Only the intelligent, critical thinking, non-gullible will be able to do so. Religion is something for the masses to believe in as they don't have enough belief in themselves, science, education nor accept that we don't know everything yet.
Why would you fear a loving God who offers you eternal damnation in hell. We have got to have a better educational system for apparently it does not promote logic or intellect.
Brilliantly executed. The most difficult hurdle is to get a religious fanatic to watch or listen without covering their eyes or sticking their fingers in their ears. They are terrified of the truth.
Those who claim truth and love have a strange way to express it. I don't need God to know that being good and friendly is always the best way to lead your life. I see such hate coming from people who say they believe in God. You can't talk to religious people about anything for they are obsessed with a religion that occupies so much of the time threatening them with hellfire and damnation. Every Sunday you must listen to a speech, telling you what a disgusting sinner you are. Why would you want too constantly be reminded of your shortcomings? I am a good person and strive to be better all the time and I don't need to be threatened with hell. I have never been afraid of the truth but as you say they are terrified. Game, set, match.
Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare. There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival. If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves. I can't imagine a more privledged and entitled attitude or perspective to have than to believe that your well being should automatically be worth anything to anybody. Its delusional and narcissistic. What do we need 8 billion ppl for? .... pushing the threshold of what the planet can even support, its reckless, and irresponsible stewardship of our precious limited resources.
Any religion that attempts to convince me of the veracity of their "god" will get my theory about "In the beginning, there was God"...therefore, God is the thing that went "BANG" and began the universe. I don't actually believe this, but it is as equally a plausible theory as that which exists in the bible. Likely more, since it brings the two opposing ideas complete in one theory. Science doesn't know what went Bang, and religion (at least the ones of which I am aware) says that god predates everything. It is only logical that god and the Big Bang are one and the same.
I'm a religious person. The creator of this video is excruciatingly patronising and ignorant of his subject. He. of course, is not criticising religion he is criticising Christianity and it is telling that he does so with such enthusiasm. He knows the truth and hates it.
The problem is religious people listen to no one but those who are as misguided as they are. Children eventually give up the belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy for they grow with knowledge. Religion does not invite discussion but is stuck in a dogmatic shutdown to scrutiny. Nothing good happens when in intelligent people set aside their logic and the dogma of religion.
No one will ever prove God's existence or non-existence. I just wonder why reading the Bible wouldn't send someone running from such an evil, contradictory document. Far too many morally deplorable activities are readily accepted by God and religious people find no outrage at the existence of hellfire and damnation from a being described as a God of Love! and You are right, there are 2 types of people. Those who think and those who are hopelessly Gullible.
I was told when I became a junior in college, “Remember, you’ll be competing against upper division students now”. I replied, “I am an upper division student now and they’ll be competing with me.”
@piehound 0 seconds ago I was never convinced by arguments . . . logical or otherwise. My parochial education was simply a matter of unquestioning participation in the following activities. (1) Religious services (2) Choir practice and performance (3) Confirmation class. There was no doubt i had to participate. Because my parents were paying for the tuition. And they made sure i had a good report card. I wasn't mistreated overtly most of the time during my grade school years. I simply considered it my duty to do my best. And i caused no deliberate problems. The final result was i believed most of the dogma without question. I wasn't "argued" into it. And i'm not going to be argued out of it. But since then i've learned a lot more about the bible and other religions. Now i approach the subject of belief with a much more critical mind. TYVM.
The flaw is the complete lack of evidence. If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that.
@@nosuchthing8The fact they use arguments to make it seem their god is real acknowledges they understand their god only exists as an imaginary character.
@@atheistcomments Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare. There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival. If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves. I can't imagine a more privledged and entitled attitude or perspective to have than to believe that your well being should automatically be worth anything to anybody. Its delusional and narcissistic.
just say: "no, I'm sorry" and walk away. This helps them get out of the hell they're creating for themselves. Giving themselves excuses through the texts that tell them they shouldn't doubt. Doubt is necessary if you want to learn how to think. This may not seem intuitive, but thinking requires an active process of analysis, comparison and contrast (from learning new perspectives, being aware). Without self-awareness, it's impossible to learn these processes and understand that we're all fallible. Religious trauma has a lot of lies embedded in it to avoid taking responsibility. You're not among them so you can't understand them
@@Dawnarow You need to apply some line breaks. Hitting return twice between paragraphs will do this and it will clean up your comments. It will also make them quicker to read through than a wallotext. Thx.
If the afterlife exists then life is meaningless,the fact we only live for a short time is what makes it so beautiful like the flowers that only bloom for a short time or the eclipse of the sun or the northern lights we all love the time when our kids are little because it goes by so fast and then Its gone thats what makes it special.
Don't forget, religious people want to live forever and they will swallow any BS that promises this. Unfortunately, selfishness, like wanting eternal life, prepares you for eternal damnation in hell. You are right is the brevity of things that makes them special. The eternal existence of anything would make it commonplace.
When I lived in the East side of Detroit as a child we had to move because the gang leader gave me and my brothers ultimatum: Join the gang or get beat up or worse. My mentally ill military gave my 12 year old, older brother one of her guns. He shot in the air the next time the gang leader harassed us and we were forced to move to the West side of Detroit which wasn’t as bad but it still had to fight five guys at a time on several occasions for whatever reason they concocted. Fear is a powerful manipulation tool. Someone asked me if I’d rather be loved or feared and I said loved. Where I’m from that’s being idealistic but they didn’t say is it practical to be loved or feared in certain environments. They asked if I’d rather be loved than feared and I choose love, even though I’ve rarely received it.
