The point is to question and experience. If they say you are not allowed to question therein lies an answer. What are they trying to hide? It would be time to move on, but not cast wide generalizations over all religious philosophies.
Okay, -- the atom is made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. Can you question that? Tough, --- There are many answers challenging Atheism that cannot be questioned, live with it
Don't be so smug, thousands of years ago that's how they made sense of the universe. It's easy for you to say: anymore? It never did. Wow you're so smart. 😆
They can all be right because the basic tenets of ALL religions are the same.Of course,one has to be intelligent to understand that.All the critics of religion are usually not intelligent. At least not in a comprehensive way,beyond their narrow view of reality.THAT is the problem.
@@eltonron1558 After Christianity came Islam. Not sure it is superior more a step backwards. Then Scientology with its aliens instead of angels. Sideways not forwards.
3 дня назад+88
"Faith is all that remains once you replace evidence with emotion." Bertrand Russell 💙
And atheists are full of faith for their sacred science. All atheists unquestioningly believe anything main stream science spouts no matter how ridiculous it is, if science says it, atheists will believe it,
Faith is the refuge for those who don't have enough evidence to support their beliefs. There is literally nothing in the universe that could not be believed by using faith. Therefore, faith is no way to arrive at the truth.
Not quite. Faith is belief without evidence, Science is belief with evidence. The two are not incompatible. Trying to prove or disprove religion with evidence is a lost cause because, by definition, most religions are based entirely without evidence because they believe in the supernatural.
@ Completely and utterly wrong. Plenty of evidence for the Christian religion and others. Science is FAITH BASED!! The entirety of science rests on fundamental ASSUMPTIONS! Everything that you believe is faith based too. There is zero evidence for atheism. zero. There is way more evidence for God. Science is full of assumptions. You do not know better even if you delude yourself that you do.
Religion came from bronze age reasoning, when science was not really a thing yet, and there were no other answers to questions like "Why is there life?"
Not true. In India and China during the Bronze Age there were many philosophers delving into the nature of reality and asking about existence. However, instead of just thinking about it, they developed mental techniques to examine the issue directly, experientially. Their findings were, and still are, way ahead of anything in the West. Only now are sciences such psychology and neurophysiology beginning to appreciate the depth to which these ancient sages understood consciousness and its relationship to that which we call reality.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 You don't need to be a rocket scientist to learn to wear shoes. You would think that with India being so advanced in science that most of the citizens there would at least have a pair of loafers on or something. And that most restaurants would be up to date with hygiene and cleanliness.
@@holgerjrgensen2166 Yes to all - when I need to tie my shoes, I get help from my arms and hands which are living and which I see (helping ourselves), and I have had help to tie them from other people (help from each other), but no invisible God ever helps by tying them for me that I can demonstrate.
Nope. Religion was originally about cohesion and a shared system of beliefs, norms, values, and roles. Most religions, especially non-organized religions are small with little power or money.
@Talon19 In the animal world it's the Alpha male which dominates. Human systems of the past were no different. The violence gave power. Sex and power went habdvin hand with kinship and not hard to see kings being admired and served as gods. The Catholic Church still dies this with Jesus being the king of Heaven with his many nun wives. Brides of Christ have no right to have human husbands.
Could not have said it better... Faithfull believers make countless excuses on why Jesus/God kingdom hasn't arrived after nearly 2000 years. Their stubborn egos are keeping them from thinking rationally and seeing their errors of their ways. Their happy in their fantasy world. I draw the line when they tell us we're sinners going to @%#& if we don't chose their way.
You're so very funny. The gospel that brings the return of Christ, is not the gospel of Christianity in it's current state, which is why no return. Currently, it's a lengthy, complicated, confusing need for a savior rocket science, of a religion deceived by Satan, whom secular society doesn't buy either. At some point, a remnant will get around to just reading and repeating the correct gospel. It too simple and straightforward for Christianity to believe it's the gospel. Repent, the kingdom of God is coming. Christianity can't even remember it's own Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come, gospel. It's insane, yes, as a former atheist, the religion is bogus, while God, is not.
Even that doesn't bother me personally. Bible-wavers can tell me all day long I'm going to Hell, and I won't even waste a smirk on them. What DOES bother me is when they try to inject religion into public policy or use the government to proselytize (Decalogues, school sponsored prayer, etc.) THAT's when I put my foot down.
@@eltonron1558 No, No, No! Religion is bogus but God is not? All your doing is removing most of the cancer while making yourself feel better and think your saved. That little cancer, (God) is going to come back when you least think of it and BAM! RIP eltonron1558 Hey, it's your party. (Delusion/Obsession) Have fun, because I want nothing to do with it. Christians are so messed up and divided. It's like the set of a George A Romero movie set. Christian zombies everywhere. Hope you all get it right in your next incarnation.
Faith and reason aren’t incompatible nor mutually exclusive. Faith is belief without evidence, science is belief with evidence, the supernatural has no evidence for or against its existence or nonexistence. Therefore, applying hard logic to faith is completely missing the point.
What is the worth, value, and importance of RELIGIONS to human beings? ANSWER - All kinds of Religions are WORTHLESS and USELESS and bring nothing but DISHONOR and ETERNAL DEATHS because Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of Religions clearly don't respect and value their own lives, dignities, and existence and just don't care even if their LIES and UNBIBLICAL teachings and doctrines about "hellfire", "Armageddon", "Trinity", "afterlife", "immortality of the souls", "rapture", and "reincarnation" bring and cause their own dishonor, disgrace, shame, downfall and ETERNAL DEATHS while REJECTION of all RELIGIONS will bring HONOR and GOD'S FAVOR and REWARD because LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who rejected Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all kinds of Religions as worthless and useless and willingly submit instead to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18 will definitely be honored and rewarded in return by the Sovereign GOD with ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4 and the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26 are obviously NOT for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too but ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others who are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD" and fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of the CREATOR and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the CREATOR's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
It's deeper than that. It wasn't an apple. The fruit was from the "Tree of of knowledge of Good and Evil". One has to think of things allegorically. Before 'eating that 'fruit', they could not see, that the body could be used for evil purposes. Religion is often framed so that a child can understand. But people of greater substance use religion to give their lives greater purpose. have you ever looked at Buddhist principles for an example? I have come to understand that all major religions are just different paths towards the same higher state of being. Thinking allegorically, one could substitute the USA as the "Garden of Eden", as an example. But back to the Garden of Eden story. the pain suffering and misery, was because they did not obey God. He gave them everything they needed, and he only asked one thing of them. And one great moral of the story is, to not follow the advice of a 'snake'. Does this all make sense to you, now? And it is not a physical snake. Think allegorically.
Eve did nothing wrong. The Apple gave knowledge of good and evil; that means moral choice, which means free will. Eve chose to choose. She grew up! Adam followed her, for love. If free will and love are wrong, then there is no right, and no wrong. But there is, so she did the right thing. Even Yahweh comes out looking good, in this reading of the fairy tale. The breeding pair had attained mental and sexual maturity, so he released them into the wild. That's competent wildlife management. Eve did nothing wrong, and she was not punished. She and Adam wanted to know what was good about the world, and what was evil, so Yahweh told them personally. Eve, sex will frighten you. Adam, you've got to work for a living. Both of you, you're going to die. That was the bad news. The good news was: see that gate over there? It's open now! You''re free to go! And as for Eve's suffering: that's not a sign of sin, that's a sign of sainthood. Ask any mother if mothers are saints. The polite ones will smile and lie; but watch out, the honest ones might give you an earful.
@@Nathaniel-r8l You do realise you are writing nonsense.
2 дня назад+2
@@Nathaniel-r8l "She and Adam wanted to know what was good about the world, and what was evil" which they couldn't do until AFTER they had knowledge of good and evil. Your attempt to rewrite the story is lame.
