that it would have been allowed in the first story by the sound of it, but "Blind Archer" sounds pretty badass to me.

    • @annaoriginalsstudio
      @annaoriginalsstudio 2 года назад +1

      You could put points into perception, acrobatics, sleight-of-hand... I think it could work! You'd need a DM willing to work with you, though.

    • @annaoriginalsstudio
      @annaoriginalsstudio 2 года назад +1

      Silly me, there's a thing for this - Blindsight!

  • @ChaosCounseling
    @ChaosCounseling 2 года назад +10

    Warning nice guy detected this is not a drill. Set simp shield to maximum.

  • @spaceyfireneko
    @spaceyfireneko 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely reeling over the "one year later" from the last story. Like, I nearly yelled and had to pause the video to collect my thoughts because that's 10000% bonkers. Yikes.

  • @TriaMaxwell
    @TriaMaxwell 2 года назад +2

    "That he doesn't want to live anymore"
    "I won't be going to your funeral"

  • @keybladewizard49
    @keybladewizard49 2 года назад +3

    About the last story:
    Unfortunately, that's how it goes. These people convince themselves that reality is the way tehy want it to be and that if they just manipulate you hard enough, you'll give them what they want. I know that from painful personal eperience... good on OP for blocking him and not putting up with it. Eventually he will stop, it might take years (it took like six to eight years for mine to stop trying to contact me every two years) but it will stop.

  • @Calvin.of.Martin.Street
    @Calvin.of.Martin.Street 7 месяцев назад

    The three table set up with a story line crossing all three is a great idea.

  • @Terraraven
    @Terraraven 2 года назад

    ngl a blind monk/archer with blind sense, catching arrows and using them sounds so sick

  • @TTOF_JB
    @TTOF_JB 2 года назад +2

    "I cut the rope."
    *doubles down*
    *gets told no*
    "I was just joking."

  • @shelbybayer200
    @shelbybayer200 11 месяцев назад +1

    For the "Special Connection" story, I really suggest that she does put a restraining order on that guy

  • @jasontepp5319
    @jasontepp5319 2 года назад +4

    That opening story. I've had characters later in the game get railroaded to another class. It was fun, there was story involved. But not session 1.

  • @Blackmuseops
    @Blackmuseops Год назад +2

    "Welcome to 'who's character is this anyway?' The game where your choices don't matter and everyone is literal dog food!"

  • @jinglesbejankin7322
    @jinglesbejankin7322 2 года назад +4

    The most extreme "pvp" I've ever engaged in was punching another character in the thigh. No damage was rolled and, ultimately, it was all a short joke. That player's character had spent literally three days inventing fun new slurs to call my character. She and her twin sister were Buttercup the Beheader and Daisy the Decapitator, half-orc half-gnomes. I interpreted my gnorc's heritage in my own way. She's half gnome, so she has a great sense of humor. She's half orc, so she has a short fuse. The way this played out was being able to roll with any joke I felt she would think was creative. The Bard calling her a "gnorc" was kinda funny. It sounded good and wasn't a direct insult. Just a mashing together of her heritages.
    When the Bard eventually got to "pig face" and "hammer chin" she got angry enough to remind him that she was a Barbarian by punching him dangerously close to his balls. Again, no damage was rolled. It was entirely a narrative "Oi! I won't stand for blatant insults". She had casually laughed at his jokes and had even been quite gracious up to that point. Y'know... gracious. A half-orc Barbarian sellsword being made into a fop's punchline and NOT killing him.

  • @noadaenderninja
    @noadaenderninja 2 года назад +2

    "What is pos game..?"
    Me in the background: "POST GAME!"

  • @thegreatcanadianweasel9928
    @thegreatcanadianweasel9928 2 года назад +4

    pretty sure that last story has progressed into the realm of getting the police involved. So yeah, could probably get a restraining order.

  • @kikiblair5132
    @kikiblair5132 2 года назад +5

    I hate that so many older players have given the rest of us such a bad reputation. People often cringe when I bring up that I've been playing for over 25 years. I'm not even that old, I just started when I was 7.
    I hate people that use the baby uwu voice, especially when they're over 40. It's not cute and quirky, it's cringe.

    • @marybdrake1472
      @marybdrake1472 2 года назад +3

      I too am an older player, and although I am only just becoming more aware of this issue, I don't care for it.

