Thing is people tend to forget animals are also individuals too. One bear not attacking you does not mean you are friends with the entire bear population.
Yeah, I made that observation as well. In fact, the bear who killed the two of them didn't know them because it didn't hangout with the other bears. So even if they hung out with the general population, of course there are going to be rogue outliers. ... Something Tim himself brings up early in the movie. It's like he thought his own advice only applied to other people and he was just stating them to show how brave he was.
He should of known better. Plain and simple. Bears are not social even with other bears. He was soaked in gasoline and playing with matches. Eaten alive has to be one of the worst ways to go. National celebrity that was really breaking the law. He wasnt saving bears. Got 2 bears killed an innocent woman and endangered the lives of the recovery park rangers. He definitely had a mental illness.
It's kinda like taking a bath with an electric toaster. I'm sure somebody somewhere thought, "Toast in the bath, sure it's dangerous, but I really wanna prove my love for toast!"
@ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀᴍᴜᴛᴇ _ why does everyone say he got an ADULT woman who WILLINGLY CHOSE to go with him killed? She is 100% responsible for her own well being. She was not a child who was forcefully dragged along...
The term "25th bear" is in regards to a statement made by bear biologists that 1 in every 25 bears will show more signs of aggression and violence than usual or typically expected of them.
The pilot who was to pick up Treadwell and his girlfriend said the same thing along with "I think that the bears thought he was retarded or something". Treadwell was a naive, delusional, attention seeking narcissist whose actions took 2 lives and ultimately caused 2 bears to be killed.
@ When the park service people showed up to recover the remains, they shot/killed 2 bears. I think it was the case that only one bear did the killing. I seem to recall from another video that it was a male. Not sure about the sex of the 2nd bear.
I believe he was suicidal too. There's no question that he knew not to approach the bears during this time but chose to do it anyways. Clear case of suicide by bear. He said it numerous times "I will die for these bears, I will die for these bears, I will die for these bears".
Kinda fucked up that he put himself in a situation where he knew he could get eaten by bears and I’m sure he knew if that happened the bears would be killed. Dude should’ve just worked at a sanctuary for bears and actually took time and studied them instead of having this unrealistic ‘friendship’ with wild animals..
@@ricpowers1475 yes those years of heroin and alcohol abuse did wonders for his reasoning ability... then again, he did shoot spectacular video of these creatures...
Could you imagine being a nat geo photographer filming grizzly bears in a remote location, when you see a guy wearing a trench coat, sunglasses rocking a blonde bowcut in the distance following a couple of 1000lb grizzlies?! Sheesh!
Look for Werner Herzog's documentary about this guy. It's excellent. Insightful & respectful, yet leaves you in no doubt that despite his best intentions Treadwell had completely lost touch with reality. It's a sad story from start to finish.
In his documentary "Grizzly Man", Werner Herzog interviewed several Native Americans at a museum on Kodiak Island. They generally disliked Treadwell and believed he willingly crossed a line with the Grizzlies that they had observed for centuries.
@@ladyyananumber1200where the hell are you coming from with that crap? The man was clearly mentally unstable. The native tribes thought he was a stupid idiot because he treated the bears like pets or domesticated animals as opposed to the wild animals they are, it’s as simple as that? TF you on about coloniser BS? For reals, break your chains sister, it’s starting to blur your common sense 😒😒😒😒
What the biologist said was true he seemed more interested in how getting closer to the bears made him look then recording there behavier , if he actually wanted to learn more about them he could just watch how they acted together instead he wanted to record how they acted with him
I'm convinced that his girlfriend was there at the wrong time of the month and the smell of blood enraged the bear. This human had an anthropormorphic idea of being "friends" with the bears, which Alaska Brown Bear have no conception of.
This man is sadly the epitome of an arrogant and disrespectful human. Sure he loved Grizzly Bears, but not enough to give them the distance and respect they require. A wild and dangerous animal is not a pet nor a friend no matter how much you admire them. He was foolish and paid the ultimate price. My condolences to his family for their loss.
I don’t think he loved anyone but himself… anyone who acts recklessly towards nature, never seeks to protect it, but to fulfill his ego… what happened to the bear who ate them? He was put down… why, because this irresponsible broke every single barrier there was… just to satisfy his ego
*"I will die for these animals. I will die for these animals."* etc etc etc Yeah, and the bear had to die for him as well because he had to be a moron tempting fate too many times just to satiate his ego. Then it finally caught up to him. When an animal kills and eats a person, it's gotta be put down ASAP least they start associating human bodies as an easy source of food and become all the more dangerous. Super ironic, huh.
It was sadly ironic that they had to kill two bears to retrieve him and his girlfriend. The first time a bear had been killed in a very long time in that area.
Yep. He claimed to care so much about the bears yet he and his equally idiotic girlfriend were pretty much responsible for one's demise. I don't feel bad for them, they kept tempting fate and lost. I only feel bad for the bear.
For someone that was supposed to be a Bear expert, he didn't seem to know much about them. I am a Bear Imbecile, and even I know that camping in the middle of a Grizzly Maze during feeding season isn't gong to turnout good for me.
You see, that's the thing. You know enough about bears to know that you bears are dangerous. This man thought he knew enough about bears. There is a different.
His supposed bear expert skills were self taught. He didnt get them from a legit source. The video doesnt mention this, but Treadwell would also argue and be aggressive with legit scientists and rangers since he keeps throwing himself to danger and too close to bears' territories. He would also overstay his welcome when camping because he honestly believes he understands and is communicating with these bears with his supposed skills.
I've never lived in AK and I knew the guy was an idiot the first time I heard of him. Didn't even need to hear the rest of his story to know how it was gonna end. I guess Treadwell found out first hand that bears really do shit in the woods.
@Dan Bertucci You sound pompous thinking you're better because apparently you live in Alaska. Please smell the roses, idiots exist everywhere including Alaska.
If Treadwell had left a day or two earlier and never gone back, he'd probably be doing interviews today about the thirteen summers he spent with bears. Strange thought.
He traveled around showing school children pictures of himself getting close to bears and telling them things like "if they get mad I just sing to them". Great message for a bunch of kids. He was quoted as saying the bears wouldn't attack because they loved him too much. And the irony of the whole thing is that his actions led to one of those bears being put down. There's not many nice things you can say about this guy. He was an irresponsible, delusional, idiot.
@@theprinceoftides6836 Meh, I think the girlfriend is equally responsible for her own demise. She spent past summers with him too. She can't have been ignorant of the dangers. They were both delusional.
Despite your criticism and rationale, which I agree with by the way, you can't deny he did some amazing things with bears. He was able to approach wild grizzly bears and not be immediately killed. He did have a relationship or vibe that the bears felt comfortable with. The one that killed him was even one he claimed to not like.
Treadwell switched from drug addiction to fanatism as an all-knowing bear expert. He replaced the rush from drugs with the rush of living amongst apex predators. Both choices offered him a way of escape from the pain of reality, which was pursuing him. In the end, his need for fantasy escapism would prove to be tragic, as so often is the case. Pride cometh before a fall.
Treadwell didn't love the bears, he loved the idea of being the world's greatest bear expert (which he wasn't). Being the grizzly man was a huge psychological lift for a man who didn't have much going for him.
This is the only comment out of HUNDREDS I’ve read regarding this case that is correct. I think he also felt his fans have him money and support because he got so close. He couldn’t eventually start being safer because he had to give the fans what they wanted. Stupid. All of it was ego, hubris and stupidity. But hey! People die everyday from those traits.
Nothing went "wrong"...the fact he lasted 3 summers there with his behavior is astounding, let alone 13. It was bound to gappen, the only surprising thing is that it didn't happen sooner
You said it. He couldn't have picked a worse place to camp. In another video about him, it mentioned it was a particularly bad year for salmon and he was camped 25 yards from the river with poor salmon returns. Bears are heavily dependent on salmon for winter prep. Getting to the river and noting few salmon to feed on, they said "Well.. what else is in the fridge? Ahhh.. Timmy.. Yisssss!" He's no bear expert. Like the guide said Treadwell was completely delusional about the true nature of bears.
I used to feel sorry for her but then I realized she accompanied him of her own free will. All she had to do was look up Bears in Alaska in the dictionary and it was all right there for her to read.
@@elliebellie7816 A cute blonde? Really? Don't want to stereotype but a lot of cute blondes are not exactly scholars who are going to crack open a dictionary. Just stating the obvious, and yeah I've actually met cute blonde PhDs in the hard sciences.
@junc9530 I wouldn't be surprised. I can't be completely sorry about what happened to him. At least he was publicly vocal enough to acquire some fame and notoriety so when he got eaten people know not to listen to him. Trouble is.. you still see tourists trying to pet, feed, or be pals with wild, dangerous animals.
In Werner Herzog's film, he talks about how Treadwell partied on cocaine and was addicted to drugs - ultimately dropping out of college. My point is that Treadwell didn't have any education past high school, which might help substantiate and back up some of his claims about the bears... However, in the end, Treadwell was an uneducated, former druggy - who wound up getting eaten by a bear... He shoulda just continued doing blow and heroin... He probably would have lived longer...
Late, but the only thing that went wrong was his timing. I had talked with him several times because someone had introduced me since I had been mauled on Kodiak several years earlier. He was arrogant and thought he knew more about bears than people in Kodiak that live with bears year-round. I ran into him at Macks (local outfitter and sporting goods in Kodiak) a day or two before he was flying back into Katmai. I told him, and I know his pilot told him as well, that fall bears are not like the summer bears he had dealt with previously. Summer bears are fat, happy and calm. They gorge on salmon during the runs and are rarely a threat to humans. Fall bears enter a physiological state called hyperphagia. They aren't just hungry, their complete metabolism changes. They are charged with adrenaline and move about restlessly seeking every scrap of protein they can get. They'll even attack other bears at that time of year, not as the dominance thing that you see in summer where the loser walks away, but as food. I had been mauled by a fall bear and only survived because somebody shot it off me. When I saw him at Mack's and he said he was going back in, I told him he won't be dealing with friendly summer bears and he should rethink it. He dismissed me in his arrogant way with "They know me." Well ... okey dokey!
I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you. I’m glad you survived! I’m Canadian but I think Alaskans are among the toughest people on the planet. I saw Grizzly Man years ago because I love Werner Herzog 😂. But the fact that this guy had so much hubris he wouldn’t listen to someone who lives in Alaska who had survived a mauling is just mind blowing 🤯.
All they had to say was "California" and it all made sense. Californians are seriously the most delusional people on the planet. This is what happens when you live in a State where colleges and schools teach you that you can change your biology simply by "identifying" as something else. Timmy really thought that if he hung out with bears long enough he would "become" one, but I guess those Grizzlies didn't go to UC Berkeley. 🐻
‘He integrated himself with the bears by using unorthodox and dangerous methods…which raises the question, how did end of in the stomach of a creature he considered his best friend?’ I love how you guys basically answer the question before asking it.
After watching him in the film and the more you see hear him say things like, “If it happens, it happens” and “I would die for these bears” it seemed that in some bizarre way, he wanted this to happen. He kind of willed it to happen. Totally wild. Completely insane.
I think that was his accuse towards people that kept warning him of the dangers. Why she should try to protect himself. Why he shouldn't do so risky tactics for his film. I think in his head, this was his ticket to be famous and since he had spent so many summers with them he forgot what he was really dealing with. He became complacent more and more until he end up being eaten alive.
Once you put yourself there, you become part of the food chain. For someone who claimed to love the bears, he caused the death of one. Their deaths were tragic but preventable.
As an Alaskan born and raised, there was only a single thing that needed to go wrong, nothing else, and it was him thinking he could talk to an apex predator....
He seemed to act towards bears with behavior similar to what I have observed in obsessed and delusional stalkers. He was basically a fan, a stranger showing up at their front door with flowers and gifts and begging them to love him even though they didn't know who he was and his presence was unnerving.
@@swashington942 I only wish I had his courage his commitment his passion. He didn't die a coward as so many do living lives of quiet desperation. I hope you find a something besides that job you dread everyday. I hope you find excitement in something other than jumping out of your chair for a touchdown you had nothing to do with. Best of luck.
I’ve been watched his documentary a dozen times. What you say is true. Sad. But true. I live in northern Ontario. I see black bears often. But I always respect them. As much as I love them, I know we can’t be friends. Tim loved them; but he only hurt them in the end.
