Ranked-Choice Voting Backed in Midterm Ballot Measures, May Help "Crash-Proofing Our Democracy"

  • Опубликовано: 2 июл 2024
  • Voters in Nevada and a handful of cities across the United States appear poised to expand the use of ranked-choice voting in the aftermath of Tuesday's midterm elections. The election method allows voters to select multiple candidates in descending order of preference. It is used in many other countries, and supporters say it can reduce polarization and give more voice to independent voters. "The forces for ranked-choice voting are people who really care about our democracy," says George Cheung, director of More Equitable Democracy, who says ranked-choice voting "allows for truer representation of who we are as a community."
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Комментарии • 84

  • @lamichiganr326
    @lamichiganr326 Год назад +36

    *The organization Voters Not Politicians have gotten wonderful things on our Michigan ballots, Rank-Choice Voting should be our next goal.* *It will make the dark monied groups will have to spend more money & time & effort to try to mislead the Public.* *Ranked-Choice Voting will definitely improve our Democracy and make it stronger and give us more than just being bi-paritisan.*

    • @joeybleu66
      @joeybleu66 Год назад

      i am happy i live in michigan. we have good governance here. our facist legislators however need to be replaced. we said no to a gas tax gov. Snyder and his crooked corrupt crew passed it anyways. 62% of us said we wanted legal marijuana the Republican fascists fought it tooth and nail. threw us in jail took our stuff didn't charge us they made it hard on us those republican fascists. then their court took away a women's right to choose. we have to shoe the fascists the error of their ways every election. they are really southern democrats took over the republican party starting in 1964 when Johnson passed the s civil rights act. where did those Dixiecrats go anyways?

    • @nk1974
      @nk1974 Год назад

      Absolutely. Republicans will fight this tooth and nail. They want to rule the majority not govern.

  • @katrinagarrett9612
    @katrinagarrett9612 Год назад +18

    This needs to be placed back on the ballot in Massachusetts.

  • @bjdefilippo447
    @bjdefilippo447 Год назад +7

    So glad this is becoming more mainstream in America. It's easy, fair, and prevents a few of the biggest issues in our current voting system: first, you don't ever risk "wasting" a vote on a candidate you feel passionate about, but worry isn't popular enough, because if they don't win, your vote goes to your second choice. Second, you aren't limited by party, so a wider range of candidates and ideas are presented to voters. Third, monetary interests don't play as much of a role. Great job!

  • @lvincents
    @lvincents Год назад +6

    This is excellent, and good news! Thank you Mr. Cheung. Ranked-choice voting is one of the things that is essential if we are going to have anything approximating a democracy in this country going forward. To those below who think it too complicated or confusing, please keep in mind that it is a necessary tool to allow multiple voices and parties to have a chance. Our present first past the post method restricts us to our the awful two-party system we have right now, the "duopoly." So, for example, if you ever want the Green Party to have any real chance, then ranked-choice voting is a necessity.

  • @Tube4mj
    @Tube4mj Год назад +12

    Rank choice voting sounds like what we have in Australia, which is called Preferential voting. Voters can choose whether to vote for individual candidates or a political group. I prefer Preferential voting, because we can number our candidates in the order we prefer.

  • @hhheee3939
    @hhheee3939 Год назад +9

    Rank choice would have spared georgias citizens 4 more wks of political ads and shenanigans. Rank choice is the future.

  • @moranmike36
    @moranmike36 Год назад +6

    When I heard the heritage foundation was against rank choice voting, I knew I would be for it.

  • @banksiasong
    @banksiasong Год назад +13

    I live in a country using ranked choice (preferential voting), and it does generally reduce the number of extreme crazies getting in, favoring the election of centrists.

    • @wookinooki9023
      @wookinooki9023 Год назад

      you think centrists are better as a rule??
      centrists are often WRONG.
      Corporate Democrat candidates & elected congresspeople are the only thing that could possibly be considered "centrist" in USA and the only "Democrat" thing they have is the name.