  • @ColtNomad
    @ColtNomad Год назад +1

    I love that Crispy doesn't know what pos means and that google told him the wrong one. It means piece of sh!t, Crispy.

  • @kassandrapatrick9064
    @kassandrapatrick9064 2 года назад +1

    Wow, a DM with a shiny spine. We stan.

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 2 года назад +1

    The second story feels like a TV skit lol. That Guy overreacting to the DM saying No is priceless.
    Not saying it's fake just imagine the nerve of That Guy to randomly murder his entire party because "I'm not having fun" and then act like the victim.

  • @breadpool
    @breadpool Год назад +1

    "I continue to wait for the dogs" merch

  • @DoomsdayR3sistance
    @DoomsdayR3sistance 2 года назад +3

    20:03 POS game, is probably Post Game and they forgot to type the T.

  • @acemaison2834
    @acemaison2834 2 года назад +6

    First story: oof the obvious favoritism and when someone is knocked just gotta sit there. But what’s worse is when they were gonna do something about the problem player they just back out then try to mediate a situation that’s only one persons fault . Yea as that story gone on it just makes me wanna buy the OP dinner and just say yea so a friend can dm instead of these guys who apparently simp for someone near 40s (yikes).
    2nd story: just I get the character idea is not working out but why in the world would u try to sabotage ur teammates cause ur not having fun . Just wow and the DM is right about those two things happening if he did so I’ll remember this for if I ever DM.
    3rd story: it went from this poor guy is playing in game with his friend’s boyfriend and he’s in love with his friend . To being too clingy , then to confessing love , then racist and finally stalking with a side of special connection . Yea if I were them I’d have a well trained dog or a restraining order ready in case . It’s a shame tho he seemed like a guy down on his luck he kinda messed it up for himself .

  • @sarsapong
    @sarsapong 2 года назад +2

    Zen embodiment ........proceed to plug rando eyes and force them to be monk........

  • @Dragongamz1
    @Dragongamz1 2 года назад +3

    Okay, about the last story: that guy isn't going to get anyone by being a creepy, whiny weirdo.

  • @ZyroShadowPony
    @ZyroShadowPony 2 года назад

    Hearing these stories always made me grateful for the groups i found. 2 out of 3 ive been with fell due to the dm going through stuff and i lost contact with them. My current group is fun and very mature so when our characters argue or dont agree on plans we know ots norhing personal.
    The only issues weve had were two players who left due to reasons. One felt like the dm went back on their word on talking to the group about overtalking over others (the dm forgot because he had to help his family move out of their home and by the time he remembered thay same day they left in a huff and caused some minor drama)
    Another just wanted to do things his way without specifying to the dm details or just lying to him.(from what i could understand as it happened while i was working and didnt want to pry too much)
    Still we dont show any ill will towards them and occasionally reference them too. A recent example: my character choked out an owlbear and it became the party pet, something one of the players wanted to achieve since campaign 1 and we made light jokes about it.

  • @thatonedmguy1586
    @thatonedmguy1586 2 года назад

    Great timing! I was just watching an older video of yours!

  • @gavinerickson9392
    @gavinerickson9392 2 года назад +1

    They also use spoons and knives in East Asia, hard to believe I know.

  • @qnkendra1523
    @qnkendra1523 2 года назад +4

    heavy cringe on the stalker simp. I have had people do this and I to this day avoid those people because of their delusional mystical connection thing and I just can't deal with it again. and the only solution is to be cruel and mean or it restarts for the creepy creep stalking and being overly involved.

  • @codex_jinora
    @codex_jinora 2 года назад +1

    Walking away is the cowards way out in my personal opinion. If you and everyone around you are upset by the actions of 1 person, that 1 person needs to be kicked out. Not you. By walking away, you are handing over your favorite hobbies to the aggressor on a silver platter and saying "here, you win, you can have what made me happy and take up all the space I used to take up."
    Women shouldn't have to walk away. We should force the aggressors to do so.

  • @Xokoy
    @Xokoy 2 года назад +2

    I think at around 20 minutes, they missed a 't' at the end of that word. I think it was meant to be "post game". I don't think any marketing department worth its salt would dare name their game after an acronym for something or someone terrible.

