It's actually often possible to find the type of someone by the way they act. Introvert is reserved, extravert likes to talk a lot, intuitive considers ideas before concrete usages, sensor the opposite, thinker likes to think logically to decide, feeler base his decisions on what feels right, judging people like plans, perceivers like to improvise. That's how I guess the type of people, it often works.
@faysoufox The issue is 1. People act very differently depending on context and how they feel day to day; 2. Neurodivergent people often give "false" tells. An extroverted ND person may act introverted if there's too much external stimuli to handle whereas an introverted ND person may act extroverted if they feel anxious. The rest of N/S, F/T, and J/P are even more difficult to tell
@@faysoufoxeu sou INFJ aparentemente extrovertida e lógica (à primeira vista). Falo demais (sou do tipo ambivertida), duvido que alguém achasse que eu sou introvertida sem conviver comigo em casa. Então acredito que ninguém diria que sou INFJ de cara (a não ser que saibam minha história, que é basicamente viver fazendo missão e ação social pelo mundo e tentando mudar o mundo com minha profissão, que eu descobri ser algo meio que de INFJs).
From what I’ve experienced, NF types are usually their own worst enemies, it may be super easy to ‘beat’ us also, but the effect won’t actually be that devastating because of all the mental resilience that comes with years of self-inflicted damage. If you really want to hurt me - just punch me in the face, I’m pretty bad at fistfights haha.
Che- Guevara - ENFP Lula- ENFJ H1tler- INFJ Marlon Brandon- INFP This guys proved me that when NF types want to be true villains they get scary, off all 4 groups, they have the greatest emotional intelligence as villains can be a charismatic and pacifist politician, religious leader, vigilantes or that eccentric and misunderstood villain.
The weaknesses for the INFP exist in every workplace, so as an INFP I'm stressed out on a regular basis, but I've also gotten stronger because of the challenges I've faced through the years.
@@AlburyShaffer Extroverted thinking, right? I'm always collecting more knowledge, and able to utilize it in random situations as they come up. Sometimes I don't remember everything I've learned, so I have to re-learn it, or work at it more. I still deal with emotions or moods, but I'm able to recognize if it's the emotional thinking talking or if it's the logical thinking talking. If that makes sense...
@@RoseKB22 at least you feel like you’re improving right? I hear you guys make ground financial advisors or accountants if you can get some reliance on the Te
@@AlburyShaffer It's taken years, but yeah. Also, I could see other folks doing it, but I personally wouldn't make a great financial advisor. Math has never been my strong suit.
As an INFP, I find the easiest way to throw off my inner compass is to have too much going on around me - whether it be social stuff or just endless busyness - without enough time to slow down and introspect. I've rarely had rational analysis or objectivity feel like a threat or disruptor to my inner compass, except maybe early in my development or in particularly unhealthy times - generally, those things are friends, not enemies, and actually help inform my Fi and how it navigates the real world. But I can recall many times when I was either relentlessly busy or surrounded by other people's drama or loud voices that drowned out my own, and how disoriented and disconnected from myself that could make me feel.
Same. I think age is a contributing factor to that. I much prefer being able to appreciate logic and objectivity for what they bring to the table. After all, they are a part of me too. And when I have too much going on, to the point of being overwhelmed, I shut down and can barely manage to even take care of my own needs, let alone those of my family. I need a good couple of days of chilling the heck out before I can resume again.
Yep, still looking for the validation someone didn't give you. I had this happen the ENFP changed their entire life to emulate me basically becoming my dam puppet. I still saw right through it all but I can't be as cruel as you. Called out your intentions and gave them what they thought would make them happy, anyway. All I ask is for a little appreciation and build a bridge of connection and harmony instead of your dam idiotic stubbornness, hardheadedness and being a sore loser. You're welcome! Hey, try, try, try and keep on dusting yourself off. It might give you better character, because hurting others for personal gain is an extremely bad look.
As an ENFP that has had these weaknesses exploited from time to time I affirm that doing so has made me more prepared in future scenarios even though I still don't like it.
I might point out that "our" society (mine being American) is predicated on rules, structure, organization, pragmatism, and results. To that end, I think INFP and ENFP are much more accustomed to dealing with their shortcomings, because they're constantly having to deal with them. This isn't to say it won't put us off, but I think we're the likeliest type to have to consistently develop our inferior and child functions, just to keep up with everyone else.
if you have an NF competitor or rival and feeling mackiavellian, remember this - no matter how hard you try to use others' weaknesses against them, there's always a chance your competitor has already done their homework on their weaknesses and devised the best ways to deal with different scenarios as to avoid trouble, they may also become more like sigma type personality and know how to face manipulation and dirty tricks beforehand. and finally remember that you reap what you sow, you will get concequences for your mean tricks in future and believe me you won't be happy about it.
I'm an INFJ. Everything he said was correct for younger INFJs. However, I speak as an older INFJ, and the things he listed no longer pertain to me. In fact, I've learned adaptation and control: I honed my Ti and Se very well by learning from hardcore Thinker types. Some of the best people I learned from where INTJs, ISTPs, INTPs, and ENTJs. Their grasp of logic mixed with action taught me to be well-rounded, and I can adapt to the situation. And I also agree with Nathan: INFJs will see right through any type of manipulation. Like he said, good luck with that.
When he's talking about the INFP 2nd point, I keep having PTSD flashbacks to these past situations in my life and it makes me anxious just thinking about it lol. I mentally review these situations and 'rehearse' how might react better next time, but when a similar situation arises inevitably, I just go blank and forget everything I thought about and make a fool of myself all over XD like interviews, public presentations, client meetings you name it, they all give me endless anxiety.
Agree 100%. I hate job interviews with every fiber of my being. Likewise with any other situation where I have to sell myself, impress people, or do any kind of salesyness or BSing. That's actually one of my biggest weaknesses and one of the easiest contexts to 'beat' me in.
@@Multitudes_ Yep, you hit the nail on the head. It's especially difficult when it comes to self-promotion or pitching my ideas to others. It doesn't matter how much I prepare, it just seems like there's a part of my brain, whose sole function is to jumble up every coherent thought that comes out of my mouth. The jumbliness is a function of A over T, where A is the amount of anxiety I have in the situation and the T is the time I have to get those thoughts out. That's how my brain is wired it seems. I do wonder if maybe a lot sales person and entrepreneurs are ESTJs because they excel in this area.
@@bethg9471 Absolutely, the jumbliness is real. We can come across as so much dumber and less competent than we are. ESTJs can be good at this stuff in a way; so can ExTPs in their own way, I think. I know an ESTP car salesman who excels at his job. It can take a certain shamelessness and the right kinds of Fe skills to charm and kind of manipulate people.
The irony is that two INFPs I know are great at sales because their authentic selves make them stand out and more trustworthy in a sea of pretenders. Sales is also about appealing to emotions which INFPs are skilled at. It's just scary at first but once they get past that initial discomfort they see how easy it can be and they don't have to be "fake" to succeed.
@@shannon1242INFP here, I think it may depend on what is sold. I am not good at selling stuff that is not important in my opinion or would be bought anyway, get really tired, frustrated and disheartened if I have to sell things I don't like and I wouldn't even try to sell stuff that's highly against my values (i.e. something not working, dangerous etc). But when I recommend things I like to my friends, I pour all my heart into it. But, it may be different for other INFPs, just sharing my perspective and experience as it may add something to the conversation
My trick for INFP #2: learn the routines from an expert in the field then stick to them until they’re habit. I’m an INFP and worked as a line cook on the Las Vegas Strip for ~10 years… and I actually enjoyed it 😊
@@nancydrew81Hey Nancy, as an INFJ male, I haven't met ENTJs in my life, I want to meet them and admire them for loyalty, truthfulness and honesty in every aspect of their life. They are blunt but, I really adore ENTJs they work with efficiency and sincerely. Being with an ENTJ female helps me to develop my blind spot function extroverted thinking (Te) and she would be good with her (Fe). If both the individuals are committed and open to accept each other positives and negatives. xNTJs are awesome 😎
I've never felt more understood than I do in this very moment, which is a bit of a double edged sword. Well done on putting so much effort into these videos, Nathan! 😁
1)Infj dont like time pressure and organisations, being in center of attention, drama, dont manipulate them, they'll see through it 2)Enfj ask their intention, let them do what they want the hard way, be hypocryte, 3)Infp be logical and want power make them decide a lot, demotivate them by doing nothing 4)Enfp make them be consistent,take their options, make them use logic
Most miserable times of my life were working in toxic chaotic places with incompetent management and drama attention seeking co workers. I have to bail rather than stay and hope to make tiny improvements. So I guess my scheming co-workers would "win" in that case - INFJ
As an ENFP I can attest to not engaging us in verbal sparring. Thinking on my feet is actually fun, as is creatively finding ways to undermine your argument. I like it most when someone says something they think will shut me up and I shut them up instead. I love words!
Yup haha! I feel like people can’t upset me in a debate because I find words and ideas so interesting. Though I have my own opinions, I feel that im often defending the side that opposes the party im talking to because it makes it more interesting (:
Wow!! Great video 💚 I'm an INTP / INFP the majority of times I usually get INTP.. anyway a few years ago I was in a relationship that totally messed with my thinking & that made everything else even worse. It was really toxic. Where things had been going on for so long I felt like I dug myself down in a hole & burnt out.. lost my job, car, had to let my daughter stay with my dad. I went into a rough depression where I stayed in bed for months sleeping til I noticed how bad it was affecting my health.. I'm doing much better now but thinking back on it what you said for INFP were the same things I noticed that I let affect me when I should've just cut certain people off.. Definitely gonna maintain my boundaries in the future!
INFP here and have allowed myself to be sabataged more times than I can count. Only in hindsight I realized I was wasting my time and energy had more control in situations than I realized. Okay, I have to ask, why INFP/INTP? My husband I'm pretty sure is INTP and we are so different in how we function. Have you tested differently on different occasions? So curious!