As a born and raised Alaskan outdoorsman, I'll offer the general sentiment between us about Tim. We knew he was going to be killed eventually - it wasn't if, it was when. He was not liked, because he put himself and others in danger so that he could go on these rediculous "expeditions" in order to chase some level of fame. One thing we were constantly shocked by was how long it took for him to be killed by a bear. In the end, his wreckless behavior cost an innocent woman her life because she believed the lies he told her about it being safe. It wasn't until his own commentary from his footage and interviews with his friends and family were widely distributed that people saw his true intentions.
@Jack Ugaitafa No, don't think you can get banned from the state. And if you could, this wouldn't be anything that would be considered a ban-worthy offense. Everything he did was legal. He traveled to the state and legitimately hired a bush pilot to fly him into the area. Of course, everyone that came in contact with him told him that he was crazy and that he was going to end up getting killed by doing what he was doing, but Tim didn't listen to anything but his thirst for fame and fortune, which ultimately cost him (and that poor woman) their lives. Alaska is not a place to come take risks for "funsies." Don't get me wrong, I love all the people that come to the state to have a good time and see the most beautiful state in the country, but being inexperienced and seeing the fictionalized version of "Alaska" on these reality shows really sets some people up for failure. Alaska is rough, rugged, and raw. It's an extremely tough environment. I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, rafting, trapping, 4x4'ing, snow machining, mountain climbing, and have spent a lifetime in the wild, and not even I would do something so stupid - not even for the potential for fortune and fame. Death is assured doing things like that, eventually.
"...what if you get mauled" "If it happens, it happens" Well then...not gonna say he deserved to be eaten alive but...he did everything possible to ensure that he and his lady friend would be.
Just want to say this. Sir David Attenborough who is still doing his amazing job bringing us awareness of our planet & animals & is in his mid 90's, hes 94 or 95 yrs old & he DIDNT get to this great age by acting irresponsibly around wild animals & he has certainly not put the life of others at risk just to get his points over. If Timothy wanted to risk his life trying to " be friends " with wild bears he shouldnt have encouraged or allowed his girlfriends life to be endangered. Sir David documents, observes & protects by non invasive methods I cant think of another man who could love animals more but he respects animals & knows you cannot be friends because thats a human trait not an animal one & respect & distance are all you can do. Its why hes done so much to advance animal protection & brought world awareness to pollution etc & how hes still here at his almost century of living on this Earth.
Steve Irwin didn't observe from a distance, and look what happened to him. This is why I don't get people's obsession with The Crocodile Hunter. He literally got all up in the face of Australian animals, instead of observing their natural behaviour. It's surprising he lasted as long as he did.
@@gracehowell. To be fair, a lot of his stuff was staged and conducted in a somewhat safe manner. Who would have thought it would be a stingray that got him? That is still bizarre to write out.
If you watch the documentary Grizzly Man, there's a moment where one of the bears comes upon Timothy and Amy very quietly while the sit in a grassy area. Amy is between Timothy and the bear and he tells her to bend down so he can get a better shot. She is visibly terrified. All he cares about is getting a good shot.
That documentary was FUCKED UP! In all honesty, it seemed like he was just trying to go out in the "grandest way possible" and his selfish ass bought his friend along on his selfish goal. They said in the documentary he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing, he had full knowledge what would happen and how he was getting too close. Fight or flight kicks in, in EVERY person and dude simply ignored all natural responses and even goated her into ignoring hers....
@Put Jesus First That's a fair question. Treadwell was very charismatic, you don't really see that here. It's not unusual for someone like that to inspire love and trust in other people. Amy was a bit enthralled with his passion. But she loved and trusted Treadwell. She believed him when he said he knew what he was doing, the bears wouldn't hurt them, she was safe. This wasn't her passion, it scared her, but she wanted to be part of his life. She trusted the person she loved. No one made her go. She went believing Treadwell would take responsibility for her safety. She was wrong.
The very first thing that went wrong was this man's line of rational thinking. Some say he was brave but let's be real. He was a fool to think he could just randomly mingle with an apex predator in the wild. The arrogance is/was astounding. The result was a literal example of natural selection.
The only sad irony here is in his “life” he said he would die for the bears but in his “death” his life endangered the bears. At least one bear was killed and it’s stomach contents were checked for human remains. Had he gotten on that plane that bear likely would have lived at least another year maybe many. It would have produced offspring. So in fact he died putting the bears lives in grave danger. His selfish choice was either stupidity, ignorance or ignorant stupidity.
I know there’s a layer of tragedy here but I love this dude, convinced he lost roles to woody harrleson, convinced he’s completely integrated with bears, goes to Alaska bring some brainwashed lady and gets mauled and there’s even a recording of it all.. no one’s ever heard it except his sister and I think they deleted it but god damn dude it’s a tale to tell kids on how not to live
Bears saw him like we do tinned food - not the best food but it has a long expiry date and doesn't need any special storage so keep it in reserve for when there's nothing better to hand.
In the police/coroner report (the statement can be found on the internet)- investigators stated the following. What was left of Tim was his skull, which had been scalped, his arms (only attached to the skull and a few neck vertebrae by skin), two arms, one of which had the meat eaten down to the elbow, the other one primarily intact, crossed and held by the prominence of a tattered t-shirt. He had a large piece of his back skin and some of his abdominal skin because they could see his belly button (he was caped; hunters would know this word). A leg that was described as crushed- indicative of a predation event due to crushed and shattered bones- the tissue looked as if it was pulled away from the femur. Not chewed, the meat was pulled. Bone shards, no apparent blood spot (indicating the body was opened in a different location) and a kidney.
I don’t know why but I busted out laughing at the end bit. Imagining like someone was listing off various items for a heist and just ended it on “and a kidney”.
He wasn't actually knowledgeable, he wasn't a scientist and on top of that, he was aggressive and hostile to the *actual scientists who had formal training* He was a nut job and a joke to Alaskans.
If you watch Werner Herzog's documentary about this guy you see flashes of that aggression a few times. In a lot of his video footage where he's talking to camera Treadwell almost seems foppish & camp but there are other moments where a deep underlying rage clearly creeps through. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be around him when he got "passionate" lets say.
I couldn't agree more. I grew up walking the banks of the Kenai River before there was pepper spray. I was 5 and caring a 357mag. Saw bears , fished with them sometimes and sometimes I had to hand over my catch to them. It's all about respect for space and not becoming an opportunity to become ones meal. My wifes childhood friend was partially eaten while taking core samples or a mine here in Alaska. This was just a few years back.
@@woodheat49 Yes I remember that, how devestating...and the worst part is that she understood the actual danger and took precautions, but was still mauled to death . It just shows you how great the risk is. I honestly don't know how Treadwell survived for as long as he did because 13 seasons is an insane amount of time to get away with acting as foolish as he did. The irony of it all is that he preached respect but was actually disrespecting the bears and their habitat more than anyone. Haha I probably sound like an a-hole to a lot of people ...but I'm also from AK (Anchorage) so maybe since being "Bear Aware" is something that's ingrained in our minds as Alaskans, we are even more flabbergasted by Treadwell's story.
I wish that better research had been done for this video. Treadwell was supposedly known to argue with rangers when he was told to change campsites or had overstayed his five days. Territorially, he may have presented a threat to the bears, even though he might not have been directly competing for food or resources. Treadwell's is a terrifying and cautionary tale about how NOT to perceive the wild and the animals living there.
@@user-mv9tt4st9k Exactly! He was very disliked among rangers, scientists and other professionals who's work involved bears/bear territory. I actually remember when he died and the local newspaper interviewing biologists who had nothing nice to say about him lol
"How did he end up in the stomach of a creature he considered his best friend?" The bear didn't consider HIM his best friend! It's actually amazing that it didn't happen sooner. He was a bar tender who just decided one day that he was a bear expert. He broke the law and common sense over and over again approaching these animals too closely. He didn't believe in taking common sense precautions. Some say, "Well, it wasn't one of his 'regular' bears that killed him!" But it doesn't matter. You cannot rely on always having your 'regular' bears, plus one of your regular bears could be having a bad day! These are wild animals, not pets. The Park Service should have arrested him years earlier. They would have done him a favor. There are no 'good' bears or 'bad' bears, just bears going about their lives. They know nothing of human norms or expectations. They live by bear rules, not ours.
Well said. The only tragedy out of this incident is putting his girlfriend in harm's way because of HIS stupidity and ultimately resulting in 2 bears having to be killed for consuming him.
You people act like him and his girlfriend had no idea he could be eaten or attacked... He never once thought that wasn't an option. They just loved grizzly bears so much he wanted to watch them and learn about them. You people get so offended when someone goes off and does something he loves that you dont like. Sorry but not sorry, has no affect on your sorry butts.
I just watched video of a nine-minute fight between two adult male grizzlies. It was jaw-dropping, and kudos to the two photographers, who you could hear planning an escape route in case the bears lost interest in each other. The only place I’d feel comfortable filming a bear fight is from a helicopter. They’re powerful and the way they bite and rapidly headshake is terrifying.
I remember watching a documentary on this. In one of his last videos, he was bragging about how you and I would die if we were there and how he's the man and can live with these animals. He really did lose sight of reality.
Right!! He had to lie to himself constantly to believe bears in that area where under threat. Poachers had not been an issue in decades. It's odd more people didnt correct him when he MADE that "heroic savior" claim.
@@icannotpretend5834 he comes across as too batty to correct. If he was a narcissist, correcting him wouldn't have ended well but either way, he seemed to genuinely believe his own hype so maybe others either went along with it (like poor Amy) or kept their mouths shut.
True, he even had celebrities rallying to a fake cause (like Leonardo Dicaprio and others). He was spreading a bogus story saying it was "secret" poachers that come in and hunt bears. Lol even if that were will ONE crazy guy screaming at a camera in a raggedy beat up tent, stop a bunch of poachers with high powered weapons and hi tech equipment? Much less, scare them off? Lol im more surprised at how people believed him lol in the documentary, you even see him yelling at the "poachers" (which actually turned out to be the rangers telling him to stop getting close to the bears and that hes camping WAY too close). They covered this in the documentary too actually...he was REALLY using the donated money for "miscellaneous"....he was a recovering/relapsing addict, so with his actions, his "girlfriend" and is "miscellaneous" purchases, ill let "imagination" take over. Its alot that was swept under the rug with him.....I KNOW that was one
I felt sorry for Amy, She probably trusted Tim on his knowledge of Beer behavior. Which cost her her life. I remember seeing Tim "way back when" and thinking this guy was asking for trouble. "Some day" I told my son many moons ago. This was no great feat to predict what kind of demise hed face but his GF too. .
@ treadwell n amy did not tell the people to shoot the bear.. its a island and those idiots had no right to shoot the bear.. 13 succesful summers prooves they knew what they were doing.. they were adults and they chose the risk just like sky divers and race car drivers and people who surf in the ocean where great whites are.
He seems to have had some kind of romantic death-wish. He may have accepted the possibility of his fate as part of Nature's Great story - or some such, but he should have also known - and acknowledged - that his fate would greatly increase the danger to other humans.
It is a sad death, but in reality, he brought this on himself. This so called "bond" he had with these bears just clouded his mind from the real threat these animals pose. They're still strong wild animals who you shouldn't mess with or get close to whether emotionally or physically. Just leave them be in their own habitat. Unless you wanna end up on their menu.
Timothy spoke at my daughters school when she was young mabey 3rd /4th grade , i asked her about it at the time , i had never heard of the guy and she said " there is something wrong with him " i asked her later after i heard he died and she said he just seemed mentaly off ,just very weird and that her classmates thought so too but that she liked his girlfriend a lot she was very sweet
@@phoneone1371 Aww. a third grader saying "there is something wrong with him" is true and chilling. Compassionate but plain spoken. Kids see what adults often won't admit to seeing.
It disappoints me that Tim showed so much disregard for his girlfriend's life. If you want to risk your own life, we can't stop you but she trusted you man.
She showed a disregard for her life when she followed him to that area MULTIPLE TIMES to film him. All of those videos of him talking to the camera? She's the cameraman for most of them. And she literarly said told her friend that "you haven't lived until you've bathed in a river with bears." How was she this innocent victim when she was clearly just as insane as he was or close to it? They are both the reason why they both died.
Sometime the purpose of one man's life is to serve as a warning to others. Thank you, Timothy, for your sacrifice. You have re-affirmed what we all knew to have been true.
