skip teaching the right Aqida is wrong, it's how sahabas build up first, ask how last Caleef fell, in 1681 they peaked under kalizadeli or Taymiyyan Turks teaching Tawhid, shunning shirk, but when exiIed, Sofi tomb invokers took over... Allah tied Tawhid to safety in Quran 24 :55, the sofi Uthmanis Iost Iand, spIit, even infiltrated as they made up stuff anyone fit in... and became secular until wanting to remove Arabic and Ashari Jordan rose up backed by uk. the exiled Taymiyyan turks went south to Syria & their students taught Ibn Abdul Wahab, Banu tamim, (bukhari 4366?) & whos ppl form the sunni gulf, like Saudi, Qatar or Bahrain ... & save Haramain from uk & jordan... So where did the victory go... it went with the right Aqida... the correct Aqida is needed for victory in Quran 2 :137, Quran 9 : 25 shows numbers isn't the key to victory!
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator K. Evren = Jewish dictator CHP = JEW & ARMENIAN POLITICAL PARTY creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians The Jews wrote the Turkish history books! Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
skip teaching the right Aqida is wrong, it's how sahabas build up first, ask how last Caleef fell, in 1681 they peaked under Taymiyyan Turks teaching Tawhid, shunning shirk, but when exiIed, Sofi tomb invokers took over... Allah tied Tawhid to safety in Quran 24 :55, the sofi Uthmanis Iost Iand, spIit, even infiltrated as they made up stuff anyone fit in... and became secular until wanting to remove Arabic and Ashari Jordan rose up backed by uk. the exiled Taymiyyan turks went south to Syria & their students taught Ibn Abdul Wahab, Banu tamim, (bukhari 4366?) & whos ppl form the sunni gulf, like Saudi, Qatar or Bahrain ... & save Haramain from uk & jordan... So where did the victory go... it went with the right Aqida... the correct Aqida is needed for victory in Quran 2 :137, Quran 9 : 25 shows numbers isn't the key to victory!
Trojan Horse perversion strategy proxy strategies last 3600 years, networks issues loyalty issues networks cards loyalty cards, internal conflicts but instead blaming nonwhite races continents people races colors facial looks and religious backgrounds last 1000 years including golddigger golddigging Crusaders Crusades against Holy Land of Jerusalem
It's crazy what the sufi grave worshipers did to Islam, ultimately causing the Ottoman Empire to fall and a lot of the Ummah's humiliation and weakness we see today.
Alhamdullilah, many Muslim women wear their Hijab loud and proud today. People have a perseption of us that is wrong. Islam is very much alive and thriving.
I wish we also could wear niqabs in my country. Uzbekistan is almost the same as Turkey was in it's secular era. I'm feared to get arrested just because of my clothes.
It's quite sad. I went to Antalya last summer, and there were hardly any women in Hijabs. The few who were wearing the Hijab were cleaners, and they were so kind.
Went around a lot of West Turkey and been to many countries. It’s clear these beach resort, tourist trap areas adore Western ways and the influx of tourists just adds to it. Antalya’s isn’t too different to Dubai or Agadir for that very reason.
@ there’s so much to see in Turkey besides that. Kas, just 3 hours west of Antalya was one of my favourite places. Selcuk on the west coast was also great and Istanbul is Istanbul.
And nowadays, there are so many so-called Muslim women without hijabs or the proper hijab. Don't think neglecting the hijab is a light matter with Allah, you will eventually find out the hard way!
You speak with so much arrogance. The hijab is an incredibly difficult step for many women in the West. Besides, you saying "so called" is incredibly offensive. No one gets to decide if someone is a Muslim or not except Allah. Not you. Do not be judgemental, for only Allah is the judge.
@@AppleCinnamonPie yeah we don't care if they don't like islam then tell them to leave no problem bit all of these so called ones influence the already born muslimahs follow these so called muslimahs ar role models at least let us save the rest of others.
@@AppleCinnamonPie don't make excuses for example miriam francois who blamed the brothers who gave dawah with f word remember it.and also she is a revert who wore the hijab then took it off. Tell her to leave islam. Islam doesn't needs her
You call them 'so-called' yet notice how Sule didn't wear the hijab until 27. They did not kick her out of the religious meetings even if she didn't cover with a veil. Had they done that, she would have hated this faith. Allah guides whomever He wills and judging is in Allah's domain and we are not supposed to judge others without proper information.