@@GAwildflowerI first came across the test a few years ago & I've took it maybe 10 times since then here & there.. I've got INTP every time except 2 or 3. The last time I looked at the statistics of the scores and it was around 55% Thinking / 45% Feeling.. then another time the Feeling % was just slightly higher
I feel really lucky to be born with parents that are always pushing me, they're debaters & commanders type. Although I'm an INFJ they can't seem to drown me, with multiple task when pressure are higher, I tend to do faster. & always find other ways to do that particular job faster. If people put me in the spotlight I'm used to it, I always get 100/100 in all my presentations, all thanks to my parents that are not my type. When I was young, they forced me to put myself in the spotlight, and under pressure so I'm used to it. I guess my parents helped me to cope with my insecurities from a young age.
INFJ. Fun exercise! The only one for ENFP's which may be good against me is to box me in...but that wouldn't last long, though may cause me to leave. Being an experienced INFJ in a career/field which values creativity but also action (Market Driven Product Development), I have lots of experience in the ENFJ and INFJ arena of being challenged by other types. Some weren't so polite in doing so... People who laughed at my "doing the rounds" early in the day even though I wasn't the boss (saying hello to people and finding out how their day/life was going). Or who thought my ideas were crazy only to find organized and strategic data/plans to back them up which had already been reviewed by technical and legal professionals who I brought along on the ride. (And I always did the background work first so those supporters would not feel I just dumped the idea/project on them, but to emphasize we are a team.) Being thrown into the very SE gotta get it done yesterday but need to be creative and get everyone to work together role early in my career was super helpful. What I thought was a job opportunity in my youth which required less education than I had and sounded boring (research) turned out to be an awesome playground.
Same experience! UX design where you spend more time justifying your decisions than designing coupled with product owners also pushing you to design awful crap. Systems I created from scratch that ended up being close to best practices years later and going into research as another tool to push back against bad ideas and finding out how much I loved it.
ENFP here. Interestingly enough, #3 has been used as an abuse tactic towards me by multiple perpetrators. I don't think they did it with any knowledge of MBTI but they figured it out from personally interacting with me. 🤔
There’s a kind of apathy that you have to learn to tap into when that happens. I grew up with a narcissist controlling a lot of my life and those experiences showed me that sometimes giving an emotional or genuine response can be harmful to both you and the person manipulating you in that moment. When people are overbearing or inconsiderate of your feelings in response to something they either need help with or want you to do instead, sometimes you just can’t help them without hurting your own mental health and it isn’t worth dealing with. Pick and choosing battles is a great skill to develop in response to all that nonsense
@@WastePlace big agree. Though unfortunately for me apathy is just as detrimental for my mental health as abuse so it's a lose/lose situation. Which is why I go for distancing myself instead.
i'm an INFP but idk i kinda hate my birthday and being under the spotlight it's stressful. and in all honesty birthdays and kinda relate to other stuff INFJs do like the drama and empathy hijacking . but i for sure struggle with the weakness of INFPs too . with the cold logical, and fast pace enivoerments/structure it's stressful af, and comfort one hits hard. I know i hate just stigination but it's hard when illness is a factor. the avoid one yeah i looking back i feel that's true.
First off- thanks for revealing all of our kryptonite Nathan. Helpful...& yet reeeally not helpful lol. Infj here & absolutely a long list of big decisions that need to be made like RN would be last layer hell for me. My brain would probably just collapse into a varible crunching, tunnel visioned wormhole
I'm an ENFP, but my autism gets me focused on details a bit more than my type would normally be expected to. At the same time, it acts as a bit of a communication barrier, so... fair trade-off. If anything, it makes me a bit harder to defeat because someone would have to think of unconventional ways of defeating me specifically.
I am an ENFP and I have an ADHD, my friends say that I am literally unpredictable, and it is impossible to keep me at bay, but I have 0 focus on anything, and I can't even do the same thing 3 or more times, it irritates me and wears me down. It's a blessing and a curse.
As an Infj myself: 1. I tend to use patterns to help me get in the groove of the organizational chaos in a split second. 2. Depends on the situation for me but I tend to gently guide others despite being on the spotlight. 3. You need to be socially s**cid*l to do this to us, so be careful on that one, we can and will shoot our shot at EVERYONE at this point 😂. 4. TAKE HEED OF THIS, WE WILL KNOW IMMEDIATELY SO THIS PARTS 100% TRUE.
I think 1 would be better listed as organized chaos. Meaning someone is purposely causing chaos. No patterns, sporadic, changing directions constantly, with no way of completing projects because they will change the scope entirely before you can finish. This does drive me nuts, and I think as an INFJ it's worse because I know everytime what my boss is going to do before they do it, even though they think they came up with some ingenious way to mess with me, I could practically quote what they will say before it comes out of their mouth. Chaos, drama, and manipulation are intolerable. If you do try this on an INFJ you better hope you take them down on the first try. INFJs learn at an exponential rate, and will subconsciously analyze exactly what makes you tick and can unravel not just your intentions, but your very essence. I shattered a few egos before I learned I was an infj, also came from a very toxic family, I try to be careful, but hey if you come after an infj with evil intentions, it's only a matter of time before you regret it ❤
Ni is actually a great function to deal with organization by planing and having it as dominant makes you incredibly skill at it to do it faster even under pressure. Low Se actually gives you energy boosts for productivity in the process and with Ti you might find an original way to organize even more efficiently than people commonly do.
LITERALLY 🤣, I'd rather not be in the hassle but if you make it clear/ if I find out your true intent and they're not pleasing I'm about switch up real quick, might even mirror same tactics such person use to reveal more about them than what they would like to show, I'm quite adept to "embodying a person and understanding their minds by thinking like them"
But seriously, I don't wish for anyone to know it. I think INFJs themselves fear unleashing it. Other types laugh about it sometimes until they face it and I can assure you that's no joke. Psychological destruction is a big deal.
Infp here, trying to make me too comfy doesn't work. Besides feeling caged one of my biggest dislikes is stagnation or feeling stuck. If I can not grow in any means I go berserk. I have to see, learn and have new experiences to add into my brain to create new connection points and think about it, turn the thoughts from all angles and look at them until they fit with other puzzle pieces that already exist in my mind. But I really never had the problem of meeting someone that wanted to activately "destroy" me. In fact I think the people that relally can hurt me deeply are those that know me best, means family or close friends. And why they should try to hurt me? Everyone else might try but they won't succeed because I don't care for them in a spectrum they could hurt me, dissapoint maybe or making me angry but not really hurt for a long time.
A maelstorm of immediacy. Oh yes an infp nightmare, why? Because you could end up loosing yourself, like arriving in a foreign country in your winter clothes when its summer. And then discovering you have forgotten your credit card.
ENFP, My boss is currently micromanaging me (confirmed by others), and I started making mistakes, and inconsistencies. She even emailed me a well typed 4 paragraph letter about how shitty she thinks I am, and forwarded it to my contracting company. Thing is, I've been working on that contract for 3 years and never got complaints like that. I worked so well that they gave me a leadership position, raises, and again, no problems. I have ocd to combat the SSDD, but there's always someone that tries to force me to fix something that's not broken, and then trying to get me fired for not submitting to their arrogant, ignorant fart face.
Ugh I love ENFP coworkers when they detect stuff like this but it’s unfortunate when they are in that spotlight. Not that y’all can’t handle it but it indeed is a huge distraction from what ENFP are naturally supposed to be doing, and honestly that’s probably what this boss is going for subconsciously like literally for no reason just to feel in control lol. Like trying to conflate certain habits that aren’t specifically helpful but not a bad thing either, just desperately trying to find a way to be involved and unfortunately trauma dumping that on you by micromanaging you 😭🤦♂️
I am delighted to see you did what I suggested in response to your last "How to beat..." video. I don't know if it's because of my suggestion or you were planning a "How to beat..." series for all the types, but in any case I'm delighted. Now let's just take a look and see how folks might try and "beat" me, an INFP. As they say, forewarned is........ 😏
Nope, I laughed when watching this because I have an INFJ who always complains about his birthday and also Christmas. He says he hates people getting him gifts and making a fuss.
Seems like it’s true for a lot of INFJs. My experience: I hide all my birthday notifications in social media accounts because receiving all these shallow messages from people you barely know can be quite a negative experience. Then again, the older I get - the lesser amount of people actually remember my birthday and genuinely congratulate me. So it’s never a fun day for me haha
I never celebrate anything. I consider birthdays pure narcissism. It makes me feel so fake whenever I'm forced to play along. Also, religious rituals bore me to death. Whenever I have to go to a gathering or party I feel pure agony.
Ever since Im interested at making worldbuilding by watching ton of video essays, it forced me to pay attention to details like: the evolution of letters and writing, the connection between religion and politics, and the purpose of arts and philosophy. Also with the recently amusement of high production quality documentaries video like Lemmino, make me want to dive into a random topic and starts opening a video in slow pacing visual, deep voice and ominous background music. Because of this I accidentally developed a habit that make me questioned my type as an ENFP
This gives me so much insight into why my last job just could not work for me (infj). Real time dispatching and receptionist handling both technician phone calls and customer phone calls, scheduling, bookkeeping, recording a bunch of information in multiple places, and billing all at the same time, at a constant all day. The stress of this plus a horribly unorganized office around me had me feeling like I couldn't breathe every day. Then being in the spotlight with my manager constantly pushing me to do more and more things out of my comfort zone so that she wouldn't have to do them. Constant drama, my manager fell into the trap of dumping all her life drama and trauma on me all day every day to the point that I would have to tell her I couldn't talk anymore. And yeah, this environment plus attempts at manipulation had me becoming extremely manipulative to get by. I hated who I became at that job.
