QUITTING digital nomad life: ONE YEAR UPDATE | ad

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 167

  • @Angrymobs62
    @Angrymobs62 5 лет назад +32

    I have no friends so I’m sure I would not be effected by having no friends

  • @sassytbc7923
    @sassytbc7923 5 лет назад +24

    You learned skills abroad, you built your work ethic and brand abroad... and now you are enjoying the benefits. So very happy for you

  • @IlariaMuller
    @IlariaMuller 5 лет назад +27

    I loved the part when you said “It’s not affordable FOR ME”. I know people who won’t never leave their country, people who need a career, people who don’t want a family, people who feel free just travelling with no fixed term, people who are happy buying a flat and people who feel lost in a flat and need a van. We all are different and we are all magic the way we are. There’s no better life than others, we all have a different point of view and it’s good the way it is. Stability or not, travelling or not, family or not, everyone needs to understand what they DON’T want and start to live the better life for them self. I wish you all the best in that beautiful city which I miss so much! B’ham is and will always be a part of my life and I loved it so so much! I lived there for 3 years and they made me stronger than ever!
    Thanks for sharing! Xx

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1

      It's so true! Everyone is on a different but equally beautiful path in life. 🥰

  • @clintatk
    @clintatk 5 лет назад +15

    The word is intimacy. At some point you start to starve for intimacy. Traveling with a lover can solve the problem, but there's a big risk of cannibalizing each other and destroying the relationship. Intimacy 24/7 is a lot to ask of one person. I believe in establishing a "home", a base somewhere to recharge and get that continuity of community. It can be where you originally set out from or a place that just feels like home that you've developed a connection with. I travel until I feel, "It's time to go home." I like the rhythm of back and forth rather than burn out and quitting. It's healthy for your partner relationship if you're in one as well.

    • @princessm8977
      @princessm8977 Год назад +1

      I find that spending 70% on one place and 30% slow traveling works best for me. I do recognize this is easier to do since I'm not married and don't have children. It feels like the best of both worlds.

  • @TheNewTravel
    @TheNewTravel 5 лет назад +12

    I just returned to Canada after long-term travel and can totally relate to this topic. Great thoughts Ally

  • @aFoolishFigure
    @aFoolishFigure 5 лет назад +4

    I think we started our journeys around a similar time. I found your channel looking at packing videos for my first trip to Canada and subscribed. Now 5 years later I have properly returned home to settle "for a while". I tell myself it is for a while and that I don't have to be here forever to help with my restless feelings, that keep persisting still.
    Travel helped me develop so many soft skills and make me the person that I am now. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. It came to a point for me as well though where goodbyes and "shallow" connections were not really enough. It is so true what you say about having people around you that actually know you. I cannot recall really having that ever before and it is such a blessing.
    I don't want to travel because I'm afraid of settling down, I want to travel because it is something I actually want to do. In the end the border between the two became more and more blurry and I figured I should hit the break. I'm going forward with this whole settling down thing with a mixture of fear and excitement. It feels like a new chapter and I know it will be good for me.
    Travel is my passion but I have to find a balance and a base where I am not on the road all the time. I need stable friends and projects that I can build on over time. I agree that it is easy to think in the travel circles that the full time nomad thing is the pinnacle of earthly existence, but this is completely neglecting the beauty of a home and long term gratification. Living in one place is an art form that I intend to be good at!

  • @drivingtheuniverse5891
    @drivingtheuniverse5891 5 лет назад +7

    Great video- thank you! I'm 2+ years in the DN life, I'm exhausted and ready for a home. Thank you.

  • @Halonablack
    @Halonablack 5 лет назад +4

    It's beautiful to live out your dream then know when it's time to move on. You accomplished something so many people only get to dream of. I'm happy that you're happy in this next stage of life.

  • @ChristheFreelancer
    @ChristheFreelancer 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the update Aly. I also moved home in February and can relate to the work situation but at the same time, I miss my digital nomad friends. Great that you’ve found your community at home. Best of luck!

  • @LuvuluvuLaChic
    @LuvuluvuLaChic 5 лет назад +5

    I've been a digital nomad going on five years now...I also worked for myself for seven years before that...most my friend work for themselves or are an artist or nomads like me...I have plenty of friends and relationships, from back at home and all over the world...ppl that I would have never met if I would have just stayed put...and my life feels perfectly stable...but it's just not for everyone but it can be right for the right ppl...

