Got mine a few weeks ago. It only seems to decode a bit under 50% of commercial band digital signals. Otherwise it's a pretty good piece of kit. With CW mode and my best antenna I can pick up remnants of signals over 50 miles away, and even one 35 miles away with 200m of hill between me and that transmitter.
Its designed for dPMR modes but not some higher tier digital modes like Tetra used by the emergency services and trunking which is now little used in the UK.
Got mine a few weeks ago. It only seems to decode a bit under 50% of commercial band digital signals. Otherwise it's a pretty good piece of kit. With CW mode and my best antenna I can pick up remnants of signals over 50 miles away, and even one 35 miles away with 200m of hill between me and that transmitter.
How to frequency set please
Yes, I agree with Design4Building, Can you please give is a some more examples.
I will try and post some examples of digitals modes as I can. First are QSO's during Icoms D-Star party.
give us a full review, show P25 decoding
Is'nt this totally useless though for any digital PMR in the UK ? Police etc are all scrambled also
Its designed for dPMR modes but not some higher tier digital modes like Tetra used by the emergency services and trunking which is now little used in the UK.