Why would God put the tree and serpent there in the first place ? I guess watching two naked humans who never sinned and had no knowledge got kinda boring.
Religion never made sense. It’s just that people weren’t well informed back then, so their poor assumptions seemed justified. Now we know better and religion can finally be irrelevant for good.
'Drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.' Life without God is empty. A smoke that vanishes inyo thin air and then no more. A man is composed of a body, soul and spirit. Worldly riches may satiate the body. only God can satisfy the spirit. Life on earth is a journey. Life on earth only lasts 70, 80, 100 years if lucky. Heaven is forever home. Hallelujah.
@@spiritualsoul387, 'love, joy, patience, kindness, meekness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.' Scriptures were written by many different individuals from various backgrounds on many different points in time, having inspired by the Holy Spirit, to serve as humanity's guide and moral compass as it provides principles and divine wisdom on how to live a life of purpose. The Word of God is the power of God. Life is a gift from God. Hallelujah.
@@spiritualsoul387, all we chase in this life is fleeting. life is fleeting. thank God we have a home -- a home where there is no more pain, tears and suffering.
I'm in my 70s now and while I am in complete support of the Palestinian struggle and totally against the Zionist, apartheid state of Israel, I'm a committed Atheist and believe that all organized religions are cults. I think that it should be obvious, to even the most casual observer, that - THERE IS NO GOD! I have lived on 3 different continents and was exposed to many religions and I have found that most people accept the faith and propaganda that they are exposed to in their youth, with the exception of a very limited number of converts. Muslims, Jews and Christians all profess to worship the same deity, that of Abraham. I would ask you or anyone, where is the proof that any of them are right? Who's loving god would allow the situation that the world is in now? Religions are all created by man for the specific purpose of controlling the actions of humans. The biggest lie of them all is promising a perfect afterlife if you are obedient in this life. Don't squander your one chance to change the world for the better for a false promise of a perfect life after this one, when the truth is, all you need is empathy and love for your fellow human beings and the earth to make this world a much better place for everyone and everything on it, RIGHT NOW, in this life. Religions can't take us there.
I agree, I was christian for over 50 years, been Atheist for 10 and would never be deceived by any human again, god himself might not could even get through.
You are so woefully misinformed, it’s staggering. First of all, Israel is NOT an “apartheid state”. Also, are you aware of all the terror attacks Palestinians have done? They attacked the 1972 Munich Olympics, killing several. They hijacked a French airline and diverted it to Uganda, resulting in several deaths, then, they put explosives 🧨 on a plane, detonating it over Lockerbie Scotland, killing everyone on the plane, and several on the ground. EVERYONE they killed, had NOTHING to do with their alleged plight. These are just a handful of the things they’ve done that I can remember without ANY research. You sound like an Alt Right cultist. I’m not a cheerleader for Israel, I don’t care either way. But I do care about what is true, which is why I don’t believe in religion. But YOU, are a victim of propaganda. Go talk to real people who are from that area, and find out what is true, instead of believing the garbage you’ve heard second or third hand.
The fact that you characterize Israel as an "apartheid" state demonstrates how little you actually know about the conflict. I'm 65, and I have at least SOME grasp of the history, and you apparently don't, even though you're older. Shame on you! That aside, congratulations on rejecting religious nonsense.
It can't be apartheid since Muslims of Arab descent are citizens who receive public education and work side by side with Jewish citizens. Muslim women are not required to wear those robes and face scarfs ,they are free.
@@pcbacklash_3261You know That Nelson Mandela called that himself and I am sure he knew more about apartheid than you do ! Now don't get me wrong I'm not condoning the terrorist that's ruling Gaza Hamas. But two wrongs don't make a right
Anymore? I was a Catholic for 40 years. I’m now 43. I went to catholic schools my whole life. I have college degrees in ministry and theology. Knowing what I know now and looking back, IT NEVER MADE SENSE. It is a fairy tale, written by and for those afraid to die.
Scriptures were written not by one but by many different individuals in many different points in time, having inspired by the Holy Spirit, to serve as humanity's guide and moral compass as it provides principles and divine wisdom. 'love, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.'
@@Kilimanjaro21 We can provide those principles and better ones without religion or the Bible. Like how the Bible was ok condoning slavery but we still decided that it wasn't ok.
@@spiritualsoul387 , before today's principles and knowledge and wisdom and self-help guides and what have you, there is the Bible. Interestingly, most if not all of these principles were taken from the Holy Book.
@@Kilimanjaro21 No, they weren't. These things were already understood through human empathy and understanding. There were functioning civilizations and philosophical ideas way before that irrelevant bible.
@@inetasim8820 Nemanau, kad dvasingumo (jį suprantant kaip sąlytį su menu) dabar yra mažiau, greičiau priešingai. Dabar mes turime galimybę perskaityti bet kokią išleistą knygą, pasiklausyti bet kokią dainą, pasižiūrėti bet kokį filmą - nieko panašaus anksčiau nebuvo. Prieš 2000 metų 90% žmonių buvo žemdirbiai, kurie be šio užsiėmimo nieko neišmanė, buvo labai tamsūs šiuolaikiniu supratimu. Religija tada buvo pagrindinis, kartais net vienintelis dvasingumo šaltinis.
Humans evolved to look for patterns. Wind coming from where the sun rose meant rain, clear hoof marks meant antelope, phases of the moon and tides meant access to pools, etc. It also meant seeing pattens in clouds, mountains, behaviors, etc. After a particularly tough hunt, we might have acknowledged the strength of the animal. Given its importance, it is easy to transition to strength of spirit to spirit. An elder with knowledge of medicinal plants and tribal history becomes magical. Once it starts, the world’s mysteries can be explained by spirits in nature. With agriculture, including the herding of animals, chiefs can arise. Formerly these were the best hunters in their prime who had a modest status but now they could rule for decades and pass that power to oldest child. As these small groups of farmers collected to form larger groups for protection, trade, marriage, more important chiefs could establish themselves (a group with a number of big brothers for instance). The gods of farmers and herders weren’t the plants or animals. Their gods were gods of good harvests and rain, the moon and sun, etc. instead of the spirits, which still existed, these were powerful gods that resembled the families of rulers of cities. Brothers, wives, children, etc. Not long afterward, as kings became more powerful, the idea of a single all powerful god coalesced.
It's amusing how many still cling onto it. Goes to show the lack of critical thinking out there. Also worth noting that to worship something kind of diminishes self worth and self dignity.
Very true. Unfortunately, not all people living in all countries have developed their cognitive reasoning that transcends dogmatism and close-mindedness. I used to be what that's like. That's why I show myself grace for my past and towards whomever is still stuck in this paradigm, for it takes time for the mind to evolve and take in responsibility for each own's sovereignty, authority, and autonomy of thought and being. It's an elevated mindset opposite of surrendering their mind towards someone other than you in a form of worship.
They're exceptionally well-scripted, but I do notice he uses some of the video snippets many times (for the example, the slavery clip). But it must be difficult to find copyright-free material for multiple videos, and he seems to do a pretty good job.
Religion comes from a place of need... A feeling of personal limitation and lack of understanding. It's perfectly natural, even I, an atheist, find myself reaching out to somebody bigger and wiser when I'm confused and that's when I realise that's it's human nature to seek help. Religious people will tell you the reason there are so many religions is because people know deep down that there's God but the truth is, there are so many religions because people want to believe there's God. If we want to progress we have to keep ourselves and our thoughts and feelings in perspective
Yes, as long as current religions remain stubborn and try to replace science to explain nature, they will become day by day more irrelevant and unnecessary.
