Grindelwald was effortlessly charming; a charismatic cult leader. Voldie only purposefully charmed specific people he needed to use, then dropped the façade and opted for intimidation.
Voldemort’s own insecurity of being a muggle made him hate muggles and reflect his anger on his peers. where as, Grindenwald showed a genuine compassion for mastering magic
I don't know why this channel is so underrated! This channel is so straight forward, no extreme overreaction, no begging for subs. The themes of the video this channel makes are pretty unique and interesting so why is it so underrated?
The reason Grindlewald was more successful is, his followers were all willing and believed in the cause. They and Grindlewald did not fear death so we're willing to do whatever it takes. Voldemort however, ruled by fear. Aside from Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Junior, he had no one who was truly loyal. Snape turned spy, Lucius and family abandoned him during the final fight, Karkaroff gave up others to secure his freedom, Wormtail was afraid and so on. He had none beyond Bellatrix in the end who was loyal, and even she committed a betrayal by helping Narcissa protect Draco with Snape despite his explicit instructions that the boy was to be punished for Lucius's failure at the Department of Mysteries. So, really, only Barty remained true and all that got him was the dementor's kiss.
Exactly! Like the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. In this case you gain more loyal followers with acceptance than with death threats and pain.
Actually I believe it was because in the beginning he said all the right things. Voldemort was a sociopath. They are very good at finding out what matters to people and using it. During his Knights of Walpurgis days, it was all about saying what the purebloods wanted to hear. It's only after making his horcruxes to ensure his survival that his true nature showed, and by then it was too late for them to back out.
@@katholmes7112 Grindelwald was no different. He was a manipulative liar and propagandist. His slogan was "join us or die". Dumbledore end up confronting him because he could no longer stand and watch people dying...
Grindelwald recognized that a lot of his actions were wrong, but felt what he was doing was important for wizard kind. On the other hand Tom never cared that his actions were wrong.
I'd also say that Grindelwald seems quite a bit cleverer and more thought through. Tom Riddle's trademark is obsessing over things that would be less dangerous to him if left alone and overlooking the "small" things that eventually bring him down.
@@SAPANNow per example he was obsessed with being the one to kill harry because it was symbolic to him, if he gave the death eaters the order to kill harry on sight Harry would’ve died way before book 7 lol
Voldemort: You were my hero growing up. I read all your speeches, hundreds of times... you were the only Dark Wizard who was nearly as powerful as me. Grindelwald: Buddy, you think you look strong? You haven't got a nose. You're just a cheap fucking knockoff. Voldemort: No, no, no, no... I'm the upgrade.
Grindewald wanted to be immortal in a different way. He was alright with eventually dying of old age, but he wanted to live on forever in the history books as the man who led wizardkind in liberating themselves. His immortality would have been the same as Achilles, known forever for what he did.
I always thought Grindlewald seemed more powerful, the spells and magic he produced looked impressive, Voldemort was powerful but seemed only on the dark side whereas Grindlewald used all types of magic!
Grindelwald would not survive 2 sec in combat against Voldemort as Voldemort can apparate in silence which only he and Dumbledore have been able to do, so Voldemort would send fiendfire after Grindelwald and then apparate to cast the killing curse while Grindelwald is distracted by fiendfire...
@@MagusMortloch Grindelwald is not that dumb to fall with that kind of lazy distraction. He is able to stand his ground against dozens of highly skilled aurors who are firing spells against him all at once at different directions so a simple distraction like what you are trying to suggest will never work against him You also have to consider the fact that Grindelwald is a master of almost all areas of magic especially charms and he is the master of the Elder Wand. Lastly, the element of surprise will never work on him as he is a Seer who can see glimpses of the future which he enhanced by killing the Qilin. Your best hope is to confuse him by having several plans instead of one which I doubt Voldemort will do as he tends to be one dimensional and almost always relies on the killing curse to kill his opponents
The two of them are a great example of different types of cults of personality, in my opinion. One manipulates people to love him, the other manipulates people to fear him. Another fantastic video as always 👍
@@abcxyz- That's not my point. My point is that horcruxes allows you to cheat death. I mentioned the original owner of the elder wand as an example as he was stabbed to death while sleeping...
@@MagusMortloch While that is true, I'm sure Grindelwald know the true cost of splitting one's soul to create horcruxes. He shares the same wisdom as Dumbledore, so he knows that death is a natural course of life. At some point he will rise to power, and when he gets old he will eventually die and move on into the afterlife. Splitting one's soul to create horcruxes prevents this from happening. And it is a cost far too great for Grindelwald to pay for the sake of power. It's just isn't worth it. Voldemort however, fears death altogether. So he created horcruxes 7 times so that he can be sure that he can't die, he's willing to pay whatever the cost (whether he knows it or not). His arrogance is what made him stuck in limbo (the damaged baby looking entity in the station vision when Harry died and meet with Dumbledore). Because of the horcrux, his soul was damaged beyond help that when Voldemort died, his damaged soul is in that tortured shape and stuck in limbo, unable to come back nor move on. That is the true cost of making horcrux, something that Grindelwald very well know and decided not to do it, because it's not worth it. And he doesn't fear death since it's a natural part of life. So if he dies in pursuit of his goals, then he dies and move on. He has accepted this.
@@NeoKingArthur Grindelwald knew nothing about horcruxes. He would have made one if he knew or was strong enough to make it. Stop this romancing of Grindelwald. He is not so great as you consider him to be...
Grindelwald and Voldemort were very different people. Here is how they are different: Ideology Grin: Grindlewald believes that wizards are superior to Muggles. (That isn’t right. Believing one group of people is inherently superior to another is never right.) He believes the separation of the worlds is wrong and harms wizardkind. (Here he has a point. It could be seen as harmful to witches and wizards skulking around in the shadows likely out of fear of Muggles.) Gellert believes peaceful co-existance is impossible. That when the Statute of Secrecy falls there will be a war regardless. (Again he has a point here. On the individual level people from either world could co-exist. But human nature often results in war when encountering something new.) Voldy: He was a pureblood supremacist. He believed that purebloods (wizards with all magical families) are superior to half-bloods or muggleborns. (people with muggle/non-magical blood) He was also a wizard supremacist and believed that the wizardkind should rule over the non-magical people. That being said, I believe it is implied that ultimately, Voldemort cared only about himself and his politics were more of a tool for him to gain power than anything else. His hatred for muggles was real, but he was driven more by his own thirst for power than by any ideology. Power I don’t think there’s enough of a basis for comparison here. Influence: Voldy only terrorised Briton. Grin was feared throughout the whole goddam world. He wreaked havoc in many European countries. Viktor Krum had once mentioned that Grindelwald had murdered his grandfather. Grindelwald was responsible for many people’s deaths and even got the Magical congress of the United states involved. Grindelwald was very ambitious and strived to conquer the world with the elder wand. At the height of his power, there was an international manhunt involving wizards from North America as well as Europe. Plans: Voldemort’s plans were laughably absurd. They depended on far too much luck and happenstance, and the fact that they worked at all is an example of author fiat, not of his cleverness. I’m not convinced Grindlewald’s attempts to harness an obscurial were wise, but he took great pains to remain hidden. He did not yet seem to be in the midst of a war, so had time to work on building his power base… and if he had been successful, the power he would have had on his side would have been terrifying. And Grindlewald’s confidence was not misplaced… his escape was thwarted by Newt Scamander, but prior to that he was literally smoking 25 freakin MACUSA losers. If newt hadn’t came in with that fang ass abomination, he would have killed all of them. And he gave dumby the fight of his freaking life. Voldy on the other hand couldn’t even dominate dumby in a fight. He was a man’s man who was defeated by the only wizard in the world stronger than him. He had been repeated compared to Albus with respect to magical ability, knowledge and sheer awesomeness. On the other hand, Voldemort lost to Harry - twice. The first time he was stupid enough to ignore “Love” something that Dumbledore yapped about for half a century. You don’t need to respect someone to listen to what they’re saying The second time he was stupid enough to ignore wandlore. You almost die from trying to kill a baby and lose to a seventeen year old profoundly non-genius kid and still want a shot at the greatest dark wizard of all time? No not working with me. Grindelwald died like an effing legend. lying through his non-existent teeth, misdirecting and pissing off voldy because screw him that’s why. Voldy died when his killing rebounds on him, because he was stupid enough to ignore wandlore, and didn’t realise that Harry was the master of the elder freakin wand. Grindelwald definetly wins
Video idea for you to do: What additional effects do spells have that are not seen in the movies? For instance, what else can the patronus charm do besides ward off dementors?
@@HarryPotterTheory I'd have to argue that because a vast majority of their lives was with eachother,they should only have seperate films in later years,although Grindlewald was in Azkaban for his later years
I refuse to accept the whole 'Voldemort was evil because of a love potion' as canon. It completely removes any and all impact of his traumatic childhood, and the idea that someone who lives half their life powerless will become obsessed with power once they are handed a hefty dose of it. Before this whole love potion crap, Voldemort wasn't born evil. His choices mattered. And Dumbledore likely asked himself every single day "Could I have prevented this?" Could Dumbledore have just left Voldemort in that orphanage and never let him into Hogwarts? Could he have reached out to Tom Riddle, perhaps becoming the father Tom never had? Nope. Love potion. Drugs. End of story. It's stupid.
Voldemort is underrated in terms of power, he never reached his full potential as this can only archived by owning the elder wand. Grindelwald has exactly this advantage is his duel, while Voldemort had exactly this as his disadvantage because here Dumbledore was wielding the elder wand. Also I don’t like that people suggest that an old wizard is past his prime. I’d rather compare them with dragons: they grow their entire life until they die at a very old age. In a duel between wizards, knowledge and experience matters more than physical condition of the body. So in my opinion Dumbledore was way stronger and more self confident than during the Grindelwald regime.