The main problem was he was to stingy to pay for his plane tickets at the airport. he was charged extra for purchasing a ticket on short notice, but didn't want to pay. if he had only paid the extra $200-$300 he and his companion would be here today.
The only reason the bears tolerated him was 1) They sensed no fear in him 2) They didn't see him as a rival for food or mating 3) They just wasn't hungry enough... Until one of them was.
Yes but people think bears when they see u just run at u to kill u which isnt really true, in most cases they dont actually attack people unless filling before winter or having cubs, they just walk in the opposite side or not pay attention on humans at all...
I agree, that repetition is a common sight in patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders - I have first-hand experience with it, being schizophrenic myself and thankfully treated for it. He was bound to end up getting himself killed with no one stopping him.
@@adotintheshark4848 I know, two horrible deaths that would be so EASILY avoided...If he'd just listened to ANYONE. It's bad enough that he got himself killed, and two of the bears he loved, but her too? Just...such a waste of life.
He was also humanizing the bears. A real problem that causes animals to get too used to people, and because they're often fed by these kinds of morons they also begin to associate people with food, so when they go near people they no longer fear and aren't fed, they attack.
Lol! I have to laugh when the say either a Tiger or a Grizzle is a Man eater? What! Are they not naturally opportunistic Man eater’s ? I could never understand that Term.
A lot more than two were killed. This man's idiocy led to the deaths of a bunch of these bears in the following seasons, because they had become desensitized to humans so got shot by hunters and following other bear human interactions when they normally stay away from humans.
Treadwell had video of two bears fighting. Yet he never thought one would challenge HIM. He had no backup plan if one did. Fact is, the bears didn't know what he was, so erred on the side of caution and kept their distance from him. And it was no biggy anyway, as they were hunting fish which were in abundance. Treadwell intimidated the bears. It's obvious from the way he acts when a bear got too close. But he stayed past the salmon run this time and one of the older bears decided to test him. That bear found out that Treadwell was PREY and that was that.
@@PianoGesang According to the experts, Bears do their best to avoid humans, and don't want to interact with them, well Grizzly bears mostly. Black bears are more curious about humans.
@Real Talk I was going to say something flip or funny but , no . Violence of any kind is never funny. Seriously, PTSD is probably a real thing that , if addressed with former offenders would help the situations you allude to . We spend billions of tax dollars on coffee pots, toilet seats and worse - re-election campaigns- and have no time for mental health programs that would save money, and in some instances lives , in the long run. This may be the "best country in the world" but we as a country, as a friend use to say , " ain't Over- bright " .
@Real Talk I'm with you , the possible exception being that it seems you are lumping all prisoners in the "murderers row" category. I am thinking of the kid who, naively, holds drugs for a friend and winds up, with little regard by the system , imprisoned with those Hardened Elements you alluded to . Once released he ( or she ) is expected to carry on 'normally' with no thought of what might have been endured while in Captivity. We have better policies in place for animals . People with mental health needs are seen , oftentimes , as Damaged Goods not worthy of further effort . Mental health treatment could put these people back on a path to Self Worth (poor self esteem exacerbated by the stigma associated with mental issues ) as well as being seen by others as Who they Truly Are instead of what many perceive initially. P.T.S.D. is real for battered and abused women (and children ) prisoners , accident survivors, nurses, doctors , as well as our Brave Military Personnel. I love this country but , we have our Priorities and dare I say Values ( count how many ASPCA commercials you see to 1 Mental Health Hotline ( 1-800-622- HELP ) spot. ) skewed; especially in the time of Pandemic and Quarantine. Sorry.... I will get off my Soapbox and see myself out. Have a Safe , stress- free day and Hug all those Near and Dear that you safely can . Hugs are the most Basic Mental Health Treatment we as humans have .....Now to that Door.
You got that backwards, it's more like 'the lions play with gazelles' until they get bored and want a snack. Actually they teach their cubs to hunt by capturing a baby gazelle, antelope, etc and let it loose for the cubs to chase, bring down and eventually kill and eat. That's real Outdoor Wilderness schooling.
From what I read in other sources (written by a bear guide who knew him for years), he did have a lot of knowledge and experience and understanding of the bears. I guess that together with his perception/dream of the bears accepting him as one of theirs, that led him to be over-confident. Which is never a good thing, and even less so around apex predators. (
@@Julia-lk8jn That's what I was thinking too. He knew what he was doing but he ignored all the warnings because he assumed he would be fine. It was arrogance not ignorance that killed him.
@@teamtx1578 If he ignored "all the warnings" he did not really knew what he is doing isnt, the delusion of grandeur due the whole attention and "i am the true bear man" is what caused his demise. Boars do not have "social skills", nor the sows for that matter, it is all about tolerance up to a point. Getting out in the dark and confronting weaponless 1000 pds boar is .... Whatever, we can only learn from episodes like this.
Narrator: He treated them more like friendly companions than wild animals. He used unorthodox and dangerous methods… Which raises the question how did he end up in the stomach of a creature he considered to be his best friend. Me: YOU JUST GAVE US THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION! Everything you JUST said ANSWERS the Question you said was RAISED by your opening! 😂
I couldn't agree more, everytime I heard this guy talk I thought... This asshole is a ticking time bomb. His alternative ending was to be killed by the police after a killing spree at a Bass Pro Shop.
The one that was in the part of the documentary where Amy was trying to stay out of the camera shot .That one looked nasty Especially the eyes .Could it have been that bear ?
That's the thing, though. Bears don't just "do" that. They feel challenged or threatened in order to attack. In this case, it's likely the bear smelled any food that Treadwell had at his camp, came into investigate, Treadwell surprised him, and the bear attacked in self-defense. Normally, grizzlies would then abandon the carcass, but since it was so close to hibernation, the bear took the opportunity that had presented itself and consumed them both. I don't think it was an issue of the bear cold-bloodedly seeking out humans to eat. Bears generally DON'T do that. Attack? Yes. Eat? Not as much as you think. Treadwell was camping on a "bear highway" near a river (food source) and you never want to get in between a bear and a food source. Had he stayed in the tent, utilized his bear spray, and did better in keeping food scented items locked up, he would be alive today. He startled a hungry bear and this was the tragic result. But, it's not something a bear does except in extreme circumstances. (Extreme in the bear's mind, that is).
@@jessehollicker1392 I do not think it was that bear. Because he looked young and fat and not red. The one with Treadwell's remains in his belly was skinny, old and red. And still even this red bear can or cannot be the real killer. But most probably it is.
@@growingupruff huh? i dont disagree with steph at all. seems to me your the 12-year-old. maybe a little stupid also? that bear was following its natural instincts and reacting to an unnatural intruder into its environment. what would you expect to happen. smh people man. educate yourself before you just make yourself look like an idiot bro.
Sure enough, bears are not 'sinister', that doesn't mean they suffer fools gladly. These ppl like their peace and quiet even from each other, and they will deck a human and worse if being transgressed upon - or if hungry enough. It is so strange how so many humans cannot respect other species as sapient, sovereign and absolutely valid and valuable beings who are however different and need to be respected on their own terms. Including the basic fact that here on earth, we quite often eat each other. That's how we are alive together.
Where I'm from, the saying is "a fed bear is a dead bear." It is a warning not to feed bears, because it teaches them not to fear people and to get closer and more aggressive toward people in the quest for the next meal. If a bear kills a person for food, it's killed automatically. This bear couldn't be allowed to survive after killing a person - because it is assumed that, based on previous behavior of other bears, it will always kill people for food. That having been said, it's what bears do. And this guy was an idiot not to know better. He killed himself, a girlfriend, and a bear because he was so convinced that he was special. It didn't need to end like this at all.
They killed the bear because it had evidently lost it's fear of humans and instead learned to associate humans as food due to what Treadwell had done. This is why every place with bears has signs saying "don't feed the bears". Treadwell was a special kind of moron who thought he knew better then the bear experts, he thought that the conventional wisdom about bears was wrong. He's ignorance of bears got him and his girlfriend killed, got some bears killed and put people's lives in danger. All because he was a moron who thought bears could be treated the same as a pet.
Yes, the guy was stupid, and it's unfortunate. But also, when most predators kill a human, it doesn't end there. Now they know that humans are fairly easy to kill, and tasty. So they have to be killed, because they will likely kill again. It's unfortunate that bears first kill had to come because of an idiotic person putting himself in that situation, but that bear was then a danger to people.
So humans go in to their territory hiding in camouflage to shoot bears that don’t have a taste for human blood. But the second it’s suspected a bear might put up any resistance or hunt the human invading their territory....that bear needs to be killed. I say, if your a hunter with any balls you should use all your technology advantages and go in to the woods with some hungry man eating bears. See what you can do...or what they can.
I read something on the internet called Night of the Grizzly, it shows a hand drawn map. He'd pitched the tents right at the point where there are 4 trails and a 5th nearby. edit, just seen it here.
grizzly man seemed like a friendly guy, shame he was clearly mentally ill, no rational and sane person would've done what he did, others should've stopped him sooner, he belonged in an asylum, he would've probably not liked that, but he would at least most likely still be alive.
Right! I agree.! For 13 years these bears just tolerated him and over time lost their natural fear of people. Any apex predator, especially those in the wild, can never be tamed and is definitely not your friend. His behavior was not only foolish and deadly risky, but judging by his dialogue in his videos, he may have been suffering from some delusional mental health issues.
Very sad ending. Just proves no matter how much you think you're "connecting" with powerful, wild predators (bears, tigers, sharks)... if they are hungry, and in many cases near starving, you are just another available food source.
Well said. I worked at Katmai for a couple months, and it was very sad that not one but four lives were lost: Treadwell through his own poor planning, Hugonard through trusting him, and two bears by just being bears in hyperphagia.
7/12 bears that interacted with timothy on a regular basis died. some died because they became dependant on timothy to feed them, so they starved to death in the winter of 2004, some had to be put down because they became too comfortable getting close to other humans and 2 of them died after they walked up to some hunters. he did more harm to the bears than good...
Do you have any facts/evidence to back this statement up? With respect, I find it hard to believe more than half the bears he came into contact with starved to death. As this video shares, there was a serious shortage of food that season. Perhaps some of those deaths occurred naturally. Excellent video synopsis of what transpired to this couple and the bears.
He didn't feed the bears that much dude.. You realize how much bears need to eat? You really think he packed like a thousand pounds of food with him to feed bears and himself and his girl and hiked with it?? Whoever told you this lied lol
I had empathy for Treadwell until he started describing of a bear’s pile of poop and the amazement of how it was still warm and how it had just been inside the bear and he I expected him to pick it up and rub it on his face….his love of bears was fine, he felt a connection as they had played a big role in helping him get and stay sober-many addicts will trade an addiction to drugs or alcohol for an addiction to whatever they focused on to get sober- in TT’s case it was bears- but he mistakenly believed this meant he had a bond with the bears that no other person could have. He didn’t make it through 12 summers with the bears because they knew and loved him, it was because they had enough food source to not bother with him. He never would have made it through one trip during late September early October - as evidenced by what happened… he simply got lucky repeatedly…. He absolutely had a mental disorder of some kind…. I love the stray/feral cats that come to my yard… they don’t come to my yard because they love me- but because I feed them. They will let me pet them, touch them, they will sit in my lap- but the minute one has kittens- I can’t get within 20 feet of them or they will try and take my face off!!! Any animal will put up with a human who provides them with something they need- food, water, security, etc but they will turn on that human the minute inate animal instincts kick in….
This man was obviously a mental case! It’s been my experience that most grizzly bears really want nothing to do with people, or have an indifferent attitude towards people about 98% of the time. Bears are intelligent animals that can be curious about people. Sometimes bears will display some curiosity about people in a non-aggressive manner. At best those bears tolerated Treadwell’s presence. However, those bears had no affection for him like he thought that they did. It’s very dangerous to assign human emotions to animals!
His girlfriend was an adult... she knew the risks. Yes he was ignorant and got too confident/delusional about his abilities (after touching, feeding and being 2m away from bears for 13years) but i have respect for any human being follows their dreams. What i don't understand is people who are afraid of their mortally so much that they hate him and call him all kinds of different words while sitting on their couch.