  • @ShadowsOfEssence
    @ShadowsOfEssence 2 года назад +3

    Last story, guy is creepy and dead wrong. But I will say she should not have engaged with the sad sack. I know she said she left her characters' love life up to the dice. But even if this had been a normal person, someone pinning away for someone doesn't need ANY romance even fictional thrown there way until the get thier stuff together. Glad to hear she changed this policy, sad this happened first. Not blaming her, just saying even if dice came up 20 she should have steered clear. And guy is major creep who has issues, hope she gets her restraining order or atleast the guy fades away.

  • @nodansland303
    @nodansland303 2 года назад +1

    In response to the rogue trying to kill the party I think I understand him not wanting to revamp the character. If he has been playing for ages, in older games and styles a more of a "play the ball where it lies" approach was used often used for game choices. Things like rolling straight stats and playing the class the roll qualified for, etc. However, his behavior is still otherwise inexcusable. I just understand that particular element.

  • @KurasakubiSaurn
    @KurasakubiSaurn 2 года назад +1

    Intro - Not just being railroaded into a class change, but also being blinded? Presumably permanently? What was the DM thinking?

  • @ImaNerdANDaGeek
    @ImaNerdANDaGeek 2 года назад

    I actually read that chopsticks originated from a Confuciun philosophy that knives were a symbol of violence and had no place at the dinner table at what should be considered family time. The place I read thi was a 'funfact' tidbit on the back of a pack of disposable chopsticks

  • @Kruhee
    @Kruhee 2 года назад +2

    In my current D&D campaign my players were (with their permission) transported to the home city of one of the other players by that player in session one (it was a surprise to me but thankfully I had an adaptable first quest I could theme for the location.) This was their choice and so a lot of the public political drama revolves openly around the character who came from there as they are a noble. However, the REST of the party isn't left with nothing to do as each quest is built so they all have a role to play and they all get to find out things, and they ALL matter. They each get their own goals but have to work together to achieve them. There is literally no reason for one player to get hours of screen time while others are left just sitting there. As a DM I would feel like crap if one of my players wasn't getting the attention they deserve, let alone being bullied! What awful people, and shit friends!

  • @biffwellington6144
    @biffwellington6144 Год назад

    Nice choice of glasses! I think I have the same frames. Armani Exchange?

  • @VentedHalo
    @VentedHalo 2 года назад

    That guy from the intro just didn't see that coming.

  • @destroyerinazuma96
    @destroyerinazuma96 2 года назад

    My local geeks association's VP met his future wife there. 100% sure they courted each other outside of games plus they worked together on event organisations. The person you're interested in will be a lot more impressed by your IRL managerial skills and tenacity than by your character's broken build.

  • @WhiteGlintIX
    @WhiteGlintIX 2 года назад +2

    pós means after in some languages, or it was a typo for post

  • @KuLaydMahn
    @KuLaydMahn 2 года назад +3

    Usually POS means "piece of shit" but I'm pretty sure it was a typo and they meant "post game," but you went on to say "before the game." I was only half listening to most of the story though, so maybe your interpretation is correct?

  • @starbird3939
    @starbird3939 2 года назад +3

    Last Story
    The DM should have backed off. I would have given the DM an earful about his wingman antics.
    I would definitely cut and block Wizard, DM, and friends of nice guy.

    • @grim_al_kin
      @grim_al_kin 2 года назад +2

      reading the subreddit post, The DM is just as bad as (if not worse than) "NiceGuy" and the majority of the rest of the group were all against having NiceGuy in the group.. but.. DM and NiceGuy were friends.. sooo...
      Wizard probably wisened up enough after her ordeal with DM that blocking and cutting her out would have been a poor decsion overall.

  • @AceofHearth
    @AceofHearth 2 года назад

    I LOLed IRL

  • @Br0nto5aurus
    @Br0nto5aurus Год назад

    She probably meant "post game", but "POS" usually means "piece of shit". If you work retail, it means "point of sale". A cash register is a point of sale system, so it's often called a POS or a POS system. A cash register that isn't working well is a POS POS system.

  • @GeneralWarburg
    @GeneralWarburg 2 года назад +1

    20:06 Based on the context, I think they meant to say "post-game"

  • @deepseastonecore3017
    @deepseastonecore3017 2 года назад

    Thanks 4 all the hard work.