I have always wondered why God leave his believers hanging by leaving absolutely no evidence of his existence. Hide and seek seems like a rather childish pursuit, especially when the ramifications are so important. Since God gave his only begotten son, his regard for his followers must be equally inconsequential, and I would not worship a man who so easily abandoned his own son.
Wrong........ Logic and proof "should" destroy belief. In past times all unbaptized people were condemned to hell on passing away. This also applied to infants dying shortly after birth. More recently a Pope declared that such babies will not go to hell but now go into limbo. He also warned that baptism is still required. The parents will now happily ascend to heaven while their unfortunate children lie in limbo. ........ until another Pope decides to change the rules on something nobody can know.
No. 6. Cherry-Picking Evidence, at 7:16, omits an important point: Bible scholars have determined that the records of some of the so-called "prophesies" in the Bible were written AFTER the events they describe and characterize as prophesies. Also, the New Testament writers twisted the meanings of passages from the OT to allege those OT passages prophesied stories the NT writers were telling. The story in Isaiah about the child that was to be born of a young woman allegedly prophesying the virgin birth of Jesus is a famous example. The writer of Matthew 21:1-7 alleges that Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem was prophesied by Zachariah 9:9, and thus Matthew has Jesus riding into Jerusalem on both an ass and a colt at the same time! Although the writer of Matthew cites Zachariah, Zachariah does not say this. Elaine Pagels explains that the writer of Matthew was Greek and either did not understand Hebrew very well so as to accurately interpret what Zachariah was saying, or the writer of Matthew was relying on a defective translation of Zachariah.
I have never found any argument convincing since I was 5 years old, when I asked where Cane and Able's wives came from. If you can't answer a child's question, where do you go from there. All religious elements require you to put aside your logic and accept ridicules arguments. Religion has no objectivity, and no ability thoroughly examine its own motives. Religion cannot explain why a God of love would, have a place where you suffer pain for eternity. All religion is opposed to self-examination and always has absurd explanations.
Adam and Eve, Cain and Able - we've all heard the stories, but presumably none of these characters were able to read and write. So question that's always bothered me is what is the name of the reporter who witnessed it all and write it down for posterity?
You know the thing about the praying one is they never mentioned how hard they was busting their ass in the midst of that prayer for those results as well 😂😂😂
Many years ago when my young daughter was ill, I prayed that if there was a God, would he save her and take me instead. Strike me down, heart attack, cancer, road accident etc and she got better. Me..... still alive so either God exists, heard the prayers of an atheist and felt sorry for me or NHS saved my daughter. Doesn't explain why my religious wife and her mother's prayers to end her father's suffering from cancer were ignored taking another ten days of agony for him to die.
Exactly! I was reading Plutarch earlier and it came to me that all gods had a causation, and that causation was mankind! So much for the prime mover argument.
People should now come out of this auto-pilot and live bravely an authentic life. Now we feel cheated with these concepts like god, supernatural, religion blah blah...
nice one : but can i suggest you try and simplify the content down a little. you explain it really well but when you use headlines like 'equivocation' you run the risk of losing the message. i have given up reading some of the atheist books by Hitchens etc cause they tend to use too much 'academia' there is simpler language these authors can use when challenging something very complicated like the bibbble. especially when they are hoping to lure some away from their cult/religion. the most common/stupidest escape clause ever is "God works in mysterious ways" the biggest challenge though is when they 'believe in miracles' cause if you believe in 1 miracle then they can counter argue everything with one more miracle... i am currently writing a book to highlight in a very clear simple way the BS of religion - hopefully completed in a couple of months - its fun challenging the belief system in a very simple manner. keep up the good work..
Thank you, this is a good list of logical fallacies that are especially endemic within religious communities, but all of us are guilty of some or most of these. If Critical Thinking was taught in schools there would be less foolishness in our thinking. 😊
Another reason why religious organizations don't like free, logical, rational thinkers. Religion wants one to shut up and do as they say and not as they do.
Yes. I just received a comment 30 minutes ago from a believer who asked. "It's my belief so why are u saying it'd wasting time." It's my belief that Jesus, God the entire bible is wrong, so why are believers telling humanity to 'believe or ELSE?' Please, this is our belief and religious people from around the world, STOP telling us to believe in your mythological fairytales. We will come to you, not the other way around if we want to know about your stories.
@@cwkay6847 So what is "true Christianity"? Does that involve believing every word in the Bible (both testaments) or perhaps Catholicism rather than Protestantism or maybe vice-versa, depending on which cult you follow?
Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare. There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival. If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves.
@@cwkay6847 All you did was go Nuh Uh. How mature and thought out of you. This is the laziest excuse to get out of acknowledgment of the obvious. The writings on the wall. Quit the pretense that you Don’t see it.
Religion is not about Science, and only marginally about History. It’s about providing “meaning” to life. For example, the central message of the Biblical story of Creation is not a textbook about how the world nor the Universe came into being. Its message is that Humans, by virtue of being sentient, intelligent beings (having “eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge”), have very complicated obligations in life - obligations to family, friends, strangers, enemies, to the future, and to the environment. Of course, it’s also about the existence of one, single, eternal God, which is clearly much more debatable…
I understand that some people believe that unfulfilled prophecies discredit religion. However, I believe that many prophecies have come true. Could you provide specific examples of prophecies you think haven't been fulfilled? It would be interesting to discuss them.
