As far as I remember myself I always longed to find out the Reality, the real Me and why I'm here. And Rupert is right, it's so interesting and attracting. But most people rely on the knowledge provided by their parents and the society. One needs to be curious a bit and open to the new.. And not just to follow the stream, accept given anwers. People spend most of their time on unimportant things instead of investigating the most significant one: Themselves and Life (which is one and the same thing). Thank you, Rupert, for your enthusiam and love for the Truth! ❤️
I asked A.I. what Rupert Spira would tell a very young child about consciousness? The answer was: "Rupert Spira is a renowned spiritual teacher, and his teachings can be quite profound and complex. However, if he were to explain consciousness to a very young child, he might simplify the concept by saying that consciousness is what makes us aware of our surroundings and our own thoughts and feelings. He might explain that it is like a light that shines inside us, allowing us to see and experience the world around us. Additionally, he might encourage the child to explore their own consciousness by paying attention to their thoughts and feelings and being curious about them."
I am so grateful for this Man 🙏🏽 the way he articulates really resonates in my being I realize the obvious. Thank you Rupert your message shines bright
+optizap Quite true. But isn't the understanding then to see the problem is in perception of permanent forms instead of constantly changing process? Even the image of permanent form has transitory aspects to it. Who mourns the replaced cells in the body, or the dead skin?
Thank you Mr Spira. It has become so obvious and simple. Experience the awareness of experience. If we don't observe carefully can be just another experience. There is only experience whether good or bad. Pain or pleasure. It is just a vibration. It does not matter. Good or bad, is determined by thought. If thought is sidelined, then it is only a sensation in awareness. We lean towards one or the other purely because of the influence of thought according to our conditioning. Sticking to this awareness is key. Wow! There is this displeasure in the writer for thought hijacking my life. I have been living a fools life in all of my existence. Even if it is intellectual - which I refute. Better late than never. Thank you.
I have been searching for this my entire life, thankyou Rupert, i only wish this was spoke about years ago, the same as you from my early days Bless you 💖🙏💖
❤❤❤ Thank you. This is the greatest experience that we have come to live on this planet. In fact, since I have discovered my true nature, I live on my own and I do not see many people. All the very BEST to you all .
He's speaking from the heart here, not trying to avoid any question or charm people with stories etc, and he does address the question actaully as well if you listen carefully, I believe that he's even going beyond what this persons asking covering a more realistic and important approach to the teaching and just life in general, things that need to be realized and addressed, on a human level. not a robotic 'ask question' 'get basic answer' kind of way. this is how a true teacher teaches his/her students.
Since I've discovered Rupert Spira, my passion for philosophy has been sparked again. I was also disinterested in the standard topics in college philosophy classes. I always felt as if the professors were afraid to touch on the truth of the eternal nature of consciousness and the I AM. This is the information I was seeking all along. It was simply difficult to verbalize with limited knowledge of the esoteric languages of metaphysics and philosophy. Thanks in large part to quantum mechanics, a new language has developed whereby discussion can take place without sounding like "old time religion".
"Eternal nature of consciousness and the I AM" is the invention of thought. None of them exists. What exists is the game that thought is playing with its own invention.
I am not waiting for anything. Just because I am saying unicorns don't exist it doesn't mean that I am a nihilist. You don't experience anything except the experiencer. You can ask questions about the experiencer but you have no way of figuring out what that is. Because you have no way of separating yourself from it and look at it. The realization of the existence of the experiencer is only possible with the help of thought. Realization is naming, separating even if it is not happening verbally. That's what Rupert has not understood yet. Without the help of thought you cannot possibly know if there is consciousness there at all. Consciousness arises when thought arises. The two cannot be separated. They come together and they go together. That's all you have. The idea of consciousness beyond thought is simply not realizing this fact. Thought by its nature separated itself and invented the experiencer or consciousness or whatever you call it. Other than that none of them exists. And even thought doesn't exist. What this comment is then, you have no way of knowing.
Dear Rupert allow me to express my gratitude for your teachings in this time of existence. Thank you so much for sharing your awakening with the world 🌎 ❤ ♥ 💙 💕 Namaste 🙏 👋
Very deep words... What's it that knows our experience? What's it that drives our senses to perceive this world? What's the Force behind this phenomenal Universe? These are the exact same questions one will find in the Upanishads, in the form of conversation between disciple and teacher.
thank you so much. The generosity behind such a teaching is so beautifull.l am used to live in India so so so beautifull this western teaching...the direct path...