As an INFJ, just the phrase “time pressured” makes me freak out so much that I guarantee none of that to-do list will be done outside of my head for the next three days
I’m fine with my Birthday and quite enjoy having a day about myself. I’m around a small group of people I’m comfortable with and can have my way about things while having an excuse for it. Typically I would feel the urge to go along to an extent and make sure everyone else is satisfied, this gives me a break from that and removes that pressure. Having the spotlight on me in other situations, yeah I’m not about that.
I (infp) just realized how all my life was toxic hahahahah i lived these situations very often, so they are not nice but also not terrible, i survived. I guess that the fact i have an estj mother made me develop a bit more of my weak and blind spots, which helps me to deal with these situations, but i do feel kinda overwhelmed after all.
I think there is already a video about this that concluded there is no correlation, my memory says. Think I saw it on "Daily Talk Games"(?) based on the big-five model
@@matheusviniciusdemoraes9420 It's true that any personality type can enjoy any game. And to be fair, the way I phrased it in my comment could have been better. What I was asking is "knowing the 16 personalities and how they generally act and what they generally enjoy, what would be some good recommendations for each type?"
I already thought about it but in a different style. What character class each MBTI type would be in a video game: like healer, damage dealer, tank and so on.
This actually helps me see what NOT to do with them. I recently offended an ENFJ because I questioned her intentions… I question everything. (Ti dom problems) -INTP
I find this idea of my intentions to be a constant internal conflict. I always question if my actions to truly altruistic or actually intended to be manipulative. The issue being often times, when I am manipulate people it’s entirely unintentional or subconscious. When I’m question on this often times what happens is I now have to think about whether I’m actually being altruistic or not. I think the thing that makes me the most afraid of is the idea that other people will also give me as manipulative.
As a enfj myself, we do tend to feel upset when people question our actions/intentions. Because most of us mean well towards our loved ones. Some can be manipulative if they are unhealthy mentally. But that's rare
I see. F user don't take it well when you question their intentions cause they don't like being perceived as what they genuinelly aren't, especially Fe users. They want to be perceived right, as they are cause it severely impacts their relationships otherwise and can be perceived as a failure in communicating their emotions and intentions properly. So the ENFJ probably thought you were trying to make them pass for someone they aren't at all and it can really hurt. That's why all the unhealthy Fi users frequently labeling Fe users as fake actually do a lot of harm cause they're as sincere in their way to be than they are. -INFJ
@@kyurei4478 The ENFJ in question had a difficult time communicating her own thoughts and feelings. I’d rather see who someone really is before I get too close to them. However, I do understand that Fe users dislike being questioned about their intentions (from my limited perspective, it seems like they perceive it as interrogation and distrust, which it’s not NOT distrust, but it’s not anything personal). I am ..technically? an Fe user, but I don’t think I have developed that enough to matter, honestly.
@@prof.reuniclus21 Yeah, that isn't so surprising given the fact she's low on Ti. As a reference you can picture it as she's perhaps as good at using Ti as you are at using Fe. That's also what makes an INTPxENFJ relationship interesting. I mean I think that's normal wanting to know how someonne really is. But I guess ENFJs are quite openly emotional in their attitude so what you see is what you get pretty much. Maybe it's also a difficulty from you to identify their intentions as friendly without having to ask them thanks to your Fe. Having to ask them can already communicate the idea that she wasn't showing herself as trustworthy from the get go which can be hard to hear if you know what I mean. So under that light, that could already be a big miscommunication between you and her. Yeah, exactly as you said they do perceive it as interrogation and distrust. In social settings, you assume that someone says the truth first if nothing indicates otherwise. If you're not open to trust from the get go, why should the other be? Innocent until proven guilty if you will. the types called Fe users are the types with Fe as their top or second function because that's the two functions you automatically use a lot, the tertiary and inferior functions are more a support, but you can totally get better at using it as an INTP. Btw, if it happens that you have an ENTP friend, they'll probably be a bit better at getting an ENFJ (in theory). Most ENTPs I've seen aren't particularly awakened to their Fe though and sometimes it feels like they have less Fe than INTPs but, hey I think it's worth testing, at least for science lol. Yeah, maybe you haven't developed Fe enough yet, which is fine, working on yourself takes time and years. MBTI allows us to be more conscious of that. If that makes you feel better, she probably has not developed Ti enough yet to matter either . You're actually in the same boat when it comes to this. Since both of you literally have the function of each other as dominant and inferior, they're probably one of the people you could learn the most from actually. Now of course it doesn't mean we should force ourselves to be around people who are too different from us if it's just not enjoyable. But the thing is it can have its benefits at least. And yeah, I know you don't ask explanations and questions because you don't trust people but just to be sure you can validate it or to understand something. Believe it or not, as an INFJ I can sometimes get the same rejection if I take the Ti route in social situations since INFJs aren't Ti users but have tertiary Ti. That leads to people thinking INFJs are two-faced sometimes because I trusted you first time but then I'm asking questions as if I don't believe you anymore lol. But people just don't get I'm both at the same time. It's a bit like having ENFJ and INTP in one package. I want to trust them but I'm also doubtful. So in that situation I literally get both of you (and an ENTP theoretically should too). You know it's funny because I think the thing you should have done too is precising your intentions toward her just like you ask it from her. Maybe you did, I don't know. I'm just saying.
It is not necessary to have any tactic to beat an INFP.. INFPs are their own biggest enemies and critics if anything. Now show us how to beat STs. Especially ESTJ ESTP.
I'm an infp, I beat my esfj boss easily. He panics around me because I look so relaxed. But what I haven't told him is that I have a quicker and easier method. And I will never tell him. I'm infp btw.
Best way to fluster an INFP is to notice all the white lies they use to avoid confrontation and remind them of those as you tell them they are liars. They explode!!
I know the truth ENFJs, I know you don't really care about people as individuals and just about keeping the group harmony. I know when you invite me to your parties it's only so you look good, and not because you actually want me there. I know the truth ENFJs, I'm onto you. ALSO tell the ISFJ who made the cake at the last party that it sucks and they should take lessons.
As an ENFJ, here’s my response. O An ENFJ wouldn’t invite you to a party because they think that it would look good if they invited you. If an ENFJ invited you to a party, but didn’t actually want you there it would be because they thought that other people would’ve wanted you there. It’s that because they thought the party as a whole would be a better experience if you were there. Maybe personally they didn’t want you there, but they knew that it would make a party better as a whole. Either that or they actually wanted you there. I suppose you can never be certain, because an ENFJ will give you an identical tone either way.
@@leerockford1469 Why did you send a paragraph as a response to a joke? Aren't you Fe doms supposed to be good at reading social situations? If I misread your tone...I'm not good at that stuff. Part of me thinks you're joking but I'm not 100% sure.
@@nooneneedstoknowmyname it’s pretty ridiculous to expect even a Fe-dom to just read the text and magically know the true intention behind it with no body language, voice tone, speech pace, etc to observe. Also I know some Fi users that treat xNFJs exactly like that; I’ve witnessed a very similar argument lately, it’s almost always this ‘Fi selfish, Fe fake’ nonsense.
Ahaha yess. ENFJs are very selfish and self motivated at their core. Great conversation partners, but they will throw you under the bus if it gets them up the ladder - INFJ
infj - overwhelm them with organisational chaos for everyone who is an infj (and people who have weak or non-existing Te and Si) this one is the utmost common scenario in customer service jobs, and worse, when the coworkers are worse than the customers, if possible, never end up in these jobs, the money is worth nothing, since you're not trading energy and time for money, but all of that + your wit and mental sharpness will be drained and it takes a very long time to recover, even after one has left the job
1:41 Sittin here listenin to this dude n hear "that's why they don't like their own birthdays" 😄😄 I was just on this with my mom the other day about how my birthday isn't really important and that her birthday is more important lol
' as an enfp my personal curse is the knowledge that I function best and literally explode my full potential with rigid structure and strict routine but Am almost totally incapable of independently stabilishing or maintaing said structure or routine. at the same time I hate when people tell me what to do. lol
1:25 putting me in the spotlight is a bad decision for you because i actually don't mind alot of attention, i am nothing if i can't adapt to my environment after all and the more light i get the more i adapt so it's not a very logical plan because while i might be an infj i'm also a human and growing stronger through challenges and adapting to new situations is kinda my thing Like spike from cowboy bebop said "flow like water" A man's gotta know his limitations but that doesn't mean i can't adapt n evolve into a better version of myself and potentially make positive self growth as an individual if i don't do my best to overcome challenges I'm sure many enfjs will agree with me here, while i prefer the shade i can stand in the light for i am solid and not a ghostly shadow But honestly being anyone's rival sounds egotistical so no thank you, i didn't give a fek about gary when i played pokemon red and i definitely won't give a fek about being anyone's rival in this world Especially when its stupid and pointless, the world will make you stronger, you don't need a single person
I'm actually very good at mental organization of task prioritization. I managed to finish a 4-year degree in almost half the time. Or passed international test with 4 months of studies, instead of the typical 1 year. Feels just like clearing out Tetris rows by placing the pieces just right. Random little chores though - that's too much Te Se for me.
I'm an INFP and I work at an international law firm. High pressure, goal oriented work with attention to detail and a need to be extremely self motivated A lot of these videos make it sound impossible for an INFP to have a good job.
I’m also an INFP and ended up as an internal auditor. My functions are in a scrambled order compared to most of my coworkers…but I actually seem to be doing all right. It’s a job that requires attention to detail but ALSO people skills.
As ISFP, usually I do not regard NF types as enemies. Some are crazy unicorns (non-competitive) and others almost like minded allys. I'd need a video "how to beat the SJ types" as they too often try to control their surrouding and sometimes me.
As an INFJ, I do see straight through manipulation smelling it like Wolverine. Unfortunately, I have deep empathy of the person's reason for needing to manipulate. Calling them out and just giving them what they want out of pure pity.
I love organizing things. And enjoy birthday celebrations. Only they have to be done my way rather than having someone dictate their vision for my birthday. Or, God forbid, my life. That is the easiest way to get into conflict with me.