  • @DanicaChristin
    @DanicaChristin 5 лет назад +29

    It's been a year?! 😳 WTF
    Was I stuck near a black hole or something?

  • @knottynumbers44
    @knottynumbers44 5 лет назад +3

    There are a lot of benefits to live life rolling where the tide takes you, and there are benefits to having an anchor as well. Sounds to me like you are in that good (and enviable) place of being anchored and free at the same time. I'm 20 years older than you and I'm still looking for my anchor that will let me soar. May you be happy, healthy and prosperous!

  • @cairngirl07
    @cairngirl07 5 лет назад +4

    This last month, I did my first completely solo trip. It was exhilarating! I’ve travelled, but never alone. I want to do so much more of it!

  • @TravelwithLea
    @TravelwithLea 5 лет назад +30

    I have no family, and although I have great friends, I don’t feel like it’s that ‘depthful’ of a relationship. I have no commitments or responsibilities So traveling for me is just perfect!

    • @aseladaskon85
      @aseladaskon85 5 лет назад

      how about a relationship?

    • @jesusbalderas329
      @jesusbalderas329 4 года назад

      Found many Digital Nomads on my business travels. Almost got on the bandwagon. It's not for everyone to stay in the moving lifestyle.

  • @MochilerosOrg
    @MochilerosOrg 5 лет назад +5

    Sometimes staying at home is more comfortable than deal with the the unexpected everyday. I agree with that.

  • @wildearthfarm4632
    @wildearthfarm4632 5 лет назад +5

    this reminded me of this quote: " I would like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend at home." william hazlitt:

  • @rah4254
    @rah4254 5 лет назад +4

    Lived in Chiang Mai and I was so lonely, so I met a lovely girlfriend and integrated with her Thai family but that comes with its own set of problems and I didn't like UK before I went, I'm back in UK for a year too and I just appreciate it more, some things are actually more affordable here, just housing is really expensive.
    Its also good to be back with family who actually really care about you. Digital Nomading is fun for a season or a few months.
    I seen some digital nomads travelling for years, but I do get tired travelling just for a few weeks non-stop tbh

  • @BackpackingBananas
    @BackpackingBananas 5 лет назад +27

    I'm literally the EXACT same. UK will always be my favourite place to live for several reasons. Friends, family, events, opportunities. Such a more sustainable way of life and I dont think I could live in Asia for a super long period of time no matter how cheap or beautiful it is😅

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1

      Yeah while it was a great time in my life, it didn't half make me appreciate the UK for SOOO many reasons 😂

    • @theoduval1408
      @theoduval1408 5 лет назад +7

      You’re culturally conditioned, that’s all. I’m Australian born of French ancestry, I’ve been to south east Asia many times, and I’ve been to the UK once. I will return to south east Asia many more times in the future but have zero interest to ever return to the UK.

  • @RhiannonElysiaMarie
    @RhiannonElysiaMarie 5 лет назад +3

    Fellow brummy here!! I love home but I want out, post uni all I've done is work for the past 4 years, I don't wanna regret not going. Love seeing how you've come out the other end though cuz further down the line a house is the goal. But haven't seen the world yet, so glad you said you didn't regret it ❤❤ love your channel

  • @erinstravels
    @erinstravels 5 лет назад +2

    YES, this. Thank you! I’m in the process of moving home after living abroad and am so thrilled about it. But there is that voice in the back of my head that wonders if it’s a failure. And screw that! This video was so good for me to hear right now.

  • @ericyuan9718
    @ericyuan9718 5 лет назад +4

    Most "nomads" actually have a "home base" to go back to. It doesn't necessarily have to be from your home country but one of the countries that is your favorite. It keeps costs low and your mental and physical health in check.

  • @TheWorldnUs
    @TheWorldnUs 5 лет назад +2

    Would have loved to have lived the digital nomad life but didn’t learn about it until it was too late. We have 3 kids now so gotta do what’s right for the fam. In saying that we’re about to make a big move from Australia to Qatar. I’ll be working but will hopefully have more opportunities to travel around that part of the world.

  • @StudyandlifeinIndia
    @StudyandlifeinIndia 3 года назад +2

    I’m 2 years digital nomad and I love it! And will keep my career like this till I die!!!!!

    @MARTINLOUISR 5 лет назад +3

    I just moved to Thailand . No stress over bills now lol. I moved to Mexico recently . Same as Thailand bills n cost living. But miss Thailand to peace’s !!!