This was a good one. As far back as I remember, I have been aware of that which is aware of my experience. I thought everyone else was as well. Becoming very curious about how common or uncommon this is. When I raised it with my adult daughter she seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. Of course, maybe I was articulating it badly. I love how Rupert pauses and allows himself the space to consider his response to a question. His metaphors are lovely and point to understanding. Thanks, Rupert.
that something that is aware of your experience is a fragment of your infinite conscious being becoming more conscious of itself through your experiences. You're the entire conscious universe learning everything there is to learn about everything.
Sure is so interesting and enjoyable. The inner journey, ahhh so refreshing to listen to Rupert. One needs only to be a little curious, in wonderment like a child, ponder reflect and listen deeply to thyself. Not only can it be deeply satisfying, but also delicious, content and peaceful. So grateful to see I am aware of my whole being and aware of my awareness. My body is the movie projector. My thoughts are the movie real and consciousness is the light which lights up my reality. Joy is Joy, I am joy and I am falling in love with life itself.
Thank you for your thought provoking lectures, you have answered many questions yet opened the possibility for me to ask myself even more. Thank you for helping me continue with my search/journey in the human experience.
We all know upon waking up in the morning, recapping our night dream, that "my awareness wasn't limited to that night dream body. The whole dream happened in my awareness and was my awareness". Life is completely equal in experience, it is a day dream. Hence, we could make the same claim, that the whole Universe happens in "my awareness" and is "my awareness". Now, it is an easy step to take from here. Since Peter in New York and Sarah in Tokyo both claim that "the Universe is my awareness", Awareness/Consciousness must be One and Unlimited.
Thanks a lot I am enjoying Re watching your deep Awakening vids Cheers “The lamps are different, but the light is the same.” Rumi "We Are Stars Rapped In Skin The Light You Are Seeking Has Always Been Within" (Rumi) "Look Past Your Thoughts So You May Drink The Pure Nectar Of This Moment"(Rumi)
It IS the most enjoyable, interesting thing I want to do! I just want to explore it ALL day. And not just confused about why schools don't teach it, but also church. They never taught me how to talk to God from the heart. They taught me how to talk at him from the mind so connecting was a hit or miss. He was a thing in the clouds. Uggg, we are one, one being, one space. Awareness radically changed my ability to experience oneness and that and love is all anyone really wants when they pray.
What can be more enjoyable than discovering and exploring your own true nature! The exploration of what you truly are . . . And realization that you are everything! I can't get enogh of this understanding ! This is where I belong!
Hello Rupert, the way you explain things is fascinating. I've had the same question that you addressed in this video, but I still find it difficult to bring these abstract notions into grounded clarity. Now, the way I understand consciousness is; the ability to perceive and being responsive to the surrounding environment... But when you give the analogy of one space, and ask why can't it be the same with consciousness, the difference becomes that this ability to perceive and response is limited to life forms, especially better applied to complex and multisensory life forms due to their specific, complex physical forms... The birth of an animal, or a plant requiring a specific arrangement of chemical content and information inside their specific seeds and given the suitable environment - only then can they take the form that's able to be conscious... And indeed this can be viewed from an opposite perspective, that is; birth of all matter as a result of consciousness, but I don't understand the grounds on which it can be accepted other than speculation... I know that the same can said about materialism, but I'd love to know if there are clearer ways to explain it, thank you
Yes, Mark Twain apparently said something along the lines of. “I don’t let my schooling interfere with my education” what he may have meant was that he didn;t want the educational programming to interfere with his actual experience. Also the folk song “Little Boxes” by Pete Seeger reminds me of the way society, school etc. does this.
The value of lifelong experiences in Consciousness seem to demonstrate the apparent poverty of those going into debt to know that which is already known ~ I am so drenched in gratitude for basking in that which "we don't know that we don't know" when we catch a glimpse experientially ~ I share his passion and hearing him speak of this seems to diminish or dissolve my "dweebishness" or at least affords a fresh appreciation for it! Thank you for sharing yourself with us once again.
Love you man. Incredible video... The experience of knowing is here, now. No doubt there. It is infinite because there is no limit to what can b known. Ok, got that too. It is ever present because I have only experienced that, so, through my own senses, that's all there is. Cool. Now: There is a thinking mind, full of thoughts and preferences, and there is a body full of feelings and perceptions, and they seem to be very personal and although they are known, they have the last word over my sense of identity. I believe that I am all this senses, all this thinking, all this discomfort and sometimes all the pleasure that flow through me! Thats why I go to work or take a shower, or make love, or play with my dog and even why I get up from bed. I do this things because they affect my senses and perceptions in a way that makes "me" feel good or allows me to live (in the going to work bit since I dislike my job). How do I dis identify with that and remain in peace with the knowing of everything? It seems impossible!!
