🌊ATTUNED AZURA'S ORB ENCORE! Mozu, Yukimura & Hayato Summons - Fire Emblem Heroes [FEH]

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @Pheonixmaster1
    @Pheonixmaster1  5 месяцев назад +11

    How did your summons go?

    • @DavidHutchinson0713
      @DavidHutchinson0713 5 месяцев назад

      Full circles until spark, and I got a decent haul. Free summon was a merge for base M!Corrin (even outside of my Azurrin shipper bias, that's just way too fitting, considering the star of the banner LMAO). But on the second circle, I got, no joke: Mozu, 4*SR base Marianne (B Duel Infantry babeh), _and_ base M!Alear back-to-back. That was WILD, man! After that, it was a 4*SR Brave Dimitri (an extra A/D Unity for when I might need it) at the middle of the road, and on the last circle before the spark, I got pitybroken by a 5* Hayato, who then shows up as a 4* right after that LMAO. After that, sparked for Azura, as I had planned; my base Nils will soon be eating boys

    • @enderpigman955
      @enderpigman955 5 месяцев назад

      All the luck. 2 Azuras, 3 Mozus and 3 Hayatos. Sparked Yukimura. To be honest, the only thing that would’ve made this better is if this was a Genealogy banner.

    • @Alexdestiny21
      @Alexdestiny21 5 месяцев назад +1

      Still have not gotten all the tickets, but first summon was a free Atune Azura, so I can't really complain.

    • @Dakress23
      @Dakress23 5 месяцев назад +1

      Got Azura with my 3rd free summon so I'll keep things there as the other Hoshidans can show up whenever in the future.

    • @aether7508
      @aether7508 5 месяцев назад +1

      I got Azura with my first free summon! And got mozu within my first 10

  • @DrabeLord
    @DrabeLord 5 месяцев назад +23

    I like Azura but I'm prolly skipping this one, Peony is my skill bank

    • @pigeonleader
      @pigeonleader 5 месяцев назад

      I'm so torn I like Azura too but I don't wanna spend orbs😢😢

    • @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470
      @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470 5 месяцев назад +6

      and the fact they release her before the fallen banner too

  • @bylethswife
    @bylethswife 5 месяцев назад +4

    hey PM1, hope you're okay, thanks for the constant content you put out, it is nice to see a FEHtuber still really active here :)
    #question out of all the current unit threats, which one would you get rid of if you had the chance? units like Emblem Ike, Duo Lyon (the obvious), W!Edelgard, etc
    thanks for your hardwork, have a good day! :D

    • @Rabbitlord108
      @Rabbitlord108 5 месяцев назад

      I would shut down FEH at that point. There's so many that I can't pick just one.

  • @j_budz3038
    @j_budz3038 5 месяцев назад

    Ideally I’d like fallen Morva, fallen Shez, fallen Mikito, and then likely a fallen engage rep (Alear or Veyle likely). Fallen Miklan would be a cool GHB as maybe an armored beast, blue color perhaps?

  • @Susanoo_T
    @Susanoo_T 5 месяцев назад

    Funny coincidence. I also got my first Letizia from the last ticket on the Azura banner.

  • @CrobatmanIamthenight
    @CrobatmanIamthenight 5 месяцев назад

    Empty vessel garon and fallen wrys are the two fallens I want he most

  • @yukiyashahigurashi3338
    @yukiyashahigurashi3338 5 месяцев назад

    This banner was a skip for me, especially after that amazing child awakening banner (got everyone, so I need to replenish my orbs), but i wouldn't chromplain if azura showed up on my free summons (spoiler: she didn't), so yeah, wishing better luck to your summons on the fallen banner, pm1 :> make sure to rest between videos, okay?

  • @SkidesGames
    @SkidesGames 5 месяцев назад +16

    always glad to be able to listen to your videos while I work! I havent had a SINGLE green orb show up in my summons yet so hopefully my luck changes after this video 💀

    • @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470
      @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470 5 месяцев назад

      skipping since I'm saving for fallen, but agreed, though I did get her with a ticket

    • @kayedmund9655
      @kayedmund9655 5 месяцев назад +3

      Me on the so called "green dream" banner lol. It's painful.

