Descending thrust guide: You need to hold O as you vault. While in air, you still can make an evade by pressing X, but you CANNOT let go of O. Once you’ve moved where you intended to, releasing O will land the descending thrust with the insect drill and a flurry of automatic slashes. You can then follow up with the new rising spiral slash move. This is *correct me if I’m wrong* the highest dps move the IG has. Personally, I walk up to the monster and vault while holding O right from the ground and I found this the easiest way to execute the DT. It is a little bit harder to execute considering you need to hold O throughout but give it a shot! Reply this thread if I’ve missed something! Hope this helps.
You can charge it midair if you hit the triangle attack or a focus attack first! Definitely a little easier if you start it while you’re on the ground though.
@@Caius1942 A little something I found out too! If there is an open wound, doing focus attack when vaulted in the air with result in bounce, and then you can finish off with the final blow to the open wound, something similar to the old IG aerial attack. Though not as cool as the helicopter! 🫨
just want to add that you can charge the vault as you're doing a jumping attack and releasing charge will immediately cancel the attack into a vault in the direction that you're holding.
My main weapon(IG) got turned into a bootleg longsword and my 2nd main wepaon(Bow) got turned into an unstoppable killing machine. Sometimes sacrifices must be made.
SNS and IG main here, to do the descending slash with the IG you need to hold circle or B on Xbox controller to charge up first and vault into the air, you don’t have time to do a full charge while airborne to unleash the move.
TCS nerf is probably a trade off for how you can now aim it with focus mode aiming. As GS is my second choice I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I definitely agree about LS though, I don’t think the helm breaker follow up even needs to hit the monster with the sword to do damage, just a little silly at this point.
I think it is more of a side grade personally. It is true that you can get more burst damage off but because it costs two whole levels of spirit it means that you have to work harder to get back to level 3 more often in a hunt which means that our damage is far more skill dependent and less of a sure thing now.
You can see after the power clash ends at the end of the charge blade segment at the top right it says savage axe slash so i think that means yes we can transform to savage axe mode after a power clash
So with insect glaive you can do descending thrust by one charging it in the middle of your advancing attack in the air so if you hold down circle while doing that move you'll charge it and then you can let go and go into it. Or you can charge it the beforehand before you vault in the air and let it go 16:22
@@LightItUpDansame goes on the ground, you can charge with circle while doing your triangle combo then release after for more fluid and stronger combos on the ground !!🔥🔥
So excited to try many weapons, but especially Longsword and Switch Axe (my mains). I love that longsword's red mode now is basically just how I played LS most of the time anyway. I never cared for the spirit gauge pump and dump into Helmbreaker.
Game is just a ton of fun, can't wait for the final release. The Switch Axe's focus strike is kinda weird though, you begin the motion and the monster moves away but you keep on attacking thin air and suddenly you pop the wound anyway, regardless of where the monster is. I called it wi fi strike, it looks more like a bug tbqh.
Small correction on the lance: You can do the charged cointer thrust after any 3 poke combo not just the 3 high thrust one And it works a bit differentyl You hold circle to charge. (You dont block while charging) if you let go you get a guard point. If you block something with said guard point the thrust turns into a double thrust, which at the highest charge level is probably lances best dps option I've seen that thing hit for a total of roughly 130 damage
@@iceweaver9283 I will say as to not disapoint you. The guard advance guard point seems to only be there from what if heard if you AREN'T using guard advance in the middle of combo. So only if your using it from an idle position
Played some on PC last night, and i have to say after getting the sense of things the hammer is still my bread and butter! I LOVE the new mighty charge, you just feel like your mashing the monster!
They did even more than that, they realized rise hunting horn they went and made the weapon far too easier. This feels like a sweet middle ground and I love it. Once I figured out how to do the slower multi hit performance, combined with learning what the bubble does it was a wrap. I stopped maining hh in rise cause it was a bad change, but wilds easily made the weapon better in every way. Sweet chin music time
Here's the best tech for using the SnS: go into your tent, click on change equipment, select LS as your secondary weapon, before each fight, remember to stow away the SnS and pull out the LS and boom, now you're doing so much more damage while having way more fun with the game, you're welcome
Kinda late but a correction: The rapid fire mode for lbg doesn't unlock rapid fire for all your ammo, it just unlocks rapid fire in general. You still only rapid fire your designated rapid fire ammo. So its just strictly worse since you don't have 100% uptime anymore. Same with them reducing the mines from 3 to 1.