Rupert thank you for your work you're such a genius just to be able to answer some of these questions the people ask well I guess we're all a different levels of understanding and some people just don't understand.
He really share the turtles metabolism.He expends so much thinking .you can see it.I cant tell if hes really thinking so focused that he dont realize how long hes dazed and quiet between answering .or is he trying to esp to crowd .
I'm sorry. He explained why "space" is infinite. He did not explain why "awareness" is infinite. It is unfortunate when such a great question is asked and then the answer doesn't get answered. I'm open to someone explaining to me (without me having to have a "belief" that it is so - but "experientially" seeing why it is so) why "awareness" is infinite. I have seen through the "character" illusion and enjoy the peace of a quiescent mind that comes with that seeing. However, if I'm being honest, there is still a sense (experientially) that awareness is sort of localized, at least, for as far as my senses can detect i.e. as far as my eyes can see, as far as my ears can hear, etc. No inside/no outside (borders of body are seamless) but there is no experience that awareness is beyond my physical senses as described above. Would appreciate helpful responses... Thanks...
One problem withour society is that ESP (extra-sensory perception) is viewed as being weird, and people who claim to have it are viewed as weird. Thus it's discouraged. Rupert said in his talk that we're encouraged to focus on objects -- what we can perceive with our senses. As it is, though, awareness is infinite because there is nothing in the universe that awareness is not aware of. Just because "your" awareness does not seem to be aware of everything in the universe may be more a problem of perception than of fact.
Warren Cotton Yes, hello. Awareness is essentially without characteristics and is not an object. We can't "perceive" awareness (besides "who" would be the perceiver?). So, not being able to perceive it with our senses, how does one "experience" it's infiniteness? Also, in your comment you say "awareness is infinite because there is nothing in the universe that awareness is not aware of". If this is true, can you tell me, using your infinite awareness, what color shirt I am wearing right now? I am really interested in this dialogue because I have yet to hear a teacher (or anyone else for that matter) actually explain how awareness (consciousness, etc) is Universal, Infinite and Unlimited... It is one thing to be borderless and unbounded (my experience) but it is quite another to be "Infinite". Even "expansive" is not infinite... Thank you for the dialogue...
Joseph McMahon I didn't say that "my" awareness is infinite, nor have I achieved a state of consiousness that I can be aware of the color of your shirt. Awareness is infinite in the sense that some part of awareness (probably yours) is aware of the color of your shirt. You might think of it like waves on the ocean. One wave may not be aware of another's experience, but the ocean is. The fact that your and my awareness seems bounded does not mean that they would be if we were in touch with the truth of ourselves.
Joseph McMahon Upon reflection, I think the main point you're missing is that when Rupert speaks of "awareness" he isn't talking about your awareness or my awareness; he's talking about Awareness -- non-localized Awareness.
JOSEPH you are absolutely spot on right... he ignores the question on this one... Its not often that such an amazing question gets asked,... I was so excited that it finally got addressed, and so disappointed with his free styling (which is none of the less amazing, but irrelevant to the question) good job at identifying this flaw, unlike many of the posers here
My knowledge of consciousness is not a changing process. It is the self manifestation of the light of knowledge which constitutes my nature and my being.
I like this, could go either way and apply to certain "teachers". (Don't have any issue with what Spira says; talking about what Kiloby has brought up.)
Trump would trump it: "I have the best experience, my experience is the best. there's nobody who has a better experience than I do. everybody says so. just last night someone called me and said he was so grateful for me having such a wonderful experience. everybody says so".
I dont know why but at 5 years old there was a spontaneous recognition that wherever I am, everything appears and nothing can appear without i first being present. It left a powerful impression and I never forgot it. I could never fully accept the conventional notion and it eventually drove the seeking to know the truth and nature of this mysterious source that at times would shine forth as joy, beauty, love and then seem to be clouded over. At the zenith of the clouding over I felt I must seek with great intensity and put that above all else Then it started to reveal itself (to itself), and finally unburden me from all seeking and fear. I'm not sure if this initial understanding was provoked by something an adult said. We did live with a very bohemian Ukrainian artist woman while my father was overseas. She was quite remarkable, an ex student of the film maker Eisenstein who had fled the Soviet Union and the Nazis with her 4 children. Anyway, she had my sister and I make a garden, with the idea that when the flowers bloom, our father would return. It was while watering that garden that this understanding dawned.