@@Seek_Solitude People give him a hard time because he was bothering the animals camping with them and making videos about it, the videos weren't educational in any meaningful way. He was just chasing his own obsession with being family/friends with them. He was doing the bears a disservice as the younger ones probably grew to felt ok with human presence and happily wandered towards armed poachers or tour guides. Also doing a disservice to people thinking wild bears are ok to be around in this manner had he not died, maybe many of those who follow his videos goes and tries it and dies.
People comparing him to Steve Irwin: No. Steve Irwin was a wildlife expert, he taught people to love and appreciate animals. He always told people not to "try this at home" and that wild animals could be dangerous. The reason he "caught" animals was to show us their teeth,poison,barbs,etc. To see that these animals have defences and can hurt you, but to respect them.
Steve Irwin *Molested* wild animals. There was never a need for him to disturb wild life but instead of *Observation* He thought it wise to fuck with them. He showed a complete *Lack of respect for the animals* did nothing to further science and it showed in his videos.
@@GrymsArchive he showed us interesting things about wildlife, he likes wildlife because its interesting to study. He shows us parts of the animals that is interesting, but doesnt even kill those animals. He treats the animal just fine. What kind of observation did Steve Irwin did that is "lacl of repect" towards the animals? As for disturbing the animals, he "distrub" it to inform us about the dangers of those animals so that we dont distrub it. Sure, the wild animals might not want to get studied on, but we as humans dont want to get killed by them as well.
@@GrymsArchive Steve Irwin was a little reckless at times and took a lot of chances but he did a lot of good also. He realized that not just the animal populations were at risk, but more importantly their habitats were and are under constant threat. He bought up large tracks of land to protect wildlife habitat and put a lot of money into his zoo to make it better for those animals.
The two cant and shouldn't even be compared. Steve was a professional, he was an educator. This guy was just obsessed with being friends with grizzlies and trying to prove to everyone he had some special friendship with them because he somehow thought naming and petting an apex predator would lead to long walks on a sandy seashore salmon fishing like two old pals (yeah, say that 3 times fast)
He had it coming. You can't alter nature, it will always win. Bears get hungry, they eat whatever gets them trough the winter. Treadwell did not tread well as he became food for the bear's hibernation. It's sad that he got one other human killed because of his ignorance.
I agree he did not respect these animals.. or much of anything else.. he killed 2 people and a bear what a scumbag.. and he wouldve killed more .. this guy was phsycotic.. and a perpetual lier.
Back in 2006, my grandfather suffered a stroke, which caused him to remain mute for the next 3 years. He never spoke a word, not even his usual swearing. One day, this dude's story turns on the television, displaying how he died because of the bears he loved. My grandfather suddenly stirred, and looked intensely at the tv. In a voice that hadn't been heard in so long, he blessed us with these words about Timothy. "Fucking idiot." He then died. My grandfather's words were spent on the fact that only an idiot would think bears were safe.
So this "expert" literally made all the wrong decisions based on information he knew, and ignored his own fear and doubts.... Sounds like he wanted to be eaten.
It is rather fascinating to see how someone with good pattern recognition can go so wrong when working with lots of data and no fundamental understanding. It highlights why having a good baseline understanding of something is important for learning, since having the wrong initial ideas can warp everything.
@@neeneko It wasn't that he didn't have a baseline, it's that his baseline was polluted by a narcissistic exception. This is not unlike the Woke social "scientists" that are now preaching anti-racism and white supremacy as their creed. They begin with the assumption that there is an all-encompassing evil called whiteness and then proceed from there.
The autopsy of the bear revealed his stomach was full with 25 pounds of human flesh along with bone fragments, clothes and blonde hair measuring up to 17 inches - the audio reveals it was raining heavily and the bear killed Tim first and then his girlfriend. RIP
Thing is people tend to forget animals are also individuals too. One bear not attacking you does not mean you are friends with the entire bear population.
Yeah, I made that observation as well. In fact, the bear who killed the two of them didn't know them because it didn't hangout with the other bears. So even if they hung out with the general population, of course there are going to be rogue outliers.
... Something Tim himself brings up early in the movie. It's like he thought his own advice only applied to other people and he was just stating them to show how brave he was.
Nature is red in tooth and claw.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
He should of known better. Plain and simple. Bears are not social even with other bears. He was soaked in gasoline and playing with matches.
Eaten alive has to be one of the worst ways to go. National celebrity that was really breaking the law. He wasnt saving bears. Got 2 bears killed an innocent woman and endangered the lives of the recovery park rangers. He definitely had a mental illness.
Well said.
i think he understood that but just really didnt care, in his letters he said "unless one of the bad bears eats me"
"I would die for these animals" became "I will die by these animals and they will die because of me." Tragic.
My thoughts exactly
Ignorance at its finest....
It's kinda like taking a bath with an electric toaster. I'm sure somebody somewhere thought, "Toast in the bath, sure it's dangerous, but I really wanna prove my love for toast!"
@ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀᴍᴜᴛᴇ _ why does everyone say he got an ADULT woman who WILLINGLY CHOSE to go with him killed? She is 100% responsible for her own well being. She was not a child who was forcefully dragged along...
Delusions of grandeur, stupidity and a deathly dangerous fixation, if that ain't the recepie for disaster I don't know what is
I felt i had a strong connection to a group of seagulls in the lowes parking lot til i ran out of french fries
🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 FUNNY AF!!
The term "25th bear" is in regards to a statement made by bear biologists that 1 in every 25 bears will show more signs of aggression and violence than usual or typically expected of them.
Sounds like all living things, including humans. Not everyone is the same and some people need to understand this. ☹️
The only part that is surprising, is that Timothy survived 13 years before meeting his self imposed fate.
Ya, but what surprises me even more was that his girlfriend was dumb enough to join him in getting eaten.
The pilot who was to pick up Treadwell and his girlfriend said the same thing along with "I think that the bears thought he was retarded or something". Treadwell was a naive, delusional, attention seeking narcissist whose actions took 2 lives and ultimately caused 2 bears to be killed.
@ When the park service people showed up to recover the remains, they shot/killed 2 bears. I think it was the case that only one bear did the killing. I seem to recall from another video that it was a male. Not sure about the sex of the 2nd bear.
He brought a woman that was on her period so it smelled blood
@@applewoodcourt I don’t know why everyone is attacking the guy so hard when he clearly had mental health issues.
He loved bears, but he didn't respect them. That cost them both their lives.
Excellent point.
Well said
Very good point
I both agree with you and like your username :)
I believe he was suicidal too. There's no question that he knew not to approach the bears during this time but chose to do it anyways. Clear case of suicide by bear. He said it numerous times "I will die for these bears, I will die for these bears, I will die for these bears".
Kinda fucked up that he put himself in a situation where he knew he could get eaten by bears and I’m sure he knew if that happened the bears would be killed. Dude should’ve just worked at a sanctuary for bears and actually took time and studied them instead of having this unrealistic ‘friendship’ with wild animals..
@A D what kinda training was that?
Yea, there was a florida alligator whisperer- researcher who "knew" alligators and often entered the water with them. He also became a man-wich.
@@2345allthebest Umm..he was self schooled. But he did award himself an honorary B.S. degree in Bearatology.
@@ricpowers1475 yes those years of heroin and alcohol abuse did wonders for his reasoning ability... then again, he did shoot spectacular video of these creatures...
He stayed out too late that year.
Could you imagine being a nat geo photographer filming grizzly bears in a remote location, when you see a guy wearing a trench coat, sunglasses rocking a blonde bowcut in the distance following a couple of 1000lb grizzlies?! Sheesh!
"Treadwell's friends had routinely questioned his tactics"
I would have questioned his sanity.
At some point I would have questioned my friendship.
listen to some of his interviews, he sounds like he ate way too much acid and cooked his brain.
As would I. Most rational humans would.
Look for Werner Herzog's documentary about this guy. It's excellent. Insightful & respectful, yet leaves you in no doubt that despite his best intentions Treadwell had completely lost touch with reality. It's a sad story from start to finish.
Didn't sound like they cared enough about him to intervene in what they all claim were clear warning signs.
Not only did he get himself and his partner killed, he managed to achieve the exact thing he stood against...he got that bear killed. What a waste!
The man was leaving in a fantasy world. Nature isn't The Lion King or Jellystone.
Rebecca Pomales Exactly, poor thing was just doing what bears do ! 💕🐻😢💕
He got that bear killed. That's a absolute bullshit crime. Im so sad.
He was clearly unstable but what’s surprising is that the people around him didn’t stop him
Well he lasted for years living with the bears, the one bear that killed him was one that already had a disliking for him based on his diary entries.
In his documentary "Grizzly Man", Werner Herzog interviewed several Native Americans at a museum on Kodiak Island. They generally disliked Treadwell and believed he willingly crossed a line with the Grizzlies that they had observed for centuries.
So he had the spirit of a colonizer?
@@ladyyananumber1200where the hell are you coming from with that crap? The man was clearly mentally unstable. The native tribes thought he was a stupid idiot because he treated the bears like pets or domesticated animals as opposed to the wild animals they are, it’s as simple as that? TF you on about coloniser BS? For reals, break your chains sister, it’s starting to blur your common sense 😒😒😒😒
@@ladyyananumber1200girl 😂😂
@@ladyyananumber1200 and the stupidity of the colonized
you have the spirit of a genocider all the same@@ladyyananumber1200
What the biologist said was true he seemed more interested in how getting closer to the bears made him look then recording there behavier , if he actually wanted to learn more about them he could just watch how they acted together instead he wanted to record how they acted with him
"I will be master" placing his ego above that of wild animals was his first mistake
As soon as I saw him say that, I definitely thought that was his fate sealed. Worst possible attitude.
Amen to that
I will be a master by not going into bear territory. Lol
Treadwell supported the Clintons, the Feinsteins, the Sciffs, and the Pelosis who have the same attitudes to their constituents.
Yes sir, true
The bears did not require his protection. They required his absence.
I hate to say it but he was a very stupid man
He loved so hard it killed him
I'm convinced that his girlfriend was there at the wrong time of the month and the smell of blood enraged the bear. This human had an anthropormorphic idea of being "friends" with the bears, which Alaska Brown Bear have no conception of.
Oh Brick
Well said , if anything he was a cancer to these wild and beautiful animal and basically harassing them . And cause the death of machine
Clearly he loved these animals. Also just as clear to me, he was nuts.
Agree. I’m afraid of raccoons in my back yard.
@@gregbernard7861 I've had raccoons enter my garage. Fortunately they usually run out when I come in.
Loving someone when you're nuts, isn't loving someone. He was just nuts.
@@adotintheshark4848 your contention is that mentally ill people or crazy people, cannot love?
I would bet against that proposition.
@@lenhudson8194 their love isn't based on reality. That's where I was coming from.
This man is sadly the epitome of an arrogant and disrespectful human. Sure he loved Grizzly Bears, but not enough to give them the distance and respect they require. A wild and dangerous animal is not a pet nor a friend no matter how much you admire them. He was foolish and paid the ultimate price. My condolences to his family for their loss.
Adult comment appreciated.
I don’t think he loved anyone but himself… anyone who acts recklessly towards nature, never seeks to protect it, but to fulfill his ego… what happened to the bear who ate them? He was put down… why, because this irresponsible broke every single barrier there was… just to satisfy his ego
*"I will die for these animals. I will die for these animals."* etc etc etc
Yeah, and the bear had to die for him as well because he had to be a moron tempting fate too many times just to satiate his ego. Then it finally caught up to him.
When an animal kills and eats a person, it's gotta be put down ASAP least they start associating human bodies as an easy source of food and become all the more dangerous. Super ironic, huh.
I Agree a sad lose for the bear
It was sadly ironic that they had to kill two bears to retrieve him and his girlfriend. The first time a bear had been killed in a very long time in that area.
Lol yeah that guy was an idiot
Yep. He claimed to care so much about the bears yet he and his equally idiotic girlfriend were pretty much responsible for one's demise.
I don't feel bad for them, they kept tempting fate and lost.
I only feel bad for the bear.
“I would like to be his friend but he’s not that type of bear”
there was a strong need for therapy here
By, "not that type of bear," I think he meant gay.
A therapist wouldn’t help. He needed a straight jacket
@@bshaun there's plenty of gay "bears" he could have found in cali.
I want that quote on a t shirt
The bear just wasn't that into him... until it was
The ultimate respect you can show these animals is by leaving them ALONE! This guy was just full of himself.