It’s vastly better you list which you think came true then contrast that with what the scholars say and why they don’t say they have come true or even were intended as prophecy. There aren’t any that’s come true as the majority weren’t even intended as prophecy and the very few that were all got it wrong. Like Zackarias were mistaken about everything and the child wasn’t named Emmanuel, the island he claimed would be sunk by god and forgotten by man still exists and has a thriving tourism economy etc. The only deceptive prophecies that may appear true at first glance are the very same ones where the writers made intentionally connections to earlier paragraphs where originally there were no connections like the one where Jesus were rides in on an ass and colt. That’s one that’s only believed because it’s been reinforced in an unconnected part by a later writer who were part of writing parts of the NT. It’s not a successful prophecy if in one book I make a supposed prophecy then in the follow up I state it came true. Stating it came true does not equal it came true.
By all means show respect for the other person. But you don't need to show respect for the other person's argument. What that means in practice is that when someone says something that you believe is utter rubbish, rather than calling them an idiot, tell them that what they said is rubbish BECAUSE ....
@@Chris-hf2sl-Engaging with them is like speaking to a wall; it's best to let it go. Embracing diverse perspectives can be valuable, even if they seem different.
@ You may be right. Normally, I avoid discussing religion and in fact I have several devout Christian friends. However on a forum such as this, as long as one is polite and respectful debate can be interesting. I also belong to a philosophy discussion group, where similarly we can discuss things openly. Interestingly, there are a couple of Christians in the group who follow all my atheist arguments and mostly agree with what I say, but they STILL won't let go. It's weird. One confided "holding onto my faith can sometimes be hard." I guess that says it all
Life is crap then you die. Because you've been religious your afterlife is wonderful. Have faith. No. You could have made your life better but you didn't bother. The reward for ignorance is failure not success.
That was cool, thanks. But for me the number one flaw with respect to anyone who claims "belief" in something they call "God" is the use of the ambiguous term without providing, up front, an intended meaning. Otherwise with more different meanings than you can shake a stick at, there is no way to know what they are claiming. Unfortunately, that is also the case with those who profess affirmatively to be "without belief in God or god(s)", for the same reason. There is no way to know what meaning is intended when they use the ambiguous concept(s) as a point of reference for what they are claiming. My second flaw would be folks use of that word "belief". What does that mean? Does that mean 100% certain? Or, beyond a reasonable doubt? Or, to a reasonable degree of certainty Or, and this is the most common intended use, more likely than not? That matters when it comes to understanding what folks are saying.
No. 15 : so..... 🔴 what is the NAME of this Universe 🔴 what is the NAME of this Galaxy before 17th Century 🔴 what is the NAME of this planet that we live it Preferably with an Adjective. For example Earth is Adama (Hebrew Koine) which means earth ? : *A NOUN*
There are so many flaws , contradictions and nonsense in these religious holy books that it's almost preposterous that anyone believe the stories are true ! But early life brainwashing certainly does carry a sticky hold on some people who want to believe in fairy tales !
(^.^) This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it. Pigments have different rules than light. It took them thousands of years to get all the pigments they have now.
^Not proof of a created universe. Proof is mathematical, what term you’re looking for is Evidence to show that something is Evident, see the connection. There’s Nothing evident of the universe being created. Also before existence and time there was no point in time for a temporal act like creation.💁♂️
I would say that prophesying that something is going to happen, increases the likelihood that something will happen. There are a lot of unscrupulous people in the world, why give them a heads up that something is going to happen ?
Great video. The brain of a ten year old child who has not been religiously brainwashed or indoctrinated could easily figure out that sky-god-believing religion is ridiculous.
I see Religion like old technology and machinery yeah it has some value, so many old ways and traditions need to retire. If you keeping speaking about the primitive past ideals how can you make progress 🤔 Teaching people the benefits of being good is far more effective over putting the fear of god in them. Instead of useless praying, what about planning and actions?
Religion is a confusing word. As for "Hindu" which is better known as "Sanatan Region" among Hindus, is not a religion in the sense of other religions. Religion i.e. Dharma, means a duty accpted by aperson by own choice where the person wants to serve the society by expertizing in it. Person should not leave it abruptly, and adopt other job without attaining expertize in it. Off course expertizing in a field is a relative term. The religion in Hindu terminology, is open for argument. All Hindus Scriptures starts with argument. "What is convincingly found truthful", has to be adopted." said by Shankaracharya who happened to be during 400BCE to 800CE. By majority no truth can be proved. That is why we have Judiciary. Traditions are for getting pleasure. If one feels happiness in a one way, the more the persons do the same jointly, they feel more happiness. Provided all of them like that way.
(^o^) Consciousness is the particle and wave double slit experiment. The cones and rods of your eyes preserve the particle and wave duality so your vision don't look like a flat screen television. It's supposed to be a violation of physics but it is the only exception in the whole universe
This is nonsense. Vision work on light. The cones capture photons and transmit the signals to the retina and the signals from there goes to visual processing center in the brain. The actual image starts in your brain. There’s no particle wave nonsense in your eyes. Go learn basic biology and hop off the quantum woo. The only thing this woo exist to do is to sell you crystals or con you into cryptocurrency .
It starts to fall apart of 13, because you're still talking about a conscience and we have to know where that came from and why there are ethics and morality. And regarding 12, if there is a God and a true religion, that would mean most religions are false which would produce Moral decay. And 11, the Bible doesn't really teach eternal torment but it does teach eternal destruction and if there is a God and you have the freedom to choose and God wants the best for you and you choose not to want that, it would be putting everyone else in jeopardy who does want it, therefore You would need to be removed. We don't seem to have a problem with the judicial system, there's no difference. You had a few good ones in there, but it was poorly done, might I suggest instead of 15, go with maybe half the number or something and make sure you think them through a little more.