    • @AndrewinAus
      @AndrewinAus Год назад +1

      @@wookinooki9023 Centrist candidates have to appeal to a wider section of the electorate yes so they could be said to be better to govern. "Centrists are often WRONG" so it would be better to have people in power that only appeal to a small/narrow section of the voting public?

    • @wookinooki9023
      @wookinooki9023 Год назад

      @@AndrewinAus Appealing to voters has nothing to do with ABILITY to govern. duh.

  • @DanA-nl5uo
    @DanA-nl5uo Год назад +2

    Great guest. This is the reform we need today

  • @Tree_Village
    @Tree_Village Год назад +4

    We neeeed ranked choice elections. It's so simple but such a game changer.

  • @energizme100
    @energizme100 Год назад +2

    Thank you for highlighting the need for election transition. Would be great to emphasize many other countries have been using rank-choice or preference voting systems in Federal elections with great success.
    Rank-choice voting allows for the voter to choose which PERSON (candidate) they "prefer". Wouldn't it be wonderful if, when voting, you could vote for the PERSON you like and the policies they represent for you? Instead of always voting against the candidate & attached party you HATE THE LEAST?

  • @kaelon79
    @kaelon79 Год назад +3

    Ranked Choice Voting is will break the majority rule two party system we have fallen into which will force parties to work together rather than focus on the extreme differences.

  • @alin81-82
    @alin81-82 Год назад +2

    Rank choice voting nationwide, yes.

  • @avocadomonkey4892
    @avocadomonkey4892 Год назад

    Thank you for having this guest, Amy, and I hope there will be more to continue to highlight successes in ranked choice voting and bring it to the mainstream. I liked Mr. Cheung's comparison of the current winner-take-all method to your grandmother's car and his highlighting that this was a system dating back to the 1400's. It would have been great if he could have also mentioned how it supports the current two-party-only system, thus limiting our choices from the start.

  • @Pretermit_Sound
    @Pretermit_Sound Год назад +2

    I’ve been calling for this since the 2000 election. Glad it’s finally, maybe, getting some serious consideration. Better late than never. ✌🏻🇺🇸

  • @pmccord9
    @pmccord9 Год назад

    Really like George. Good explanation and a democratic rationale.

  • @kasondaleigh
    @kasondaleigh Год назад +2

    Yes Please!

  • @AB-zl4nh
    @AB-zl4nh Год назад

    America needs Rank Choice Voting yesterday.

  • @ronkirk5099
    @ronkirk5099 Год назад +1

    If GA had ranked choice voting they wouldn't have to have yet another runoff election because of their 50% rule. GA voters shouldn't have to put up with both the costs and the inconvenience of runoff elections.

  • @herahagstoz6934
    @herahagstoz6934 Год назад +3

    Winner take all as a philosophy is an inherent aspect of the Dominator mentality and practices. It’s might makes right baked into our ideology and aspirations for representational democracy. We have been struggling under this dissonance our entire lives and it’s an unfairness which we have accepted as just how things work. It’s almost always in tandem with the racist or sexist trend of the moment and it is extremely hard to recalibrate when it’s obvious to all that representational equality is not being practiced. It’s why our country is still being driven by the most wealthy, most privileged, and least commonly held social beliefs and why races of public office are still not a sure thing when the majority of public sentiment is far to the left of the far right tilt of a powerful minority. Exactly like the metaphor of an old gas car our electoral system was designed for a system that we can all see is extremely self destructive and controlled by those who care more about profit than notions of democracy and fair representation. Ranked choice voting is more like a skeleton key that opens up the locked gates to power rather than an electric car. It is just an entry point for the rebalancing of who is heard and who is making the decisions that we have agreed to live by. Currently this is out of step and so it creates a society filled with fear and anxiety as they need to live one way but must pretend, constrict, and lie about their truth or risk losing everything. Like when we used marijuana before we won some battles to decriminalize and legalize it. It’s how everyone who can menstruate now must live with our fear of forced birth and possible death or we can choose to break laws and risk our lives in different ways.