Yeah, dude was a complete nut-job
Narcecist of the worst kind thought he could bond with bears done more harm than good At the end of the day we are just a food source
no i want to pet them and post on instagram
so true
Kissing a wild Alaskan grizzly bear on the nose... this guy was a lunatic
For someone that was supposed to be a Bear expert, he didn't seem to know much about them.
I am a Bear Imbecile, and even I know that camping in the middle of a Grizzly Maze during feeding season isn't gong to turnout good for me.
You see, that's the thing. You know enough about bears to know that you bears are dangerous. This man thought he knew enough about bears.
There is a different.
@@rosesweetcharlotte :Reminds me that Julius Caesar thought that Brutus was his friend...
But they were his FRIENDS.
His supposed bear expert skills were self taught. He didnt get them from a legit source.
The video doesnt mention this, but Treadwell would also argue and be aggressive with legit scientists and rangers since he keeps throwing himself to danger and too close to bears' territories. He would also overstay his welcome when camping because he honestly believes he understands and is communicating with these bears with his supposed skills.
But they're his FRENS!!!
I lived in AK for 17 years and everyone thought that guy was an idiot.
I've never lived in AK and I knew the guy was an idiot the first time I heard of him. Didn't even need to hear the rest of his story to know how it was gonna end. I guess Treadwell found out first hand that bears really do shit in the woods.
Can you stop speak like everyone lives in your country? Lol
@@Mary1337 Aaannndd your point is what, exactly?
@Dan Bertucci You sound pompous thinking you're better because apparently you live in Alaska. Please smell the roses, idiots exist everywhere including Alaska.
and most of us here think that also
That Bear didnt turn his back cuz it trusted him, it had 0 fear of him and thats a scary thing.
Just save that meal for later. :)
If Treadwell had left a day or two earlier and never gone back, he'd probably be doing interviews today about the thirteen summers he spent with bears. Strange thought.
He traveled around showing school children pictures of himself getting close to bears and telling them things like "if they get mad I just sing to them". Great message for a bunch of kids. He was quoted as saying the bears wouldn't attack because they loved him too much. And the irony of the whole thing is that his actions led to one of those bears being put down. There's not many nice things you can say about this guy. He was an irresponsible, delusional, idiot.
Very sad but true. Poor bear and his girlfriend.
Extremely sad but I think he was wacko
This doesn't make him a bad person, he was just mentally unstable and needed professional help.
@@theprinceoftides6836 Meh, I think the girlfriend is equally responsible for her own demise. She spent past summers with him too. She can't have been ignorant of the dangers. They were both delusional.
Despite your criticism and rationale, which I agree with by the way, you can't deny he did some amazing things with bears. He was able to approach wild grizzly bears and not be immediately killed. He did have a relationship or vibe that the bears felt comfortable with. The one that killed him was even one he claimed to not like.
Treadwell switched from drug addiction to fanatism as an all-knowing bear expert. He replaced the rush from drugs with the rush of living amongst apex predators. Both choices offered him a way of escape from the pain of reality, which was pursuing him. In the end, his need for fantasy escapism would prove to be tragic, as so often is the case. Pride cometh before a fall.
That was a very nice explanation indeed
LMAO...!! Yeah okay Skippy.....SMH!!!
That sounds about right
Sure he wasn't high as balls when he was doing this 😂
Honeslty the fame from becoming “the grizzly man” pushed some of his more extreme behaviours as well.
Treadwell didn't love the bears, he loved the idea of being the world's greatest bear expert (which he wasn't). Being the grizzly man was a huge psychological lift for a man who didn't have much going for him.
idiotic narcissism at its finest
This is the only comment out of HUNDREDS I’ve read regarding this case that is correct. I think he also felt his fans have him money and support because he got so close. He couldn’t eventually start being safer because he had to give the fans what they wanted. Stupid. All of it was ego, hubris and stupidity. But hey! People die everyday from those traits.
Well said
Nah he seemed pretty ready to die to the bears, he probably loved bears.
Nothing went "wrong"...the fact he lasted 3 summers there with his behavior is astounding, let alone 13. It was bound to gappen, the only surprising thing is that it didn't happen sooner
You said it. He couldn't have picked a worse place to camp. In another video about him, it mentioned it was a particularly bad year for salmon and he was camped 25 yards from the river with poor salmon returns. Bears are heavily dependent on salmon for winter prep. Getting to the river and noting few salmon to feed on, they said "Well.. what else is in the fridge? Ahhh.. Timmy.. Yisssss!"
He's no bear expert. Like the guide said Treadwell was completely delusional about the true nature of bears.
I used to feel sorry for her but then I realized she accompanied him of her own free will. All she had to do was look up Bears in Alaska in the dictionary and it was all right there for her to read.
@@elliebellie7816 A cute blonde? Really? Don't want to stereotype but a lot of cute blondes are not exactly scholars who are going to crack open a dictionary. Just stating the obvious, and yeah I've actually met cute blonde PhDs in the hard sciences.
@junc9530 I wouldn't be surprised. I can't be completely sorry about what happened to him. At least he was publicly vocal enough to acquire some fame and notoriety so when he got eaten people know not to listen to him. Trouble is.. you still see tourists trying to pet, feed, or be pals with wild, dangerous animals.
In Werner Herzog's film, he talks about how Treadwell partied on cocaine and was addicted to drugs - ultimately dropping out of college. My point is that Treadwell didn't have any education past high school, which might help substantiate and back up some of his claims about the bears... However, in the end, Treadwell was an uneducated, former druggy - who wound up getting eaten by a bear... He shoulda just continued doing blow and heroin... He probably would have lived longer...
Late, but the only thing that went wrong was his timing. I had talked with him several times because someone had introduced me since I had been mauled on Kodiak several years earlier. He was arrogant and thought he knew more about bears than people in Kodiak that live with bears year-round. I ran into him at Macks (local outfitter and sporting goods in Kodiak) a day or two before he was flying back into Katmai. I told him, and I know his pilot told him as well, that fall bears are not like the summer bears he had dealt with previously. Summer bears are fat, happy and calm. They gorge on salmon during the runs and are rarely a threat to humans. Fall bears enter a physiological state called hyperphagia. They aren't just hungry, their complete metabolism changes. They are charged with adrenaline and move about restlessly seeking every scrap of protein they can get. They'll even attack other bears at that time of year, not as the dominance thing that you see in summer where the loser walks away, but as food. I had been mauled by a fall bear and only survived because somebody shot it off me. When I saw him at Mack's and he said he was going back in, I told him he won't be dealing with friendly summer bears and he should rethink it. He dismissed me in his arrogant way with "They know me." Well ... okey dokey!
I’m sorry to hear about your mauling. I hope you’re doing alright from it. Sending support and love💗
I can’t even imagine what that must have been like for you. I’m glad you survived! I’m Canadian but I think Alaskans are among the toughest people on the planet. I saw Grizzly Man years ago because I love Werner Herzog 😂. But the fact that this guy had so much hubris he wouldn’t listen to someone who lives in Alaska who had survived a mauling is just mind blowing 🤯.
You can't talk sense into stupid
@@dominiquemiyake8625 No fr that just seems like a huge slap in the face tbh.
All they had to say was "California" and it all made sense. Californians are seriously the most delusional people on the planet.
This is what happens when you live in a State where colleges and schools teach you that you can change your biology simply by "identifying" as something else.
Timmy really thought that if he hung out with bears long enough he would "become" one, but I guess those Grizzlies didn't go to UC Berkeley. 🐻
What I learned is sometimes you have to try really hard to get eaten by a bear.
😂😂😂 John behave 😂😂😂
Indeed 😆
Lmao 😂 brilliant
I wonder if Commie Trump would get eaten by a bear --- lots of fat 😂😂
‘He integrated himself with the bears by using unorthodox and dangerous methods…which raises the question, how did end of in the stomach of a creature he considered his best friend?’
I love how you guys basically answer the question before asking it.
Mistakes Were Made, Lessons Were Learned, Bears were fed
Except the bear that was fed was shot the next day
And then killed because of his narcissism.
Deadly lesson and a hell of a last meal
@@XDisasterListX Apparently it ate them alive, not killing them outright with a death blow the way big cats will do. Both died screaming in agony.
You got that right.
After watching him in the film and the more you see hear him say things like, “If it happens, it happens” and “I would die for these bears” it seemed that in some bizarre way, he wanted this to happen. He kind of willed it to happen. Totally wild. Completely insane.
Yeah I don’t know if he realised quite how painful it would be though 😂
@@badalton02 😂
I get the impression that he was going to fit in with those bears or die trying and he died trying.
... LETS HOPE HE SUFFERED .... A L O T !!!!!
I think that was his accuse towards people that kept warning him of the dangers. Why she should try to protect himself. Why he shouldn't do so risky tactics for his film. I think in his head, this was his ticket to be famous and since he had spent so many summers with them he forgot what he was really dealing with. He became complacent more and more until he end up being eaten alive.
Once you put yourself there, you become part of the food chain. For someone who claimed to love the bears, he caused the death of one. Their deaths were tragic but preventable.
I agree. The bear did nothing wrong. He was just doing what he needed to do to survive. Timothy played a dangerous game and he lost.
That bear was very bad; I don't care one iota if it died.
@@allies7184 lol @ this comment. You're either a child or stupid.
@@allies7184 bear was just acting out of instinct and had no evil intentions so it's not the animal's fault that humans can be insanely stupid.
As an Alaskan born and raised, there was only a single thing that needed to go wrong, nothing else, and it was him thinking he could talk to an apex predator....
Everything that had to go wrong:
1- a bear was hungry
2- that's it.
You forgot,
3.Stupid liberal pets a bear
No, some simple bear spray would have prevented it.
4. it wasnt a dog, it was a fucking bear.
@@joeydoe421 What makes you think he was a liberal. He could have been a libertarian or even conservative.
@@colettewilliams3575 It's obvious by the way he talks and his mannerisms.
He seemed to act towards bears with behavior similar to what I have observed in obsessed and delusional stalkers. He was basically a fan, a stranger showing up at their front door with flowers and gifts and begging them to love him even though they didn't know who he was and his presence was unnerving.
You are sad and wrong.
@@daveken9936 Tell em big Dave. You should continue Tim’s crusade.
@@swashington942 I only wish I had his courage his commitment his passion. He didn't die a coward as so many do living lives of quiet desperation. I hope you find a something besides that job you dread everyday. I hope you find excitement in something other than jumping out of your chair for a touchdown you had nothing to do with. Best of luck.
I’ve been watched his documentary a dozen times. What you say is true. Sad. But true. I live in northern Ontario. I see black bears often. But I always respect them. As much as I love them, I know we can’t be friends. Tim loved them; but he only hurt them in the end.
@@daynalynnxo how did he hurt them. Your comment was wrong and sadly pathetically uninformed.
As a born and raised Alaskan outdoorsman, I'll offer the general sentiment between us about Tim. We knew he was going to be killed eventually - it wasn't if, it was when. He was not liked, because he put himself and others in danger so that he could go on these rediculous "expeditions" in order to chase some level of fame. One thing we were constantly shocked by was how long it took for him to be killed by a bear. In the end, his wreckless behavior cost an innocent woman her life because she believed the lies he told her about it being safe. It wasn't until his own commentary from his footage and interviews with his friends and family were widely distributed that people saw his true intentions.
@Jack Ugaitafa No, don't think you can get banned from the state. And if you could, this wouldn't be anything that would be considered a ban-worthy offense. Everything he did was legal. He traveled to the state and legitimately hired a bush pilot to fly him into the area. Of course, everyone that came in contact with him told him that he was crazy and that he was going to end up getting killed by doing what he was doing, but Tim didn't listen to anything but his thirst for fame and fortune, which ultimately cost him (and that poor woman) their lives. Alaska is not a place to come take risks for "funsies." Don't get me wrong, I love all the people that come to the state to have a good time and see the most beautiful state in the country, but being inexperienced and seeing the fictionalized version of "Alaska" on these reality shows really sets some people up for failure. Alaska is rough, rugged, and raw. It's an extremely tough environment. I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, rafting, trapping, 4x4'ing, snow machining, mountain climbing, and have spent a lifetime in the wild, and not even I would do something so stupid - not even for the potential for fortune and fame. Death is assured doing things like that, eventually.
@Jack Ugaitafa My pleasure!
@@mccflo99 I’m sorry to ask you this but how come your state has a high crime rate?
@@Aagggyy No need to apologize, fair question with a simple answer: Hard drugs, mostly meth.