It can only be done with certain ammo, not all, and makes them rapid fire as far as I recall. I did it with pierce or something else too, but with others it auto switched back to normal
@@LightItUpDan Yeah. I just meant that other than being tied to a gauge, the rapid fire isn't any different/stronger than previous generations. Also it would have been normal lvl 2, spread and thunder ammo, since those were the rapid fire ammos in the beta.
So to do the descending thrust on glaive: Get red (red is what lets you charge, not getting all 3), hold circle to charge, r2 + triangle to launch, release circle to downward thrust.
man the long sword is like space marine in warhammer 40k huh? the favorite of their developer. like buff to red state, buff to spirit helm breker, buff to the moveability of the spirit slash combo, and now you can just hold R2 to just skip the entire combo and land the round slash and get the spirit gauge level. while the great sword get the ability to turn around while charging, very nice.
@@Vagabond_01 ofcourse i am exaggerating, but the point still stand. long sword is the sweet child of monster hunter. where yes greatsword gets the parry and the ability to do the power clash and also the perfect guard, but this is a feature that is also present in other weapon, while the longsword gets even more buff that it didn't need, like do they really need to make so if you are in the red level gauge every attack you do does an extra attack? when longsword already have so many hits?
I became a bow main back in World and oh my god, Wilds made it so much cooler. The coatings being part of the weapon kit is so awesome, since the phials always ran out so damn fast. Also, shooting homing arrows like a Magic Archer from Dragon's Dogma? Count me in. I'm very hyped for full release.
About descending thrust, it's super easy to do on keyboard and mouse, you just hold down right click while doing anything (even an X combo) and then you can either release to get the new charged attack or vault and release for descending thrust. It's very much like a fighting game charge input or the fighter charge upswing from dragon's dogma 2 if you're familiar with either in the sense that you can pretty much charge it in almost all animations except while knocked down or dodging. It's really more of a manipulating your fingers appropriately thing than it is being tacky, I really suggest rebinding it to a shoulder button on a controller
The bloat attack multiplier for hammers is usually bigger than GSs, so that's probably why you saw hammer with bigger values. In MHWorld hammer had 5.2 and GS had 4.8
Lance was SUCH a massive change im honestly struggling to get used to it still compared to older games. I think i might be able to settle back in with more playtime however
the game looks amazing but the combat just doesn’t give me that same feeling that world does I don’t know if it’s the hit sounds or just beta clunkiness but damn it looks sexy
To me it honestly feels like world before ice borne, clutchclaw and bugs from rise gave us so much verticality and this system is more grounded, but I’m sure we will get a crazy tool much later on a expansion just like in world
Haven't played the beta yet. But from what I have seen, or better heard in this case the soundscape in fights seems a bit underwhelming. World sounds really meaty and crunchy, especially if you hit weak points. That doesn't seem to be the case in wilds. It feels toned down. By quite a bit.
I HATED the gunlance in world. i was a lance main and it always just felt like a worse lance to me. i tried it in the beta just for the hell of it and found my new main weapon. the mobility is top tier, the shield is actually useful now and the combo is so fluid and satisfying
Naw, definitely not. IG is still the mounting king and is the only weapon AFAIK that can focus strike in the air to hit wounds on the top of a monster. IG also has unparalleled ability to dodge monster attacks and can then turn around with the boost to stick back to the monster and do aerial damage or hit a wound on the back for damage and a refill on all extracts. Also having basically four move sets (standard attacks, focus attacks, full extract attacks and full extract focus attacks) gives you more nuance and the focus attacks with your kinsect have some interesting possibilities, like KO’ing monsters by hitting the ascending strike with a blunt damage kinsect or marking the monster with a status kinsect and setting up tons of say blast or paralysis explosions that you can then set off with the wide range of the ascending attack.
I have a crackpot theory as to why they nerfed it, they will be adding a new weapon that has Ariel moves in the dlc and to sell it they need it to outshine the insect glaive
@@Caius1942to me it looks like the combat feels more like a polearm type of weapon with how the combos work with a mix of ff dragoon with the occasional jumps. Honestly gonna main it this go around because it looks so sick
We need to start a petition to get Insect Glaives’s aerial combo reinstated. Doesn’t make sense why they would take that away. The ground combo in World may have been the optimal dps combo but, man was flying around fun as hell. We need it back!!
Awesome video as always my man But I'm kinda bummed because you didn't use the performance beat on Hunting Horn, why bonk once when you can bonk AND honk three times!