Our forebears fought to keep the hijab on, and now some of our contemporaries are fighting to force people to take it off. May Allah protect the honor and modesty of our beloved sisters in islam
We Turks won the war in the field but lost on the table. Even calling "Allah" had been forbidden until Müslims took over the power. Imagine that happened Khalifas' inherit land! Kamalism is Baas of Turks!
Oh, i regret not knowing her before she died. I visited Turkiye especially Bursa on April 2019. Qadarullah. Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa’afiha wa’fu’anha
Don't you dare talk about our founding father, who are you to decide what we will do? We fought to stay independent, we lost so much. At that time what needed to be done has done, still today religion exploiters trying to seize power, we didn't let that happen and we will not.
@@BoraLevley you’re speaking as a nationalist. Not a Muslim. An ethnic or territorial superiority complex that assumes religions only cause wars and ignores hundreds of wars in the past for money, land, power in the name of country, people, “freedom”, etc all with a complete lack of moral accountability.
@@BoraLevleyethnic/ territorial superiority complex. All divisions of humanity cause wars. Religions have more moral integrity by their very nature. Nations do it for money, power, land.
@@BoraLevley SHut u p! Your found ing father was a despi cable human and worthy of being called a tra itor! you are only rel evant because of Islam and Muslims and you have done nothing significant outside of it, If Sultan Mehmed Han, Osman bey or the great Seljuks were present, they would fight against you!
The ban on women public employees (including teachers) wearing the headscarf was lifted in 2014. Female teachers could not work and wore wigs or removed their headscarves.
Actually in the times of the Ottoman caliphate before Mustafa and everything in the women there used to wear Hijab and you couldn't even see their eyes and nails essentially the same way of wearing Hijab and burqa the same way which is practiced under the government of Emirate of Afghanistan which apparently is considered oppressed which is not obviously
@@ilmfeed You don't need to make a separate channel. You can have multiple audio tracks for the same video. That way you'd have your original voiceover and his arabic voiceover as an interchangeable option in the video settings
After Ottoman Empire fell they banned the hijab , and it didn’t allow to wear hijabs any official places. You could wear hijab as long as not official places. For 80 years in Turkey hijabi women could not enter any official palaces . Last 20 years women allowed to wear their hijab anywhere they like even the official places. Thank the Erdogan president of Turkey who made it possible.
MASHALLAH JAZAKALLAH KHAIR ALLAHU AKBAR may ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA Grant her jannatul ferdous and inspire ummah to emulate her extreme struggle and sacrifice for DEEN OF ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA, ravza kavakci is another turkish member of parliament who was banned ftom parliament and humiliated by the then turkish kemalists in 80s n 90s before Erdogan came to power in 2002, she had to leave turkiye and her daughter who also wears hijab had to pursue her university degree in usa for she was not allowed to wear hijab in turkish university! Her daughter is now personal translator for Erdogan seen with Erdogan foreign trips in interaction with foreign rulers and dignitaries as she knows multiple languages and Erdogan chose her to respect hijab and her mother's extreme struggle for Deen of ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA
She has the right to wear the hijab but when the state forces women to wear it, that's wrong. When the state forces women not to wear it, that's wrong too. It should be an individual choice. Personally, I think it's a good practice because it conveys modesty and faith. Some Christian women wear it as well.
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator K. Evren = Jewish dictator CHP = JEW & ARMENIAN POLITICAL PARTY creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians The Jews wrote the Turkish history books! Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
@coffe2270 If moral codes are enforced the society can become despotic. Religious despotism flies in the face of the principle of individual freedoms and rights. Of course with those rights comes responsibility, which should be taught by religious authorities. Human beings will mimic each other to avoid being socially excluded and in this way modesty become the norm -- but if you go around killing or imprisoning women who don't have a hijab, as they do in Iran, that seems wrong.
@thinkforyourself2109 it "seems" wrong, verily it is not. Modesty is key and is vital. Religious adherence should be enforced. In case you follow a religion follow it the best way you *can*.