Unfortunately this will give the new and even the old, less aware apologetics, a complete list of their tired, boring and debunked arguments. They will not bother to read the points made to refute their "Standard" BS, they will just keep repeating them ad nauseum coz they are not smart.
Man thinks he is separate from the cosmos.So some authority or god is needed to help him or her.Cosmos seems to be too complex and the existence of a human is also too complex.Hence a man made god is needed for solace.Man has made god implies he is very fragile!
blood letting in same cases is atualy legitimate, but all the things they used it for was wrong, it is usefull on blood letting exxess iron, thats probbaly why woman live longer than men becuase woman forced to bleed therefore removing iron which causes faster aging.
You have a false dichotomy of your own- "religion" and "Christianity" are not synonyms. There are over 2,000 indigenous religions practiced by a couple billion people that few of any of your arguments apply to. From famous ones like Shinto to Ahimsa, through Native American to pacific islanders to Africans to indigenous Asians and more they are all asking who you're talking to.
( ´,_ゝ`) We need to popularize the idea of getting God married. Getting God married is a good use of someone's time. You are supposed to make the environment intelligent so no God is needed. We fixed the video and audio for the best experience possible. Cameras are supernatural and all of them captured 3D that not a gimmick. The audio loud don't make violence so has depth. Nobody has to buy anything for it to work.
As an active Latter-day Saint Christian, I love this video as every point of it is true. I believe religion should serve to teach: love, serve and forgive one another, and don't judge, and to organize to serve others, and help make the world a better place. Secular groups can do the same, however, the moment they teach anything that others follow and do, they're essentially a religion too.
Funny enough, I always explain why LDS is better because it's updated. Like is God supposed to not talk to humans after the second testament? It answers the question of why God hasn't made any miracles in modern times
To be fair, I think many of these arguments apply to LDS, Judaism, Islam, and other abrahamic traditions. The logical fallacies aren't specific to one religion but to those who use specific arguments to prove spiritual experiences, beliefs, and explanations of the universe thereof are true.
Yeah........ The religion started by Joseph Smith with golden plates written in Heriatic shown to him by an angel and using see through translating plates to turn them into English before returning them to the said angel. Sure sounds like religion ......
You really made a complex topic easy to understand. Great work!
Glad it was helpful!
Hopefully one day, mankind gets past religious beliefs
Only the intelligent, critical thinking, non-gullible will be able to do so. Religion is something for the masses to believe in as they don't have enough belief in themselves, science, education nor accept that we don't know everything yet.
Christopher Hitchens correctly pointed out that loving someone you fear is the epitome of sado masochism
Why would you fear a loving God who offers you eternal damnation in hell. We have got to have a better educational system for apparently it does not promote logic or intellect.
Gotta be a better alternative then a redneck thunder, god of the Lavant
Brilliantly executed. The most difficult hurdle is to get a religious fanatic to watch or listen without covering their eyes or sticking their fingers in their ears. They are terrified of the truth.
Those who claim truth and love have a strange way to express it. I don't need God to know that being good and friendly is always the best way to lead your life. I see such hate coming from people who say they believe in God. You can't talk to religious people about anything for they are obsessed with a religion that occupies so much of the time threatening them with hellfire and damnation. Every Sunday you must listen to a speech, telling you what a disgusting sinner you are. Why would you want too constantly be reminded of your shortcomings? I am a good person and strive to be better all the time and I don't need to be threatened with hell. I have never been afraid of the truth but as you say they are terrified. Game, set, match.
@@TerryThomas-v1c - Yep, the "God" they make is after their own self-image. A creation in reverse of what they claim.
Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare.
There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival.
If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves.
I can't imagine a more privledged and entitled attitude or perspective to have than to believe that your well being should automatically be worth anything to anybody. Its delusional and narcissistic.
What do we need 8 billion ppl for? .... pushing the threshold of what the planet can even support, its reckless, and irresponsible stewardship of our precious limited resources.
Any religion that attempts to convince me of the veracity of their "god" will get my theory about "In the beginning, there was God"...therefore, God is the thing that went "BANG" and began the universe. I don't actually believe this, but it is as equally a plausible theory as that which exists in the bible. Likely more, since it brings the two opposing ideas complete in one theory. Science doesn't know what went Bang, and religion (at least the ones of which I am aware) says that god predates everything. It is only logical that god and the Big Bang are one and the same.
i hope every religious person watches this.
Wont change anything. To them, the bible is right and facts are wrong.
I'm a religious person. The creator of this video is excruciatingly patronising and ignorant of his subject. He. of course, is not criticising religion he is criticising Christianity and it is telling that he does so with such enthusiasm. He knows the truth and hates it.
@@HansZarkovPhD“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” - Mark Twain.
Religion= CULT
The problem is religious people listen to no one but those who are as misguided as they are. Children eventually give up the belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy for they grow with knowledge. Religion does not invite discussion but is stuck in a dogmatic shutdown to scrutiny. Nothing good happens when in intelligent people set aside their logic and the dogma of religion.
"Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think." ~ Emma Goldman
How true. as you can see from the comment of John Coldwell just above.
Bingo! No matter the country, ethnicity, language, thinking requires effort, but the reward is so much more lasting than negativity.
