Can Corticosteroids therapy cause GI bleedings? or cause AVMs to bleed . What blood test should be considered to make sure blood can be coagulating to help avms stop bleeding
Would live red blood from GI bleeding be and indicator of to what part in the GI could possibly be bleeding as in the opposite of black stool color if it’s red alive blood in the stool can that be an indicator that blood is in the lower part of the intestines ?
If an AVM is bleeding from the liver for example will the blood bleeding be transported to the intestines and processed and how will it appear in the stool black color stool or red alive blood 🩸
What is the most common part in the GI tract that can get damaged the most in radiation therapy to the pelvic
Can Corticosteroids therapy cause GI bleedings? or cause AVMs to bleed . What blood test should be considered to make sure blood can be coagulating to help avms stop bleeding
Can pelvic radiation cause problems with avms to bleed in the small intestine
Would live red blood from GI bleeding be and indicator of to what part in the GI could possibly be bleeding as in the opposite of black stool color if it’s red alive blood in the stool can that be an indicator that blood is in the lower part of the intestines ?
If an AVM is bleeding from the liver for example will the blood bleeding be transported to the intestines and processed and how will it appear in the stool black color stool or red alive blood 🩸
Can low platelets cause avms in the GI tract to bleed 🩸