    • @nightpurple372
      @nightpurple372 5 месяцев назад

      Relatable. I've been green scammed on the road 1st spark

  • @catnapgaming7320
    @catnapgaming7320 5 месяцев назад +4

    #Question Since you answered about the best aged gen 1 units, who would you say are the worst gen 1 aged units or ones that are dead on arrival? Like how Azama can barely keep up with meta or how Saizo got horribly shafted due to giving everything good to Kagero.

    • @doughnutboyfromtheshadowre7199
      @doughnutboyfromtheshadowre7199 5 месяцев назад

      Spring Xander imo

    • @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470
      @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470 5 месяцев назад

      so prfless staff units

    • @catnapgaming7320
      @catnapgaming7320 5 месяцев назад

      @@dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470 and prfless dancers, except for Azura

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@catnapgaming7320Pfft, Ninian was the best IP user before powercreep exploded and Olivia still had use as a gimmicky WoM Galeforce refresher.

    • @xVibra
      @xVibra 5 месяцев назад

      Probably units with 20 Atk like Felicia, Azama, Odin, etc. The armors are also pretty bad as well, since they offer nothing to build up since most Grail armors are straight up better even if they're unmerged, but also because armors aren't good unless they're playerphasing or insanely stacked in their weapon or prf skill. Probably any of the ranged armors like Halloween Henry or Winter Tharja.

  • @evilhero3297
    @evilhero3297 5 месяцев назад +3

    #Question Hey pm1, this may be the first question I asked IIRC, so here it is. What are your thoughts on the rest of the fates kids who aren't included in feh yet and what do you expect from them? I still hope for Asugi to join and get something good out of it, but I want to hear what you think about it.

    • @Rabbitlord108
      @Rabbitlord108 5 месяцев назад

      I think Fates having child units was a mistake.

  • @ENEMii-IRL
    @ENEMii-IRL 5 месяцев назад +7

    Glad you were able to get Azura on your main (even if it was from the spark!)

  • @saizoandoborobestduo6865
    @saizoandoborobestduo6865 5 месяцев назад +3

    Always happy for more summoning videos, I'd summon for Azura, but I want to save for the fallen banner and the E!Marth/E!Ike rerun. As for fallen, I really hope they add Scarlet.

  • @ltzarz9490
    @ltzarz9490 5 месяцев назад +7

    Fallen Morva would be cool to see for the Fallen banner, would've been nice to see him in the Valentines banner with Myrrh but oh well

  • @royalultimax3187
    @royalultimax3187 5 месяцев назад +2

    The one Fallen unit I want to see more than anything is Fallen Male Byleth. We got Fallen Female Byleth last year, so it would make perfect sense to add a Fallen of the Male version this year. Yes he'd probably just be Fallen Female but slightly better, but I really like Male Byleth, so him getting a Fallen alt would be insanely hype for me.

  • @thel-iteralone4592
    @thel-iteralone4592 5 месяцев назад +4

    Rearmed Alfred is part of the Engage HoF, but the *really* unfortunate thing is that rearmed formas are still ineligible for skill inheritance, so merging that forma will result in all those skills on the original rearmed unit becoming permanently uninheritable.

    • @fridaynightralsei8495
      @fridaynightralsei8495 5 месяцев назад

      I thought they could inherit attuned skills

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад +1

      Well no duh, expecting otherwise is some serious copium when formas aren't even able to be used as SI fodder to start with.

  • @ethn_chey
    @ethn_chey 5 месяцев назад +2

    I think anthony could be a really cool fallen unit, maybe being a colourless or red beast unit. it'd be interesting to see what they'd do with a playable faceless

    • @jennywakemanxj-9teenagerob749
      @jennywakemanxj-9teenagerob749 5 месяцев назад

      there's a playable faceless?

    • @ieateyescreamieateyescream4777
      @ieateyescreamieateyescream4777 5 месяцев назад

      there's a faceless named Andrew?

    • @ethn_chey
      @ethn_chey 5 месяцев назад

      @@ieateyescreamieateyescream4777 he's a minor boss character in rev

    • @ethn_chey
      @ethn_chey 5 месяцев назад

      @jennywakemanxj-9teenagerob749 he's not playable in fates but he's a minor boss so could be a ghb

    • @mummypigisdisappointed9985
      @mummypigisdisappointed9985 5 месяцев назад

      I always wanted a playable faceless unit, sad that never came to be

  • @johnbarbagallo6011
    @johnbarbagallo6011 5 месяцев назад +1

    #question Hey PM, thank you first of all for all you do (wouldn't have finished most of the tactic drills w/out your help). My question is, do you think IS will ever let us refine the old unrefinable weapons like brave weapons or raven tomes or is it too late at this point in the game?