What do Christians and Atheists need and want from GOD? ANSWER - Nothing, because all that were written in the Bible about GOD and Jesus Christ are offensive and unacceptable to Atheists, Christians, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions. What does GOD need and want from Atheists, Christians, and fanatics of Religions? ANSWER - Nothing, because the Sovereign GOD's favor and reward of ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4 is definitely NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions but ONLY for LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who - 1. treat their co-human beings with love, kindness, and respect as written in Matthew 22: 39 and 2. willingly submit too to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18 and the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26 are obviously NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too but ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others who are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD" and fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of GOD and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Sovereign GOD's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
Religion is not there to replace Science. But the bottom line is how were we created . Science can't answer that. how we have brains and parts of the body. God ca
We are Energy. When our energy is peace..there are good conditions on the earth. When we are selfish..fighting and in turmoil there is bad conditions on our climate too. We Are God 😊❤
Asked a priest. How am I going to feel pain in hell if I don't have a body? He didn't give me an answer and from that young age of eight I understood religion is a scam..
I've always thought .... most human beings today and throughout history are not/were not Christian. How or why would a Super Creator of the Cosmos create a plan for human salvation that most human beings don't adhere to?
The difference between religion and mythology lies primarily in perspective and cultural context: 1. Religion: Religion refers to a structured system of beliefs, practices, and moral codes centered around worship, spiritual guidance, and often a deity or higher power. It is a living tradition actively practiced by people today. Religions provide meaning, purpose, and community to their followers and often include rituals, sacred texts, and organized institutions. Examples include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 2. Mythology: Mythology refers to a collection of stories, beliefs, and narratives that explain natural phenomena, cultural traditions, or the human condition, often involving gods, heroes, and supernatural beings. While mythology often originates from ancient religious practices, these stories are typically viewed through a historical, literary, or symbolic lens rather than as active belief systems. Examples include Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and Egyptian mythology. Key Differences: • Active Practice: Religion is actively practiced by people today, whereas mythology is usually seen as the religious stories of past civilizations or as symbolic narratives. • Cultural Context: Myths often come from religions of ancient societies no longer actively practiced, but at the time, they were religious truths to their believers. • Perspective: Mythology is often studied academically or artistically, while religion is experienced personally and spiritually by its followers. • Function: Religion often includes a moral framework and rituals to guide daily life, whereas mythology primarily serves as a way to understand the worldview and values of past cultures. In essence, mythology can be thought of as religion that has shifted from active belief to cultural and historical storytelling.
I've never tried to squash anyone's belief in the existence of God, even though I am 99% sure that there isn't one. The belief in an all powerful and loving god can provide direction, hope, and comfort to those who need it, heck I've even caught myself talking to a god that I'm pretty sure isn't there. Religion, on the other hand can sometimes bring out the worst in people.
Excellent summary. I read an article saying it's predicted that religion worldwide will not decrease any time soon. It's sad that so many educated people who seem decent still think they need religion. It shows a lack of respect for human intelligence.
If you think religion doesn't make sense any more, try reading something like the Buddhist Lankavatara Sutra, or maybe the Zen teachings of Huang Po. In these texts, Buddha and subsequent Zen masters discuss the nature of reality and consciousness. What they have to tell us about these things is essentially that materialism and rationalism cannot reach into the true origin of reality, nor do they help when it comes to understanding existence itself. Look into the Eastern traditions, and you will find a depth of philosophy and knowledge that easily matches that of the Greeks and subsequent Western thinkers. Far more importantly, the realisations that have arisen are not based on just thinking about reality, but rather via direct experience of such. In order to understand reality, consciousness, etc., it is necessary to know who, or perhaps, what, is asking the question. In the East, their traditions give you routes whereby anyone can explore these depths. Do not confuse 'religion' with the Abrahamic paths - there is far more to explore than the myths created in the Near East.
Religions still makes sense,religion is the result of humans fears,people fear death so they invent the afterlife,people fear their tormentors will go unpunished so they invent hell,people fear their sacrifices will go unrewarded so they invent heaven.
Do Christians, fanatics of Religions, and Atheists fear death? ANSWER - No, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Born Again Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, fanatics of all kinds of Religions, and Atheists are clearly NOT afraid of DEATH and just don't care even if their LIES and false claims and teachings about "hellfire", "Trinity", "afterlife", "immortality of the souls", "God doesn't exist", "Armageddon", "rapture", and "reincarnation" bring and cause their own dishonor, disgrace, shame, downfall and ETERNAL DEATHS. What is the worth, value, and importance of Atheism, Christianity, and Religions? ANSWER - Nothing, because the Sovereign GOD's favor and reward of ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4 is definitely NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions but ONLY for LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who - 1. treat their co-human beings with love, kindness, and respect as written in Matthew 22: 39 and 2. willingly submit too to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18 and the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26 are obviously NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too but ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth who died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others who are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD" and fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of GOD and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Sovereign GOD's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
The fundamental issue I see with critics of organized religion, is they assume it is supposed to make sense or be based in science. Neither is the case now and never has been the case.
Makes sense to me, well some religions :) There's the potential for people helping each other, harmony, social, meditation, less craving for consumption and lots more besides. These can be done without a religion but typically not as cohesively. However, some religions have guilt and can lead to "I'm right, you're wrong" bigotry, rather than tolerance and acceptance. Buddhism has a lot going for it! (different people will define "religion" differently. Buddhism involves faith, though not blind faith and there isn't the idea of an external creator god).
Nature and the universe are also indifferent. Nature can be very cruel, ugly and confusing. But those are human judgments because we're the only animal that judges. Everything exists as is, and doesn't try to make sense of it all
Religion is a human construct, designed to help people connect with the divine. All religious stories and traditions are essentially metaphorical. Throughout history, humans have grappled with fundamental questions: Why are we here? What is this world? Who created it? Based on their understanding at the time, people created explanations that made sense to them. This cycle has repeated for millennia. Each interpretation is simultaneously valid and flawed. Connecting with the divine requires a personal spiritual journey, not adherence to organized religion. Seek your own path, and you will find your answers. Knowledge is earned through seeking, not passively received from those who claim to know. Peace to all.
Imagine a person trying to figure out Christianity by only observing all of the denominations. Characters names may be similar but otherwise they don't tell a congruent story. Then they call it "truth'
That's right, each denomination of Christianity is describing a different God with different required behaviors and attributes, sometimes minor differences, but often significant, making the believers of any Christian God only a fraction of belief in a particular God, Roman Catholics likely representing the largest portion - though there are many divisions there also. Since at most only one could be correct, the average Christian would have very low odds of being right indeed.
@@MikeTMike ...Therefore, if one desires to tally up which specific God belief is 'most popular' by the number of people that believe in that particular God (with the assumption that popularity of belief somehow forces reality to comply), the highest tally one can ever reach is a total of 1. And each confident 'lucky' person is convinced that they believe in the correct God version - out of the 7-8 billion possible current God versions (when AT MOST each have a 1 in 50 billion chance theirs is the correct God version, considering all the versions current held, plus those versions held by people that have since passed away). It's like playing lotto with heaven as the prize, but in the end - heaven very likely remains empty.
Videos like these which actually make sense will often not gain traction but a video about a regular guy proving the bible with the bible will gain millions of views
I am a NON religion believer. But people are free to believe what they want - make sense or otherwise. Certain people NEED something to LEAN on in their life..
Wish for the reciprocal, i.e., believers saying that there is nothing wrong with not believing (or believing otherwise). And not just a small fraction of them.
That's why humanity needs so much to turn the page and grow up about it. It's time to give up on faiths of every kind and think with reason and evidence. The world would be so much better if every religion turned into mere mythologies. We can and must stop making excuses to believe in any gods or saviors, WE are the only ones who will save ourselves, no one else. The only life we know in this universe exists here on this planet, and we have to take care of it and respect and help each other.
