I grew up in Hong Kong and now live in the US. My impression of Hong Kong is that people can be very mean. There are many things by which people judge others. There is also this elite mentality that I strongly dislike. It seems to me that people in Hong Kong are trying to be in the elite group or try to appear (by outward appearance, speaking english, driving a nice car, etc) to be in the elite group. The fact that Hong Kong University students are educated, then they should be having an open mind and be less prejudiced. Making a difference in the world is better than continuing some absurd lifestyle or mentality.
I think that perhaps they are indeed so self-depreciative that they feel obliged to emulate superficially 'high-end' stuff to sugercoat their personas, which in turn exudes their lack of empathy.
Some of this culture probably originated from the UK where in a collegiate system, some colleges are harder to get in than others and therefore more prestigious such as Trinity College in both Cambridge and Oxford. I don’t think other Commonwealth countries follow the UK tradition to the same extent.
It's not about being prejudicial or a snob but rather whether it fits. If you're not very good at English you probably shouldn't be learning the law because all the readings are in English. When you start practicing you'll also be using English all the time.
There is no correct way of speaking English. England, Scotland and Ireland have their own way speaking English. Even different parts of England speak a different tongue e.g. Liverpool or London. Just within the UK, the way of speaking is so diverse. Between countries such as Australia, UK, USA, NZ and Canada there are distinct accents. As for Commonwealth countries each country has its own accent. For example Hong Kongers speak with a certain distinct tone.
Tiffany, It would damage your reputation as a pronunciation teacher if you cannot tell the difference between /f/ and /v/. Instead of the /v/ in /'fi:-və/, you have repeatedly articulated /'fi:-fə/.
For a university student with poor English level, criticism and blame is reasonable and justified due to achieving a English level below required standard while for a primary student failing to attain a higher level of englishl may be acceptable, given their various academic level.
There is nothing wrong with a C even just passed the course. It all depends on the grading system. If you are a slow learner; you fail on your quizzes, then your overall grade is going to be lower, but you can challenge the Exams. If you got 100%, you are not going to have an A, but a passed mark. 30% quizzes, 30% mid-term, 40% final.
It is inexcusable and shameful for a university student whose English level is below the required standard and level. What the student is doing is inevitably displaying personal weakness or deficiency in english level that is inconsistent with his/ her current studying level or standard, to public.
brian wong, For those University students who fail to achieve a required English level under the pretexts or grounds, as you mentioned above, does not constitute a tenable excuse and reason because both has no relationship of cause and effect. Being a, university student, he/she should have attained a required English level as that should not be deemed or treated as a unreasonable requirement, in my opinion.
點會無cause and effect 中文中學出黎 同名校 International school 好多人本身出身環境註定比其他人接觸英文既機會小好多好多 有能力既人好多 每一科對人既要求都唔同 點解一定要用英文能力去揀人? 一個數學it勁既人 只要佢meet 到basic requirement 唔通因為咁話佢英文差=無資格叫做大學生? 試問佢英文勁對佢打code有咩幫助? 對佢serve 香港社會有咩作用? 香港人first language 係英文? There’s numerous talented individuals who just weren’t given the opportunity or the environment to cash in their potentials. And university should be an institution for students to focus on what they are passionate with and talented in instead of proving their proficiency in English so as to meet the so-called public standard.
@@roadtofreedom1428 What you meant is that it is acceptable and even a good, tenable pretext for a university student whose English level is at a level below the required standard, or even at a primary level. While you may still insist your views, in reality how is the public perception in this subject? As a matter of fact, it merits a disgrace and condemnation for a university stent with poor English level. As you are a university student, you tell people that you are a university student and then people would understand and expect your english level should be at least reaching university level and even good and excellent. On the contrary, you actually aren't. Instead of finding any excuse or pretext, seeking and grasp hold of more opportunities to improve and strengthen English level is a more helpful and pragmatic solution. Many students who also been come from a Chinese secondary school can still srive to yield good English level. As such, learning environment and family background should not be used as a excuse. Facing the reality and improving and strengthening English level is better than finding a pretext!