I've been waiting so long for this video. I've only gotten two notes from this beta test or from what I've played and it feels like you have built in evade extender and flinch free. My only problem with the game is I don't know what to make my secondary weapon because they're all so cool
As someone who doesn't like IG that much I'd say now it looks much cooler, I just wished that when it did that spiral attack up it allowed to dash in the air and take it from there, but the whole jump spinny play style became boring real quick when I first tried the weapon years ago
Hammer has always had higher damage stats than GS in the older games. Some games just show you the raw damage of the weapon, called true damage usually. Most games in the series however, or at least about half of them because it depends on whether they're made by team A or team B, show you inflated damage values for the weapons. It's weird that GS with its hardest hitting single moves shows a lower damage value on the stat screen than a hammer does with the same true damage but that's just how they did their multipliers. They mean nothing, the real damage is usually the same between weapons from the same monster and upgrade level, it's just the motion value of each attack that truly makes a difference in the damage number you see when you hit the monster in the end. LS for example never had damage numbers that high or single hit attacks with high damage but always had one of the highest multipliers for its equipment stats. It's just an odd system made to provide the player with some base idea of how much damage a weapon can dish out, but it's also horribly outdated.
the bow changes are unironically massive. so glad we won't be running around trying to manage bow coatings anymore. I get it's supposed to be immersive but im guilty of being a lazy hunter and would finish a lot of fights with the close-range coating just because I didn't feel like switching coats and reswitching when they ran out etc.
GS main all day! Now i just need Rajang in the game so i can Kaido roleplay again. Probably take Hammer as my secondary, hell maybe Light BG for some wakeups
My mains are the switch axe and charge blade, recently more so the charge blade and I'm gonna be honest I'm scared that I'm gonna have to completely relearn them.
Did they make the shield bash any better on SnS this time around? I know in World people really didn't feel like using the shield combo was worth it(outside of the aerial stuff) because shield just didn't do enough KO and lacked the damage to make it worthwhile. I was really hoping with Wilds we'd see the shield bash combo be comparable to the sword slashes, or at least competitive because of the KO damage.
@LightItUpDan it looks really fun! I'm committing to learning the gunlance and those better combos this go around. Used to the g.s. and hammer, both of which are fun too.
@LightItUpDan honestly shied away from this one in world, which was my first M.H. because it seemed like a pain to learn. But I couldn't resist the pull of all of those juicy explosions lol
I love almost all the changes but I hate IG now. I like bouncing in the air and doing diving wyvern at the end like in rise. I wish the doubled down on aerial combat instead of this crap. Other than that the other weapons are all great.
I dont know if you knew that, but never saw you doing that.. you can block and do the perfect rush, by immediately press back and circle after stop blocking. I saw you fightig this thunder monster and you got hit often in the perfect rush performing. You where too late with the jump-attack forward and jump back to perform rush attack. But anyways good job.
to charge up Descending Thrust as far as I know, other than you now require red buff to perform it at all you can start charging from the ground before vault and do it.
@ I 100% agree and I appreciate you putting Lance as an A instead of a D ♥️ Recommend you try to Dash attack after guarding. You get to go full speed right away. You can also turn the countercharge thrust in focus mode. One of the few disappointments is the manual Shield Attack from the guard. Is still worthless.
Guess I'll be playing World for the rest of my life since they decided to trash insect glaive. F these new changes, taking out the aerial maneuvers is taking out the weapon's uniqueness. What do you have a fin sharp stick and a bug. IG was the reason I ever picked up monster hunter. Wilds is trash for this if they're gonna release the glaive like that
@ratthew2843 I'm genuinely not, I actually am as helpful as I can be without spamming meaningless aerial attacks. But I'm playing more solo either way and I've always found the ig to be so cool because of that aerial maneuvering. I use that move to dodge stuff and reposition with ease either wanting to dodge or better position myself to land a thrust in case I miss the timing the first time and u can't deny its cool af. I don't use it to deal damage bro. Genuinely the moves were what got me into monster hunter. You can judge me all you want but I am genuinely disheartened by the removal of it.
I wanted to watch this video, but you’re spoiling all the fights and not necessarily showing clips of the moves 100% of time. So I’m just going to wait till later tonight and try the weapons out myself.
Descending thrust guide: You need to hold O as you vault. While in air, you still can make an evade by pressing X, but you CANNOT let go of O. Once you’ve moved where you intended to, releasing O will land the descending thrust with the insect drill and a flurry of automatic slashes. You can then follow up with the new rising spiral slash move. This is *correct me if I’m wrong* the highest dps move the IG has.
Personally, I walk up to the monster and vault while holding O right from the ground and I found this the easiest way to execute the DT.
It is a little bit harder to execute considering you need to hold O throughout but give it a shot! Reply this thread if I’ve missed something!
Hope this helps.