2 types of people - those who search for the truth,, and those who want to believe
So nice
No one will ever prove God's existence or non-existence. I just wonder why reading the Bible wouldn't send someone running from such an evil, contradictory document. Far too many morally deplorable activities are readily accepted by God and religious people find no outrage at the existence of hellfire and damnation from a being described as a God of Love! and You are right, there are 2 types of people. Those who think and those who are hopelessly Gullible.
The people who want to know, and the people who want to believe.
I've been secular my whole life yet still learned things from this video. Awesome channel 👏 👍.
Thank you.
Well presented. I am a recovering believer myself.
Seriously WELL DONE!!!
Thank you.
I was told when I became a junior in college, “Remember, you’ll be competing against upper division students now”. I replied, “I am an upper division student now and they’ll be competing with me.”
Instead of posting the 10 commandments in every classroom, we should post the periodic table.
It is posted
0 seconds ago
I was never convinced by arguments . . . logical or otherwise. My parochial education was simply a matter of unquestioning participation in the following activities. (1) Religious services (2) Choir practice and performance (3) Confirmation class. There was no doubt i had to participate. Because my parents were paying for the tuition. And they made sure i had a good report card. I wasn't mistreated overtly most of the time during my grade school years. I simply considered it my duty to do my best. And i caused no deliberate problems. The final result was i believed most of the dogma without question. I wasn't "argued" into it. And i'm not going to be argued out of it. But since then i've learned a lot more about the bible and other religions. Now i approach the subject of belief with a much more critical mind. TYVM.
Given sufficient time and money, organizations turn criminal.
Most people need crutches to cope with reality, and prefer delusion to despair
Nothing fails like prayer.
The flaw in religious arguments is, no one is going to argue a sentient being into existence.
The flaw is the complete lack of evidence.
If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that.
Yes, a variation on burden of proof
One. Million. Thumbs. Up.
@@nosuchthing8The fact they use arguments to make it seem their god is real acknowledges they understand their god only exists as an imaginary character.
@@atheistcomments Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare.
There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival.
If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves.
I can't imagine a more privledged and entitled attitude or perspective to have than to believe that your well being should automatically be worth anything to anybody. Its delusional and narcissistic.
This was so informative.
Poland - 2% declared atheist, USA 4% declared atheist. Oh dear!
If this is how they teach us in schools we would understand every lessons real quick.
I really like this video! It is very helpful to me. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Only intelligent people can recognize the truth, Religion fears the truth.
“It is immoral for anyone, anywhere and at any time to believe anything on insufficient evidence.” WK Clifford
You are right, it is amazing just how much insufficient evidence there is.
Excellent explanation!
Some religious arguments fall apart when you take a close look. Others are so obviously not true that they fall apart right away.
just say: "no, I'm sorry" and walk away. This helps them get out of the hell they're creating for themselves. Giving themselves excuses through the texts that tell them they shouldn't doubt. Doubt is necessary if you want to learn how to think. This may not seem intuitive, but thinking requires an active process of analysis, comparison and contrast (from learning new perspectives, being aware). Without self-awareness, it's impossible to learn these processes and understand that we're all fallible. Religious trauma has a lot of lies embedded in it to avoid taking responsibility. You're not among them so you can't understand them
You have too many words and no understanding
Religious people are not interested in the truth for it always leaves them scrambling for justification.
@@johnalexir7634 these arguments are the product of the twit who made the video they have nothing to do with what real people believe
You need to apply some line breaks.
Hitting return twice between paragraphs will do this and it will clean up your comments.
It will also make them quicker to read through than a wallotext. Thx.
If the afterlife exists then life is meaningless,the fact we only live for a short time is what makes it so beautiful like the flowers that only bloom for a short time or the eclipse of the sun or the northern lights we all love the time when our kids are little because it goes by so fast and then Its gone thats what makes it special.
Exactly, well said 👍
Don't forget, religious people want to live forever and they will swallow any BS that promises this. Unfortunately, selfishness, like wanting eternal life, prepares you for eternal damnation in hell. You are right is the brevity of things that makes them special. The eternal existence of anything would make it commonplace.
Excellent presentation!
When I lived in the East side of Detroit as a child we had to move because the gang leader gave me and my brothers ultimatum: Join the gang or get beat up or worse. My mentally ill military gave my 12 year old, older brother one of her guns. He shot in the air the next time the gang leader harassed us and we were forced to move to the West side of Detroit which wasn’t as bad but it still had to fight five guys at a time on several occasions for whatever reason they concocted. Fear is a powerful manipulation tool. Someone asked me if I’d rather be loved or feared and I said loved. Where I’m from that’s being idealistic but they didn’t say is it practical to be loved or feared in certain environments. They asked if I’d rather be loved than feared and I choose love, even though I’ve rarely received it.
Well said 👍
Interesting video!
The ability to see things from the other person's perspective, is critical to making new discoveries.
Thank you. Was feeling anxious and overwhelmed with overthinking over religious issues. This helped.
Science is the process of bridging all of the gaps in which God can hide.
I have always wondered why God leave his believers hanging by leaving absolutely no evidence of his existence. Hide and seek seems like a rather childish pursuit, especially when the ramifications are so important. Since God gave his only begotten son, his regard for his followers must be equally inconsequential, and I would not worship a man who so easily abandoned his own son.
Logic and proof also destroy belief.
Logic and proof "should" destroy belief.
In past times all unbaptized people were condemned to hell on passing away.
This also applied to infants dying shortly after birth.
More recently a Pope declared that such babies will not go to hell but now go into limbo.
He also warned that baptism is still required.
The parents will now happily ascend to heaven while their unfortunate children lie in limbo.
........ until another Pope decides to change the rules on something nobody can know.
