New Neighbors Karen built on my BACKYARD! Steals My land! Think He OWN MY Property r/EntitledPeople

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @harryboyes2812
    @harryboyes2812 2 месяца назад +11

    Second story. That was a mistake, allowing Karen to 'fire' you. She'll keep thinking she can get away with it. Wait till she actually does manage to get someone fired; it'll lead to a huge lawsuit.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 2 месяца назад +16

    Grocery Karen story: NEVER allow a manager to "fire" you from a place you don't work to appease a Karen. It only empowers the Karen. If you must, threaten the manager with getting HIS bosses from corporate involved if he thinks he can "fire" you.
    Leaf blowing Karen story: It's time for a fence on your property line, whether Karen wants you to put one in or not, as long as you have HOA permission and follow their rules for one. Be sure to add a few no trespassing signs on the fence, especially at the gate(s) and keep the gates locked. Why do Karen any favors at this point?
    Property story: Not only do you sue for the loss of the trees, you sue to force the neighbors to restore your property as closely as possible to its previous condition, removing EVERYTHING they added that goes over your property line, including the remains of the trees.

  • @micwclar
    @micwclar 2 месяца назад +25

    That woods/bee story the answer is simple, sue everyone. It's amazing how receptive businesses become with actual litigation on the works. Get an attorney that deals with tree law, as in some areas you are owed not only for the value of the tree, but what the tree products would sell for. In addition, you have a claim for lost income and another for the encroachment of utilities. Each of those services SHOULD require some sort of permit, and the discovery process would mean that those permits would have to be presented to show either that the company did get thecpermit, and someone lied about the location of the work, or there was no permit applied for and the work was done illegally, putting the business on the hook for damages.

    • @HH-ru4bj
      @HH-ru4bj 2 месяца назад +2

      Ding ding ding!

    • @aaronmurphy9353
      @aaronmurphy9353 2 месяца назад +2

      I agree. Everyone here except OP is toast.

    • @IsYitzach
      @IsYitzach Месяц назад

      The nice thing about suing everyone is that the liability gets set correctly on the first round of litigation.

  • @MrSubsound90
    @MrSubsound90 2 месяца назад +7

    Last story - I knew someone that got in a fight like that as her farm was partially bisected by a road. The neighbor across the way tried to take their land, contractors pulled survey's but didn't care because they already got paid in advance, and started to build on it.
    She waited till they were partially done and sued the owner, who lied on their contracts, and the contractors that didn't do their due diligence. People like this will ALWAYS point fingers at each other so before it became a circus the judge pointed out this was BOTH their responsibilities. She signed a contract it was hers to build on...and the contractors said they would pull surveys and permits. Everyone here was an adult that was legally, morally, and financially responsible for their actions.
    Both the contractors and the other owner basically went bankrupt from the fines, restitution, and court costs. She uses the new construction as a farm stand...but surrounded the area in barbed wire fencing to keep trespassers out.

  • @AssumedPseudonym
    @AssumedPseudonym 2 месяца назад +8

    6:52 - No, no that’s almost exactly the wording I would have gone for. Managers and I-don’t-work-heres who do this sort of thing are taking the easy way out and should be ashamed of themselves.
    The correct way to handle the situation is to tell the karen, “Either stop harassing my customers or I will ban you from the store.” Maybe they’ll get the picture that they shouldn’t do that sort of thing when the nearest store that will allow them inside is an hour-and-a-half away.

  • @patricksecrist7379
    @patricksecrist7379 2 месяца назад +21

    Should have fired the Karen.
    Manager: "Karen - you are fired!"
    Karen: "I don't work here!"
    Manager: "Exactly!"

    • @Sparky0627
      @Sparky0627 2 месяца назад +2

      The only ending better would be if OP2 saw Karen in another store and insisted Karen works there!