    • @ieateyescreamieateyescream4777
      @ieateyescreamieateyescream4777 5 месяцев назад

      Or at least refine some of the older gen 1 weapons that horribly aged

    • @mummypigisdisappointed9985
      @mummypigisdisappointed9985 5 месяцев назад

      Or dancers and healers without one

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад

      What good would it do? And they won't bother updating these moldy, washed-up has-been skills, weapons or units when they can just sell you better versions of them that you'll happily dump money or orbs on anyway.

    • @johnbarbagallo6011
      @johnbarbagallo6011 5 месяцев назад

      What it would do would allow player (like myself) to spend the excese refining stones I have kicking around in my inventory and more easily turn it into divine Dew. It's an easy way for players to get to these new refines they keep churning out month after month

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@johnbarbagallo6011New players won't even have stones to refine a weapon, let alone an arcane bandaid. The best they can refine are prf weapons that just aged poorly or is situational at best since the dews are stockpiling due to very lackluster refines on majority of units being invalidated with every banner that passes. Ultimately it's a fool's errand, since not even favoritism would make that cobweb-covered Brave Sword/Lance/Axe+ be better than the ninja weapons.

  • @lordlopes2424
    @lordlopes2424 5 месяцев назад +1

    Got Attuned Azura on the tickets,for a skip banner I did very well,let's hope we get Fallen Leo on the Fallen banner next month to make saving the orbs good.

    • @fridaynightralsei8495
      @fridaynightralsei8495 5 месяцев назад

      I got her for free, which is good since I also planned on skipping this banner, also how would they pull off a fallen leo?

    • @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470
      @dontbreakmr.dinksgrillorel5470 5 месяцев назад

      Yo, same here!

    • @lordlopes2424
      @lordlopes2424 5 месяцев назад

      Fallen Leo already have an art,he is one of the cypher Fallen units like Fallen Ike and Fallen Wrys.
      He would be a Sword Cav with the Siegfried from Xander.
      I hope they keep his quote from the cypher card,that one is perfect.

    • @fridaynightralsei8495
      @fridaynightralsei8495 5 месяцев назад

      @@lordlopes2424 really? dang, now I want to see it

  • @melomarianne
    @melomarianne 5 месяцев назад +3

    I had some nice free summon luck on the Weekly Revival banners with getting B!Claude and Alm for extra merges on them. I didn't end up summoning on this banner, but I did on the Young Tellius banner rerun with trying to get extra Y!Soren merges. Ended up getting one in about 150 orbs. Now I'm continuing to save up for the Fallen Banner, the CYL revivals, and Emblem Marth/Ike's reruns. Thanks for the fun summoning session and hopefully you have some much better luck next time.

  • @Luna-sw2ub
    @Luna-sw2ub 5 месяцев назад

    I got a free A!Azura on my first summon!! So happy! She was -ATK but it works for a dancer

  • @GalaxyGod332
    @GalaxyGod332 5 месяцев назад +9

    Was lucky enough to get Attuned Azura on my second summon. 😭

  • @Rabbitlord108
    @Rabbitlord108 5 месяцев назад +1

    Here's my expectations for the new fallen banner: Feral Rajaon (Red Dragon Flier), Brainwashed Deirdre (Blue Mage Infantry), Rearmed Scarlett (Axe Flier), And Sombrom (Colorless Dragon Armor) with Blob Garon as the GHB unit.

    • @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908
      @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908 5 месяцев назад +1

      I feel like Demon Garon would make a great addition to the fallen banner tbh

    • @mummypigisdisappointed9985
      @mummypigisdisappointed9985 5 месяцев назад +1

      I feel like Gunther should be the ghb unit, I know so many people want him

    • @Rabbitlord108
      @Rabbitlord108 5 месяцев назад

      @@dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908 Yeah. I went with Sombrom to include an Engage character. I went with the main antagonist instead of low hanging fruit like Alear.