@@mccflo99 That’s surprising given the rough environment you mentioned.
"...what if you get mauled"
"If it happens, it happens"
Well then...not gonna say he deserved to be eaten alive but...he did everything possible to ensure that he and his lady friend would be.
Narrator: “How did he end up in the stomach of a creature he considered to be his best friend?”
Bear: “the feeling was not mutual”
He trusted too much.
You won the internet for today with that comment
Are you 12 ?
Thin line between friends and enemies.
Just want to say this.
Sir David Attenborough who is still doing his amazing job bringing us awareness of our planet & animals & is in his mid 90's, hes 94 or 95 yrs old & he DIDNT get to this great age by acting irresponsibly around wild animals & he has certainly not put the life of others at risk just to get his points over.
If Timothy wanted to risk his life trying to " be friends " with wild bears he shouldnt have encouraged or allowed his girlfriends life to be endangered.
Sir David documents, observes & protects by non invasive methods
I cant think of another man who could love animals more but he respects animals & knows you cannot be friends because thats a human trait not an animal one
& respect & distance are all you can do. Its why hes done so much to advance animal protection & brought world awareness to pollution etc & how hes still here at his almost century of living on this Earth.
There are literally hundreds of bear researchers who go out and observe bears every year and don't get eaten!
Steve Irwin didn't observe from a distance, and look what happened to him. This is why I don't get people's obsession with The Crocodile Hunter. He literally got all up in the face of Australian animals, instead of observing their natural behaviour. It's surprising he lasted as long as he did.
@@gracehowell. To be fair, a lot of his stuff was staged and conducted in a somewhat safe manner. Who would have thought it would be a stingray that got him? That is still bizarre to write out.
Yeah because some people are aware that an animal’s territory is not to be invaded or disrupted by human involvement. Leave nature be
@@gracehowell. Steve Irwin actually was raising awareness about wildlife and also making sanctuaries through his actions.
If you watch the documentary Grizzly Man, there's a moment where one of the bears comes upon Timothy and Amy very quietly while the sit in a grassy area. Amy is between Timothy and the bear and he tells her to bend down so he can get a better shot. She is visibly terrified. All he cares about is getting a good shot.
Yes, I get that.
That documentary was FUCKED UP! In all honesty, it seemed like he was just trying to go out in the "grandest way possible" and his selfish ass bought his friend along on his selfish goal. They said in the documentary he KNEW EXACTLY what he was doing, he had full knowledge what would happen and how he was getting too close. Fight or flight kicks in, in EVERY person and dude simply ignored all natural responses and even goated her into ignoring hers....
Ok then why did she go? He didn’t hold a gun to her head! She should have listened to her instincts!
@Put Jesus First That's a fair question. Treadwell was very charismatic, you don't really see that here. It's not unusual for someone like that to inspire love and trust in other people. Amy was a bit enthralled with his passion. But she loved and trusted Treadwell. She believed him when he said he knew what he was doing, the bears wouldn't hurt them, she was safe. This wasn't her passion, it scared her, but she wanted to be part of his life. She trusted the person she loved. No one made her go. She went believing Treadwell would take responsibility for her safety. She was wrong.
@@putjesusfirst9814 she probably trusted that he knew what he was doing considering he'd been successful thus far
The very first thing that went wrong was this man's line of rational thinking. Some say he was brave but let's be real. He was a fool to think he could just randomly mingle with an apex predator in the wild. The arrogance is/was astounding. The result was a literal example of natural selection.
in wild life, sometimes protecting them means leaving them alone.
You win the "Best YT Profile Picture" of the week award.
Means nothing to the chronically insane, as Treadwell was.
If you love them, let them go...
He didn't accept the bears as they are, but how he wanted them to be. He was lucky to have lived as long as he did.
Yup. I agree with Dr. Vic Barnes. This guy was delusional. And, judging by the way he speaks and writes, not very smart.
Lol he did accept the as they are, no spray, no fences, and in his own words "if it happens it happens" how more acceptance donu want??
You are definitely correct sir!!!
He anthropomorphized(sp) them.
The only sad irony here is in his “life” he said he would die for the bears but in his “death” his life endangered the bears.
At least one bear was killed and it’s stomach contents were checked for human remains. Had he gotten on that plane that bear likely would have lived at least another year maybe many. It would have produced offspring.
So in fact he died putting the bears lives in grave danger. His selfish choice was either stupidity, ignorance or ignorant stupidity.
Nailed it👍
Willfull ignorance
Exactly. He wasn't helping the bears, only himself.
Stupidity...bears eat meat
well said!!
I know there’s a layer of tragedy here but I love this dude, convinced he lost roles to woody harrleson, convinced he’s completely integrated with bears, goes to Alaska bring some brainwashed lady and gets mauled and there’s even a recording of it all.. no one’s ever heard it except his sister and I think they deleted it but god damn dude it’s a tale to tell kids on how not to live
10:25 "I will die for these animals...I will die for these animals"
Mission Complete.
Clearly he was Very Stupid
Epitaph on his grave stone!!
Achievement Unlocked: Bear Neccessities - Nourish a starving hungry bear with your body
Treadwell: I'll name you The Machine.
Bear: I'll name you Lunch.
actually, dinner.
Cut to Homer Simpson drooling: Ummmm. Lunch.
Bears saw him like we do tinned food - not the best food but it has a long expiry date and doesn't need any special storage so keep it in reserve for when there's nothing better to hand.
His friends?
Every year...
Bear: “great. This asshole again”.
@@Brind-amour : Bear: this guy is gonna get hurt one day...
Sadly, the bear paid the ultimate price.
i like to think one day the bears, at their bear meeting, talked about who's gonna do it, probably drawing straws
_"oh motherf... why me!? ffs!"_
In the police/coroner report (the statement can be found on the internet)- investigators stated the following.
What was left of Tim was his skull, which had been scalped, his arms (only attached to the skull and a few neck vertebrae by skin), two arms, one of which had the meat eaten down to the elbow, the other one primarily intact, crossed and held by the prominence of a tattered t-shirt. He had a large piece of his back skin and some of his abdominal skin because they could see his belly button (he was caped; hunters would know this word). A leg that was described as crushed- indicative of a predation event due to crushed and shattered bones- the tissue looked as if it was pulled away from the femur. Not chewed, the meat was pulled. Bone shards, no apparent blood spot (indicating the body was opened in a different location) and a kidney.
I don’t know why but I busted out laughing at the end bit. Imagining like someone was listing off various items for a heist and just ended it on “and a kidney”.
@@JustSomeDude42 not funny at all
He wasn't actually knowledgeable, he wasn't a scientist and on top of that, he was aggressive and hostile to the *actual scientists who had formal training* He was a nut job and a joke to Alaskans.
If you watch Werner Herzog's documentary about this guy you see flashes of that aggression a few times. In a lot of his video footage where he's talking to camera Treadwell almost seems foppish & camp but there are other moments where a deep underlying rage clearly creeps through. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be around him when he got "passionate" lets say.
I couldn't agree more. I grew up walking the banks of the Kenai River before there was pepper spray. I was 5 and caring a 357mag. Saw bears , fished with them sometimes and sometimes I had to hand over my catch to them. It's all about respect for space and not becoming an opportunity to become ones meal. My wifes childhood friend was partially eaten while taking core samples or a mine here in Alaska. This was just a few years back.
@@woodheat49 Yes I remember that, how devestating...and the worst part is that she understood the actual danger and took precautions, but was still mauled to death . It just shows you how great the risk is. I honestly don't know how Treadwell survived for as long as he did because 13 seasons is an insane amount of time to get away with acting as foolish as he did. The irony of it all is that he preached respect but was actually disrespecting the bears and their habitat more than anyone.
Haha I probably sound like an a-hole to a lot of people ...but I'm also from AK (Anchorage) so maybe since being "Bear Aware" is something that's ingrained in our minds as Alaskans, we are even more flabbergasted by Treadwell's story.
I wish that better research had been done for this video. Treadwell was supposedly known to argue with rangers when he was told to change campsites or had overstayed his five days. Territorially, he may have presented a threat to the bears, even though he might not have been directly competing for food or resources. Treadwell's is a terrifying and cautionary tale about how NOT to perceive the wild and the animals living there.
@@user-mv9tt4st9k Exactly! He was very disliked among rangers, scientists and other professionals who's work involved bears/bear territory. I actually remember when he died and the local newspaper interviewing biologists who had nothing nice to say about him lol
"How did he end up in the stomach of a creature he considered his best friend?"
The bear didn't consider HIM his best friend! It's actually amazing that it didn't happen sooner. He was a bar tender who just decided one day that he was a bear expert. He broke the law and common sense over and over again approaching these animals too closely. He didn't believe in taking common sense precautions. Some say, "Well, it wasn't one of his 'regular' bears that killed him!" But it doesn't matter. You cannot rely on always having your 'regular' bears, plus one of your regular bears could be having a bad day! These are wild animals, not pets. The Park Service should have arrested him years earlier. They would have done him a favor. There are no 'good' bears or 'bad' bears, just bears going about their lives. They know nothing of human norms or expectations. They live by bear rules, not ours.
Well said. The only tragedy out of this incident is putting his girlfriend in harm's way because of HIS stupidity and ultimately resulting in 2 bears having to be killed for consuming him.
Well said! I feel very sad that the bears were killed for just being bears. He inserted himself into their wilderness. Not right really.
You people act like him and his girlfriend had no idea he could be eaten or attacked... He never once thought that wasn't an option. They just loved grizzly bears so much he wanted to watch them and learn about them. You people get so offended when someone goes off and does something he loves that you dont like. Sorry but not sorry, has no affect on your sorry butts.
@@Benji-jj2bg You are perhaps his only fan. Care to go out there and be eaten Grizzly Man number 2?
💯💯💯 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Sounds like he was killed by his own stupidity.
He went out pursuing his own goals, not many in this life can say the same.
Narcissism & stupidity is a deadly combination.
@@ihavetubes you can pursue your goals and still be smart about it. Especially something that dangerous
As others stated he went out doing what he loved and you have to admire that. At the same time it was stupid, careless got someone else killed
@@ihavetubes He spent his life annoying bears. What gave him the right?
I just watched video of a nine-minute fight between two adult male grizzlies. It was jaw-dropping, and kudos to the two photographers, who you could hear planning an escape route in case the bears lost interest in each other. The only place I’d feel comfortable filming a bear fight is from a helicopter. They’re powerful and the way they bite and rapidly headshake is terrifying.
I remember watching a documentary on this. In one of his last videos, he was bragging about how you and I would die if we were there and how he's the man and can live with these animals. He really did lose sight of reality.
Colonel Kurtz
@@edp3202 don't insult colonel kurtz by comparing him with this doofus
@@edp3202the horror..........the horror...
Darwin Award Winner by a landslide he was.
The guy killed himself pretending to protect already protected bears
Right!! He had to lie to himself constantly to believe bears in that area where under threat. Poachers had not been an issue in decades. It's odd more people didnt correct him when he MADE that "heroic savior" claim.
So he was psychotic
Wow. That’s a really good point!
@@icannotpretend5834 he comes across as too batty to correct. If he was a narcissist, correcting him wouldn't have ended well but either way, he seemed to genuinely believe his own hype so maybe others either went along with it (like poor Amy) or kept their mouths shut.
True, he even had celebrities rallying to a fake cause (like Leonardo Dicaprio and others). He was spreading a bogus story saying it was "secret" poachers that come in and hunt bears. Lol even if that were will ONE crazy guy screaming at a camera in a raggedy beat up tent, stop a bunch of poachers with high powered weapons and hi tech equipment? Much less, scare them off? Lol im more surprised at how people believed him lol in the documentary, you even see him yelling at the "poachers" (which actually turned out to be the rangers telling him to stop getting close to the bears and that hes camping WAY too close). They covered this in the documentary too actually...he was REALLY using the donated money for "miscellaneous"....he was a recovering/relapsing addict, so with his actions, his "girlfriend" and is "miscellaneous" purchases, ill let "imagination" take over. Its alot that was swept under the rug with him.....I KNOW that was one
-"We made the best friggin choice of our lives."
-Bear: Yea, no.
I felt sorry for Amy, She probably trusted Tim on his knowledge of Beer behavior. Which cost her her life. I remember seeing Tim "way back when" and thinking this guy was asking for trouble. "Some day" I told my son many moons ago. This was no great feat to predict what kind of demise hed face but his GF too. .