  • @nelfanna
    @nelfanna 2 года назад

    Story time:
    I got invited into a game, that everyone knew would be quite brutal. That was fine, and not even the cause of this story. We started with level 10 characters, returning from a war. On our way we stopped in a city that didn't seem to have things just right. That's still all fine and nice, but among us, was a player I had never played with before. They were a friend of one of the other players, and they had played with them before, and even to still day have never seen them play like they did in this game. They played an elderly man, I have forgotten their class, rogue or monk, something like that. Soon after in the city they started to do completely their own things, leading into the "main character syndrome". They also were ignoring the whole plot DM had set for us. For multiple sessions we were just happy to ignore him, letting him have his moments when DM turned attention to things they were doing while we were doing our things. In this already brutally treated city, they were sneaking into people's houses, robbing them. Messing up our tries to avoid guards, getting into a fight and burying a guard under floorboards in the house we were trying to hide in. Our last straw was when in one home they killed the family, skinned them and wore their flesh. Yes you read that right. When in great combat against treant type of creatures they were basically on no one's side and, it was just chaos. We were fed up and as the fight was turning into an end, we turned on him. We chased him, and smited him down. Full on PC vs PCs battle. They obviously left after.
    To clear some parts the DM had had discussion with the player, as well as the player who was their friend has been asking what the heck was going on. As well as the discord we were using, in the chat we were trying to talk to the player and make them understand we were not comfortable with the things they were doing and every time it seemed like he understood, except in next session it was bad yet again. It totally was not the right way to handle it, the way we finished it, but our DM was so nice, they would have not never kicked them either, and even though in the campaign we failed the great mission and let the great evil loose on the world, we would've probably failed far earlier had that player come along to the last 2 sessions. We left that player sour taste in their mouth for sure, but they had done the same multiple occasions to us. Even if it's memorable event nevertheless it's for sure not a good one. But I'm quite sure it fits here as a horror story.

  • @TaleSeeker
    @TaleSeeker 2 года назад +1

    Last story. definitely get a restraining order. It might or might not do anything but it'll be on record,

  • @keybladewizard49
    @keybladewizard49 2 года назад +1

    I think that's supposed to be "post game" and the OP made a typo

  • @Kurotekken
    @Kurotekken 2 года назад +1

    For the last story, I wound up going to read it at the OP's reddit account so I could read whatever Crispy left out and I couldn't tell what it was. Did anyone else figure it out?

    • @jade.meowspector
      @jade.meowspector 2 года назад

      It was the thing about "DM". I mean, it's a heavy thing to read even thou OP didn't told any details.

  • @void735
    @void735 2 года назад +1

    Id made the rouge roll foe his attack pn the rope. Hed prob fail at it x)

  • @alyssinwilliams4570
    @alyssinwilliams4570 2 года назад

    welp, as of 5-17-22 Im completely caught up on this playlist \o/

  • @Thedragonlover95
    @Thedragonlover95 2 года назад +4

    The second story, I cringe cause that's how a drama me and some friends were in. And let me tell you..This was all cause this person was called out for behavior, and was only using me to gain fame. Oh and also cause she wanted me to hand over my story, Silent Dreams, a crossover of Silent Hill and Nights into dreams. It was a collab that I wanted to do, but it didnt go through, as I did most of the work, and she wasn't interested in anymore, I asked to have it back and she didn't argue. This was in 2020 btw before the drama. And this whole drama has not only shown just how bad her additude was, but also helped me and my friend's bonds to grow stronger. If anything i'm just glad that I have people who were there for me when I needed them, and that I am glad to be out of that toxic person. P.S that wasn't a friendship, as we wern't that close, I was just being nice

  • @pratkier
    @pratkier 11 месяцев назад

    I've never played dungeons and dragons but I love this channel. I wanna play but it seems like it there's a lot of research you have to do first? Like people can make stuff up but theres clearly a lore here that everyone knows

  • @SuperCasualPleb
    @SuperCasualPleb 2 года назад

    56 seconds in and i want to play a blind archer thanks for the idea.

  • @theratking013
    @theratking013 Год назад

    If the Intro Story is played in a Pathfinder Game then the Joke is on the DM because the OP could play an Zen-Archer Monk is that Zen Embodiment enough?!

  • @dead_vibes
    @dead_vibes 2 года назад +1

    If I don't like someone and have a great reason for not liking them, don't try to put some shit into its place. I'll just yell at you and them.