  • @daiu48
    @daiu48 Год назад +1

    Two party electoral system- winner takes all/ first past the post doesn’t reflect the diversity of local representation.
    Any system of proportional representation which encourages local people to stand for election has to be an improvement.
    The last general election produced a Conservative Party with an 80 seat majority, on a turn out of less than 45% of the total vote in the UK House of Commons.
    The present parliamentary chaos is proof enough that changes are needed.

  • @MrJacobrabbit
    @MrJacobrabbit Год назад +1

    California had a bill on this and Brown vetoed it
    We try again

  • @janiekcarney5482
    @janiekcarney5482 Год назад +1

    Sounds complicated.

  • @Tonsirton
    @Tonsirton Год назад

    What So a True Representation of your Community. Is Facebook ???👍

  • @dougclem7711
    @dougclem7711 Год назад +1

    Let's give it a try! Will it keep the money out?

  • @sdsartor1942
    @sdsartor1942 Год назад

    Or and here me out, we have state primary elections before official midterm elections so every party has one candidate

  • @bozoldier
    @bozoldier Год назад

    Not electric car. Electricks car is direct like using congressional districts instead of delegates in presidential elections.
    Meaning it sound way better, may be marginally better after thinking about it for a minute, but is as terrible when you really examine the problem in deapth

  • @ResistEvolve
    @ResistEvolve Год назад

    We still have the same two rotten parties dominating almost everything.

  • @LBrown-fo7sr
    @LBrown-fo7sr Год назад

    Can this be nationwide?

  • @Elena-kb5dx
    @Elena-kb5dx Год назад

    Ridiculous. Just have popular vote. Smh

  • @qjtvaddict
    @qjtvaddict Год назад

    Looks like USA has a chance to turn the ship around

  • @Tonsirton
    @Tonsirton Год назад +1

    Id THrow In Jesse Ventura Definitely WIN!!!💪

  • @Tonsirton
    @Tonsirton Год назад


  • @marlenesoifer7219
    @marlenesoifer7219 Год назад

    Never had a choice believe. E

  • @Ghee_Buttersnaps
    @Ghee_Buttersnaps Год назад +1

    Test 2 people are taking about it 🤷‍♂️the friend request from you then Sumeria know if you need me

  • @jenniferfisher7455
    @jenniferfisher7455 Год назад

    I would hate rank choice voting. It makes its to confusing.
    People will just put their second choice as who they really want. Makes no common sense. Your vote counts no matter what district your in.

    • @dougclem7711
      @dougclem7711 Год назад

      No. 1 HILLERY Clinton, No. 2 Al Franken, No. 3 D.J. tRUMP

    • @EnsignRo_
      @EnsignRo_ Год назад

      I've participated in ranked-choice voting in Alaska. You don't want to rank your preferred choice as your second choice in case your preferred candidate comes in third or fourth and gets dropped. The main reason Mary Peltola won the special election is because the two republican candidates campaigned against each other to the point that people either didn't vote second choice for the other one, or chose Peltola for their second. I'm fine with some people being too confused to figure it out.

  • @markantrobus8782
    @markantrobus8782 Год назад

    Dear Democracy Now. Could you change Amy's theme from blue to at least accents on warmer colours? The blue with grey hair and white skin is a subliminal aesthetic turn off.

  • @petervanvelzen1950
    @petervanvelzen1950 Год назад +1

    The only way to make every vote count is when the number of votes that any candidate receives is equal to the number of votes the candidate (or someone designated to do so by the candidate) gets to cast in parliament!

  • @tmc6799
    @tmc6799 Год назад

    Nice guy but not too clear in explaining what it is and how it came to be.