I have never found that logic and proof has ever convinced anyone how futile worship is, and strangely enough, in a world that is so macho.
Excellent video!
Thank you very much!
Excellent script. Not too simple, not too esoteric. You WIN!!!
Well explained. I’ve subscribed to view your other videos. Critical thinking is the enemy of cults. Religious faith = gullibility + sanctimony.
Great video. Thank you so much. All the best.
Nice. I like how you use logical fallacies to structure opposing arguments
Nice work, keep it up.
No. 6. Cherry-Picking Evidence, at 7:16, omits an important point: Bible scholars have determined that the records of some of the so-called "prophesies" in the Bible were written AFTER the events they describe and characterize as prophesies. Also, the New Testament writers twisted the meanings of passages from the OT to allege those OT passages prophesied stories the NT writers were telling. The story in Isaiah about the child that was to be born of a young woman allegedly prophesying the virgin birth of Jesus is a famous example. The writer of Matthew 21:1-7 alleges that Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem was prophesied by Zachariah 9:9, and thus Matthew has Jesus riding into Jerusalem on both an ass and a colt at the same time! Although the writer of Matthew cites Zachariah, Zachariah does not say this. Elaine Pagels explains that the writer of Matthew was Greek and either did not understand Hebrew very well so as to accurately interpret what Zachariah was saying, or the writer of Matthew was relying on a defective translation of Zachariah.
11:as Mark Twain said, he'd go to heaven for the climate, and to hell for the company.
I very well researched and informative article, well done
I have never found any argument convincing since I was 5 years old, when I asked where Cane and Able's wives came from. If you can't answer a child's question, where do you go from there. All religious elements require you to put aside your logic and accept ridicules arguments. Religion has no objectivity, and no ability thoroughly examine its own motives. Religion cannot explain why a God of love would, have a place where you suffer pain for eternity. All religion is opposed to self-examination and always has absurd explanations.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Adam and Eve, Cain and Able - we've all heard the stories, but presumably none of these characters were able to read and write. So question that's always bothered me is what is the name of the reporter who witnessed it all and write it down for posterity?
@@TerryThomas-v1c you are not nearly as funny or clever as your namesake.
@@johncoldwell7835 You are not even close to having an argument so you have to resort to a garden variety ad hominem logical fallacy.
@@holgerlubotzki3469 talk sense
You know the thing about the praying one is they never mentioned how hard they was busting their ass in the midst of that prayer for those results as well 😂😂😂
Many years ago when my young daughter was ill, I prayed that if there was a God, would he save her and take me instead.
Strike me down, heart attack, cancer, road accident etc and she got better.
Me..... still alive so either God exists, heard the prayers of an atheist and felt sorry for me or NHS saved my daughter.
Doesn't explain why my religious wife and her mother's prayers to end her father's suffering from cancer were ignored taking another ten days of agony for him to die.
@ I do feel for your pain and empathize. I’m sorry for that.
Amazing content as always!
Glad you think so!
Good episode, keep up the good work.
Religion is man made to believe.
No "god" Ever came to earth to communicate with ANYONE!
There is a saying- If you talk to God your holy, if God talks to you your crazy .
Exactly! I was reading Plutarch earlier and it came to me that all gods had a causation, and that causation was mankind! So much for the prime mover argument.
As a deist, I try to keep an eye on both sides of this debate. Thanks for compiling such a resource
People should now come out of this auto-pilot and live bravely an authentic life. Now we feel cheated with these concepts like god, supernatural, religion blah blah...
nice one : but can i suggest you try and simplify the content down a little. you explain it really well but when you use headlines like 'equivocation' you run the risk of losing the message. i have given up reading some of the atheist books by Hitchens etc cause they tend to use too much 'academia' there is simpler language these authors can use when challenging something very complicated like the bibbble. especially when they are hoping to lure some away from their cult/religion. the most common/stupidest escape clause ever is "God works in mysterious ways" the biggest challenge though is when they 'believe in miracles' cause if you believe in 1 miracle then they can counter argue everything with one more miracle... i am currently writing a book to highlight in a very clear simple way the BS of religion - hopefully completed in a couple of months - its fun challenging the belief system in a very simple manner. keep up the good work..
You forgot Jordan Peterson appealing for religion.
Preach it 😊
Thank you, this is a good list of logical fallacies that are especially endemic within religious communities, but all of us are guilty of some or most of these. If Critical Thinking was taught in schools there would be less foolishness in our thinking. 😊
everoone should watch this. excellent presentation
Another reason why religious organizations don't like free, logical, rational thinkers. Religion wants one to shut up and do as they say and not as they do.
The Universe is mentioned. They didn't know about the Universe. Their world was a patch of land im the Mid East.
Faith not wanting the truth
When the majority of people believed the earth was flat, there were not a billion people alive.
Yes, they have no ground to stand on.
Yeah we still use sunrise and sunset while it's technically impossible.
Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰 BTW 😊
I doubt that there was ever a time when billions of people believed that the Earth is flat.
Succinct summary. THANKS 🙏
Yes. I just received a comment 30 minutes ago from a believer who asked. "It's my belief so why are u saying it'd wasting time." It's my belief that Jesus, God the entire bible is wrong, so why are believers telling humanity to 'believe or ELSE?' Please, this is our belief and religious people from around the world, STOP telling us to believe in your mythological fairytales. We will come to you, not the other way around if we want to know about your stories.
He didn’t come to you he just responded to the video
So, you missed the whole point, didn't you.
@@DreamMonster7X no I didn't
I like how we can always rely on a bible babbler to prove the points we are making.