Dumbledore was also over 110 years old when he fought Voldemort Most guys over 80 can barely walk let alone fight Not the mention the. Slowing of reflexes which is one of the most important things to have in combat
@@kristianschuff1723 for a wizard 110 years is a pretty normal age. Consider that wizards have way better medicine so they can cure most muggle diseases. Especially dumbledore, who has money, knowledge and access to the best healers in the world could easily stay fit until high ages (like i said 110 isnt even that old for a wizard).
@@paulgraf5746 disease isn't the only issue the main issue is as you age your body itself starts to fail Notably brittle bones, the thinning of skin, Failing processes in the brain, weakening to heart no medicine can fix that Not to mention so many cancers( which aren't your typical disease as it's technically part of your own body constantly reproducing new cells)
postanowilem poprosic AI o napisanie scenariusza jak wygladalaby prawdopodoba walka miedzy nim ktora bylaby jak najbardziej realistyczna oto co AI stwierdzil : Voldemort kontra Grindelwald: Pojedynek Władców Czarów Wstęp W mrocznych zakamarkach Europy, w odległym i zrujnowanym zamku, spotykają się dwaj najpotężniejsi czarnoksiężnicy swojego czasu. Voldemort i Grindelwald, choć dzieli ich czas i przestrzeń, mają wspólne cele - dominacja nad światem czarodziejów. I choć różnią się w swoich metodach, obaj pragną przywrócić czarodziejom ich dawną świetność. Dziś jednak ich ambicje prowadzą do ostatecznego starcia. Fabularne tło Grindelwald, po latach ukrywania się, otrzymuje informacje, że Voldemort planuje zdobyć potężny artefakt, który może wzmocnić jego już nieprzeciętną moc. Zdeterminowany, by powstrzymać swojego rywala i udowodnić swoją wyższość, Grindelwald postanawia skonfrontować się z Voldemortem, zanim artefakt zostanie zdobyty. Początek starcia Na mrocznych korytarzach zrujnowanego zamku, gdzie echa przeszłych zaklęć i czarów wciąż wiszą w powietrzu, obaj czarodzieje stają naprzeciw siebie. Voldemort, z jego zimnym spokojem i potężnymi zaklęciami, z gracją i precyzją przygotowuje się do walki. Grindelwald, z jego złośliwym uśmiechem i zwinnością, także ma zamiar pokazać swoje umiejętności. Pojedynek Pojedynek rozpoczyna się od wymiany zaklęć, które rozbrzmiewają w opuszczonych salach. Voldemort, korzystając ze swojej biegłości w czarnomagicznych zaklęciach, atakuje Grindelwalda potężnymi Klątwami i Ostrzami Śmierci, podczas gdy Grindelwald, z jego mistrzostwem w tworzeniu iluzji i manipulowaniu przestrzenią, unika ataków i kontratakuję z precyzyjnymi zaklęciami. Grindelwald wykorzystuje swoją umiejętność manipulowania czasem i przestrzenią, by wprowadzić Voldemorta w pułapkę, gdzie czarodzieje walczą w przestrzeni o nieprzewidywalnym kształcie. Voldemort, pomimo swojej ogromnej mocy, zaczyna mieć trudności z przewidywaniem ruchów swojego przeciwnika. Grindelwald wykorzystuje to, aby zaskoczyć Voldemorta. Decydujący moment W decydującym momencie, gdy walka staje się bardziej intensywna, Grindelwald korzysta ze swojej umiejętności strategicznego myślenia i zna Voldemorta lepiej niż ktokolwiek inny. Przypominając sobie ich przeszłe konfrontacje, Grindelwald tworzy iluzję, która sprawia, że Voldemort traci orientację. Korzystając z chwili nieuwagi, Grindelwald przeprowadza skoordynowany atak, łącząc potężne zaklęcia i magię iluzji, co zmusza Voldemorta do obrony na kilku frontach jednocześnie. Zakończenie Ostatecznie, Grindelwald, wykorzystując swoje umiejętności manipulacji i swoje głębokie zrozumienie magii, pokonuje Voldemorta, zadając mu ostateczny cios, który nie tylko osłabia jego siły, ale również demaskuje jego słabości. Voldemort, choć próbował walczyć do końca, zostaje pokonany przez bardziej wszechstronną i sprytną magię Grindelwalda. Grindelwald, triumfując nad swoim odwiecznym rywalem, stoi w zrujnowanym zamku, patrząc na rozbite resztki magii, które były świadkami ich walki. Pomimo jego zwycięstwa, pozostaje w cieniu, z dala od świata czarodziejów, który teraz będzie musiał zmierzyć się z nowymi wyzwaniami.
Something that interests me is that in the novels dumbledore is seen to be levels above Voldemort in power and skill but also in the novels dumbledore says he was only something like a shade more powerful, I don’t remember the exact quote. Wouldn’t this imply that to dumbledore point of view grindelwald is more powerful/skilled than Voldemort?
Dumbledore gained 50+ more years of knowledge & experience, 50+ more years to hone his skills and became the master of the Elder Wand after he defeated Grindelwald yet Voldemort was able to keep up with him which in my mind makes Voldemort more powerful and more knowledgeable than Grindelwald HOWEVER Grindelwald was definitely the bigger threat because he had WAY more followers, was incredibly cunning, was a Seer & created incredibly dangerous spells like Protecto Diabolica (which instantly kills anyone who is his enemy should they touch it, doesn't harm his allies at all, became powerful enough to become capable of DESTROYING A CITY after he lost control of it) and he was a threat to the entirety of Europe and perhaps the world while Voldemort was only a threat to Britain. So personally if you were to put the two against each other alone than I believe that Voldemort would win HOWEVER if you were to include their allies than Grindelwald would win (especially since most of Voldemort's followers would switch sides because Grindelwald wouldn't torture them)
50+ years while it does boost knowledge but as you age your reflexes as well as your other physical abilities dull severely at 100+ years old most men can barely walk let alone fight
@@kristianschuff1723 It's Voldemort who was not in his prime. He had almost returned in a very weak skeletal body after having been without a body and wand for 13 years. He could barely hold his wand... Dumbledore being far more powerful than he was against Grindelwald was unable to stop Voldemort in the first wizarding war.
@@kristianschuff1723 If Dumbledore could defeat Voldemort he would have tracked him down and confront him as he did with Grindelwald. He was far more powerful than he was against Grindelwald as he did not only mastered the elder wand but was also supreme mugwump meaning that he had the whole wizarding world backing him up...
Everyones comments are right. Grindlewald was and is more powerful than voldemort. He had a cause. A purpose. He wasnt evil. He wanted the betterment of his own ppl. Voldemort was just self centered. He did everything only for himself. Grindlewald wouldnt need a holcrux cause he wouldve gladly died for his cause. In a duel, grindlewald would finish voldermort. You could tell grindlewald was like dumbledore in that they had a very deep understanding of magic. Most wizards just used magic, but grindlewald and dumbledore actually understood and had a relationship with magic which made them very powerful. Grindlewald would be to clever for voldermort.
I liked Grindelwald. He seemed much more of a team player....unlike Voldemort who I would never work with because he only cares about himself. Also Grindelwald shows a giant nuclear blast caused by muggles to his followers...thus giving a damn good reason to join him against the dangerous muggles. Voldemort just kind of says "Muggles are bad....because I say so." Which isn't very compelling.
Voldemort and Grindelwald have couple of huge differences. Grindelwald didn't almost ever go against his main-protagonists head on. And Voldermort needed to be brought down by kids. In-world Voldemort created an very public army of people who could not be taken down even by government packed team of dedicated warrior-mages. Grindelwald raised a shadowy web of cultists who worked on his behalf, mostly from shadows. Grindelwald was beaten by an emotionally compromised opponent fighting against Elder Wand with a regular wand. While Voldemort held his own against "the greatest duelist ever" with Elder Wand and who no doubt had learned what happens when you go easy on your opponents for any reason. Sure there is version of the fight that makes it seem like Dumbledore has relatively easy time with Voldemort, but again, "the greatest duelist ever" WITH THE Elder Wand. And still Dumbledore couldn't stop and nearly even lost to Voldemort. And like certain mostly Asian country has lately demonstrated to us, no force can function for long without extensive support from others, even if that country itself is sitting on every kind of resource it could ever need... There is no way Voldermort could have harnessed a huge movement during the First Wizarding War without being aided by more than the British Islands, who were in active war against him. Let alone that he could reform an immense army in mere months after returning from what had had to be just remnants from the forces that fought for him the first time, seeing how Aurors and the whole Ministery had been after the his army after the first run. Finally, Grindelwald never had to deal with the level of plot-armour Voldemort was fighting against. In all honesty's sake. Harry was saved by love? No-one, not a single person in anywhere had not sacrificed themselves to protect their loved one? Not a single soul was slain in way that would have pounced back on Grindelwald, or even Voldemort, before that one moment? Every single person, except for Harry's mom were just hateful bastards, who didn't deem it necessary to save anyone? Really? Buuut I think a lot of Voldemort's greater power in comparison to Grindelwald did actually stem from Grindelwald setting up the framework for person like Voldemort to find eager followers. So... He had lot to be thankful too.
I think Grindelwald made the same mistake with the elder wand as voldemort. Since Grindelwald only stole the wand, I dont think the wand ever accepted him as the true wielder.
