I like your t-post ideas. Very creative. You should size your perch to fit the feet of smaller birds if you want to prevent larger birds from using it. It's definitely up to you, but I've had an owl use an old metal clothes line bar that was about an inch in diameter as a perch to hunt smaller birds. (It was pretty good at catching them, too.) Crows could also potentially be a problem if they start to use it. Your bean trellis should be an excellent diameter for bluebirds and other small songbirds. Also, be prepared to replace your sumac frequently, because it's one of the fastest decomposing types of wood here in the eastern US.
Great points about the perch size dictating the bird size. We have crows, that like the 'bath' on the ground, so they can walk to it. We have paint roller trays up higher that the crows dont use, now I know why. cheers
I like your t-post ideas. Very creative. You should size your perch to fit the feet of smaller birds if you want to prevent larger birds from using it. It's definitely up to you, but I've had an owl use an old metal clothes line bar that was about an inch in diameter as a perch to hunt smaller birds. (It was pretty good at catching them, too.) Crows could also potentially be a problem if they start to use it. Your bean trellis should be an excellent diameter for bluebirds and other small songbirds. Also, be prepared to replace your sumac frequently, because it's one of the fastest decomposing types of wood here in the eastern US.
Beautiful birds
Great points about the perch size dictating the bird size. We have crows, that like the 'bath' on the ground, so they can walk to it. We have paint roller trays up higher that the crows dont use, now I know why. cheers
In Summer the water can get hot. It would be better in dappled shade. Thanks for your link.
very helpful I am just starting to accomodate the birds and love your ideas thank you!
@herrick where is the previous video to mount the rock on t post?
I love your creativity. (:
the birds will love you
Beautiful birds
Also dragon fly sticks also are good for misquitos. Food for the dragon flies
Robins especially love bird baths
Beautiful birds
Great! I need this to keep my 'sweet cat' away from birds. Thank you.
Beautiful birds
How's your strawberry patch coming along?
Happy birds at HK's house. Awesome. Do you have purple martins? You should "simplify" the purple martin house,etc. Thanks HK. 😃🌱🐢
Birds need a place to fly perch to dry off. Plus yours would be so hot.. oh great you made one
Beautiful birds