THE NAMEGAME (based on the THEME of this video) : ▶ What is the NAME of this Universe ▶ What is the NAME of this Galaxy before 17th Century ▶ What is the NAME of this Planet we live in Preferably with or and an Adjective or an Adjective-Noun Earth is from the word Adama (Hebrew Koine) which means EARTH ?
At the time Jesus, he lived in a region of roughly 400,000 people that occupied the land now known as the Palestinian/Israeli Strip between Egypt and Lebanon. God's total focus had and was upon these people and this land (per the bible) but why just these people?! Not far to the east were 56 million Chinese and to the southeast another 75 million Indians. Heck, another 250 million people existed just to the south in Africa and 90 million existed across the oceans in the Americas. So, God, the Christian and Hebrew God(s?) chose to ignore over 500 million humans of who were his creation? No! Religion is a natural development phase as education broadens but as education increases so does the need for religion to diminish. 👋😎 My Two Nickels (inflation, eh)
Acts 17:24 THE TRUE GOD “The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’ Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? (The Message)
religion tricks EVIL peaople to be GOOD and tricks GOOD peaople to be EVIL, i seen both examples, should only teach esoteric stuff to those who are GOOD by DEFAULT and leave the EVIL who only GOOD for reward religious.
As a kid when I attend catholic school, I always question what I was taught to believe in then in 2013 I was at wrong place at the right time, when observer 2 machine 🔶🔶 I couldn't believe my eyes or mind something is wrong with the myth did these Gods created this belief someone knows the truth, and no one goes to heaven why would they need our corrupt being.
When you argue that religion makes no sense, it only reinforces our belief in the verse from Surah Al-Baqarah: whether you warn the disbelievers or remain silent, they will not believe. Even if you showed them the heavens and hell, they would still not believe, as their hearts and minds are sealed from the truth about Almighty Allah. Continue making your videos and listening to the whispers of devils. They will claim we are mere animals that turn to dust, just as disbelievers before you have said. To grasp this intellectually, if you believe there is no God to judge us, then you have no worries after death. But what if Almighty God exists and you are wrong? If you are truly intelligent, it is wiser to believe in God, just in case He exists.
What ever happened to a religious humanism? Coexist: we should have known more about the elephant the blind sages have been feeling by now. It is important: It is the universe. It is ourselves.
Fun Fact: Religion exist before our hairy Unga Dunga ancestors even discovered using Tools, somehow if an animal has a sort of religion also tells if that animals has becaming sapient.
how and where in the world did religion ever make any sense to anyone and at anytime !? how did we even come up with such a ludicrous thought anyhow ? religions were formed and reformed so many times and in so many ways that none was ever able to keep it protracted long enough to give it any meaning !! and the best part of the whole darn thing is this, none has ever cared or bothered long enough to let it happen. i have observed it for more than sixty years, and it still amuses me !!
Yes there are things about religion that make no sense Problem is there are just as many things in science which also make no sense So what's the answer?
Exactly there theories in science without proof and too many questions In fact some of these theories also seem like faith based Science with facts great There is too much Science without facts same as religion Faith based science
" I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned. " -R.Feynman
And modern science has turned into the latter. Mainstream science today is as dogmatic as any religion.
I'd rather have a ham sandwich.
Sucks to be you
The point is to question and experience. If they say you are not allowed to question therein lies an answer. What are they trying to hide? It would be time to move on, but not cast wide generalizations over all religious philosophies.
Okay, -- the atom is made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. Can you question that? Tough, --- There are many answers challenging Atheism that cannot be questioned, live with it
"Faith is believin' what you know ain't so." - Mark Twain
Anymore? It never made sense.
Don't be so smug, thousands of years ago that's how they made sense of the universe. It's easy for you to say: anymore? It never did. Wow you're so smart. 😆
@@grosbeak6130 I know. It's why I'm not indoctrinated
It's still 1125 CE for most of them.
@@alexissmith5589 I know, right? 👍
I came to say exactly that😂
The religions can't all be right but they certainly can all be wrong.
I started a new religion. the only requirements are that you need to process food. Anyone that is alive means my religion is right!
@ - I stand corrected! 😂
They can all be right because the basic tenets of ALL religions are the same.Of course,one has to be intelligent to understand that.All the critics of religion are usually not intelligent.
At least not in a comprehensive way,beyond their narrow view of reality.THAT is the problem.
Illogical conclusion
@@vfc1860 To which person or argument are you referring to here.? I ,for one,am not being illogical in any way.I talk about facts.And facts are facts.
Everything evolves except religion. Then a new one comes along with more wrong stuff in it until that one gets replaced oo.
Yes, basically we are story telling apes.
That's evolving religion.
Religions do evolve. Just look at the modern MAGA BS compared to religion 50 years ago.
@darkeyeze I don't think Trump is evolving Christianity. Using it yes.
@@eltonron1558 After Christianity came Islam. Not sure it is superior more a step backwards. Then Scientology with its aliens instead of angels. Sideways not forwards.
"Faith is all that remains once you replace evidence with emotion."
Bertrand Russell 💙
And atheists are full of faith for their sacred science. All atheists unquestioningly believe anything main stream science spouts no matter how ridiculous it is, if science says it, atheists will believe it,
Faith is the refuge for those who don't have enough evidence to support their beliefs. There is literally nothing in the universe that could not be believed by using faith. Therefore, faith is no way to arrive at the truth.
@@Waitaminit-wo5er Well you better bin science then because science is founded on unprovable assumptions.
Not quite.
Faith is belief without evidence,
Science is belief with evidence.
The two are not incompatible.
Trying to prove or disprove religion with evidence is a lost cause because, by definition, most religions are based entirely without evidence because they believe in the supernatural.
@ Completely and utterly wrong. Plenty of evidence for the Christian religion and others. Science is FAITH BASED!! The entirety of science rests on fundamental ASSUMPTIONS! Everything that you believe is faith based too.
There is zero evidence for atheism. zero. There is way more evidence for God. Science is full of assumptions. You do not know better even if you delude yourself that you do.
Religion came from bronze age reasoning, when science was not really a thing yet, and there were no other answers to questions like "Why is there life?"
Not true. In India and China during the Bronze Age there were many philosophers delving into the nature of reality and asking about existence. However, instead of just thinking about it, they developed mental techniques to examine the issue directly, experientially. Their findings were, and still are, way ahead of anything in the West.
Only now are sciences such psychology and neurophysiology beginning to appreciate the depth to which these ancient sages understood consciousness and its relationship to that which we call reality.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 You don't need to be a rocket scientist to learn to wear shoes. You would think that with India being so advanced in science that most of the citizens there would at least have a pair of loafers on or something. And that most restaurants would be up to date with hygiene and cleanliness.
@catkey6911 Are you a religious expert?
@@taylorthetunafish5737 Being a religious expert is irrelevant to the topic.
@@taylorthetunafish5737 What do you mean by 'religious expert'?
It appears we only have help available from ourselves and each other, not some invisible God.
Surprise! 😁
@@OldGeezerWithNothingBetterToDo and then go to hell 😂😂😂
Have You ever Seen Your Self ?
How can the Living Being, be Seen ?
Do You Believe that You are Living ?
@@holgerjrgensen2166 Mirrors exist. You should try using one.
@@holgerjrgensen2166 Yes to all - when I need to tie my shoes, I get help from my arms and hands which are living and which I see (helping ourselves), and I have had help to tie them from other people (help from each other), but no invisible God ever helps by tying them for me that I can demonstrate.
Religion is and has always been about power and money.
@@dalecs47 And sex. Control the women. Treat them second class if that.
And that's why we still have religion moving around: to prevent people to stand up on a human, objective, and rational political position.
Nope. Religion was originally about cohesion and a shared system of beliefs, norms, values, and roles. Most religions, especially non-organized religions are small with little power or money.