You can charge it midair if you hit the triangle attack or a focus attack first! Definitely a little easier if you start it while you’re on the ground though.
@ I found that out too!
@@Caius1942 A little something I found out too! If there is an open wound, doing focus attack when vaulted in the air with result in bounce, and then you can finish off with the final blow to the open wound, something similar to the old IG aerial attack. Though not as cool as the helicopter! 🫨
@ yep! The aerial mobility wasn’t entirely removed like people are saying, it was just made more skill and set up dependent.
just want to add that you can charge the vault as you're doing a jumping attack and releasing charge will immediately cancel the attack into a vault in the direction that you're holding.
My main weapon(IG) got turned into a bootleg longsword and my 2nd main wepaon(Bow) got turned into an unstoppable killing machine. Sometimes sacrifices must be made.
It’s wild to me that people don’t like the new IG haha
But IG has always been a bootleg LS. Spinjutsu was never the optimal way to play the weapon. The optimal play for IG has always been bootleg LS.
Where are my fellow maestros at 👇🏻
Aye aye hunting horn mains
Feal like a buble.
the new mechanics feel weird but powerful, also the super fast Encores almost make me feel like i’m cheating
Yep since the introduction of the weapon and here to keep it that way
Imma get my honk on so hard
"it honk, it bonk, and it very stronk" had me DYING XD
you're my kinda person 🤝
he honk, he bonk, but most importantly, he very stronk
SNS and IG main here, to do the descending slash with the IG you need to hold circle or B on Xbox controller to charge up first and vault into the air, you don’t have time to do a full charge while airborne to unleash the move.
Cheers! I got it by starting the charge as I was vaulting up, that was much easier for me and didn’t feel so awkward
2:07 Its always been like this no? The bloat multiplier for hammer is 5.2 whilst its 4.8 for greatsword
I swore it wasn’t, but I must have been misremembering it! 🥴
@@LightItUpDanI’ve only played since world sadly but yeah since world it’s always been like that
I main GS and hearing that they lowered TCS damage hurts and then hearing LS getting more buffed makes me angry!
TCS nerf is probably a trade off for how you can now aim it with focus mode aiming. As GS is my second choice I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I definitely agree about LS though, I don’t think the helm breaker follow up even needs to hit the monster with the sword to do damage, just a little silly at this point.
I think it is more of a side grade personally. It is true that you can get more burst damage off but because it costs two whole levels of spirit it means that you have to work harder to get back to level 3 more often in a hunt which means that our damage is far more skill dependent and less of a sure thing now.
@@Redpoppy80 but with the addition of being able to just charge a spirit round slash up getting spirit levels is so easy to do now.
It’s bordering on unmissable now. And the rest of the move list has been buffed. GS mains not good at math confirmed?
@@SH1NK1R01well, maybe. We only like to watch big numbers, not calculate them.
You can see after the power clash ends at the end of the charge blade segment at the top right it says savage axe slash so i think that means yes we can transform to savage axe mode after a power clash
Yep just press triangle I believe. And the mode lasts a very long time.
Oh good catch, dope!
So with insect glaive you can do descending thrust by one charging it in the middle of your advancing attack in the air so if you hold down circle while doing that move you'll charge it and then you can let go and go into it. Or you can charge it the beforehand before you vault in the air and let it go 16:22
Cheers yeah
@@LightItUpDansame goes on the ground, you can charge with circle while doing your triangle combo then release after for more fluid and stronger combos on the ground !!🔥🔥
So excited to try many weapons, but especially Longsword and Switch Axe (my mains). I love that longsword's red mode now is basically just how I played LS most of the time anyway. I never cared for the spirit gauge pump and dump into Helmbreaker.
Oh you're eating GOOD then! Excited for you haha
I love how positive your video is! Lots of people complain, your video feels very hopeful! It's motivating me! Thank you!
I’m so glad! You’ll fit right in here ☺️
Game is just a ton of fun, can't wait for the final release. The Switch Axe's focus strike is kinda weird though, you begin the motion and the monster moves away but you keep on attacking thin air and suddenly you pop the wound anyway, regardless of where the monster is. I called it wi fi strike, it looks more like a bug tbqh.
They’re all like that honestly, the initial connection with the wound seems to be the most pivotal part
Small correction on the lance:
You can do the charged cointer thrust after any 3 poke combo not just the 3 high thrust one
And it works a bit differentyl
You hold circle to charge. (You dont block while charging) if you let go you get a guard point. If you block something with said guard point the thrust turns into a double thrust, which at the highest charge level is probably lances best dps option
I've seen that thing hit for a total of roughly 130 damage
I have never heard something make me feel more excited. GUARD POINT ON LANCE????????? THAT IS ALL I EVER DREAMED OF
@@iceweaver9283 Lance also has a guard point on the normal block and the guard advance now
I landed that a few times today! Thanks for your insights here
@@LancerNobu ... I am so damn happy ngl.