@@soham4741 Harry disarmed Draco's normal one and gained control of the Elder Wand from Draco who never even touched the thing, but rather disarmed it from a person who didn't even try to resist in any capacity. It's pretty likely the Elder Wand loses alliance for whatever reason and taking it with you after someone left it somewhere pretty much counts. Or not. Depending on what the plot needs. The Wand probably is aware it's a Deus ex Wandina.
what are you taking about dumbuldore he did not nerley lose to Voldemort he absolutli kick his ass, the chapter is called one he ever feard so no everything voldemort trow at dumbuldore he easily defeted he animated 3 statuesd taht kick voldemorts ass and he protected harry in the mean time and voldemort had to go in to harry and aske dumboldore to kill harry if he wantet to win he ran like a cowerd
Some more possible differences: inferis - real dark magic that both Grindelwald and Voldemort had knowledge about, but for different ends, and Obscurials - Voldemort seemed not to know about them (but could have been one).
it's sad to think about because Voldemort no matter what is going to be more evil than Grindelwald because Grindelwald had regrets, he felt love. he felt betrayal. Voldemort didn't feel anything because he was conceived by a love. potion So he's emotions are well. they're not there which means he can be truly evil and just not care about anything. So in terms of who was more evil, definitely Voldemort no questions asked because of the love potion that he was conceived with. if it wasn't for that then it could be a toss-up, but like I said because of that it automatically makes him more evil than Grindelwald. someone who is truly evil will not care what they do or who they hurt. someone who is in a kind of middle ground will have regrets and remorse
I feel like Grindelwald didn’t create horcruxes because unlike Voldemort, he didn’t fear death which was Voldemorts biggest weakness. Grindelwald was much more powerful as a whole because he had no fear.
I would consider Grindelwald being a Seer as just as significant a difference as Voldemort being a Parselmouth. One could argue Grindelwald's Seer abilities were more advantageous to his cause than Voldemort's ability because Harry, too, could speak Parseltongue and it was all Voldemort's fault that happened. PS I see comparing the two characters as if I were comparing the mentality and tactics of a dictator to that of a serial killer. Grindelwald, like a dictator, was more dangerous but Voldemort, like a serial killer, was more deadly.
Also, HP books suggest that one does not learn parseltoung, you're born with it. Assuming the ability is genetic, Slitherin's descendents are more likely to have that trait than are others. They didn't learn it, it was innate within them...
I think the idea that Voldemort is the most dangerous dark wizard ever is very anglocentric. To Brits he might be, because his reign of terror concentrated on the UK, while Grindelwald was 1: active globally and 2: unable and unwilling to go against Dumbledore, so while Dumbledore was protecting the UK, nothing too bad would happen there. Add to that how Krum reacted to his headmaster literally being a (former) Death Eater and how he reacted to Luna's dad wearing a symbol that is associated with Grindelwald. It's the only time we get to see that difference of reaction from someone who's not a Brit. Imho if we were to compare it to real life things, Voldemort and his Death Eaters would compare to the Klan in the US, while Grindelwald and his followers would compare closer to either Hitler and his party or Stalin and the Soviet Union.
The books states that people worldwide did not dared to speak Voldemort's name. Krums boggart was Voldemort... Grindelwald and his followers did not controlled Europe and US at all. They were just hunted across the globe. Voldemort on the other hand can be compared with Hitler because he did muggle genocide with his army of dark creatures and he killed anyone who opposed him. His reign of terror took place in a country that had been completely untouched by Grindelwald and who only had got more protection after Dumbledore became Supreme Mugwump. That too also adds to Voldemort's power...
In terms of Raw Magical Power it is Voldemort is the Winner. In terms of Magical Knowledge Grindelwald is the Victor. In terms in Terrorizing the Wizarding World Grindelwald wins, while Voldemort was isolated in Britain. In terms of Evil, it is Voldemort that wins, so Grindelwald was much more kinder than Tom Riddle. Political intelligence and charisma, Grindelwald commands his followers loyalty compared to Tom Marvolo Riddle. Strength has many factors, so to me Grindelwald was more Dangerous and Stronger than Lord Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr.
It would have been interesting to see Grindelwald fight Voldemort while Grindelwald had the Elder Wand. The Elder Wand could repair other wands, something thought impossible when using a standard wand. Maybe it could also destroy things other wands could not? If Grindelwald used the killing curse on Voldemort, I wonder if his horcruxes could have actually prevented the main piece of his soul from fully dying (instead of becoming a disembodied spirit like he did when he failed to kill Harry as a child). Perhaps the Elder Wand could have destroyed horcruxes as well, without even needing the Fiendfyre curse.
Grindelwald was something of a friend to his followers, for whom his followers would willingly die. Voldemort was more like a CEO of Death Co., only the most dedicated and workaholic fanatics like Lestrange would willingly die for him, rest of the Death Eaters would run away, hoping Voldie loses, so he doesn't come back to kill them.
A soul has a choice to return to earth as ghost 👻. But the souls in horcrux are not is good situation to make that choice.That is why voldemort feared death . Because he can't return .But Grindelwald could do so because he doesn't have horcruxes. Thats why he didn't fear death.
Revolutionary Dark Lord vs Tyrant Dark Lord - That is the real difference between the two outside how they drew power to themselves. Gellert inspired a world view of change for the betterment of witches and wizards, the so called Greater Good! Voldemort ruled by fear and iron fist. You can see why Voldemort failed to be so influential where is Gellert made a whole lot of sane sense when talking of the muggles and the honest struggle for the evolution of wizard kind.
Bouns difference between Voldemort and Grindelwald is as Berlant as Voldemort was, he didn't seem to think things through he seemed to rush into them without thinking of the consequences for example he never heard the full prophecy made about him and Harry didn't even consider that the prophecy could have meant that Nevile was the chosen one he just went off on what Snape told him which led to his 1st downfall and the end of the 1st wizarding war.
According to the Wiki, Depp’s performance was originally a much more nice and innocent Grindelwald. I wish we got that one, instead. Grindelwald is already inherently interesting, but I wish we saw the more complex character who charmed the world to follow him. The current Grindelwald, while still charming and interesting, seems to be mean at certain points just to be mean, to make sure we as the audience don’t like him, a guy I have a hard time believing later regretted his decisions during the last years of his life at Nurmengard. I wish we saw that more human Grindelwald.
Personally I think that they should have been made a little more different.In the last film we were treated to the scene of Grindelwald talking to Dumbledore about how the muggles stank and how he would destroy their society.That,to me at least,suggests a more Voldemort type mentality which is a shame.Personally I think it would have been better if,instead of hating muggles,Grindelwald pitied them in a way.Instead of making him a hate filled villain make him more of an aloof type,one who thinks its a necessary evil when he has to kill but he wont hold back because its "for the greater good".The main difference between the two (as you said) is that Voldemort is motivated largely by fear while Grindelwald seeks glory.
The problem I have with these comparisons is that they always talk about Voldemort in the second wizarding war which is not his prime. Voldemort during the first wizarding war was a threat to the entire wizarding world because his army of death eaters and dark creatures was committed to purify the wizarding world from muggles and blood traitors, and because he violated the international status of wizarding secrecy which put them all into danger. The wizarding world was paralyzed by fear and paranoia because Voldemort's supporters (beside him being a symbol of terror) could be anyone and many of them were controlled by the imperious curse and other dark spells which gave him power to walk freely around in his home country and literally commit muggle genocide with his army of dark creatures and other heinous crimes. Let us not forget either that UK was even more protected there after Dumbledore became supreme mugwump.
Grindlewald wins. I think Voldemort while skilled in a vast amount of magic sand overall knowledge he focuses solely on power while grindlewald focuses on both power and versatility. Voldemort in arrogance wouldn’t take his time learning about the magical properties around love while grindlewald would. Grindlewald and Voldemort would push each other but if Voldemort did NOT have horcruxes I think he would lose. Voldemort has an penetrating fear of death and if he sees himself being pushed to his limit his rage and fear may mess him up in a fight while grindlewald would keep a cool head looking for a weakness or opening. There’s a reason Dumbledore vs grindlewald is known in the Harry Potter verse as the greatest and longest duel between two wizards. Not because an elder wand was involved but because these wizards are top tier. Voldemort is as well but him being so unhinged IS a weakness. He freaked out and even lashed out on his own death eaters when things weren’t going as planned. He may have had the elder wand but Dumbledore himself confirmed he was only a shade more skillful than him and Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard of the time and possibly the most powerful since Merlin was alive
Grindelwald was definitely done dirty in the films. They turned him into a weirdly written cartoon villain when they had the opportunity to write an actually nuanced villain.
Gellert Grindelwald had very strong notions of love, fraternity, kindness and good heart, and had a very strong sense of justice and ideals for the magical world, as well as excellently argued reasons for the community to join in the fight against muggles... That being said, he truly lost his way in his search for power and his and his followers' conception of the ''Greater Good'' and couldn't tolerate any lack of ''loyalty'' to his cause; his malicious, cunning, manipulative and deceitful ways led him to a complete disgrace and disaster and he contributed to the collpase of civilization no matter how much he fought to prevent it... He probably had some very hard choices to make and saw the worse in others on many times; it is to his credit that he felt an impressive deal of remorse and guilt and chose not to help Voldemort, thus preventing the next Dark Lord from gaining easily the Elder Wand and in a way helping Hogwarts and it's students in the battle against the Death Eaters in his own way... In the end he truly honored Albus Dumbledore like he always wanted to in his deeper self, in spite of the cute narcissism, the coldness and the cruelty that he spread around the world It truly is a damn shame that we don't get to see Fantastic Beasts 4 and 5 with such a compelling and interesting character I hope that the character eventually joined the light side in company of his loved ones, no matter how long that might take
The horcux thing is easier summed up: Grindlewald wanted to change the world from ideology, Voldemort wanted to live forever in addition to his power. Enormously different motivations. To even bring up Voldeymort killing an unarmed, old Grindewald to begin the duel comparison is absurd. That's like me shooting Mike Tyson in the head and years later asking which one of us was a better fighter.