  • @MeyTribe
    @MeyTribe 3 года назад

    I think that a lot of people just get fixated on the term digital nomad...
    The nomads i met that moved away due to financial reasons, mental reasons, wanting to chill and set up a business in a cheaper place- were very flexible in their mindset. They would be a week somewhere, and 7 months elsewhere, not worrying about if i travel all the time, or travel too much.
    However, the nomads I met that started a business purly to travel and be a DN - were exhausted after a year keep trying to prove to everyone how much fun they're having moving places every week.
    Loved this video- it's flat out true.
    And I wish that people would realize that a digital nomad has no time frame, the basics of it started with people who work online and want to go to a different place.
    Also, about the friends part... I know DNs who travel to 3-5 places a year- in a group
    Sometimes not full on group life, everyone flies on their own pace, but generally they just plan to visit 3-5 destination in around the same dates. So being nomadic doesn't have to mean not having long term friends... But it's all about how you move about your life.
    I am def gonna check videos of you on Budapest, cause i plan on going there next year, and maybe even settle there, and you got me curious...

  • @davidgardener4139
    @davidgardener4139 5 лет назад +5

    In August in setting off solo around world solo backpacking and I'm scared as hell but excited. Your videos help me to stay calm when my mind wanders ty.

  • @millhouse101
    @millhouse101 3 года назад

    THANK YOU!!! For making this video because there are so many misconceptions about being a digital nomad (partly due to "some" (not all) popular nomads and the content they put out) but a lot are just not happy.... mental health and stability are super important and it shouldn't be pushed aside for the sake of making content and keeping up the digital nomad pretence..sometimes its just time to make a change and regroup!! Often in many cases after working abroad and going back to your home country you will have so much more opportunities available to you. Anyway...I've always loved your channel because it's just real opinion and experiences, no pretence - great vid!

  • @TheWanderingQuinn
    @TheWanderingQuinn 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you soo much for posting this! It's very relatable! Right now I am travelling mainly Asia and working at the same time and I'm loving it but I agree its hard! Im also home for a bit right now and I actually had the realisation that I could probably make more money through press trips and sponsored stuff whilst being based in the UK, which I didn't seem to realise a year ago when I left so it was great hearing you say that too!!

  • @drivingtheuniverse5891
    @drivingtheuniverse5891 5 лет назад +1

    1:39 I had the mental break-downs in Chiang Mai also! I am here now- in fact watching this video after staying up all night 'cuz I can't sleep for some reason. I feel like this is the place where people get it because this place is SO FUCKING TRANSIENT.
    When I was living/traveling in Eastern Europe I was at least easily able to meet locals, but here in Chiang Mai even the Thais are coming n' going so it seems every friend I make is gone in a month or two. I know if I am really committed I can break into some hardcore locals, but it's VERY hard compared to Europe/America/Australia to connect with great long-term connections.
    I love it here. But I'm not socially fulfilled like I was in America or Europe!

  • @IamDavidGauthier
    @IamDavidGauthier 5 лет назад +1

    Great video and insight! I think one big mistake people make is going from not traveling at all to fulltime and getting lonely in the process.. I'm close to hitting the 2 year mark as a DN and can definitely say that hopping from place to place every few weeks to a month can easily burn you out. But if done and planned right, it can 100% be sustainable. travel frequency just has to be considered..

  • @TravelBeans
    @TravelBeans 5 лет назад

    Great video. Every time we base come home and stay for a few months it gets harder and harder to leave. We still don't have plans to stop and get a full-time base but can see this becoming an issue for us in a couple of years.

  • @kateemma22
    @kateemma22 5 лет назад +5

    It’s funny you mention ‘just hop on a £30 flight to HK from Thailand’ because I feel that but I feel England has it better. I live in Australia so flying to Singapore, Thailand, Bali, whatever is cheap and easy. But I yearn to drive to Paris, cheap flight to Berlin, train to Budapest. In the end we always see the grass greener on the other side. I’m glad you found a place to call ‘home base’ now though and are content there. Let me know when the 80 year olds at the caravan park parties are happening though!

  • @JackSmith-gv5yw
    @JackSmith-gv5yw 5 лет назад +3

    Chiang Mai can do that to you. I noticed on my last trip that the number of DM's seemed to have dropped there, it peaked in about 2016/2017. The key thing was to make friends with the locals and expats, thats what I did....DM's would come and go on a weekely basis.