Why do you care about being judged by others? I ask because this is something my INFP friend also struggles with, and I don't really get it. There's stuff that will benefit him and help him move further in his life and his goals, for example, he wants to play oboe, he went out and got an oboe, which he paid a lot of money for, yet he rarely plays it and doesn't progress much because he's afraid of other people hearing him and them judging him. He's also afraid to ask his boss for a raise because of fear of judgement, and he seems to be extremely focused on what other people think, who cares? It's not like they really affect his life that much, a lot of these people he'll never see again, and if he does see them so what? There are nuances in everyone, everyone's different, everyone picks their nose and looks at the sky, no one's perfect. The way I see it, if I don't like something in someone, then that's my problem, and I don't want them to change who they are, because as long as they're not hurting anyone, then why should how I feel dictate anything about them? That's my problem, not theirs, just like how it's the problem of someone who doesn't like something about someone, rather than the person they dislike that aspect about. I can understand one aspect behind the fear, that people group together and if one person dislikes you then it can turn into 20 people disliking you, but nothing is stagnant and the tides can always turn. You're an INFP so I assume you'll get my metaphors and crap so I don't have to write out explanations of what I mean lol. See I just judged you and you survived, believe in yourself and your capabilities.
@@nooneneedstoknowmyname Basically the INFP’s magnum opus is their personality, their identity. Fi is constantly in motion refining personal values. To judge the behavior of an INFP (specifically about something they care about, and even worse an aspect they *haven’t* perfected yet) is to judge their very existence. To deny their idiosyncratic values is to deny their unique way of being, which is the mainly what they live for. And Fi perfectionism makes them not want to share things that don’t wholly encompass their being. We also fear judgment because we fear being obtrusive to others. We avoid confrontation and causing any minor inconveniences to people because then our Fi is never in line of sight to be criticized. And because we know what it’s like on the receiving end of invalidation, we never do anything that could remotely indicate that to someone else. I.e. your INFP friend *could* feel like he’s challenging his boss’ evaluation skills and be undermining him to bring up the pay. Or he just doesn’t want his little Fi heart to get crushed by the boss’ unsavory response, bc if it’s negative he’ll think it’s directly because something is wrong with *him* and that hurts. Course it’s not entirely logical, but remember Fi feels everything more deeply than any other function, and Fi-Si expands the imagined emotions in our heads tenfold. So it may not look scaring to you but in his head it has become a Goliath of fear. To get INFPs to get out of their shell and use some Te (finally) is lots of positive reinforcement to let them feel secure and that this is a no judge zone. This is why INFPs feel safe with NF types and tend to dislike rigid ST types. If I were to get him to play the oboe I would 1. Validate his Fi - say things like i love classical music, man players like twosetviolin are so cool aren’t they, makes me want to practicing watching them, *you* would be so good at it, it matches your unique aura, aloof and sentimental 2. Give solutions to their unique problems - he can play loud ass music to drown the noise/go to rentable practice rooms/go out and play at midnight or sunrise (I go early to the art studio so I don’t feel pressure lol) 3. Reignite his interest - ask him about what beautiful pieces he’d love to play one day. Bring him to concerts. Watch a movie about music. And once he does get that sudden boost of damn I’m GUNNA DO THIS NOW, you can keep tabs on him. Check weekly or bi weekly, hey how’s the progress, how far have you gone (don’t ask to listen in the beginning lmao) 4. You could also just straight up go hey you’re disrespecting your poor oboe, he has feelings and a soul too (I swear it works) Convoluted I know, this is why INFP x ENFJ works so well, bc Fe doms can pick up this stuff like breathing.
@@yayalu8650 Thanks so much for this explanation and for giving me ideas on how to hopefully help him. He's a great person with a lot of skills but he has such a negative view of himself, I wish he didn't because his negativity is pushing all of his other friends away, which is also something he gets upset about. The thing about judging stuff they care about being like a judgement to their existence makes so much sense. Now I have a bit better understanding why it sets my ISFP sister off whenever I question her life choices. Honestly, in my experience, I don't think I've ever had anyone react as strongly as Fi doms. Part of me was thinking I might be an ESFJ but only a small part, that part has now lessened because I'm pretty bad at picking that stuff up and I could stand to be a bit more understanding about the feelings of others, even if they're getting upset for reasons that I don't understand why they're getting so upset for. What you said helps me to understand it a bit more now, so thanks again. I hope you've been having a good weekend.
My INFP husband invalidates me all the time (usually during my INFJ Introverted Intuition deep dives I'm excited about) I'm also judgemental as hell but he knows I really care and want and do understand him. He says people "getting him" is worth it to deal with the criticisms.
Sometimes, I forget that other people cannot see through people the way I can. To me, it's clear that some people are lying or manipulating, so I assume it's common knowledge. But then, other people act surprised when I pointed that out, like it was a secret or something. So now, whoever fudged with me - I'm going to point out all the truths that I know about them that somehow others haven't caught on yet.
True, as an INFJ I can honestly say from experience trying to manipulate us simply doesn't work. We're just laughing when we see people try, we see the flaws in their attempt basically. I would say though, generally the types that have the better chance are probably ENTPs and INTJs even though ENTPs are more in the nose than they think in the end, at least for a Ni user. INTJs are more subtile at it but you can see it's a bit too shaky because they don't have the acting skills to make what they say sound emotionally credible. If I had to choose the type that has the better chance of manipulating INFJs it would be ENFJ because of a bias for them and specifically because they tend to have the same set of values an INFJ would resonate with so the ENFJ could manipulate the INFJ out of guilt for things they themselves agree they should have done.
If I come across somebody who’s mentally unstable enough to try psychologically beating me(not even sure what this means?) then I think I won that battle before it even began. That’s some weird shit lmao
Super interesting...i am wondering if you can elaborate a bit on what the difference is between debating, which ENFPs are good at, vs using consistency of logic in explaining ideas, which you said ENFPs are weak at? I would have thought debating successfully did in fact require logical consistency when explaining one's ideas.
ENFP here, good question! In my experience, debating lets me use logic in service of my Fi, and free wheel between ideas as the process fuels the Ne. On the other hand, to explain how Ne jumped from A->W is super hard. That's almost a 'explaining to fish how to breathe air' kinda deal, how to explain something so innate, and then to do that repeatedly... Hope this gives some insight into your question!
Note to self: do not tell anyone or advertise your personality type so they can’t use it against you.
It's actually often possible to find the type of someone by the way they act. Introvert is reserved, extravert likes to talk a lot, intuitive considers ideas before concrete usages, sensor the opposite, thinker likes to think logically to decide, feeler base his decisions on what feels right, judging people like plans, perceivers like to improvise. That's how I guess the type of people, it often works.
@faysoufox The issue is 1. People act very differently depending on context and how they feel day to day; 2. Neurodivergent people often give "false" tells. An extroverted ND person may act introverted if there's too much external stimuli to handle whereas an introverted ND person may act extroverted if they feel anxious. The rest of N/S, F/T, and J/P are even more difficult to tell
As a auADHD ENFJ, I don’t think any seen person with type me as ENFJ without a long extensive conversation and in-depth knowledge in typology.
@@faysoufoxeu sou INFJ aparentemente extrovertida e lógica (à primeira vista). Falo demais (sou do tipo ambivertida), duvido que alguém achasse que eu sou introvertida sem conviver comigo em casa. Então acredito que ninguém diria que sou INFJ de cara (a não ser que saibam minha história, que é basicamente viver fazendo missão e ação social pelo mundo e tentando mudar o mundo com minha profissão, que eu descobri ser algo meio que de INFJs).
@@Lunatic279 Only a neurotypical person would completely discount the experiences of countless autistic people.
The fact that Nathan is in possession of this much information to be used against people makes me worry about what he's planning to do with it.
With his persona probably just defend himself in case of assault.
Don't worry he's INTP. He's not gonna plan anything 😂
@@caffemocca8855 I guess he's already revealed how to beat his own type in the previous video 😂
@@kairemeriniit 😂
@@caffemocca8855I thought he is ISFP?
"Keep them comfy" Noooo my weakness. If the villains bring me tea and reading lists....I am doomed.
From what I’ve experienced, NF types are usually their own worst enemies, it may be super easy to ‘beat’ us also, but the effect won’t actually be that devastating because of all the mental resilience that comes with years of self-inflicted damage.
If you really want to hurt me - just punch me in the face, I’m pretty bad at fistfights haha.
My god this is so true. ENFP
Never been in a fight because I just turn my ENFP levels to over 9000 and people get weirded out that it's no longer worth beating me up lmao.
😂😂 even then I think NFs suffer well.
@@JadedeaJadeYeah, ENFP are so weirding people out sometimes. That alone could back people off lol.
Che- Guevara - ENFP
Lula- ENFJ
H1tler- INFJ
Marlon Brandon- INFP
This guys proved me that when NF types want to be true villains they get scary, off all 4 groups, they have the greatest emotional intelligence as villains can be a charismatic and pacifist politician, religious leader, vigilantes or that eccentric and misunderstood villain.
The weaknesses for the INFP exist in every workplace, so as an INFP I'm stressed out on a regular basis, but I've also gotten stronger because of the challenges I've faced through the years.
What do you feel your relationship with Te is like?
@@AlburyShaffer Extroverted thinking, right? I'm always collecting more knowledge, and able to utilize it in random situations as they come up. Sometimes I don't remember everything I've learned, so I have to re-learn it, or work at it more. I still deal with emotions or moods, but I'm able to recognize if it's the emotional thinking talking or if it's the logical thinking talking. If that makes sense...
@@RoseKB22 at least you feel like you’re improving right? I hear you guys make ground financial advisors or accountants if you can get some reliance on the Te
@@AlburyShaffer It's taken years, but yeah. Also, I could see other folks doing it, but I personally wouldn't make a great financial advisor. Math has never been my strong suit.
