The only underlying sounds for iiii can be ijji or uwwu, of which only ijji are witnessed (in Latin writings). The extremely high ratio of "n" after "ii" can mean it's a vowel, presumably a. The extremely high ratio of "a" before "ii" can mean it's a vowel, presumably e.
What a medieval Markov chain
The reverse bigrams could also be interesting, how likely is each single glyph to precede a bigram
Very interesting presentation.
The only underlying sounds for iiii can be ijji or uwwu, of which only ijji are witnessed (in Latin writings). The extremely high ratio of "n" after "ii" can mean it's a vowel, presumably a. The extremely high ratio of "a" before "ii" can mean it's a vowel, presumably e.
Watch the whole thing be a really weirdly laid out logbook of abbreviations.
This is a very Qookee text!
Ned Flanders wrote it...