    • @PauloGaetathe_original
      @PauloGaetathe_original 5 лет назад

      Plus Thailand is making it more difficult for everyone staying long term

    • @OnePercentBetter
      @OnePercentBetter 5 лет назад

      I was there in 2016 in the midst of the atlas brothers fiasco xP

    • @JackSmith-gv5yw
      @JackSmith-gv5yw 5 лет назад +1

      @@OnePercentBetter So was I, they got ran out of town in the end haha. They even made it into New York Magazine

  • @ritaserraa
    @ritaserraa 5 лет назад +2

    Quit my job last year and since then I've been traveling. It's been 8 months and while I don't regret my decision at all for some reason lately I've been feeling a little lost as what's next for me. I thought I could live in Thailand long term as well but now I realize as much as I love it here it just doesn't make sense for me. If I go back home though what is there for me besides my family and friends. I want stability in my life and want a place I call home so I can work on my blog but it's not paying the bills at least not yet so, for now, I am stuck figuring out life. Wish me luck lol

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1

      Sending all the good vibes and luck babe. I had so many moments like that in my journey, you'll make it 😘

  • @alexbecker4149
    @alexbecker4149 5 лет назад +1

    *I work a stable job over the internet and had to choose between digital nomad life, van life and moving to somewhere. I really considered van life but chose moving to Hungary. I find traveling very stressful and I really need consistency in my life and environment. I'm the kind of person who doesn't travel anywhere unless I have a reason to be there, never for fun. Even if I had chosen van life, I would probably find the best camping area and stay there forever, defeating the purpose, and it'd be more stressful than a normal apartment.*
    *What made you leave Hungary, btw?*

  • @ByronWatts
    @ByronWatts 5 лет назад +6

    One can be location remote and stable (as in set up shop in one location) in Asia (or anywhere) too. I'm Digital Remote. Travel is optional, unless that is the entire point of leaving the home country.
    I decided to locate in Asia and build a location here. Yes, there are challenges. Yes, it's different than home (USA in my case). But one can build almost anything, almost anywhere.
    How about being Digital Remote instead of Digital Nomad :-)

    • @VikramBankar
      @VikramBankar 5 лет назад

      I am doing that exactly. I normally am based in my home country but whenever I like I just move base myself in a particular country and explore it while I still work the amount of time I would put in my work anyway. Whenever I become homesick and miss family i just come back.

  • @nickchung8961
    @nickchung8961 5 лет назад +4

    Thank you for making this video, Alyshia. A lot of people romanticize the DN lifestyle and fail to mention the cons that you mentioned. Thanks for keeping it real!

  • @DannyWood7989
    @DannyWood7989 4 года назад

    I've spent the last 2 years as a DN, travelling through SE Asia and NZ.I'm heading back to the UK in a few days. I'm exhausted, poor, friendless (genuine ones anyway) and I need some stability for a bit and some time to recharge. I've no regrets and I've enjoyed it, even the hard times and there's been a few. And even though I'm not looking forward to going back home, I am looking forward to grounding myself for a while and working out where I want to go next in life - as a digital nomad, or as something else. Your video was exactly what I needed at the moment, so thanks. :)

  • @heatheranneultimatetravela2264
    @heatheranneultimatetravela2264 4 года назад

    When my 2 sets of twins turned 18 I realized the settled life was “so over” for me. I met my new husband on the road as a digital nomad, and he’s a retiree who loves travel so we travel together now. I’m an introvert so big social circle isn’t high on my priority list, and I’ve never been happier!

  • @micamyx
    @micamyx 5 лет назад +1

    I am flying back to the UK this weekend and will be staying in Dudley. I also cannot do the long term digital nomad thing. I am too family-oriented and i want that stability and the comfort that i have a house to come home to

  • @CindyVine
    @CindyVine 5 лет назад +2

    My plan is to have some online revenue streams for when I retire in 2 years. Not sure if that will make me a digital nomad, but as I don't have a pension I have to do something. Don't want to be working in my job past 60!

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад

      Yep, got to have some plans in place 👍

    • @TheWorldnUs
      @TheWorldnUs 5 лет назад

      Similar plans here but maybe in 5 - 10 years.

  • @kennys_skylines
    @kennys_skylines 5 лет назад

    What great insights. We're actually just starting out on our digital nomad life. We have six months to sort out our life here in the US before we head off to SE Asia! It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. And it's nice to know that "failing" as a digital nomad doesn't really exist. Thanks for the video Ali! You do you.