  • @xVibra
    @xVibra 5 месяцев назад +2

    My +10 base Azura always surprises me with how fast and hard she can hit still, so I definitely agree that she's one of the best gen 1 units. There's also a lot of good skills for Galeforcing dancers now with WoM4, Clash, Incite, any of the movement support skills, the slot B dance skills, etc, so it's even easier than before to set it up. She's also infantry, so pulsing her down is really easy. Even looking at her stats, she's surprisingly not one of those gen 1 units that got absolutely shafted with 52 HP, mixed bulk, and 20 Atk, so she can somewhat keep up statwise with Flowers. We also still don't have a single fast lance Infantry dancer other than her, so she hasn't been powercrept at all after all this time.

  • @-lord1754
    @-lord1754 5 месяцев назад +1

    I discovered your channel around when Fates was coming out and relevant lol. Makes me feel old that like 8 years have passed

  • @alexanderkashtanoff7006
    @alexanderkashtanoff7006 5 месяцев назад +5

    Congrats on the summons pm1, as for the units I'd like to see make it to this year's fallen banner, I really want Gunther and Scarlet. Scarlet since I've wanted her in feh for so long, and Gunther since I've wanted a Gunther alt for so long.

  • @M4SKED2001
    @M4SKED2001 5 месяцев назад +4

    I hope we get some Fates units on the fallen banner this year like Gunther and Scarlet

  • @justaman9344
    @justaman9344 5 месяцев назад

    Congrats on the summons!
    I will be skipping this banner but Azura is pretty tempting!

  • @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908
    @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908 5 месяцев назад +2

    #Question Hey pm1, important question, what's the deal with airline food?

  • @Natsu25100
    @Natsu25100 5 месяцев назад

    My ideal Fallen Heroes banner this month:
    Fallen Veyle - referencing her first appearance in Engage. She'll be the red tome infantry with the same C skill that functions the same as her Mythic version.
    Evil Alears (either of them will do) - Either of them will be based on their past versions of themselves including the game's intro. They'll be colorless dragon infantry unit with exclusive that will the variants of Legendary Female Alear's Dragon Blast or Legendary Male Alear's prf A skill. Additionally, either of them will be the Attuned Hero in a similar fashion on how Fallen Chrom was introduced as a Rearmed Hero with Dragon's Wrath Echo.
    Draco Zombie Morva - He's going to be a green dragon armored unit with Dragon's Ire 4 as regular pool skill.
    Mecha Dragon Fafnir - He's based on his boss battle in Book V chapter 12 in a similar fashion as Zombie Gustav 2 years ago. I hope that he'll bring the Assault Troop 3 to normal pool since it's currently locked to Summer Edelgard and Ninja Zelgius, which annoyed me a lot.
    This are my ideas for this year's Fallen banner. What do you think, PM1? By the way, congrats on your summons.

  • @MrSloth-jm5tv
    @MrSloth-jm5tv 5 месяцев назад

    #question Hey PM1 hope your current summons are going well, I always watch your feh videos the day they come out. My question is what is your final predictions and who do you want for the fallen banner. I feel like it will be Engage with some Three Houses Characters like Fallen Male Alear and Fallen Constance. But I want M! Shez, M! Byleth, Rearmed M! Alear, Attuned F! Alear, and Miklan as the GHB. Basically the games on switch. Thank you for always informing everyone on feh news. Have a great day!

  • @gale1243
    @gale1243 5 месяцев назад

    I know this is a Fates focus banner but i want to see Fallen Scarlet or Fallen Gunther either on the banner or the GHB 😅
    #Question What would be a wild Banner theme you'd like to see from IS? For me, as much as I find the kid banner cute I'd like to see a full 'In their prime' banner of older characters in their younger forms. Mainly basing it on the Cipher art of Younger Garon and Wrys, and like one comic Ive seen of Niime disguising as her younger self to avoid other mages constantly coming up to her, but I'd love to see other creative concepts. Mycen and Rudolf as a Duo unit for example

  • @gammayoshi14
    @gammayoshi14 5 месяцев назад

    My hopes for the fallen banner of 2024:
    Frenzied Greil as an infantry sword unit
    Corrupted Hyacinth as an infantry green bow unit
    Witch Rinea as a flying colorless tome unit
    Zombie Morva as a Rearmed armored blue dragon unit
    The GHB would be Mus (Deadlord Raydrick) as an armored sword unit

  • @a-j-o-l-o-t-3
    @a-j-o-l-o-t-3 5 месяцев назад

    As an Olivia fan being She my favourite unit, It really hurts that you only count both Azura to age well when Olivia does pretty good with Devourer... I use her daily on ARO!
    Some day I will build OG Azura too...