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator K. Evren = Jewish dictator CHP = JEW & ARMENIAN POLITICAL PARTY creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians The Jews wrote the Turkish history books! Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
Unfortunately, and it is embarrassing that this is even there’s of course he was a Zionist, that is why it is there to begin with. He lied to the Turks, unfortunately- dismantled with the British Empire the Ottoman Empire, then made it a republic with alcohol, mosques removal, no hair coverings, and the loss of morals was introduced. He was drinking a lot and his wife was unalived apparently, after she caught him with another man or boy. He is also a Mason. They all worship the same. The sultan said, that he came then the British then the Zios and then everything fell apart 😢
Unfortunately, and it is embarrassing that this is even there’s of course he was a Zionist, that is why it is there to begin with. He lied to the Turks, unfortunately- dismantled with the British Empire the Ottoman Empire, then made it a republic with alcohol, mosques removal, no hair coverings, and the loss of morals was introduced. He was drinking a lot and his wife was unalived apparently, after she caught him with another man or boy. He is also a Mason. They all worship the same. The sultan said, that he came then the British then the Zios and then everything fell apart 😢I don’t think it is funny it is quite embarrassing and disgraceful, it does not match the values that the Turkey was aligned with. Now there is a mix of people and it is sad to see how the people have changed and some forgotten part of their moral compass . I pray for a return to the old- to renew what is right
Dont spread lies About turkey. This move was only to decelerate the Gülen Movement in Turkey, because they had many private school institutions in Turkey. And they were the bests in Turkey. So almost all the best students were from these institutions. Because Turkey was very secular nowadays. But this movement was so religious that they would fill the mosques so much during the lecture that there would be no space in the mosque and during the lecture many of them would literally cry due to their taqwa. Many people saw a mosque filled with crying people. Some of the famous and best football players also belong to this movement. Almost all of the members of this movement studied there were many professors and doctorands from them in various fields. Some of the best doctors were also from them in the entire country. So because people of this movement were so successful and in means of belief, the exact opposite of the government, government wanted to decrease them. So they said that entering the University with hijab is forbidden, because maybe most of the hijabi students were from them and these Muslimahs were also very successful and clever. So to cut their success, they have forbidden the hijab in official buildings and universities. And they also said that entering the private teaching institutions must mix boys and girls. This was also to hinder the success of this movement, because maybe only they had separate classes for boys and girls. After that, the „hero“ erdogan closed all the private teaching institutions, because the ones from this movement were still the bests. And finally in 2016 Erdogan established the fake Pouch to close all the institutions of them. After that, Turkey has now serious problems with economics, justice, belief of people(extremely large numbers of young people become irreligious), security and so on. Gulden movement had 3 Million members in Turkey before Erdogan imprisoned, forced to exile(leave the country) or at least kicked them out of their job. Many babies of them were born in prison. Some of the children spent their entire childhood in prison. Many children spent 8 years without a father. The Muslim Umma forgot or turned a blind eye on them, except for a few small groups in turkey, who experience the same destiny as them. You need to understand, there are hundreds of thousands of Aaifa Siddiquis in Turkeys prisons. I am not lying. They get tortured. Some of them died due to torture. But you will most likely believe in the propaganda of Erdogan. Sad that they got recognized so rarely by the umma, although their only propose is the ummah
Gülenists made the big mistake to defy and wage war against Erdoğan. Thinking you had a few million sympathisers you thought you could dictate Erdoğan and make him bow to your demands but too bad, you miscalculated the situation and lost as a result. Now you keep whining after a big defeat.
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator K. Evren = Jewish dictator CHP = JEW & ARMENIAN POLITICAL PARTY creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians The Jews wrote the Turkish history books! Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
Atatturk was controlled opposition, and done exactly what the enemy would do - teach them english and tell them you need to be europian. How was he a ottonan soldier without being a muslim, he was a sellout and later masaacred the kurds for his racist ideologues, a true traitor
Too may foreign NGO's and an upper class that only care about staying rich. I know this a British Bengali from Bhola whos uncle is Major Hafiz and rest of the family in the BNP. I hope one day when I finish my education and earn some money, I can go back to Bangladesh and help those from my village and the rest of the country with education and medicine. Insha'allah me and a lot of other overseas Bengalis use our wealth and knowledge to help you and other bengalis more than the corrupt governments that keep our motherland broken
Subscribe for more videos like this.
skip teaching the right Aqida is wrong, it's how sahabas build up first, ask how last Caleef fell, in 1681 they peaked under kalizadeli or Taymiyyan Turks teaching Tawhid, shunning shirk, but when exiIed, Sofi tomb invokers took over...