  • @madalenacaldas7666
    @madalenacaldas7666 5 лет назад +7

    You seem so much happier now that you are more settled and can travel out of a home base ! It’s amazing to see :) x

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1


    • @madalenacaldas7666
      @madalenacaldas7666 5 лет назад +1

      PsychoTraveller ❤️❤️❤️ will there be any videos for your Croatia trip ?? You fully convinced me to add Genoa to my Italy bucket list 🙌

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1

      Haha starting working on it yesterday! She's a beast. Hoping go get her out next!

    • @madalenacaldas7666
      @madalenacaldas7666 5 лет назад +2

      PsychoTraveller yayyy I look forward ;) I love a good beast x

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +2


  • @davidostrowski679
    @davidostrowski679 5 лет назад +1

    I get this. After 3 years on the road doing RUclips and teaching online, I'm at the point of ARGHH getting to the point of no return with exhaustion, no connections or stability. I subconsciously said at the beginning of this year that this would be the last year, it's not sustainable. The only thing is I couldn't necessarily move back to the UK (I just don't want to!). Great video!

  • @louisb4730
    @louisb4730 5 лет назад +2

    Sapiens in the background! such a good book !

  • @DustinBackpacks
    @DustinBackpacks 5 лет назад

    it is hard saying goodbye all the time to new friends, and most of the time you will probably never see the again

  • @iamsonondual7899
    @iamsonondual7899 4 года назад

    Thanks for the insight!

  • @thefarflungfoodies2700
    @thefarflungfoodies2700 5 лет назад

    Birmingham is so good for shopping! 🛍
    Bills and laundry 🧺😂 ooh yeah... We’re 6 months from leaving and have yet to experience it all.
    You seem so much happier this vid, love your honesty.

  • @carolinax519
    @carolinax519 4 года назад

    I'm in my 4th year as a Digital Nomad and part of this video is BEYOND RELATABLE!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....but honestly everything you mentioned is so, so, so true and endemic to the lifestyle of a DN. Am I happy I did it? Absolutely. Would I recommend it to others interested and capable of trying it? Of course! Is it sustainable? Absolutely not. Great video and I hope that one day I have a similar video of my own - as well as my own home :D

  • @emeraldsroses0524
    @emeraldsroses0524 5 лет назад +1

    I've just got around to seeing this. Thanks for the update on how your life has changed, even though I've been following it on your social media. Can't believe it's been 2 years since you returned to Europe and 1 since the UK. Where has the time gone?
    One thing I thought about when watching this video was the old and camping bit. I'm following a couple on IG travelling around Europe in their self-converted campervan. They're called _vanontherun. You should follow them to see their adventures. They're in Sweden or Denmark now and are slowly making their way back to Wales, I believe. That may give you some idea of what travelling out of a caravan is like.

  • @smeemira8225
    @smeemira8225 2 года назад

    My boyfriend and I traveled for a year and it was wonderful but then we decided that we wanted to go home (Austria), change careers long-term and travel from maybe 3 to 6 months at a time. But every other year. So now we can stay at home, enjoy family life with our friends but then we get to venture out again :-) works way better for us than moving from one country to another. Cheers

  • @katjones2133
    @katjones2133 5 лет назад +1

    Like you I'm fortunate to have a job that still allows me to travel a decent amount of the time. But I do miss full time travel, I miss the people that you meet along the way. My friends back home just don't understand that I'm not the same person they grew up with. Unfortunately living in a small part of Wales there's not a whole lot of people try to connect with. But I wouldn't want to live and make it home anywhere else no matter where in the world I travel home is still my favourite place.

  • @yewhocktan5112
    @yewhocktan5112 4 года назад

    Hello Alyshia, you are so lucky to have experience it all traveling and working digital nomadic life! And happened so young into your life going through all these experiences. Now back in your country, England, you will be a better citizen, worker, mother!!! God bless you and your family. From Singapore.

  • @purpleskies4553
    @purpleskies4553 5 лет назад

    Wow Congrats on your one year ❤ So exciting that you are continuing new adventures in the UK. I just got back to Canada from a year of travel and it has been a bit of a hard adjustment. I am spending this time appreciating my family and beautiful hometown and the stability that you cannot get on the road. I will travel again though but I have to also appreciate this moment in time.

  • @Gszada
    @Gszada 3 года назад

    Loved it! I have such a similar perspective! Cheers from Budapest.

  • @louisew4383
    @louisew4383 5 лет назад

    I left Scotland (couldn't wait to leave) to go live in Cyprus for a year and while I loved it, I realised that actually, I love Scotland a lot and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I unexpectedly got really homesick as well. Absence makes the heart grow fonder maybe?