You're welcome
Religious believers primarily use logical fallacies to provide evidence for their God. That's how confused they are.
Kindly watch the many debates between professor john Lennox & Christopher Hitchens .
Thank you
Yes exactly. The main things religion survives on are fear, lies, manipulation and hate
Obviously you have not been exposed to true Christianity. Be aware there are many who use the lords name in vain.
Too right!
@@cwkay6847 So what is "true Christianity"? Does that involve believing every word in the Bible (both testaments) or perhaps Catholicism rather than Protestantism or maybe vice-versa, depending on which cult you follow?
Religion started when some losers that couldn't survive on their own or compete with others invented a reason for why everybody else would have an obligation to look after them and care for their welfare.
There's nothing more natural in nature than competition for survival.
If theists want to claim that everybody has some inherent responsibility or obligation to everyone else's welfare, then the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that. Otherwise its just more unsubstantiated and unscientific faithbased religious nonsense that they need to keep to themselves.
All you did was go Nuh Uh.
How mature and thought out of you.
This is the laziest excuse to get out of acknowledgment of the obvious.
The writings on the wall. Quit the pretense that you Don’t see it.
Religion is not about Science, and only marginally about History. It’s about providing “meaning” to life. For example, the central message of the Biblical story of Creation is not a textbook about how the world nor the Universe came into being. Its message is that Humans, by virtue of being sentient, intelligent beings (having “eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge”), have very complicated obligations in life - obligations to family, friends, strangers, enemies, to the future, and to the environment. Of course, it’s also about the existence of one, single, eternal God, which is clearly much more debatable…
I understand that some people believe that unfulfilled prophecies discredit religion. However, I believe that many prophecies have come true. Could you provide specific examples of prophecies you think haven't been fulfilled? It would be interesting to discuss them.
It’s vastly better you list which you think came true then contrast that with what the scholars say and why they don’t say they have come true or even were intended as prophecy.
There aren’t any that’s come true as the majority weren’t even intended as prophecy and the very few that were all got it wrong.
Like Zackarias were mistaken about everything and the child wasn’t named Emmanuel, the island he claimed would be sunk by god and forgotten by man still exists and has a thriving tourism economy etc.
The only deceptive prophecies that may appear true at first glance are the very same ones where the writers made intentionally connections to earlier paragraphs where originally there were no connections like the one where Jesus were rides in on an ass and colt.
That’s one that’s only believed because it’s been reinforced in an unconnected part by a later writer who were part of writing parts of the NT.
It’s not a successful prophecy if in one book I make a supposed prophecy then in the follow up I state it came true. Stating it came true does not equal it came true.
Please please more annoying background music in future videos!!!!! Excellent presentation, nonetheless!!!👍👍👍
@ Cheers!!
Pointless to debate religious beliefs. You either believe or don't but respect those who have different perspectives.
By all means show respect for the other person. But you don't need to show respect for the other person's argument. What that means in practice is that when someone says something that you believe is utter rubbish, rather than calling them an idiot, tell them that what they said is rubbish BECAUSE ....
@@Chris-hf2sl-Engaging with them is like speaking to a wall; it's best to let it go. Embracing diverse perspectives can be valuable, even if they seem different.
@ You may be right. Normally, I avoid discussing religion and in fact I have several devout Christian friends. However on a forum such as this, as long as one is polite and respectful debate can be interesting. I also belong to a philosophy discussion group, where similarly we can discuss things openly. Interestingly, there are a couple of Christians in the group who follow all my atheist arguments and mostly agree with what I say, but they STILL won't let go. It's weird. One confided "holding onto my faith can sometimes be hard." I guess that says it all
Life is crap then you die. Because you've been religious your afterlife is wonderful. Have faith. No. You could have made your life better but you didn't bother. The reward for ignorance is failure not success.
That was cool, thanks. But for me the number one flaw with respect to anyone who claims "belief" in something they call "God" is the use of the ambiguous term without providing, up front, an intended meaning. Otherwise with more different meanings than you can shake a stick at, there is no way to know what they are claiming. Unfortunately, that is also the case with those who profess affirmatively to be "without belief in God or god(s)", for the same reason. There is no way to know what meaning is intended when they use the ambiguous concept(s) as a point of reference for what they are claiming. My second flaw would be folks use of that word "belief". What does that mean? Does that mean 100% certain? Or, beyond a reasonable doubt? Or, to a reasonable degree of certainty Or, and this is the most common intended use, more likely than not? That matters when it comes to understanding what folks are saying.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
@@TheOpenQuestion Thank you for your work.^
Spot on!
No. 15 : so.....
🔴 what is the NAME of this Universe
🔴 what is the NAME of this Galaxy before 17th Century
🔴 what is the NAME of this planet that we live it
Preferably with an Adjective.
For example Earth is Adama (Hebrew Koine) which means earth ? : *A NOUN*
There are so many flaws , contradictions and nonsense in these religious holy books that it's almost preposterous that anyone believe the stories are true ! But early life brainwashing certainly does carry a sticky hold on some people who want to believe in fairy tales !
(^.^) This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it. Pigments have different rules than light. It took them thousands of years to get all the pigments they have now.
^Not proof of a created universe.
Proof is mathematical, what term you’re looking for is Evidence to show that something is Evident, see the connection.
There’s Nothing evident of the universe being created.
Also before existence and time there was no point in time for a temporal act like creation.💁♂️
I would say that prophesying that something is going to happen, increases the likelihood that something will happen. There are a lot of unscrupulous people in the world, why give them a heads up that something is going to happen ?