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 2 месяца назад +4

    There was an suburb in “my” greater metro. The Village dated back to the 1850’s. In the 1940’s the local farms were being snapped up by developers who formed a suburb where the homes were a minimum of one Acre with some being 3 acres.
    My friends family purchased a lot of 3 acres. They built a good sized house of over 3000 square feet. One of the novel things about the property was a stream that divided the property. Roughly 2/3rds of the 3 acres was on one side of the Stream. The stream then ran into a bigger stream not all that far away.
    The grandfather built a small but very strong bridge. He then planted a lot of trees~mostly maples & oaks…this was on the 1/3rd acre on the other side of the stream. Then the Grandfather built a stone barbecue. He then cleared spaces for a picnic table and Adirondack chairs. Then he built an one room cabin heated by a fireplace. Behind the cabin was a shed to store the chairs, come the winter, and any items needed for the barbecue..
    Years passed, upgrades for inside and outside the house, the cabin & the grill. In the end my friend became the homes owner. He loved the place and provided a lot of TLC.
    To the story…the neighbor next to Friends house died. My friend was saddened. When the neighbor’s house sold my friend reached out to meet the new owner. Finally, the two men met. They were having a polite conversation when the new owner (NO) revealed his plans. First, he was going to cut down most of the trees planted by my Friend’s grandfather. NO planned to cover the stream, Bridge had to go, the barbecue had to go. As to the one room cabin NO had not decided to tear it down or not.
    As you might guess my friend was astonished, angry and almost at a loss for words~briefly. My friend asked if NO had done a land survey. NO had not but “obviously” he owned all the land down to the stream. My friend offered to show NO the land platt. At that point the conversation became heated & NO invited my friend to leave.
    My friend sprang into action. In only a few days a new survey was done. My friend sent a copy to NO. The survey clearly showed where property lines were…all belonged to my friend. Then my friend got a temporary injunction against the neighbor from doing any of his plans. The local government informed NO that the plan to cover the stream was definitely against code.
    Finally the dispute went before a judge. When NO complained about the tree the surveyor clearly proved that the trees were about 15 feet from the property line. My friend volunteered to cut back any the trees whose branches crossed the property line. It was not a long time before the Judge. She gave a permanent injunction protecting my friends property.
    Afterwards, friend put up trail cams in the “forrest” and then top security camera for his house, cabin, Bridge and the picnic table & chairs. As you might guess the relationship between my friend & NO remained chilly.

  • @sypoth
    @sypoth 2 месяца назад +2

    Last story: 90 is no excuse, the Old Biddy new exactly what she was doing and what was going on otherwise she couldn't live in her own. She neither stopped them, corrected them, nor offered to help make things right instead pointing her wrinkly knobby finger elsewhere to keep the running around in circles going. The coaches are no better because they know better than to pull that crap and if they don't then this will be their first and hopefully last time to be reminded that checking this stuff is part of the job. Demand that the companirs pay to restore your land out of their own pocket plus legal fees, use the money for the trees to plant better ones for the bees, Sue the neighbor for trespass, attempted theft of the land, the secund survey, legal fees, additional cost for the rent you are forced to pay, AND lost revenue from the Bee farm. Of you can force them to sell and move that will be for the best.

  • @BeastWarsFan
    @BeastWarsFan 2 месяца назад +5

    If someone fake fired me, i'd announce that i was suing the company for wrongful termination due to not being allowed to properly defend myself.

  • @bobparks119
    @bobparks119 2 месяца назад +7

    1st story. Ok I will fire her and ban Karen from the store FOREVER.

  • @davesmith3884
    @davesmith3884 2 месяца назад +4

    The last story I would sue for everything, If they can not pay put a lean on the house and property.

  • @jamiesuejeffery
    @jamiesuejeffery 2 месяца назад +2

    This is what I know about trees as a hobbyist woodworker: trees are extremely expensive, especially old growth. In my shop, I have maybe $7,000 worth of beautiful lumber ready to make into something beautiful--and these are just rough cuts!

  • @robertrickett7816
    @robertrickett7816 2 месяца назад +2

    Go to the HOA and get clearance to build a privacy fence, 4 to 6 feet tall, when she complains, point her to the HOA who gave you permission to do it. If they have the courage, they'll tell her to STFU

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 2 месяца назад +4

    Good afternoon everyone and RedWheel 😊
    Hope everyone had a great Thursday 😊

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 2 месяца назад +4

    As to the first story ops father was an honorable man and the idiot thst fired him was greedy and that greed bit him in the but. As to the srcond story never give in to those idiots. As to the third story op should filebs complaint for harassment and tressoasding and get a restraining order as well as install security cameras. As to the last story that neighbor as well as the workers are going to learn a very expensive lesson. Upon winning the court case place anlien on all the guilty persons property to insure payment.

  • @sjgavenger37
    @sjgavenger37 2 месяца назад +26

    All they did in the second story was embolden and empower her to keep acting like that.

    • @danmcguire3355
      @danmcguire3355 2 месяца назад +5

      I was about to say the same thing

    • @anthonyhowe3262
      @anthonyhowe3262 2 месяца назад +6

      @@danmcguire3355 Same here. So stupid to empower rude, entitled people like that.

    • @Kati_P
      @Kati_P 2 месяца назад +5

      Yep. Gods, I hate when people positively reinforce bad behavior.

    • @zekemedia1310
      @zekemedia1310 2 месяца назад +4


    • @NeoIsrafil
      @NeoIsrafil 2 месяца назад +1

      Right? "Lady, for them to fire me I'd have to work here" manager:"now ma'am either leave your fellow customer alone or we will be forced to have the police remove you from the premises"
      That is how you deal with a Karen. If she persists, she gets to deal with the cops and will learn very fast that they dont take shit.