Rupert, only ignorance can deny the universal nature of awareness, n thoughts are perfectly made of this very awareness not any independent of it. But what about the body?? is it smtg other than awareness. If yes then is it not Duality?? If No! than how can I experience the non duality of it???
Rupert himself said the only thing you can know for absolutely certain is That I am. So I got a question to the question he posed. How does he know that that which knows our experience, is that which knows. (Especially since he said the only thing you can absolutely know is that, I am. Meaning that anything else you can't absolutely know, including your experience)
probably the best and clearest speech i ever hear from Rupert, but still, the question was left.unanswered. maybe because what consciousness is cannot be known or defined
We all know upon waking up in the morning, recapping our night dream, that "my awareness wasn't limited to that night dream body. The whole dream happened in my awareness and was my awareness". Life is completely equal in experience, it is a day dream. Hence, we could make the same claim, that the whole Universe happens in "my awareness" and is "my awareness". Now, it is an easy step to take from here. Since Peter in New York and Sarah in Tokyo both claim that "the Universe is my awareness", Awareness/Consciousness must be One and Unlimited.
...what is most interesting to know the nature of that want to know our entire affair we love to know the nature of that knows our expetience....How do I know my counscience is univetsal Rupert Spira teachings .
The space in one room and another cannot be compared to consciousness in one person and another. In the absence of any "conscious" entities, like humans, you must presume that some entity or field of conscious exists. Is that what constitutes matter? Then the consciousness of a rock is the same as ours that is conscious of experiences. Is that a revelation?
Reality is just consciousness explaining itself, all of our perceptions and conceptions are just interpretations within consciousness, they don't exist outside of consciousness. Since these perceptions and conceptions are more or less about our relationship with the world or material existence and since this relationship cannot be defined by inert material elements, what makes sense of reality is consciousness. What makes sense of reality is reality.
Rupert, Mooji, Ekharte, thank you so much for what you help me discover.
niansenx What you discover is the product of yourself.
They are really enlighten masters, but Sadhguru is an ultimate master :D
@@lorddryp is this a race ?
j. krishnamurti too
Alan Watts.
I love Rupert Spira, his way of explaining is just the best :)
Rupert could easily be a talk show host or actor
He has the love of God radiating out of him its so magnetic and makes you watch
As far as I remember myself I always longed to find out the Reality, the real Me and why I'm here. And Rupert is right, it's so interesting and attracting. But most people rely on the knowledge provided by their parents and the society. One needs to be curious a bit and open to the new.. And not just to follow the stream, accept given anwers. People spend most of their time on unimportant things instead of investigating the most significant one: Themselves and Life (which is one and the same thing). Thank you, Rupert, for your enthusiam and love for the Truth! ❤️
I asked A.I. what Rupert Spira would tell a very young child about consciousness? The answer was: "Rupert Spira is a renowned spiritual teacher, and his teachings can be quite profound and complex. However, if he were to explain consciousness to a very young child, he might simplify the concept by saying that consciousness is what makes us aware of our surroundings and our own thoughts and feelings. He might explain that it is like a light that shines inside us, allowing us to see and experience the world around us. Additionally, he might encourage the child to explore their own consciousness by paying attention to their thoughts and feelings and being curious about them."
AI The child of consciousness
I am so grateful for this Man 🙏🏽 the way he articulates really resonates in my being I realize the obvious. Thank you Rupert your message shines bright
When a soap bubble breaks
what is the loss ?
The same space is there
minus the gloss !
The Self exists with form or without.
Not as a fixed permanent form like people treat it.
wow analogy! how true!
D Graf
When a soap bubble breaks
The bubble is lost
And that makes me sad.
I feel your pain.
+optizap Quite true. But isn't the understanding then to see the problem is in perception of permanent forms instead of constantly changing process?
Even the image of permanent form has transitory aspects to it. Who mourns the replaced cells in the body, or the dead skin?
An unusually passionate, contagious Rupert - especially from 08:00 on!
This was exactly the question I have been asking me for a long time. Thanks Rupert sir.
