Damn Fitz!! Looking like Sean Connery! Looking good man! Hell of a job with that cool 3D printing project for that GP! Looks like you didn’t get skunked my friend. I think I’m forgetting how to fish and tie hooks. 😂
It all come back to ya once that salty breeze hits your face! Was looking like a skunky day till I happened upon that spot. Will be working on my 007 accent lol!
Sure, Cold Pass - Christmas Bay, but don't expect them to be there, they move around. Go slow along the grassline, watch for moving water and nervous bait around marsh drains into deeper channels.Let me know if ya catch any! Tight lines.. www.google.com/maps/place/29%C2%B004'25.1%22N+95%C2%B009'35.1%22W/@29.073634,-95.1603075,234m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d29.0736344!4d-95.159759
Damn Fitz!! Looking like Sean Connery! Looking good man! Hell of a job with that cool 3D printing project for that GP! Looks like you didn’t get skunked my friend. I think I’m forgetting how to fish and tie hooks. 😂
It all come back to ya once that salty breeze hits your face! Was looking like a skunky day till I happened upon that spot. Will be working on my 007 accent lol!
FishinFitzTx Vidz Can’t to get that Saltwater Therapy!! If we ever meet up to fish, we can go the whole video speaking in nothing but accents. 😂
Good looking fish
Thanks Tim! Mess of flounder is good fun
Nice flounder!
Fun and tasty!
need to sale those doors to folks.
when ever they ready to open
You weird AF but ur channel deserves 100k subs at least! love the content
LMAO again - one of the best compliments I've heard...
FishinFitzTx Vidz keep me in mind sir! u will see more of me lol
UJC hmmm think my eyes can take it?
working on a beard, keep it going Santa.
Not sure its my style
Could i ask exactly where did you catch flounder sir? Thanks!
Sure, Cold Pass - Christmas Bay, but don't expect them to be there, they move around. Go slow along the grassline, watch for moving water and nervous bait around marsh drains into deeper channels.Let me know if ya catch any! Tight lines..
FishinFitzTx Vidz thanks a lot!