@@iceweaver9283 I will say as to not disapoint you. The guard advance guard point seems to only be there from what if heard if you AREN'T using guard advance in the middle of combo. So only if your using it from an idle position
Played some on PC last night, and i have to say after getting the sense of things the hammer is still my bread and butter! I LOVE the new mighty charge, you just feel like your mashing the monster!
I'm so glad Hammer feels great!
Went straight for the hunting horn and its easily a new main for me. Capcom saw how underused it was in World and gave it so much flair and damage.
It’s SO sick!
They did even more than that, they realized rise hunting horn they went and made the weapon far too easier. This feels like a sweet middle ground and I love it. Once I figured out how to do the slower multi hit performance, combined with learning what the bubble does it was a wrap. I stopped maining hh in rise cause it was a bad change, but wilds easily made the weapon better in every way. Sweet chin music time
holy, the sidestep on hammer strikes is huge
Yeah, it feels really natural too!
6:07 caught me so off guard lmfao
Sasuke 😫
@ so glad I had headphones in lmao
Can’t have the world thinking you’re a dirty weeb 💀
@@LightItUpDan nonono never, I must keep my nonchalant cool guy facade up, no one can I know I enjoyed MHA
God the looks I just got on the train wish I didn't forget my headphones
Here's the best tech for using the SnS: go into your tent, click on change equipment, select LS as your secondary weapon, before each fight, remember to stow away the SnS and pull out the LS and boom, now you're doing so much more damage while having way more fun with the game, you're welcome
Kinda late but a correction: The rapid fire mode for lbg doesn't unlock rapid fire for all your ammo, it just unlocks rapid fire in general. You still only rapid fire your designated rapid fire ammo. So its just strictly worse since you don't have 100% uptime anymore. Same with them reducing the mines from 3 to 1.
It can only be done with certain ammo, not all, and makes them rapid fire as far as I recall. I did it with pierce or something else too, but with others it auto switched back to normal
@@LightItUpDan Yeah. I just meant that other than being tied to a gauge, the rapid fire isn't any different/stronger than previous generations. Also it would have been normal lvl 2, spread and thunder ammo, since those were the rapid fire ammos in the beta.
with cb, you can immediately boost your shield now after reloading by holding down circle
Yeah I was doing that a bunch today, really cool addition!
So to do the descending thrust on glaive: Get red (red is what lets you charge, not getting all 3), hold circle to charge, r2 + triangle to launch, release circle to downward thrust.
Cheers yeah, I started holding it as I was vaulting rather than before, that works best for me
man the long sword is like space marine in warhammer 40k huh? the favorite of their developer. like buff to red state, buff to spirit helm breker, buff to the moveability of the spirit slash combo, and now you can just hold R2 to just skip the entire combo and land the round slash and get the spirit gauge level. while the great sword get the ability to turn around while charging, very nice.
They’ve given it a lot of love yeah haha
Greatsword also get's the parry move and counter as well as the ability to have a perfect block clash move
@@Vagabond_01 ofcourse i am exaggerating, but the point still stand. long sword is the sweet child of monster hunter. where yes greatsword gets the parry and the ability to do the power clash and also the perfect guard, but this is a feature that is also present in other weapon, while the longsword gets even more buff that it didn't need, like do they really need to make so if you are in the red level gauge every attack you do does an extra attack? when longsword already have so many hits?
I became a bow main back in World and oh my god, Wilds made it so much cooler. The coatings being part of the weapon kit is so awesome, since the phials always ran out so damn fast. Also, shooting homing arrows like a Magic Archer from Dragon's Dogma? Count me in. I'm very hyped for full release.
It got SUCH a nice glow up! Very cool to see
About descending thrust, it's super easy to do on keyboard and mouse, you just hold down right click while doing anything (even an X combo) and then you can either release to get the new charged attack or vault and release for descending thrust. It's very much like a fighting game charge input or the fighter charge upswing from dragon's dogma 2 if you're familiar with either in the sense that you can pretty much charge it in almost all animations except while knocked down or dodging. It's really more of a manipulating your fingers appropriately thing than it is being tacky, I really suggest rebinding it to a shoulder button on a controller
Once I started charging it as I vaulted, I stopped having any issues!
Cool, right?