Thank you Mr Spira. It has become so obvious and simple. Experience the awareness of experience. If we don't observe carefully can be just another experience. There is only experience whether good or bad. Pain or pleasure. It is just a vibration. It does not matter. Good or bad, is determined by thought. If thought is sidelined, then it is only a sensation in awareness. We lean towards one or the other purely because of the influence of thought according to our conditioning. Sticking to this awareness is key. Wow! There is this displeasure in the writer for thought hijacking my life. I have been living a fools life in all of my existence. Even if it is intellectual - which I refute. Better late than never. Thank you.
I have been searching for this my entire life, thankyou Rupert, i only wish this was spoke about years ago, the same as you from my early days Bless you 💖🙏💖
There is nothing more important than understanding consciousness
this video completely answers one of the big questions i always had. Perfect explanation as always by Rupert
❤❤❤ Thank you. This is the greatest experience that we have come to live on this planet. In fact, since I have discovered my true nature, I live on my own and I do not see many people. All the very BEST to you all .
He's speaking from the heart here, not trying to avoid any question or charm people with stories etc, and he does address the question actaully as well if you listen carefully, I believe that he's even going beyond what this persons asking covering a more realistic and important approach to the teaching and just life in general, things that need to be realized and addressed, on a human level. not a robotic 'ask question' 'get basic answer' kind of way. this is how a true teacher teaches his/her students.
Since I've discovered Rupert Spira, my passion for philosophy has been sparked again. I was also disinterested in the standard topics in college philosophy classes. I always felt as if the professors were afraid to touch on the truth of the eternal nature of consciousness and the I AM. This is the information I was seeking all along. It was simply difficult to verbalize with limited knowledge of the esoteric languages of metaphysics and philosophy. Thanks in large part to quantum mechanics, a new language has developed whereby discussion can take place without sounding like "old time religion".
"Eternal nature of consciousness and the I AM" is the invention of thought. None of them exists. What exists is the game that thought is playing with its own invention.
Hmmm, and the eternal nature of energy, you would deny?
Not at all. It exists. In your head. Nowhere else.
I am not waiting for anything. Just because I am saying unicorns don't exist it doesn't mean that I am a nihilist. You don't experience anything except the experiencer. You can ask questions about the experiencer but you have no way of figuring out what that is. Because you have no way of separating yourself from it and look at it. The realization of the existence of the experiencer is only possible with the help of thought. Realization is naming, separating even if it is not happening verbally. That's what Rupert has not understood yet. Without the help of thought you cannot possibly know if there is consciousness there at all. Consciousness arises when thought arises. The two cannot be separated. They come together and they go together. That's all you have. The idea of consciousness beyond thought is simply not realizing this fact. Thought by its nature separated itself and invented the experiencer or consciousness or whatever you call it. Other than that none of them exists. And even thought doesn't exist. What this comment is then, you have no way of knowing.
How do you know that you are aware? What tells you that?
Marvellous teaching by a great compassionate master !
Dear Rupert allow me to express my gratitude for your teachings in this time of existence. Thank you so much for sharing your awakening with the world 🌎 ❤ ♥ 💙 💕 Namaste 🙏 👋
What are they teaching him at Oxford hahahahaha :)) Rupert you're amazing. Thank you for sharing your light.
Very deep words...
What's it that knows our experience? What's it that drives our senses to perceive this world? What's the Force behind this phenomenal Universe? These are the exact same questions one will find in the Upanishads, in the form of conversation between disciple and teacher.
thank you so much. The generosity behind such a teaching is so beautifull.l am used to live in India so so so beautifull this western teaching...the direct path...
Rupert, you have actually topped the Masters......evidently you ARE one, if there is any such thing :)) Thank you SO very much!
Rupert has changed my way of thinking - as if a door has been opened or better still as if the door just dissolved - thank you so much... William
Blessed are you the bright light you are
This was a good one. As far back as I remember, I have been aware of that which is aware of my experience. I thought everyone else was as well. Becoming very curious about how common or uncommon this is. When I raised it with my adult daughter she seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. Of course, maybe I was articulating it badly.
I love how Rupert pauses and allows himself the space to consider his response to a question. His metaphors are lovely and point to understanding.
Thanks, Rupert.
Another masterful talk. Thank you, Rupert.
that something that is aware of your experience is a fragment of your infinite conscious being becoming more conscious of itself through your experiences. You're the entire conscious universe learning everything there is to learn about everything.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had my mind blown but damn, this is life changing.