As an INFP, I find the easiest way to throw off my inner compass is to have too much going on around me - whether it be social stuff or just endless busyness - without enough time to slow down and introspect. I've rarely had rational analysis or objectivity feel like a threat or disruptor to my inner compass, except maybe early in my development or in particularly unhealthy times - generally, those things are friends, not enemies, and actually help inform my Fi and how it navigates the real world. But I can recall many times when I was either relentlessly busy or surrounded by other people's drama or loud voices that drowned out my own, and how disoriented and disconnected from myself that could make me feel.
Yes I know exactly what you mean.
Same here.
Same. I think age is a contributing factor to that. I much prefer being able to appreciate logic and objectivity for what they bring to the table. After all, they are a part of me too.
And when I have too much going on, to the point of being overwhelmed, I shut down and can barely manage to even take care of my own needs, let alone those of my family. I need a good couple of days of chilling the heck out before I can resume again.
Perhaps overloading fi then is a more strategic approach?
I'm an ENFP and please use my weaknesses against me. You'll force me to grow and improve or fail and fall. Either way it'll be really interesting.
After hearing this ....I feel I'm actually normal.. 😱
Yep, still looking for the validation someone didn't give you.
I had this happen the ENFP changed their entire life to emulate me basically becoming my dam puppet. I still saw right through it all but I can't be as cruel as you. Called out your intentions and gave them what they thought would make them happy, anyway. All I ask is for a little appreciation and build a bridge of connection and harmony instead of your dam idiotic stubbornness, hardheadedness and being a sore loser. You're welcome!
Hey, try, try, try and keep on dusting yourself off. It might give you better character, because hurting others for personal gain is an extremely bad look.
As an ENFP I totally want you to use my weaknesses against me too! It sounds like a fun challenge.
As an ENFP that has had these weaknesses exploited from time to time I affirm that doing so has made me more prepared in future scenarios even though I still don't like it.
As an INFP that has been through #2 a lot, you eventually enter fuck it mode and do well at whatever is going on with psychotic abandon.
I might point out that "our" society (mine being American) is predicated on rules, structure, organization, pragmatism, and results. To that end, I think INFP and ENFP are much more accustomed to dealing with their shortcomings, because they're constantly having to deal with them. This isn't to say it won't put us off, but I think we're the likeliest type to have to consistently develop our inferior and child functions, just to keep up with everyone else.
That seems true. Well expressed.
if you have an NF competitor or rival and feeling mackiavellian, remember this - no matter how hard you try to use others' weaknesses against them, there's always a chance your competitor has already done their homework on their weaknesses and devised the best ways to deal with different scenarios as to avoid trouble, they may also become more like sigma type personality and know how to face manipulation and dirty tricks beforehand. and finally remember that you reap what you sow, you will get concequences for your mean tricks in future and believe me you won't be happy about it.
I'm an INFJ. Everything he said was correct for younger INFJs. However, I speak as an older INFJ, and the things he listed no longer pertain to me. In fact, I've learned adaptation and control: I honed my Ti and Se very well by learning from hardcore Thinker types. Some of the best people I learned from where INTJs, ISTPs, INTPs, and ENTJs. Their grasp of logic mixed with action taught me to be well-rounded, and I can adapt to the situation. And I also agree with Nathan: INFJs will see right through any type of manipulation. Like he said, good luck with that.
When he's talking about the INFP 2nd point, I keep having PTSD flashbacks to these past situations in my life and it makes me anxious just thinking about it lol.
I mentally review these situations and 'rehearse' how might react better next time, but when a similar situation arises inevitably, I just go blank and forget everything I thought about and make a fool of myself all over XD like interviews, public presentations, client meetings you name it, they all give me endless anxiety.
Agree 100%. I hate job interviews with every fiber of my being. Likewise with any other situation where I have to sell myself, impress people, or do any kind of salesyness or BSing. That's actually one of my biggest weaknesses and one of the easiest contexts to 'beat' me in.
@@Multitudes_ Yep, you hit the nail on the head. It's especially difficult when it comes to self-promotion or pitching my ideas to others. It doesn't matter how much I prepare, it just seems like there's a part of my brain, whose sole function is to jumble up every coherent thought that comes out of my mouth. The jumbliness is a function of A over T, where A is the amount of anxiety I have in the situation and the T is the time I have to get those thoughts out. That's how my brain is wired it seems. I do wonder if maybe a lot sales person and entrepreneurs are ESTJs because they excel in this area.
@@bethg9471 Absolutely, the jumbliness is real. We can come across as so much dumber and less competent than we are.
ESTJs can be good at this stuff in a way; so can ExTPs in their own way, I think. I know an ESTP car salesman who excels at his job. It can take a certain shamelessness and the right kinds of Fe skills to charm and kind of manipulate people.
The irony is that two INFPs I know are great at sales because their authentic selves make them stand out and more trustworthy in a sea of pretenders. Sales is also about appealing to emotions which INFPs are skilled at. It's just scary at first but once they get past that initial discomfort they see how easy it can be and they don't have to be "fake" to succeed.
@@shannon1242INFP here, I think it may depend on what is sold. I am not good at selling stuff that is not important in my opinion or would be bought anyway, get really tired, frustrated and disheartened if I have to sell things I don't like and I wouldn't even try to sell stuff that's highly against my values (i.e. something not working, dangerous etc). But when I recommend things I like to my friends, I pour all my heart into it. But, it may be different for other INFPs, just sharing my perspective and experience as it may add something to the conversation
My trick for INFP #2: learn the routines from an expert in the field then stick to them until they’re habit. I’m an INFP and worked as a line cook on the Las Vegas Strip for ~10 years… and I actually enjoyed it 😊
I tend to only date NF types as an ENTJ. After listening to this video makes me realize my pure existence puts their lives in jeopardy 😅.
Well if you keep with ENFJs, no problem 😊
I’m enfj and my most trusted friends are consistently entj I find no conflict
@@stephaniepantera I do think ENTJ and xNFJ if healthy can bring out the best in each other and be the ultimate power couple ♥️
As long as the ENTJ isn't their boss or tries to control the same things - INFJ
@@nancydrew81Hey Nancy, as an INFJ male, I haven't met ENTJs in my life, I want to meet them and admire them for loyalty, truthfulness and honesty in every aspect of their life.
They are blunt but, I really adore ENTJs they work with efficiency and sincerely. Being with an ENTJ female helps me to develop my blind spot function extroverted thinking (Te) and she would be good with her (Fe). If both the individuals are committed and open to accept each other positives and negatives. xNTJs are awesome 😎
INFJ 0:17
ENFJ 3:28
INFP 6:13
ENFP 9:09
I've never felt more understood than I do in this very moment, which is a bit of a double edged sword. Well done on putting so much effort into these videos, Nathan! 😁
1)Infj dont like time pressure and organisations, being in center of attention, drama, dont manipulate them, they'll see through it
2)Enfj ask their intention, let them do what they want the hard way, be hypocryte,
3)Infp be logical and want power make them decide a lot, demotivate them by doing nothing
4)Enfp make them be consistent,take their options, make them use logic
I started panicking when he was talking about the 2. point in INFP 💀
come out right now ! 🗣🗣🔥🔥
Most miserable times of my life were working in toxic chaotic places with incompetent management and drama attention seeking co workers. I have to bail rather than stay and hope to make tiny improvements. So I guess my scheming co-workers would "win" in that case - INFJ
As an ENFP I can attest to not engaging us in verbal sparring. Thinking on my feet is actually fun, as is creatively finding ways to undermine your argument. I like it most when someone says something they think will shut me up and I shut them up instead. I love words!
Their words have no power lmao.
Yup haha! I feel like people can’t upset me in a debate because I find words and ideas so interesting. Though I have my own opinions, I feel that im often defending the side that opposes the party im talking to because it makes it more interesting (:
Wow!! Great video 💚
I'm an INTP / INFP the majority of times I usually get INTP.. anyway a few years ago I was in a relationship that totally messed with my thinking & that made everything else even worse. It was really toxic. Where things had been going on for so long I felt like I dug myself down in a hole & burnt out.. lost my job, car, had to let my daughter stay with my dad. I went into a rough depression where I stayed in bed for months sleeping til I noticed how bad it was affecting my health.. I'm doing much better now but thinking back on it what you said for INFP were the same things I noticed that I let affect me when I should've just cut certain people off..
Definitely gonna maintain my boundaries in the future!
INFP here and have allowed myself to be sabataged more times than I can count. Only in hindsight I realized I was wasting my time and energy had more control in situations than I realized. Okay, I have to ask, why INFP/INTP? My husband I'm pretty sure is INTP and we are so different in how we function. Have you tested differently on different occasions? So curious!
@@GAwildflowerI first came across the test a few years ago & I've took it maybe 10 times since then here & there.. I've got INTP every time except 2 or 3. The last time I looked at the statistics of the scores and it was around 55% Thinking / 45% Feeling.. then another time the Feeling % was just slightly higher
I feel really lucky to be born with parents that are always pushing me, they're debaters & commanders type. Although I'm an INFJ they can't seem to drown me, with multiple task when pressure are higher, I tend to do faster. & always find other ways to do that particular job faster. If people put me in the spotlight I'm used to it, I always get 100/100 in all my presentations, all thanks to my parents that are not my type. When I was young, they forced me to put myself in the spotlight, and under pressure so I'm used to it. I guess my parents helped me to cope with my insecurities from a young age.
INFJ. Fun exercise! The only one for ENFP's which may be good against me is to box me in...but that wouldn't last long, though may cause me to leave.
Being an experienced INFJ in a career/field which values creativity but also action (Market Driven Product Development), I have lots of experience in the ENFJ and INFJ arena of being challenged by other types. Some weren't so polite in doing so...
People who laughed at my "doing the rounds" early in the day even though I wasn't the boss (saying hello to people and finding out how their day/life was going).
Or who thought my ideas were crazy only to find organized and strategic data/plans to back them up which had already been reviewed by technical and legal professionals who I brought along on the ride. (And I always did the background work first so those supporters would not feel I just dumped the idea/project on them, but to emphasize we are a team.)