Allah tied Tawhid to safety in Quran 24 :55, the sofi Uthmanis Iost Iand, spIit, even infiltrated as they made up stuff anyone fit in... and became secular until wanting to remove Arabic and Ashari Jordan rose up backed by uk.
the exiled Taymiyyan turks went south to Syria & their students taught Ibn Abdul Wahab, Banu tamim, (bukhari 4366?) & whos ppl form the sunni gulf, like Saudi, Qatar or Bahrain ... & save Haramain from uk & jordan...
So where did the victory go... it went with the right Aqida... the correct Aqida is needed for victory in Quran 2 :137, Quran 9 : 25 shows numbers isn't the key to victory!
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator
İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator
K. Evren = Jewish dictator
creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians
The Jews wrote the Turkish history books!
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews
Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
It crazy what the enemies of Islam did to the land of the Ottomans after they fell.
When I gave Salam at the airport, they said nothing.
skip teaching the right Aqida is wrong, it's how sahabas build up first, ask how last Caleef fell, in 1681 they peaked under Taymiyyan Turks teaching Tawhid, shunning shirk, but when exiIed, Sofi tomb invokers took over...
Allah tied Tawhid to safety in Quran 24 :55, the sofi Uthmanis Iost Iand, spIit, even infiltrated as they made up stuff anyone fit in... and became secular until wanting to remove Arabic and Ashari Jordan rose up backed by uk.
the exiled Taymiyyan turks went south to Syria & their students taught Ibn Abdul Wahab, Banu tamim, (bukhari 4366?) & whos ppl form the sunni gulf, like Saudi, Qatar or Bahrain ... & save Haramain from uk & jordan...
So where did the victory go... it went with the right Aqida... the correct Aqida is needed for victory in Quran 2 :137, Quran 9 : 25 shows numbers isn't the key to victory!
@@911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8Same here.
Trojan Horse perversion strategy proxy strategies last 3600 years, networks issues loyalty issues networks cards loyalty cards, internal conflicts but instead blaming nonwhite races continents people races colors facial looks and religious backgrounds last 1000 years including golddigger golddigging Crusaders Crusades against Holy Land of Jerusalem
It's crazy what the sufi grave worshipers did to Islam, ultimately causing the Ottoman Empire to fall and a lot of the Ummah's humiliation and weakness we see today.
Alhamdullilah, many Muslim women wear their Hijab loud and proud today. People have a perseption of us that is wrong. Islam is very much alive and thriving.
I wish we also could wear niqabs in my country. Uzbekistan is almost the same as Turkey was in it's secular era. I'm feared to get arrested just because of my clothes.
May Allah accept from her and multiply her rewards endlessly
It's quite sad. I went to Antalya last summer, and there were hardly any women in Hijabs. The few who were wearing the Hijab were cleaners, and they were so kind.
Went around a lot of West Turkey and been to many countries. It’s clear these beach resort, tourist trap areas adore Western ways and the influx of tourists just adds to it. Antalya’s isn’t too different to Dubai or Agadir for that very reason.
@Yu7Zi Yeah, it's put me off Turkey altogether 🫤
@ there’s so much to see in Turkey besides that. Kas, just 3 hours west of Antalya was one of my favourite places. Selcuk on the west coast was also great and Istanbul is Istanbul.
I was there in 2020 I was told I wasn't allowed anywhere near the swimming pool with a hijab.
@lail111 That's awful 😖
People really hate women being modest.
Their government colonised their own people 🤦♂️
Not people, The disbelievers hate modesty.
@@watvid1 “woman can wear anything they want besides what we, your Neo-colonial masters, dictate.”
Devil worshippers have to. Otherwise they wont beable to get more people to manipulate and mislead.
Unfortunately some believing girIs are jeIous of modest girIs so put them down to feeI better.
TRT should produce a drama series on her , her biography.
@@utubebeena too much of drama turks lost islam long time ago they aren't the same.
May ﷲ grant her Jannah bro she was a lion in a flock of sheep ❤❤❤❤
And nowadays, there are so many so-called Muslim women without hijabs or the proper hijab.
Don't think neglecting the hijab is a light matter with Allah, you will eventually find out the hard way!