Sure is so interesting and enjoyable. The inner journey, ahhh so refreshing to listen to Rupert. One needs only to be a little curious, in wonderment like a child, ponder reflect and listen deeply to thyself. Not only can it be deeply satisfying, but also delicious, content and peaceful. So grateful to see I am aware of my whole being and aware of my awareness. My body is the movie projector.
My thoughts are the movie real and consciousness is the light which lights up my reality. Joy is Joy, I am joy and I am falling in love with life itself.
Thank you for your thought provoking lectures, you have answered many questions yet opened the possibility for me to ask myself even more. Thank you for helping me continue with my search/journey in the human experience.
Thank you Rupert..mooji... Eckart for having enlighted in us this spark of aliveness that seems to be vailed by our seemingly life
With love
not sure why, but i found myself weeping after this video
Absolutely loved this clip.
We all know upon waking up in the morning, recapping our night dream, that "my awareness wasn't limited to that night dream body. The whole dream happened in my awareness and was my awareness". Life is completely equal in experience, it is a day dream. Hence, we could make the same claim, that the whole Universe happens in "my awareness" and is "my awareness".
Now, it is an easy step to take from here. Since Peter in New York and Sarah in Tokyo both claim that "the Universe is my awareness", Awareness/Consciousness must be One and Unlimited.
I feel most of what you express . Feels good
Thanks a lot I am enjoying Re watching your deep Awakening vids Cheers
“The lamps are different, but the light is the same.” Rumi
"We Are Stars Rapped In Skin The Light You Are Seeking Has Always Been Within" (Rumi)
"Look Past Your Thoughts So You May Drink The Pure Nectar Of This Moment"(Rumi)
It IS the most enjoyable, interesting thing I want to do! I just want to explore it ALL day. And not just confused about why schools don't teach it, but also church. They never taught me how to talk to God from the heart. They taught me how to talk at him from the mind so connecting was a hit or miss. He was a thing in the clouds. Uggg, we are one, one being, one space. Awareness radically changed my ability to experience oneness and that and love is all anyone really wants when they pray.'re the best. Thank you 🙏
I'm thankful for teachers like Rupert Spira.
Thanks rupert
Silence ♡ Presence ॐ Peace
What can be more enjoyable than discovering and exploring your own true nature!
The exploration of what you truly are . . .
And realization that you are everything!
I can't get enogh of this understanding ! This is where I belong!
Great teacher. Impressive. Thank you, Rupert.
@12:15: As regards conventional education, one of the most profound & significant sayings: "Never let my schooling interfere with my education"
Hello Rupert, the way you explain things is fascinating. I've had the same question that you addressed in this video, but I still find it difficult to bring these abstract notions into grounded clarity.
Now, the way I understand consciousness is; the ability to perceive and being responsive to the surrounding environment... But when you give the analogy of one space, and ask why can't it be the same with consciousness, the difference becomes that this ability to perceive and response is limited to life forms, especially better applied to complex and multisensory life forms due to their specific, complex physical forms... The birth of an animal, or a plant requiring a specific arrangement of chemical content and information inside their specific seeds and given the suitable environment - only then can they take the form that's able to be conscious... And indeed this can be viewed from an opposite perspective, that is; birth of all matter as a result of consciousness, but I don't understand the grounds on which it can be accepted other than speculation... I know that the same can said about materialism, but I'd love to know if there are clearer ways to explain it, thank you
I just love what this man says!!! It’s sooo clear 😃😍😍😍
Love Rupert
Yes, Mark Twain apparently said something along the lines of. “I don’t let my schooling interfere with my education” what he may have meant was that he didn;t want the educational programming to interfere with his actual experience. Also the folk song “Little Boxes” by Pete Seeger reminds me of the way society, school etc. does this.
So Good
Thank you.
Very very smart question
Love you, Rup.
absolutely brilliant and joyous ~~~~~~~
Brilliant and joyful - thank you! :)
The space of the auditorium and of the kitchen are the same, but the experiences of those two spaces are different and unique.
I find this to be greatly formulated question and it resonates with me.
The value of lifelong experiences in Consciousness seem to demonstrate the apparent poverty of those going into debt to know that which is already known ~ I am so drenched in gratitude for basking in that which "we don't know that we don't know" when we catch a glimpse experientially ~ I share his passion and hearing him speak of this seems to diminish or dissolve my "dweebishness" or at least affords a fresh appreciation for it! Thank you for sharing yourself with us once again.
Yes, I agree. You are me, and I am free!