9 Agreed 8 Agreed 7 Isn't fair to Voldemort since he was around 11 years the first time. 6 Agreed 5 Grindelwald wasn't that evil, so he didn't make it 4 Agreed 3 Durmstrang is known for dark magic 2 Agreed 1 I wouldn't know which is more powerful
Too bad grindelwalds character is now broken because when they replaced the actors grindelwald became someone who understands muggles but stands against their power lust into a pure muggle hater.
I haven’t watched the latest movie but I have to ask if that is the fault of the actor or the writing and directing? Don’t get me wrong I haven’t watched the latest movie partly because of the way they recast the role and it’s really more of a matter of principle for me on that score.
@@pjschmid2251 Rowling gave the power to describe grindelwalds character to johnny when he was casted. So he described gellert as a persuasive and two sided man. Thats why grindelwald has a odd eye. But after johnny was fired and mads was casted he said he won't be acting grindelwald the same way johnny did.
in my opinion i think grindawald used more powefull magic all though i would say voldermat used more dark magic and more corrupt maggic also love your vids keep it up
I personally think they are both equally evil and equally powerful. Both used different ways to achieve their evil plans. Although i should ask: Did Grindelwald knew about horcruxes? I always wondered. He probably was after the deadly hollows because he thought he would be inmortal by possessing the 3 reliques therefore maybe it's why he never cared for finding any other means to be inmortal (horcruxes).
Tom was more powerful as a wizard- In a duel he could defeat Grindlewald. But grindelwald was more intelligent- with stronger wizards. So:- In a duel- Voldemort. As a dictator- Grindelwald
Sorry but imo as a dark wizard in many aspects Voldy looks like a little child next to Grindelwald. I mean that since I watched FB for the first time i love Grindelwald's character and can't stand Voldy so I'm team Grindelwald forever
Grindelwald mogs, hes the better villain, has more brains, has charisma, worldwide influence and did not solely rely on blackmailing like voldemort did for followers. His cause is justifiable although his lust for power is also a motive. Damn he even looks better.
I think the reason why Grindelwald didn't make any horcruxes was because he would feel remorse for doing so. Voldemort felt no remorse. he felt nothing so he was able to split himself seven times because he just didn't care because again he was conceived by a love potion So that I believe is why Grindelwald did not make any because he couldn't not in terms of magical power. but in terms of emotion, Grindelwald had too much emotion and it would be able to backfire were Voldemort had pure conviction of making these horcruxes
Something I wondering coz of ppl fear the name of Voldemort the name none should speak off. What about Gellert Grindelwald? Doesnt his name fright the wizarding world too? Do u have to say "U know Who" to him as well? If Harry would say Grindelwald in front of his class wouldn't ppl like Dumbledore be concerned? Both are technically dark lords, both have done tons of kills and murder as well. And coz The entire world feared Grindelwald it would make sense for the world to fear his name.
We don't actually know if Grindelwald and Dumbledore actually dueled. The story is of Legend. According to Rita Skeeter, maybe it did not happen. Hopefully the FB movies will tell all
I’ll tell you how they’re different: Grindlewald would’ve been accepting of muggle-borns if they were loyal to him and his cause. Seeing the movies, he didn’t view muggle-born wizards and witches as inferior if they aligned with him. Tell me if I’m wrong and make a video about it.
Unlike Grindelwald, Voldemort used Fear to influence his terror in the Wizarding World. Grindelwald wanted to save Muggles from themselves by stopping War and Famine. He doesn't hate Muggles unlike Voldemort, he envies them. In Overall, Grindelwald is more evil than Voldemort because of his crusade to bring order to the Wizarding World and how he is loved by the people who believed in his cause.
Wrong, Voldemort lead by brutality in the first wizarding war. People joined him naturally because they could see he was far more stronger and skilled dark wizard than Grindlewald.
@@UltimateSpider1385 Voldemort can apparate in silence, can craft a silver shield to block offensive spells while casting offensive spells and he had the power to possess people. Grindelwald would not last 2 sec in combat against Voldemort...
It's not "law" as in rules that make those conceived through a love potion unable to love, rather it's an observed reality of using them. Scientific law as opposed to legal law...
Correct me if I'm wrong but there is only one problem for Grindelwald when it comes to Voldemort. There is a fine line between defeating your opponent repeatedly and killing your opponent so my question is how does Grindelwald bring down a dark wizard that has seven horcruxes. Grindelwald would have to find them in order to unlock his power so it's not as if he has a piece of Voldermorts soul living in him
Grindlewald is a seer. He would simply see where the horcruxes are if a vision comes to him. Also grindlewald is far more capable in other branches of magic than dark arts (voldy is better in dark arts)
I still think Voldemort was more powerful, and I think the newer fantastic beasts movies were just able to present Grindelwalds abilities better then Voldemorts.
I agree, the Harry Potter movies sucked at dueling. They especially ruined the epic duel between Voldermort and Dumbledore in book 5. The whole aspect of dueling was the speed factor aside from powerful spells, which the movies completely disregarded. I saw Voldermort more as a pure psychopath who is just hell-bent on killing and murder. He was just after power and immortality and nothing more. He never seemed to have a true belief or cause and just only cared for himself. While Grindelwald was more human and had a certain purpose and belief. He was cruel and evil but he is willing to die for his cause and will not kill others unnecessarily.
Very interesting. We know Voldemort or Tom Riddle was a half blood and we know Snape was a half blood or mud blood as they are so how many other people in Voldemort's Army were also mud Bloods
Let's be honest if Voldemort didn't have any horcruxes he would be nothing but a waste of space and weak as f***. Grindelwald would wipe the floor with him if he didn't have his horcruxes.
Grindelwald was very much more poweful than Voldemort and IF thej would ever met in a fair fight against Echader then Grindelwald Would Definitely Win over Voldemort without Qutison 😎
Grindelwald was a world power who heald sway over much of the wizarding world feared by many and loved by many. Voldemort barely heald half of Britain... we arent even sure if other wizarding orders even knew of Voldemort or at least they didnt care or think he was a threat, thr guy was defeated by a group of 17yr old kids, it took decades and the most famous wizards of the time to defeat Grindelwald...
Voldemort was never defeated at all. He died because his killing curse backfired. No one could stop him during the first wizarding war, not even Dumbledore...
Grindelwald was smarter more cunning badass wiser mastered magic as a whole unlike voldemort, also wasn't scared of death also protego diabolica is far more powerful than avada kevara
I heard that when Voldermort split his soul in the horcruxes he also split is power, if so then if he is whole surely he would be stronger? I’m not sure I’m just brainstorming.
Voldemort was also cowardly and feared dumbledore where as grindlewald didn’t he feared no one even as an old man he wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated by Voldemort and laughed in his face
Voldemort VS Grindelwald: WHO is More POWERFUL?видео.html
It's canon that Voldemort is more powerful than Grindelwald, så it's not up to debate...
I would love to know the name of the soundtrack in the background
Grindelwald was effortlessly charming; a charismatic cult leader. Voldie only purposefully charmed specific people he needed to use, then dropped the façade and opted for intimidation.
Voldemort’s own insecurity of being a muggle made him hate muggles and reflect his anger on his peers. where as, Grindenwald showed a genuine compassion for mastering magic
I don't know why this channel is so underrated! This channel is so straight forward, no extreme overreaction, no begging for subs. The themes of the video this channel makes are pretty unique and interesting so why is it so underrated?
Thank-you! Just trying my best to put out good HP content
@@HarryPotterTheory and you're doing great (:
@@HarryPotterTheory good content as always
The reason Grindlewald was more successful is, his followers were all willing and believed in the cause. They and Grindlewald did not fear death so we're willing to do whatever it takes. Voldemort however, ruled by fear. Aside from Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Junior, he had no one who was truly loyal. Snape turned spy, Lucius and family abandoned him during the final fight, Karkaroff gave up others to secure his freedom, Wormtail was afraid and so on. He had none beyond Bellatrix in the end who was loyal, and even she committed a betrayal by helping Narcissa protect Draco with Snape despite his explicit instructions that the boy was to be punished for Lucius's failure at the Department of Mysteries. So, really, only Barty remained true and all that got him was the dementor's kiss.
Agreed. Grindelwald seemed, at least among pure bloods, inclusive and cult leader-esque. "Join us" vs "Do what I say, or I'll torture you"
Exactly! Like the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. In this case you gain more loyal followers with acceptance than with death threats and pain.
Actually I believe it was because in the beginning he said all the right things. Voldemort was a sociopath. They are very good at finding out what matters to people and using it. During his Knights of Walpurgis days, it was all about saying what the purebloods wanted to hear. It's only after making his horcruxes to ensure his survival that his true nature showed, and by then it was too late for them to back out.
@@katholmes7112 Grindelwald was no different. He was a manipulative liar and propagandist. His slogan was "join us or die". Dumbledore end up confronting him because he could no longer stand and watch people dying...
Voldemort had a lot of loyal followers in the first wizarding war
Grindelwald recognized that a lot of his actions were wrong, but felt what he was doing was important for wizard kind. On the other hand Tom never cared that his actions were wrong.
I'd also say that Grindelwald seems quite a bit cleverer and more thought through. Tom Riddle's trademark is obsessing over things that would be less dangerous to him if left alone and overlooking the "small" things that eventually bring him down.
What's an example of Voldemort obsessing over little things? I don't remember a lot about the books.