Being thrown into the very SE gotta get it done yesterday but need to be creative and get everyone to work together role early in my career was super helpful. What I thought was a job opportunity in my youth which required less education than I had and sounded boring (research) turned out to be an awesome playground.
Same experience! UX design where you spend more time justifying your decisions than designing coupled with product owners also pushing you to design awful crap. Systems I created from scratch that ended up being close to best practices years later and going into research as another tool to push back against bad ideas and finding out how much I loved it.
what do you mean by enfps box you in? are you saying they're the only type that can? and why?
Its kinda crazy how spot on all that was....& bloody terrifying at the same time.
Hello Fellow INFJ ❤
learning these strategies, it reminds me of how characters should be flexible to cope with any encountered situations😊
ENFP here. Interestingly enough, #3 has been used as an abuse tactic towards me by multiple perpetrators. I don't think they did it with any knowledge of MBTI but they figured it out from personally interacting with me. 🤔
Can you give examples..? I think you can maneuver your way out tho!
Too personal of a topic to speak about in comments, sorry
There’s a kind of apathy that you have to learn to tap into when that happens. I grew up with a narcissist controlling a lot of my life and those experiences showed me that sometimes giving an emotional or genuine response can be harmful to both you and the person manipulating you in that moment. When people are overbearing or inconsiderate of your feelings in response to something they either need help with or want you to do instead, sometimes you just can’t help them without hurting your own mental health and it isn’t worth dealing with. Pick and choosing battles is a great skill to develop in response to all that nonsense
@@WastePlace big agree. Though unfortunately for me apathy is just as detrimental for my mental health as abuse so it's a lose/lose situation. Which is why I go for distancing myself instead.
i'm an INFP but idk i kinda hate my birthday and being under the spotlight it's stressful. and in all honesty birthdays and kinda relate to other stuff INFJs do like the drama and empathy hijacking . but i for sure struggle with the weakness of INFPs too . with the cold logical, and fast pace enivoerments/structure it's stressful af, and comfort one hits hard. I know i hate just stigination but it's hard when illness is a factor. the avoid one yeah i looking back i feel that's true.
For INFPs in this world 1 and 2 are everyday situations. Good luck!
First off- thanks for revealing all of our kryptonite Nathan. Helpful...& yet reeeally not helpful lol. Infj here & absolutely a long list of big decisions that need to be made like RN would be last layer hell for me. My brain would probably just collapse into a varible crunching, tunnel visioned wormhole
I'm an ENFP, but my autism gets me focused on details a bit more than my type would normally be expected to. At the same time, it acts as a bit of a communication barrier, so... fair trade-off.
If anything, it makes me a bit harder to defeat because someone would have to think of unconventional ways of defeating me specifically.
I am an ENFP and I have an ADHD, my friends say that I am literally unpredictable, and it is impossible to keep me at bay, but I have 0 focus on anything, and I can't even do the same thing 3 or more times, it irritates me and wears me down.
It's a blessing and a curse.
^^ I live with someone who’s both
@@qifeetryingbecome a ceo
As an Infj myself:
1. I tend to use patterns to help me get in the groove of the organizational chaos in a split second.
2. Depends on the situation for me but I tend to gently guide others despite being on the spotlight.
3. You need to be socially s**cid*l to do this to us, so be careful on that one, we can and will shoot our shot at EVERYONE at this point 😂.
Say it again- Do number 3 and everything you love will burn to the ground.
I think 1 would be better listed as organized chaos. Meaning someone is purposely causing chaos. No patterns, sporadic, changing directions constantly, with no way of completing projects because they will change the scope entirely before you can finish. This does drive me nuts, and I think as an INFJ it's worse because I know everytime what my boss is going to do before they do it, even though they think they came up with some ingenious way to mess with me, I could practically quote what they will say before it comes out of their mouth. Chaos, drama, and manipulation are intolerable. If you do try this on an INFJ you better hope you take them down on the first try. INFJs learn at an exponential rate, and will subconsciously analyze exactly what makes you tick and can unravel not just your intentions, but your very essence. I shattered a few egos before I learned I was an infj, also came from a very toxic family, I try to be careful, but hey if you come after an infj with evil intentions, it's only a matter of time before you regret it ❤
Ni is actually a great function to deal with organization by planing and having it as dominant makes you incredibly skill at it to do it faster even under pressure. Low Se actually gives you energy boosts for productivity in the process and with Ti you might find an original way to organize even more efficiently than people commonly do.
INFJ: *dark side activated*
😂😂😂😂 I'm there now.
LITERALLY 🤣, I'd rather not be in the hassle but if you make it clear/ if I find out your true intent and they're not pleasing I'm about switch up real quick, might even mirror same tactics such person use to reveal more about them than what they would like to show, I'm quite adept to "embodying a person and understanding their minds by thinking like them"
@@spectre..74 Yeah, INFJ's are terrifyingly good at "playing by their rules".
But seriously, I don't wish for anyone to know it. I think INFJs themselves fear unleashing it. Other types laugh about it sometimes until they face it and I can assure you that's no joke. Psychological destruction is a big deal.
Infp here, trying to make me too comfy doesn't work. Besides feeling caged one of my biggest dislikes is stagnation or feeling stuck. If I can not grow in any means I go berserk. I have to see, learn and have new experiences to add into my brain to create new connection points and think about it, turn the thoughts from all angles and look at them until they fit with other puzzle pieces that already exist in my mind. But I really never had the problem of meeting someone that wanted to activately "destroy" me. In fact I think the people that relally can hurt me deeply are those that know me best, means family or close friends. And why they should try to hurt me? Everyone else might try but they won't succeed because I don't care for them in a spectrum they could hurt me, dissapoint maybe or making me angry but not really hurt for a long time.
A maelstorm of immediacy. Oh yes an infp nightmare, why? Because you could end up loosing yourself, like arriving in a foreign country in your winter clothes when its summer. And then discovering you have forgotten your credit card.
I loved this video. Nathan put a lot of tenderness in its content 😄
I reject your reality and substitute my own! You can't know me, I am unknowable!
ENFP, My boss is currently micromanaging me (confirmed by others), and I started making mistakes, and inconsistencies. She even emailed me a well typed 4 paragraph letter about how shitty she thinks I am, and forwarded it to my contracting company. Thing is, I've been working on that contract for 3 years and never got complaints like that. I worked so well that they gave me a leadership position, raises, and again, no problems. I have ocd to combat the SSDD, but there's always someone that tries to force me to fix something that's not broken, and then trying to get me fired for not submitting to their arrogant, ignorant fart face.
Ugh I love ENFP coworkers when they detect stuff like this but it’s unfortunate when they are in that spotlight. Not that y’all can’t handle it but it indeed is a huge distraction from what ENFP are naturally supposed to be doing, and honestly that’s probably what this boss is going for subconsciously like literally for no reason just to feel in control lol. Like trying to conflate certain habits that aren’t specifically helpful but not a bad thing either, just desperately trying to find a way to be involved and unfortunately trauma dumping that on you by micromanaging you 😭🤦♂️
I am delighted to see you did what I suggested in response to your last "How to beat..." video. I don't know if it's because of my suggestion or you were planning a "How to beat..." series for all the types, but in any case I'm delighted. Now let's just take a look and see how folks might try and "beat" me, an INFP. As they say, forewarned is........ 😏
Loved it! I'm forewarned! 😄 I see you were planning the whole series. Excellent.
I feel a bit picked on 30 seconds in but it is completely accurate.💀
Nope, I laughed when watching this because I have an INFJ who always complains about his birthday and also Christmas. He says he hates people getting him gifts and making a fuss.
Seems like it’s true for a lot of INFJs. My experience: I hide all my birthday notifications in social media accounts because receiving all these shallow messages from people you barely know can be quite a negative experience. Then again, the older I get - the lesser amount of people actually remember my birthday and genuinely congratulate me. So it’s never a fun day for me haha
I never celebrate anything. I consider birthdays pure narcissism. It makes me feel so fake whenever I'm forced to play along. Also, religious rituals bore me to death. Whenever I have to go to a gathering or party I feel pure agony.
Ever since Im interested at making worldbuilding by watching ton of video essays, it forced me to pay attention to details like: the evolution of letters and writing, the connection between religion and politics, and the purpose of arts and philosophy. Also with the recently amusement of high production quality documentaries video like Lemmino, make me want to dive into a random topic and starts opening a video in slow pacing visual, deep voice and ominous background music. Because of this I accidentally developed a habit that make me questioned my type as an ENFP
Just leave us all alone with ourselves, we'd probably just desintegrate from reality
Oh no, the reality of the crazy outside world has more detail and clarity when you have time to ponder it via the interweb
This gives me so much insight into why my last job just could not work for me (infj). Real time dispatching and receptionist handling both technician phone calls and customer phone calls, scheduling, bookkeeping, recording a bunch of information in multiple places, and billing all at the same time, at a constant all day. The stress of this plus a horribly unorganized office around me had me feeling like I couldn't breathe every day. Then being in the spotlight with my manager constantly pushing me to do more and more things out of my comfort zone so that she wouldn't have to do them. Constant drama, my manager fell into the trap of dumping all her life drama and trauma on me all day every day to the point that I would have to tell her I couldn't talk anymore. And yeah, this environment plus attempts at manipulation had me becoming extremely manipulative to get by. I hated who I became at that job.
Yearning for the ST version of this direly
no no no they can never known-ESTP
These are some advanced Jedi mind tricks, thanks :)
I'm an infp and you just described my life 😅 my environment encouraged me to become more logical i can't be the stereotypical infp all the time
Skipped to the INFP part, and as we speak I am internalizing these concepts to become an unobtainable victory for someone in the future.
As an ENFP those methods are pure evil. But when it comes to verbal sparring I'm the Mike Tyson.