  • @janiekcarney5482
    @janiekcarney5482 Год назад +3

    I would prefer stopping the winner takes all. My vote gets thrown out because Republicans dominate.

  • @Tonsirton
    @Tonsirton Год назад

    Names In A Hat???🤷‍♀🤷‍♂️

  • @IRun4Ultra
    @IRun4Ultra Год назад +3

    Building a parliament
    If you are a citizen of the District of Columbia (the Democracy) you have privileges granted by congress--Or, if you are a Citizen of the Union (the Republic) you are endowed with Rights --some of which are unalienable. All licenses are privileges whereas Rights are gifts from God. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition at page 1703

    • @Damn3dYank33
      @Damn3dYank33 Год назад

      My Sovereignty is guaranteed via my State’s Constitution… not the 41st or 59th Acts of Congress.

  • @janiekcarney5482
    @janiekcarney5482 Год назад +2

    Photo ID is much better than checking signatures as my signature has changed over the years. Even my photo isn’t that easy to match. I’ve changed. Look older. I wear a wig. With or without makeup makes a difference.

  • @janiekcarney5482
    @janiekcarney5482 Год назад

    When my Mom could no longer drive I got her a government ID with photo. In Oklahoma. It was easy. She continued to vote until her mind wasn’t clear enough. I made that decision. She wasn’t able to watch TV. Not able to make a decision. Too sick care.

  • @BCSTS
    @BCSTS Год назад +2

    I think too much emphasis here on racial goals for rank choice system...this could limit people buying into it....if you are not a person of color ! I would think also emphacizing the possibilities of all people who want to see a change for independent choice (not just the Democratic or Republican party line) would be a great benefit of rank choice. I may be wrong...maybe I do not understand rank choice.....but with only 2 parties available in US.....there needs to be someting where more people in general can feel 'heard'

    • @banksiasong
      @banksiasong Год назад

      We are all "colored people"
      -from white, to yellow, to olive, to brown and black.

  • @yoga_for_me9868
    @yoga_for_me9868 Год назад

    Ranking 5 candidates seems like too many.

  • @7sisters478pleiades
    @7sisters478pleiades Год назад

    Rank choice voting is not a choice

  • @rickdonovan2709
    @rickdonovan2709 Год назад

    How about ID voting or finger print scan voting

    • @banksiasong
      @banksiasong Год назад

      Why don't you just adopt the whole system of the communist state of Russia, just as Trumpski wants?

    • @janiekcarney5482
      @janiekcarney5482 Год назад +1

      Oklahoma has photo ID for decades. Or you can use your voting card which isn’t a photo ID.

  • @grownupandgardening4216
    @grownupandgardening4216 Год назад +1

    If regular voting is already subject to hacks, how can ranked- choice voting be transparent and protected?

  • @keithdixon4595
    @keithdixon4595 Год назад +1

    I have been involved in our political system all my life rank choice is a ploy to spit the Ticket make it harder for Democrats to be successful old poiicical trick.

  • @anopinionatedlaymanappears9052

    As someone who lives in a country with ranked choice, it's better but it doesn't fix anything. It isn't a magic bullet so don't sell it like it is.

    • @theperennialmillennial3849
      @theperennialmillennial3849 Год назад +1

      Yeah, but different varieties of RCV could make the difference; I, for one, believe it’s important for there to be a mandate to rank 5 candidates minimum in general elections so that it’s not just two parties who maintain total control of the system.

  • @fuzzofrizzbeebot2775
    @fuzzofrizzbeebot2775 Год назад

    Me and G country, percentage points in the joint, ass hat yak yak yak and the wardens shiny, his zip piddy doo daa right hand man. Them Diamond girls 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩you bet cha

  • @DanA-nl5uo
    @DanA-nl5uo Год назад +4

    Great guest. This is the reform we need today

  • @DanA-nl5uo
    @DanA-nl5uo Год назад +6

    Great guest. This is the reform we need today