  • @aya_7876
    @aya_7876 2 года назад

    I always here don't flirt in game it always leads to bad. Funny thing was I was friendly to a character in my very first game and now have been dating that player for 4 years. We didn't flirt in game just my character being sweet and concerned but we're happy now and always keep romance out of games

  • @foji-video
    @foji-video Год назад

    last guy definetly needs help from a professional shrink

  • @soulevans6203
    @soulevans6203 Год назад

    2nd story: if it was just a joke then why did you get soooo upset that he said no to you trying to murder your party

  • @KadenzaKat98
    @KadenzaKat98 2 года назад +1

    Hey Crispy, how does one submit a story in the hopes that you'll read it? I do have ONE horror story that I'd like to share and have read on your channel, if that's okay.

  • @ArcmageZaln
    @ArcmageZaln 2 года назад

    that first story... that could be cooler if he suddenly had greater hearing and touch and used that. a blind archer sounds cool really.

  • @specterarchives5943
    @specterarchives5943 Год назад +1

    me, watching this video on opera gx

  • @TigerW0lf
    @TigerW0lf 2 года назад +1

    Two words: RESTRAINING!!! ORDER!!!

  • @oobtty
    @oobtty 2 года назад

    20:10 I would say what POS means but I'm hardcoded not to swear

  • @LeXXeL_50
    @LeXXeL_50 Месяц назад +1

    ...think it was a typo. "POST game"

  • @ratboy2
    @ratboy2 Год назад

    I think the pos thing was a typo and they meant to say “post game” tbh

  • @inversenexarus9152
    @inversenexarus9152 2 года назад +1

    20:04 I think "pos game" is meant to be "post game". Maybe?

  • @The_Brainsturgeon
    @The_Brainsturgeon 2 года назад

    Let's make this weird - add more clowns!

  • @dDbalL-to7rt
    @dDbalL-to7rt Год назад

    Wow. Stalker alert!!!

  • @marcusreading3783
    @marcusreading3783 2 года назад +1

    The way I see it, if your allowing backstories, they should really tie into the main quest in some way, not be a side thing. That way, the characters get their arc without having to go off and do something else while the world is ending around them.
    The closest to PVP I've ever come was actually in a recent session when I broke one of our Bards feed when they decided to flirt with a dragon. Normally, I'd limit it to a snarky comment, but not only was this also in front of our, patron for want of a better word, but the dragon in question was TIAMAT.
    Ummm, wot? No, really, where the hell did he get that piece of random crap from? I cant really find any particular information on how they came to be used as an eating implement, but they started out being use for cooking. I would assume that it was because using chopsticks for eating as well as cooking cut down on the number of implements you needed? Maybe? Not sure and frankly, I dont really care.

  • @L-po8rx
    @L-po8rx 2 года назад +1

    There is no way that "by my calculations" can equal 10 years. No-one has written a ten year game. A load of B-S

    • @benjackson-ellery4267
      @benjackson-ellery4267 2 года назад

      I wrote and ran a 7 year game. I could have easily kept it going for three more but it didn't serve the story. It is possible.

    • @L-po8rx
      @L-po8rx 2 года назад

      @@benjackson-ellery4267 yes. But I bet after year one you hadn't written the next 6 years of plot.

    • @benjackson-ellery4267
      @benjackson-ellery4267 2 года назад

      @@L-po8rx I mean I had a skeleton plot from day one. But it changed as the game developed.

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 2 года назад

    I think "pos game" was a typo for "post game"

  • @throwaway7683
    @throwaway7683 2 года назад

    poor baby pos means peace of sh** 20:04

  • @nohandlesplease
    @nohandlesplease 2 года назад

    I know it's just the sponsor bit, but how can using a different browser utilizing the same base (chromium) have substantial impact on performance?

  • @RKateb
    @RKateb 2 года назад

    Never play with someone significantly older than you. Ever. They always end up being bullies or weird (we had a 70 yo woman sexually harass a 20 year old’s character until he left rp’ing as a whole :(

    • @midnights2631
      @midnights2631 9 месяцев назад

      That sounds awful, I know some older people people who are neat, including my dad.

  • @koroplays3200
    @koroplays3200 Год назад

    I know it's an ad and you have to say it but as someone that uses opera gx I'll tell you that it's not that much faster than chrome of edge, it's a decent browser but it is nowhere as amazing as all the ads say it is.

  • @neysawatkins99
    @neysawatkins99 2 года назад

    Don't make it weird.
    *turns around*
    I made it weird....

  • @insertedgynamehere
    @insertedgynamehere 2 года назад

    What's he got in the background, it looks like ghost of Tsushima.