Every day I thank God for making me an Atheist.
Now that is a great way to resolve this dilemma. May the farce be with you!
What BUSINESS came first.. religion or prostitution?
Men couldn’t do prostitution so they started religion.
I think , Therefore … I don’t give a *^%# about human religions .😊
Great video. The brain of a ten year old child who has not been religiously brainwashed or indoctrinated could easily figure out that sky-god-believing religion is ridiculous.
The only flaw i needed to lose my religion was virgin birth and coming back to life after death.
I'm an atheist, I swear to God lol
I see Religion like old technology and machinery yeah it has some value, so many old ways and traditions need to retire.
If you keeping speaking about the primitive past ideals how can you make progress 🤔
Teaching people the benefits of being good is far more effective over putting the fear of god in them.
Instead of useless praying, what about planning and actions?
Great work
Religion is a confusing word. As for "Hindu" which is better known as "Sanatan Region" among Hindus, is not a religion in the sense of other religions. Religion i.e. Dharma, means a duty accpted by aperson by own choice where the person wants to serve the society by expertizing in it. Person should not leave it abruptly, and adopt other job without attaining expertize in it. Off course expertizing in a field is a relative term. The religion in Hindu terminology, is open for argument. All Hindus Scriptures starts with argument. "What is convincingly found truthful", has to be adopted." said by Shankaracharya who happened to be during 400BCE to 800CE. By majority no truth can be proved. That is why we have Judiciary.
Traditions are for getting pleasure. If one feels happiness in a one way, the more the persons do the same jointly, they feel more happiness. Provided all of them like that way.
I did not see a refutation of the Contingency argument. Disappointed.
Number 9. You can't prove god doesn't exist so ne must be real. Answer: You can't prove your religion is not a scam so it must be a scam.
(^o^) Consciousness is the particle and wave double slit experiment. The cones and rods of your eyes preserve the particle and wave duality so your vision don't look like a flat screen television. It's supposed to be a violation of physics but it is the only exception in the whole universe
This is nonsense.
Vision work on light. The cones capture photons and transmit the signals to the retina and the signals from there goes to visual processing center in the brain.
The actual image starts in your brain.
There’s no particle wave nonsense in your eyes. Go learn basic biology and hop off the quantum woo. The only thing this woo exist to do is to sell you crystals or con you into cryptocurrency .
WARNING not threat
It starts to fall apart of 13, because you're still talking about a conscience and we have to know where that came from and why there are ethics and morality.
And regarding 12, if there is a God and a true religion, that would mean most religions are false which would produce Moral decay.
And 11, the Bible doesn't really teach eternal torment but it does teach eternal destruction and if there is a God and you have the freedom to choose and God wants the best for you and you choose not to want that, it would be putting everyone else in jeopardy who does want it, therefore You would need to be removed.
We don't seem to have a problem with the judicial system, there's no difference.
You had a few good ones in there, but it was poorly done, might I suggest instead of 15, go with maybe half the number or something and make sure you think them through a little more.
Unfortunately this will give the new and even the old, less aware apologetics, a complete list of their tired, boring and debunked arguments. They will not bother to read the points made to refute their "Standard" BS, they will just keep repeating them ad nauseum coz they are not smart.
amazing content. carryon ❤
Thank you so much!!!!!! I will.
Man thinks he is separate from the cosmos.So some authority or god is needed to help him or her.Cosmos seems to be too complex and the existence of a human is also too complex.Hence a man made god is needed for solace.Man has made god implies he is very fragile!
Don't confuse me with facts, my mind's made up.
blood letting in same cases is atualy legitimate, but all the things they used it for was wrong, it is usefull on blood letting exxess iron, thats probbaly why woman live longer than men becuase woman forced to bleed therefore removing iron which causes faster aging.
You have a false dichotomy of your own- "religion" and "Christianity" are not synonyms. There are over 2,000 indigenous religions practiced by a couple billion people that few of any of your arguments apply to. From famous ones like Shinto to Ahimsa, through Native American to pacific islanders to Africans to indigenous Asians and more they are all asking who you're talking to.
1 and 3 were the same....
I really wish you'd stop pronouncing the silent T in _often._ I know you can do it; I heard you say it correctly at least once.
( ´,_ゝ`) We need to popularize the idea of getting God married. Getting God married is a good use of someone's time. You are supposed to make the environment intelligent so no God is needed. We fixed the video and audio for the best experience possible. Cameras are supernatural and all of them captured 3D that not a gimmick. The audio loud don't make violence so has depth. Nobody has to buy anything for it to work.
As an active Latter-day Saint Christian, I love this video as every point of it is true. I believe religion should serve to teach: love, serve and forgive one another, and don't judge, and to organize to serve others, and help make the world a better place. Secular groups can do the same, however, the moment they teach anything that others follow and do, they're essentially a religion too.
Funny enough, I always explain why LDS is better because it's updated. Like is God supposed to not talk to humans after the second testament? It answers the question of why God hasn't made any miracles in modern times
When you falsely accuse atheism of being a religion, are you offering that lie as a complement or a criticism?
To be fair, I think many of these arguments apply to LDS, Judaism, Islam, and other abrahamic traditions. The logical fallacies aren't specific to one religion but to those who use specific arguments to prove spiritual experiences, beliefs, and explanations of the universe thereof are true.
The religion started by Joseph Smith with golden plates written in Heriatic shown to him by an angel and using see through translating plates to turn them into English before returning them to the said angel.
Sure sounds like religion ......
Religion is not God ..
I guess arguments here are confusing God with religion and vice versa