@Talon19 In the animal world it's the Alpha male which dominates. Human systems of the past were no different. The violence gave power. Sex and power went habdvin hand with kinship and not hard to see kings being admired and served as gods. The Catholic Church still dies this with Jesus being the king of Heaven with his many nun wives. Brides of Christ have no right to have human husbands.
As a child I was taken to a rural evangelical church 3x a week. Took doing mushrooms in college to get over the trauma of the Bible stories.
Did you have to bring your own rattlesnakes or were they provided by the church?
@@Waitaminit-wo5erI brought my own talking snakes… though for some reason he was benevolent
Could not have said it better... Faithfull believers make countless excuses on why Jesus/God kingdom hasn't arrived after nearly 2000 years. Their stubborn egos are keeping them from thinking rationally and seeing their errors of their ways. Their happy in their fantasy world. I draw the line when they tell us we're sinners going to @%#& if we don't chose their way.
Some believe trump is the second coming!
You're so very funny.
The gospel that brings the return of Christ, is not the gospel of Christianity in it's current state, which is why no return. Currently, it's a lengthy, complicated, confusing need for a savior rocket science, of a religion deceived by Satan, whom secular society doesn't buy either. At some point, a remnant will get around to just reading and repeating the correct gospel. It too simple and straightforward for Christianity to believe it's the gospel.
Repent, the kingdom of God is coming.
Christianity can't even remember it's own Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come, gospel. It's insane, yes, as a former atheist, the religion is bogus, while God, is not.
Even that doesn't bother me personally. Bible-wavers can tell me all day long I'm going to Hell, and I won't even waste a smirk on them. What DOES bother me is when they try to inject religion into public policy or use the government to proselytize (Decalogues, school sponsored prayer, etc.) THAT's when I put my foot down.
An all loving God will send you to hell for not following his religion??? 🤔🤔🤔 that's rich 😂😂😂
No, No, No! Religion is bogus but God is not? All your doing is removing most of the cancer while making yourself feel better and think your saved. That little cancer, (God) is going to come back when you least think of it and BAM! RIP eltonron1558 Hey, it's your party. (Delusion/Obsession) Have fun, because I want nothing to do with it. Christians are so messed up and divided. It's like the set of a George A Romero movie set. Christian zombies everywhere. Hope you all get it right in your next incarnation.
If we place faith above reason, we are certain to be deceived.
Faith and reason aren’t incompatible nor mutually exclusive.
Faith is belief without evidence, science is belief with evidence, the supernatural has no evidence for or against its existence or nonexistence.
Therefore, applying hard logic to faith is completely missing the point.
Religion is not truth but it is comfort for many people, a great way to enjoy your blue pill.
What is the worth, value, and importance of RELIGIONS to human beings?
All kinds of Religions are WORTHLESS and USELESS and bring nothing but DISHONOR and ETERNAL DEATHS
Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Born Again Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of Religions
don't respect and value their own lives, dignities, and existence and just don't care even if their LIES and UNBIBLICAL teachings and doctrines about "hellfire", "Armageddon", "Trinity", "afterlife", "immortality of the souls", "rapture", and "reincarnation"
and cause their own dishonor, disgrace, shame, downfall and ETERNAL DEATHS
rejected Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all kinds of Religions as worthless and useless
willingly submit instead to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18
definitely be honored and rewarded in return by the Sovereign GOD with ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4
the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26
obviously NOT for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too
ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth
died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others
are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD"
fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of the CREATOR and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the CREATOR's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
They call themselfs the red pilled 🤣 Almost like right wing conservatism is the best for the people instead of the oligarchs 🤣
Truth is relative, subjective, and dynamic.
All this pain, suffering, and misery just because some women took a bite out of the wrong 🍎 man that's harsh.
It's deeper than that. It wasn't an apple. The fruit was from the "Tree of of knowledge of Good and Evil". One has to think of things allegorically. Before 'eating that 'fruit', they could not see, that the body could be used for evil purposes. Religion is often framed so that a child can understand. But people of greater substance use religion to give their lives greater purpose. have you ever looked at Buddhist principles for an example? I have come to understand that all major religions are just different paths towards the same higher state of being. Thinking allegorically, one could substitute the USA as the "Garden of Eden", as an example. But back to the Garden of Eden story. the pain suffering and misery, was because they did not obey God. He gave them everything they needed, and he only asked one thing of them. And one great moral of the story is, to not follow the advice of a 'snake'. Does this all make sense to you, now? And it is not a physical snake. Think allegorically.
Eve did nothing wrong. The Apple gave knowledge of good and evil; that means moral choice, which means free will. Eve chose to choose. She grew up! Adam followed her, for love. If free will and love are wrong, then there is no right, and no wrong. But there is, so she did the right thing.
Even Yahweh comes out looking good, in this reading of the fairy tale. The breeding pair had attained mental and sexual maturity, so he released them into the wild. That's competent wildlife management.
Eve did nothing wrong, and she was not punished. She and Adam wanted to know what was good about the world, and what was evil, so Yahweh told them personally. Eve, sex will frighten you. Adam, you've got to work for a living. Both of you, you're going to die. That was the bad news. The good news was: see that gate over there? It's open now! You''re free to go!
And as for Eve's suffering: that's not a sign of sin, that's a sign of sainthood. Ask any mother if mothers are saints. The polite ones will smile and lie; but watch out, the honest ones might give you an earful.
You do realise you are writing nonsense.
@@Nathaniel-r8l "She and Adam wanted to know what was good about the world, and what was evil" which they couldn't do until AFTER they had knowledge of good and evil. Your attempt to rewrite the story is lame.
Why would God put the tree and serpent there in the first place ? I guess watching two naked humans who never sinned and had no knowledge got kinda boring.
Religion never made sense. It’s just that people weren’t well informed back then, so their poor assumptions seemed justified.
Now we know better and religion can finally be irrelevant for good.
We live in the age of information
Yet this people still believe in that.
Its sad 😅
'Drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.'
Life without God is empty.
A smoke that vanishes inyo thin air and then no more.
A man is composed of a body, soul and spirit. Worldly riches may satiate the body. only God can satisfy the spirit.
Life on earth is a journey.
Life on earth only lasts 70, 80, 100 years if lucky.
Heaven is forever home.
@@Kilimanjaro21 You're proving the ops comment. Your comment means nothing.
@@spiritualsoul387, 'love, joy, patience, kindness, meekness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.'
Scriptures were written by many different individuals from various backgrounds on many different points in time, having inspired by the Holy Spirit, to serve as humanity's guide and moral compass as it provides principles and divine wisdom on how to live a life of purpose. The Word of God is the power of God. Life is a gift from God. Hallelujah.
@@spiritualsoul387, all we chase in this life is fleeting. life is fleeting. thank God we have a home -- a home where there is no more pain, tears and suffering.
When did religions make sense??
Good question.
The turning point was when man knew good from evil.
"When did religions make sense??"
It was just a patch until we came up with science which really fixed up the problem!
I'm in my 70s now and while I am in complete support of the Palestinian struggle and totally against the Zionist, apartheid state of Israel, I'm a committed Atheist and believe that all organized religions are cults. I think that it should be obvious, to even the most casual observer, that - THERE IS NO GOD!
I have lived on 3 different continents and was exposed to many religions and I have found that most people accept the faith and propaganda that they are exposed to in their youth, with the exception of a very limited number of converts. Muslims, Jews and Christians all profess to worship the same deity, that of Abraham.
I would ask you or anyone, where is the proof that any of them are right? Who's loving god would allow the situation that the world is in now? Religions are all created by man for the specific purpose of controlling the actions of humans. The biggest lie of them all is promising a perfect afterlife if you are obedient in this life.