  • @Watfordfc2030
    @Watfordfc2030 5 лет назад

    I’ve travelled a fair bit and I know the U.K. has its issues and problems but so does every single country . I have a happy settled life good job lovely family and friends . I love to travel and will
    Even more once I retire . Always appreciate where you’re from as it will always be home

  • @MusicMan121
    @MusicMan121 5 лет назад +1

    If you need a group of friends around so badly, then being a digital nomad was not for you from the very beginning...

  • @sophiachalkley9839
    @sophiachalkley9839 5 лет назад

    Oh my love thank you for saying this! My boyfriend and I have been travelling for two years straight now and we are going home for Christmas and I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to it, FRIENDS, FAMILY, FAMILIARITY, LIVING IN A HOUSE NOT A VAN, ALDI’S BELGIAN WAFFLES - literally the excitement makes me giddy! I love the freedom that comes with travelling but, I get you... I just want to move back into MY HOUSE (I own a house) which I am now so blessed to have and I will appreciate the f*ck out of my washing machine that actually cleans my clothes, my own bathroom ...OH MY DAYS! Blessed! So I feel you! P.s I live in Nuneaton, so we all think Birmingham is great! Much love x

  • @Kane1993x
    @Kane1993x 5 лет назад +1

    being a "Digital nomad" is just a phase. Choosing to work remotely and sticking to one location is something complety different. Any experienced traveler will tell you the two best moments on the trip are leaving at the airport and returning home. As wonderful an experience as travelling is, after 1 year your sick of it and want to recharge back at homebase. Why waste your travel experience sitting in a coffee shop trying to bootstrap a business in a highly saturated market.

  • @lauracairns7482
    @lauracairns7482 5 лет назад +3

    Sit down, got my cuppa, ready for real talk. Love it!

  • @chelseaking6470
    @chelseaking6470 4 года назад

    I’m in the beginning stages of Digital Nomad life as soon as Bali opens I’m moving there. I was wondering if you do coaching or if you could give me some tips for getting started. I’m wondering what job you were doing as a nomad. Thank you hope your having a great day I can’t wait to visit the UK one day 🙂

  • @LauraPalmerD
    @LauraPalmerD 5 лет назад

    I would love to hear more about the 'digital' part of your life or perhaps about being an 'influencer'? Do you think that being an 'influencer'/'youtuber'/'vlogger' can or should be a long-term thing? Do you envision doing this for a long time or 'forever'? Or are you considering other options? Would you take an office job or even a digital job (freelance or employed) for example as a social media or content marketing person since you know so much about it? Or work for a travel agency or open your own travel agency? Have you considered going back to school and actually becoming a psychologist? I would love a real talk about your general thoughts about this topic, but also, where you are at personally.

  • @ladder646
    @ladder646 5 лет назад +1

    I think because we are older and lived our life before, we are just the opposite. That and we have been married for 29 years and are literally best friends we are loving life on the road. We know it will not be forever but we certainly do not miss the never ending bills and responsibilities if "normalcy" Granted we have also only been on the road for 16 months. :) BTW we will be in Birmingham Sunday! care for a pint?

  • @StitchesGhoul
    @StitchesGhoul 5 лет назад

    I am super proud of the things you have accomplished being a digital nomad and coming back home and settling there. It's really inspiring to watch your journey and I'm so grateful we met because of that :D love uuuuuuuu

  • @sassytbc7923
    @sassytbc7923 5 лет назад

    Ali .. if my mom hadn’t got sick I would have moved to the UK! It was all arranged complete with transport, a place to live, and a job

  • @ryandanger9333
    @ryandanger9333 5 лет назад

    I am in Hoi An and am also feeling a small sting.... Like... I miss my dog, Miss my X, Miss my friends.. maybe 4 holidays a year are a better alternative.

  • @letsgoscoutside4910
    @letsgoscoutside4910 5 лет назад +1

    That was a year ago!? Wow that's crazy. I'm about to become a digital nomad (like you say, costs a lot to live in the UK and I simply can't afford it). I do two different types of freelancing plus I'm going to work on content creation to bring in some 'pocket money' for a rainy day, which should generally suffice - plus I am selling a house I jointly own so that'll start me off nicely.
    Anyway I 100% agree that it's not always sustainable. Travel is expensive, and even SE Asia is catching on to the fact that they can hike up their prices and still maintain tourist levels.
    I think many fall into the idea of these £15,000 a month travel blogger lifestyles and assume it's the norm and it really isn't, at all.