  • @salty4266
    @salty4266 5 месяцев назад

    I had a REALLY bad start on this banner
    I got Yukimura on my 32th pull
    Then Ascended Ishtar
    Sparked for Attuned Azure
    Probably my worst luck on any banner in Feh

  • @chip1973
    @chip1973 5 месяцев назад

    Yukimura’s actually my favorite character in the series and i couldn’t be more pleased with his implementation :) the animation, the inspiration from his personal skill, the fact that he’s actually Summonable and Not GHB like i was expecting - I’m really happy they brought back Paul Eiding as his VA too

  • @MitchJabalee
    @MitchJabalee 5 месяцев назад

    #Question What are some of your favourite weapons? Either unique weapons or just nice designs of regular weapons (regular FE or FEH). Also for fallen units, I’d like to see a fallen Sigurd, think that would be cool!

  • @jakecrisell3
    @jakecrisell3 5 месяцев назад

    Regarding the fallen banner I look forward to it every year in the hope that we get zombie dragon Morva as it would be the perfect banner for him to appear on. Also based on the choices we got last year I’d love to see morph Lloyd follow morph Linus and I wouldn’t be surprised if they followed up on last year’s Sothis possessed F. Byleth with an Arval possessed M. Shez.

  • @khio9998
    @khio9998 5 месяцев назад

    My guesses/wishes for the fallen banner are Fallen Lloyd (so he can finally be free) and Fallem Male Byleth. Veyle, Morion and Alear however are so prominent i doubt IS will miss their chance to bring them to us.

  • @jblen
    @jblen 5 месяцев назад

    Skipping this one so no new units, but gave fatal smoke to attuned peony and then duped it to e!ike so he should win the mirror match now with ease, just in time for chaos season. He would be great for SD too but I have a feeling he'll be getting banned a lot. Arena last week against other fatal smoke ikes was hell, literally had to just retry until I got 5 matches with no ikes.

  • @hyxenic
    @hyxenic 5 месяцев назад

    This banner is not something I’m drawn to, but with my summoning tickets, I managed to get Azura and yukimura 😭it’s always the banners I’m least interested in that I’m more likely to get a focus unit

  • @zacharyfassett8190
    @zacharyfassett8190 5 месяцев назад

    For the question of the day answer, i want to see fallen shez (when shez is being controlled by Arval/Epenemites with swift slice as an exclusive special not an A skill since they dont care about balance with all the melt damage)

  • @zacharyfassett8190
    @zacharyfassett8190 5 месяцев назад

    I also like Azura but im gonna try to get no quarter fodder for my wip +10 OG Minerva i already have wyvern rift on her and shes +spd normal and +def ascended floret

  • @KevinLi3903
    @KevinLi3903 5 месяцев назад

    I’m a mix on the supportive offensive weapons that we’ve been seeing in many melee fav units. I’m not the biggest fan of them cuz I see them as a back of all trades master of none type of thing, but I think it really depends situationally since the type of support can be hit or miss

  • @naeshaunedwards7731
    @naeshaunedwards7731 5 месяцев назад

    The units I’m expecting on the fallen banner is male Byleth since they usually add the other gender counterpart of the avatar the next year (Robin is an exception because we technically got both in the same month, it’s just that they made fallen female Robin a legendary hero that month), Lloyd since we got Linus last year but something tells me he will be in the summoning pool, Veyle, and Scarlet as she’s been requested for so long. I could see Alfred being the ghb ir maybe Dedue

  • @toxicstar5405
    @toxicstar5405 5 месяцев назад

    How about fallen Miklan as the GHB? Make him a blue beast unit with the legendary Fae style revive and make it so his transform condition is to have used his revive. This way it mirrors the fight in three houses.

  • @Ssbb7777brawler
    @Ssbb7777brawler 5 месяцев назад

    For the fallen banner I’m looking forward to fallen female alear in the form of her past self and the fallen engage penultimate boss ( I don’t want to spoil that fight ) as so much of that fight hit all the right feels ( music , voice lines , relevance etc. ).