Don't squander your one chance to change the world for the better for a false promise of a perfect life after this one, when the truth is, all you need is empathy and love for your fellow human beings and the earth to make this world a much better place for everyone and everything on it, RIGHT NOW, in this life. Religions can't take us there.
I agree, I was christian for over 50 years, been Atheist for 10 and would never be deceived by any human again, god himself might not could even get through.
You are so woefully misinformed, it’s staggering. First of all, Israel is NOT an “apartheid state”. Also, are you aware of all the terror attacks Palestinians have done? They attacked the 1972 Munich Olympics, killing several. They hijacked a French airline and diverted it to Uganda, resulting in several deaths, then, they put explosives 🧨 on a plane, detonating it over Lockerbie Scotland, killing everyone on the plane, and several on the ground. EVERYONE they killed, had NOTHING to do with their alleged plight. These are just a handful of the things they’ve done that I can remember without ANY research. You sound like an Alt Right cultist.
I’m not a cheerleader for Israel, I don’t care either way. But I do care about what is true, which is why I don’t believe in religion. But YOU, are a victim of propaganda. Go talk to real people who are from that area, and find out what is true, instead of believing the garbage you’ve heard second or third hand.
The fact that you characterize Israel as an "apartheid" state demonstrates how little you actually know about the conflict. I'm 65, and I have at least SOME grasp of the history, and you apparently don't, even though you're older. Shame on you!
That aside, congratulations on rejecting religious nonsense.
It can't be apartheid since Muslims of Arab descent are citizens who receive public education and work side by side with Jewish citizens. Muslim women are not required to wear those robes and face scarfs ,they are free.
@@pcbacklash_3261You know That Nelson Mandela called that himself and I am sure he knew more about apartheid than you do ! Now don't get me wrong I'm not condoning the terrorist that's ruling Gaza Hamas. But two wrongs don't make a right
Religious belief systems in today's societies are embarrassing
Religion is all about power and money. Trump is a prime example of that. What's Trump's characteristic aligned with religions? None.
Literally! Trump just uses religion to gain a mass following .
And yet, Trump is not religious. There's a point for you.
@@boink800he's also has no morals.
Religion is just a way to control people and stop them being naughty
Control, yes. Stop from being naughty, nope! Religious people continually Lie for their fairytales………
If there is an inteilligent creator, they must be rather sadistic to create a world where everything survives by killing each other.
Anymore? I was a Catholic for 40 years. I’m now 43. I went to catholic schools my whole life. I have college degrees in ministry and theology. Knowing what I know now and looking back, IT NEVER MADE SENSE.
It is a fairy tale, written by and for those afraid to die.
Thank you, and I agree. Congratulations on your awakening.
Scriptures were written not by one but by many different individuals in many different points in time, having inspired by the Holy Spirit, to serve as humanity's guide and moral compass as it provides principles and divine wisdom.
'love, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.'
@@Kilimanjaro21 We can provide those principles and better ones without religion or the Bible. Like how the Bible was ok condoning slavery but we still decided that it wasn't ok.
@@spiritualsoul387 , before today's principles and knowledge and wisdom and self-help guides and what have you, there is the Bible. Interestingly, most if not all of these principles were taken from the Holy Book.
@@Kilimanjaro21 No, they weren't. These things were already understood through human empathy and understanding. There were functioning civilizations and philosophical ideas way before that irrelevant bible.
Once upon a time religion was useful, now it's only an obstacle for progress
Taip.Religijų kūrėjai,to meto šviesuoliai turėtų labai nusivilti pamatę kokia parodija paverstas dvasingumas
@@inetasim8820 Nemanau, kad dvasingumo (jį suprantant kaip sąlytį su menu) dabar yra mažiau, greičiau priešingai. Dabar mes turime galimybę perskaityti bet kokią išleistą knygą, pasiklausyti bet kokią dainą, pasižiūrėti bet kokį filmą - nieko panašaus anksčiau nebuvo. Prieš 2000 metų 90% žmonių buvo žemdirbiai, kurie be šio užsiėmimo nieko neišmanė, buvo labai tamsūs šiuolaikiniu supratimu. Religija tada buvo pagrindinis, kartais net vienintelis dvasingumo šaltinis.
It's far worse than that.
Humans evolved to look for patterns. Wind coming from where the sun rose meant rain, clear hoof marks meant antelope, phases of the moon and tides meant access to pools, etc. It also meant seeing pattens in clouds, mountains, behaviors, etc.
After a particularly tough hunt, we might have acknowledged the strength of the animal. Given its importance, it is easy to transition to strength of spirit to spirit.
An elder with knowledge of medicinal plants and tribal history becomes magical.
Once it starts, the world’s mysteries can be explained by spirits in nature.
With agriculture, including the herding of animals, chiefs can arise. Formerly these were the best hunters in their prime who had a modest status but now they could rule for decades and pass that power to oldest child.
As these small groups of farmers collected to form larger groups for protection, trade, marriage, more important chiefs could establish themselves (a group with a number of big brothers for instance).
The gods of farmers and herders weren’t the plants or animals. Their gods were gods of good harvests and rain, the moon and sun, etc. instead of the spirits, which still existed, these were powerful gods that resembled the families of rulers of cities. Brothers, wives, children, etc.
Not long afterward, as kings became more powerful, the idea of a single all powerful god coalesced.
It's amusing how many still cling onto it. Goes to show the lack of critical thinking out there.
Also worth noting that to worship something kind of diminishes self worth and self dignity.
About 50% of the World's Christians are in Africa and Latin America, not the sharpest tools in the box.
Very true. Unfortunately, not all people living in all countries have developed their cognitive reasoning that transcends dogmatism and close-mindedness. I used to be what that's like. That's why I show myself grace for my past and towards whomever is still stuck in this paradigm, for it takes time for the mind to evolve and take in responsibility for each own's sovereignty, authority, and autonomy of thought and being. It's an elevated mindset opposite of surrendering their mind towards someone other than you in a form of worship.
Excellent presentation!!
Thank you! Cheers!
Preyz Gord for this wisdum and discernment
Satan's greatest trick was convincing us that he doesn't exist.
Yes. The antagonist in a fairytale is in control. I thought your god was all powerful?
Are y'all just allergic to common sense
Your "god" also does a very good job of hiding all evidence of his existence
Where is Buddhism? I heard they don’t believe in gods.
Another exceptional script. Good job. And the voice works really well. Not to mention the graphic, they are good, too.
They're exceptionally well-scripted, but I do notice he uses some of the video snippets many times (for the example, the slavery clip). But it must be difficult to find copyright-free material for multiple videos, and he seems to do a pretty good job.
The quintessential critical thinking and logic channel. Thanks for your work ❤
My pleasure!
All religious organisations must pay TAX. With back pay since they have been established and an interest.
The very moment I learned that there really was no Santa Claus it all became very clear to me. I was 7 years old.
Religion comes from a place of need... A feeling of personal limitation and lack of understanding. It's perfectly natural, even I, an atheist, find myself reaching out to somebody bigger and wiser when I'm confused and that's when I realise that's it's human nature to seek help. Religious people will tell you the reason there are so many religions is because people know deep down that there's God but the truth is, there are so many religions because people want to believe there's God. If we want to progress we have to keep ourselves and our thoughts and feelings in perspective
Yes, as long as current religions remain stubborn and try to replace science to explain nature, they will become day by day more irrelevant and unnecessary.
What do Christians and Atheists need and want from GOD?
Nothing, because all that were written in the Bible about GOD and Jesus Christ are offensive and unacceptable to Atheists, Christians, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions.
What does GOD need and want from Atheists, Christians, and fanatics of Religions?
Nothing, because the Sovereign GOD's favor and reward of ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4
definitely NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions
who -
1. treat their co-human beings with love, kindness, and respect as written in Matthew 22: 39
2. willingly submit too to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18
the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26
obviously NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too
ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth
died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others
are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD"
fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of GOD and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Sovereign GOD's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
@@elfootman And dangerous as Islam has publicly become.