    • @PsychoTraveller
      @PsychoTraveller  5 лет назад +1

      So exciting that you're at the start of your journey! Enjoy the ride and good luck with everything!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @letsgoscoutside4910
      @letsgoscoutside4910 5 лет назад +1

      @@PsychoTraveller Thank you, appreciate it! ^_^

  • @rah4254
    @rah4254 5 лет назад

    Birmingham is good, its got largest libary in europe, more canals than venice, largest urban park in europe, its quite affordable too and multicultural, you'll see japanese and chinese there

  • @Wander-a-Bit
    @Wander-a-Bit 5 лет назад

    So I guess I will have a better life being a remote contact worker traveling on and off, instead of trying to a digital nomad, I guess its good and bad. I hate remote jobs but it enables me to travel all the time. guess i can do the travel vlog thing as a hobby.

  • @kristofferxeiremmedina1804
    @kristofferxeiremmedina1804 4 года назад

    It made me laugh so hard when you mentioned that in Birmingham, you have Peaky Blinders. Didn't expect you'd say that, and I loved it! You don't mess with the Peaky Blinders.

  • @ConstantCompanion
    @ConstantCompanion 5 лет назад

    I grew up in the Pacific Northwest in the United States. I used to dream about packing up, move to the UK..get a job in a little town somewhere and spend my free time travelling all over the UK. Then..move to France and do it all over again..and..just keep going.

  • @charrustia2459
    @charrustia2459 5 лет назад

    I can totally get how it can be tiring after a while living that dm life. Nothing ever beats coming back to that familiar place and just resting. Just gotta balance travel and staying home xD but also yas! love skillshare! ive learned so much stuff from there :D

  • @deborahconkle6822
    @deborahconkle6822 5 лет назад

    O m goodness! Life has crap where ever you go!! Bravo! BTW,never said I bought and read your book. Loved it and so happy you are where you are! ❤️

  • @Dude_Slick
    @Dude_Slick 5 лет назад

    Hi Aly, glad to see you doing well. Home certainly agrees with you, you look great. And I think I hear the Brummie accent coming back. I remember the exact day you left Budapest, because the wife and I arrived there for vacation that same day.

  • @candygirl20048
    @candygirl20048 5 лет назад +3

    Literally in Chiang Mai and am about to book my ticket back home. I totally feel you on this!

  • @WhatashameMaryJane
    @WhatashameMaryJane 5 лет назад

    Hey Ali, I'm a fellow small youtuber and full time traveller since one and a half year. I'm very interested in the transition you're going through (I have been following you since a few years though), cause even if it's not going to be anytime soon, it's highly possible that it's going to happen to me too one day.
    What left me a bit disappointed in this video is that you keep referring to perks and disadvantages of digital nomad life not so much as an "all around full time travelling" lifestyle (pardon my bad English I'm not native speaker), but rather to a traveller's life IN the South East Asia. Which I understand it's the most common case for digital nomads nowadays. But that's not the essence of being digital nomad. Unfortunately I'm not able to relate with what you said in this video even if I am a digital nomad as well, because I don't travel in the South East Asia, nor I do in any other cheap country. Infact, my niche is (cheap) travels in expensive places like Norway, New York City, North of Europe, Canada and so on. So for me travelling is probably still cheaper than settling down because of the lack of rent, bills or property taxes, but the money is not the main difference. I think that the essence, the point of being digital nomad is not having your own home (nomad) and only - or almost - having the possibility to get jobs via internet (digital). I would love you in the future to talk more about these aspects, to which every digital nomad can relate. I hope you're still doing good with your channel after your big change of content. In any case, keep it up and give it time to adjust: you're going to find your new part of audience that is here also for the topics and not only for your (always amazing) personality. All the best, Mary Jane.

  • @BucketPukes1969
    @BucketPukes1969 4 года назад

    Oh yes definitely subscribing this seems really helpful to me!! Cheers from California

  • @EJ-gi9ib
    @EJ-gi9ib 5 лет назад

    I cannot believe its been a year.I remember you packing to come back.mad how quick its gone.

  • @aveko16
    @aveko16 5 лет назад +1

    ive been doing the DN thing for a year..and i'm packing up and heading home - i miss my friends, community and stability!

  • @xxdrleek10
    @xxdrleek10 4 года назад

    YES. Few people can sustain a nomadic life, frequently they are basically antisocial. I have traveled extensively and loved it, but having a place to call home where I have steady, stable relationships. I still travel but it is not my life.