識英文呢種世界語言真係會令人眼光都遠大啲,但係用一個人既外語程度去評價他人,又未免將自己既水平降低左.... 每個人都有自己範疇,當未了解所有階層時卻自以為傲視同儕,再上高位,都可能成為現代晉惠帝。
oh, my sweet summer child...
I grew up in Hong Kong and now live in the US. My impression of Hong Kong is that people can be very mean. There are many things by which people judge others. There is also this elite mentality that I strongly dislike. It seems to me that people in Hong Kong are trying to be in the elite group or try to appear (by outward appearance, speaking english, driving a nice car, etc) to be in the elite group. The fact that Hong Kong University students are educated, then they should be having an open mind and be less prejudiced. Making a difference in the world is better than continuing some absurd lifestyle or mentality.
I think that perhaps they are indeed so self-depreciative that they feel obliged to emulate superficially 'high-end' stuff to sugercoat their personas, which in turn exudes their lack of empathy.
mostly u re right, but what is mean and absurd lifestyle and how do people judge others?
Some of this culture probably originated from the UK where in a collegiate system, some colleges are harder to get in than others and therefore more prestigious such as Trinity College in both Cambridge and Oxford. I don’t think other Commonwealth countries follow the UK tradition to the same extent.
abosulutely agreed hker are very judgmental of other and have huge fragile ego.
By hku人
人地依家同你入埋同一間大學 讀緊同一科
以前我係 HKU 做過英籍高級講師(當時未改稱副教授)助手。有個本地學生搵佢討論功課,但係聽唔明講師講乜。唔係個個本地學生英文水平高,需要多聽、多講、多讀。
但人地英文唔好都考到入黎, 證明人地除左英文外 一定會有其他長處.
I agree. We should not judge a person by just one facade of his/her life. Only a narrow-minded would do.
It's not about being prejudicial or a snob but rather whether it fits. If you're not very good at English you probably shouldn't be learning the law because all the readings are in English. When you start practicing you'll also be using English all the time.
老實講, 係香港呢個K型社會先會用語文能力黎定義為一個人叻與唔叻,
比如你講既例子, 文科生去取笑理科生既語文唔好,
而香港人係冇, 係冇得簡用返母語係香港讀大學.
半導體, 人工智能, 電動車, 永續能源, 機械人...
香港係可以完全冇呢啲野, 最叻既人竟然走去讀法商醫,
最後啲理科畢業生一係做老師, 一係去其他國家發展,
同一時間人地既理科生整緊Iphone, tesla, chatgpt等等日常一切既工業產品.
" 你比人笑係因為英文唔好, 要自己檢討"
" 呢個世界係咁架啦, 學好英文就唔會比人笑"
成件事係香港係好正常, 但係外國係好荒謬.
1. consonant發音唔清楚
2. 讀中文會有邊讀邊
其實英文都會, 短片講到既in·famous就係一個例子
3. Stressed syllable錯左
4. 同一個字既noun同verb發音唔同但讀既時候無分, e.g. project
4. 另外就係英文字連埋同分開讀其實可以有好大分別, e.g. side effects
5. past tense endings /t/ /d/ /ed/既差別
芬尼想問你有冇推介 關於Middle Ages 書或者影集. 唔知你有冇了解開.
netflix打關鍵字middle ages好多documentaries
我是post graduate 學生,中學會考英文是D, 冇考過alevel, 依家是港大醫學院碩士生
你ig dm我地丫😊 bit.ly/fla-ig
我好好奇,点解系香港 英文一定要好???
我讀hku engine,果陣一上英文堂大家講野,個個native accent係基本,得我連完整句子都未講得好,個course仲要係5/5*/5**可以skip,不過經過慘痛既半年,自卑+勤力之下果半年都算係超突破性進步,而家基本溝通都冇咩問題了,同埋最主要係比人"屈"得多變左唔係太驚比人笑lu,有自信左唔驚講
我在美國大學畢業英文也不是很好 說不流利 生字庫也不大, 大約三四千字。 主科會計和電腦系統之後成為了澳門的中小學電腦教師 現在退休了
英文系都有你所講既暗地裏評價同學家庭背景同英文水平,佢哋仲要分native 同non native level既英文,再去分級,英文越好既人,屋企絕大部分至少中產
其實呢D 歧視,又點會只係入港大至有。基本上,只要英語仲係國際語言,就去到邊都會遇到。
香港社會,出黎工作英文差D,一樣俾人歧視。民建聯感覺D 人差D,亦同當中有某些議員英文程度差有關。
阿叔觉得你既英文非常好,但係讲到 engineering department 依加 fever 都有问题,呢个係美國幼兒院都知啦,70年代青衣中電有好多 hku仔,佢地同英国 engineers 交谈一D問題都冇,是否依加程度降左好多。
Can you make a video in which you play guitar and sing a song?