  • @AngelusEchoes-kh4fd
    @AngelusEchoes-kh4fd 5 месяцев назад

    Its amazing. Honestly, yup amazing. Honestly amazing. Amazing. Honestly. Yup

  • @mevi-smolsummoner
    @mevi-smolsummoner 5 месяцев назад

    For the fallen Banner i want Miklan
    Or Alears or Male Shez to accommodate Fallen Female Byelth

  • @Omojuze41
    @Omojuze41 5 месяцев назад

    Got Mozu as a freebie, decided to skip this banner, as I really don't need another high mobility dancer

  • @mannakallat2894
    @mannakallat2894 5 месяцев назад

    I got my only goal of a +atk azura at like 14 summons so I'm good to go and don't need anything else. SO happy.

  • @linkuriboh471
    @linkuriboh471 5 месяцев назад

    I find it amusing that Hayato, Agumon, and Shoutmon are voiced by the same actor.

  • @ermiteninja249
    @ermiteninja249 5 месяцев назад

    40 summons, two pity break and a spark of Azura.. hoo boy I regret

  • @anthony.grenier97
    @anthony.grenier97 5 месяцев назад

    Only free summon and I got 2 free 5 Stars. Artur and A!Merric :3

  • @yukiyuhi1993
    @yukiyuhi1993 5 месяцев назад

    Azura is the in my one I’m interested in, so I’m just going to skip and wait for a rerun.

  • @Wizzkidwas
    @Wizzkidwas 5 месяцев назад

    6 Mozus + Spark in 1044 orbs!
    Roughly 75% percentile, so not great, but I got the other 3 as well

  • @s34nowen
    @s34nowen 5 месяцев назад

    #question how do you use buffer 4 and godlike reflexes more than just turn 1

  • @jhosephlarosa1281
    @jhosephlarosa1281 5 месяцев назад

    Why they make mercy wing echo not compatible with gentle dream T_T

  • @Wyglafff
    @Wyglafff 5 месяцев назад

    I want Duo Fallen Veyle/Alear. Or at least my girls but separated

  • @MagicianFairy
    @MagicianFairy 5 месяцев назад

    I'm expecting Nergal to show up next month.

  • @Mene0
    @Mene0 5 месяцев назад

    Funny that Hayato is in after 7 years but Rhajat is from year 1

  • @marcosmolares5910
    @marcosmolares5910 5 месяцев назад

    If you give Young Emmeryn the Attuned WoM from Azura, and then you put Pass3 on the B slot, would she be able to ignore Warp Bubble and GKeeper effect?

    • @Pheonixmaster1
      @Pheonixmaster1  5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes but killing them would be hard for her without poetic justice

  • @Bingogogo721
    @Bingogogo721 5 месяцев назад

    hoping to see epimenides
    could be an attuned

  • @blackjacksetzer7748
    @blackjacksetzer7748 5 месяцев назад

    #question how would you implement a skill summoning? instead of characters you pull for scrolls with skills of them

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад +1

      Wouldn't be any different from a weapon gacha then, it'll just mean more banners on the summon screen with the same crappy rates and value.

  • @Bmailgaming
    @Bmailgaming 5 месяцев назад

    I already got yukimura

  • @DavidHutchinson0713
    @DavidHutchinson0713 5 месяцев назад

    On the refine schedules for demotes, I don't expect Mustafa to show up until July, at least. Unfortunate as it were for Mustafa fans, but IS has been pretty consistent with the refine batches as of recent, with two hard rules (three main pool banners, seasonal units cannot colorshare with another unit) and two soft ones (no colorshare on the main pool units unless not doing so breaks the "no seasonal unit colorsharing" rule, Duos/Harmonics are first in line). Mustafa, unfortunately, is in the unenviable spot of having to compete on the same color against Fallen Lyon and Summer Selena, both of whom are 5* (and the latter is a seasonal, so if Summer Mia/Lucina shows up in May and Selena in June, or vice versa, Lyon absolutely has to show up with Mia, to avoid breaking the seasonal rule).
    This in turn will likely force Ilyana into October. July already has a demote in Mustafa, so unless they put both together, Gatrie is likely going to be the blue unit on that month; August has Summer Ingrid, a blue seasonal; and September has CYL 6.

    • @catnapgaming7320
      @catnapgaming7320 5 месяцев назад

      As someone who +10 Mustafa, I understand that pain

    • @reishiki8682
      @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад

      By the point you get that Mustafa refine you wanted the CYL6 units will be refined lol.