  • @shesagoddess3592
    @shesagoddess3592 4 года назад

    I would love to know more about what the challenges were with making solid friends..whether it's a method or if the digital nomad life is like LA

  • @joaoramos32
    @joaoramos32 5 лет назад +1

    very nice reflection!

  • @atc246
    @atc246 4 года назад

    Loved your video😃😆😆😆 life is life and may God bless you always...

  • @Chiefchief4444
    @Chiefchief4444 4 года назад

    Good on you, girl. Keep being honest and having fun.

  • @sammyboy7452
    @sammyboy7452 4 года назад

    Honest question. How many houses did you live in growing up?

  • @seandarcy2018
    @seandarcy2018 5 лет назад

    I get the thing about Brum. My father lives there 30 years . I used to hate the place when I was 17 teen. I did not like the place. Now 35 love going there. Just there last weekend. It's a lot cheaper then Dublin . But I could not give there wages are to low. I love Dublin more. Its were I am from 🇮🇪😊👍

  • @KingBiozilla
    @KingBiozilla 4 года назад

    I've heard lots of Digital Nomads complain about the travel. My question is, do you really HAVE to travel? Sure, it's called Digital Nomad for a reason, but today's technology already allows us to view the whole globe and beyond at our fingertips. If you want to make deals with someone far away, then can you not just send emails or something? If a Digital Nomad doesn't want to travel, then it shouldn't have to. From what I've heard, Digital Nomads make more money than they know what to do with, so paying bills should be the least of their problems, shouldn't it? Can't a Digital Nomad do everything they need to in the comfort of their one true home? What if you choose not to travel? Just relax at home and work on your computer. Besides, I doubt the whole world pays the same currency. If you ask me, the traveling part just seems like a waste of time. If you don't like doing something, then stop doing it. Again, is it really mandatory to travel?

  • @alexm.5693
    @alexm.5693 5 лет назад

    Just wasn't for you I guess. Most people I know (including me) have a base they spend say 7-8 months per year, then travel around the other 4-5 months. You can definitely have stable long-term friendships and also make tons of new friends while doing so. It's a skillset on its own to do so though. You can make "home" anywhere tho, not necessarily where you come from. I wouldn't go back to living where I come from in a bajillion years.
    Also it's funny but you probaby know this, it's easier to meet new people and keep friends close when you're travelling solo (vs as a couple). Go figure!

  • @quirkyblackenby
    @quirkyblackenby 4 года назад

    Having a home base is definitely my plan when I travel

  • @FilippoMalvezzi
    @FilippoMalvezzi 4 года назад

    This video has been uploaded on June.
    It's now mid Nov.
    What did it happen in the meantime?

  • @deborahconkle6822
    @deborahconkle6822 5 лет назад

    We are who we are because of, and in spite of our life experiences,right?

  • @mylittledarkroom
    @mylittledarkroom 5 лет назад +1

    I love me a good realtalk!! I'm moving to Birmingham in September for school, from Canada. Do you have any advice??

  • @milodeescorpio3658
    @milodeescorpio3658 3 года назад

    I would like to be a digital nomad to travel freely, but not full time. I mean I just want to have time for myself.

  • @jennyhammond9261
    @jennyhammond9261 5 лет назад

    I don't know if you can answer this or not (I'm from the USA). I see all of these RUclipsrs traveling the world at a young age. I know some of them have remote jobs. However, it seems like some of them are just getting by off of social media, merchandise, using AirBnB credits because their followers sign up, etc. I don't know your whole story or how the UK works, but do you feel like you 'wasted' 5 years not investing into retirement? Or maybe people see it as doing your retirement first then working later into their life?

    • @KimCrossesBorders
      @KimCrossesBorders 5 лет назад

      Jenny Hammond huh. 5 years of travel or regretting decisions later in life bc you didn’t travel, but hey at least you get to retire early.

  • @discordantfungi2741
    @discordantfungi2741 4 года назад

    Most importantly, your mug is berluddy brilliant and I have mug jealousy.

  • @uAreMyComputer
    @uAreMyComputer 5 лет назад

    I feel the same thing

  • @vuyomoyo4454
    @vuyomoyo4454 5 лет назад

    ❤️ I love your straight talk.

  • @taceldi
    @taceldi 5 лет назад

    "I kicked anxiety's ass!" YES, GIRL.

  • @oneinap1llion
    @oneinap1llion 5 лет назад

    Aly, your skin is looking bloody amazing.