The bloat attack multiplier for hammers is usually bigger than GSs, so that's probably why you saw hammer with bigger values. In MHWorld hammer had 5.2 and GS had 4.8
Yeah I misremembered that one, apologies for the confusion!
With charge blade don’t forget focus mode to aim your big attacks.
You right, you right! Focus mode to aim attacks hasn’t become muscle memory for me yet haha
I was scared as well as a hammer enthusiast. So glad to hear the Bonk is real.
I just posted a solo vs Rey Dau with it if you wanna see more!
18:07 the seikret photobombing your ignition mode 💀
Haha that mfer 💀
13:51 the way you’re going ham on him right here is all I need to know
haha let's go
Lance was SUCH a massive change im honestly struggling to get used to it still compared to older games. I think i might be able to settle back in with more playtime however
It's been buffed really nicely!
the game looks amazing but the combat just doesn’t give me that same feeling that world does I don’t know if it’s the hit sounds or just beta clunkiness but damn it looks sexy
Trust, there’s still lots of impact! Might just be the lack of optimisations with the beta?
To me it honestly feels like world before ice borne, clutchclaw and bugs from rise gave us so much verticality and this system is more grounded, but I’m sure we will get a crazy tool much later on a expansion just like in world
Haven't played the beta yet. But from what I have seen, or better heard in this case the soundscape in fights seems a bit underwhelming. World sounds really meaty and crunchy, especially if you hit weak points. That doesn't seem to be the case in wilds. It feels toned down. By quite a bit.
CB main here, can't wait to use this and the bow for good measure. They look so much fun to play in Wilds!
hell yeah!
I HATED the gunlance in world. i was a lance main and it always just felt like a worse lance to me. i tried it in the beta just for the hell of it and found my new main weapon. the mobility is top tier, the shield is actually useful now and the combo is so fluid and satisfying
SO much nicer in Wilds!
CB starting on time stamp 1337 really made me smile 😁 thanks!
Haha what a coincidence!
Oh my poor Insect Glaive, now it's just a discount Long Sword
Naw, definitely not. IG is still the mounting king and is the only weapon AFAIK that can focus strike in the air to hit wounds on the top of a monster.
IG also has unparalleled ability to dodge monster attacks and can then turn around with the boost to stick back to the monster and do aerial damage or hit a wound on the back for damage and a refill on all extracts.
Also having basically four move sets (standard attacks, focus attacks, full extract attacks and full extract focus attacks) gives you more nuance and the focus attacks with your kinsect have some interesting possibilities, like KO’ing monsters by hitting the ascending strike with a blunt damage kinsect or marking the monster with a status kinsect and setting up tons of say blast or paralysis explosions that you can then set off with the wide range of the ascending attack.
I love the changes
@@Caius1942 SnS exist.
I have a crackpot theory as to why they nerfed it, they will be adding a new weapon that has Ariel moves in the dlc and to sell it they need it to outshine the insect glaive
@@Caius1942to me it looks like the combat feels more like a polearm type of weapon with how the combos work with a mix of ff dragoon with the occasional jumps. Honestly gonna main it this go around because it looks so sick
these upswing parries blow my mind.
this is what i always wanted
They’re so dope!
okat the DB intro had me spitting my coffee, lmao
S- Sasuke? 😳
Ready for that PC beta tomorrow!
Not long now!
We need to start a petition to get Insect Glaives’s aerial combo reinstated. Doesn’t make sense why they would take that away. The ground combo in World may have been the optimal dps combo but, man was flying around fun as hell. We need it back!!
I dunno, I love the new IG!
Maybe now ig can now do damage instead of flying around then getting carted off 😂
Can't wait for the beta on PC
Awesome video as always my man
But I'm kinda bummed because you didn't use the performance beat on Hunting Horn, why bonk once when you can bonk AND honk three times!
I mustn’t have put in the clips where I honked the fuck outta that Chatacabra 💀
I've been waiting so long for this video. I've only gotten two notes from this beta test or from what I've played and it feels like you have built in evade extender and flinch free. My only problem with the game is I don't know what to make my secondary weapon because they're all so cool
Lots of combos with many weapons do seem to give you innate flinch free! Very cool
broooo every weapon is good. I like all of them and i wanna play with all of them.
I knowww I know!
Great Sword is looking VERY good
Feels it too!
“You can’t bounce yourself up in the air, but why would you want to?” = not an insect glance user haha!
I *am* an IG user haha, I just know the ground combos are the bread and butter alongside downward thrust
As someone who doesn't like IG that much I'd say now it looks much cooler, I just wished that when it did that spiral attack up it allowed to dash in the air and take it from there, but the whole jump spinny play style became boring real quick when I first tried the weapon years ago
it’s dope as hell in Wilds
I'm definitely playing insect glaive and bow for this game
Both awesome choices, they were mad fun!
