How Colorblindness is Toxic to Racial Justice - William Branch

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Check out our online courses on Racial Justice here: my.vergenetwork...

Комментарии • 21

  • @tonyf4991
    @tonyf4991 2 года назад +5

    I do not judge people by the color of their skin. I always judged by their character, which is how it is suppose to be. The moment you start judging people by the color of their skin, it is racism. If you want people to judge others based on skin color thinking colorblindness is toxic, that is racism. I will have no part of that, and I encourage others to have to part in that. The last thing to do to get rid of racism is to be racist and want everything judged by skin color. That is working backwards, not forwards.

  • @mchristr
    @mchristr 3 года назад +6

    Any attempt to ground one's identity upon skin pigment or participation in a given micro-culture is doomed to failure because those factors are either inconsequential or constantly in flux.

  • @ygonzalez4134
    @ygonzalez4134 2 года назад +10

    This is probably a good way to say nothing while sounding like you are saying something that matters

  • @scottparsons9470
    @scottparsons9470 2 года назад +3

    Nah imma stick wit dr kings vision

  • @kathyheavner3585
    @kathyheavner3585 2 года назад +1

    God makes only one distinction.
    Righteous or unrighteous.

  • @bradwilliams4921
    @bradwilliams4921 2 года назад +3

    Sounds like he is wanting special treatment based on color.

  • @PastorBradRocks
    @PastorBradRocks 4 года назад +4

    Recognizing God created and cultural destinctives, etc. that may be associated with a particular ethnicity ("color) is all well and good--and honestly, it's fun to recognize those things and celebrate them. But when we refuse to acknowledge that our country HAS PAID A HUGE PRICE to free African Americans---it was called the civil war--where THOUSANDS of white people died fighting to END slavery (something that was a world-wide activity at the time, not just an American thing) and when you - dismiss Martin Luther King's "color blind" statement--that we should judge a man on the content of his/her character, not the color or their skin---which is what if seem you are doing... you lose me. If you say, "Because we have done bad things in our past--we will ALWAYS have to pay for them---sorry the civil war and civil rights movements don't cut it... we want MORE retribution... that's a scary mindset... that monster will never be satisfied.

    • @TheCedpick
      @TheCedpick 3 года назад +2

      Pastor, it seems as if you listened to this video and came out with a completely different interpretation from what Professor Branch said. When did the Professor mention in this video that we should judge people by there skin color, dismiss any history of the country moving forward in regards to racism, or anything regarding retribution?

  • @thomasrogers3008
    @thomasrogers3008 3 года назад +3

    This seems to be just semantics man. I don't think the notion of colour blindness has ever been interested in ignoring the beauty of physical skin colour in all it's diversity. It does though, encourage people to not view skin colour as the predominant way to define an individual - you arguing with that? If so, why?
    Cultural blindness, now that's a problem. To be culturally blind would be to not consider the stories and heritage of groups and individuals. Let's stop calling the problem 'colourblindness' because you'd have to be literally and physically blind or extremely colourblind to not notice and appreciate skincolour.
    Another disappointing video Verge, you guys ain't breaking new ground with these. I can see and hear the same things covered on my facebook home feed. Drop a few new thoughts and ideas into the mixer

    • @lukeskywalker3789
      @lukeskywalker3789 3 года назад

      Christianity is loving people - flesh & blood. Beauty should consist of ones true inner-self, not by outward appearances, aids or race.
      The problem is ethnic groups closing in on the church as St benedict said. The pushing & forcing of an ethnic groups culture into the Church of Christ is wrong. Hence, ethnic is a worldy issue which Christianity isn't part of. Unfortunately, a lot of church buildings now have ethinic idolatry. Consequently, this has defiled the houses of Prayer & no true Christians enter those church buildings. Your only left with non-Christians, victims of ethnic idolatry & racial aggression if its opposed. Funny that.

  • @brentkok8455
    @brentkok8455 2 года назад +2

    This guy seems to want regress back to the days when things were all based on skin color...

  • @ChannelOne-1
    @ChannelOne-1 Год назад

    You have it so wrong. God is colorblind when it come to people. Look up Jew or Gentile and think about the context of that.

  • @randomamerican3649
    @randomamerican3649 2 года назад

    George soros fund this video?

  • @RedMcc
    @RedMcc Год назад

    This isnt biblical. Social Justice isnt biblical. Racial Justice isnt biblical. Justice doesnt need a modifier. Its trying to run the Gospel through a man centered filer. You are competing with the world on the worlds terms Paul covered colorblindness and it is EXACTLY what we should strive for. Gal 3:28...There is neither Jew nor Greek. Keep this kind of videos up, stop calling yourself a Christian.

  • @ramsayreid
    @ramsayreid 2 года назад +1