@@SAPANNow per example he was obsessed with being the one to kill harry because it was symbolic to him, if he gave the death eaters the order to kill harry on sight Harry would’ve died way before book 7 lol
Grindelwald had that issue too, but he definitely was smarter than voldy
Voldemort: You were my hero growing up. I read all your speeches, hundreds of times... you were the only Dark Wizard who was nearly as powerful as me.
Grindelwald: Buddy, you think you look strong? You haven't got a nose. You're just a cheap fucking knockoff.
Voldemort: No, no, no, no... I'm the upgrade.
Grindewald wanted to be immortal in a different way. He was alright with eventually dying of old age, but he wanted to live on forever in the history books as the man who led wizardkind in liberating themselves. His immortality would have been the same as Achilles, known forever for what he did.
That's not true. Grindelwald believed he could achieve immortality through the Hallows. He wanted to become an immortal leader of the wizardkind.
I always thought Grindlewald seemed more powerful, the spells and magic he produced looked impressive, Voldemort was powerful but seemed only on the dark side whereas Grindlewald used all types of magic!
Grindelwald would not survive 2 sec in combat against Voldemort as Voldemort can apparate in silence which only he and Dumbledore have been able to do, so Voldemort would send fiendfire after Grindelwald and then apparate to cast the killing curse while Grindelwald is distracted by fiendfire...
Is it better to completely master most types of magic or to nearly master everything is the real question here then.
Yeah because at that time they didn't have as big of a budget xD
kinda like voldemort is chaotic evil where grindelwald is lawful evil
grindewald may be different but you get the point
@@MagusMortloch Grindelwald is not that dumb to fall with that kind of lazy distraction. He is able to stand his ground against dozens of highly skilled aurors who are firing spells against him all at once at different directions so a simple distraction like what you are trying to suggest will never work against him
You also have to consider the fact that Grindelwald is a master of almost all areas of magic especially charms and he is the master of the Elder Wand.
Lastly, the element of surprise will never work on him as he is a Seer who can see glimpses of the future which he enhanced by killing the Qilin. Your best hope is to confuse him by having several plans instead of one which I doubt Voldemort will do as he tends to be one dimensional and almost always relies on the killing curse to kill his opponents
The two of them are a great example of different types of cults of personality, in my opinion. One manipulates people to love him, the other manipulates people to fear him.
Another fantastic video as always 👍
Absolutely. Thank-you for watching!
I think Grindelwald was smart enough to know splitting one's soul is the worst thing one can do.
I would have made at least one horcrux so I would not end as the original owner of the elder wand...
Not possible. It passes on by defeat not death. So even if you have a horcrux, you can still loose the wand of destiny
@@abcxyz- That's not my point. My point is that horcruxes allows you to cheat death. I mentioned the original owner of the elder wand as an example as he was stabbed to death while sleeping...
@@MagusMortloch While that is true, I'm sure Grindelwald know the true cost of splitting one's soul to create horcruxes. He shares the same wisdom as Dumbledore, so he knows that death is a natural course of life. At some point he will rise to power, and when he gets old he will eventually die and move on into the afterlife. Splitting one's soul to create horcruxes prevents this from happening. And it is a cost far too great for Grindelwald to pay for the sake of power. It's just isn't worth it.
Voldemort however, fears death altogether. So he created horcruxes 7 times so that he can be sure that he can't die, he's willing to pay whatever the cost (whether he knows it or not). His arrogance is what made him stuck in limbo (the damaged baby looking entity in the station vision when Harry died and meet with Dumbledore). Because of the horcrux, his soul was damaged beyond help that when Voldemort died, his damaged soul is in that tortured shape and stuck in limbo, unable to come back nor move on. That is the true cost of making horcrux, something that Grindelwald very well know and decided not to do it, because it's not worth it. And he doesn't fear death since it's a natural part of life. So if he dies in pursuit of his goals, then he dies and move on. He has accepted this.
@@NeoKingArthur Grindelwald knew nothing about horcruxes. He would have made one if he knew or was strong enough to make it. Stop this romancing of Grindelwald. He is not so great as you consider him to be...
Grindelwald wasn't in it for himself he believed that what he was doing was for the betterment of wizard kind Voldemort was in it for himself
Grindelwald and Voldemort were very different people. Here is how they are different:
Grindlewald believes that wizards are superior to Muggles. (That isn’t right. Believing one group of people is inherently superior to another is never right.)
He believes the separation of the worlds is wrong and harms wizardkind. (Here he has a point. It could be seen as harmful to witches and wizards skulking around in the shadows likely out of fear of Muggles.)
Gellert believes peaceful co-existance is impossible. That when the Statute of Secrecy falls there will be a war regardless. (Again he has a point here. On the individual level people from either world could co-exist. But human nature often results in war when encountering something new.)
Voldy: He was a pureblood supremacist. He believed that purebloods (wizards with all magical families) are superior to half-bloods or muggleborns. (people with muggle/non-magical blood) He was also a wizard supremacist and believed that the wizardkind should rule over the non-magical people.
That being said, I believe it is implied that ultimately, Voldemort cared only about himself and his politics were more of a tool for him to gain power than anything else. His hatred for muggles was real, but he was driven more by his own thirst for power than by any ideology.
I don’t think there’s enough of a basis for comparison here.
Influence: Voldy only terrorised Briton. Grin was feared throughout the whole goddam world. He wreaked havoc in many European countries. Viktor Krum had once mentioned that Grindelwald had murdered his grandfather. Grindelwald was responsible for many people’s deaths and even got the Magical congress of the United states involved. Grindelwald was very ambitious and strived to conquer the world with the elder wand. At the height of his power, there was an international manhunt involving wizards from North America as well as Europe.
Plans: Voldemort’s plans were laughably absurd. They depended on far too much luck and happenstance, and the fact that they worked at all is an example of author fiat, not of his cleverness. I’m not convinced Grindlewald’s attempts to harness an obscurial were wise, but he took great pains to remain hidden. He did not yet seem to be in the midst of a war, so had time to work on building his power base… and if he had been successful, the power he would have had on his side would have been terrifying.
And Grindlewald’s confidence was not misplaced… his escape was thwarted by Newt Scamander, but prior to that he was literally smoking 25 freakin MACUSA losers. If newt hadn’t came in with that fang ass abomination, he would have killed all of them.
And he gave dumby the fight of his freaking life. Voldy on the other hand couldn’t even dominate dumby in a fight.
He was a man’s man who was defeated by the only wizard in the world stronger than him. He had been repeated compared to Albus with respect to magical ability, knowledge and sheer awesomeness.
On the other hand, Voldemort lost to Harry - twice.
The first time he was stupid enough to ignore “Love” something that Dumbledore yapped about for half a century. You don’t need to respect someone to listen to what they’re saying
The second time he was stupid enough to ignore wandlore.
You almost die from trying to kill a baby and lose to a seventeen year old profoundly non-genius kid and still want a shot at the greatest dark wizard of all time? No not working with me.
Grindelwald died like an effing legend. lying through his non-existent teeth, misdirecting and pissing off voldy because screw him that’s why.
Voldy died when his killing rebounds on him, because he was stupid enough to ignore wandlore, and didn’t realise that Harry was the master of the elder freakin wand.
Grindelwald definetly wins
Just another person with a long post that contains nothing but fallacies after fallacies.
Video idea for you to do:
What additional effects do spells have that are not seen in the movies? For instance, what else can the patronus charm do besides ward off dementors?
Amazing video as always!!
Especially how they went to different Wizarding schools and that one of them got expelled and the other one didn’t
i will admit, i much prefer grindelwalds character to voldemorts, i love grindelwand
More layers to him for sure, though I'd love a proper separate film to cover each of their backstories.
@@HarryPotterTheory i agree! that would be awesome
@@HarryPotterTheory I'd have to argue that because a vast majority of their lives was with eachother,they should only have seperate films in later years,although Grindlewald was in Azkaban for his later years
@@ricoroberts grindelwald didn't go to azkaban?
@@Wrubliw My bad
I refuse to accept the whole 'Voldemort was evil because of a love potion' as canon. It completely removes any and all impact of his traumatic childhood, and the idea that someone who lives half their life powerless will become obsessed with power once they are handed a hefty dose of it. Before this whole love potion crap, Voldemort wasn't born evil. His choices mattered. And Dumbledore likely asked himself every single day "Could I have prevented this?" Could Dumbledore have just left Voldemort in that orphanage and never let him into Hogwarts? Could he have reached out to Tom Riddle, perhaps becoming the father Tom never had? Nope. Love potion. Drugs. End of story. It's stupid.
6:20, in one of the fantastic beast movies he actually went on about how if he's gonna kill someone, it would have to be worth it if I'm not mistaken
Voldemort is underrated in terms of power, he never reached his full potential as this can only archived by owning the elder wand. Grindelwald has exactly this advantage is his duel, while Voldemort had exactly this as his disadvantage because here Dumbledore was wielding the elder wand. Also I don’t like that people suggest that an old wizard is past his prime. I’d rather compare them with dragons: they grow their entire life until they die at a very old age. In a duel between wizards, knowledge and experience matters more than physical condition of the body. So in my opinion Dumbledore was way stronger and more self confident than during the Grindelwald regime.
Dumbledore was also over 110 years old when he fought Voldemort
Most guys over 80 can barely walk let alone fight
Not the mention the. Slowing of reflexes which is one of the most important things to have in combat
@@kristianschuff1723 for a wizard 110 years is a pretty normal age. Consider that wizards have way better medicine so they can cure most muggle diseases. Especially dumbledore, who has money, knowledge and access to the best healers in the world could easily stay fit until high ages (like i said 110 isnt even that old for a wizard).