Religion is not there to replace Science. But the bottom line is how were we created . Science can't answer that. how we have brains and parts of the body. God ca
We are Energy. When our energy is peace..there are good conditions on the earth. When we are selfish..fighting and in turmoil there is bad conditions on our climate too. We Are God 😊❤
I never understood the idea " we are God or gods"
Like, what do you mean by that?
God is Simply the prevailing Energy of We the people. It is just a word
@@justadude-qr1bzthink about it. There is no Thinking being in the universe except us! We are certainly Gods to the animals.
@pb5640 you sound pretty confident we're the only thinking being in the universe.
Yeah I get what you mean but it's not helpful to muddy the waters with random scientific terms
Questioning islamism is a death sentence in these theocratic regimes.
Really? How many cases in the last 50 years? And which countries? Smooth brain. Islamism isn't even a thing. You're a fool
Religion only makes sense when you have no sense.
Religion came from the desire to rationalise the behaviour of powerful men. And powerful men don't like change.
Wait, while I consult my Trump bible--English edition (printed in China, my first ordered bible came in Mandarin).
I’ve known some of them as surprisingly evangelical, almost on par with US evangelicals… equally annoying in some ways
Asked a priest. How am I going to feel pain in hell if I don't have a body? He didn't give me an answer and from that young age of eight I understood religion is a scam..
Seek and be understanding, because understanding is always better than assuming, and knowing is better than believing.
Thank You 👍🏼
I've always thought .... most human beings today and throughout history are not/were not Christian. How or why would a Super Creator of the Cosmos create a plan for human salvation that most human beings don't adhere to?
Because it's a huge universe, and a big job running it when the plan is complete. Elon talks it all the time.
that is the same as asking, "Why do you have freewill?"
The Nazis truly believed God was on their side.
The new Nazis must and Trump believe that crap too. Nobody’s on their side. They’re monsters as religions are legalized form of insanity.
What's the difference between religion and mythology? Religion is still being practiced.
The difference between religion and mythology lies primarily in perspective and cultural context:
1. Religion:
Religion refers to a structured system of beliefs, practices, and moral codes centered around worship, spiritual guidance, and often a deity or higher power. It is a living tradition actively practiced by people today. Religions provide meaning, purpose, and community to their followers and often include rituals, sacred texts, and organized institutions. Examples include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
2. Mythology:
Mythology refers to a collection of stories, beliefs, and narratives that explain natural phenomena, cultural traditions, or the human condition, often involving gods, heroes, and supernatural beings. While mythology often originates from ancient religious practices, these stories are typically viewed through a historical, literary, or symbolic lens rather than as active belief systems. Examples include Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and Egyptian mythology.
Key Differences:
• Active Practice: Religion is actively practiced by people today, whereas mythology is usually seen as the religious stories of past civilizations or as symbolic narratives.
• Cultural Context: Myths often come from religions of ancient societies no longer actively practiced, but at the time, they were religious truths to their believers.
• Perspective: Mythology is often studied academically or artistically, while religion is experienced personally and spiritually by its followers.
• Function: Religion often includes a moral framework and rituals to guide daily life, whereas mythology primarily serves as a way to understand the worldview and values of past cultures.
In essence, mythology can be thought of as religion that has shifted from active belief to cultural and historical storytelling.
I've never tried to squash anyone's belief in the existence of God, even though I am 99% sure that there isn't one. The belief in an all powerful and loving god can provide direction, hope, and comfort to those who need it, heck I've even caught myself talking to a god that I'm pretty sure isn't there. Religion, on the other hand can sometimes bring out the worst in people.
Excellent summary. I read an article saying it's predicted that religion worldwide will not decrease any time soon. It's sad that so many educated people who seem decent still think they need religion. It shows a lack of respect for human intelligence.
If you think religion doesn't make sense any more, try reading something like the Buddhist Lankavatara Sutra, or maybe the Zen teachings of Huang Po. In these texts, Buddha and subsequent Zen masters discuss the nature of reality and consciousness. What they have to tell us about these things is essentially that materialism and rationalism cannot reach into the true origin of reality, nor do they help when it comes to understanding existence itself.
Look into the Eastern traditions, and you will find a depth of philosophy and knowledge that easily matches that of the Greeks and subsequent Western thinkers. Far more importantly, the realisations that have arisen are not based on just thinking about reality, but rather via direct experience of such.
In order to understand reality, consciousness, etc., it is necessary to know who, or perhaps, what, is asking the question. In the East, their traditions give you routes whereby anyone can explore these depths.
Do not confuse 'religion' with the Abrahamic paths - there is far more to explore than the myths created in the Near East.
I appreciate the calm rationality here. Too many atheists are excessively antagonistic, but this shines a light without attacking anyone
Short and precise. Good work!
Very well exposed. Thank you so much. 👍
Glad you liked it!
Excellent video. Faith is by no means a reliable footpath to the truth !
@francismcmahon2760: As someone once said, "Faith is what you rely on when you really know you're wrong but are afraid to admit it" (paraphrased).
The truth of the matter in a nutshell. Excellent! Thank you!
Religions still makes sense,religion is the result of humans fears,people fear death so they invent the afterlife,people fear their tormentors will go unpunished so they invent hell,people fear their sacrifices will go unrewarded so they invent heaven.
Do Christians, fanatics of Religions, and Atheists fear death?
No, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDAs, Mormons, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Born Again Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, fanatics of all kinds of Religions, and Atheists
clearly NOT afraid of DEATH and just don't care even if their LIES and false claims and teachings about "hellfire", "Trinity", "afterlife", "immortality of the souls", "God doesn't exist", "Armageddon", "rapture", and "reincarnation"
and cause their own dishonor, disgrace, shame, downfall and ETERNAL DEATHS.
What is the worth, value, and importance of Atheism, Christianity, and Religions?
Nothing, because the Sovereign GOD's favor and reward of ETERNAL LIFE and existence on earth without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and death as written in Revelation 21: 3, 4
definitely NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions
who -
1. treat their co-human beings with love, kindness, and respect as written in Matthew 22: 39
2. willingly submit too to the authority of Jesus Christ in their obedience to what's written in Matthew 28: 18
the teachings of Jesus Christ about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" written in Luke 4: 43 and John 11: 25, 26
obviously NOT for Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of all kinds of Religions too
ONLY for all the LOVING, KIND, RESPECTFUL, and SUBMISSIVE persons on earth
died recently and thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Job, King David, Jesus Christ's Followers and disciples, and many others
are all worthy and deserving of being RESURRECTED back to life in the right and proper time so they can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient subjects of the "KINGDOM of GOD"
fully enjoy the eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings of GOD and his Christ for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of Jesus Christ as the Sovereign GOD's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth as written in Revelation 11: 15.
That reasoning still does not make religion make sense
@@bryanhuseboe539 it makes sense in the way that a child needs a nightlight to keep them safe from the monsters.
The fundamental issue I see with critics of organized religion, is they assume it is supposed to make sense or be based in science.
Neither is the case now and never has been the case.
Acts of God? BS
Absolutely fantastic. I’ll be showing this to my students on Wednesday.
Thank you.
Makes sense to me, well some religions :)
There's the potential for people helping each other, harmony, social, meditation, less craving for consumption and lots more besides. These can be done without a religion but typically not as cohesively. However, some religions have guilt and can lead to "I'm right, you're wrong" bigotry, rather than tolerance and acceptance.
Buddhism has a lot going for it! (different people will define "religion" differently. Buddhism involves faith, though not blind faith and there isn't the idea of an external creator god).
As long as birth and death are relevant God is relevant.🙂
Snow White doesn't affect my daily life nor does your god.