8:50 I felt like the hero from the legends with this description, hahahaha,
"oh stop stop dear narrator, its your eyes, I'm not all that your silly."
I rewinded this like 8+ times, pure earcandy
As an INFJ, just the phrase “time pressured” makes me freak out so much that I guarantee none of that to-do list will be done outside of my head for the next three days
You exposed all our weaknesses on s-o++ cross sections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m fine with my Birthday and quite enjoy having a day about myself. I’m around a small group of people I’m comfortable with and can have my way about things while having an excuse for it. Typically I would feel the urge to go along to an extent and make sure everyone else is satisfied, this gives me a break from that and removes that pressure. Having the spotlight on me in other situations, yeah I’m not about that.
I (infp) just realized how all my life was toxic hahahahah i lived these situations very often, so they are not nice but also not terrible, i survived. I guess that the fact i have an estj mother made me develop a bit more of my weak and blind spots, which helps me to deal with these situations, but i do feel kinda overwhelmed after all.
Here's an interesting idea: what videogames would the 16 personalities like? It could be separate games, whole series of games, a specific genre, etc
I think there is already a video about this that concluded there is no correlation, my memory says. Think I saw it on "Daily Talk Games"(?) based on the big-five model
@@matheusviniciusdemoraes9420 It's true that any personality type can enjoy any game. And to be fair, the way I phrased it in my comment could have been better. What I was asking is "knowing the 16 personalities and how they generally act and what they generally enjoy, what would be some good recommendations for each type?"
I already thought about it but in a different style. What character class each MBTI type would be in a video game: like healer, damage dealer, tank and so on.
So evil. I love it! I challenge you to beat this ENFJ 😂
This actually helps me see what NOT to do with them. I recently offended an ENFJ because I questioned her intentions… I question everything. (Ti dom problems)
I find this idea of my intentions to be a constant internal conflict.
I always question if my actions to truly altruistic or actually intended to be manipulative. The issue being often times, when I am manipulate people it’s entirely unintentional or subconscious.
When I’m question on this often times what happens is I now have to think about whether I’m actually being altruistic or not. I think the thing that makes me the most afraid of is the idea that other people will also give me as manipulative.
As a enfj myself, we do tend to feel upset when people question our actions/intentions. Because most of us mean well towards our loved ones. Some can be manipulative if they are unhealthy mentally. But that's rare
I see. F user don't take it well when you question their intentions cause they don't like being perceived as what they genuinelly aren't, especially Fe users. They want to be perceived right, as they are cause it severely impacts their relationships otherwise and can be perceived as a failure in communicating their emotions and intentions properly. So the ENFJ probably thought you were trying to make them pass for someone they aren't at all and it can really hurt.
That's why all the unhealthy Fi users frequently labeling Fe users as fake actually do a lot of harm cause they're as sincere in their way to be than they are. -INFJ
@@kyurei4478 The ENFJ in question had a difficult time communicating her own thoughts and feelings. I’d rather see who someone really is before I get too close to them. However, I do understand that Fe users dislike being questioned about their intentions (from my limited perspective, it seems like they perceive it as interrogation and distrust, which it’s not NOT distrust, but it’s not anything personal). I am ..technically? an Fe user, but I don’t think I have developed that enough to matter, honestly.
@@prof.reuniclus21 Yeah, that isn't so surprising given the fact she's low on Ti. As a reference you can picture it as she's perhaps as good at using Ti as you are at using Fe. That's also what makes an INTPxENFJ relationship interesting. I mean I think that's normal wanting to know how someonne really is. But I guess ENFJs are quite openly emotional in their attitude so what you see is what you get pretty much. Maybe it's also a difficulty from you to identify their intentions as friendly without having to ask them thanks to your Fe. Having to ask them can already communicate the idea that she wasn't showing herself as trustworthy from the get go which can be hard to hear if you know what I mean. So under that light, that could already be a big miscommunication between you and her. Yeah, exactly as you said they do perceive it as interrogation and distrust. In social settings, you assume that someone says the truth first if nothing indicates otherwise. If you're not open to trust from the get go, why should the other be? Innocent until proven guilty if you will. the types called Fe users are the types with Fe as their top or second function because that's the two functions you automatically use a lot, the tertiary and inferior functions are more a support, but you can totally get better at using it as an INTP.
Btw, if it happens that you have an ENTP friend, they'll probably be a bit better at getting an ENFJ (in theory). Most ENTPs I've seen aren't particularly awakened to their Fe though and sometimes it feels like they have less Fe than INTPs but, hey I think it's worth testing, at least for science lol.
Yeah, maybe you haven't developed Fe enough yet, which is fine, working on yourself takes time and years. MBTI allows us to be more conscious of that. If that makes you feel better, she probably has not developed Ti enough yet to matter either . You're actually in the same boat when it comes to this.
Since both of you literally have the function of each other as dominant and inferior, they're probably one of the people you could learn the most from actually. Now of course it doesn't mean we should force ourselves to be around people who are too different from us if it's just not enjoyable. But the thing is it can have its benefits at least.
And yeah, I know you don't ask explanations and questions because you don't trust people but just to be sure you can validate it or to understand something. Believe it or not, as an INFJ I can sometimes get the same rejection if I take the Ti route in social situations since INFJs aren't Ti users but have tertiary Ti. That leads to people thinking INFJs are two-faced sometimes because I trusted you first time but then I'm asking questions as if I don't believe you anymore lol. But people just don't get I'm both at the same time. It's a bit like having ENFJ and INTP in one package. I want to trust them but I'm also doubtful. So in that situation I literally get both of you (and an ENTP theoretically should too).
You know it's funny because I think the thing you should have done too is precising your intentions toward her just like you ask it from her. Maybe you did, I don't know. I'm just saying.
as an infj this is the one ive been waiting for😂
I would throw hands with the person that weaponized conditional logic on me.
As an ENFP, that was on point!!
It is not necessary to have any tactic to beat an INFP.. INFPs are their own biggest enemies and critics if anything. Now show us how to beat STs. Especially ESTJ ESTP.
I'm an infp, I beat my esfj boss easily. He panics around me because I look so relaxed. But what I haven't told him is that I have a quicker and easier method. And I will never tell him. I'm infp btw.
To beat an ST just make them face the long term consequences of their actions.
Best way to fluster an INFP is to notice all the white lies they use to avoid confrontation and remind them of those as you tell them they are liars. They explode!!
11:28: "...that is dangerously endearing to people"
T_T *clicks Subscribe
Beat us? Beat us? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh, that’s cute… we see you.
I know the truth ENFJs, I know you don't really care about people as individuals and just about keeping the group harmony.
I know when you invite me to your parties it's only so you look good, and not because you actually want me there.
I know the truth ENFJs, I'm onto you.
ALSO tell the ISFJ who made the cake at the last party that it sucks and they should take lessons.
As an ENFJ, here’s my response. O
An ENFJ wouldn’t invite you to a party because they think that it would look good if they invited you. If an ENFJ invited you to a party, but didn’t actually want you there it would be because they thought that other people would’ve wanted you there. It’s that because they thought the party as a whole would be a better experience if you were there. Maybe personally they didn’t want you there, but they knew that it would make a party better as a whole.
Either that or they actually wanted you there. I suppose you can never be certain, because an ENFJ will give you an identical tone either way.
@@leerockford1469 Why did you send a paragraph as a response to a joke? Aren't you Fe doms supposed to be good at reading social situations?
If I misread your tone...I'm not good at that stuff.
Part of me thinks you're joking but I'm not 100% sure.
@@nooneneedstoknowmyname it’s pretty ridiculous to expect even a Fe-dom to just read the text and magically know the true intention behind it with no body language, voice tone, speech pace, etc to observe. Also I know some Fi users that treat xNFJs exactly like that; I’ve witnessed a very similar argument lately, it’s almost always this ‘Fi selfish, Fe fake’ nonsense.
@@leerockford1469 This is why ENFJs so often become popular as politicians temporarily. They are capable of such a convincing duplicity
Ahaha yess. ENFJs are very selfish and self motivated at their core. Great conversation partners, but they will throw you under the bus if it gets them up the ladder - INFJ
🥶 inadvertently held my breath as Nathan simply talked through #3 under ENFP. Can’t think of anything more paralysing. Geez.
infj - overwhelm them with organisational chaos
for everyone who is an infj (and people who have weak or non-existing Te and Si) this one is the utmost common scenario in customer service jobs, and worse, when the coworkers are worse than the customers, if possible, never end up in these jobs, the money is worth nothing, since you're not trading energy and time for money, but all of that + your wit and mental sharpness will be drained and it takes a very long time to recover, even after one has left the job
Damn the enfj and infp tactics are straight up abusive! Omg that’s some ish a covert narc would do to an infp/enfj
1:41 Sittin here listenin to this dude n hear "that's why they don't like their own birthdays" 😄😄
I was just on this with my mom the other day about how my birthday isn't really important and that her birthday is more important lol
' as an enfp my personal curse is the knowledge that I function best and literally explode my full potential with rigid structure and strict routine but Am almost totally incapable of independently stabilishing or maintaing said structure or routine. at the same time I hate when people tell me what to do. lol
I painfully relate to this😅
1:25 putting me in the spotlight is a bad decision for you because i actually don't mind alot of attention, i am nothing if i can't adapt to my environment after all and the more light i get the more i adapt so it's not a very logical plan because while i might be an infj i'm also a human and growing stronger through challenges and adapting to new situations is kinda my thing
Like spike from cowboy bebop said "flow like water"
A man's gotta know his limitations but that doesn't mean i can't adapt n evolve into a better version of myself and potentially make positive self growth as an individual if i don't do my best to overcome challenges
I'm sure many enfjs will agree with me here, while i prefer the shade i can stand in the light for i am solid and not a ghostly shadow
But honestly being anyone's rival sounds egotistical so no thank you, i didn't give a fek about gary when i played pokemon red and i definitely won't give a fek about being anyone's rival in this world
Especially when its stupid and pointless, the world will make you stronger, you don't need a single person
Muito obrigada moço por contar como me fazer mal (como se já não tivéssemos narcisistas suficientes à nossa volta ) 😢 INFJ aqui
Guessing before I watch:
Place them in situations where they have to choose between two evils/ideological double-binds.