@@paulgraf5746 disease isn't the only issue the main issue is as you age your body itself starts to fail
Notably brittle bones, the thinning of skin,
Failing processes in the brain, weakening to heart no medicine can fix that
Not to mention so many cancers( which aren't your typical disease as it's technically part of your own body constantly reproducing new cells)
postanowilem poprosic AI o napisanie scenariusza jak wygladalaby prawdopodoba walka miedzy nim ktora bylaby jak najbardziej realistyczna oto co AI stwierdzil : Voldemort kontra Grindelwald: Pojedynek Władców Czarów
W mrocznych zakamarkach Europy, w odległym i zrujnowanym zamku, spotykają się dwaj najpotężniejsi czarnoksiężnicy swojego czasu. Voldemort i Grindelwald, choć dzieli ich czas i przestrzeń, mają wspólne cele - dominacja nad światem czarodziejów. I choć różnią się w swoich metodach, obaj pragną przywrócić czarodziejom ich dawną świetność. Dziś jednak ich ambicje prowadzą do ostatecznego starcia.
Fabularne tło
Grindelwald, po latach ukrywania się, otrzymuje informacje, że Voldemort planuje zdobyć potężny artefakt, który może wzmocnić jego już nieprzeciętną moc. Zdeterminowany, by powstrzymać swojego rywala i udowodnić swoją wyższość, Grindelwald postanawia skonfrontować się z Voldemortem, zanim artefakt zostanie zdobyty.
Początek starcia
Na mrocznych korytarzach zrujnowanego zamku, gdzie echa przeszłych zaklęć i czarów wciąż wiszą w powietrzu, obaj czarodzieje stają naprzeciw siebie. Voldemort, z jego zimnym spokojem i potężnymi zaklęciami, z gracją i precyzją przygotowuje się do walki. Grindelwald, z jego złośliwym uśmiechem i zwinnością, także ma zamiar pokazać swoje umiejętności.
Pojedynek rozpoczyna się od wymiany zaklęć, które rozbrzmiewają w opuszczonych salach. Voldemort, korzystając ze swojej biegłości w czarnomagicznych zaklęciach, atakuje Grindelwalda potężnymi Klątwami i Ostrzami Śmierci, podczas gdy Grindelwald, z jego mistrzostwem w tworzeniu iluzji i manipulowaniu przestrzenią, unika ataków i kontratakuję z precyzyjnymi zaklęciami.
Grindelwald wykorzystuje swoją umiejętność manipulowania czasem i przestrzenią, by wprowadzić Voldemorta w pułapkę, gdzie czarodzieje walczą w przestrzeni o nieprzewidywalnym kształcie. Voldemort, pomimo swojej ogromnej mocy, zaczyna mieć trudności z przewidywaniem ruchów swojego przeciwnika. Grindelwald wykorzystuje to, aby zaskoczyć Voldemorta.
Decydujący moment
W decydującym momencie, gdy walka staje się bardziej intensywna, Grindelwald korzysta ze swojej umiejętności strategicznego myślenia i zna Voldemorta lepiej niż ktokolwiek inny. Przypominając sobie ich przeszłe konfrontacje, Grindelwald tworzy iluzję, która sprawia, że Voldemort traci orientację. Korzystając z chwili nieuwagi, Grindelwald przeprowadza skoordynowany atak, łącząc potężne zaklęcia i magię iluzji, co zmusza Voldemorta do obrony na kilku frontach jednocześnie.
Ostatecznie, Grindelwald, wykorzystując swoje umiejętności manipulacji i swoje głębokie zrozumienie magii, pokonuje Voldemorta, zadając mu ostateczny cios, który nie tylko osłabia jego siły, ale również demaskuje jego słabości. Voldemort, choć próbował walczyć do końca, zostaje pokonany przez bardziej wszechstronną i sprytną magię Grindelwalda.
Grindelwald, triumfując nad swoim odwiecznym rywalem, stoi w zrujnowanym zamku, patrząc na rozbite resztki magii, które były świadkami ich walki. Pomimo jego zwycięstwa, pozostaje w cieniu, z dala od świata czarodziejów, który teraz będzie musiał zmierzyć się z nowymi wyzwaniami.
Something that interests me is that in the novels dumbledore is seen to be levels above Voldemort in power and skill but also in the novels dumbledore says he was only something like a shade more powerful, I don’t remember the exact quote. Wouldn’t this imply that to dumbledore point of view grindelwald is more powerful/skilled than Voldemort?
Grindelwald's motives and method of rule makes Voldemort feel like a child throwing tamper tantrums in comparison
Dumbledore gained 50+ more years of knowledge & experience, 50+ more years to hone his skills and became the master of the Elder Wand after he defeated Grindelwald yet Voldemort was able to keep up with him which in my mind makes Voldemort more powerful and more knowledgeable than Grindelwald HOWEVER Grindelwald was definitely the bigger threat because he had WAY more followers, was incredibly cunning, was a Seer & created incredibly dangerous spells like Protecto Diabolica (which instantly kills anyone who is his enemy should they touch it, doesn't harm his allies at all, became powerful enough to become capable of DESTROYING A CITY after he lost control of it) and he was a threat to the entirety of Europe and perhaps the world while Voldemort was only a threat to Britain. So personally if you were to put the two against each other alone than I believe that Voldemort would win HOWEVER if you were to include their allies than Grindelwald would win (especially since most of Voldemort's followers would switch sides because Grindelwald wouldn't torture them)
50+ years while it does boost knowledge but as you age your reflexes as well as your other physical abilities dull severely at 100+ years old most men can barely walk let alone fight
@@kristianschuff1723 It's Voldemort who was not in his prime. He had almost returned in a very weak skeletal body after having been without a body and wand for 13 years. He could barely hold his wand... Dumbledore being far more powerful than he was against Grindelwald was unable to stop Voldemort in the first wizarding war.
@@MagusMortloch it's less of being unable to stop and not really encountering each other remember Voldemort was afraid of Dumbledore
@@kristianschuff1723 If Dumbledore could defeat Voldemort he would have tracked him down and confront him as he did with Grindelwald. He was far more powerful than he was against Grindelwald as he did not only mastered the elder wand but was also supreme mugwump meaning that he had the whole wizarding world backing him up...
@@MagusMortloch and if Voldemort could beat Dumbledore he would of done the same
the virgin voldemort vs the chad grindlewald
Everyones comments are right. Grindlewald was and is more powerful than voldemort. He had a cause. A purpose. He wasnt evil. He wanted the betterment of his own ppl. Voldemort was just self centered. He did everything only for himself. Grindlewald wouldnt need a holcrux cause he wouldve gladly died for his cause. In a duel, grindlewald would finish voldermort. You could tell grindlewald was like dumbledore in that they had a very deep understanding of magic. Most wizards just used magic, but grindlewald and dumbledore actually understood and had a relationship with magic which made them very powerful. Grindlewald would be to clever for voldermort.
I liked Grindelwald. He seemed much more of a team player....unlike Voldemort who I would never work with because he only cares about himself. Also Grindelwald shows a giant nuclear blast caused by muggles to his followers...thus giving a damn good reason to join him against the dangerous muggles. Voldemort just kind of says "Muggles are bad....because I say so." Which isn't very compelling.
Voldemort and Grindelwald have couple of huge differences. Grindelwald didn't almost ever go against his main-protagonists head on. And Voldermort needed to be brought down by kids.
In-world Voldemort created an very public army of people who could not be taken down even by government packed team of dedicated warrior-mages. Grindelwald raised a shadowy web of cultists who worked on his behalf, mostly from shadows.
Grindelwald was beaten by an emotionally compromised opponent fighting against Elder Wand with a regular wand. While Voldemort held his own against "the greatest duelist ever" with Elder Wand and who no doubt had learned what happens when you go easy on your opponents for any reason. Sure there is version of the fight that makes it seem like Dumbledore has relatively easy time with Voldemort, but again, "the greatest duelist ever" WITH THE Elder Wand. And still Dumbledore couldn't stop and nearly even lost to Voldemort.
And like certain mostly Asian country has lately demonstrated to us, no force can function for long without extensive support from others, even if that country itself is sitting on every kind of resource it could ever need... There is no way Voldermort could have harnessed a huge movement during the First Wizarding War without being aided by more than the British Islands, who were in active war against him. Let alone that he could reform an immense army in mere months after returning from what had had to be just remnants from the forces that fought for him the first time, seeing how Aurors and the whole Ministery had been after the his army after the first run.
Finally, Grindelwald never had to deal with the level of plot-armour Voldemort was fighting against. In all honesty's sake. Harry was saved by love? No-one, not a single person in anywhere had not sacrificed themselves to protect their loved one? Not a single soul was slain in way that would have pounced back on Grindelwald, or even Voldemort, before that one moment? Every single person, except for Harry's mom were just hateful bastards, who didn't deem it necessary to save anyone? Really?
Buuut I think a lot of Voldemort's greater power in comparison to Grindelwald did actually stem from Grindelwald setting up the framework for person like Voldemort to find eager followers. So... He had lot to be thankful too.
I think Grindelwald made the same mistake with the elder wand as voldemort. Since Grindelwald only stole the wand, I dont think the wand ever accepted him as the true wielder.
@@soham4741 Harry disarmed Draco's normal one and gained control of the Elder Wand from Draco who never even touched the thing, but rather disarmed it from a person who didn't even try to resist in any capacity.
It's pretty likely the Elder Wand loses alliance for whatever reason and taking it with you after someone left it somewhere pretty much counts.