Lance feels so good and definitely a very strong choice
Yeah it’s dope, I’m still learning more about it!
For decending trust.
Hold circle>vault>hold circle release
Trying this later
@@Eweyhenit’s hard but doable. Much easier to just vault and quickly start holding O.
I got it to work by pressing ⭕️ down as I initiated the vault too! Cheers for the insights
@@LightItUpDan another tip you can aim your descending trust with focus mode
damn, hammer dealing as much damage as a TCS
Yeah, mighty charge is no joke!
The bow! the bow will destroy everything!!
I fought the Rey Dau with it and it was a blast, my main weapon again for sure.
Yeah it’s nuts!
Hammer has always had higher damage stats than GS in the older games. Some games just show you the raw damage of the weapon, called true damage usually. Most games in the series however, or at least about half of them because it depends on whether they're made by team A or team B, show you inflated damage values for the weapons. It's weird that GS with its hardest hitting single moves shows a lower damage value on the stat screen than a hammer does with the same true damage but that's just how they did their multipliers. They mean nothing, the real damage is usually the same between weapons from the same monster and upgrade level, it's just the motion value of each attack that truly makes a difference in the damage number you see when you hit the monster in the end.
LS for example never had damage numbers that high or single hit attacks with high damage but always had one of the highest multipliers for its equipment stats. It's just an odd system made to provide the player with some base idea of how much damage a weapon can dish out, but it's also horribly outdated.
Yeah, I weirdly misremembered that, sorry for the confusion!
The insect glaive changes makes me go hard... not in that way. You understand. lol
I dig, I dig
the bow changes are unironically massive.
so glad we won't be running around trying to manage bow coatings anymore. I get it's supposed to be immersive but im guilty of being a lazy hunter and would finish a lot of fights with the close-range coating just because I didn't feel like switching coats and reswitching when they ran out etc.
Bow is unrecognisable, SUCH a glow up haha
My weapon choices have not changed, Insect Glaive and Bow.
Good stuff
Removing helicopter mode form the Insect Glaive guts the weapon. I'm crushed :(
improves it imo! but I get it
I personally feel IG is the best it's ever been. While helicopteringwas fun, it does way more damage and the ground combo is insanely fun to do
GS main all day! Now i just need Rajang in the game so i can Kaido roleplay again. Probably take Hammer as my secondary, hell maybe Light BG for some wakeups
Haha let's gooo
LBG gonna be known as the focus strike weapon
That grenade damage on wounds??? Insane
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He is already having fun, imagine when he finds out you cant turn while attacking using L2 =o
I know about it! It’s just still not natural for me to do haha
@LightItUpDan ican finally play lance thanks to this xD
My mains are the switch axe and charge blade, recently more so the charge blade and I'm gonna be honest I'm scared that I'm gonna have to completely relearn them.
Haha, they do feel a bit different now! Both of them are dope though
Long sword FTW!
It’s feeling dope, right?
For real. So smooth. Love the R2 + 🔺️ and 🔵 buttons. I can't wait to have weapons that can hit hard.
About the bow, do we not need to craft the coatings anymore?
This is covered fully during the video, rewatch the Bow segment
@LightItUpDan maybe more of a reassurance personally but thanks for the reply.
Did they make the shield bash any better on SnS this time around? I know in World people really didn't feel like using the shield combo was worth it(outside of the aerial stuff) because shield just didn't do enough KO and lacked the damage to make it worthwhile. I was really hoping with Wilds we'd see the shield bash combo be comparable to the sword slashes, or at least competitive because of the KO damage.
damage seemed balanced with the other combos, so no reason not to use it!
i will probably be playing bow and swax
Both are insanely fun
The power stat of the Greatsword has been lower than the Hammer since World at least, go back to Monster Hunter World and see for yourself.
That's right yeah, I misremembered, apologies for the confusion
It was hard to keep up with those combos but what were the ones you recommended?
You're gonna need to be more specific mate, it's a 20 minute video about combos for all 14 weapons haha
@LightItUpDan sorry I thought I typed gunlance in there brother
@@DREADxMAW no bother mate! see that double full burst and wyvern stake combo I talk about? that one's MAD fun haha
@LightItUpDan it looks really fun! I'm committing to learning the gunlance and those better combos this go around. Used to the g.s. and hammer, both of which are fun too.
