After buying Forbidden planet which I ended up being disappointed in, it's a no to be honest. Being basically a preset guy, 500 presets for $200 and a nice shiny looking gui compared to other similar synths offering way more presets and functionality isn't worth it to me. 1500 presets come with Falcon and tons more ability for almost the same price. The sound quality is good of course but I wouldn't say it's superior and it doesn't particularly set itself apart or outperform similar vst synths already out there. I would also have to agree with Joshua's comment that the way it's layout is a bit unwieldy. Maybe if it came inside it's own interface instead of this Play type thing it'd be better but that's just my opinion.
Hellloooo! What do you think about Iconic? Did it make you think about some 70s/80s/90s style productions? :D Lemme know down below!
well my sound card is dead right now has to be replaced great show my friend hope all is going well
Great review, do you think reviewing Synthmaster 3?
After buying Forbidden planet which I ended up being disappointed in, it's a no to be honest. Being basically a preset guy, 500 presets for $200 and a nice shiny looking gui compared to other similar synths offering way more presets and functionality isn't worth it to me. 1500 presets come with Falcon and tons more ability for almost the same price. The sound quality is good of course but I wouldn't say it's superior and it doesn't particularly set itself apart or outperform similar vst synths already out there. I would also have to agree with Joshua's comment that the way it's layout is a bit unwieldy. Maybe if it came inside it's own interface instead of this Play type thing it'd be better but that's just my opinion.
I find a lot of these libraries to be unwieldy
Got you, but I think that Iconic really delivers. Lots of great, great presets ready to use in any vintage pop/synth etc. productions.
You've played 5 sounds and did nothing with it : Lazy and lame review