Or not. Depending on what the plot needs. The Wand probably is aware it's a Deus ex Wandina.
what are you taking about dumbuldore he did not nerley lose to Voldemort he absolutli kick his ass, the chapter is called one he ever feard so no everything voldemort trow at dumbuldore he easily defeted he animated 3 statuesd taht kick voldemorts ass and he protected harry in the mean time and voldemort had to go in to harry and aske dumboldore to kill harry if he wantet to win he ran like a cowerd
Some more possible differences: inferis - real dark magic that both Grindelwald and Voldemort had knowledge about, but for different ends, and Obscurials - Voldemort seemed not to know about them (but could have been one).
If it were Grindelwald instead of Voldemort, Harry would be known as The Boy Who Died
it's sad to think about because Voldemort no matter what is going to be more evil than Grindelwald because Grindelwald had regrets, he felt love. he felt betrayal. Voldemort didn't feel anything because he was conceived by a love. potion So he's emotions are well. they're not there which means he can be truly evil and just not care about anything. So in terms of who was more evil, definitely Voldemort no questions asked because of the love potion that he was conceived with. if it wasn't for that then it could be a toss-up, but like I said because of that it automatically makes him more evil than Grindelwald. someone who is truly evil will not care what they do or who they hurt. someone who is in a kind of middle ground will have regrets and remorse
I feel like Grindelwald didn’t create horcruxes because unlike Voldemort, he didn’t fear death which was Voldemorts biggest weakness. Grindelwald was much more powerful as a whole because he had no fear.
I would consider Grindelwald being a Seer as just as significant a difference as Voldemort being a Parselmouth. One could argue Grindelwald's Seer abilities were more advantageous to his cause than Voldemort's ability because Harry, too, could speak Parseltongue and it was all Voldemort's fault that happened.
PS I see comparing the two characters as if I were comparing the mentality and tactics of a dictator to that of a serial killer. Grindelwald, like a dictator, was more dangerous but Voldemort, like a serial killer, was more deadly.
If I were to make a comparison, Voldemort was a lot like Adolf Hitler, while Grindelwald was a lot like Joseph Stalin.
Also, HP books suggest that one does not learn parseltoung, you're born with it. Assuming the ability is genetic, Slitherin's descendents are more likely to have that trait than are others. They didn't learn it, it was innate within them...
I think the idea that Voldemort is the most dangerous dark wizard ever is very anglocentric. To Brits he might be, because his reign of terror concentrated on the UK, while Grindelwald was 1: active globally and 2: unable and unwilling to go against Dumbledore, so while Dumbledore was protecting the UK, nothing too bad would happen there. Add to that how Krum reacted to his headmaster literally being a (former) Death Eater and how he reacted to Luna's dad wearing a symbol that is associated with Grindelwald. It's the only time we get to see that difference of reaction from someone who's not a Brit.
Imho if we were to compare it to real life things, Voldemort and his Death Eaters would compare to the Klan in the US, while Grindelwald and his followers would compare closer to either Hitler and his party or Stalin and the Soviet Union.
The books states that people worldwide did not dared to speak Voldemort's name. Krums boggart was Voldemort...
Grindelwald and his followers did not controlled Europe and US at all. They were just hunted across the globe.
Voldemort on the other hand can be compared with Hitler because he did muggle genocide with his army of dark creatures and he killed anyone who opposed him. His reign of terror took place in a country that had been completely untouched by Grindelwald and who only had got more protection after Dumbledore became Supreme Mugwump. That too also adds to Voldemort's power...
With Grindelwald being a seer I wonder if he ever saw the rise of Voldemort and the birth of the one who would defeat him aka Harry Potter
Prime or not Voldemort seeked to be always in his prime
In terms of Raw Magical Power it is Voldemort is the Winner. In terms of Magical Knowledge Grindelwald is the Victor.
In terms in Terrorizing the Wizarding World Grindelwald wins, while Voldemort was isolated in Britain.
In terms of Evil, it is Voldemort that wins, so Grindelwald was much more kinder than Tom Riddle.
Political intelligence and charisma, Grindelwald commands his followers loyalty compared to Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Strength has many factors, so to me Grindelwald was more Dangerous and Stronger than Lord Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr.
Grindelwald understood magic better, Voldermort was only interested what magic he could use, without understanding the bigger picture.
It would have been interesting to see Grindelwald fight Voldemort while Grindelwald had the Elder Wand. The Elder Wand could repair other wands, something thought impossible when using a standard wand. Maybe it could also destroy things other wands could not? If Grindelwald used the killing curse on Voldemort, I wonder if his horcruxes could have actually prevented the main piece of his soul from fully dying (instead of becoming a disembodied spirit like he did when he failed to kill Harry as a child). Perhaps the Elder Wand could have destroyed horcruxes as well, without even needing the Fiendfyre curse.
Voldemort's silver shield would block the killing curse...
I don't think 🤔 age should matter in dueling. Only knowledge!
Grindelwald was something of a friend to his followers, for whom his followers would willingly die. Voldemort was more like a CEO of Death Co., only the most dedicated and workaholic fanatics like Lestrange would willingly die for him, rest of the Death Eaters would run away, hoping Voldie loses, so he doesn't come back to kill them.
One big difference: Grindelwald stayed good looking.
Johnny Depps Grindelwald is more powerful than Voldemort. Mads Mikkelsons is less powerful than
A soul has a choice to return to earth as ghost 👻. But the souls in horcrux are not is good situation to make that choice.That is why voldemort feared death . Because he can't return .But Grindelwald could do so because he doesn't have horcruxes. Thats why he didn't fear death.
To me grindelwald was better in every way
Revolutionary Dark Lord vs Tyrant Dark Lord - That is the real difference between the two outside how they drew power to themselves. Gellert inspired a world view of change for the betterment of witches and wizards, the so called Greater Good! Voldemort ruled by fear and iron fist. You can see why Voldemort failed to be so influential where is Gellert made a whole lot of sane sense when talking of the muggles and the honest struggle for the evolution of wizard kind.
Bouns difference between Voldemort and Grindelwald is as Berlant as Voldemort was, he didn't seem to think things through he seemed to rush into them without thinking of the consequences for example he never heard the full prophecy made about him and Harry didn't even consider that the prophecy could have meant that Nevile was the chosen one he just went off on what Snape told him which led to his 1st downfall and the end of the 1st wizarding war.
According to the Wiki, Depp’s performance was originally a much more nice and innocent Grindelwald.
I wish we got that one, instead. Grindelwald is already inherently interesting, but I wish we saw the more complex character who charmed the world to follow him.
The current Grindelwald, while still charming and interesting, seems to be mean at certain points just to be mean, to make sure we as the audience don’t like him, a guy I have a hard time believing later regretted his decisions during the last years of his life at Nurmengard.
I wish we saw that more human Grindelwald.
Could you name the music, that was used in the video?
Personally I think that they should have been made a little more different.In the last film we were treated to the scene of Grindelwald talking to Dumbledore about how the muggles stank and how he would destroy their society.That,to me at least,suggests a more Voldemort type mentality which is a shame.Personally I think it would have been better if,instead of hating muggles,Grindelwald pitied them in a way.Instead of making him a hate filled villain make him more of an aloof type,one who thinks its a necessary evil when he has to kill but he wont hold back because its "for the greater good".The main difference between the two (as you said) is that Voldemort is motivated largely by fear while Grindelwald seeks glory.
what happened to voldemorts nose? it did not always look like that.
The problem I have with these comparisons is that they always talk about Voldemort in the second wizarding war which is not his prime.
Voldemort during the first wizarding war was a threat to the entire wizarding world because his army of death eaters and dark creatures was committed to purify the wizarding world from muggles and blood traitors, and because he violated the international status of wizarding secrecy which put them all into danger.
The wizarding world was paralyzed by fear and paranoia because Voldemort's supporters (beside him being a symbol of terror) could be anyone and many of them were controlled by the imperious curse and other dark spells which gave him power to walk freely around in his home country and literally commit muggle genocide with his army of dark creatures and other heinous crimes. Let us not forget either that UK was even more protected there after Dumbledore became supreme mugwump.
another difference voldmort doesn't have a nose.
Grindlewald wins. I think Voldemort while skilled in a vast amount of magic sand overall knowledge he focuses solely on power while grindlewald focuses on both power and versatility. Voldemort in arrogance wouldn’t take his time learning about the magical properties around love while grindlewald would. Grindlewald and Voldemort would push each other but if Voldemort did NOT have horcruxes I think he would lose. Voldemort has an penetrating fear of death and if he sees himself being pushed to his limit his rage and fear may mess him up in a fight while grindlewald would keep a cool head looking for a weakness or opening. There’s a reason Dumbledore vs grindlewald is known in the Harry Potter verse as the greatest and longest duel between two wizards. Not because an elder wand was involved but because these wizards are top tier. Voldemort is as well but him being so unhinged IS a weakness. He freaked out and even lashed out on his own death eaters when things weren’t going as planned. He may have had the elder wand but Dumbledore himself confirmed he was only a shade more skillful than him and Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard of the time and possibly the most powerful since Merlin was alive
Grindelwald was definitely done dirty in the films. They turned him into a weirdly written cartoon villain when they had the opportunity to write an actually nuanced villain.
Gellert Grindelwald had very strong notions of love, fraternity, kindness and good heart, and had a very strong sense of justice and ideals for the magical world, as well as excellently argued reasons for the community to join in the fight against muggles... That being said, he truly lost his way in his search for power and his and his followers' conception of the ''Greater Good'' and couldn't tolerate any lack of ''loyalty'' to his cause; his malicious, cunning, manipulative and deceitful ways led him to a complete disgrace and disaster and he contributed to the collpase of civilization no matter how much he fought to prevent it... He probably had some very hard choices to make and saw the worse in others on many times; it is to his credit that he felt an impressive deal of remorse and guilt and chose not to help Voldemort, thus preventing the next Dark Lord from gaining easily the Elder Wand and in a way helping Hogwarts and it's students in the battle against the Death Eaters in his own way... In the end he truly honored Albus Dumbledore like he always wanted to in his deeper self, in spite of the cute narcissism, the coldness and the cruelty that he spread around the world
It truly is a damn shame that we don't get to see Fantastic Beasts 4 and 5 with such a compelling and interesting character
I hope that the character eventually joined the light side in company of his loved ones, no matter how long that might take
So the biggest reason they are different.