Great, Great talk as usual. Thanks!!
Thank you. 10/10.
...What is more interesting to lnow the nature of that which know our entire exsperience ...Rupert Spira filosopher teachings ..
Love you man.
Incredible video... The experience of knowing is here, now. No doubt there. It is infinite because there is no limit to what can b known. Ok, got that too. It is ever present because I have only experienced that, so, through my own senses, that's all there is. Cool.
Now: There is a thinking mind, full of thoughts and preferences, and there is a body full of feelings and perceptions, and they seem to be very personal and although they are known, they have the last word over my sense of identity. I believe that I am all this senses, all this thinking, all this discomfort and sometimes all the pleasure that flow through me! Thats why I go to work or take a shower, or make love, or play with my dog and even why I get up from bed. I do this things because they affect my senses and perceptions in a way that makes "me" feel good or allows me to live (in the going to work bit since I dislike my job).
How do I dis identify with that and remain in peace with the knowing of everything? It seems impossible!!
Whoa dude you just blew my mind
Excellent,thank you
Rupert thank you for your work you're such a genius just to be able to answer some of these questions the people ask well I guess we're all a different levels of understanding and some people just don't understand.
He really share the turtles metabolism.He expends so much thinking .you can see it.I cant tell if hes really thinking so focused that he dont realize how long hes dazed and quiet between answering .or is he trying to esp to crowd .
Thank you...with love. I have always had this feeling that 'god' is an absolute, not something relative to me. Nonduality feels right.
I'm sorry. He explained why "space" is infinite. He did not explain why "awareness" is infinite. It is unfortunate when such a great question is asked and then the answer doesn't get answered. I'm open to someone explaining to me (without me having to have a "belief" that it is so - but "experientially" seeing why it is so) why "awareness" is infinite. I have seen through the "character" illusion and enjoy the peace of a quiescent mind that comes with that seeing. However, if I'm being honest, there is still a sense (experientially) that awareness is sort of localized, at least, for as far as my senses can detect i.e. as far as my eyes can see, as far as my ears can hear, etc. No inside/no outside (borders of body are seamless) but there is no experience that awareness is beyond my physical senses as described above. Would appreciate helpful responses... Thanks...
One problem withour society is that ESP (extra-sensory perception) is viewed as being weird, and people who claim to have it are viewed as weird. Thus it's discouraged. Rupert said in his talk that we're encouraged to focus on objects -- what we can perceive with our senses. As it is, though, awareness is infinite because there is nothing in the universe that awareness is not aware of. Just because "your" awareness does not seem to be aware of everything in the universe may be more a problem of perception than of fact.
Warren Cotton Yes, hello. Awareness is essentially without characteristics and is not an object. We can't "perceive" awareness (besides "who" would be the perceiver?). So, not being able to perceive it with our senses, how does one "experience" it's infiniteness? Also, in your comment you say "awareness is infinite because there is nothing in the universe that awareness is not aware of". If this is true, can you tell me, using your infinite awareness, what color shirt I am wearing right now? I am really interested in this dialogue because I have yet to hear a teacher (or anyone else for that matter) actually explain how awareness (consciousness, etc) is Universal, Infinite and Unlimited... It is one thing to be borderless and unbounded (my experience) but it is quite another to be "Infinite". Even "expansive" is not infinite... Thank you for the dialogue...
Joseph McMahon I didn't say that "my" awareness is infinite, nor have I achieved a state of consiousness that I can be aware of the color of your shirt. Awareness is infinite in the sense that some part of awareness (probably yours) is aware of the color of your shirt. You might think of it like waves on the ocean. One wave may not be aware of another's experience, but the ocean is. The fact that your and my awareness seems bounded does not mean that they would be if we were in touch with the truth of ourselves.
Joseph McMahon Upon reflection, I think the main point you're missing is that when Rupert speaks of "awareness" he isn't talking about your awareness or my awareness; he's talking about Awareness -- non-localized Awareness.
JOSEPH you are absolutely spot on right... he ignores the question on this one... Its not often that such an amazing question gets asked,... I was so excited that it finally got addressed, and so disappointed with his free styling (which is none of the less amazing, but irrelevant to the question)
good job at identifying this flaw, unlike many of the posers here
Isn't it a pity!
Great talk! Awareness!
Thank you!
My knowledge of consciousness is not a changing process. It is the self manifestation of the light of knowledge which constitutes my nature and my being.