  • @joshuabittar
    @joshuabittar 5 месяцев назад

    I only pulled with the tickets and got Yukimura (+atk/-spd). Instead, I finished sparking on the AHR banner, and in total I got 3 Alears, 3 Claudes, 4 Peonys, and a Duo Ephraim, whom I'm merging as a project (currently at +5), so, I consider this as a huge win in my book.

  • @3xpoc3nt3r
    @3xpoc3nt3r 5 месяцев назад

    Love the new intro, keep it up!

  • @xerxies8947
    @xerxies8947 5 месяцев назад

    Didn't have any luck with this banner but I only did the free summons since I'm saving up for golden week to +10 Brave Soren. So no big deal. Thanks for the great video!

  • @slateportraichu5416
    @slateportraichu5416 5 месяцев назад

    Congrats on the summons! I pulled Azura, Mozu and sparked for Yukimura. Haven't thought about the fallen units. I am okay with anybody!

  • @MoTheGuy
    @MoTheGuy 5 месяцев назад

    Congrats on you summon!
    I got two Rennac on different circles after which i decided to nope and stop haha XD, yeah waiting for falling next month.

  • @lightv700
    @lightv700 5 месяцев назад

    #question I want to use base Azura (lance infantry gen1) for Ar offense, which arcane should I use? I feel like the special acceleration of qiyang is good for galeforce and luin could either help to kill bulkier units or overkill squishy ones. Since you mentioned her, which would you recommend?

    • @Pheonixmaster1
      @Pheonixmaster1  5 месяцев назад

      I like Qiang a lot more for her! No need to rely on Flash Sparrow/Flashing Blade!

  • @ZyroX_24
    @ZyroX_24 5 месяцев назад +1

    Got a copy of At!Azura on my 6th summon so that's pretty nice! I'm holding off and waiting for the Mythic trailer to see if I should continue with the New Heroes or go for the mythic (I'm not a big fan of the current colorshare though). Ideally if I go back to the NH, I get two more Azuras for my Askr Trio and free their B slot on my Galeforce comp 👀

    • @looneytunesshowbestlola5627
      @looneytunesshowbestlola5627 5 месяцев назад


    • @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908
      @dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908 5 месяцев назад

      is the WoM attuned skill any good for the Ashr Trio, thinking of building them up since people say they're still good for bonuses

    • @ZyroX_24
      @ZyroX_24 5 месяцев назад

      @@dontyoutalkaboutmymother4908 Unless you've massively invested to them, like giving them Arcane weapons, Trait and Ascendant trait, Tier 4 Skills and such, then no. Despite being bonus units, they still struggle to kill and require many supports. WoM Echo is much better off being used on a different modern unit.

  • @vanille735
    @vanille735 5 месяцев назад

    Seeing a video from you makes my day 🥺 you've been my favorite RUclipsr for so long. I hope you are doing well, and I look forward to your next video ❤️

    • @Pheonixmaster1
      @Pheonixmaster1  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much!! 😊

    • @vanille735
      @vanille735 5 месяцев назад

      @@Pheonixmaster1 always

  • @eddygarza7132
    @eddygarza7132 5 месяцев назад +1

    One week ago the delete this game more unfair the Nintendo

  • @reishiki8682
    @reishiki8682 5 месяцев назад

    Just 5 orbs for Azura and free Yukimura from the free yolo... and out. Such a forgettable banner along with a forgettable "free" unit.
    Edit : #Question - What's your personal opinion on unit shelf life on the game being less than a week (at worst) or two (at best) or simply dead on arrival (very common)?

  • @buttdiqq
    @buttdiqq 5 месяцев назад

    Speaking of fallen heroes I'll definitely try to cop all four, but Im still gonna try to get Azura because that art is too good to pass up for me. I've got over 1k orbs so i should be good to snag a copy of all the heroes I want

  • @SapphicSara
    @SapphicSara 5 месяцев назад

    I don't think the banner will have an engage character on it.
    I think the obvious choices all have recent legendries or recent main units. I think next year we'll probably get Veyel or Lumera.
    My Guess for this year is Possessed F Shez, Beast Dedue, Mind Controlled Lena, Male Dreadlord, Dreadlord Eyvel
    My ideal would be F Shez, Witch Sonya, Zombie Scarlet, Possessed Monica, Dreadlord Eyvel.

    • @Rabbitlord108
      @Rabbitlord108 5 месяцев назад

      My Engage pick is Sombrom. Seeing as he's the main antagonist of that game.