1. Nose
2. 👃
The horcux thing is easier summed up: Grindlewald wanted to change the world from ideology, Voldemort wanted to live forever in addition to his power. Enormously different motivations. To even bring up Voldeymort killing an unarmed, old Grindewald to begin the duel comparison is absurd. That's like me shooting Mike Tyson in the head and years later asking which one of us was a better fighter.
9 Agreed
8 Agreed
7 Isn't fair to Voldemort since he was around 11 years the first time.
6 Agreed
5 Grindelwald wasn't that evil, so he didn't make it
4 Agreed
3 Durmstrang is known for dark magic
2 Agreed
1 I wouldn't know which is more powerful
Too bad grindelwalds character is now broken because when they replaced the actors grindelwald became someone who understands muggles but stands against their power lust into a pure muggle hater.
I haven’t watched the latest movie but I have to ask if that is the fault of the actor or the writing and directing? Don’t get me wrong I haven’t watched the latest movie partly because of the way they recast the role and it’s really more of a matter of principle for me on that score.
@@pjschmid2251 Rowling gave the power to describe grindelwalds character to johnny when he was casted. So he described gellert as a persuasive and two sided man. Thats why grindelwald has a odd eye. But after johnny was fired and mads was casted he said he won't be acting grindelwald the same way johnny did.
@@iio_moon which is a real shame because regardless of what one thinks of Johnny Depp as a person, he is undisputably and amazing character creator.
One wasn't defeated by an infant four times.
Please explain the pensive a bit more
in my opinion i think grindawald used more powefull magic all though i would say voldermat used more dark magic and more corrupt maggic
also love your vids keep it up
I personally think they are both equally evil and equally powerful. Both used different ways to achieve their evil plans.
Although i should ask: Did Grindelwald knew about horcruxes?
I always wondered.
He probably was after the deadly hollows because he thought he would be inmortal by possessing the 3 reliques therefore maybe it's why he never cared for finding any other means to be inmortal (horcruxes).
Grindelwald love being handsome. That's it.
@@elderwand6054 ah, that could be too; vanity.
not sure if this would be intresting or not but i have just noticed that grindawold has one normal eye and one full on blacked out one
I can't remember. You stated that Tom Riddle saw himself dead when looking in the mirror of erised. INWhich book, chapter, did this occur?
Not in the mirror but when facing a Boggart
I'm glad you used the real Grindlewald.
Tom was more powerful as a wizard- In a duel he could defeat Grindlewald. But grindelwald was more intelligent- with stronger wizards. So:- In a duel- Voldemort. As a dictator- Grindelwald
When you look at the boggert and see what you fear most, do others in the room see what you see?
Sorry but imo as a dark wizard in many aspects Voldy looks like a little child next to Grindelwald.
I mean that since I watched FB for the first time i love Grindelwald's character and can't stand Voldy so I'm team Grindelwald forever
Voldemort was the most dangerous, because he had no code or ethics and killed indiscriminately. Grindelwald was more powerful.
I think I’ve watched all your videos now anyways
@@HarryPotterTheory np Imma still look as I might find some more that I’ve not watched
Grindelwald mogs, hes the better villain, has more brains, has charisma, worldwide influence and did not solely rely on blackmailing like voldemort did for followers. His cause is justifiable although his lust for power is also a motive. Damn he even looks better.
I think the reason why Grindelwald didn't make any horcruxes was because he would feel remorse for doing so. Voldemort felt no remorse. he felt nothing so he was able to split himself seven times because he just didn't care because again he was conceived by a love potion So that I believe is why Grindelwald did not make any because he couldn't not in terms of magical power. but in terms of emotion, Grindelwald had too much emotion and it would be able to backfire were Voldemort had pure conviction of making these horcruxes
Is the love potion, just an excuse for his actions?
Something I wondering coz of ppl fear the name of Voldemort the name none should speak off. What about Gellert Grindelwald? Doesnt his name fright the wizarding world too? Do u have to say "U know Who" to him as well? If Harry would say Grindelwald in front of his class wouldn't ppl like Dumbledore be concerned? Both are technically dark lords, both have done tons of kills and murder as well. And coz The entire world feared Grindelwald it would make sense for the world to fear his name.
Link isn't in the description.
Should be now!
@@HarryPotterTheory Thank you, kind sir!!!
I honestly prefer Voldemort over Grindelwald, especially the Tom Riddle era
We don't actually know if Grindelwald and Dumbledore actually dueled. The story is of Legend. According to Rita Skeeter, maybe it did not happen. Hopefully the FB movies will tell all
Voldemort faced Dumbledore at his wisest time…Dumbledore would be far stronger now than in WW2…Just down to knowledge alone.
I’ll tell you how they’re different: Grindlewald would’ve been accepting of muggle-borns if they were loyal to him and his cause. Seeing the movies, he didn’t view muggle-born wizards and witches as inferior if they aligned with him. Tell me if I’m wrong and make a video about it.
Unlike Grindelwald, Voldemort used Fear to influence his terror in the Wizarding World. Grindelwald wanted to save Muggles from themselves by stopping War and Famine. He doesn't hate Muggles unlike Voldemort, he envies them. In Overall, Grindelwald is more evil than Voldemort because of his crusade to bring order to the Wizarding World and how he is loved by the people who believed in his cause.
Wrong, Voldemort lead by brutality in the first wizarding war. People joined him naturally because they could see he was far more stronger and skilled dark wizard than Grindlewald.
@@MagusMortloch Dude, Grindelwald is more powerful than Voldemort only because He's more dangerous. Voldemort wouldn't stand a chance against him.
@@UltimateSpider1385 Voldemort can apparate in silence, can craft a silver shield to block offensive spells while casting offensive spells and he had the power to possess people. Grindelwald would not last 2 sec in combat against Voldemort...
It's not "law" as in rules that make those conceived through a love potion unable to love, rather it's an observed reality of using them. Scientific law as opposed to legal law...
Elder wand wielding Grindelwald almost defeated Dumbledore
Voldemort held back against elder wand wielding dumbledore
Dumbledore was vastly restrained by having to protect Harry and not unleashing all of his power and abilities.
Correct me if I'm wrong but there is only one problem for Grindelwald when it comes to Voldemort. There is a fine line between defeating your opponent repeatedly and killing your opponent so my question is how does Grindelwald bring down a dark wizard that has seven horcruxes. Grindelwald would have to find them in order to unlock his power so it's not as if he has a piece of Voldermorts soul living in him
Grindlewald is a seer. He would simply see where the horcruxes are if a vision comes to him. Also grindlewald is far more capable in other branches of magic than dark arts (voldy is better in dark arts)
I still think Voldemort was more powerful, and I think the newer fantastic beasts movies were just able to present Grindelwalds abilities better then Voldemorts.
I agree, the Harry Potter movies sucked at dueling. They especially ruined the epic duel between Voldermort and Dumbledore in book 5. The whole aspect of dueling was the speed factor aside from powerful spells, which the movies completely disregarded.
I saw Voldermort more as a pure psychopath who is just hell-bent on killing and murder. He was just after power and immortality and nothing more. He never seemed to have a true belief or cause and just only cared for himself. While Grindelwald was more human and had a certain purpose and belief. He was cruel and evil but he is willing to die for his cause and will not kill others unnecessarily.
No views? 18 seconds? That's what I call early!
No! I was here!!!
my man i was already here, i was first lol
Very interesting. We know Voldemort or Tom Riddle was a half blood and we know Snape was a half blood or mud blood as they are so how many other people in Voldemort's Army were also mud Bloods
‘Mudbloods’ are those who have no magical parents. That doesn’t apply to Snape.
Voldemort was stronger, Grindelwald was more successful and had allot more influence.
If Voldemort’s plan became global, makes me think of which countries would join him willingly?
One have nose, the other one doesn't
Let's be honest if Voldemort didn't have any horcruxes he would be nothing but a waste of space and weak as f***. Grindelwald would wipe the floor with him if he didn't have his horcruxes.
Shame they cancelled the Fantastic Beasts series, they only had 2 to go.
Grindelwald was very much more poweful than Voldemort and IF thej would ever met in a fair fight against Echader then Grindelwald Would Definitely Win over Voldemort without Qutison 😎
I’ve got a video on it!
Grindelwald was a world power who heald sway over much of the wizarding world feared by many and loved by many.
Voldemort barely heald half of Britain... we arent even sure if other wizarding orders even knew of Voldemort or at least they didnt care or think he was a threat, thr guy was defeated by a group of 17yr old kids, it took decades and the most famous wizards of the time to defeat Grindelwald...
Voldemort was never defeated at all. He died because his killing curse backfired. No one could stop him during the first wizarding war, not even Dumbledore...
Grindelwald was smarter more cunning badass wiser mastered magic as a whole unlike voldemort, also wasn't scared of death also protego diabolica is far more powerful than avada kevara
I heard that when Voldermort split his soul in the horcruxes he also split is power, if so then if he is whole surely he would be stronger? I’m not sure I’m just brainstorming.
Voldemort was also cowardly and feared dumbledore where as grindlewald didn’t he feared no one even as an old man he wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated by Voldemort and laughed in his face
Grindelwald nose something Voldemort doesn't