@LightItUpDan honestly shied away from this one in world, which was my first M.H. because it seemed like a pain to learn. But I couldn't resist the pull of all of those juicy explosions lol
I love almost all the changes but I hate IG now. I like bouncing in the air and doing diving wyvern at the end like in rise. I wish the doubled down on aerial combat instead of this crap. Other than that the other weapons are all great.
I feel you! I'm super happy with IG honestly
I dont know if you knew that, but never saw you doing that.. you can block and do the perfect rush, by immediately press back and circle after stop blocking. I saw you fightig this thunder monster and you got hit often in the perfect rush performing. You where too late with the jump-attack forward and jump back to perform rush attack. But anyways good job.
very cool!
so Hammer's Might Charge Bonk is nearly the same dmg as TCS? I'll take Hammer every time thank you very much!
TCS has the benefit of being able to readjust the aim, so it’s going to be much easier to hit. I am happy to see more bonk mains though
@@Caius1942 the mighty charge bonk is also adjusting, but it doesnt really matter cause it comes out really quickly once you release it
It hits so hard haha
I need whatever weapon gets the biggest perfect guard or dodge window. Because I suck at reading monster attacks 😢
Everything with a block can go into it really quickly and smoothly now!
Our explosive arrows will blot the sun
to charge up Descending Thrust as far as I know, other than you now require red buff to perform it at all
you can start charging from the ground before vault and do it.
im so early im excited for gunlance
Lots to be excited about, it’s SICK!
Do they still have range armor penalty?
Good question, I’m not sure!
I cannot believe.
I'll buy a PS5 just to play Monster Hunter
Beta’s on everything soon enough
same bro
Did they took out Lai slash stance from Longsword!? Man i hope not
Nope that’s still in!
I feel like you didn't go deeper then just the guard for Lance…
Do feel like some things need more changes. But it's ok.
I tried my best 🤷
@ I 100% agree and I appreciate you putting Lance as an A instead of a D ♥️
Recommend you try to Dash attack after guarding. You get to go full speed right away.
You can also turn the countercharge thrust in focus mode.
One of the few disappointments is the manual Shield Attack from the guard. Is still worthless.
Fellow bow mains, I want to ask a question. Are yalls gonna be playing bow normally or as a mongolian horse archer?
Wtf was that dual blade, i dont wanna repeat, what did you say
gonna cry?
And they made IG funless, again.
I had massive amounts of fun playing it
Rip insect glaive
I love new IG
I was the 1000th like👍🏾
soooo the gunlance is no long and option hum
You don't like Wilds Gunlance?
GS TCS is always weaker early, late game builds help capitalize on it way more.
yeah could just be that, hard to say for now
Fyi GS difficulty depends on monster
Well of course everything has a match up preference, but a person’s main is nearly always their best choice in all circumstances
whats... the combo....
They need to nerf the damage on the helm breaker as it now has a free follow up that makes even more damage
Not free! Costs a whole additional spirit gauge level on top of the helm breaker cost, so two levels in total!
Why is lock on so trash ??
Turn off focus camera (which I didn’t do for the majority of this video 🥴)
Guess I'll be playing World for the rest of my life since they decided to trash insect glaive. F these new changes, taking out the aerial maneuvers is taking out the weapon's uniqueness. What do you have a fin sharp stick and a bug. IG was the reason I ever picked up monster hunter. Wilds is trash for this if they're gonna release the glaive like that
Damn, I love the IG changes
I get the frustrations but bro all the other weapons are so damn badass in this game it doesn’t even matter
Ahh youre one of those useless IG players that do less dps than a hh because youre spamming spinjutsu.
@ratthew2843 I'm genuinely not, I actually am as helpful as I can be without spamming meaningless aerial attacks. But I'm playing more solo either way and I've always found the ig to be so cool because of that aerial maneuvering. I use that move to dodge stuff and reposition with ease either wanting to dodge or better position myself to land a thrust in case I miss the timing the first time and u can't deny its cool af. I don't use it to deal damage bro. Genuinely the moves were what got me into monster hunter. You can judge me all you want but I am genuinely disheartened by the removal of it.
@@mcsavage1587 yeah you are right without that it lose his originality even if am not a ig main am sad of that
i will never respond to a single LS SOS in wilds
look at what you guys got. you better not ask for no goddamn help
Damn you out here hatin'
@LightItUpDan nah, it's their time to come save us 🤣 come help us with ya broken ass weapon haha
I wanted to watch this video, but you’re spoiling all the fights and not necessarily showing clips of the moves 100% of time. So I’m just going to wait till later tonight and try the weapons out myself.
what was the point of leaving this comment 😭
@@LightItUpDan and its not even real