....but what did she see in that guy? He was a nutcase..... clearly a narcissist!
@Truth17John17 😂
Treadwell was delusional. It’s a shame his girlfriend was killed also.
She was just as delusional as he was. He didn't make her go with him.
He was far from delusional,, he knew very well about the gamble
@@MrOgyny she actually was about to leave him, supposedly that was their last trip together
@@NDNauthorgirlie ~ And so it was.
@ treadwell n amy did not tell the people to shoot the bear.. its a island and those idiots had no right to shoot the bear.. 13 succesful summers prooves they knew what they were doing.. they were adults and they chose the risk just like sky divers and race car drivers and people who surf in the ocean where great whites are.
8:27 "This behavior was nothing short of pure stupid." - Biologist Vic Barnes
I nearly fell over. LOL
Short, sweet, and to the point. Not to mention, 100% accurate.
That line killed me too! It's funny that he said "pure stupid" instead of "pure stupidity". Ironic.
South Park : libalow...TIMMAY !!!
He seems to have had some kind of romantic death-wish. He may have accepted the possibility of his fate as part of Nature's Great story - or some such, but he should have also known - and acknowledged - that his fate would greatly increase the danger to other humans.
"You can't fix stupid!" - Ron White
It is a sad death, but in reality, he brought this on himself. This so called "bond" he had with these bears just clouded his mind from the real threat these animals pose. They're still strong wild animals who you shouldn't mess with or get close to whether emotionally or physically.
Just leave them be in their own habitat. Unless you wanna end up on their menu.
Agreed...the bear's death was pretty sad.
Timothy spoke at my daughters school when she was young mabey 3rd /4th grade , i asked her about it at the time , i had never heard of the guy and she said " there is something wrong with him " i asked her later after i heard he died and she said he just seemed mentaly off ,just very weird and that her classmates thought so too but that she liked his girlfriend a lot she was very sweet
@@phoneone1371 Aww. a third grader saying "there is something wrong with him" is true and chilling. Compassionate but plain spoken. Kids see what adults often won't admit to seeing.
This is the epitome of "fuck around and find out"
It disappoints me that Tim showed so much disregard for his girlfriend's life. If you want to risk your own life, we can't stop you but she trusted you man.
You just made me imagine the extreme grief her poor family got put through because of him. Goddamn.
She showed a disregard for her life when she followed him to that area MULTIPLE TIMES to film him. All of those videos of him talking to the camera? She's the cameraman for most of them. And she literarly said told her friend that "you haven't lived until you've bathed in a river with bears."
How was she this innocent victim when she was clearly just as insane as he was or close to it? They are both the reason why they both died.
She got herself killed same as him.
She was an adult, she made her own decisions
She trusted you man, Wat a stpd line, ash•l she chose that.
Sometime the purpose of one man's life is to serve as a warning to others. Thank you, Timothy, for your sacrifice. You have re-affirmed what we all knew to have been true.
Well said..
Lol. But true
Brutally true 😂
Or to cull the herd!
Was definitely just a matter of time. He did not respect the wild animals like one should.
A half ton grizzly, what could go wrong? 🤦🏼♂️
The main problem was he was to stingy to pay for his plane tickets at the airport. he was charged extra for purchasing a ticket on short notice, but didn't want to pay. if he had only paid the extra $200-$300 he and his companion would be here today.
The only reason the bears tolerated him was 1) They sensed no fear in him 2) They didn't see him as a rival for food or mating 3) They just wasn't hungry enough... Until one of them was.
Yes but people think bears when they see u just run at u to kill u which isnt really true, in most cases they dont actually attack people unless filling before winter or having cubs, they just walk in the opposite side or not pay attention on humans at all...
Bro was an idiot. I bet everyone in his life told him he was gonna get attacked eventually but he wouldn’t listen.
Great points
Generally Bears will stay away from humans unless it is Polar Bear...... Which is yeah.....
Yup it was close to hibernating season. Bears tend to become more aggressive as they fight to get enough food so they can survive the winter.
In just the way he spoke you could see there was some mental illness there,
I agree, that repetition is a common sight in patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders - I have first-hand experience with it, being schizophrenic myself and thankfully treated for it. He was bound to end up getting himself killed with no one stopping him.
amen. Grizzly Man is not a movie about bears it's a movie about somebody in mental issue.
He went from Grizzly Man to Gristly Man
@@moonstruck8245 the worst thing is he got his girlfriend killed too.
@@adotintheshark4848 I know, two horrible deaths that would be so EASILY avoided...If he'd just listened to ANYONE. It's bad enough that he got himself killed, and two of the bears he loved, but her too? Just...such a waste of life.
The saddest thing about this is that two bears were killed because of his stupidity. Killed for being bears. While he was killed for being an idiot.
It’s ok. There’s other bears that weren’t killed. You’ll be ok. Don’t cry.
He was also humanizing the bears. A real problem that causes animals to get too used to people, and because they're often fed by these kinds of morons they also begin to associate people with food, so when they go near people they no longer fear and aren't fed, they attack.
Lol! I have to laugh when the say either a Tiger or a Grizzle is a Man eater? What! Are they not naturally opportunistic Man eater’s ? I could never understand that Term.
A lot more than two were killed. This man's idiocy led to the deaths of a bunch of these bears in the following seasons, because they had become desensitized to humans so got shot by hunters and following other bear human interactions when they normally stay away from humans.
NO ONE deserved that fate, but his reckless approach sealed it.
Treadwell had video of two bears fighting. Yet he never thought one would challenge HIM. He had no backup plan if one did. Fact is, the bears didn't know what he was, so erred on the side of caution and kept their distance from him. And it was no biggy anyway, as they were hunting fish which were in abundance. Treadwell intimidated the bears. It's obvious from the way he acts when a bear got too close. But he stayed past the salmon run this time and one of the older bears decided to test him. That bear found out that Treadwell was PREY and that was that.
Yeah no matter what his belief he should’ve brought bear spray to be safe
A wild, hungry, cold, seasoned, professional killing machiene, like a big grizzly bear should always be respected at a safe distance.
@@johnrandall4548 Rule of thumb no. 1: When you see a bear in nature it's too late.
@@PianoGesang According to the experts, Bears do their best to avoid humans, and don't want to interact with them, well Grizzly bears mostly. Black bears are more curious about humans.
@@PianoGesang polar bears maybe
I’ve seen gazelles play with lions, until the lions get hungry.
I've seen wives play with husbands until " Does this make me look fat ? " ...I'm told they don't even eat the carcass.
@Real Talk I was going to say something flip or funny but , no . Violence of any kind is never funny. Seriously, PTSD is probably a real thing that , if addressed with former offenders would help the situations you allude to . We spend billions of tax dollars on coffee pots, toilet seats and worse - re-election campaigns- and have no time for mental health programs that would save money, and in some instances lives , in the long run. This may be the "best country in the world" but we as a country, as a friend use to say , " ain't Over- bright " .
@Real Talk I'm with you , the possible exception being that it seems you are lumping all prisoners in the "murderers row" category. I am thinking of the kid who, naively, holds drugs for a friend and winds up, with little regard by the system , imprisoned with those Hardened Elements you alluded to .
Once released he ( or she ) is expected to carry on 'normally' with no thought of what might have been endured while in Captivity. We have better policies in place for animals .
People with mental health needs are seen , oftentimes , as Damaged Goods not worthy of further effort .
Mental health treatment could put these people back on a path to Self Worth (poor self esteem exacerbated by the stigma associated with mental issues ) as well as being seen by others as Who they Truly Are instead of what many perceive initially.
P.T.S.D. is real for battered and abused women (and children ) prisoners , accident survivors, nurses, doctors , as well as our Brave Military Personnel.
I love this country but , we have our Priorities and dare I say Values ( count how many ASPCA commercials you see to 1 Mental Health Hotline ( 1-800-622- HELP ) spot. ) skewed; especially in the time of Pandemic and Quarantine.
Sorry.... I will get off my Soapbox and see myself out.
Have a Safe , stress- free day and Hug all those Near and Dear that you safely can . Hugs are the most Basic Mental Health Treatment we as humans have .....Now to that Door.
You got that backwards, it's more like 'the lions play with gazelles' until they get bored and want a snack. Actually they teach their cubs to hunt by capturing a baby gazelle, antelope, etc and let it loose for the cubs to chase, bring down and eventually kill and eat. That's real Outdoor Wilderness schooling.
He was literally warned days and weeks before that the Bears were starving and the park rangers told him that the Bears are getting aggressive
He stayed out later than he did before, and into hibernation season.
From what I read in other sources (written by a bear guide who knew him for years), he did have a lot of knowledge and experience and understanding of the bears.
I guess that together with his perception/dream of the bears accepting him as one of theirs, that led him to be over-confident. Which is never a good thing, and even less so around apex predators.
@@Julia-lk8jn That's what I was thinking too. He knew what he was doing but he ignored all the warnings because he assumed he would be fine. It was arrogance not ignorance that killed him.
that is true
@@teamtx1578 If he ignored "all the warnings" he did not really knew what he is doing isnt, the delusion of grandeur due the whole attention and "i am the true bear man" is what caused his demise. Boars do not have "social skills", nor the sows for that matter, it is all about tolerance up to a point. Getting out in the dark and confronting weaponless 1000 pds boar is .... Whatever, we can only learn from episodes like this.
Narrator: He treated them more like friendly companions than wild animals. He used unorthodox and dangerous methods…
Which raises the question how did he end up in the stomach of a creature he considered to be his best friend.
Me: YOU JUST GAVE US THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION! Everything you JUST said ANSWERS the Question you said was RAISED by your opening! 😂
I feel like this guy wasn't just stupid but actually clinically insane, each clip of him speaking ticks every box on the crazy chart for me
like Trump
Like Kamala Harris and dumb pelosi
@@the1spen Definitively like Harris and Pelosi lol
I couldn't agree more, everytime I heard this guy talk I thought... This asshole is a ticking time bomb. His alternative ending was to be killed by the police after a killing spree at a Bass Pro Shop.
his mind was definitely affected by alcohol, and then heroin addiction in earlier years... both substances take a toll on you
Clearly this man was insane. Poor Machine, he was just doing what Bears do.
The one that was in the part of the documentary where Amy was trying to stay out of the camera shot .That one looked nasty Especially the eyes .Could it have been that bear ?
That's the thing, though. Bears don't just "do" that. They feel challenged or threatened in order to attack. In this case, it's likely the bear smelled any food that Treadwell had at his camp, came into investigate, Treadwell surprised him, and the bear attacked in self-defense. Normally, grizzlies would then abandon the carcass, but since it was so close to hibernation, the bear took the opportunity that had presented itself and consumed them both. I don't think it was an issue of the bear cold-bloodedly seeking out humans to eat. Bears generally DON'T do that. Attack? Yes. Eat? Not as much as you think. Treadwell was camping on a "bear highway" near a river (food source) and you never want to get in between a bear and a food source. Had he stayed in the tent, utilized his bear spray, and did better in keeping food scented items locked up, he would be alive today. He startled a hungry bear and this was the tragic result. But, it's not something a bear does except in extreme circumstances. (Extreme in the bear's mind, that is).
We do not know which bear did it. It is just pure speculation for a better story. Many new bears went in the area after September.
@@jessehollicker1392 I do not think it was that bear. Because he looked young and fat and not red. The one with Treadwell's remains in his belly was skinny, old and red. And still even this red bear can or cannot be the real killer. But most probably it is.
Its ironic that he thought he was protecting the bears. The bears wanted nothing to do with him.
It’s kind of annoying that because he chose to ignore the facts, the Machine was put down. 😒
@@growingupruff you look about 12 so you would know huh?
Agreed! Poor Machine. Not his fault at all.
@@growingupruff huh? i dont disagree with steph at all. seems to me your the 12-year-old. maybe a little stupid also? that bear was following its natural instincts and reacting to an unnatural intruder into its environment. what would you expect to happen. smh people man. educate yourself before you just make yourself look like an idiot bro.
@@growingupruff yeah dude what are you even trying to say with this statement I don’t get it.
So was Harambe and he was a National hero
Sure enough, bears are not 'sinister', that doesn't mean they suffer fools gladly. These ppl like their peace and quiet even from each other, and they will deck a human and worse if being transgressed upon - or if hungry enough. It is so strange how so many humans cannot respect other species as sapient, sovereign and absolutely valid and valuable beings who are however different and need to be respected on their own terms. Including the basic fact that here on earth, we quite often eat each other. That's how we are alive together.