  • @jonmendelson1104
    @jonmendelson1104 2 месяца назад +3

    8:30 That's when you turn on your sprinklers.

    • @Zorgsen
      @Zorgsen 2 месяца назад +2

      Or bring out the pressure washer or garden hose.

  • @klocugh12
    @klocugh12 2 месяца назад +3

    > I'm going to have to let you go.
    I like the wording there. He prob knew it can be taken either way.

  • @niveknospmoht8743
    @niveknospmoht8743 2 месяца назад +1

    Last story is a slam dunk in the courts with a decent attorney.

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 2 месяца назад +1


  • @sam2x13
    @sam2x13 2 месяца назад +7

    Never bow down to a Karen. That manager showed no spine in firing a customer.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 месяца назад +1

    Fired for not working there Story: The Manager should have looked at Karen and said "Ma'am, what part of I CAN NOT FIRE A CUSTOMER! do you not understand?" and walked away...

  • @chezsnailez
    @chezsnailez 2 месяца назад +1

    Once manager fired OP, shoulda turned to Kaiju Karen and banned her from the store...

  • @lorettaross2007
    @lorettaross2007 2 месяца назад

    In your first story, your dad sounds like my dad! He fixed lots of things and knew a lot of people. All of your stories were great, thanks for sharing! Catch you again in the morning!

  • @ElecticalCheetah
    @ElecticalCheetah 2 месяца назад +2

    My cousin was faked fired and she unloaded on the karen , she can cuss like a sailor , as she walked away karen chased after her to hit her and my cousin decked her in the face and left

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 2 месяца назад +2

    OP should have said she was being fired to that Karen. Guess what lady now your taxes increase because now I'm unemployed

  • @tkill7693
    @tkill7693 2 месяца назад +2

    Howdy people

  • @regitetihw84
    @regitetihw84 2 месяца назад

    For the one with the lawn neighbour I would just start watering the grass everytimr she was on my property

  • @jamiemcfall2523
    @jamiemcfall2523 2 месяца назад

    good morning redwheel and family

  • @Juggzy
    @Juggzy 2 месяца назад +2

    The last one is a slam dunk.

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 2 месяца назад


  • @erichanastacio9695
    @erichanastacio9695 2 месяца назад

    Last story: I'm tempted to put the Tree Killers in a room full of bees.

  • @wadehiggins1919
    @wadehiggins1919 2 месяца назад

    In North Florida you've got a lot of good ole' boy corruption going on. Hope that woman and her family haven't lived there so long that they are related to half the county.

  • @jerryeckert106
    @jerryeckert106 2 месяца назад +1

    OP's dad B. Goode

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 2 месяца назад +2

    Not only law but if you could get somebody that is an environmentalist and prove that having a bee keeping operation there would have helped the environment they can sue for EPA violations. Considering the bees are almost endangered species.

  • @ali-cat-123x
    @ali-cat-123x 2 месяца назад

    Does the last story have an update? I’m sure he won. Wonder how much money he won for the damages

  • @colonelrobertsjr.7882
    @colonelrobertsjr.7882 2 месяца назад

    Treelaw!! Update Please!!

  • @Sparky102970
    @Sparky102970 Месяц назад

    Last story, you literally did absolutely nothing to stop her, and you thought she would, what? Stop on her own? Don't be ridiculous. Call a lawyer and take action.

  • @leighreganarblaster9852
    @leighreganarblaster9852 2 месяца назад

    This daughter knew what she was doing I thus the daughter of 90 lady next door just want 🌲

  • @TheCarterKent
    @TheCarterKent 2 месяца назад

    I could have made up/typed up a story like the last one whether it happened or not. Nothing requiring any verification happened. put those stories in the trash, in future.

  • @cliffordmaynard6559
    @cliffordmaynard6559 2 месяца назад

    On the last story, op, SUE the heck out of them.

  • @FredRated1967
    @FredRated1967 2 месяца назад

    Second to last story. Perhaps if OP gives that idiot neighbor some wall-to-wall counseling, that might get the point across to stay off her property.

  • @leighreganarblaster9852
    @leighreganarblaster9852 2 месяца назад

    This trying neighbour just bully because want her neighbour just op want she want when she want. The police do want do their job for trespassing

  • @georgeriley1280
    @georgeriley1280 2 месяца назад

    Did you file for unemployment?

  • @Adam-nm4dz
    @Adam-nm4dz 2 месяца назад

    These stories where people show no backbone to Karen's just piss me off.

  • @beefsupreme4671
    @beefsupreme4671 2 месяца назад

    So of these stories are so moronic I can’t suspend my disbelief anymore.

  • @rustyangel4745
    @rustyangel4745 Месяц назад

    Dumbest story ever l, fake firing a non employee. You don’t need to publish every crappy story.