I recently watched one video where she wore the hijab and took it off
You speak with so much arrogance. The hijab is an incredibly difficult step for many women in the West. Besides, you saying "so called" is incredibly offensive. No one gets to decide if someone is a Muslim or not except Allah. Not you. Do not be judgemental, for only Allah is the judge.
@@AppleCinnamonPie yeah we don't care if they don't like islam then tell them to leave no problem bit all of these so called ones influence the already born muslimahs follow these so called muslimahs ar role models at least let us save the rest of others.
@@AppleCinnamonPie don't make excuses for example miriam francois who blamed the brothers who gave dawah with f word remember it.and also she is a revert who wore the hijab then took it off. Tell her to leave islam. Islam doesn't needs her
You call them 'so-called' yet notice how Sule didn't wear the hijab until 27. They did not kick her out of the religious meetings even if she didn't cover with a veil. Had they done that, she would have hated this faith.
Allah guides whomever He wills and judging is in Allah's domain and we are not supposed to judge others without proper information.
Our forebears fought to keep the hijab on, and now some of our contemporaries are fighting to force people to take it off.
May Allah protect the honor and modesty of our beloved sisters in islam
We Turks won the war in the field but lost on the table.
Even calling "Allah" had been forbidden until Müslims took over the power.
Imagine that happened Khalifas' inherit land! Kamalism is Baas of Turks!
Jazakallah Khair for sharing this story of a beautiful woman who fought for the cause of Allah SWT ❤☝🏽
انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ جزاک اللہ خیرا کثیرا کثیرا۔ Great
Amazing lady May Allaah Grant her Jannatul Firdous & Forgive her shortcomings..... Aameen
When her brother was ill, kind of as his last wish suggested she went to the Said Nursi's meetings(sohbet), and how she starts.
Oh, i regret not knowing her before she died.
I visited Turkiye especially Bursa on April 2019. Qadarullah. Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa’afiha wa’fu’anha
Ma sha Allah
Unbelievable what this atashirk has done to our umma. Still can't believe the ignorance of those who praise and Respect him
Don't you dare talk about our founding father, who are you to decide what we will do? We fought to stay independent, we lost so much. At that time what needed to be done has done, still today religion exploiters trying to seize power, we didn't let that happen and we will not.
@@BoraLevley you’re speaking as a nationalist. Not a Muslim. An ethnic or territorial superiority complex that assumes religions only cause wars and ignores hundreds of wars in the past for money, land, power in the name of country, people, “freedom”, etc all with a complete lack of moral accountability.
@@BoraLevleyethnic/ territorial superiority complex. All divisions of humanity cause wars. Religions have more moral integrity by their very nature. Nations do it for money, power, land.
If Allah didn't want Ataturk, he should've sent a better man to the defend and modernize the Ottoman Empire.
@@BoraLevley SHut u p!
Your found ing father was a despi cable human and worthy of being called a tra itor!
you are only rel evant because of Islam and Muslims and you have done nothing significant outside of it, If Sultan Mehmed Han, Osman bey or the great Seljuks were present, they would fight against you!
You see how joyfully that western reporter is at 0:35?
Western superiority complex is at play even till this day.
Allah yarham… May Allah give her Al Firdous ya Rabbi..🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🇹🇷
Allahumah Ameen 🤲
Stop Doom Scrolling My Fellow Muslim And Recite
33x SubhanAllah
33x Alhamdulilah
34x Allahu Akbar
Take 2 Minute 15 Second
Kemalist is just offensive as zionist
amazing lady
As Salaam Allaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu! Mashallah! May Allah bless her!
This is a fight of truth (Islam) against lies. ☝️
آمين يارب العآلمين
She succeeded .. Allahu Akbar!
The ban on women public employees (including teachers) wearing the headscarf was lifted in 2014. Female teachers could not work and wore wigs or removed their headscarves.
The sun cannot be plastered with mud.
We have returned to our essence again.
What a hero against tyranny
Actually in the times of the Ottoman caliphate before Mustafa and everything in the women there used to wear Hijab and you couldn't even see their eyes and nails essentially the same way of wearing Hijab and burqa the same way which is practiced under the government of Emirate of Afghanistan which apparently is considered oppressed which is not obviously
We will not forget her work ❤
Fih amanillah
Ameen Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum
The clothers of Muslims is timeless wear it and be proud of it and dont get into the "trend game"
More than nine words for the algorithm so more people can see this
I wish I could work for this channel
If you can make videos like this, get in touch.