There is no correct way of speaking English. England, Scotland and Ireland have their own way speaking English. Even different parts of England speak a different tongue e.g. Liverpool or London. Just within the UK, the way of speaking is so diverse. Between countries such as Australia, UK, USA, NZ and Canada there are distinct accents. As for Commonwealth countries each country has its own accent. For example Hong Kongers speak with a certain distinct tone.
我相信infamous 10個有9個香港人讀錯
最佩服妳嘅唔係妳英文叻,而係妳居然將幾個「全港最有學識kol 」都讀錯嘅中文都讀啱!譬如模擬(音以)、譬如面面相覻(音趣),都唔會讀成模「疑」同面面相「虛」!
Fever 呢個字,我係小5識,因為當時有套電影:
Saturday Night Fever
見到樓下d comment好驚🥲黎緊讀hku, 英文又唔算好🥲
@@is5274 中國人骨子裡崇洋媚外,但只追求西方的語言文字,對西方的民主、自由、法治毫無追求意欲。不少講一口流利英語的人很多是籃屍! 請問這種人應否受到歧視?
@@tomted02 第一是藍。
讀engine既人 擅長數理,每個人長處唔同,英文好重要但唔需要係一個人既全部,你叫language好叻既人計數佢都唔一定識,點解要講到佢地唔識英文就好慘咁,可能其實佢一開始就冇care人地會唔會歧視佢,因為唔係佢既profession. 冇學英文既人唔等於係低人一等。
It would damage your reputation as a pronunciation teacher if you cannot tell the difference between /f/ and /v/. Instead of the /v/ in
/'fi:-və/, you have repeatedly articulated /'fi:-fə/.
葉劉港大英文系一级榮譽. 聽下佢最近上明珠台的Straight Talk, 港腔到呢
You meant her accent?
Vincent Lin both accent and fluency
Ielts 好多印度人口試都九分,明明講緊印文,我冇幾句聽明
For a university student with poor English level, criticism and blame is reasonable and justified due to achieving a English level below required standard while for a primary student failing to attain a higher level of englishl may be acceptable, given their various academic level.
worst run on sentence I have ever seen
HK students' English standard is HOPELESS!
Use of English language
At least 👩🎓 Grade C woh ? LLB entry requirements?
我覺得嗰啲朋友應該係level 1 or U😂
I think you sound like you are embracing discrimination while saying 'discrimination exists at HKU'.
By the kind of English you speak, do you really think you are 'superior' to others?
嘩!好叻女👍🏻👍🏻原來是法律系的。而我哋一般人真係會認為 港大法律系英文一定一定好好Bor. 否則點追進度?當然能否畢業🎓又是另一回事。另外,想問下,大學畢業,除咗特別出色嘅同學distinction grade 之外,其實會唔會似中學生甘,再有一個分數,從而知道你大學的成績Level嫁?
外國人一樣會有cut 尾音 多啲聽native speaker 講嘢,明白左個原理就得
拎B 都叫差?🤔真係大部分同學都係拎A的嗎?
Ki Ki
事實上 英文A同B爭好遠
我哥都靠高考英文A 入到hku mbbs
@ Ki Ki : you might need to give more flowers to your professor, B+ Or A1- is negotiable, it all depends on your teacher’s opinion.
蕭叔叔好似話佢當年都係拎C 讀law
係呀 佢讀書叻
There is nothing wrong with a C even just passed the course. It all depends on the grading system. If you are a slow learner; you fail on your quizzes, then your overall grade is going to be lower, but you can challenge the Exams. If you got 100%, you are not going to have an A, but a passed mark. 30% quizzes, 30% mid-term, 40% final.