I'm actually very good at mental organization of task prioritization. I managed to finish a 4-year degree in almost half the time. Or passed international test with 4 months of studies, instead of the typical 1 year. Feels just like clearing out Tetris rows by placing the pieces just right. Random little chores though - that's too much Te Se for me.
I love my birthday, i also like my gigs but i dont need recognition for it. I just enjoy doing it
I'm an INFP and I work at an international law firm. High pressure, goal oriented work with attention to detail and a need to be extremely self motivated A lot of these videos make it sound impossible for an INFP to have a good job.
I’m also an INFP and ended up as an internal auditor. My functions are in a scrambled order compared to most of my coworkers…but I actually seem to be doing all right. It’s a job that requires attention to detail but ALSO people skills.
As ISFP, usually I do not regard NF types as enemies. Some are crazy unicorns (non-competitive) and others almost like minded allys.
I'd need a video "how to beat the SJ types" as they too often try to control their surrouding and sometimes me.
As an INFP, I see ISFPs as likeminded friends.
Sj types are easy to beat, just ignore their rules and do whatever you want
I think my mom was an ISFP. She was always pleasant, but I could never get her to open up to any realness or introspection, which drove me mad - INFJ
@@EresirThe1st Haha, good advice!
@@shannon1242 Could be a question of trust, or mother role.
As an INFJ, I do see straight through manipulation smelling it like Wolverine. Unfortunately, I have deep empathy of the person's reason for needing to manipulate. Calling them out and just giving them what they want out of pure pity.
I love organizing things. And enjoy birthday celebrations. Only they have to be done my way rather than having someone dictate their vision for my birthday. Or, God forbid, my life. That is the easiest way to get into conflict with me.
Pov: You watched this video just to figure out how to be unstoppable
Weaponising conditional logic was how i accidentally lost my enfp bsf lmao
Could you do a series on how to support each type too?
Can’t wait for SF!
Well you pretty much nailed INFJs like Draculas coffin. 😂👏
I'm tempted to think I'm an INFJ now, this bothers me enormously
Yes... "Good luck."
How to win against NF types: just ask them, if it's important to you, they'll probably just quit out of courtesy.
This is so true. Don't need to beat them if they join you
Well, moral compass is still a thing.
You can beat me (INFP) by simply being bossy/aggressive, or planting a seed of doubt in my head that I’m going to be judged by others lol.
Why do you care about being judged by others? I ask because this is something my INFP friend also struggles with, and I don't really get it.
There's stuff that will benefit him and help him move further in his life and his goals, for example, he wants to play oboe, he went out and got an oboe, which he paid a lot of money for, yet he rarely plays it and doesn't progress much because he's afraid of other people hearing him and them judging him.
He's also afraid to ask his boss for a raise because of fear of judgement, and he seems to be extremely focused on what other people think, who cares? It's not like they really affect his life that much, a lot of these people he'll never see again, and if he does see them so what? There are nuances in everyone, everyone's different, everyone picks their nose and looks at the sky, no one's perfect.
The way I see it, if I don't like something in someone, then that's my problem, and I don't want them to change who they are, because as long as they're not hurting anyone, then why should how I feel dictate anything about them? That's my problem, not theirs, just like how it's the problem of someone who doesn't like something about someone, rather than the person they dislike that aspect about.
I can understand one aspect behind the fear, that people group together and if one person dislikes you then it can turn into 20 people disliking you, but nothing is stagnant and the tides can always turn.
You're an INFP so I assume you'll get my metaphors and crap so I don't have to write out explanations of what I mean lol. See I just judged you and you survived, believe in yourself and your capabilities.
I'm an INFP and I couldn't care less about what people say lol
@@nooneneedstoknowmyname Basically the INFP’s magnum opus is their personality, their identity. Fi is constantly in motion refining personal values. To judge the behavior of an INFP (specifically about something they care about, and even worse an aspect they *haven’t* perfected yet) is to judge their very existence. To deny their idiosyncratic values is to deny their unique way of being, which is the mainly what they live for. And Fi perfectionism makes them not want to share things that don’t wholly encompass their being.
We also fear judgment because we fear being obtrusive to others. We avoid confrontation and causing any minor inconveniences to people because then our Fi is never in line of sight to be criticized. And because we know what it’s like on the receiving end of invalidation, we never do anything that could remotely indicate that to someone else. I.e. your INFP friend *could* feel like he’s challenging his boss’ evaluation skills and be undermining him to bring up the pay. Or he just doesn’t want his little Fi heart to get crushed by the boss’ unsavory response, bc if it’s negative he’ll think it’s directly because something is wrong with *him* and that hurts. Course it’s not entirely logical, but remember Fi feels everything more deeply than any other function, and Fi-Si expands the imagined emotions in our heads tenfold. So it may not look scaring to you but in his head it has become a Goliath of fear.
To get INFPs to get out of their shell and use some Te (finally) is lots of positive reinforcement to let them feel secure and that this is a no judge zone. This is why INFPs feel safe with NF types and tend to dislike rigid ST types. If I were to get him to play the oboe I would
1. Validate his Fi - say things like i love classical music, man players like twosetviolin are so cool aren’t they, makes me want to practicing watching them, *you* would be so good at it, it matches your unique aura, aloof and sentimental
2. Give solutions to their unique problems - he can play loud ass music to drown the noise/go to rentable practice rooms/go out and play at midnight or sunrise (I go early to the art studio so I don’t feel pressure lol)
3. Reignite his interest - ask him about what beautiful pieces he’d love to play one day. Bring him to concerts. Watch a movie about music. And once he does get that sudden boost of damn I’m GUNNA DO THIS NOW, you can keep tabs on him. Check weekly or bi weekly, hey how’s the progress, how far have you gone (don’t ask to listen in the beginning lmao)
4. You could also just straight up go hey you’re disrespecting your poor oboe, he has feelings and a soul too (I swear it works)
Convoluted I know, this is why INFP x ENFJ works so well, bc Fe doms can pick up this stuff like breathing.
@@yayalu8650 Thanks so much for this explanation and for giving me ideas on how to hopefully help him. He's a great person with a lot of skills but he has such a negative view of himself, I wish he didn't because his negativity is pushing all of his other friends away, which is also something he gets upset about.
The thing about judging stuff they care about being like a judgement to their existence makes so much sense. Now I have a bit better understanding why it sets my ISFP sister off whenever I question her life choices.
Honestly, in my experience, I don't think I've ever had anyone react as strongly as Fi doms.
Part of me was thinking I might be an ESFJ but only a small part, that part has now lessened because I'm pretty bad at picking that stuff up and I could stand to be a bit more understanding about the feelings of others, even if they're getting upset for reasons that I don't understand why they're getting so upset for.
What you said helps me to understand it a bit more now, so thanks again. I hope you've been having a good weekend.
My INFP husband invalidates me all the time (usually during my INFJ Introverted Intuition deep dives I'm excited about) I'm also judgemental as hell but he knows I really care and want and do understand him. He says people "getting him" is worth it to deal with the criticisms.
I love these! Do me next (ISTP) 🤠
Sometimes, I forget that other people cannot see through people the way I can. To me, it's clear that some people are lying or manipulating, so I assume it's common knowledge. But then, other people act surprised when I pointed that out, like it was a secret or something. So now, whoever fudged with me - I'm going to point out all the truths that I know about them that somehow others haven't caught on yet.
There are a lot of calls for ST version of this and none for SF - I can tell STs have a lot of enemies hahaha!!
True, as an INFJ I can honestly say from experience trying to manipulate us simply doesn't work. We're just laughing when we see people try, we see the flaws in their attempt basically. I would say though, generally the types that have the better chance are probably ENTPs and INTJs even though ENTPs are more in the nose than they think in the end, at least for a Ni user. INTJs are more subtile at it but you can see it's a bit too shaky because they don't have the acting skills to make what they say sound emotionally credible. If I had to choose the type that has the better chance of manipulating INFJs it would be ENFJ because of a bias for them and specifically because they tend to have the same set of values an INFJ would resonate with so the ENFJ could manipulate the INFJ out of guilt for things they themselves agree they should have done.
My ENFP friend is "always right", you cannot argue with him. He will joke, "I was wrong once, in 1972."
Tell him "You were so wrong that you died and reincarnated again as a clown for life"
@@NiTeLightYears Lol, thats weak as fuck. ENFPs been clowns. I'm literally telling you that because I am one.
If I come across somebody who’s mentally unstable enough to try psychologically beating me(not even sure what this means?) then I think I won that battle before it even began. That’s some weird shit lmao
Exactly 😂😂 cause that's literally a suicidal mission, it takes little effort to tear someone up mentally (but I choose not to because..why?..) - INFJ
Super interesting...i am wondering if you can elaborate a bit on what the difference is between debating, which ENFPs are good at, vs using consistency of logic in explaining ideas, which you said ENFPs are weak at? I would have thought debating successfully did in fact require logical consistency when explaining one's ideas.
ENFP here, good question! In my experience, debating lets me use logic in service of my Fi, and free wheel between ideas as the process fuels the Ne. On the other hand, to explain how Ne jumped from A->W is super hard. That's almost a 'explaining to fish how to breathe air' kinda deal, how to explain something so innate, and then to do that repeatedly... Hope this gives some insight into your question!
Totally true... and I can relate with ENFJ too (maybe since that was the shadow type of mine lol)
0:51 🤣🤣 god i hate timed stuff 😅
If you're not my boss i'll be tossing that paper into the trash because nope 😄😄
I am definitely my own worst enemy, I do these things to myself everyday- infj
Ah yes our battle will be legendary
watching this as nf type to beat the nf type .
When’s SJ types?