They killed the bear called "the machine" for behaving like a bear. The bear didn't kill this man, his hubris and stupidity did.
Where I'm from, the saying is "a fed bear is a dead bear." It is a warning not to feed bears, because it teaches them not to fear people and to get closer and more aggressive toward people in the quest for the next meal. If a bear kills a person for food, it's killed automatically. This bear couldn't be allowed to survive after killing a person - because it is assumed that, based on previous behavior of other bears, it will always kill people for food.
That having been said, it's what bears do. And this guy was an idiot not to know better. He killed himself, a girlfriend, and a bear because he was so convinced that he was special. It didn't need to end like this at all.
They killed the bear because it had evidently lost it's fear of humans and instead learned to associate humans as food due to what Treadwell had done. This is why every place with bears has signs saying "don't feed the bears". Treadwell was a special kind of moron who thought he knew better then the bear experts, he thought that the conventional wisdom about bears was wrong. He's ignorance of bears got him and his girlfriend killed, got some bears killed and put people's lives in danger. All because he was a moron who thought bears could be treated the same as a pet.
Hubris is a good word
Yes, the guy was stupid, and it's unfortunate. But also, when most predators kill a human, it doesn't end there. Now they know that humans are fairly easy to kill, and tasty. So they have to be killed, because they will likely kill again. It's unfortunate that bears first kill had to come because of an idiotic person putting himself in that situation, but that bear was then a danger to people.
So humans go in to their territory hiding in camouflage to shoot bears that don’t have a taste for human blood.
But the second it’s suspected a bear might put up any resistance or hunt the human invading their territory....that bear needs to be killed.
I say, if your a hunter with any balls you should use all your technology advantages and go in to the woods with some hungry man eating bears. See what you can do...or what they can.
"I will master them and become their friend!"
Nature: Hold my bear
That's f****** funny!
Hold my bear?
@@jamisonstrilchuk8008 hold my beer / hold my bear...
@@jamisonstrilchuk8008 "hold my beear."
I'm sorry but this is just too funny!!! I GET your humor!! I've found my tribe!!
Where he placed his tent he might as well have dressed into a salmon outfit and wade in the water.
He probably tried that and made many salmon friends.
I'm going to show my best friend squidward to everyone in town, wearing a salmon suit
Or dressed up like a fresh baked bleberry pie !
You might as well dressed up as a giant steak and bathed in barbecue sauce
I read something on the internet called Night of the Grizzly, it shows a hand drawn map. He'd pitched the tents right at the point where there are 4 trails and a 5th nearby. edit, just seen it here.
grizzly man seemed like a friendly guy, shame he was clearly mentally ill, no rational and sane person would've done what he did, others should've stopped him sooner, he belonged in an asylum, he would've probably not liked that, but he would at least most likely still be alive.
He wasn't building a bond of trust with the bears. He was breaking down a barrier of fear that they had for man.
exactly..he did more damage
Them turning their backs is a sign they don´t see you as a threat, which was a bad sign but to him it was a sign of friendship!
Gamevet ......good point
NOT with brown bears you don't.
Right! I agree.! For 13 years these bears just tolerated him and over time lost their natural fear of people. Any apex predator, especially those in the wild, can never be tamed and is definitely not your friend. His behavior was not only foolish and deadly risky, but judging by his dialogue in his videos, he may have been suffering from some delusional mental health issues.
Very sad ending. Just proves no matter how much you think you're "connecting" with powerful, wild predators (bears, tigers, sharks)... if they are hungry, and in many cases near starving, you are just another available food source.
Just like in some cases they are to humans
But true ✌️
I don't think it was cuz the bear was hungry I think it was becuz the guy didn't respect the bear
Well said. I worked at Katmai for a couple months, and it was very sad that not one but four lives were lost: Treadwell through his own poor planning, Hugonard through trusting him, and two bears by just being bears in hyperphagia.
Because they do not have human rules. Today we are friends, tomorrow I will eat you if I am hungry. No rules just instinct.
7/12 bears that interacted with timothy on a regular basis died. some died because they became dependant on timothy to feed them, so they starved to death in the winter of 2004, some had to be put down because they became too comfortable getting close to other humans and 2 of them died after they walked up to some hunters.
he did more harm to the bears than good...
It's an old saying but true: "A fed bear, is a dead bear"; same for all other wildlife, imo.
Do you have any facts/evidence to back this statement up? With respect, I find it hard to believe more than half the bears he came into contact with starved to death. As this video shares, there was a serious shortage of food that season. Perhaps some of those deaths occurred naturally.
Excellent video synopsis of what transpired to this couple and the bears.
@@fifthbusiness1678 he didn't feed the bears and him trying to adjust the rocks in the river probably had little value
He didn't feed the bears that much dude.. You realize how much bears need to eat? You really think he packed like a thousand pounds of food with him to feed bears and himself and his girl and hiked with it??
Whoever told you this lied lol
@@Benji-jj2bg you’re a bear! Shut up bear!
I had empathy for Treadwell until he started describing of a bear’s pile of poop and the amazement of how it was still warm and how it had just been inside the bear and he I expected him to pick it up and rub it on his face….his love of bears was fine, he felt a connection as they had played a big role in helping him get and stay sober-many addicts will trade an addiction to drugs or alcohol for an addiction to whatever they focused on to get sober- in TT’s case it was bears- but he mistakenly believed this meant he had a bond with the bears that no other person could have. He didn’t make it through 12 summers with the bears because they knew and loved him, it was because they had enough food source to not bother with him. He never would have made it through one trip during late September early October - as evidenced by what happened… he simply got lucky repeatedly…. He absolutely had a mental disorder of some kind…. I love the stray/feral cats that come to my yard… they don’t come to my yard because they love me- but because I feed them. They will let me pet them, touch them, they will sit in my lap- but the minute one has kittens- I can’t get within 20 feet of them or they will try and take my face off!!! Any animal will put up with a human who provides them with something they need- food, water, security, etc but they will turn on that human the minute inate animal instincts kick in….
This man was obviously a mental case! It’s been my experience that most grizzly bears really want nothing to do with people, or have an indifferent attitude towards people about 98% of the time. Bears are intelligent animals that can be curious about people. Sometimes bears will display some curiosity about people in a non-aggressive manner. At best those bears tolerated Treadwell’s presence. However, those bears had no affection for him like he thought that they did. It’s very dangerous to assign human emotions to animals!
He got his girlfriend killed him self killed and the bears killed, he was a lunatic
His girlfriend was an adult... she knew the risks. Yes he was ignorant and got too confident/delusional about his abilities (after touching, feeding and being 2m away from bears for 13years) but i have respect for any human being follows their dreams. What i don't understand is people who are afraid of their mortally so much that they hate him and call him all kinds of different words while sitting on their couch.
U got that right.
Stupid always gets famous #Dreams 🤣
@@Seek_Solitude People give him a hard time because he was bothering the animals camping with them and making videos about it, the videos weren't educational in any meaningful way. He was just chasing his own obsession with being family/friends with them. He was doing the bears a disservice as the younger ones probably grew to felt ok with human presence and happily wandered towards armed poachers or tour guides. Also doing a disservice to people thinking wild bears are ok to be around in this manner had he not died, maybe many of those who follow his videos goes and tries it and dies.
@@jdfrench86 Hey if you follow his videos and try to do the same thing .... well it's just natural selection at that point.
People comparing him to Steve Irwin: No. Steve Irwin was a wildlife expert, he taught people to love and appreciate animals. He always told people not to "try this at home" and that wild animals could be dangerous.
The reason he "caught" animals was to show us their teeth,poison,barbs,etc. To see that these animals have defences and can hurt you, but to respect them.
Steve knew what he was doing. He knew what dangers happened. He wasn't obsessed like this guy was.
Steve Irwin *Molested* wild animals. There was never a need for him to disturb wild life but instead of *Observation* He thought it wise to fuck with them.
He showed a complete *Lack of respect for the animals* did nothing to further science and it showed in his videos.
@@GrymsArchive he showed us interesting things about wildlife, he likes wildlife because its interesting to study. He shows us parts of the animals that is interesting, but doesnt even kill those animals. He treats the animal just fine. What kind of observation did Steve Irwin did that is "lacl of repect" towards the animals? As for disturbing the animals, he "distrub" it to inform us about the dangers of those animals so that we dont distrub it. Sure, the wild animals might not want to get studied on, but we as humans dont want to get killed by them as well.
@@GrymsArchive Steve Irwin was a little reckless at times and took a lot of chances but he did a lot of good also. He realized that not just the animal populations were at risk, but more importantly their habitats were and are under constant threat. He bought up large tracks of land to protect wildlife habitat and put a lot of money into his zoo to make it better for those animals.
The two cant and shouldn't even be compared. Steve was a professional, he was an educator. This guy was just obsessed with being friends with grizzlies and trying to prove to everyone he had some special friendship with them because he somehow thought naming and petting an apex predator would lead to long walks on a sandy seashore salmon fishing like two old pals (yeah, say that 3 times fast)
He had it coming. You can't alter nature, it will always win. Bears get hungry, they eat whatever gets them trough the winter. Treadwell did not tread well as he became food for the bear's hibernation. It's sad that he got one other human killed because of his ignorance.
He was a menace. He didn't respect these was all about his ego.
Yep, respecting wildlife =/= loving wildlife
You sound like a crazy theorist. But I know nothing of 'grizzly man'.... EDIT: your right
Exactly,he was a egotistical douche bag
I agree he did not respect these animals.. or much of anything else.. he killed 2 people and a bear what a scumbag.. and he wouldve killed more .. this guy was phsycotic.. and a perpetual lier.
Everything that had to go wrong:
1 - He thought he was a bear.
End of list.
But bears fight each other....he lost.
@Jesse Gutierrez r/ woosh
He thought he was their friend, but he was just emergency food.
Back in 2006, my grandfather suffered a stroke, which caused him to remain mute for the next 3 years. He never spoke a word, not even his usual swearing. One day, this dude's story turns on the television, displaying how he died because of the bears he loved. My grandfather suddenly stirred, and looked intensely at the tv. In a voice that hadn't been heard in so long, he blessed us with these words about Timothy. "Fucking idiot." He then died. My grandfather's words were spent on the fact that only an idiot would think bears were safe.
R I P to ur pops Mach Pity his last words were wasted on this clown 🤡
Wise last words
Your Grandad Sounds like a legend.
Priceless. :D
idk if that story is true but either way the main guy in it was a genius
Something about “tell us which tragic story you want to hear about 😃” rubs me the wrong way
So this "expert" literally made all the wrong decisions based on information he knew, and ignored his own fear and doubts....
Sounds like he wanted to be eaten.
It is rather fascinating to see how someone with good pattern recognition can go so wrong when working with lots of data and no fundamental understanding. It highlights why having a good baseline understanding of something is important for learning, since having the wrong initial ideas can warp everything.
@@neeneko It wasn't that he didn't have a baseline, it's that his baseline was polluted by a narcissistic exception. This is not unlike the Woke social "scientists" that are now preaching anti-racism and white supremacy as their creed. They begin with the assumption that there is an all-encompassing evil called whiteness and then proceed from there.
@@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 what in God's holy name are you blathering about
@@Janine.Najarian You are lucky you don't know. If you want to find out watch the interview with Douglas Murray on Coleman Hughes' channel.
SPZ's analogy is spot on.
It’s amazing he lasted as long as he did.
That's what she said
When did he die
@@sherrylee8655 when the bear got hungry.
@@donkeedic4451 🤣c'mon man u made me laugh under this horrifying video.
@@glockdude5472, more accurately, when the bear got desperate.
The autopsy of the bear revealed his stomach was full with 25 pounds of human flesh along with bone fragments, clothes and blonde hair measuring up to 17 inches - the audio reveals it was raining heavily and the bear killed Tim first and then his girlfriend. RIP
@@User_92020go listen to the attack audio of the Treadwell mauling, you won't be laughing then I can promise you that
@@dead_clownx4697 There is no audio, whatever you heard was fake the real audio has never been released.
That seems like not much.. they had to equal 300# together atleast.
Sometimes my cat tries to fight me. If she was the size of a grizzly bear, I'd be screwed.