Advanced Scriptable Controls | Mathcad Prime 10

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @JuanRamirez-ht1iu
    @JuanRamirez-ht1iu Месяц назад

    I have been fascinated with the operation of the list boxes, how it is possible that depending on the option that is checked in one, the options of the other list change, as shown in the video at minute 1:26, it seems incredible to me

    • @PTC_Mathcad
      @PTC_Mathcad  Месяц назад +1

      The second List Box takes the first List Box as an input; based on the value of the first List Box (determined by user selection), the second List Box has a series of conditional statements to generate its selections.

  • @r_be
    @r_be 5 месяцев назад

    I have an important question! Are these advanced control options interactive when exported as for instance .pdf file? Thanks in adcance.

    • @PTC_Mathcad
      @PTC_Mathcad  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks for your important question.
      When exported to a PDF, advanced controls are not interactive. The PDF is created in whatever current state the Mathcad worksheet was in. So if the slider was set to a certain position before saving to PDF, the PDF will reflect that slider's position upon save.
      But you won't be able to slide it on a PDF, or press any of the buttons, etc.

    • @sekabone
      @sekabone Месяц назад

      @@PTC_Mathcad Can it be exported for example as an interactive format, such as html (background javascript)?

    • @PTC_Mathcad
      @PTC_Mathcad  Месяц назад

      @@sekabone You can't export Mathcad Prime worksheets in HTML format in Mathcad Prime 10.
      Export to HTML is something the development team is, coincidentally, looking into right now. No promises if it'll be in Prime 11 or not.

  • @kevinbrown945
    @kevinbrown945 6 месяцев назад

    Just watched through the video and there's a particular worksheet in there (Hollow Shaft Design_New) which does exactly what I need to do where one drop down menu is directly controlled by the preceding drop down menu. Is there any way I can get hold of this sheet please so that I can use it as a starting point for a sheet I am working on?

    • @PTC_Mathcad
      @PTC_Mathcad  6 месяцев назад +1

      We do plan to release materials for customers to download for each of the Advanced Control types, but it'll take some time to polish and put together.

    • @kevinbrown945
      @kevinbrown945 6 месяцев назад

      ⁠@@PTC_Mathcadthat would be great. Would it be possible to get this rough worksheet? It has the exact control in it that I need. I can take it and amend it to suit my conditions.

    • @PTC_Mathcad
      @PTC_Mathcad  6 месяцев назад +1

      @@kevinbrown945 How would you like me to send it?

  • @pallabsarkar5326
    @pallabsarkar5326 7 месяцев назад +1
