Be a Doer of the Word

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • In James 1:22, it says to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. James explains that the one who only hears but does not put the Word of God to practice is self-deceived. He also puts the emphasis on the tongue, and that if someone does not bridle his tongue, his religion is in vain. Jesus also put much emphasis on doing instead of only hearing. On one occasion, He asked, "Why do you call me Lord and don't do the things that I say?" In Luke 6, Jesus gave the example of two people. One heard His sayings and did not do them. The other heard His sayings and did them. Jesus said the storms of life came to both people, but only one received the protection and blessing of God. Let this message by Tony McCanless encourage you to be a doer of the Word.

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