@@ilmfeed How can I reach out to you? I'd love to offer an Arabic voiceover for your videos to cater to the Arab audience if that works for you.
@@niazinaser7948 We're not currently looking to make an Arabic channel but you can drop us an email at salam (at)
@@ilmfeed You don't need to make a separate channel. You can have multiple audio tracks for the same video. That way you'd have your original voiceover and his arabic voiceover as an interchangeable option in the video settings
After Ottoman Empire fell they banned the hijab , and it didn’t allow to wear hijabs any official places. You could wear hijab as long as not official places. For 80 years in Turkey hijabi women could not enter any official palaces . Last 20 years women allowed to wear their hijab anywhere they like even the official places. Thank the Erdogan president of Turkey who made it possible.
I don't believe in Islam, but a nation shouldn't force people to not wear Hijab, or wear Hijab. Good for her to defend her beliefs
Masha Allah. Stood for following Allah despite oppression
Allah guide its ppl. Like thier forefathers.
Ita sad see this fall
MASHALLAH JAZAKALLAH KHAIR ALLAHU AKBAR may ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA Grant her jannatul ferdous and inspire ummah to emulate her extreme struggle and sacrifice for DEEN OF ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA, ravza kavakci is another turkish member of parliament who was banned ftom parliament and humiliated by the then turkish kemalists in 80s n 90s before Erdogan came to power in 2002, she had to leave turkiye and her daughter who also wears hijab had to pursue her university degree in usa for she was not allowed to wear hijab in turkish university! Her daughter is now personal translator for Erdogan seen with Erdogan foreign trips in interaction with foreign rulers and dignitaries as she knows multiple languages and Erdogan chose her to respect hijab and her mother's extreme struggle for Deen of ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TAALA
Subhanallah. Daga de kana.
She has the right to wear the hijab but when the state forces women to wear it, that's wrong. When the state forces women not to wear it, that's wrong too. It should be an individual choice. Personally, I think it's a good practice because it conveys modesty and faith. Some Christian women wear it as well.
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator
İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator
K. Evren = Jewish dictator
creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians
The Jews wrote the Turkish history books!
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews
Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
Nope modesty should be enforced
@coffe2270 If moral codes are enforced the society can become despotic. Religious despotism flies in the face of the principle of individual freedoms and rights. Of course with those rights comes responsibility, which should be taught by religious authorities. Human beings will mimic each other to avoid being socially excluded and in this way modesty become the norm -- but if you go around killing or imprisoning women who don't have a hijab, as they do in Iran, that seems wrong.
People have to enjoin good and forbid evil, being naked is evil.
@thinkforyourself2109 it "seems" wrong, verily it is not. Modesty is key and is vital. Religious adherence should be enforced. In case you follow a religion follow it the best way you *can*.
What a Shame in Muslims country. May Allah grant her the highest jennah 🤲
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator
İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator
K. Evren = Jewish dictator
creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians
The Jews wrote the Turkish history books!
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews
Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
@@poesje-j3vno, they were more turkish than you would ever be.
May muslims of turkiye take back Islam from dead hands of Mustafa kamal.
Please help turkey --
turkiye is great. why would we need help?
Doesnt attaruk have a statue in israeel? 😂😂
Yes he has. Written under the statue something like "Israel is forever grateful to you!" and they are not wrong to say that.
Unfortunately, and it is embarrassing that this is even there’s of course he was a Zionist, that is why it is there to begin with. He lied to the Turks, unfortunately- dismantled with the British Empire the Ottoman Empire, then made it a republic with alcohol, mosques removal, no hair coverings, and the loss of morals was introduced. He was drinking a lot and his wife was unalived apparently, after she caught him with another man or boy. He is also a Mason. They all worship the same. The sultan said, that he came then the British then the Zios and then everything fell apart 😢
Unfortunately, and it is embarrassing that this is even there’s of course he was a Zionist, that is why it is there to begin with. He lied to the Turks, unfortunately- dismantled with the British Empire the Ottoman Empire, then made it a republic with alcohol, mosques removal, no hair coverings, and the loss of morals was introduced. He was drinking a lot and his wife was unalived apparently, after she caught him with another man or boy. He is also a Mason. They all worship the same. The sultan said, that he came then the British then the Zios and then everything fell apart 😢I don’t think it is funny it is quite embarrassing and disgraceful, it does not match the values that the Turkey was aligned with. Now there is a mix of people and it is sad to see how the people have changed and some forgotten part of their moral compass . I pray for a return to the old- to renew what is right
Where is urdugan
He is hard at work , where do you think he should be?