Yogendra Gupta makes no sense
I’m glad I’m not alone. I am no longer the only person who is interested in this.
You know, I somehow missed this video and I thought I was staying current. Goes to show, sometimes things spring up just when you might need them.
You can either know, beleive or imagine.
But stop beleiving you know what you in fact imagine.
I like this, could go either way and apply to certain "teachers". (Don't have any issue with what Spira says; talking about what Kiloby has brought up.)
Powerful. Thanks Rupert.
Trump would trump it: "I have the best experience, my experience is the best. there's nobody who has a better experience than I do. everybody says so. just last night someone called me and said he was so grateful for me having such a wonderful experience. everybody says so".
Samaya no
Hahah omg that was perfect
i didn’t understand can someone tell me what this means
@@Austination316 Damn 7 years ago. Ok so, I don't remember why I made this comment, but this is the way Trump often talks.
That's a better word to sum the knowledge of being.
I dont know why but at 5 years old there was a spontaneous recognition that wherever I am, everything appears and nothing can appear without i first being present. It left a powerful impression and I never forgot it. I could never fully accept the conventional notion and it eventually drove the seeking to know the truth and nature of this mysterious source that at times would shine forth as joy, beauty, love and then seem to be clouded over. At the zenith of the clouding over I felt I must seek with great intensity and put that above all else Then it started to reveal itself (to itself), and finally unburden me from all seeking and fear.
I'm not sure if this initial understanding was provoked by something an adult said. We did live with a very bohemian Ukrainian artist woman while my father was overseas. She was quite remarkable, an ex student of the film maker Eisenstein who had fled the Soviet Union and the Nazis with her 4 children. Anyway, she had my sister and I make a garden, with the idea that when the flowers bloom, our father would return. It was while watering that garden that this understanding dawned.
Rupert, only ignorance can deny the universal nature of awareness, n thoughts are perfectly made of this very awareness not any independent of it. But what about the body?? is it smtg other than awareness. If yes then is it not Duality?? If No! than how can I experience the non duality of it???
Hi there is a video "eroding the belief in the body " by Rupert spira and he has some other videos in his yoga meditations.
I Love you
Rupert himself said the only thing you can know for absolutely certain is That I am. So I got a question to the question he posed. How does he know that that which knows our experience, is that which knows. (Especially since he said the only thing you can absolutely know is that, I am. Meaning that anything else you can't absolutely know, including your experience)
probably the best and clearest speech i ever hear from Rupert, but still, the question was left.unanswered. maybe because what consciousness is cannot be known or defined
We all know upon waking up in the morning, recapping our night dream, that "my awareness wasn't limited to that night dream body. The whole dream happened in my awareness and was my awareness". Life is completely equal in experience, it is a day dream. Hence, we could make the same claim, that the whole Universe happens in "my awareness" and is "my awareness".
Now, it is an easy step to take from here. Since Peter in New York and Sarah in Tokyo both claim that "the Universe is my awareness", Awareness/Consciousness must be One and Unlimited.
I'll be returning to this video just to hear that Rupert laugh at around 10 minutes. It's so wholesome
When he goes home to his house is it occupied ? or unoccupied ?
Experience and experiment are the same word in different forms according to context
You have to go beyond the intellect/ego which is the dense
3rd Dimension, and move at least
to the Heart Center to reach higher
...what is most interesting to know the nature of that want to know our entire affair we love to know the nature of that knows our expetience....How do I know my counscience is univetsal Rupert Spira teachings .
The space in one room and another cannot be compared to consciousness in one person and another. In the absence of any "conscious" entities, like humans, you must presume that some entity or field of conscious exists. Is that what constitutes matter? Then the consciousness of a rock is the same as ours that is conscious of experiences. Is that a revelation?
Amazing, I thought, when Rupert said ( 14:45 )
" WHAT COULD TRUMP THAT ? " back in 2014 .... I see messages ALL the time ! ;-)
Reality is just consciousness explaining itself, all of our perceptions and conceptions are just interpretations within consciousness, they don't exist outside of consciousness. Since these perceptions and conceptions are more or less about our relationship with the world or material existence and since this relationship cannot be defined by inert material elements, what makes sense of reality is consciousness. What makes sense of reality is reality.
Our experience is known by consciousness, yes, but it is unscientific to believe that consciousness is beyond that which is known.
7:12 😶🥺
For me it was as if a flashlight was put on me. Wen ik first noticed it
The simple answer to your question is that space is awarness, not seperate, one and the same.....