Nature and the universe are also indifferent. Nature can be very cruel, ugly and confusing. But those are human judgments because we're the only animal that judges. Everything exists as is, and doesn't try to make sense of it all
Science is a method. We need stories to bind us, give us meaning and aim. We may outgrow stories, but we will never outgrow the need for them.
Having it ever?
Left christianity 42 years ago.
Atheist 42 years ago.
Religion is a human construct, designed to help people connect with the divine. All religious stories and traditions are essentially metaphorical. Throughout history, humans have grappled with fundamental questions: Why are we here? What is this world? Who created it? Based on their understanding at the time, people created explanations that made sense to them. This cycle has repeated for millennia. Each interpretation is simultaneously valid and flawed. Connecting with the divine requires a personal spiritual journey, not adherence to organized religion. Seek your own path, and you will find your answers. Knowledge is earned through seeking, not passively received from those who claim to know. Peace to all.
Imagine a person trying to figure out Christianity by only observing all of the denominations. Characters names may be similar but otherwise they don't tell a congruent story.
Then they call it "truth'
That's right, each denomination of Christianity is describing a different God with different required behaviors and attributes, sometimes minor differences, but often significant, making the believers of any Christian God only a fraction of belief in a particular God, Roman Catholics likely representing the largest portion - though there are many divisions there also.
Since at most only one could be correct, the average Christian would have very low odds of being right indeed.
And each Christian has their own version, regardless of what denomination they belong to.
@Specialeffecks This is why when talking to a Christian, I refer to it as their god character.
@MikeTMike Right that is where the personal relationship part comes into play.
@@MikeTMike ...Therefore, if one desires to tally up which specific God belief is 'most popular' by the number of people that believe in that particular God (with the assumption that popularity of belief somehow forces reality to comply), the highest tally one can ever reach is a total of 1.
And each confident 'lucky' person is convinced that they believe in the correct God version - out of the 7-8 billion possible current God versions (when AT MOST each have a 1 in 50 billion chance theirs is the correct God version, considering all the versions current held, plus those versions held by people that have since passed away).
It's like playing lotto with heaven as the prize, but in the end - heaven very likely remains empty.
Videos like these which actually make sense will often not gain traction but a video about a regular guy proving the bible with the bible will gain millions of views
Thanks for another. Video
The words on the thumbnail need to say why religion is evil lol
You r right. 😅
Video is 100% right. 25 years of being a strict practicing catholic. Tons of guilt piled high and deep. Now I am recovered.... free... free at last!
Do ppl 'recover' from pedophilia?
Well said my friend,I realized this a long time ago after checkout and questioning all these things thanks for sharing your thoughts and religion
I am a NON religion believer. But people are free to believe what they want - make sense or otherwise. Certain people NEED something to LEAN on in their life..
Wish for the reciprocal, i.e., believers saying that there is nothing wrong with not believing (or believing otherwise). And not just a small fraction of them.
An outstanding presentation! Prof. Dr. Dr. H. James Birx, New York USA
It makes perfect sense. Choose to be good or evil.
thank you for your video.
Believe in God but not religions. ❤ It’s a beginning to enlightenment. ☮️
That's why humanity needs so much to turn the page and grow up about it. It's time to give up on faiths of every kind and think with reason and evidence. The world would be so much better if every religion turned into mere mythologies. We can and must stop making excuses to believe in any gods or saviors, WE are the only ones who will save ourselves, no one else. The only life we know in this universe exists here on this planet, and we have to take care of it and respect and help each other.
Hi, is there a possibility to get these videos in the Spanish language or subtitled?
Life is for learning to love. That's why we are here on earth, to learn what is love. When we learn what love is, we become like God ourselves.
Such an efficient summary!
THE NAMEGAME (based on the THEME of this video) :
▶ What is the NAME of this Universe
▶ What is the NAME of this Galaxy before 17th Century
▶ What is the NAME of this Planet we live in
Preferably with or and an Adjective or an Adjective-Noun
Earth is from the word Adama (Hebrew Koine) which means EARTH ?
Very well said
At the time Jesus, he lived in a region of roughly 400,000 people that occupied the land now known as the Palestinian/Israeli Strip between Egypt and Lebanon. God's total focus had and was upon these people and this land (per the bible) but why just these people?! Not far to the east were 56 million Chinese and to the southeast another 75 million Indians. Heck, another 250 million people existed just to the south in Africa and 90 million existed across the oceans in the Americas. So, God, the Christian and Hebrew God(s?) chose to ignore over 500 million humans of who were his creation? No! Religion is a natural development phase as education broadens but as education increases so does the need for religion to diminish. 👋😎 My Two Nickels (inflation, eh)
I like your modern day Julian the Apostate explanation
Acts 17:24 THE TRUE GOD
“The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’ Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? (The Message)
GOD is
DOG backwards.
AMGOD backwards
LIVED backwards....
Truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
Augustine of Hippo.
religion tricks EVIL peaople to be GOOD and tricks GOOD peaople to be EVIL, i seen both examples, should only teach esoteric stuff to those who are GOOD by DEFAULT and leave the EVIL who only GOOD for reward religious.
The British monarch also claims to have derived his title and power from God.
If I live in luxury, I too would use Grace of God like a drug addict
As a kid when I attend catholic school, I always question what I was taught to believe in then in 2013 I was at wrong place at the right time, when observer 2 machine 🔶🔶 I couldn't believe my eyes or mind something is wrong with the myth did these Gods created this belief someone knows the truth, and no one goes to heaven why would they need our corrupt being.
People should think twice about religion. To me, it all comes from human fear and ignorance of the future.
Proof of a Creator: goal-seeking behavior.
Nothing random acts to acheive a goal.
Absolutely excellent!
When you argue that religion makes no sense, it only reinforces our belief in the verse from Surah Al-Baqarah: whether you warn the disbelievers or remain silent, they will not believe. Even if you showed them the heavens and hell, they would still not believe, as their hearts and minds are sealed from the truth about Almighty Allah. Continue making your videos and listening to the whispers of devils. They will claim we are mere animals that turn to dust, just as disbelievers before you have said. To grasp this intellectually, if you believe there is no God to judge us, then you have no worries after death. But what if Almighty God exists and you are wrong? If you are truly intelligent, it is wiser to believe in God, just in case He exists.
Religion held us back and pitted us against each other. These days it's "social media" taking over that role.
What ever happened to a religious humanism? Coexist: we should have known more about the elephant the blind sages have been feeling by now. It is important: It is the universe. It is ourselves.
Exactly Reason And Observation Has Better Answers
My Great Dane, peacefully sleeping by my side, knows the real meaning of life - without needing a god. I prefer her philosophy of life.
كلام صحيح و رائع
الاكاذيب القديمة لم تعد تجدي نفعا
Fun Fact: Religion exist before our hairy Unga Dunga ancestors even discovered using Tools, somehow if an animal has a sort of religion also tells if that animals has becaming sapient.
I remember my ancestor Unga Dunga thru a paranormal connection… one of the first Club wielders 😂😂
how and where in the world did religion ever make any sense to anyone and at anytime !? how did we even come up with such a ludicrous thought anyhow ? religions were formed and reformed so many times and in so many ways that none was ever able to keep it protracted long enough to give it any meaning !! and the best part of the whole darn thing is this, none has ever cared or bothered long enough to let it happen. i have observed it for more than sixty years, and it still amuses me !!
Yes there are things about religion that make no sense
Problem is there are just as many things in science which also make no sense
So what's the answer?
Don't believe things that have no evidence to back them up.
Exactly there theories in science without proof and too many questions
In fact some of these theories also seem like faith based
Science with facts great
There is too much
Science without facts same as religion
Faith based science
Well explained, even simple people can understand.