@istanbullubenim5543 he is not doing his job properly, why this woman has been arrested. Urdugan should wake up or he sleeps at work
@@ahmadhusny7849 If someone has to wake up is YOU my friend, listen and watch the video then you ask the right question.
Turkey will be secular forever! Thanks to Ataturk ! The best leader ever !
Dont spread lies About turkey. This move was only to decelerate the Gülen Movement in Turkey, because they had many private school institutions in Turkey. And they were the bests in Turkey. So almost all the best students were from these institutions. Because Turkey was very secular nowadays. But this movement was so religious that they would fill the mosques so much during the lecture that there would be no space in the mosque and during the lecture many of them would literally cry due to their taqwa. Many people saw a mosque filled with crying people. Some of the famous and best football players also belong to this movement. Almost all of the members of this movement studied there were many professors and doctorands from them in various fields. Some of the best doctors were also from them in the entire country. So because people of this movement were so successful and in means of belief, the exact opposite of the government, government wanted to decrease them. So they said that entering the University with hijab is forbidden, because maybe most of the hijabi students were from them and these Muslimahs were also very successful and clever. So to cut their success, they have forbidden the hijab in official buildings and universities. And they also said that entering the private teaching institutions must mix boys and girls. This was also to hinder the success of this movement, because maybe only they had separate classes for boys and girls. After that, the „hero“ erdogan closed all the private teaching institutions, because the ones from this movement were still the bests. And finally in 2016 Erdogan established the fake Pouch to close all the institutions of them. After that, Turkey has now serious problems with economics, justice, belief of people(extremely large numbers of young people become irreligious), security and so on. Gulden movement had 3 Million members in Turkey before Erdogan imprisoned, forced to exile(leave the country) or at least kicked them out of their job. Many babies of them were born in prison. Some of the children spent their entire childhood in prison. Many children spent 8 years without a father. The Muslim Umma forgot or turned a blind eye on them, except for a few small groups in turkey, who experience the same destiny as them. You need to understand, there are hundreds of thousands of Aaifa Siddiquis in Turkeys prisons. I am not lying. They get tortured. Some of them died due to torture. But you will most likely believe in the propaganda of Erdogan. Sad that they got recognized so rarely by the umma, although their only propose is the ummah
I dont understand. Did women in Gulen schools wear headscarfs?
Erdotans wife does.
Gülenists made the big mistake to defy and wage war against Erdoğan. Thinking you had a few million sympathisers you thought you could dictate Erdoğan and make him bow to your demands but too bad, you miscalculated the situation and lost as a result. Now you keep whining after a big defeat.
M. Kamal = Jewish dictator
İ. İnönü = Armenian dictator
K. Evren = Jewish dictator
creator of modern Turkish language = Armenians
The Jews wrote the Turkish history books!
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti established by Jews
Yahudiler: bizler Htler'i sevmek zorunda değiliz. Yine Yahudiler: Türkler bizim Atamızı sevmek saymak hatta tapmak zorunda!!
Atatturk was controlled opposition, and done exactly what the enemy would do - teach them english and tell them you need to be europian. How was he a ottonan soldier without being a muslim, he was a sellout and later masaacred the kurds for his racist ideologues, a true traitor
May Allah subhanehu wa taala reside her precious soul in jannah insaAllah.
Her book HUZUR SOKAGI was unforgettable.
Allahumme Amin
Bangladesh is also a secular country. Muslims are not in a good situation here.
As far as I know Hindus are not safe there
Too may foreign NGO's and an upper class that only care about staying rich. I know this a British Bengali from Bhola whos uncle is Major Hafiz and rest of the family in the BNP. I hope one day when I finish my education and earn some money, I can go back to Bangladesh and help those from my village and the rest of the country with education and medicine. Insha'allah me and a lot of other overseas Bengalis use our wealth and knowledge to help you and other bengalis more than the corrupt governments that keep our motherland broken