Your pronunciation of “EEE” and “hall” are not right.
沒試過讀錯infamous或often,但試過讀錯compromise, castle, debt, bombing.😅
Lower quartile 有C, 即係都有2-3成人左右無A 。 蕭叔叔都話佢入LLB時英文唔算好,後來都係自己追返
我以前讀HKU ENGIN, 見到有中文中學上來嘅同學因為唔太習慣英文教學而喊,但後來習慣左都ok
唔係講笑,我真係見過有同學寫: I are...
Xiao Chen 這個太離譜了,但我是指infamous 這個字。
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts 雖然我不認同,但你説的也是現實,現代人講效率不會花時間在別人的事上,所以好快下結論。
@@cortinasin4525 I see。我记得中学唸英语的时候,老师跟我们说 infamous 的正确解释, 千万不要解成 "not famous". 但是,我一路都不知道它的正确读音,要看到这个 video 才知道。 在学习英语的过程中,总会遇到这样的盲点。共勉之。
[1D27] 李崇銘 LI SUNG MING 我話好難係講緊對比以前小學用既字深啊 我無講過我唔識啊😅
還未放 很快會放的囉~~~
歌仔都有唱喇 活著fever 嘛😈
It is inexcusable and shameful for a university student whose English level is below the required standard and level.
What the student is doing is inevitably displaying personal weakness or deficiency in english level that is inconsistent with his/ her current studying level or standard, to public.
How is it inexcusable? Different people have different strengths and different environments in which they grow up.
brian wong,
For those University students who fail to achieve a required English level under the pretexts or grounds, as you mentioned above, does not constitute a tenable excuse and reason because both has no relationship of cause and effect.
Being a, university student, he/she should have attained a required English level as that should not be deemed or treated as a unreasonable requirement, in my opinion.
點會無cause and effect
同名校 International school
有能力既人好多 每一科對人既要求都唔同
只要佢meet 到basic requirement
對佢serve 香港社會有咩作用?
香港人first language 係英文?
There’s numerous talented individuals who just weren’t given the opportunity or the environment to cash in their potentials.
And university should be an institution for students to focus on what they are passionate with and talented in instead of proving their proficiency in English so as to meet the so-called public standard.
What you meant is that it is acceptable and even a good, tenable pretext for a university student whose English level is at a level below the required standard, or even at a primary level. While you may still insist your views, in reality how is the public perception in this subject?
As a matter of fact, it merits a disgrace and condemnation for a university stent with poor English level.
As you are a university student, you tell people that you are a university student and then people would understand and expect your english level should be at least reaching university level and even good and excellent. On the contrary, you actually aren't.
Instead of finding any excuse or pretext, seeking and grasp hold of more opportunities to improve and strengthen English level is a more helpful and pragmatic solution.
Many students who also been come from a Chinese secondary school can still srive to yield good English level. As such, learning environment and family background should not be used as a excuse.
Facing the reality and improving and strengthening English level is better than finding a pretext!
As a matter of fact, meeting basic requirement should not display a poor performance that is below standard, as mentioned by you.
依加啲00後溝通用廣東話 英文拼音!死未?所以英文愈來愈差!
So , her LLB not 2nd 🥈 A maybe 3rd 🥉 Hon loh?
Oh 你邊年grad
Ue 拎D =會考英文B 水平
介乎 B 同 C 左右
祝球通 c 都唔會講呢啲
運動生有推薦信可以放低要求,仲有msc mphil 唔睇DSE成績要求嘅IELTS同tofel都好低。
今時今時,如果 HKU 只收一啲英文好嘅學生,一定會收生不足面臨殺校,其他大學亦然。
感謝 Elaine!
@Terry Sun yes 叻少少,已經飛咗上天,好膚淺
Yes of course! Never said HKU was world-renowned!
but they are good in Mahjong
點解要跟一個讀法律系既人學英文 lol
你講野真係冇 內涵,不要誤人子弟
level 3 英文己是很差