I just bought some pipes in eBay for $30 and cut them myself and I bought some 3 inch coupler. I give you a link www.ebay.com/itm/373400035624?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cxmw3mtnrew&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hacm5mpqtxk&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Actually when you push the white coil plug locking tab back, you then push down on that same white tab, then while holding that tab down you push the plug forward then back and they come right off.
Mine is changed the plugs wasnt it bout to change the coils hopefully thats it 🙏🏾 heard if not can be the wires need changed hope not hopefully its just the 8 coils replaced
@@Cornyy550 the car felt like it was losing power driving even after changing the plugs but ended up changing all 8 coils as well & she giving power now turbo boost but the check engine light still on not under standing that part I need a auxiliary battery but was told it wouldn’t cause the engine to stay on hopefully the computer just need update the codes
I have a cls550 of my own I just got the same spoiler as you about to use your video to install😂
Yo bro love the vids and the car collection🔥
I appreciate it, you definitely going to like the next two project cars im getting
@Mercenary_MaL Waiting on the vids bro!
Where did you get the metal intake things ? I know they have to last longer than the factory felt ones .
I just bought some pipes in eBay for $30 and cut them myself and I bought some 3 inch coupler. I give you a link
@@Mercenary_MaL so its a 3in pipe the one on ebay I have the base cls 550 2013
Did you index the spark plugs per the MB service bulletin? If not any issues?
Nope I have no issues from not indexing
Hi can i know where you bought the spark plugs from
Rockauto com
Actually when you push the white coil plug locking tab back, you then push down on that same white tab, then while holding that tab down you push the plug forward then back and they come right off.
Thanks for informing me, mines already broken off 😂
Was your car missing or threw an error code?
Nope just doing routine maintenance
Mine is changed the plugs wasnt it bout to change the coils hopefully thats it 🙏🏾 heard if not can be the wires need changed hope not hopefully its just the 8 coils replaced
@@OnlyRollingRed84wat was your problem
@@Cornyy550 the car felt like it was losing power driving even after changing the plugs but ended up changing all 8 coils as well & she giving power now turbo boost but the check engine light still on not under standing that part I need a auxiliary battery but was told it wouldn’t cause the engine to stay on hopefully the computer just need update the codes
@@OnlyRollingRed84 try clearing codes and see if it comes back
Breaking stuff